Forecasting Love and Weather (2022) s01e11 Episode Script


This is Chief Team Two.
What? An accident?
An accident? What accident?
Did someone get hurt?
Hurry up.
Hurry up.
It's an emergency patient.
Male in his late 20s.
He was injured in an explosion,
and he can't open his eyes.
His vitals are 100 over 60, 120bpm.
-This way. Hurry.
-Does he have a guardian?
I'm his guardian.
Can you tell me his name first?
Lee Si-woo. He works at the KMA.
Oh, no.
Why? Who is it?
It's Forecaster Lee.
He's badly hurt and in the hospital.
You should go, Forecaster Lee.
Go where?
To the Jeju Typhoon Center.
You should go.
Do you mean that?
I'm never half-hearted
when it comes to work.
That means
you've already made up your mind.
Yes. If it's all right with you.
When body temperature drops by 1°C,
our body's immune system
weakens by as much as 30 percent.
Ha-kyung doesn't sincerely date anyone
if they're not a marriage prospect.
You knew that, right?
This means that
you become vulnerable to external attacks.
What are you talking about?
I want some time apart.
I think that's best for both of us.
We need some time to think.
Let's evaluate our relationship.
Be honest. You need some time alone too.
There's still time,
so think about it and let me know.
I'll go.
You can think about it.
I don't have to. It's work.
I'll go.
Do you have anything else to say?
All right.
The same goes for
the temperature between people.
If you leave like this,
it's really over between us.
Have you thought about that?
If that's what you want,
we can do that.
The 77-4 bus will be arriving shortly.
There are times
when even the smallest word
or even the smallest expression can turn
the temperature of our heart cold.
There was an accident?
How badly hurt is he?
No, who am I speaking to?
-Can you tell me what hospital--
-This is Chae Yu-jin.
I'm with Si-woo right now.
As soon as the temperature
of our heart drops even by one degree,
we can't help
but become sensitive and vulnerable
to all external environments.
The continuous heatwave
is exhausting
our body and mind these days.
A heatwave advisory has been issued
in most parts of the west
and the Yeongnam area today,
and a heatwave warning
is also in effect in Gwangju.
Jeez. No news of rain?
Less than 5mm of rain will fall
on the east coast
due to the influence of the east wind,
but it'll be limited
to some areas of Gangwon.
We can't call it rain then.
Goodness, it's burning red.
The Ministry of the Interior and Safety
will announce on the news
what to do in the event of a heatwave.
And local governments will put more effort
into securing heat reduction facilities.
The local government offices
will be worn out.
-What can we do?
-What do you want to do this weekend?
It's the last weekend before I leave.
What are you doing?
Aren't we in a meeting?
Please prepare an impact forecast
for each region.
How about duck soup in Gapyeong?
Especially duck soup in Gapyeong…
I'm sorry.
Especially in the southern
and western coastal areas,
please control the water temperature
and install shading nets in farms.
Please ask the media to refrain
from making provocative comments
regarding the heatwave.
I'll do my best.
That's all for today's meeting.
-Well done.
-Good work.
-Good work.
-Good work.
Duck soup in Gapyeong sounds good.
By the way, have you decided?
-Who's going to the typhoon center?
-Oh, yes.
-Is it already that time of the year?
-Yes, it is.
Who's going this time?
I don't know, but I hope it isn't me.
Haven't you decided yet?
I'm going.
What? When was it decided?
-Congratulations on being chosen.
Forecaster Lee and Director Jin,
come to my office.
Yes, sir.
Hi, Bo-mi. Yes.
I want to go to Jeju Island.
You seem excited to go to Jeju Island.
No, I'm excited
to go to the typhoon center.
I've always wanted to work there.
You know I like to be on site.
You said you wanted
to work at Headquarters.
Now you want to be on site.
Because I'm quite good
at handling multiple tasks.
That's great. Good luck to you.
Why are you acting like this?
You told me to go.
Anyway, going to Gapyeong
for duck soup isn't a good idea.
The briefing of July 29th will begin.
Currently, the lower atmosphere is filled
with hot and humid air,
and the upper layer is filled
with dry and hot air in Korea.
The cause of the heatwave is
the expansion of the North Pacific's
anticyclone in the south of Korea
and the influence
of the Tibetan anticyclone
in the inland of China.
What was that for?
I thought you weren't coming.
I told you I had one more field trip.
When is it over?
I have a weather chart drawing class left.
Do you want to have lunch
with me after that?
At the KMA cafeteria?
It's really good.
What time?
Call me when you're done.
I'll come, okay?
Pardon? Tomorrow?
-Is it too soon?
-Of course, it is.
I thought he'd go next week.
You know how impatient Director Sung
of the typhoon center is.
She's been pestering me since last week
about dispatching an officer.
She said that he should be familiar
with related tasks in advance
so that there will be no mistakes
even if a typhoon comes suddenly.
What can I say to that?
Still, you know how busy Headquarters is
because of the heatwave.
You can cover
the severe weather conditions there,
can't you?
-That's not right.
I told him yesterday that he'd be going.
-He needs time to get ready.
-It's okay.
It's okay, right?
Yes. I can cover
the severe weather conditions there,
so it won't be a problem.
It's done then.
You can leave on the weekend.
Okay. We're done here.
Why did you say yes just like that?
You aren't ready.
How will you go there tomorrow?
You said you didn't want
duck soup in Gapyeong.
I have no plans for the weekend,
so I'll go work at the typhoon center.
Is this a joke or are you really upset?
Half and half.
Let's talk to the Director General again.
Why do you
keep confusing me?
What do you mean?
I thought you wanted
some time alone away from me.
Isn't that why you asked me
to go to Jeju Island?
Now that I'm leaving tomorrow,
why are you acting like this?
I think you're mistaken.
I never let my personal feelings
intervene in my work.
It's never happened
in my previous relationships.
You don't have to talk
to the Director General again.
I'll go to Jeju Island tomorrow,
Director Jin.
-Reporter Cho.
Didn't Reporter Chae come
to the KMA today?
Well, I heard she took a leave.
Didn't you know?
Was that today?
I'm so forgetful these days.
-Okay. Bye.
-Take care.
You're on leave?
Are you really going to do this?
Where are you?
Come home. Let's talk face to face.
What's up with the atmosphere in here?
I think Director Jin and Forecaster Lee
are upset because of
the Jeju typhoon center.
Do something about it,
Assistant Director Oh.
Did you say something,
Assistant Director Oh?
Did I?
Director Jin.
Should we have a staff dinner?
A staff dinner?
Yes. Well…
Forecaster Lee is going
to Jeju Island tomorrow.
He'll be back soon
because it's a temporary dispatch,
but it'd be nice to have dinner together
to wish him good luck.
What do you think?
That's a great idea.
Yes, sure. A staff dinner.
Seok-ho, you're in, right?
-I have plans.
-Oh, I see.
Can you move it to some other day?
It's Chief Team Two's first staff dinner.
That's right. It's our first staff dinner.
Our team never had one before.
Why don't you reschedule it
and join us, Assistant Director Shin?
No, it's too important.
I'm sorry.
Well, if you can't make it, it's okay.
All right.
Let's have a staff dinner
with whoever can make it.
Is that okay, Forecaster Lee?
Then I'll make a reservation.
What's wrong?
We're having a staff dinner for you.
Why are you upset again?
When was I ever upset?
Why did you say "again"?
Since you told me to go to Jeju Island,
I've never acted like I was upset.
-What's wrong with you, kid?
-I'm not a kid.
I'm an adult.
I'm your man.
-Hi. Enjoy your lunch.
-Who is she?
-She's my daughter.
-Your daughter?
-You can go first.
-Go ahead.
-Thank you.
She's on a field trip.
I see. She's so pretty.
-Isn't she?
Oh, right.
Forecasters are the busiest people
at the KMA.
Everyone here knows that,
so they let me eat first
-to help me get back to work quickly.
-I see.
Thank you.
Have some vegetables.
There are sausages too.
I've had them since I was little.
They're really good.
Can we sit with you guys?
-Of course.
-I'll move over here.
-Okay. Thanks.
This is my daughter Um Bo-mi.
-Hi, Bo-mi.
-Nice to meet you.
They're my colleagues.
We're on the same team.
-She's pretty.
-Isn't she?
I guess she takes after her mom.
What do you mean?
What? I can see
that she resembles her dad too.
What brings you here to the KMA?
-Are you here to see your dad?
-She's on a field trip.
-Oh, field trip.
-I see.
-Do you like science?
How did you know?
These days, kids accumulate points
through going on field trips
that suit their aptitude.
-I see.
-I see.
You have his scientific brain too.
You're the spitting image of your dad.
-Am I?
-Don't you know?
Your dad is
the best meteorologist in Korea.
I'm not the best.
You are.
Try this, Bo-mi.
Senior Forecaster Um.
I didn't know you were so sweet
because you're so scary
in the situation room.
I'm jealous, Bo-mi.
Senior Forecaster Um.
Can I have a piece of ham please?
-What was that?
Can I?
Eat what you have on your plate.
Try it, Bo-mi.
Try it.
-Isn't it good?
-Isn't it good?
Excuse me for a minute.
-Hello, Mother.
You need to take
the kids home early today.
-Maybe it's the hot weather.
My eyes hurt. I'm not feeling well.
I'm sorry, Mother.
Chief Team Two is having
a staff dinner tonight.
A severe weather forecaster
is going to Jeju Island.
Our director arranged
this first staff dinner,
so I can't miss it.
Could you ask Jung-ho
to look after the kids just for today?
He's studying though.
I'll go home as soon as I can
after having dinner.
Goodness, what should I do?
I suggested the staff dinner,
so I can't miss it.
I'm not a kid.
I'm an adult.
I'm your man.
Hey, we're at the KMA.
Then you should call me Forecaster Lee.
I know you want to draw clear lines
between the KMA, me, work, and dating.
I understand that,
and I want to cooperate
because I said I would.
I'm me.
I'm not your ex-boyfriend Han Ki-jun.
It's me.
So don't drag him into our relationship.
I know what it was like with him,
how he hurt you,
why you're so cautious
about dating at work,
and why you're so worried
about getting caught.
But that was your past relationship.
Now you're with me.
You compare me to him every time,
and it really bothers me.
When have I compared you to him?
You keep me a secret.
Also, you keep me at a distance,
call me "kid,"
and don't take me seriously.
It's because you're worried that
I'd hurt you like Ki-jun did.
You're worried about
being embarrassed again.
-Hey, Si-woo.
-That's right.
I can't imagine being married.
I just can't get married.
Still, I want to love you.
I like you so much.
if I confused you, then I'm sorry.
I'm sorry I jumped at you to love you
when I can't promise you anything.
if you want to rethink our relationship,
you can.
But you need to be fully committed.
Having a lukewarm relationship
where we keep a moderate distance…
I can't do that.
What do you mean by that?
while I'm away on Jeju Island,
think about it.
Whether you'll continue this relationship…
or not.
Yes, this is Jin Ha-kyung.
I'll check and get back to you.
This is driving me nuts.
I'm happy Bo-mi is here.
Thank you.
Where's Bo-mi?
She's in the bathroom.
-Have something to drink.
-Can I?
-I want to try this.
-Is it good?
Are you okay?
Please call my dad.
-I'm so glad.
-You should be.
I'm pretty fair-skinned.
-She isn't just fair-skinned.
Did you have lunch?
-Hi, Forecaster Lee.
-We ate already.
-Help! A student is down on the floor!
A student collapsed in the bathroom,
and she can't breathe!
-Oh, no!
-Please call 911!
What happened to Bo-mi?
I don't know.
She was fine when we were having lunch,
but she collapsed in the bathroom.
She couldn't breathe
and had rashes on her face and neck.
What did she eat?
We ate in the cafeteria.
What were the side dishes?
Multi-grain rice.
Seaweed soup, ham, and shredded radish.
Did you give her ham?
She's allergic to processed meat.
Did you forget that?
Try this, Bo-mi.
-Isn't it good?
-Isn't it good?
"The worst heatwave ever!
There's no end to it."
"People are growing tired
of the murderous heat."
I asked you to stop these articles
from being published.
Deputy Director Han!
Yu-jin left.
She wants a separation.
What am I going to do, Ha-kyung?
Yes, Mom.
How are you? Is everything okay?
I called to hear your voice. I miss you.
Ki-jun is doing well too.
She won't answer my calls.
She doesn't even check my texts.
Why did this happen?
Was it because she had lived with Si-woo?
Or did something else happen?
You know what?
When we were together,
you made me feel like
I was less important than your work.
And whenever I felt like I was really
less valuable than your work,
I was upset.
I also felt like an immature loser
for getting upset over such a thing.
Was I like that?
You're like that.
When you say
let's not mix business with pleasure,
you sound authoritative.
Of course I knew that you were
speaking to a spokesperson,
but I was your boyfriend first.
The way you spoke to me often upset me.
I know you want to
draw clear lines
between the KMA, me, work, and dating.
I understand that,
and I want to cooperate
because I said I would.
One day I realized that
I was doing the same thing to Yu-jin.
I compared her to you every time.
But that was your past relationship.
Now you're with me.
You compare me to him every time,
and it really bothers me.
Yu-jin is Yu-jin.
I'm me.
I'm not the Han Ki-jun
you dated in the past.
I'm me.
So don't get him involved
in your relationship with me.
Yes. Don't worry. I got everything.
You're here.
Senior Forecaster Um's daughter is okay.
It looks like the worst is over.
I'm glad to hear that.
The staff dinner tonight--
Forecaster Lee will come
straight to the restaurant.
Mr. Um will check his daughter's condition
and join us later.
Drink this.
Studying was the easiest thing
in the world.
Because you get good grades
when you know how to do it.
But the weather and family,
I have no idea what to do with them.
There are no formulas
or manuals.
I don't know how to be a good dad.
What do I have to do
to become a good head of my household?
Having such worries means that
you're already a good father.
You know,
I've never seen my father
worry about such a thing.
I'm just saying.
How's Bo-mi?
She's okay now.
She needs to finish the IV treatment,
so she'll be discharged late at night.
You should go.
I thought her atopy was cured.
Do you think this kind of condition
can heal on its own?
I check what she eats and wears.
I even look after her while she sleeps.
That's why she's healthy.
I'm sorry.
For what?
I know nothing about Bo-mi,
but I pretended to be a good dad
and made her sick.
So don't even try
when you know nothing about her.
-Are you going out?
Yes. I have an interview.
Where are you going, Mom?
Where are you going at night?
Are you going to Ha-kyung's again?
Do you think I have nowhere else to go?
Don't you?
Don't be home late.
And don't drink too much.
-Will you be okay?
Isn't that your mother-in-law?
She keeps calling you.
I'm sure she'll call her son
if she needs help.
But he's studying.
And I'm the breadwinner
who works hard for the family.
I need a break like this
to catch my breath.
I'm going to eat,
drink, and get drunk tonight.
Let's go to a karaoke too.
By the way, where do you think
Assistant Director Shin went?
He usually goes straight home after work.
Does he have a girlfriend?
It wouldn't be strange if he had one.
-Director Jin. Over here.
-Over here.
I can see
you worked hard to draw these.
So what?
I have no idea where to start.
Why did you choose a penguin?
Because it's cute.
Can you be more specific?
First of all, it looks adorable,
and the way it walks is cute.
Waddle, waddle.
it doesn't walk like that
because it wants to look cute.
The reason penguins waddle
is because of the pendulum principle.
When the clock pendulum
reaches one vertex,
it stops for a moment to convert
potential energy into kinetic energy.
I didn't know that. And?
-If it waddles like that,
it can store 80 percent
of its energy in its body.
It can store energy.
What's surprising is that
the principle is very scientific.
Is that so?
Scientific principle…
their blood vessels
are woven closely together.
It's called "wonderful net."
The arteries and veins are intertwined.
Gosh, you know so much.
I told you that you were a scientist.
No, I'm not.
I guess everyone's running late.
Yes, they said they'd be late.
Why don't we order something? I'm hungry.
Yes, please go ahead.
-What do you want?
-I think everyone eats pork belly here.
-Shall we get pork belly?
Eat up. Young people like this, right?
But why did you want to see me?
Let's eat first, then talk. Here.
how is Ha-kyung?
She's probably very busy
because of the heatwave.
Did she say anything after I came by?
No. She didn't say anything.
She caught me off guard that day.
She suddenly said
she wouldn't get married,
so I totally lost my pace and backed off.
the bachelor upstairs--
Seok-ho is not for her.
Why not?
He doesn't get along with her.
Personality, tastes, hobbies, lifestyle…
None of them match.
I know them well.
You have to work things out
when you get married.
Two people are raised by
different sets of parents.
They lived in
two different worlds for years.
How can they be hand-in-glove overnight?
It'd be weird if they were.
You're right about that.
A married couple
isn't a union of two complete people.
Two people have to
come together and become one.
That process is called married life.
That's how a married couple
becomes complete.
Young people these days
think of marriage
as some kind of practical insurance.
That's why they can't even start.
Because they look
at conditions and benefits first.
Haven't you ever regretted it?
Regretted what?
Your marriage.
I regret it every day.
I call him "that bastard."
And I say I hope he goes to hell.
if you ask me if I'd go back in time
and get married again, I think I would.
There were good times
because we were together.
I had Tae-kyung and Ha-kyung.
Those two are
the best works I've ever made.
Still, it's not right.
Seok-ho isn't for her.
Why are you so stern?
Who are you to say no?
The pizza is getting cold.
Let's eat. I'll give you a slice.
Today's staff dinner is a fail.
What do you mean?
We're eating delicious food.
It's going very well.
Assistant Director Oh.
Did you forget
why we're having this dinner?
Number one. Forecaster Lee is leaving.
Number two. This is the first staff dinner
of Chief Team Two.
What can we do?
They don't want to come.
Director Jin invited everyone,
but they aren't showing up.
There's nothing we can do.
Since they aren't here,
let's order two more portions.
We'll start the dinner again
and call it Chief Team Two's
female pep rally.
What do you say?
Can we do that?
All right.
Ladies' dinner. I like that.
Sir, give us
two more portions of pork belly
-and soju please.
Will you drink soju?
Let's drink hard liquor
since we're starting over again.
Are you okay with it?
Thank you.
-Let's drink.
All right.
-How about karaoke?
-I love it.
-Let's go.
-Let's go.
Round three!
Wait. Let's go home.
-What are you saying?
-Come on.
-You're such a good singer.
-She is.
I'm a high soprano.
-High soprano.
-Songs in low-keys aren't even songs.
I'm a baritone.
Yes, Assistant Director Oh.
Where are you?
Director Jin is very drunk,
but I have to go home.
I'm sorry but can you come here right now?
I'm here.
Are you drunk?
Can you walk?
I want to make it work.
I want things to work out between us.
this is all I can do.
Loving someone moderately,
liking them moderately,
and being moderately stable
is what I like to do.
When I go over that line,
I become anxious.
I feel like
I'm a different person.
I can only do it moderately.
Get up. Let's go home.
So you decide.
Go to Jeju Island and make a decision.
Think carefully about whether
you can be with me in moderation or not
and make a decision.
A senior forecaster once said this.
"If you can't possibly understand
the satellite image,
try observing
the flow of clouds from a distance."
To be honest,
I didn't understand him back then.
I had never seen a satellite image
that I didn't understand,
and I was more confident
about the weather than anyone else.
I met you.
Gosh, my head hurts.
Are you going straight to the airport?
That's mine.
You scared me.
Are you going back home?
It's typhoon season,
so I'll stay at the KMA.
What about Forecaster Lee?
He left already.
He left for Jeju Island today.
Didn't you know?
Have some soup while it's hot.
You must be hungover.
You know what?
You were the most
unpredictable weather for me.
There was an accident?
How badly hurt is he?
Who am I speaking to?
Can you tell me what hospital--
This is Chae Yu-jin.
I'm with Si-woo right now.
What's up at this hour?
Ha-kyung. What's going on?
Si-woo is hurt.
Okay, so he's hurt.
Why is Yu-jin there with him?
-By chance.
They ran into each other
on Jeju Island by chance.
This is all because of you.
Why is this because of me?
Because our failed relationship
left me wounded,
I was really edgy and cranky toward him.
Well, you were edgy and cranky
when you were with me too.
Because of you,
I got scared.
I was scared of getting hurt again.
So I couldn't show him how I felt.
I wasn't able to do anything.
What am I going to do?
What am I going to do now?
What am I going to do now?
So it wasn't because
Si-woo never wanted to get married.
I was afraid that it'd get too hot,
that I wouldn't be able to handle it,
that I wouldn't be able to
control my feelings,
so I didn't raise the last 1°C
to the boiling point
by doing everything in moderation.
-Senior Forecaster Um.
When did it become like that?
This is Um Dong-han of Headquarters.
We just saw it.
Is it what I think it is?
It's Typhoon Number 15 Elisha
that followed Number 14 Ricky.
Around 11 o'clock today,
it was moving northeast
with a central pressure of 990mb,
a maximum wind speed of 20m per second,
and a strong wind radius of 150
from 300km west of Okinawa.
Bring it to me.
Satellite Center?
What's the intensity of the typhoon?
At 10 p.m., it'll advance
from 120km west of Okinawa
to the southern sea of Jeju
with a central air pressure of 980mb,
a maximum wind speed of 28m per second,
and a strong wind radius of 200.
Okay. Got it.
Keep sending the data please.
-Assistant Director Shin.
Give me the hourly data
on the changes in the ocean heat content
-Assistant Director Oh.
Identify the vertical wind shear
and steering flow
-from the new prediction data.
I'm going to kill you all.
I didn't know you loved Si-woo this much.
I don't know anything anymore.
I don't know where it all went wrong.
I want to speak to the person in charge.
-How do you expect me to?
-What's going on?
-You're obstructing official duties.
-Stay away.
That's how important this room is.
I can't do this anymore.
Just be a man and sign the divorce papers.
Yu-jin just happened
to leave me right now.
Please let me go.
I'll join you on that flight
to Jeju Island tomorrow.
There are many things
we wouldn't know unless we express them.
So why did we expect each other
to realize those things
-without saying anything?
I just wanted to have
some personal time together.
Where did we go wrong?
Subtitle translation by: Soo-hyun Yang
Ripped and synced by
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