Frieren: Beyond Journey's End (2023) s01e11 Episode Script

Kitagawa shokoku no fuyu

Mistress Frieren
That took a while.
I see you defeated Aura.
Who'd have thought this was possible?
Let's go.
Wait, there's no need to run.
Graf Granat said he'd pardon you.
It must've been a fierce battle
but they are all mostly intact.
I appreciate it.
Thank you for showing honor
to the heroes of the northern lands.
Before, I used to make a bigger mess.
But Himmel got mad at me.
Of course he would.
I don't blame him for getting mad.
I'd get mad too.
Master Himmel did a good job training you.
Don't call it training.
But I guess you're right
That's a normal response.
What do you mean?
Don't mind me.
Fern, Stark,
good job defeating Lügner and Linie.
I'm proud of you.
It would've been better
if you weren't so beat up.
This is normal for a warrior.
- What is "normal"?
- You're covered in wounds.
Give them a proper burial.
- I will escort them to town.
- Yes, sir.
Your Excellency
What's wrong?
I've never wanted to thank someone
as much as I do today.
it is true
that I said I would do
whatever I can to reward you.
And you requested for
Great Mage Flamme's Grimoire
about defense barriers,
which has been passed down
in the Granat family for generations.
Are you sure this is what you want?
- This grimoire is
- Fake.
That's right. It is nothing close
to the defense barrier spell
used on this town, which has been
passed down orally.
I am well aware of that, Your Excellency.
This is just a hobby of mine.
I see.
More importantly,
there's no need to speak so formally.
To you, I'm probably nothing but a baby.
On our departure to defeat the Demon King,
I learned my lesson.
Oh, I remember Master Heiter
talking about that.
In the royal capital, disrespecting
nobility is a capital offense.
Himmel and Eisen
spoke informally to the king
and were almost executed.
How nostalgic.
I remember Himmel's face as he wailed.
Capital offense?
That must be an exaggeration.
One more thing, you brat.
Using informal speech with me
is a serious crime in this town.
Sorry, old man.
I'm going to break this fancy chair.
Who knew the central lands
were so savage, Your Excellency?
Are you serious?!
- We've cut down the tree out back.
- Good work.
I just said that to give him
an excuse to run away.
This town doesn't have any law that will
imprison you for informal speech.
Don't worry. You can relax.
- Well, if that's the case.
- Good for you, Master Stark.
He's passed out.
We've told the townspeople
the news of Aura's defeat.
They all can't wait to show
the heroes their appreciation.
Please spend some time here.
He's floating!
Oh, it was nothing.
All the shopping is done.
Then let's go.
You're departing already, Frieren?
Graf Granat.
I'll see you to the gate.
I hear you are heading to Ende,
the northernmost point of the continent
where the Demon King's castle is.
the current state of affairs
in the Northern Plateau is quite bad.
So they're limiting travel.
Even adventurers are required
to be accompanied by a first-class mage.
Well then, it shouldn't be a problem
since we have Mistress Frieren.
What is a "first-class mage"?
Mistress Frieren, you don't know?
It's a certification for mages set by
the Continental Magic Association.
- Certification?
- I got mine when I left home.
In the Holy City.
It's a certification
for a third-class mage.
Now that I think about it,
that sounds familiar.
Certifications look like this now, huh?
Mistress Frieren, don't tell me you are
an uncertified underground mage?
Don't say it
like I'm an underground doctor.
I mean, organizations that manage mages
are constantly changing.
I can't afford to get certified each time.
And I bet this Holy Emblem
isn't valid anymore, right?
What is that relic?
Even I know about
the Continental Magic Association.
They've been around
for at least half a century.
That's very recent.
It's so troublesome
when they change
management systems so frequently.
Either way,
we can't get anywhere like this.
I'm not that knowledgeable in this area,
but the northern lands should have
a place to take
the first-class mage exam, right?
The largest city of magic
in the northern lands,
Äußerst, is the location.
It's way past the Schwer Mountains.
You just have to go along the main road,
but it'll be a long trip.
the Granat family
is forever indebted to you.
Have a safe trip.
It's snowing.
It's almost winter.
Winter in this region is harsh,
so be careful.
- If you take it lightly, you'll die.
- It's that dangerous?
You don't know?
In the war against the Demon King's army,
most of the people died because of
the winter in the northern lands.
You see? We're lost.
What should we do?
We're lost.
We're lost and we haven't even entered
the Schwer Mountains.
This isn't even funny.
Master Stark! Wake up!
You'll die if you fall asleep.
Was the jumbo berry special
always this small?
How would I know?
What should we do?
The wind is so strong, we can't
suspend him in the air with magic.
He'll get blown away somewhere.
I guess we have to carry him.
He's heavy.
Why is he so heavy?
It smells good
- Can I leave him here?
- Bear with him.
There's a shelter
at the foot of the mountain.
That information is from
80 years ago, right?
Are we going to be okay?
Thank goodness.
It seems they take care of it regularly.
There seems to be someone in there.
Did someone beat us to it?
Let's just go inside.
We'll freeze to death at this rate.
This is great! I'm getting warm!
Excuse me.
Mistress Frieren, this place is no good.
Let's go somewhere else.
- What? Why?
- Because there is a pervert in there.
Who are you calling a pervert?
Let's go, Mistress Frieren.
Wait. Are you an elf?
It's been about 300 years
since I last saw another elf.
I thought elves had already gone extinct.
Me too.
Thank you for the fire, young lady.
You're welcome.
I'm lucky to have come across mages.
It must be thanks to the Goddess.
I crossed the Schwer Mountains
but my fire died out with this blizzard.
So I was preserving my life
by doing squats in this freezing cabin.
I see.
I still don't get it.
I'm Kraft, a monk.
I'm Frieren, a mage.
I'm Fern, also a mage.
This is Master Stark, a warrior.
So you're on a journey
to Aureole, or heaven, huh?
It's good to have strong faith.
I don't completely believe it though.
Mistress Frieren.
Master Stark's temperature is
It's warm and relaxing.
And look at that huge jumbo berry special.
happened to me?
I remember we were in a blizzard
Who is this old man?!
How noisy.
I was kind enough
to warm you up with my body heat.
- How rude of you.
- Body heat?
You've got a nice body, old man.
- Master Stark.
- I don't mean it like that.
His body is so well built.
I bet you're tremendously strong.
What's your name, old man?
I'm Kraft, a monk.
I've never heard of you.
But I'm sure you're a famous monk.
Stark, you stay here and rest.
You two, can you help me carry the food?
My wagon and cargo are nearby.
I'm really glad I met you all.
We should be able to do something
with this frozen food.
Feel free to use it all.
This should be more than enough.
Crossing over the Schwer Mountains now
would be suicidal.
I guess we'll kill time here.
By the way, Frieren,
do you know about me?
- Not at all.
- I thought so.
I don't know a thing about you either.
She was a mage in the party of heroes.
And before that?
What are you trying to say?
I'm just saying, we're elves.
It's almost been half a year.
Thanks to you all,
I survived the long winter
in the northern lands.
Can you give it to Fern?
She's a good girl with strong faith.
Probably because a priest raised her.
She hasn't lost her appreciation
for the Goddess.
Kraft, why do you believe in the Goddess?
Frieren, you don't believe in it, huh?
Aside from the mythical times,
the Goddess of Creation
has never actually shown herself
even once in the long history
of this world.
You must be young.
I used to think that way too.
But now, I believe in the Goddess
from the bottom of my heart.
More like, I really need her to be real.
Everyone who knew about all of
the deeds I achieved
and justice I upheld have died.
That's why
I want the Goddess to commend me
when I die and go to heaven.
"Well done, Kraft.
You lived a wonderful life,"
she'll say.
You understand, don't you?
Having nobody to remember
the testaments to your existence
is just too cruel.
We have
lived a long time up until now.
Kraft, that is just our wishful thinking.
You think that way about heaven too?
Well, whatever.
Tell me about yourself.
And I'll tell you about myself.
If you don't believe in the Goddess,
then I will commend you
in her place.
- Is it surprising?
- Yeah.
Who would've thought that you would fund
the reconstruction of this orphanage.
You're so honest.
I was also an orphan, after all.
I'm sure the Goddess
will commend me
for being virtuous and honorable.
What is this Corrupt Priest
going off about with a drink in his hand?
Do you have someone who commends you?
Why all of a sudden?
You don't seem to believe in the Goddess.
So if you tell me about yourself,
I will commend you instead.
I've just been living without purpose.
I've done nothing worthy of commendation.
Even though you're constantly
controlling your mana?
To me, that seems like the result of
painstaking effort.
It's as if you've devoted your life to it.
You noticed?
How many years do you think
we've been traveling together?
It's not an interesting story.
I don't mind. Plus,
I want to know for future reference.
- Why?
- There's a possibility.
That my child will become a mage.
Don't priests stay single
their whole lives?
Why is everyone who serves
the Goddess so weird?
I'll pass.
I already had someone commend me.
I see.
That seems like
a nice friendship, Frieren.
You should treasure it.
No, that person is already
He's in heaven now.
Then I will meet him one day.
I'm going this way.
Frieren, I don't think this is
the last time we'll meet.
See you in a few hundred years.
Take care, old man! It was fun!
Thank you for the pendant!
A clean white cape.
The village protecting the Hero's Blade.
It's a gift to reward
a warrior who has worked hard.
Don't tell Dad.
"A Real Hero."
Subtitle translation by: Kiko Morita
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