K.C. Undercover (2015) s01e11 Episode Script

Double Crossed Part 2

Synced and corrected By Katniss Everdeen Previously The Organization is pairing you with Brett Willis.
(Craig) He was just named the Organization's junior spy of the year.
- Pretty cool.
- I love hearing that from my girlfriend.
I'm his girlfriend.
"I'm coming for you.
All of you.
" We're on our own.
He's out there, and he won't stop until he finds us.
Hey, let me talk to Zane.
Tell him it's his son.
Hey, Dad.
Yeah, your plan's working.
I'm in.
Look at you! You have legs.
I haven't seen you in a skirt since the second grade.
I haven't seen you in a library since second grade.
Think Brett's gonna like it? Oh, he is going to love it.
What do you think, Judy? Why are you going to so much trouble for a stupid boy? Because I really like this stupid boy I mean this boy.
Well, I like free Wi-Fi, but I don't get all dressed up for it.
It's different when it comes to boys.
Especially when it's love.
Oh, please, it is not love.
Is it love? I might be in love.
What exactly is love? Well, um it's when you can't stop thinking about someone, and you want to be around them all the time.
Then, when you see them, your heart races, you get butterflies in your stomach.
Still doesn't sound better than free Wi-Fi to me.
Oh, when danger comes for you You know I'll stand beside you 'Cause ain't nobody keep things hustle cool I'll always find a way, a way out of the fire Don't tell nobody, tell nobody I'm not perfect So many things I wanna tell you But I, I, I, I keep it undercover Livin' my life, no way to learn Doin' my thing, gonna make it work Know I'm the realest, baby, I'm fearless But I always got your back Nobody can do it like I can I gotta find out who I am Ain't got to worry about me It's all part of the plan I keep it undercover.
I keep it undercover.
I'm so happy you're my boyfriend.
And I'm so happy you're my girlfriend.
And I'm so happy you're my daughter's boyfriend.
(Goofy laughter) Thank you, Mr.
I can only hope that one day, we'll have the same loving, supportive, harmonious relationship that you and the lovely Mrs.
Cooper have.
Well, I'd be happy to give you some tips.
This is what I call "Craig Cooper's How about instead, you give us Craig Cooper's one way to give us some privacy? You heard 'em, Kira.
They want us to be alone.
Get your butt over here.
There's something about that kid I don't like.
KC? She's your daughter.
I'm talkin' about him.
Why? He's perfect.
Yeah, a little too perfect if you ask me.
If something seems too good to be true, it usually is.
Like that peanut butter and jelly in a jar stuff.
That was all sorts of nasty.
But this kid is great.
I don't know.
Call it a mother's intuition, but I feel like he's up to something.
Seriously, I wish we could just have one day without your parents around.
Tell me about it.
I'm still thinkin', if this works out, who's my daddy gonna walk down the aisle, me or you? Why choose? I can make two trips.
(Goofy laughter) All right, Robo-Sis, shove over.
I wanna try out my new video game.
Be my guest.
This movie stinks.
The lady bats her eyes, puts her hand on her shoulder, looks at him coyly, and he declares his undying love? Puh-lease! Well, I'm about to play Colopsis, so give up the TV, puh-lease.
I am Colopsis.
Press play if you dare to challenge me.
(Stammering) Who who's that? Colopsis, a giant alien robot barbarian.
He's so tall.
And strong.
And he's got the most beautiful eye I've ever seen.
(Gasps) Butterflies.
You know, you can tell a lot about someone by the frozen yogurt they eat.
Well, your bacon-flavored fro-yo tells me that you have terrible taste in frozen yogurt.
Yeah, it's pretty awful.
Uh, one second.
I'll be right back.
Really, Mom? Hey, KC.
I didn't know you were gonna be here.
I just stopped by to get some fro-yo.
(Forced laugh) Fro-no you didn't.
You came here to spy on me.
(Rustling) Really, Dad? Hey, KC.
You're here spying on me, too? No.
I would never do that.
I'm here spying on your mother, spying on you.
So we got a spy spying on a spy spying on a spy.
It's a spy-fecta.
Hey, Brett.
Hey, Mr.
You know what? I'm going to return to my date now.
Get home before somebody waters you.
I don't know why they're acting so crazy.
At least you get to see your parents.
My dad travels so much, the only time I get to see him is on the computer.
Until I was nine, I thought he was just a head and shoulders.
(Cell phone rings) Speak of the devil.
It's my dad.
Hey, Dad.
Oh, just hangin' out with KC.
Hi, Mr.
Can't wait to meet you.
He says he can't wait to meet you, too.
Excuse me for a second.
Everything's falling into place.
I'll deliver her to you on Saturday night.
Hey, what's up? Oh, wow, surprised your parents aren't in there.
Wait, let me check your backpack.
We're all clear.
Could it be? We're finally having a moment alone together? - Hey, guys.
- Not now, Marisa.
May I remind you that if I did not like your boyfriend, he would still be my boyfriend and not your boyfriend.
Not that I don't like you, but I don't like you.
Like that.
Sorry, Marisa, it's just that we never get any time alone.
Probably not with your parents.
They're always spying on you because that's what parents do.
Over-protective parents.
Talk to you later.
Gotta go.
I got a surprise for you.
Beyoncé? Secret show? Who did you have to kill to get these tickets? Don't answer that.
Two tickets on Saturday night.
Not three.
If your dad wants to go, tell him to get his own ticket.
Preferably on a different night.
In a different city.
Maybe he should see Rhianna.
Uh, wait a minute.
These tickets say the show starts at midnight.
That's not only past my curfew, that's past my bedtime.
But it's Beyoncé.
In New York.
In Brooklyn.
That's an outer borough.
I'm not even sure that's safe for a spy.
Come on.
You'll totally be safe.
Junior spy of the year, babe.
Brett, I like you, I really do, but you've sung that song more than Beyoncé has sung "Single Ladies.
" This is, like four hours away.
I'm not gonna get home till the next morning.
There's no way that I can go to this.
Unless you tell your parents you're sleeping at a friend's house.
Great plan, except I can't lie to my parents.
If they found out, they'd never trust me again.
Oh, you mean your parents that were hiding in the plants at the fro-yo place because they don't trust you.
Those parents.
Hey, don't talk about my parents like that.
They might be listening.
(Colopsis) One wrong move, and I will destroy you.
Oh, Colopsis, you say the sweetest things.
Judy, you're hogging Colopsis.
When is it my turn? Get out, Ernie.
Two's company, three's a crowd.
But it's only two of us here.
Did you just dis my man? No.
Because you don't have a man.
You're not even using his powers to shoot the aliens.
That's not what we're about.
We don't use each other.
We build each other up.
We're in love.
Prepare to die! (Giggles) Colopsis, please.
My brother's in the room.
Not anymore, he's not.
So Marisa, let's just say someone, it doesn't matter who, wanted to lie to their parents and go to an out-of-state concert Do you think that a good cover story would be saying that they're spending the night at their best friend's house? Why are you asking? What do you know? Who told you what? I mean what's up, girl? I'm thinking about going with Brett.
(Gasps) Brain freeze? Telepathy? That lady with the bad facelift is here? - Where she at? - No.
I think you're acting like an irresponsible teenager.
I'm finally rubbing off on you.
Do you think you're gonna go? Why shouldn't I? I'm 16 years old, I've never done anything wrong in my entire life, and my parents still don't trust me.
I'll be home before breakfast.
Nothing bad is gonna happen.
You know what? I am gonna go.
I know.
I can't believe I'm gonna go either.
No, no, facelift lady just walked in.
Do me a favor, and remind me to just get old.
Hey, guys, I'm headin' over to Marisa's.
We're actually doing some volunteer work for at-risk youth.
Actually, I'm volunteering, and Marisa is the youth.
Anyway I'm gonna be spending the night, so don't wait up for me.
If you need me, just text me.
Or Marisa.
Because that's who I'll be with Marisa.
I think we should follow her.
To Marisa's? Oh, no thanks.
I get enough of that child.
Have you noticed that she's eaten breakfast at our table the last hundred days in a row? I'm gonna start claimin' that girl on my taxes.
I'm talkin' about KC.
She's up to something.
I bet she's gonna go off and meet that Brett.
No, no, no.
I think she said something about goin' to Marisa's.
I know what she said, but Come on, mama bird.
We agreed to let her date.
Okay? So now, we have to trust her.
Not even my parents were this protective of me.
That's because you didn't start datin' until you were 23.
By choice.
Ladies' choice.
I cannot wait to see Beyoncé.
By the way, if Jay Z and Beyoncé invite us to an after-party in the Hamptons, we cannot say yes right away.
I don't wanna seem like a crazy fan or anything.
GPS voice: One hundred feet, exit to the left.
You heard her.
One hundred feet till we get to see Queen Bey.
Uh, I think you just missed the exit.
Exit to the left, to the left.
The exit that you want is on the ramp to the left.
See? Yeah, I don't think we need this anymore.
(GPS beeps off) Considering you just passed the exit, I think you do.
Little change of plans.
We're going to see my dad.
Your dad better be one of Beyoncé's backup singers, 'cause I know I'm not tryin' to miss this concert.
There's something I've been keeping from you, KC.
The truth is, Zane is my dad.
Zane? Like Zane Zane? The guy who threatened to eliminate my entire family is your dad? Yeah, right.
I'm serious.
Uh ironic.
Usually, seatbelts make me feel safer.
All right, this isn't funny, Brett.
It's not meant to be, KC.
My dad will explain everything to you.
That is impossible.
We can't be going to see Zane, because he is in a foreign prison.
And who told you that? You did.
See, that's another thing I've been keeping from you.
- I'm a liar.
- Yeah, I'm starting to pick that up.
No toast for me.
I'm having brunch later with Colopsis.
Plus, robots don't actually eat.
For the 900th time.
Morning, Coopers.
Where's KC? I was just gonna ask you the same question.
And I know the answer.
She spent the night at my house last night.
Guess I forgot.
That's what happens when you have such a big house.
Darn my successful parents and their enormous colonial.
You live in a modest split-level ranch.
Well, KC must've been on the split level, and I did not notice her.
Start talking.
Okay, she's not at my house.
She's at the library doing a paper on the economic feasibility of third-world countries.
Define feasibility.
Feasibility refers to the ability of something to be feased.
She really didn't stay at my house last night.
Ooh, this just got good.
She went to a concert with Brett.
Ooh, this just got better.
In New York City.
Ooh, this is not good at all.
So how'd you sleep? Not so good.
I had this terrible dream where my boyfriend turned out to be the son of my parents' evil nemesis.
Oh, wait.
Brought you a breakfast burrito.
- No meat, just how you like it.
- Thanks so much.
But do you mind taking that back to the kitchen and asking for a fresh plate of freedom?! Can I ask you a question? Shoot.
If I had my laser gun, I would.
Did you ever really have feelings for me? Of course I liked you.
Hey, we'll always have our missions and fro-yo, and dates with your dad.
Come on, KC.
You know this isn't personal.
Speaking as a girl who's tied up in a barn, it feels pretty personal to me.
I'm sorry, but this is bigger than both of us.
Like it or not, you and I are on opposite sides of this war.
We don't have to be.
You could let me go, and our parents can fight their own battles.
We could be like Romeo and Juliet.
Or some other better example where the couple actually lives to be together.
Come on, Brett, I know you're not like your dad.
And maybe dating me just started off as part of the mission, but if you ever really had feelings for me, you'd let me go.
Careful, son.
You can't trust a word she says, just like her mother.
I've been waiting a long time to meet you, KC.
I was once very fond of your parents.
But their love and marriage made me go a little What's the word I'm looking for? Insane.
I was going to say eccentrically evil, but yours works too.
So what's your plan? Goin' after me because you're not man enough to face my dad? Actually I'm going to take away everything your parents love, starting with you, and ending with the Organization.
Can I just say, I am so glad that I never let you kiss me.
Where are you? Where are you? Oh, don't worry, Judy.
I'm sure KC's fine.
No kidding.
She can take care of herself.
I'm looking for my Colopsis.
You can stop looking.
I took it back and traded it in for a new game.
Nooooo! Colopsis! Why? I'm gettin' the sense you're not happy about this.
Give me that box of tissues.
But you don't cry.
I know.
What are you so upset about? Colopsis and I were perfect for each other.
You just traded him like he was yesterday's game.
He kinda was.
But I loved him.
He put butterflies in my belly.
Hope in my hard drive.
Now I don't have any love in my life.
But Judy, you do have love in your life.
You've got your family.
Well, you're no giant alien robot one-eyed barbarian, but I'll take what I can get.
(Bones cracking) Judy, Judy, can't breathe.
I know.
That'll teach you for messin' with my man.
I see you inherited your father's lack of upper body strength.
No, my brother got that.
Look, my parents, they're gonna be looking for me.
When they find me, you're gonna be very sorry that you ever messed with them.
I don't think so.
In fact, they're not even gonna know you're gone.
My parents get worried if I take too long in the shower.
I'm pretty sure they're gonna notice if I never come home.
But you are going home.
KC, will you come out here, please? Okay, for a spy, you're not very observant.
I'm right here.
I wasn't talking to you.
KC, meet KC.
It's it's me.
Wow, she looks exactly like me.
Even down to the fierce yet sensible nails.
Thanks to cutting edge laser cosmetic surgery, Bernice here is identical to you in every way.
I'm KC.
I'm a teenage spy.
My brother's Ernie, he's baking the biscuits.
Oh, please, she sounds nothing like me.
Oh, please, she sounds nothing like me.
Okay, maybe a little.
Okay, maybe a little.
- Stop that.
- Stop that.
She is good.
Craig, it's been hours.
She hasn't answered our calls or texts.
Maybe we should go to the police.
Or the Organization.
Forget it.
I'm just gonna go out there and look for her myself.
Kira, I'm worried, too, but relax.
No, Craig.
I'm scared.
She's never done anything like this before.
Try and remember, she's 16.
Teenagers break rules.
They make bad choices.
Not KC.
I am furious.
When she gets home, I swear I am gonna Hey, guys.
Give her a big hug! I don't know who you think you are, or what is wrong with you, but you are living in a fantasy world if you actually think that my family is gonna believe that that fake KC is actually me.
Sure, she looks like me, exactly like me.
She looks more like me than I look like me, but I guarantee that my parents have already figured it out.
Honey, we were worried sick about you.
Where have you been? Why didn't you answer our calls? I am so sorry.
I went to a late concert, and then, Brett's car broke down, and then, my phone died.
None of that matters now.
The important thing is that you're safe.
I'm sorry.
It'll never happen again.
You're right, it won't, because you are grounded for the rest of your life.
Now bring it in, baby.
Rob, your name's on TV.

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