Parallel World Pharmacy (2022) s01e11 Episode Script

The Miracle at L'Estacque

We don't have enough help or time.
I could speak with the President
about increasing staff.
No, we can't just blindly add people.
Um, do you need some assistance?
No. No thanks.
I haven't seen Professor Black Mold in ages.
I didn't think she was still
at the School of Pharmacy.
She'll be retired by next year,
and her lab shut down.
No point in dealing with her.
Professor Casper
It's understandable. I'll be sixty next year.
There's nothing for an old woman
facing retirement to contribute.
It's still not right!
It's fine.
I specialize in the taxonomy
of molds and microorganisms,
a field with no connection
to the creation of medicines.
It's to be expected.
But, Professor, your work is
Thank you.
Once I'm retired, what shall I do
about all these little ones?
Come in.
Professor Casper.
The President wishes to see you.
Parallel World Pharmacy
Episode 11
The Miracle at L'Estacque
The true trial starts now.
People with serious cases
are gathered here.
This is no place for a child!
Go back outside this instant!
Wait. That individual is no mere child.
Lord Farma, it is an honor
to see you once again.
It is I, from Commander Salomon's unit.
Oh, yes. I remember.
Then might this be the
one you spoke of before?
Yes, the Panactheos.
As for why I'm here, I'd like to be
permitted to treat the infected.
Please, by all means.
With some patients, we are unable to
determine whether they are infected.
Even with my knowledge and
levofloxacin for treatment,
there is little I can do for
those with serious cases.
I have to do what I can!
We'll have the patients swallow medicine.
Split up and make preparations.
In the meantime, I'll examine
each patient's condition.
Yes, sir!
How are you feeling? Hang in there!
Would you like some water?
Diagnostic Eye: plague.
Twelve patients that have plague,
two that don't
and one patient that has already perished.
Treatment for the twelve
plague patients: levofloxacin.
Nearly everyone's glow disappeared.
There's a very good chance that the
medicine will be enough for them.
This patient has a fever from a cold.
It appears the Black Death isn't the cause.
After you take the medicine and put on
new clothes, you can leave.
Be sure to follow the instructions of the
village pharmaceutist in the infected section.
You You mean I'll get to go home?
Yes. But to be safe, it will be
after an isolation period.
I've used a Divine Art that will increase
the effectiveness of the medicine,
but I don't have enough people to continue
care and make appropriate drug choices here.
And that temple has serious cases, too
This is beyond what the power of medicine
and a mere pharmacologist can handle.
And every moment I spend here,
the Black Death gets closer to the capital!
Lord Farma!
We've finished administering medicine
to this set of patients.
Good. I'll be right there.
Every patient has now received medicine.
Is there anything else we can do?
Let me think.
The people that brought this illness are
heading toward the capital with their cargo.
Find them, burn their cargo,
and administer medicine to the infected.
I'll follow after you once
I finish treating patients.
Yes, sir!
Master, I've brought today's
inspection specimens.
Thank you. I'll handle the final checks.
Place them over here.
Yes, ma'am!
These specimens all pass!
You can permit them to dock.
I'll go deliver them!
We've gotten pretty used to this procedure!
Don't get complacent.
No matter how careful we are,
we might miss something,
and we don't have special powers like Farma.
Special powers?
Oh, no, it was just a figure of speech!
When Farma was here, the inspections
proceeded incredibly quickly,
but I have a long way to go to
develop my eye for things
I wish I were that skilled.
If only I had been more voracious
about learning the basics from Farma,
I could've been a greater support to him.
It's true that the speed and accuracy
with which he can diagnose
an illness is like a special power,
but with cargo inspections,
you're faster than he is.
I am?
Oh So I have something I'm good at, too.
Absolutely. And I'm glad
to be able to assist you.
This is a disease that once
ravaged the whole continent,
and here we are, keeping it in check.
It's like a dream.
Yes. I feel the same way.
We're almost done. Let's keep our focus!
Yes, let's!
Sorry for summoning you on such short notice.
Um, you wanted to see me?
I have called you for one reason.
It's about your research.
Um, President, is this to notify me that my
research funding has finally been canceled?
I am grateful that you made it possible for
me to continue my research all this time.
If I'm dead weight and can't stay
until retirement, I understand.
But to clear out my lab, I need—
Whoa, whoa. Slow down. Hear me out.
You've got it all wrong.
You're not dead weight. I'm not firing you.
I have a very important job for you.
It's a job no one else in the Empire can do—
one that will save the world.
M-Me? Save the world?
I couldn't possibly be
the right one for this job!
No, this is your field of expertise.
I want you to find a certain
new species of microorganism
and extract a medicinal substance from it.
A medicinal substance from a microorganism?
Read this.
Actinomycetes are microorganisms
that grow hyphae as they mature.
I am looking for a particular species:
Streptomyces griseus.
This organism has the ability
to produce a medicine
that is effective against the
Black Death and other infections.
What great scholar wrote this?
The description is so detailed.
I cannot disclose that right now.
But this merits investigation.
Can I entrust the task to you,
Professor Casper?
Um, this little one—this "actinomycete"
Do you know something about it?
This little one has been successfully
subcultured in my lab for years.
I can't believe this little one
can produce a new medicine
Well done, Professor Casper!
Starting today, I will establish a
special presidential budget for you.
This school will focus all efforts
on developing a new medicine
from this microorganism!
U-Um, P-President, sir
This feat won't be accomplished in a day.
But if it can happen even a day sooner,
then we can save that many more lives.
Looks like your retirement will have
to be put on hold, Professor Casper.
Yes, sir! I won't let you down!
Your Excellency!
A report from Marseirre.
Lord Farma! Fathers! Thank you
for working into the night.
What is the situation inside?
We saw to all the patients.
We did what we could,
but it was too late for some.
We had the others take the medicine.
Half of them are in stable condition.
How wonderful! I was prepared for none
of the seriously ill to survive.
Thanks to you, the casualties
should be kept to a minimum.
I hope so
It looks like we'll avoid the worst-case
scenario, but we can't relax yet.
To eradicate this disease, I'll still
need the whole village's cooperation.
The interior of the ice wall is protected
by a Divine Art, so it's safe.
To increase the effectiveness
of the treatment,
stay in the village for
two weeks, if possible.
Don't touch any rodents or fleas that
enter the village. Exterminate them.
And even if you must leave the village,
take care not to touch such animals.
Please take care of yourselves.
You take care as well, Lord Farma.
We humbly thank you.
That took more time than I expected.
I hope the rogue crew has been found.
Are they part of the crew?
It appears they were left behind
because they were too sick to keep up.
Please let us go.
W-We just did what our employer told us.
Could you tell me how many carts
there were and their cargo?
A-A kid? Why is there a kid here?
You all have the Black Death.
Answer my questions,
and I'll give you medicine.
Without the medicine,
your condition will only deteriorate.
You'll cooperate, won't you?
What? The Black Death?
I-It was four carts!
Two loaded with handwoven items!
One with spices! And one with animals!
What kind?
A rodent
It would act as a plague carrier!
Is that everything?
Yeah. Weird, white squirrels
from Pante Island.
Pante Island
A strange epidemic
broke out on Pante Island,
a colony of our neighboring
country Nederland.
The island whose residents
were wiped out by an epidemic!
You took animals from there?
That's most likely the
source of the infection!
You had shipmates die, didn't you?
Wh-What does that have to do with anything?
They just died because they
couldn't handle the journey!
How many of you headed for the capital?
Twenty-four workers, and five Holy Knights.
Holy Knights?
Holy Knights are combat-specialized
Divine Arts practitioners
serving directly under a royal family
or major aristocrat.
Why were Holy Knights accompanying you?
Nobles wouldn't be escorting
commoner merchants!
Hell if we know! They boarded
during the voyage!
There's something going on here.
You wouldn't normally try to bring in
questionable goods by force
from a pestilent island.
So the Holy Knights' mission was to
spread the epidemic to the Empire?
If that's the case, why?
The source of the Empress's infection with
the White Death was never identified.
What if that, too, was part
of someone's scheme?
Could it be that because the
previous plan fell through,
they're sending in a more virulent disease
to destroy the empire this time?
Hey, we talked enough, didn't we?
Give us the medicine!
Hurry up and help us!
Panactheos, wouldn't the medicine
be wasted on such scum?
I am a pharmaceutist.
I provide medicine to those who need it,
regardless of rank,
nationality, virtue, or sin.
Once they recover,
turn them over to the Empire,
and leave them in the hands of the law.
If that is the Panactheos's will,
we will abide by it.
Come with us!
Dawn is still a long way away.
What? You're saying this rogue
vessel carried the disease?
In L'Estacque, where the crew came ashore,
a disease consistent with the Black Death
broke out and has resulted in several deaths.
Farma is currently dealing
with the situation.
And? What of this rogue crew?
Their intended destination
is likely the Saint Fleuve Fair.
In other words, the capital.
Considering L'Estacque's position
relative to Marseirre and the capital,
I believe they'll arrive today or tomorrow.
Strengthen the security
and inspections at each gate!
Give special attention to gate six,
which faces Marseirre!
Yes, ma'am!
Good morning!
Welcome to Saint Fleuve!
Get your masks! Masks here! Put on a mask!
Yes. Please take one!
A mask
It helps protect against bad illnesses.
We ask for the cooperation
of all visitors to the capital!
It prevents the inhalation or expulsion
of the small creatures that cause disease!
A mask, huh
Chief Inspector Pierre!
What's wrong?
These are the latest specimens from
gate six. We need your expertise.
Th-This stain!
It matches the description
Lord Farma provided!
You don't mean
It's the Black Death!
We need to isolate and treat them at once!
Hurry to gate six!
Did something happen at another station?
Attack! We're under attack!
The gate is being breached!
Raise the drawbridge!
Lower the portcullis!
What's going on?
Damn it!
It's not safe!
Over there is where the medicine
for this district is being stored!
We can't afford to lose
those doses right now!
We have to protect them!
Is everyone okay?
What in the world is happening?
I don't know. What could they possibly want?
Let's hurry. Where is Lord Farma's medicine?
Right here.
They're transporting something?
Hey. Keep it together.
A lot of them have died
No matter.
Out you go!
Holy Whirlwind!
Fly! Fly all through the capital!
Chief, a-are you okay?
What in the world happened?
Some guys seem to have
broken through the gate
and released some squirrel-like
animals into the city.
See for yourself. Over there.
That's a squirrel?
Oh, no! If those creatures
disappear into the city,
it'll spell disaster for the capital!
Huh? What do you mean?
Rats and other rodents can
be a source of infection!
That includes squirrels!
Sound the alarm!
Homes, shops, gates Close everything!
Those animals must not be let inside!
The bells!
So the time has finally come.
Final Episode
Those He Couldn't Cure
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