Georgie and Mandy's First Marriage (2024) s01e11 Episode Script

Working for the Enemy

I'm just saying, we could be
the first ones selling 'em.
Georgie, I don't want to hear
about Korean tires no more.
[sighs] But if we act now,
we can corner the market.
Texans like American tires.
Michelin is French.
But they
don't know that.
It's a family business.
Why don't we take a vote?
'Cause it ain't a democracy.
I'm the only one
who gets a vote.
[clears throat]
Me and Audrey
are the only ones
who get a vote.
- Question.
- You don't get a vote.
They're cheaper,
they're high quality
I don't care.[sighs]
How about that OJ trial.
Crazy, right?
I've made my decision.
You know, I really thought
that glove was gonna fit.
But it didn't.

If he'd just get out of my way,
I could make him money.
[scoffs] Be patient,
he'll come around.
[sighs] I just want to be rich
while I'm still young enough
to enjoy it.
You're not even 20.
Fine, while you're still
young enough to enjoy it.
But when I set a goal,
that's all I can think about.
That's all you can
think about right now?
I guess I could think
about two things.
You know,
it turns me on
when you're all
fired up like this.
- Well, thank your dad.
- Georgie.
Kid makes me crazy
I've never seen you two
knock heads like this.
you must be thrilled.
I should be.
I want to be.
I'll get there.
I love Georgie,
but he needs to learn his place.
- I've been doing this for 35 years.
- Yes, you have.
I got relationships
with vendors.
You don't just throw that away
for something new.
Loyalty's important.
You're the boss.
I sure am.
- He needs to respect that.
- Sure does.
Regardless of whether
you're right or wrong.
Yeah. Hold up.
Good night.
Georgie, what the hell?
Before you get mad Too late.
I got 'em on consignment,
didn't cost us a penny.
I don't care.
I told you not to do it.
You're not listening.
There's no risk.
No, you're not listening. Th
My office, now.
Just hear me out.
You deliberately went behind
my back and placed an order.
But like I was saying
I said no.
It doesn't cost anything.
Oh, man, I can't believe
you are still pushing this.
I'm trying to help us
be successful.
Thank you very much.
How did I ever survive
35 years without you?
Great question.
You know, you are this close
from being fired.
Fine, you don't want me here,
there's a lot of stores
that would welcome my input.
Is that so?
I believe it is, yes.
Well, then there's the door.
Good luck to you.
I don't need luck.
Adios, amigo.
Is it me or is it
a little tense in here?
Oh, we're ignoring it, okay.
[sighs] In other news,
CeeCee got a new tooth today.
- Oh, which one?
- One of the side ones.
Oh, I think those are molars.
This is ridiculous. You two
have to talk to each other.
- I got nothing to say.
- Me neither.
Okay, Georgie,
I-I know you meant well,
but you did kind of
step over the line.
Just apologize
and Jim will take you back.
Don't speak for me.
Take me back?
I'm the one who quit.
Like hell you quit.
I fired your ass.
You never said "fired."
You never said "quit."
I walked out.
I showed you the door.
I knew where it was.
Okay, come on, you're family, you know
you're gonna have to make up eventually.
Don't be so sure.
I got a sister
I ain't talked to
in 12 years.
Yeah? Well, I got a brother
I barely talked to,
and I lived with him.
Why did you stop talking
to Aunt Denise? I miss her.
- You okay?
- Fine.
you know I love and support you,
but what the hell are you doing?
Standing up for myself.
Well, great,
how much does that pay?
I can't stay
where I'm not wanted.
What are you talking about?
My mom didn't want you here,
and yet here you are.
Your dad's being a jerk.
Maybe, but we still have
to live under his roof.
At least until
we make some money.
Don't worry about money.
I'll get another job.
You sure about that?
Before you know it,
we'll be in a giant house of our own.
Right, the one with the pool
shaped like a tire.
Which is just a circle.
There's a hot tub in the middle.
It'll make sense
when you see it.
Have a seat.
Thank you.
So [sighs]
you been working
for Jim McAllister?
Yes, sir.
How is that big, bald bastard?
He's really not a bad guy.
Yeah, yeah,
why'd you leave, then?
Oh, glad you asked.
In less than a year,
I increased sales by 18%.
Is that so?
Not only that,
I poached
your tow truck business.
- That was your doing?
- Yes, sir.
I don't know if I should
shake your hand
or kick you in the ass.
Let me make it easy for you.
Point is, I wanted
to grow the business
and make some real money,
but Mr. McAllister was
Too scared
to take a chance?
You get it.
[laughs] How'd you wind up there
in the first place?
I married his daughter.
Whoa, wait.
- You're Jim McAllister's son-in-law?
- Yes, sir.
- And you want to come work for me?
- Yes, sir.
Damn, does that make me happy.
Now, you know he and I
don't exactly get along.
Well, then you and I
got something in common.
Yeah, except the reason
he don't like you
ain't the same reason
that he don't like me.
Why don't he like you?
I used to date Audrey.
You dated Mrs. McAllister?
She was Audrey Hicks
back in high school.
I used to call her
my Lil' Hickey.
'Cause of her last name?
That was part of it.
Oh, boy, let me tell you,
she was fu-un.
Please don't make it
two syllables.
All these years later,
it still drives Jim up a wall.
It's new to me,
and I'm not a fan.
So when can you start?
Hold on, are you just hiring me
to piss off Mr. McAllister?
- That a problem?
- No, sir, just checking.
All right.
You come by in the morning,
we'll talk money.
We can talk right now.
I don't want a salary,
I just want a commission
on everything that I sell.
Ooh. You got
some swagger.
Thank you.
You say hi
to Lil' Hickey for me.
Oh, I don't have
that much swagger.
[door opens]
Hey. Where you been?[door closes]
Getting another job.
You got a job already?
- I did.
- Aw.
That's great.
Wait, it's legal, right?
Actually, I don't care.
I'm working at Fagenbacher's.
You know him?
[scoffs] Yeah, he's
Dad's competition.
In more ways than one.
What's that mean?
He used to date your mother.
Back in high school,
they were a serious item.
Wait, wait. Hold on.
Where you going?
Mom's yearbook.
Okay, let's see.
Where is she? Hang on
Where is it?
There she is.
- There he is.
- Mm.
"Audrey Hicks and Fredrick
Fagenbacher, cutest couple."
"My Dearest Audrey,
you are the ginchiest."
- What's that mean? - I don't know,
I guess she had lots of ginch.
"These last few months with you have
been everything I ever dream of."[scoffs]
That means they were doing it.
How do you know?
That's all teenage boys
dream of.
"You have my heart forever.
Your steady Freddy."
Aw, that's kind of sweet.
Why is he wearing a
turtleneck in East Texas?
He called her "my Lil' Hickey."
[gasps] Ugh.
Do you have to wear that
in the house?
I'm going to work.
Yeah, well,
can't you change in the car?
This is my uniform.
Your dad's gonna find out
sooner or later.
Have a great day.
I'm going out the front door.
Okay, okay, just
just wait here.
Where you going?
Want to make sure
no one has a weapon.
Uh, so just a
quick heads-up.
My husband has found a new job.
Good for him.
Yes, it is.
It is good for him.
It's-it's good for me.
good for your
beautiful granddaughter.
Amanda, what's going on?
Okay, well, you know
how Medford's a small town
- and everybody knows everybody?
- Yeah?
Well, um, Georgie's new job
is that.
You're workin' for Fagenbacher?
What can I say?
He knows talent
when he sees it.
Freddy gave you a job?
Please don't say
"Freddy" and "job"
in the same sentence.
What are you talking about?
He says hi, by the way.
Go. Just go.
No kissing, just go.
Morning, all.
Oh, boy, tension's back.
[whistling a tune]
Lincoln's done.
Get started on the Caddy.
Yeah. Before that,
how about
we talk about my raise?
What makes you think
you're getting a raise?
I mean, look around.
I'm all you got.
You're gonna use
this whole Georgie situation
to squeeze me?
I thought that was clear, yes.
I'll take it
under consideration.
Don't take too long.
I hear Fagenbacher's hiring.
[short chuckle]
[whistling a tune]
Quit whistling.
[whispering]: - Shh, I just got her down.
- Oh.
Thank you.
[clickes tongue]
She is so beautiful.
She is.
Sure would be a shame
if we had to move out.
What are you talking about?
This thing
with Dad and Georgie.
We cannot keep on like this.
Sure we can.
Come on, talk to Dad.
I did.
Maybe you should
talk to Georgie.
I did.
What do you mean, "and"?
He's in a hurry
to make a lot of money.
Dad's got to give him a chance.
How can he give him a chance
if he's working for Freddy?
Can you talk to him?
About what?
Well, if he fires Georgie,
maybe we can put
an end to this craziness.
Why would he listen to me?
I don't know, maybe 'cause
you're his Lil' Hickey.
How do you know about that?
He told Georgie.
And now you're smiling?
Oh, I'm just surprised.
I mean
it was a long time ago.
Yeah, well, apparently you
made quite an impression.
Don't make it sound dirty.
So you weren't
sleeping with him?
It doesn't matter.
We dated for a while,
then I met your father
and fell in love.
You were doing
both of 'em?
Not at the same ti
he and your dad got
into a fistfight over me.
It was awful.
You're smiling again.
It was awful.
Hi, Freddy.
Well, well.
Audrey Hicks.
It's McAllister,
and you know it's been that way
for quite a while.
You are still as beautiful
as you were in high school.
I am not.
You are to me.
Come on in, grab a seat.
Thank you.
It's the middle of the day.
Well, we used
to do a lot of things
in the middle of the day.
All right, sorry.
I reckon you're here
about your son-in-law.
You know you hired him
just to upset Jim.
Did it work?
That big head of
his turn all red?
Well, I bet
it turned all red, huh?
Okay, you've had your fun.
But I need you
to let Georgie go.
Oh, when did you get so serious?
Is that what all these years
with Jim McAllister's
done to you?
Jim and I have had
plenty of fun.
Not like we had fun.
You know, I'm single.
Suzanne left me.
I'm sorry to hear that.
No, it's a good thing.
I got my own little
house out by the lake.
You should come out
and see it sometime.
All these years,
nothing's changed.
You mean I'm still
a handsome devil
that you can't keep
your hands off of?
I mean you're still a dog.
So? Who doesn't love dogs?
Huh? [laughs]
Are you gonna help me out
or what?
I never could say
no to that face.
- Thank you.
- But no.
You're impossible.
And you look good
coming and going.
Mrs. McAllister?
What are you doing here?
Oh, Georgie, hi.
I'm just
I'm just
What's going on there?
Well, she just came by to see what
she was missing all these years. [chuckles]
Hey, that's my mother-in-law
you're talking about.
Yeah, well, long before
she was your mother-in-law,
she used to suck on my neck
like a vampire.
Mr. Fagenbacher,
with all due respect,
you're being disrespectful.
You got a problem with that?
You quit?
I had to.
He said nasty things
about your mom.
So? She says nasty things
about you all the time.
She's allowed to.
We're family.
Well, my dad's family.
Maybe you could
apologize to him.
And I'm his family.
The road goes two ways.
God, you are both
stubborn idiots.
Hey, don't talk about
your father that way.
You're home late.
It was a busy day.
Oh, yeah?
Sold a bunch of them
Korean tires
Georgie ordered behind my back.
Well, that's good, isn't it?
Behind my back, Audrey.
Okay, you're right.
Thank you.
And maybe Georgie is
also a little bit right.
But I'm more right.
You sure are, honey.
I know what you're doing.
Of course you do,
'cause you're so smart.
Thank you.
- Hi.
- Hey.
[TV mutes]
Mr. McAllister, I was hoping
maybe we could talk.
I'm gonna help Mom with dinner.
Connor why don't you
come with me.
Try and speak up so I can hear
from the kitchen.
Something you wanted to say?
I shouldn't have ordered those
tires without your permission.
Appreciate that.
And I maybe
shouldn't have fired you.
You didn't fire me, I quit.
But that don't matter.
So you saying you want
to come back to work?
You saying you want me
to come back?
But if you want to come back,
door's open.
- CONNOR: The door's what?
- Door's open!
Thank you.
Well, Mr. Fagenbacher
is giving me 20% commission
on everything that I sell,
so if I was to come back
- MANDY: Georgie!
- Thank you for this opportunity.
Pretty impressive
waiting on all these tables
by herself.
Oh, that's not a surprise,
she has six years of college.
Oh, boy.
Well, lookee here.
If it isn't
the McAllisters.
- Freddy.
- Fred.
Diana, this is Audrey and Jim,
old friends of mine.
- Nice to meet you.
- Hi. - Hello.
Is this your daughter?
My God, I hope not.
Now, I don't know if you heard,
but, uh, I'll be outfitting
all the new ambulances
at St. Joseph's.
I don't know if you heard,
but we've been selling
them new Korean tires now.
Can't keep 'em in stock.
Well, good for you.
I opened up a second location
in Nacogdoches.
We got all the Medford
school buses.
There's only two.
And they're ours.
- Freddy, I'm kind of hungry.
- Hang on baby.
I'm sponsoring a NASCAR team.
I got Fagenbacher decals
on three cars.
You got a NASCAR team?
His head's turning red.
We can go now.
Man, I can't stand that guy.
I know.
He's terrible.

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