Jashin-chan Dropkick (Dropkick On My Devil!) (2018) s01e11 Episode Script

Episode 11

I'm going to show you all of\h\hDropkick on My Devil!
You're doing a recap episode?!
No! It's a special!
No matter what anyone calls it, it's a special!
How is that different from a recap?!
I love you!
I loved you, too!
It started as a black market
after World War II,
then it became Electric Town,
and then a computer town.
And now, it's the biggest
otaku city in the world.
It is Akihabara.
And about one kilometer west of Akihabara
is Kanda Jinbocho, a district
of Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo.
It's the largest bookstore
towns in the world.
and it's where this series takes place.
Azusa 2!
Unhappy Turn
Why?! Why did you have to die?!
Damn that Yurine! It's all Yurine's fault!
It's all Yurine's fault
my beloved Azusa 2 died!
It was your fault.
She even lived through the
prophecy of Nostradamus!
Did she?
Yes, she did!
Dropkick on My Devil! is
a story about fighting off
a great king of terror that descended
in the seventh month of 1999!
Using my deadly Royal Copenhagen
and my super deadly dropkick,
I fought off the great king of terror!
Oh, right. That's right. Right, right.
That battle was won at far too great a cost.
The only survivors left on Earth
were me, you, and Azusa 2.
We were the only three
survivors left on Earth
Instead of candies, I sucked on marbles
I went on living the best I could
Sometimes I was a smart-aleck,
Stupid! Stupid!
even became the Smart-Aleck Devil
Smart-Aleck Devil
I did the best I could
And then my precious
Azusa 2 My Azusa 2
Unhappy Turn
Azusa 2!
Now Yurine and I are the
only ones left on Earth!
Oh, Phoenix, are you telling me
that this is our destiny?
This curry's so good!
God, if you exist, you're too cruel!
Why the hell do we even have doctors?!
How long are you going to drag this out?
Also, you're mixing a bunch
of different things together.
I'm easily influenced by the things
I've recently seen and read!
So it seems.
Like a dry sponge,
I quickly absorb anything and everything!
You need to give a proper explanation,
or the viewers won't have
any idea what DropDev is about.
Aw, we don't need to explain it.
It's not like anyone watching this
is seeing the show for the first time.
That's the first time I've heard
it shortened to "DropDev."
But you know, Jashin-chan,
I suspect there are some benevolent viewers
watching the show for the first time today.
Even if there's only one,
you need to explain it properly for them.
Fine! I will!
Yes I am a mermaid.
No, you're not.
I'm close enough to being one!
You're not a fish. You're a snake.
I, a mermaid, fell in love with a prince,
and wished for human legs
so I made a deal with a witch!
That's The Little Mermaid.
A lot happens, and in the end, I turn into foam.
I will now sing.
Sing what?
"Part of Your—"
Don't you dare.
Why not?
It may be safe for the on-air version
since we have a comprehensive contract,
but when it's shown elsewhere, it'll probably
No, it'll definitely cause big problems.
Hmph! All right, fine.
I'll give a serious explanation.
Dropkick on My Devil! is
A story of love!
Yes! Love!
Human love,
devil love,
New Release
Shiraishi Mari
angel love,
New Release
Shiraishi Mari
fallen angel love,
idol love,
cop love,
Life Theater
pachinko love,
beef love,
ATM love,
Life Theater
pachinko love
It's a story about every type of love.
You said "pachinko love" twice.
I'm bonafide, born-and-bred
pachinko trash to the core!
Important things are worth saying
twice! Everyone knows that!
Why are you so confident about that?
Love! In Japanese, that's "ai"!
"Ai," just like AI!
Not the one that means
"artificial insemination."
"A" as in "a-i-u-e-o,"
and "i" as in "a-i-u-e-o"!
That is love!
That is
Love overflows!
Young or old, male or female
No, things like age, sex, nationality,
race, skin color, language,
and tsuchinoko don't matter!
Dropkick on My Devil! is a hymn of life
dedicated to all beings in this universe!
You seem to think you're saying
something really great,
but I have no clue what
you're talking about.
Not one.
All clues are fleeing the scene.
What? You have fleas?
Not "fleas"! It means
nothing's resonating with me.
That's the stuff that
hardens under UV light!
That's resin.
The thing you steam food in?
That's a tajine.
Jitterin' Ji—
Forget it.
Letting you explain the show
is getting us nowhere,
so I'll do it myself.
Dropkick on My Devil! is
Yes, it all began on that day.
Zazas, zazas, nasatanada zazas.
Zurolo, zoas, nanomiala, hekau.
Zurazza, zavai
The wind
It's coming.
So you've finally appeared.
Do you know how long
I've awaited this moment?
You won't escape!
God! Evil god!
Come forth from eternal Gehenna,
and through Sheol, obtain a human body!
Zazas, zazas, nasatanada zazas
I summon you, evil god!
Was it you who summoned me?
Yes, that's right.
I summoned you.
This is the bloody story of a sinful girl.
That's the story.
But that's all lies, too!
It's not a lie. It's just
a little exaggerated.
You're mincing words! Like minced fish meat!
The white of minced fish
Oh, yeah! I think I'll make
oden for dinner tonight!
It'll have eggs, konjac, daikon,
chikuwa, hanpen, and kamaboko!
I can't wait.
Hang on, that doesn't matter.
You need to explain Dropkick on My Devil!
Okay, I will!
So, like, basically, Yurine
summoned me just for kicks,
and I couldn't return to Hell
unless I killed my summoner,
so I've been using my
dropkick to try to kill Yurine,
but I blow it every time
Can you sound like you
actually care, please?
So I started living in Jinbocho.
My childhood friend, ATM,
also known as Medusa,
10,000 Yen
10,000 Yen
comes to visit and bring
me money now and then.
Oh, by the way, "ATM" stands
for Automated Teller Machine.
That it does.
Medusa's completely helpless without me.
You've got it backwards.
She should just be grateful
that I accept her money.
Who do you think you are?
And there are other devils
in this apartment building, too.
There's Minos, my other childhood friend,
and the daughter of my teacher
from Hell Elementary School,
the impudent Persephone II.
Also living in this town are:
the fallen angels Pekola, Poporon, and Pino.
They're pitiful little lambs who lost
their halos and can't return to Heaven.
There's also the crazy police
officer, Tachibana Mei,
plus Yusa and Koji,
the jiangshi sisters,
and our pet, Beth,
joining us in this anime full of
laughter, tears, and social value.
National Health Insurance
National Pension
Tokyo Residential Tax
National Tax
Consumption Tax
And that's Dropkick on My Devil!
That was pretty vague,
but you did explain all of it.
Whew, finally done!
Now, Yurine, if you don't mind, please die.
I do mind.
You keep saying you don't want to,
but your body doesn't lie!
Your body insists that it wants to die.
I'll grant you death, then!
If you won't die yourself,
I'll kill you, Hanazono Yurine!
Take this! Jashin-chan
Dropkick: The Special!
And I'll just hit you back with my fist!
Ow! You hit me with your fist!
That's domestic violence!
Domestic violence is wrong!
War is wrong! We are all
brothers! Love and peace!
You never learn, do you?
You know full well that you can't kill me.
B-But if I don't kill you,
I can't go back to Hell!
What can I do? Should I stop
relying on my dropkick?
No, that would shatter
this anime's identity!
What do I do?
What should I do?
What can I What can I
Okay! I'm going to sing!
"Part of Your"—
Turn into foam and die.
What now? We explained all there
was to explain in the A part.
What should we do for the B part?
Let's go play pachinko!
What's fun about watching you
play pachinko for ten minutes?
Okay, then. This time, I'll really sing!
I have a song that just happens
to be ten minutes long!
A ten-minute full chorus on TV!
It's sure to become a trending topic!
Yurine, get in the futon
and act like you're sick!
I have to deal with our
flashback clip selection!
Here you go. Your futon is ready.
It's all good, it's all good!
The bookstore I visited
with you on that day
Turned into a convenience
store at some point
The curry place where I was stood up
Still serves potatoes with its curry
You're a bookworm
And I'm your freeloader
Our four-and-a-half-mat room
Was buried in books
You seemed happy there
But I was always worried
that the floor would cave in
Ah, Jinbocho, the youth we spent together
Ah, Jinbocho, those sepia-colored blue days
The bookstore faced north
The window in our room was cracked
Of course, since it faced north,
It was covered in white and frozen
The stove glowed red
All the sound in the apartment faded away
In our four-and-a-half-mat igloo
We didn't worry about sleeping
with our heads pointing north
I watched over you until
morning while you slept
As we went on having happy dreams
Ah, Jinbocho, our spring is so far off
Ah, Jinbocho, beyond our
sepia-colored white window
When you tied up my hair for me
I didn't want to let it down at bedtime
Long hair was so hot in summer
Beads of sweat shone on my nape
I know you told me
That I should just cut it short
Our four-and-a-half-mat room was a sauna
But we could hear the
fireworks in the distance
Your fingers gently stroked my hair
Death NO
Death NO
Death NO
Death NO
Death NO
I wanted those fingers
to tie it up for me again
Ah, Jinbocho, I never did cut my hair
Ah, Jinbocho, that sepia-colored wind of love
Life Theater
I didn't want to work
But I wanted lots of money
Then I could've stayed with you
Close to you forever and ever
I never imagined
I never even dreamed
How comfortable this four-
and-a-half-mat room would feel
I thought I could cling to it forever
I wanted to buy your time with money
And stay with you in this room
Ah, Jinbocho, a fragrant
Eden where lilies bloom
Ah, Jinbocho, a sepia-colored flower garden
Amatsuka Noel\h\h\h\hAutograph Event
I absolutely hate you
You stole my life from me
I hate you so much
I wish we had never met
I never thought we would part
My tears never dried
Our four-and-a-half-mat
room turned into a vacant lot
I absolutely hate you
If I had to see you again
I'd sell my soul to the devil
Ah, Jinbocho, time would tear us apart
Ah, Jinbocho, as sepia-
colored dead leaves fall
As I walk up the slope of Kudanshita
I lift a red balloon to my lips
And blow our memories into it
Then send it flying once it's full
Shine far in the distance
In a faraway sky I've never seen
In that four-and-a-half-mat
room in the town from the book
I pray happiness will sprout
When I see your back on
the insides of my eyelids
I hold back tears and softly kick you
Ah, Jinbocho, I guess
an elegy is all about love
Ah, Jinbocho, a sepia-colored love song
The bookstore I visited
with you on that day
Turned into a convenience
store at some point
The curry place where I was stood up
Still serves potatoes with its curry
Ah, Jinbocho, the youth we spent together
Ah, Jinbocho, those sepia-colored blue days
Well? Did that explain everything
about Dropkick on My Devil! or what?
Yes, very clearly.
And they all lived happily ever after, huh?
Azusa 2 never showed up
in the anime, though.
Did you enjoy the\h\hDropkick
on My Devil!\h\hspecial?!
How was it different from a recap?!
What made it just a "special"?!
Don't think. Just feel.
The answer is in your heart!!
You're right! You're still the one I

Right? I landed a dropkick on your heart ♥
I loved you, too!
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