Mankind: The Story of All of Us (2012) s01e11 Episode Script


1 we are innovating inventor we transform the resources about planning into new power but his life Exelon's new a row and mankind's great stripes amidst the chaos have an unforgiving plan most species for but for one all the pieces will fall into place and a set of keys were on Mar compound for mankind try this is our story the story all Richmond Virginia April 1865 the climax of the American Civil War Union troops close in on the Confederate camp but the Confederates decide not to defend their city their plans the vacuum regroup keep fighting the orders past two young soldiers Captain William hare adjutant Lyndon Kan without knowing it will help bring the war to side noon the American Civil War the bloodiest war West 600,000 Americans day more than world wars one into combine but in modern the key to the success mankind this mass production wars are now won by harnessing the power industry giving the Union a massive the game four out of five factories are in the north making twenty five times more weapons six times more ammunition many southerners still living room based on Form crush by the industrial might have the North are on the brink of defeat Richmond their last game a band pairing in Kent are meant to burn the South's most valued commodity tobacco and to destroy food and supplies anything that could be abused to Union troops we sing I was just fighting to protect this CD and now you want me to burn it to the ground or you win same the shock in them the want this idea must have been the most terrible thing in the world and then the question calms to your followers and burn which have defended want do you let it be really gonna do this the Confederates wanna destroy the warehouse me Richmond time ready for their return home richmond's Hans home as long as Richmond exists so has the comparison fire spreads out of control them a thousand buildings burn munition dumps explode the Confederates leeway to their own said its apocalyptic that's the only way to describe it the Confederates are leaving a capital ablaze a capital ruin a nineteen-year in ruin a political system in ruin it's the end six days later the South surrenders the world's first industrial war p.
now demand machines that fought the war fight for a new cord prop C explosions technology man the Toolman charge into the modern age period immediately following the Civil War was curiously enough time enormous optimism a time when people Bracey idea progress like they'd never done before people believe that everything can be done faster bigger venom every other day there'd be a newspaper article about some new extraordinary invention some new technology some new breakthrough that was just on the cart in the US alone 400,000 patents in 40 years new inventions mass-produced identical parts made Sep put together on the assembly high-volume low cost around the world a chain reaction and industry expand seven hundred percent but mass production sweeps through North America and Europe then spreads East to Asia Japan by for two hundred years cut off from the rest of the world by a medieval way of life isolated from Western progress the me but even here change is coming home a barber shop in old Tokyo one man will help launch Japan into the modern age do was sake arturo visionary reformer sama and determined to embrace the future home will cut times to the past and the samurai have ruled Japan for six hundred years ok a warrior class live and died by the sword during the several hundred years that Japan shut its doors to the world coal to the samurai was elevated to this mystical status and that the hard to beat the worship of the sort the so love every warrior in his sword made from hammered steel 30 2009 each a hundred thousand have an inch thick sharp enough to slice through five human bodies at a time it but the samurai's ancient feudal cold keeps Japan living in the past well whose sake from an old samurai family I'm on the reject the old order by removing his top on on on traditionally cut off in defeat on and active humiliation for your sake its liberation he enters the barbershop a shamrock he leaves an entrepreneur 18 18th hole was sake ransom old shipyard base for his comp Mitsubishi the expertise that made source make ships from steel an iron and carbon how lawyers home to over centuries steel is a man-made Superman up to ten times stronger than pure on today reuse 1.
3 billion tonnes every year enough to build the Empire State Building 20 thou's time there was sake recruits Western experts to learn the secrets modern industry by blasting oxygen through a gun possible to make steel ten times faster just over a century Mitsubishi becomes the world's largest corporation building ships planes and card Asia's first industrial nation develops faster than any country on Japan learns in a decade with the west developed in this century today it's the planet's third richest nation 6,000 miles away Belfast higher workers build a giant steel structure monument to the ambition of GA play three million river long forty-six thousand times largest moving object on the plane on Cinco well April 14 RMS Titanic bound for New York mankind put space technology on board on Morse code message system wireless Telegraph operator Jack Phillips 25 years old a communications expert he'll play a part in mankind's most famous disaster 9:40 p.
warning from steamship receiver eight miles ahead so much lead the pack ice and a great number of large icebergs also field ice whether good clear an invisible message sent the speed of light on radio way been produced by stars and planets from billions a year lemme now physicists use electric currents to produce them it will Morse code %uh her once we communicated face to face now we can send messages across the plan on board the Titanic 1,316 passenger more than half crammed into the first class cabins year 3 trailed men like Theodore Dhamaal a peasant farmer dreaming up a new life in a new world he left his wife and children in Europe is taken the equivalent years income you may see my humans is we're never satisfied word incredible risk takers were always exploring no matter how good life is there's always some effort to see did was pass the next mountain around the next corner with mass production comes mass transportation steamships power the greatest migration in human history over half a century one in 20 people on the planet emigre the most popular destination across the Atlantic America a hundred ships a week arrive in New York just 26 million people migrate the USA they were leaving now I'm problem with very little money in their pocket just a dream a dream that they could come to America and start their lives over and make something of themselves and maybe Sunday become one of those rich people I in first class them 11:40 p.
well passengers sleep Jack Phillips is busy sending personal messages for those in first class the iceberg morning doesn't reach the bridge biggest ship on earth is at twenty two and a half nonce nearly full speed this sales at speeds that it should have been traveling at and it's going through really a minefield naturally made mine field allies mountain-sized friendship full stop shit up up third class cabins blood for ok the iceberg tears rivets of steel plates in the whole opening six gas new international distressing eso wealth SOS SOS Titanic applies immediate assistance coming months we struck an iceberg sinking 10 miles away another shift the California close enough to save lives but its wireless operator turned off to telegraphed and went to sleep 15 minutes earlier 6 supposedly watertight compartments 1 more than 10 million gallons water pour into the tight end way to reach the lifeboats third-class passengers must pass through 1st and 2nd class but the doors are locked another you were trapped there because you're poor that's when here would have combined probably with rage less than half of those on board will make it to me all the new april the fifteenth 1912 to 28 a.
to win three quarter hours after hitting an iceberg my Titanic the unsinkable sheehan's sinks man's me I'm going third-class passengers feared order moulder clings to the wreckage waters fatally call three degrees below freezing ok he could die of hypothermia just 15 min up up by moulder is one of the lucky ones bump three days later he arrives in New York he will go on to land a job at the Ford factory in Detroit a classic immigrant's tale and 1,503 passengers and crew never reach New York and when the Titanic hit an iceberg it set off a great period a reexamination our faith in technology and I don't take we've ever had quite the same optimism or trust that technology always serves our interest and up in New York City one of nature's wonders is about to be ten inventor Charles Goodyear determine obsessed and broke from a tenement kitchen help kick-start transport revolution Native Americans in the Amazon have used for centuries extracting a white sock from trees they call it coucou robbed rubber is one of the most under-appreciated miracles nature it's up there with Colin Steele wrong it's become this have secret jus that's allowed us to expand beyond our limits am in its raw state robber isn't very useful it melts when hot cracks when cold goodyear tries to change its chemical structure cool to make it more resilient and more useful me good years one of those interesting kind of eccentrics in america are that's absolutely dogged by overdosing why dr.
for five years not his debts consigning him to jail his family relies on hand out but good year believes he's divinely inspired and there's no objects so desirable so important and so necessary to the human race as making rubber available for man's use then a breakthrough the ants of the the result material tough like leather but flexible ok ok he calls the process balkanization after the Roman god of fire ok he lost his fortune several times went bankrupt a number times but never gave up on the idea this is something that will change the world and he was absolutely right almost every machine in the industrial revolution relies on rubber fittings see you to withstand the pressure steam hundreds of parts in a Model T Ford are made freeing mankind travel farther and faster than ever before man for Robert spiral 6,000 miles from good years 10 Africa one of the world's great sources %uh natural resource the Congo 900,000 square miles over two billion rubber plans the good under brutal colonial rule mmm the heart darn the but one man will make a stand and change Africa spam and Sala rubber tapper husband family meant I'm hours Harris the activist reformer and baptist missionary from Britain mall and solid doesn't know her I'll but has no roads to turn he wants the world to know when he's carrying my me somebody Mosswood well going on module awesome them them the severed hand in force to his daughter im the previous day's bill which was attacked under his wife daughters slaughter 11 commitment to helping you p for nineteen use Belgium's King Leopold is run congo missus own private to stay and millions forced to tap from profits line his mom since there is nobody looking over his shoulder he exported and exploded people as well almost anything could happen and anything did and production when workers don't make their quota should calm am a whip made from hippopotamus on I'll 10 million Congolese done in 15 years leopold through and Africa genocide I'll that one hand Alice Harris will expose the brutality of Leopold's regime shift world opinion photograph that will change mankind I'm Baringo province northeastern Congo a land controlled by Belgium's King Leopold British missionary Alice Harris will harness the power of mass communication to reveal the terrible truth little these good on when these catalog ok horror our mothers bothers sisters brothers beat and murder wrong no matter how hard we work summer every day we suffer my home of it's a story reputed through the ages colonial forces attacked native populations and plunder planets riches atrocities committed far from prying eyes Harris wants to change that she'll tell the world what is happening in the Congo the children are routinely maimed as a warning to villagers her weapon the camera for the first time mankind can capture images of our world reproduce use and share them the first cameras weigh 210 pounds E the moon's by 1900 their smaller portable in the hands of 2 million a rhythm home the invention of photography and the means to get them in front of people on held more power than its inventors ever dreamed photos don't blink and they don't go away and once you've seen that image you can rewind Paris takes hundreds of photos in the compound and they're published in newspapers across the world shocking millions readers and including marked wind if only we could bring home that picture to the minds of the american people how he would rise to destroy that peach trafficking sheep flash and Twain joins the Congo Reform Association to campaign against the atrocities and he writes pamphlets illustrated with Harrison's photographs and just one look at what had happened to these people in the Congo from these photographs you took with able to communicate so broadly and so horrifically that it transformed world opinion and it changed aside the campaign forces King Leopold to quit the Congo me and the Robert rail mass media a new power in a modern world key to illuminating the planet's darkest corners the expression a picture's worth a thousand words that's a low-ball estimate a picture all a good picture is worth so much more than well in Africa people challenge colonial rule in Europe the great powers are at war mass production means new weapons more lethal than ever howitzer shoots 2000 on shelves over 10 miles the machine gun buyers 500 rounds per minute time forty time metal horse in world war 1 eight and a half million people died but a third of those deaths are not from man-made work there from seems good this and a jewel tussle between microbes unmanned cool when this war has been in Invisible War we don't see them they're too small but collectively they applied intelligent and quite crafty now one man wages war on bacterial it stay millions have lives World War one northern friend life expectancy on the front line six weeks I'm but from the worst of times comes the best mankind Alexander Fleming a Scottish army doctor commended for bravery and neither surgeon or madam but a new kind of doctor home a bacteriologist on a quest to treat not the symptoms of the disease up but its root cause home it was through his actually obsessive need to understand what was happening is laboratory that he wandered into the players the danes ever among humans scientists Fleming sees thousands die needlessly and not from bullets and shrapnel but from wounds infected by bacteria up 100 trillion bacteria inhabit the human body ten times the number of human cell microorganisms that feed on living tissue most or harms but a few species release toxins cripple the immune system and spread disease hey held bacteria have killed more people than all the wars in history combining in by world war 1 doctors realize there's a link between bacteria and disease can't stop infection spread by the tried and tested cure cut away to issue Dowsett in an asap parabolic ask but a deadly trade ok the acid disinfects wuz but also attacks white blood cells the body's natural defense against bacteria up imagine be at the side of the soldier with a small flesh wound easily treatable yet watching the gangrene climb up the leg I'll most did not survive very survivable rules because the resulting infections and slamming face to face with the enemy he knows bacteria killing millions now he begins a 10-year battle to stop them I was consumed by a desire to discover after all this struggling something which will kills microbes your your London 1928 the war is over and slamming is a civilian doctor working in a hospital laboratory testing samples have infected tissue and after so many dedans the altman chance discovery a sample left open for two weeks is contaminated inside a fungus is growing producing a substance which stops bacteria in their tracks instead of multiply microbes rupture and I'm 0 them not substance penicillin when I woke up just after dawn didn't plan to revolutionize own medicine burnt suppose that's exactly what I've done within 15 years penicillin saves one million lives a year a miracle drug the world's first antibiotic today we make 45,000 tonnes a bit every year imagine a world before antibiotics before flames invention a world where moms feared for their child lives because so many were lost one other every three people could who may push right down see my face would be dead to wasn't for the antibiotics that bombing first invented medicine for millions in a world shaped by mass production from the first industrial more mankind exploded into the modern world page no life-and-death unprecedented scale and speed but now we have the power to literary arsons for change forever I'm
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