Ghost Force (2021) s01e11 Episode Script

Xhypno / Sporofungus

Ghost Force!
Don't fear the glow
Shadows crawl, in the street
up a wall and watch them creep
Dark alley, sewers deep
I can never go to sleep
Full of fear,
please make them disappear
Ghost Force, Ghost Force,
feel the power
Ghost Force, Ghost Force,
spooky hour
Like the night, glow forever
Ghost Force
Appearances in the air,
got to watch out everywhere
Creepy crawlies
in their lair
Out of sight,
waiting in the night
Ghost Force, Ghost Force! ♪
Ok, don't move
Good Perfect!
Oh, Solarman!
Careful. It's fragile!
Truck number four. Thank you!
Mark, we need you on the set!
We're like a movie-star couple,
don't ya think?
Hey, Baker! Quit photobombing
my selfie. This is our close-up.
Always a pleasure, Stacy!
What do you mean the actress is
a no-show? Our scene is today!
How is Solarman gonna save
a hostage if there's no hostage?
We've got to find someone
to replace her quick
or this movie's a bust.
"Help er, Solarman
I'm, like, totally being held
against my will."
- (Cheering)
- You taking up acting?
Me? Uh No
But the actress is AWOL,
so I thought Mom and Dad
could use my improv skills!
Come on! I'm sure I can be
excellent on camera!
I mean, I'm made for it, right?
Probably. But you have to play
a victim in distress,
and I'm not feeling
any distress.
Screaming for help is a combo
of 46% fear, 21% stress,
and 33% sheer panic.
Thanks for the notes,
but I'm good.
STACY: Help! Help! Aaah!
- Ugh!
- (Applause)
Hear that?
Now, that's believable!
What? Stacy
is so not stealing my role!
Heh, heh!
cast anyone for the role yet?
Yes! Good thing
your friend Stacy was here.
Yeah About that, are you sure
she's fit for the part?
I mean,
her acting's a bit screamy.
I know, right?
Exactly what we need, sweetie.
Her audition
was positively spine-tingling!
Places, please!
Shooting starts in in five!
Heh, heh! Boo!
"Solarman leaps in with gusto
and frees the imprisoned damsel
like a total hero."
Yep, that's me!
- Boo!
- Aaah!
And action!
Help! Save me!
I'm being held against my will!
Hmm? What's he doing?
Why isn't he on set yet?
- Huh?
- (Evil laugh)
- You OK, Andy?
- Yeah, what's up?
You miffed Stacy got the part?
Who? Me? What? No!
I mean, if Mom and Dad
want a total amateur,
- I'm cool with that.
- I don't know.
- I think she's got talent.
- At messing everything up!
- Ow!
- Xhypno! Xhypno!
- Help!
- See? What'd I tell you?
Right, but that's not Stacy.
That's a ghost!
- Aaah!
- Whoo! (Evil laugh)
Let's go, Ghost Force!
Ghost Force,
don't fear the glow!
Ghost Force!
- Xhypno!
- Hello! Save me, Solarman!
What's our plan? All it's doing
is giving people a green thumb.
Not everyone. Stacy's clueless
as usual under that blindfold.
We're dealing with a mesmeriser,
but what's with all the plants?
Excellent question, Krush!
And the answer is
I have no idea!
I've never encountered
this ghost before,
but judging by his Boo energy,
it must be a level nine!
Don't worry, Ms Jones.
It's like this ghost's
already in my Boocaps!
Ha! Whoa!
(Evil laugh)
(Evil laugh)
it might take a little longer.
See to it! Glowboo
will rendez-vous with you
as soon as he's recharged.
Again? My smartphone
has better battery life!
Uh, yeah. Perhaps
it's because I've requested
too many foot massages
from him between missions.
My new heels are killing me!
I know. Let's attack it
where it can't reach us.
ALL: Xhypno
So much
for the element of surprise!
Look! No hands!
That's the boo style! Yahoo!
The gem!
We've got to destroy it!
- Huh? Why?
- That's its power source, obvs.
Cover me!
What? What's the deal, Fury?
That gem was mine!
Back to square one.
Remind me to ask Ms Jones
for in-suit airbags.
- Help! Help! Save me, Solarman!
- And earplugs too.
- You're sounding a bit jelly.
- Because of Stacy?
Come on, guys,
you gotta be kidding me!
I don't know.
You've all the symptoms.
- Touchiness, irritability
- What? I am not jealous!
And truth-dodging.
(Ghostly cry)
- Xhypno! Xhypno!
- What the?
- That looks like
- A cocoon! Oh, this is bad.
Soon, there won't be
just one ghost to fight,
there'll be dozens!
You only have minutes to stop
the OG, as in "original ghost".
But how?
We can't even look at its face.
With artificial intelligence.
Since I am not affected by
gamma psycho-cataleptic waves,
the ghost can't mesmerise me.
Then go smash that gem, Glowboo!
Smashing gems is now my jam.
- Mission accomplished!
- Yeah!
Hurry! The cocoons are hatching!
Are you sure
the gem was its weak spot?
Glowboo, watch out!
Sound. That's its weak spot!
Fractal trap!
OK But how are we gonna
recreate a screech
- as over-the-top as that?
- Stacy!
She screamed so loud
that the lamp exploded!
Nah, forget Stacy. I got this!
(Scream echoes)
Sorry, bro, not shrill enough!
Go get Stacy!
Fury, hurry!
I'm running out of Boo energy!
Wait. One more try.
I can do this.
Aaah (Starts coughing)
Fury! (Groans)
Huh? What just happened?
Oh, no!
Aw, man!
- Xhypno
- Xhypno
Solarman? It's about time!
(Groans) Solarman's
not available right now.
I'm gonna need more screeching,
with a lot more feeling.
Are you kidding? I've been
screaming non-stop for hours!
Please! I really need your help!
Fine, but getting into character
takes time.
I need somewhere quiet
to become
(Monstrous groan)
Xhypno Huh?
- Huh?
- Boo-ya!
Fury? Hi! Can I have a selfie?
Now we just gotta tow Glowboo
back to Ms Jones.
He'll need a lot
of rest and recharging
before he gives
another foot massage.
- (Chuckles)
- You saved me, Solarman.
If only the world
had more heroes like you.
Gotta admit it, Stacy nailed it.
And you totally nailed
being a superhero too!
I know, right? I actually
took down a level-nine ghost.
- Ow!
- Your scream is improving!
Maybe they'll cast you
in the sequel!
- Maybe.
- (Laughter)
(Fairground music)
And, above all, don't forget
to time the rotation
of the Ferris wheel. Ha, ha!
Where's Andy?
You did tell him about Professor
Pascal's surprise field trip?
I'm sure he'll be here soon.
I even gave him a real
New Yorker pro tip to find us.
Right. Got any pro tips
to stop him from oversleeping?
(Huffing and puffing)
(Phone rings)
Yo, Mike,
what's the deal with your text?
"Central Park.
Lamp post 7810. West 100 yards."
'Cause if it's a joke,
I'm not sure I get it.
Fun fact. All the lamp posts
in Central Park are numbered.
Sure beats using a GPS, huh?
OK. Whatever.
But where am I supposed to go?
It's simple.
Just follow the lamp posts.
The first two numbers
indicate the street.
Even numbers
are on the east side.
So, find lamp post 7810,
which is on East 78th Street,
then head west for 100 yards.
Is lamp post 6423
anywhere close?
Nope, you're way off.
- Mike, maybe
- I can't make it any easier!
Liv! Mike! Your turn!
Oh! Why isn't Andy with you?
He's, uh on his way!
6617, 6625
You gotta be kidding me!
- Boo!
- Aaah!
Come on, Andy,
thousands of New Yorkers
have been using this system
since 1907.
We're on the Ferris wheel.
The big round thingy.
Oh, right. He could have
just led with that.
I don't get it.
I've used that technique
a million times.
I'm sure you have. But you gotta
admit it's not exactly simple.
But it is precise.
This is the worst pro tip ever!
A ghost!
Let's go, Ghost Force.
- Er, Ms Jones?
- Oh, hello, Mike. Pop quiz!
What do you get when you mix
sulphur trioxide with water?
- Sulfuric acid, why?
- Ahem.
Never mind. This ghost looks
like a polka-dotted mushroom!
You know, a Amanita muscaria?
Oh, boy That's Sporofungus!
A level-four ghost
of maximum grossness.
More like maximum cuteness!
I can't wait to domesticate it!
Let me guess.
It's a molecular ghost?
Right, and you must
prevent it from boosting.
Sure, but we're stuck on
the Ferris wheel with our class!
Well, hang in there.
I'll send Glowboo over
as soon as I can!
Oops! Looks like
I've still got some work to do.
Right behind ya, mushy!
Well, that's was easy! Whoa!
Ms Jones! Where is Glowboo?
Kinda running out of time here!
He's on his way!
Let's go, Ghost Force!
Ghost Force,
don't fear the glow!
Ghost Force!
Well done, buddy!
Oh! This human
seems to be in danger.
We'll take care of the wheel.
You help Fury!
I have enough strength
to hold on for 26 seconds,
25, 24
- Spectral Gate!
- Aaah!
Ew! You're a pimply monster!
Did we all enjoy
the Ferris wheel?
- Uh-huh.
- (Barks)
OK, these were the last!
Excellent teamwork, Myst!
Now I got to find the guys.
- Boo!
- Aaah!
- Now I got you!
- And I got your back!
Man, am I glad to see you!
All right, let's surprise it
with a circular attack.
Wait on my ten o'clock until
I reach its transverse axis!
But it's barely even 9:30.
- (Groans)
- Boo!
- What's the deal, dude?
- What's your deal?
I told you wait on my
ten o'clock, as in 60 degrees!
What language
are we even talking right now?
What's so hard to understand
about not blasting each other?
- Now that I understand!
- Ugh!
Guys, the city needs us.
Hurry up!
But I was just trying
to be more precise!
So precise you weren't
even making any sense!
You tell him, sis.
Wow, you reek like you ate
a thousand mushroom pizzas.
I know, right?
And it's all his fault!
Since when
is being precise a problem?
Enough! We've got a ghost
to capture, remember?
Where'd it go anyway?
- Corner of Midtown and 5th Ave.
- Oh, you mean 40 degrees north,
which is 2.7 miles away!
Uh Maybe you could
make an effort
Not you too!
Coordinates are more precise.
Ready for catching. 40 degrees.
Roger and copy.
Time for Boo-fight!
See? Glowboo gets me!
It's about to boost!
- What?
- Ha, ha!
(Evil laugh)
We can't reach it
unless it comes out of its hat.
We've gotta stop Sporo
or New York'll stink
even more than usual.
It's moving away!
It takes three seconds
between attack and retreat.
So taking into account
its stealth, we've
No time for more mumbo jumbo!
Sorry, but he's right, y'know.
You can't overthink this stuff.
Fury, on its next attack
I'll open some portals and
I'll blast my flexy
through them!
Your prefrontal cortical zones
indicate emotional distress.
They don't get me.
It's like I'm speaking Latin.
I did not know you could.
What I mean is they think I make
everything sound complicated.
You should reprogram
your speech
to present your thoughts
more clearly, like how Ms Jones
programmed me
to synthesise my data streams
into one clear idea before
opening my gob, as she calls it.
You mean synthetize my ideas
before I said it out loud?
Well said, Glowboo!
Synth data
str-str-streams my g-g-gob.
- Not again!
- We can't keep up.
It's too fast!
Fun's over, fungi!
That's a boo-tastic entrance!
Whoa! I got it all right!
Whoa! Ah! Oof!
Listen up, I've got a plan!
Sure, but I've got
one portal left, so keep it
Simple, gotcha.
But you gotta trust me on this.
Always. Fire away.
OK. We wait till Sporo
comes out of its hat.
Then, Myst,
you open a portal right under it
leading straight to Fury.
Then, Fury, you keep it
from retreating into its hat.
But you gotta be fast.
That Sporo is quick!
Good, 'cause so am I!
You're up, Myst!
No more hiding under your hat!
Congrats, dude.
Your plan was amazing.
And clearly explained!
Well done, kids.
Oh, but could one of you
fetch Glowboo?
We're on it, Ms. Jones,
but he's gonna need an update.
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