Paranoia Agent (2004) s01e11 Episode Script

No Entry

Raa-eee-yaa Ra-ra-e-yo-ra
A magnificent mushroom
cloud in the sky
Raa-eee-yaa Ra-ra-e-yo-ra
In the afternoon of birds
pecking at food in an alley
Touching the grass under the sunlight
streaming through the leaves
I'll talk with you
See, on the lunch bench
A dream blossoms
Carry the sound of
the waves in your heart
Sink your blues
Stretch a bridge to tomorrow
Don't worry about tsunami
Raa-eee-yaa Ra-ra-e-yo-ra
A magnificent mushroom
cloud in the sky
Raa-eee-yaa Ra-ra-e-yo-ra
The afternoon of birds
pecking at food in an alley
Raa-eee-yaa Ra-ra-e-yo-ra
The dream I nurtured
on the lunch bench
Raa-eee-yaa Ra-ra-e-yo-ra
The afternoon, born on the day of the
sunlight streaming through the leaves
We don't have that kind of money.
But your life depends on it.
Take care, now.
The much anticipated animation show,
Mellow Maromi, is about to start.
Ms. Sagi, as the creator of the
character Maromi, how do you feel?
Well, Maromi has grown so much,
being loved by everybody.
How should I put it?
I hope that this animation will help
spread a sense of peace among people.
It's heartwarming
just to look at it, isn't it?
Thank you.
I'm really glad if you feel that way.
OK, don't miss Mellow Maromi!
They say that Shonen Bat
showed up again.
I heard he's not "little" any more!
I heard he's like a
rock-hard strong man.
His entire body is
rough and jagged and
His face is all mutilated like this!
They say he's more of a monster
than a human. A monster.
I know who you are.
And why you are here.
I called you, didn't I?
I admit, the thought did occur to me.
That I wanted to disappear.
That I didn't want to
prolong my life anymore
by going so far as to
have an operation.
But I was wrong.
How could I wish to die
even for a moment?
If I die, I will be betraying him,
my husband.
You also know him very well.
Don't you understand yet?
Look at this room.
Doesn't it tell you something?
To Police Sergeant Keiichi Ikari.
In recognition of the
distinguished service.
Yes, my husband is
Ah, you can't go that way!
They say you're indiscriminately
attacking people
who want to escape from reality.
Do you think that you're lifting
their burdens off their shoulders?
That you're giving them salvation?
Sit down.
I'll make you understand that
human beings are not as weak
or corrupt as you seem to think.
Sit down right there.
I was born with a
delicate constitution.
Throughout my childhood, the doctors
said that I wouldn't live long.
So even when I reached adulthood
I never dared dream
about getting married.
But then I met him,
and he said to me
that he would accept
everything about me.
He said,
"There's nobody I want but you."
I was overjoyed.
We got married.
A modest, humble life.
I was happy.
But that happiness did not last long.
We soon found out that
I wasn't able to have children.
That my body wasn't capable
of going through childbirth.
I was in despair.
I was too ashamed
to face my husband.
I have never cursed myself
as much as I did back then.
Nevertheless, he
He forgave me.
He held me tightly, and said,
"Let's accept reality."
I cried.
I cried in his arms.
I don't know anyone
as noble and
high-minded as he is.
You're late! What makes
you think you can be late?!
I'm sorry. My previous job
dragged out a little.
A newcomer like you
doesn't get to make excuses!
Move your ass to your station, now!
Yes, sir.
Hey, what are you doing?!
I decided that I would become
a woman that's worthy of him.
That I would dedicate myself
to him until the end of time
without being lenient to myself,
because of my ill health.
But at some point, in contrast
with my feelings toward him
he started staying away
from home more and more.
Initially, I kept telling myself
that I just had to accept it
because he was at work.
But what if he'd finally
grown tired of me?
What if his work was an excuse
to stay away from me?
I couldn't blame him.
As you can see, I was, and
still am, a useless invalid.
I couldn't stand it.
It wasn't so much that I was
losing him, but being a burden on him.
Rather than that
Rather than causing him
so much trouble, I would
I'm so ashamed!
He's been working
himself to the bone for me.
Yet, what kind of wife would I be
if I couldn't trust him?
What a despicable,
outrageous thought that was.
I became ashamed of myself and
waited for him to come home.
Yes, with a firm belief that just as
he was my home, I was his home.
Why don't you go home
early for a change?
Your wife must be waiting for you.
It's your chance to leave early.
Why are you going to three
construction sites, one after another?
It's OK.
After all, there's no
Tests suck.
Seriously, it's a super-hassle.
I wish Shonen Bat would show up.
If he wants to do something,
destroy our school.
Let's see
Where do you wanna go?
I wanna go to the beach.
Hey, where do you wanna go?
- Oh, really?
- Oh, really?
- I'm hungry.
- I'm hungry.
That's super impossible.
After all, there's no place
I'm sorry I'm late.
I'll teach you whatever
you need to know.
You can just leave your stuff there.
So, what did you do?
You can tell me.
To become a security guard
at your age has to mean
you got yourself in a huge fix.
Hold on.
The look on your face tells me
No, I
Damn, wrong guess.
I thought you were like me.
Oh, me?
I was locked up for five years.
When I got out, I couldn't
find a job, but you know
a security guard job doesn't
require any experience or
qualifications or anything, so
Mister Ikari?
I knew it!
You're Mister Ikari!
It's me. You know,
you nabbed me once.
Even if he didn't always
pay much attention to it
this was the place he would
eventually come back to.
The place where he could refresh
and recover his peace of mind.
I tried my best to be a good wife,
and make home for him.
Airing out his bedding every day,
preparing a bath for him every day
so that he could come
home at any time.
I remember one night, on a rare occasion
when he was eating dinner at home
he suddenly said,
"After all, your dinner is the best."
"Thanks to you,
I can devote myself to work."
Then one day, it happened.
Something that would shatter, instantly,
everything my husband and I had built.
Your case.
Ironic, isn't it?
An ex-detective and an ex-burglar
meeting again as co-workers.
Well, I'm the one
who's more surprised.
I never imagined I'd run
into you in a place like this.
But I'm impressed.
Knowing you
I thought you'd go back to your old
occupation after serving your sentence.
Oh, no, no.
There's no place for an old-school
burglar like me anymore.
They've even given a fancy foreign
name for good old lock-picking now.
It's ridiculous.
You were old-fashioned,
even in your days.
Your face covered
with a handkerchief
carrying a bundle on your back
wrapped in an burlap sack?
You surprised me
when I nabbed you.
Burglar always comes with
a burlap sack on his back.
You're right.
A burglar comes with burlap sack
a drunk comes with packed sushi
and oden comes in round,
triangular, and square shapes.
That's just how it is.
Well, anyhow,
the times have changed.
It's the same everywhere, I guess.
I don't know, but seeing you again,
somehow feels as if I came home.
I still remember the
sermon you gave me.
"Even if the world is wrong, there
has to be something that is right."
"That's how we can go on living!"
As if to insult my husband's belief
you attacked people one by one.
He told me that he would not come
home until he arrested the culprit.
And I agreed.
If he was going to put it all on the
line in order to arrest the attacker
then my job as his wife was to
encourage and support his decision.
Even though we were apart,
my heart went with him.
The two of us together
stood against you.
But then!
So they fired you?
There's no place for an old-fashioned
detective like me anymore.
The same as you.
You just drew the short straw.
Well, I heard about
that case on the news.
A young kid going around
attacking people, it's insane.
That monster is a product of the age.
Yes, he really is a monster.
We were defeated. As a man
and wife, we were defeated.
He lost his job,
and we had nothing left.
But we didn't give up.
What good was it to wallow
forever in disappointment?
My husband has a new job now.
He's proud of his job and
he's working very hard for us.
Yes, we've taken a new step forward!
I've had enough, actually.
I chased the culprit
putting everything at stake, but
they cut me off like a lizard's tail.
And look where I've ended up.
But this job isn't so bad.
Yeah, you're right, it's not bad.
Any loser can do it.
Mister, what's that?
I'm a loser, and
this dog is a winner.
I found it on the street.
Come on, hurry up!
If we don't get there
quickly, it'll start!
Oh, excuse me.
There's construction in progress here,
please use the service door.
But why?
Use the service door, please!
Ms. Sagi.
This is kind of cute
if you look at it closely.
We've become
financially hard-pressed.
And my doctor expenses
have been piling up
making it even more difficult
to make ends meet.
I told him one day that he
wouldn't have to suffer so much
if only I hadn't been with him.
He looked sharply at me and said,
"Don't ever say such a thing again."
"You're just trying to escape."
"Don't run away from reality."
"A makeshift salvation
is nothing but deception."
"No matter how hard, don't run away,
we'll overcome it together."
He said it so resolutely.
That's the kind of man he is.
A noble and strong man.
You took advantage of an unguarded
moment and appeared here.
To kill me.
To give me false salvation.
But I won't be seduced.
I will never again wish for death!
Yes, that's how human beings are.
No matter how hard it is,
we can face reality!
But you don't understand that.
You, who are not human.
You simply hurt and kill
those who are troubled
and delude yourself into thinking
that you're removing their burdens.
How pretentious!
The only thing you're capable of is
to feel pleased with yourself
by taking such action.
Your existence itself is a deception.
Yes, deluding people with
temporary peace of mind.
You're the same as
that Maromi thing!
I will undergo the operation.
Sorry I insisted on
dragging you here.
Don't worry about it.
You and me are two failures,
so let's have a good time.
Cheer up, Mister.
Life isn't all about work.
Oh yeah, you have your wife, right?
Oh, but you said she's not well.
Fortunately, she's still alive.
I'm glad to hear that.
You told me once that
she was a great wife.
Yeah, she's great.
Maybe too great.
Airs out my bedding
even when it's raining.
Heats up the bathtub
to prepare a bath for me
even when water supply is cut off.
Once I had to go on an unexpected
business trip for a week.
When I came home, there were dinners
from last week still on the table.
She was sitting in front of them,
waiting for my return the whole time.
Here you go.
Her long illness has
even affected her mind.
I've been trying so hard to
support her, even to this day.
But maybe I've reached my limit.
You're just tired.
Here, have some oden.
It's all because of that stupid,
disgusting case.
Just forget about it, and
The truth is, I don't care anymore.
I don't care about the case
or Shonen Bat any more.
The only thing I know for sure
is that my time is over.
What I dreamed about becoming
when I was a kid was
a cop chasing a burglar like you
carrying a bundle
wrapped in a burlap sack.
But such a dream is lost forever now.
There's no place for me
anywhere anymore.
I don't know about that.
Let's go.
What is this?
How can I help you?
Short Hope.
You got it.
Somebody stop that thief!
Gather around, gather around
Somebody stop that thief!
Gather around, gather around
The bird in the cage
the bird in the cage
Stop, stop!
Now, give up and come quietly!
When will it see them?
Now, give up and come quietly!
When will it see them?
At dawn one night
a crane and a turtle slipped.
Who's directly behind you?
Mrs. Ikari
He hasn't come home yet.
He hasn't come home yet.
To begin
a unicorn is fighting ferociously.
Guided by the crowd of dolls
and the voice of the sage.
He obtains an ancient sword at the base
of the moon, and now on to Pegasus.
Who called the Holy Warrior?
But she was such a good child.
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