Noragami (2014) s01e11 Episode Script

Abandoned God

1 Rabo.
"Noragami" I'm holding a loaded gun in one hand I'm coming for you on foot, while you stand there shaking Tick-tock, the clock hand moves, tick-tock All you've done is speed up this panic Tick-tock, the clock hand moves, tick-tock I'm coming for you, with no sign of stopping Tick-tock, the clock hand moves, tick-tock There's a boundary between end and beginning Tick-tock, the clock hand moves, tick-tock But we've come full-circle Silently, I waited all alone in a dim room Silently, I waited for the sound of the door being kicked down Silently, I waited all alone in a dim room Silently, I waited There's nothing to be afraid of now Holding my loaded gun I kick down the tightly-shut door The muzzle kicks back at point-blank and perforates my yesterday's self After taking the despair of, "Good night," my tomorrow's self sets out on foot Let's meet up again tonight What's happening?! Sounds like Yatty and the others are back.
When exactly did they become part of this household? What the heck is going on here?! Just calm down, Yato.
But what's happened to Hiyori?! Yukine.
Who is this person with you? Huh? What do you mean? Oh, man, Hiyori! Is this a New Year's joke? It's me, duh! Mr.
Itsmeduh? Yes! Itsme Duh! Man, what nationality was that?! Ha ha ha! Is he an acquaintance of yours, Yukine? Is he a comedian or something? - Huh? - Huh? - It must be amnesia.
- Yeah?! For some reason, she's forgotten about you and only you.
What are we gonna do?! Quit freaking out, will you? I'm sure it's a temporary thing.
She'll remember you soon enough.
Yato? I will turn Hiyori back to normal.
Chapter 11 I Abandoned God That's it! Right this way! I actually only came to give you some reference books Yeah, just humor him a bit.
If you look to your left, you'll see the famous and legendary street where the Yato god and a girl rescued Milord! Huh?! A lord used to pass through here?! I had no idea this was such a historical street! I don't think she remembers.
Which lord was it, Mr.
Yato? "Mr.
"?! It's "Yato"! You used to call me "Yato," without a "Mr.
"! But it would be rude to call you that right off the bat Look, Hiyori! Wha?! Not my notebook again! "Milord" This is Milord! This! Oh! You're a good artist, Mr.
Yato! That isn't what I'm trying to show you, Ms.
Hiyori! Oh, that's right! Milord was the cat's name! You remember?! Then do you know who I am too?! Let me think A manga artist? I need to get going now.
Could we hold your lesson another time, Yukine? All the homework until then is in here.
Yeah, okay.
See you later! Hiyori! Hiyori Have you really forgotten me?! You really can't remember me? In that case Get in bed with me.
That might remind you of when we met - at the hospital! - Pervert! Sweet Saké Soba-Dango Shiruko Piping-hot Oden Yatty and Yukine said they'll eat dinner later.
They somehow never miss a meal.
A memory picture show? Will that really make her remember? It will! You saw how she reacted to my drawing! It woke something inside Hiyori for sure! Now quit slacking off and help me! Yeah, right.
This is so childish.
I wonder I wonder why that guy seemed so desperate.
All right! Now I can make the perfect picture show! It won't be long now! I can't believe you spent all your 5-yen coins to buy art supplies Just you wait, Hiyori! Still, how did this happen, I wonder Yato? What is it? I should've known you were behind this somehow, Nora.
I took her memory of you.
It was very easy, actually.
She has no need for memories of Far Shore denizens like us.
People are quick to forget you.
Wouldn't you agree? However much you grant humans' wishes, their feelings are always fickle and erratic.
Poor Yato So many times you've been hurt.
Remember your true self.
Yato! Don't listen to her! Yukine Nora.
What is your scheme this time?! I was just hoping that you might visit us.
"Furu" Reiki.
Y-You! Rabo! You're alive?! It's been a long time, Yato god.
Wh-Who is he? What's with that sun visor you're wearing? Have at you.
Come, Sekki! Whoa! You wanna kill him, Yato?! If I hold back against this guy he'll kill me! He's as fast as always! Yato god What has happened to you? This is not the extent of your power.
Remember Remember.
Remember! Yato! You okay, Yato?! Yato! As for the next report What is this? What is happening?! Y-Yato! Yukine! Indeed This is not the Yato god I know, Furuhime.
But now do you see? Listen, Yato.
If you can beat Rabo, I'll give Hiyori Iki her memory back.
I promise.
"Noragami" Then, concerning this unusual storm Nope.
My lady has nothin' to do with it.
I had come to ask if a Vent had opened unexpectedly; I never imagined it had to do with Yato.
We were no match for this Rabo guy at all Rabo? Never heard of 'em.
Rabo is a god of calamity.
His name is never heard these days, but he was apparently well known long ago.
You know him? Rabo was originally human, you see.
As I recall, in life he served as a Herald.
Herald? A middleman who sneaks into enemy territory to conduct dirty work.
Once a Herald finishes a job, his master kills him to ensure his silence.
You can't be serious They say that after his death, people who feared being cursed deified him and made him a god of calamity.
A god of calamity? People don't always wish for good things.
There are bad wishes, too.
Bad wishes? Wanting someone you hate to be eliminated, for example.
A god of calamity is one that answers such wicked wishes.
In particular, Rabo granted people's wishes through killing.
They say he has killed people, Phantoms and even gods on request.
Wh-What does someone like that want with Hiyori?! Is he an old pal of Yato's? I have heard rumors that a god of calamity once fought alongside Yato.
Rabo hasn't changed at all.
He's powerful.
If I'm not careful, he could end up killing Yukine.
But shouldn't a continued existence be difficult for a god of calamity like him? H-Hold on a minute! Yato and Rabo were partners? Does that mean Yato's a god of calamity too?! - I-I never knew - Hiyorin knows.
I told her before.
But it didn't seem to bother her one bit.
Hiyori's one tough girl, all right.
Yatty's different now.
That's why she stuck with him.
Hiyorin must really love you and Yatty! I want to get Hiyori's memory back! At this rate, Hiyori will never remember me Perhaps that's for the best.
As I said before, you should cut your ties with her.
Your connection grants her too much of a focus on our world.
It'll keep her from living in her own.
If she forgets you now, she'll likely stop changing into a half-Phantom.
That will give her happiness.
It appears he's made up his mind.
Yato Yato! Where have you been? I've been thinking about Hiyori's memory - Forget it.
- Huh? Just forget about Hiyori.
Huh?! Hey, Yato! Yato! There is no time to waste.
Even while we wait, time unremittingly slips through our fingers.
Don't worry.
Yato will return.
I'm sure of it.
And then! Yukki! Did you see Yatty? Man.
What's Yato's deal?! This doesn't make any sense! Why is he suddenly The Tale of Hiyori and the Yato God It looks like I did know him before.
If only I could remember Yukine? Hiyori! Sorry to keep you waiting! Not at all.
So what's up? "The Tale of Hiyori and the Yato God" Here.
Wow! A picture play! - Did you make it? - Yeah.
Will you watch it? Mm! Okay.
This is the story of Yato, the perennial jersey-wearing god, and Hiyori.
Let the tale begin! Yukine is with Hiyori again? And so the gifted Regalia drew a Borderline on his very first try! Yes, yes! You're amazing, Yukine! Even Yato was surprised when I did it! Oh He was? Umm, and then Yato.
Know what this is? The ablution was a success, and thanks to Yato and Hiyori Thanks to Yato and Hiyori being there for me, I managed to come back.
And that's how And that's how Yato Me Hiyori A-And that's how Hiyori, Yato, and I all became good friends.
all became good friends.
I'm sorry.
I still can't remember Mr.
But it sounds like we're good friends.
Hiyori Me Yato But it sounds like we're good friends.
Mm! Yeah! Oh.
Say, Yukine.
Could I have that notebook? Huh?! Oh, but I somehow feel like it might help me remember what I've forgotten.
In that case It's really waning now.
Tell me, Yato.
Where do you suppose the waning part of the moon falls? Falls? Hiyori? Hiyo Is this yours? Yukine What have you done, Nora?! Hiyori Iki's memory is waning bit by bit and falling away.
If you don't pay us a visit soon she'll end up as an empty vessel.
Hiyori's forgotten about me too.
She's forgotten! Yukine We're going to go get her memory back.
But a fight against them could end up destroying you.
Yato And I might end up giving them exactly what they want.
"Believe in yourself!" Those were your own words.
This is me? A tail? Hiyori! It's time! Hiyori! Umm I'm sorry for freaking out selfishly like that! You're the one who actually feels uneasy about forgetting stuff We've dragged you into something terrible.
Although, technically, his annoying past is entirely to blame.
But he is my master, and what's my master's is also mine, so Say something too, Yato! We will get your memory back.
So just rest easy and wait, Hiyori.
Hiyori? What's wrong?! I'm not sure.
I'm not really sure Stop crying.
Let's go.
No matter what happens, I promise that I'll call your name Ah You have a jagged-edged heart You hurt everything that you touch and you glare at everything in the world That look in your eyes says, "Here I am!" Someone laughed and that's why you put up that border line In which case, I'll hold your hand and take you with me If you can't say it, just hold my hand tightly and don't let go I want you to know you're not alone anymore Duh-dun! It's time for a Regalia midterm test! - List ten good things about your master! - Ten?! What's the matter, Yukine? Five is fine, then! Five On the next Noragami: "A Scrap of a Memory.
" - Fine! Just the best three! - Sorry.
Can't think of any.
Final Episode I A Scrap of a Memory Whoa, whoa! I have that few?!
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