Pact of Silence (2023) s01e11 Episode Script

La mente maestra

- [tense music playing]
- [man] It's not my fault.
He He came running out of nowhere.
- I couldn't avoid him!
- [panting]
[somber music playing]
[music cuts out]
[ominous music playing]
[sirens wailing]
- Can you help us?
- Yes, sir?
The police called
to tell us that our son was here.
- His name? I'll look.
- Tomás Durán.
- They told us he was hit by a car.
- I've been attending to your son.
Is he all right?
His vital signs were weak but present.
He has traumatic injuries.
- What injuries?
- "Traumatic"?
We're still evaluating the extent,
but the impact was significant.
- Wait right here. Please.
- We want to see Tomás. Let us.
You'll need to wait.
The doctor said he'd keep you informed.
- We can't do that. I want someone else.
- Our doctors are busy with patients.
What my wife is trying to tell you
is we wanna take our son out of here,
to our doctor.
[woman] Given the condition
your son was brought to us,
it will be impossible
to transfer him anytime soon.
- [horns honking]
- [reporters clamoring]
[reporter 1] Congresswoman, any comments?
Think this scandal
could cost you the election?
[reporter 2] Why did you try
to hide his condition?
[reporters clamoring]
[camera shutters clicking]
[tense music playing]
[reporter 3] Congresswoman Bustamante,
don't you think viewers deserve a word?
[gates rattle closed]
[Irene] What's going on, honey?
Why are you alone?
- Your hand!
- I'm fine. I'm fine. Relax.
- Where the hell's all the staff?
- I sent them home so we could have peace.
Where's Adriano?
He didn't say.
He mentioned he had somewhere to be,
but he took off alone.
He didn't want any security.
He probably went to try to find out
which lowlife bastard
leaked my photos to Ramírez.
[breathing shakily, spluttering]
I feel so humiliated. So
So fucking furious that all the effort
we put into concealing this
is ruined in the worst way!
- I'm the laughingstock of politics.
- [Irene] And I'm not?
I'm the one who lied out there.
They're calling me a liar,
and I can't deny it.
We lied about your condition.
I told you it wasn't a good idea
- [dramatic music playing]
- Ricardo? Honey?
What is it?
- Honey, what's wrong? What's going on?
- [groaning]
Look at me, Ricardo. Look at me, darling!
Don't you dare leave me, Ricardo. Lupita!
What I don't understand is
why you still had the photos of my father.
[voice breaking] I apologize, Adriano.
It's a habit to keep the work I create.
I keep the originals
in case the client isn't happy
with the edit or the final result.
Except this wasn't for a regular client.
You were brought in
because we thought we could trust you.
I did not break that trust, Adriano.
- I didn't give or sell them.
- [phone vibrates]
I would never have done that to you.
[cell phone chimes]
Is there someone who might've broken
into your house or studio?
No, I would've told you.
They could've hacked my files.
[cell phone vibrating]
I'll call you back, Miguel.
[suspenseful music playing]
- Hey. What's up, Mom?
- [Irene] Something's wrong with your dad!
- You need to come home right away!
- [panting]
[woman whispers, echoing] Silence.
[doorbell ringing rapidly]
[Alex] I told you. I'm sure that's her.
[somber piano music playing]
[Sam] What took you so long?
Sam, I'm so sorry.
I got here as soon as I could.
I sent you about a million texts,
and you never answered.
I had to have it
on "do not disturb." Sorry.
[cell phone rings]
[Sam] Dad?
Which hospital is it?
- I'll be right there.
- [call disconnects]
My brother was in an accident.
Is it bad?
[Sam] Yeah. If you'd gotten here earlier,
none of this would've happened.
[Alex] This isn't the time.
We'll take you to the hospital.
- Let's go.
- [Sam] I'm gonna call a cab.
I don't want my mom
to see me with either of you.
[Alex] Wait. You can't go there alone
like this. Sam!
- [door closes]
- Hey, Brenda.
You need to tell me
what the hell's going on.
It was Tomás. He killed Itzel.
I made him spill it all.
He says it was an accident.
That he hit her in the head by accident
and then made it look like she OD'd.
So he's the one who's been following you
and causing so much trouble?
He knows your story?
He thinks I'm some kind
of con artist, but yeah.
I don't know who told him my story,
but he knows everything.
I was threatening him with the gun,
he ran, and then he got hit by a car.
Jeez. Why would you ever
threaten Tomás with a gun?
- He could be your brother.
- Because my sister is dead.
You know what else?
I came extremely close
to putting a bullet in Tomás.
But I didn't do it.
Because I'm not a murderer.
[music fades]
- [dog panting]
- They didn't give you any details, honey?
No updates on Tomás?
Have they talked to him yet?
[Sofía] Just that he's at the hospital.
Fernanda's barely keeping it together.
All she could get out was it's serious.
[huffs] I can only imagine
what state Rodrigo must be in. Poor guy.
- Are you finished?
- [Manuel] Yeah. Just this one to do.
We need to get moving.
No! Playing with the dogs
is gonna get hair all over you.
- [Manuel] Good. Done.
- Get going, or she's gonna be late.
Let's go, sweetie.
Come on. We're late. Let's go.
- Love you, sweetie. So much.
- [dog barks]
- And I love you too.
- [Camila] Bye, Mommy.
- [Manuel] See you soon.
- Bye, my sunshine.
[sighs] Adriano still hasn't returned
my calls.
[Alex] He's overwhelmed, trying to put out
the fire with his dad and the media.
But not even a single text,
just so I know he's all right?
The one we need to worry about is Tomás.
If that little piece of shit wakes up,
it's possible he could spill everything.
[Brenda] I know.
And Samantha's ignoring me too.
[sighs] She's probably
still super pissed at you.
- [whispering] Yeah. I'll just be a second.
- Right.
Whatever you do,
do not go to the hospital.
If you go anywhere near Fernanda,
that woman will end you.
[sighs] I know.
That's why I'm almost at Sofía's.
She has to know
what's going on with Tomás.
We gotta hustle.
Right this way, sweetheart.
[imitates car zooming]
[tense music playing]
I'll be in touch
as soon as I finish talking to [gasps]
- [whispers] Hey. Enrique's here too.
- [Alex] The teacher?
[Brenda] Yeah. I'll call you later, okay?
What are you doing at my house?
You can't be here.
This is breaking all the rules.
[Enrique] Sofía, I haven't seen you
in a week.
You won't answer my calls or messages.
It worried me. I needed to check on you.
I needed you
to understand that we are over.
Sofía, I can't live without you,
and I know you can't live without me.
[grunts] Please
don't make things difficult.
- Why don't we go inside for a minute?
- No.
[Enrique] I'm not leaving
until we've talked.
- I think we deserve that much.
- [tense music continues]
[Sofía huffs]
- Sofía.
- [Sofía] Leave me alo ne.
[engine starts]
- [Adriano] You sure he's all right?
- Yes, yes. Although I'm sure it was scary.
He just really needs
to avoid all stress. Hmm?
You really didn't have
to spend the night here, Hugo.
But I, for one,
am very grateful that you did.
It made me feel better to know
you were watching over him for the night.
Don't hesitate to call me
if there's anything I can do.
- Of course.
- Thank you.
I'll walk you out, Hugo. I won't be long.
Please stay till I get back.
- After you.
- [Hugo] Bye.
You need to keep your calm
because you really scared us this time.
You know that you're the one to blame.
[unsettling music playing]
We should've gotten rid of Brenda
the second that woman
came into the picture.
I'm so embarrassed
to ask you to use the back entrance,
but unfortunately, the vultures
have set up camp out front.
Don't worry about it, Irene. Hmm?
Thank you for everything.
Can you show the doctor out?
- Stay in touch.
- We will.
[cell phone ringing]
- [call connects]
- Sofi.
No, no. I was about to call Fernanda.
But do you have any news on Tomás?
[Adriano] This is not the time
to discuss Brenda.
We don't have any other options.
Brenda's derailed enough of our plans.
- Who else would've exposed my photos?
- I fully intend to save Mother's campaign.
[Ricardo] How?
Especially if you're obsessed
with the bitch
who wants to ruin your mother.
[Adriano] I'm with her
to keep an eye on her.
Don't play me for a fool.
You fell in love like an idiot.
- [tense music playing]
- Remember, I orchestrated the accident.
[Ricardo] Yes, and to what end?
Huh? She didn't die!
You've had plenty of opportunities
to put an end to it, and you haven't.
You know when Ramona called me
after meeting Brenda,
you were the one person I could trust
with your mother's biggest secret.
I didn't want to get anyone else involved,
but it looks like I have no choice.
If you mean hiring an assassin,
I won't allow it.
You're forgetting
that you take your orders from me.
[Irene] Why did you close the door?
[exhales] He wanted
privacy to take his robe off.
- [Irene] Well, let me help you.
- Okay.
I have to admit
that I'm extremely worried about Fernanda.
I should be with the others
at the hospital, supporting her.
But I don't want the press
to follow me there.
Easy, Ricardo. Easy.
Let us help. All right?
Is there an update on Tomás?
[Rodrigo exhales]
I'm sorry to say
that the news is quite serious.
- Tomás is in a coma.
- [Rodrigo] What?
[doctor] We managed to stabilize him,
but the traumatic brain injury he suffered
in the accident was severe,
and he slipped into a coma.
How How long is he gonna stay like this?
[doctor] We can't predict these things.
[somber music playing]
[music fades]
I'm very sorry that you're stuck here,
doing all sorts of paperwork,
instead of being with your friends
when they need you.
[Martina] Me too, honey.
But the papers are important and urgent.
We cannot let your visa expire.
- [Omar] Wanna know something?
- [Martina] Mm-hmm?
I want you to know that,
in spite of all this crazy rush,
and your friends
not being able to celebrate with us,
or my family either,
I promise that you and I will have
the wedding that we deserve.
[chuckles] And what would that look like?
[tender piano music playing]
- What?
- The wedding.
- The wedding? Just like you.
- Mm-hmm.
Elegant, classy, and fun as hell.
I can picture you
walking towards me down the aisle.
Your white dress.
What color?
White. Isn't that tradition?
White is perfect
because you know I'm still a virgin.
- You will see me in snow white.
- Ah, I got you. Of course. [chuckles]
Okay. [laughs]
- [kisses]
- You will look gorgeous.
Like always.
[gentle music continues]
- Thank you for meeting us here.
- What am I doing for you?
Well, as you and I previously discussed
over the phone
- We would like to get married. [chuckles]
- Yeah.
- And we want to get the paperwork done.
- All right.
- We have the documents and application.
- Great.
The copies of each
of our birth certificates,
citizenship status, our passports,
and civil status.
[gentle music building]
[gentle music fades]
[man speaking indistinctly on TV]
That's a serious face
if I've ever seen one.
Do you really start every single day
by talking to Brenda about her bullshit?
[scoffs] Well, yeah.
That's what friends do for each other.
24-7? Not even Sundays off?
You're making it impossible
to invest in a relationship.
[scoffs] What are you talking about?
You mean us?
[tender music playing]
You serious? [chuckles]
[sighs] I'm flattered.
But a little surprised.
[Gustavo] It's not flattery.
It's what I feel.
We've known each other
for a long time now.
I'm invested.
I want something serious with you.
Do you?
I need to think about all this, Gustavo.
Of course I do.
I just need a word ♪
So I know you know I am still here ♪
Sweetheart, c'mon!
It's confusing me
to feel jealous of a woman.
It's like I have to compete
with Brenda for your attention.
Please don't feel that way,
because it's not the case.
[Gustavo] Then tell me what the case is.
What's your deal with Brenda?
Why are you two always acting
so mysterious?
There are some things that I can't share
with you because they belong to Brenda.
But you might say that Brenda's my savior.
[Gustavo] Your savior?
I was in a relationship
with a much older guy
that was super toxic.
And it did a number on me, and I felt
like my entire life was worthless.
[sighs] My life was garbage, and I
wanted to kill myself,
but Brenda talked me down.
Hit me with some lightning ♪
So I can feel
Something other than love ♪
[Gustavo] Alex
And that's not all.
Because I did a lot of damage.
I couldn't trust myself
and neither could my family.
But Brenda always stuck it through
until I turned my entire life around.
Brenda and I have been
through hell together.
I understand that you feel
like you owe her something,
but do you need to dedicate
your whole life to her forever?
[Alex sighs]
[song fades]
[Martina] Do you think
he'll come out of the coma?
Yes. But it's possible
he'll have residual neurological effects.
Oh, honey. Poor Fernanda and Rodri.
Yes, these situations
can be heartbreaking.
I worry about Sam.
I'm going to get
some pajamas from the dresser.
- You want some help?
- Sure.
[Martina] Hmm.
Got 'em. Okay. I'll just throw makeup
and toiletries in a bag, and we're good.
- No worries. I'll wait here.
- [Martina] Mm-hmm.
[tense music playing]
All done.
- Let's go.
- Let's go.
Make yourself comfortable, as usual.
You want a coffee or somethin'?
Hey, Gustavo.
I'm so sorry for interrupting.
- I'll come back at a better time.
- Don't worry about it, Brenda.
I'm off to work.
- Were the two of you arguing or
- [door closes]
[Alex] Over something ridiculous,
as usual.
You know how lawyers
like to argue about everything. Come on.
Fine. As long as you two
are doing all right.
I love seeing you together.
I can't remember
when I've seen you this happy.
[Alex] Thank you.
Now tell me what happened with Sofía.
It's too crazy.
[suspenseful music playing]
She's been continuing the affair.
She never ended things with Enrique.
Too bad. I have to say,
I'm really surprised.
I think Manuel's a decent guy,
but she met Enrique when he was
her teacher at the school, right?
At that age, you don't realize that
the relationship you're in is abusive.
[scoffs] Tell me about it.
Looks like they're having an argument.
Yes, but this is a lovers' quarrel, Alex.
Look at their faces.
This is not
how a scared woman would react.
She's standing her ground.
She's looking all around her,
making sure they're not seen.
And Manuel left their house
like a minute earlier with their daughter.
Are you planning to send this to Manuel?
No. I thought of something better.
But I'll need your help to do it.
Sure. You know
you can always count on me to help you.
Hey. You sure you only want coffee?
You didn't have anything for breakfast.
Don't you wanna eat something?
- [phone ringing]
- It's Brenda.
[tense music playing]
Hi, Brenda.
[Brenda] Hey, Sofi. Do you have a minute?
Yeah, sure. Now's a good time.
You good? I'm having trouble hearing you.
[Sofía] Because I'm at the hospital.
They brought Tomás here.
He had an accident.
Uh, what happened? Uh, how's he doing?
Is it bad?
[Sofía] He's in a coma,
and they don't know if he'll wake up.
Jesus. Sofi, that is so awful.
I feel like such an idiot
calling about the book.
There's no way you could have known.
What is it you need?
[Brenda] I'm in Puebla right now.
I came to promote the bio, but it feels
wrong to do it without the author.
I'd love it if you could be here.
[on speakerphone] Ideally,
you would be able to come for two days.
I'd cover all the expenses,
meals, and the hotel.
This is tricky timing, Brenda.
And then there's Camila.
[Brenda] You need to discuss it
with your husband,
but it's a fantastic opportunity
for you, Sofi.
It's great exposure for you as a writer.
It'll really get your name out there.
Yes. I was letting Manuel listen
on speaker, and he's saying yes.
I'll be coming to Puebla.
I can't help feeling
that all of this is my fault, sweetheart.
I'm the one who did this to you.
If we hadn't argued,
you wouldn't have stressed.
- No. It wasn't the photos.
- You've always done right by me, Ricardo.
You've always been a loving husband.
An upstanding man.
You married me in spite of all my mistakes
and stood by me when I made more. [laughs]
Well, I only knew about them
because you decided you could trust me.
[somber music playing]
I have to confess,
the situation has me quite worried.
If your health situation
can create such a circus,
what would it be like
if they found out about Lucía?
They won't find out.
She didn't survive.
The headmistress and the housekeeper
of the school are also dead.
And I promise you that I'll take
your greatest secret to the grave.
- Don't talk as if you're dying soon.
- [laughs]
If you think you're gonna be getting rid
of me that easily, you're mistaken.
[laughs] I'm glad to hear it.
You and I still have so many things
to experience together.
Number one being your victory.
Do you really believe
that I still have a chance in hell?
Yeah. I don't just believe it. I know.
But it'll be very challenging, Irene.
Our sins, both of the past
and the present,
can't get in the way of us claiming
the power we've worked so hard to achieve.
- [birds singing]
- [tense music playing]
[man] Be thorough.
[indistinct police radio chatter]
[detective] We've inspected zones one,
two, and three.
- [officer] Boss!
- They're clear.
- [officer] We found something!
- Wait. I'll go take a look.
- You need to stay back here.
- [suspenseful music playing]
Is that a man's skull?
[investigator] Based on the size
and the shape of the jaw, yes.
It's most likely a grown man.
We'll be able to confirm
after we get results from the lab.
[César sighs]
What's that?
My guess is it's a button.
From female clothing.
[dramatic music playing]
[Brenda] I'm so glad you came.
I know the media is hounding you.
I'm sure it was hard not to get followed.
Yes, it was. All because some asshole
stole my father's pictures.
I was worried sick.
Especially when you didn't answer
my messages.
You know that I love you.
If you mean that,
Brenda, come away with me.
Let's move to another country and start
a new life and forget all of this.
- [gentle music playing]
- I don't understand. Forget all what?
I can't stand all the pressure
and the expectations.
I don't wanna have anything to do
with politics.
The only thing
that matters is being with you.
Don't say that. You love what you do.
If you quit your job for me,
you'd resent me for it.
I swear that, in this moment,
there's nothing that I care about
more than you.
[gentle music continues]
Tell me what's going on with you.
You're so close to your family.
Yes, but my parents
have their own lives, Brenda.
It's time I prioritize mine.
And ours.
My heart is breaking
that I have to say this, but but no.
Why not?
Because love isn't enough.
I have a career.
And contracts I have to honor.
[cell phone chimes]
[suspenseful music playing]
[phone unlocks]
- [phone locks]
- [Brenda] I have to go.
So, who's César?
He's a client.
Ignore everything I just said.
- Take care of your clients.
- No, Adriano.
Adriano! Adriano!
Don't walk away like this!
- Did you bring them? Give them to me.
- I did.
I'll give them to you when you're relaxed
and we're somewhere quiet.
I want to tell you something
before I give these to you.
I'm barely hanging on.
We're worried about you.
So first, you need to listen to me.
Give me what I asked for, Martina.
- Okay. But I'm giving it to you in doses.
- No. Give them all to me, Martina.
No. You might take more
than you're supposed to.
You don't know what I'm going through.
[Sofía] Maybe we can talk
to the doctors here.
But you can't self-medicate
with those pills.
What we need the most
is for you to be focused.
If you're on pills,
you can't make decisions.
You don't understand
because neither of you has
a child lying in this hospital in a coma.
[Sofía] We hear you, Fernanda.
I would be a complete wreck
if I were in your shoes.
But we're trying to do our duty
as friends.
- [Martina] Exactly. Come here.
- [Sofía] You got this.
[somber music playing]
[indistinct announcement on PA]
I thought you should
at least try some coffee.
That's nice, honey.
[voice breaking] But I can't drink it.
My throat is just too tight.
I don't understand
what happened, you know?
The driver who ran into Tomás
told the police he ran in front of him.
Like he was being chased or something.
I think it's best
to wait for some answers.
Once Tomás is awake, he can tell you.
[Rodrigo] What was my son doing
in an abandoned building at night?
[crying] Forgive me, Dad.
I knew where he was,
and I didn't tell you.
Why didn't you say anything? You lied?
[sobs] Because Brenda told me
we would go look for him together.
- [scoffs]
- [tense music playing]
[Sam] But we didn't make it there on time.
[Fer] Samantha.
When are you gonna stop listening
to Brenda and start listening to us?
I'm sorry, Mom, but all I was trying to do
was get to Tomás.
[Fer] I don't want to hear you're sorry.
Do you realize what you've done?
You were supposed to come to me!
Come on, Fer. Don't take it out on Sam.
It's not her fault.
[Fer] It's all Brenda's fault.
But Samantha knew where he was
and hid it from us.
So don't defend her actions.
I need a copy of the report, Inspector.
[detective] Only once the case is closed.
We still have to wait for the lab reports.
These circles on the skull.
What are they?
Traumatic injuries remain visible
on bone for many years.
From the looks of these markings,
I'd say this person died
from a skull fracture.
Like someone hit him?
- [detective] More likely from a fall.
- [cell phone ringing]
I'm sorry, gentlemen. I have to take this.
Of course.
- [call connects]
- [detective] What is it?
- [door closes]
- [camera shutter clicks]
You can't do that, César.
Have you seen
the number of files they have?
Don't wanna risk them losing ours.
[Gustavo] If you're doing that
to investigate, it's a bad idea.
That's not why, Gustavo.
I can wait.
- It's only for protection.
- [Gustavo] Make it fast, then.
[Irene] Sweetheart.
Don't be so stubborn.
You really don't have to do this.
- I told you I would handle it.
- [Ricardo] No. No.
I've imposed too much already
asking you to lie for me.
[energetic string music playing]
Let's go feed the vultures.
[energetic music building]
[reporters clamoring]
[reporter 1] Sir, give us
a statement about the photos.
Hello. First of all,
I'd like to thank all of you
for taking the time
to be here with us. Uh
The first thing I wanna make clear
is that Félix Ramírez is not
a worthy opponent for Irene Bustamente.
Are you saying
her opponent should not have revealed
the truth about your health
and medical condition?
Ramírez had no business revealing
a private family matter.
[camera shutter clicks]
My family's loving intention
was to try to protect me
from a potential media circus,
which has quite obviously backfired.
Why did you hide your condition?
Because I didn't want it
to distract attention
from the issues central to this election.
So I suggested to Irene
that we end the rumors with photos.
I asked my wife
to hide the truth for a while.
I didn't want my battle
to take center stage
and cast a shadow on her ideas,
her brilliant program for progress.
Which is precisely what Ramírez
was hoping to achieve.
To avoid speaking
about the problems affecting our citizens.
And of the proposals central
to Irene's campaign.
Parkinson's is a condition
that's currently considered incurable.
But I'm not going to give up.
I'm not ashamed of my condition.
As a matter of fact,
my intention was to wait
until after the elections
to share this news.
And inspire other Parkinson's patients
who are fighting the same battle
to fight together with dignity.
[energetic music ends]
- [respirator hissing]
- [monitor beeping]
[Fer] Tomás, wake up, honey.
Come back to us.
- [gentle music playing]
- [Fer sighs]
Please forgive me, sweetheart.
[softly] I'm so sorry.
I'm sorry that I failed you.
I'm sorry for what I've done.
Please forgive me, sweetheart.
Please forgive me.
I didn't listen to you
when you asked me to, Tomás.
I promise to do better.
[sniffles] I promise you I'm gonna ask
for help and be there for you.
We are in this together, Tomás.
[crying] And we are going
to get through this together.
[gentle music intensifies]
- [beeping fades]
- [siren wailing below]
Godmother duty isn't just about
buying you presents.
- [Sam laughs]
- I'm supposed to give love and support.
I'm very happy
that you decided to come and stay with me.
I feel so bad.
[gentle music playing]
I should've told my parents
everything that was going on with Tomás.
Nah. You did what you thought was right.
You were loyal to your brother,
and in your heart,
you thought you were protecting him.
[Omar] Babe?
- [Martina] Hey.
- Do you know where I left the
- Sorry.
- [Martina] No need to apologize.
- Sam!
- [Sam] I should stay at my house.
You're not going anywhere.
This is my boyfriend, Omar.
- I'll go get some clothes on.
- [Martina] Remember Sam, my goddaughter?
- Nice to meet you.
- [Martina] We were at her quinceañera.
- I'm Samantha.
- A pleasure.
- [Martina] Go get changed.
- I better get changed. Sorry.
- [Martina] Then we'll make dinner.
- [Omar] Sounds good.
I saw you at my party with him,
but I didn't know you two were together.
- Wanna hear a secret?
- [Sam] Hmm?
We're gonna get hitched.
- Like, married?
- Yes.
- [Martina giggles]
- [chuckles softly]
I know it's kind of rushed,
and I always swore that I'd never do it.
- [laughs]
- [Sam chuckles] No.
But, yeah.
Now, let's make those quesadillas.
What your father did today
in front of the cameras
and the hordes
of journalists made me very proud.
And I hope that you feel the same way.
- Yes. You know I look up to him.
- [chuckles softly]
Now more than ever,
we need to stick together.
As a family.
I'm with you. [exhales]
Like I always am.
[Irene] I know.
And I appreciate you for it.
Now, the thing
that's really weighing on my mind
is who leaked the photos to Ramírez?
- Hmm.
- I continue to think that it was Brenda.
[tense music playing]
- Don't start on this, please.
- [Irene] What's that supposed to mean?
- I don't wanna argue with you.
- What do you think I'm starting, Adriano?
She's one of the few outside the family
who knew what was going on.
And Brenda was in the office yesterday.
- Is that where the photos were kept?
- No, but she was searching.
Mom, I do not have the desire
or the energy to get into this right now.
Fernanda let me know
that Brenda knew exactly where Tomás
was hiding, and she told no one.
Fernanda is always high as a kite.
Just like her fucking son!
This isn't the first time she's gone
after Fernanda's family!
[Adriano] Stop! Leave her out of it.
You've turned all of your friends
against Brenda
just because you can't stand
the thought of us together.
But I won't let you manipulate me.
All right.
I was only trying
to open your eyes to the truth.
But if you insist on denying it,
that's your prerogative.
So, I'll put it a different way.
You're going to have a decision to make.
You have to choose between the bitch
trying to ruin our lives
or your father and me.
The decision is entirely yours.
You choose her, or you choose us.
That's what it comes down to.
You decide.
[tense music continues]
[door closes]
[César] It has to be my brother.
I mean, what are the odds
that there'd be another body buried
right where I last saw him?
[exhales] He's always been here.
So close.
There was no way you could have found
Pedro on your own, César.
This is a really big search area.
I tried to find him for so long.
Then I quit.
I failed my parents.
They both died
without knowing what happened to Pedro.
[scoffs] I know you hurt for your parents,
but you couldn't have done more.
And don't forget that what your brother
did to Martina was unforgivable.
Do you think this button was hers?
[César] Maybe it fell off
while she was burying him.
Which means she killed my brother.
How could she?
Pedro was a pretty big guy, right?
If Martina somehow killed him
with a blow to the head,
there's no way she would've been able
to bury him all by herself.
She was just a kid.
You mentioned that she would sneak
out of school to go see her boyfriend?
[Brenda] Yeah. Rodrigo.
You think he could've helped her
that night?
[César] I don't know.
But there's one thing I am sure of.
We know when he died, Brenda.
Pedro never went missing.
He was killed on that bridge.
They buried him there
the night the fair came to town.
The night you saw him raping Martina.
You know what I think?
I think we need
to go do some more digging.
[bells ringing]
[woman] It was
the fair's 100th anniversary.
It was quite an event for the town,
so there was a lot of coverage.
- I pulled up the files for you.
- Thank you. We appreciate it.
Thank you so much.
[tense music continues playing]
Scroll down.
[tense music building]
César, there they are.
Let me see the picture.
[César] Zoom in a bit.
[Brenda gasps] It belongs to Irene.
[dramatic music plays]
[music fades]
[closing theme music playing]
Subtitle translation by: Mariela Rascioni
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