Rubicon s01e11 Episode Script

A Good Day's Work

Previously on AMC's Rubicon This is your husband.
Well this one is Truxton Spangler.
I got the intercept on Kateb.
He's alive.
Just tell me why you're here.
I failed my drug test.
There'a a woman, her husband was a colleague of Tom's He also killed himself.
Is Will a problem? He will be handled, as problems are.
If Catherine Rhumor spends any time with Will Travers he will be terminated.
Andy I'm telling you the truth.
I can't go home and I need your help.
Rubicon 1x11 A Good Day's Work Hey.
I couldn't sleep.
Why not? Everything okay? I had a dream.
You were in a Moscow train station, wearing a fake moustache.
You exchanged matching briefcases with an older man, and then you went on your way as if nothing had happened.
Do you ever do stuff like that? Nobody does stuff like that.
Especially not me.
I mean, if it were anybody, it would be a field officer, but I'm not one of those, and nor would I want to be.
You don't like those guys? No, they're fine, just, uh slightly less cerebral.
They're meatheads.
You guys are the AV club, and they're the football players.
I will have you know that I'm very good at sports.
I am good at hockey, I am good at baseball.
I have a lot of questions about your job.
I'm not going to answer those.
Where are you going? I have to go to work.
Why so early? Stay.
Keep me warm.
I would if I could.
I have a lot to do today.
You've got to fire a tranquilizer gun into someone's neck and steal their identity.
And you're onto me.
That wasn't a kiss.
I got to go.
I'll see you later.
We started picking up chatter early yesterday morning suggesting Kateb has been activated.
It's just a matter of time until he moves.
Do we know where he is? We've got him in five different countries right now.
And we've got him in three others.
We've got communications that support all eight scenarios.
We need API to help sift through the mess.
It's what we do.
Any and all resources are at your fingertips.
That goes for all of us.
The US Intelligence Apparatus is being mocked.
Politically, this could be disastrous.
Our usefulness is questioned far too often these days.
We need to get ahead on this one, Truxton.
There is a mountain of crap to sift through, and not a whole hell of a lot of time to do it.
You and your team will take point on this since you have a history with the subject.
As far as resources? Name what you need.
Well, we are short a man.
And Tanya does have a lot of history with these players.
I'll take care of it.
I'd like to get Maggie back, also.
She's good at her job, and we can't afford any mistakes right now.
No, we can't.
Truxton's taking an active interest in this.
More so than usual.
Get your team up to speed.
You want a cab? You want a cab or what? Thanks for nothing.
Russia, Malaysia, Greece, France, Egypt.
Pakistan, Mexico and Jordan.
Where isn't Kateb? We're being fed this stuff.
It's hard to tell if any of it's reliable.
And none of the agencies can give us a picture of the guy? No one has one.
How are we supposed to confirm his location with any certainty if we don't know what he looks like? We're looking at this the wrong way.
We we can't head down this path they're clearing for us.
They want us thinking about all this.
We enter the problem from these eight avenues, we're still going to be sifting through paperwork when the bomb goes off.
Which is exactly their intention.
Instead of starting from eight locations and working backwards to figure out the two, let's start with one man and follow him.
Let's profile this guy, figure out who the hell he is.
I can sketch up what we have real quick.
Nothing speculative.
Only things we absolutely know.
Fishers Island Library.
Please hold.
How's everything going? Well, I I We're headed in the right direction.
And your other assignments? I feel I'm very close to coming to a conclusion.
What's in your way? I think I've exhausted the building's capabilities.
Is there a source in the field that could be of assistance? I believe so.
How much time would you need? 45 minutes.
What about Kateb? Go.
Get back fast.
You're back? For the time being.
To help find Kateb.
How's it going? Fine.
You can relax.
I'm not gonna start blowing rails off the conference table.
I didn't think Anyways What are we doing? You know, Yuri, Tanaz and George have all been killed.
We figured something was about to happen, and this morning, NSA gave us the chatter to back that up.
So, we're compiling everything we know about Kateb.
Only concrete.
Trusted sources.
Will wants this checked and double-checked.
Okay, yeah.
Uh, thank you.
I have everything I need.
Hey, there.
You all done? Yes.
Thank you for letting me use your place.
Stay awhile.
I've already been gone way too long.
Please don't be such a pussy.
I really have to go, okay? This is important.
I am also important.
You sometimes forget that because of how tiny your brain is.
I can't do this right now.
What exactly have I asked you to do? Have this conversation.
You haven't said a word to me since you got here.
It's because I'm busy.
I'm trying to do something.
Oh The intelligence we have on Kateb says that he's in eight different places, which is impossible, unless he's, well, Santa Claus.
I mean, if the intelligence is wrong, shouldn't it be called something else? Like stupidity? Yeah.
The stupidity that we got from the CIA suggests that Kateb is an amazing, magical creature.
What? How's it coming? Um, it's, um slow, but, uh but it's, it's steady.
I mean, there there's a lot to to go through.
Any progress? We're zeroing in and should have something for you pretty soon.
Where's Will? He, uh, he stepped out for for a minute.
I think, uh, I think he should be, should be back in soon.
We're zeroing in? Tanya, where are you with the NSA stuff? I'm trying, okay? I'm reading.
I can only read as fast as I can read.
I'm just asking where you are.
I don't know where I am.
Somewhere between the beginning and the end.
I apologize for my pace, Grant.
Records Department.
I'm I'm sorry, um Where am I calling? Fishers Island Public Library.
Can I help you? Sir? Hello? Hello? Uh, sir? Thank you.
Will, you can't be here.
I know, I know.
I'm sorry.
I just need to talk to you.
Will, you can't be here.
What happened? They said I shouldn't talk to you.
Who did? I don't know.
He said they'd kill you.
I'm scared.
I'm going to be gone in a minute.
I need to talk to you.
Just for a minute.
I took a list of board members from companies your husband was associated with, and I cross-referenced them with property records from Fisher Island in the 1960s.
Now, I came up with seven names.
There are 12 companies that share at least two of these men on their board of directors.
Every one of these companies has profited from some sort of cataclysm or another.
All vulnerabilities pointed out by API white papers.
I don't understand.
These companies have taken analysis and intelligence from API and made money off of "unforeseeable" events worldwide.
Analysis done by me and my colleagues, and and and what's worse is, I I think they might have been engineering the events themselves.
Well, what makes you think that? Gerald Bradley killed himself three weeks before the 1989 Ufa train disaster in Russia.
A pipeline exploded, took out two trains.
600 people died.
Gas prices skyrocketed.
Atlas has record profits.
I think he killed himself because he couldn't live with what they were about to do.
You think the same was true of Tom? I do.
And if I'm right, it means something something big is going to happen, and we need to figure out what.
- How? - I need you to lo through anything you have of Tom's.
Information that seems inconsequential to you.
It's possible we could find a pattern in it.
I am afraid to leave the apartment.
I don't trust anybody anymore.
You can trust me.
Tom and I were together in 1989.
We were still falling in love.
At the same time, he was he was killing hundreds of innocent people for for for profit? Could be he came out of Chechnya.
Yeah, could be.
Spangler's been breathing down our necks.
I got held up.
You want me to fill you in? No, no, no.
Keep going.
I'll catch up.
It's odd that we wouldn't know anything about where he came from or or who recruited him.
We don't have a single familial connection? No, but the guy's related to someone.
We got all these unidentifieds over here.
We just got to put the right picture to the name.
Tanya, what do you think? I don't know.
That's all the information we have right there.
All that's confirmed.
The guy popped up in 2004, and suddenly we hear his name all over the place.
It's like he dropped out of the sky.
But people don't drop out of the sky.
Right, Tanya? You're asking me if people drop out of the sky? Exactly.
Kateb or Aashif Khaleel appeared a full-grown adult extremist in 2004.
But as we've established, that's not possible.
So, Kateb may be who this guy is but it's not who he was.
It's a manufactured identity.
The reason we don't have anything on this guy's past is that before 2004, he didn't exist.
For 20-some years, this guy was someone else.
Someone who hated himself.
So, he ditched his old life and became Kateb.
He's a convert.
We need to look at enrollment in Islamic study programs abroad.
We tag all those classes; I can get that list quick.
We've got to go back through all this, see if someone we came across fits the mold.
Um Oh.
What's up? We were going to send somebody to get some coffees.
So I was wondering if maybe you wanted one? I'm fine.
Thank you.
All right.
Maggie? Hmm? Julia's stuff here? Oh, um I'm sure it's just temporary.
There's a problem that needs a clean solution.
Which is? Will Travers.
What's the story? Not like his predecessor.
I don't want any questions or loose ends.
The simpler, the better.
Young widower, overcome with grief unable to handle the stress of his job, his life turns to drugs.
Keeps it a secret until Where? Home.
What's the time frame? This is a priority.
I'll get right on it.
Hello, Mrs.
Hello, Judith.
I'm happy to tell you that nearly all of the furniture from the 73rd Street residence sold just like that.
That's great.
Now, I just wanted to hand-deliver this check and thank you again so much for your business.
Thank you.
Oh, um, just one last thing, Katherine, uh, you wanted us to let you know if there was anything "out of the ordinary.
" Yes, I did.
Yes, well, there was one odd piece.
Unlike the rest of your things, which were gorgeous, it's not really of any value.
In fact, it's basically worthless A little jewelry box with a rose painted on the lid.
You find that in the townhouse? Yes, in the master bathroom, I think.
Bring it to me.
I'm sorry? Bring it to me, please.
Who's this guy? The white guy.
Right, right, I've got his stuff over here somewhere.
Uh, the man in the photo is Joseph Purcell of New Jersey.
Moved to Yemen in 2003 for a post-grad program.
What else do you have on him? That's about it, but, I mean, he's the right age, and remember, an asset described Kateb as "light-skinned".
That's, that's a hurdle that Joe Purcell obviously clears.
A lot of Al-Qaeda recruiting goes on at those universities.
Students studying in Muslim-majority countries, impressionable, predisposed to sympathize with the cause.
The timeline is perfect.
Psychologically, it tracks.
Okay, let's take a look.
Let's request information on Purcell and see what they can come up with.
It's going to take four or five hours for them to turn around a report.
Everyone should go home.
Try to get as much sleep as you can.
We're gonna need some fresh eyes in the morning.
Good work.
Now go home, get some sleep.
I'll need the same from you tomorrow.
Long day.
Yeah Yes, sir.
Come, come, sit with me a minute.
Is that David's? Yes.
I miss David.
Me, too.
He was a great man.
He did great things for us.
Taught me everything I know.
I can see that.
You remind me of him.
Well, that's the nicest thing anyone.
Brilliant, principled.
He was the conscience of this place.
He steered me away from disaster on many occasion.
It's not the same here without him.
No, it isn't.
So where did we land? Uh, we think Kateb might be an alias of a Joseph Purcell.
American? Jersey.
Studied abroad 2003, possibly co-opted by Al-Qaeda.
We found him at Boeck's wedding.
I assume he's Oh, he's Johnny All-American.
Applications of this are obvious.
And you tagged him.
We're running him right now.
We'll get a full report in the morning.
Good work.
Good work.
Not just today.
You've done a great job at API.
Thank you.
Now go home.
Such a shame about David.
I really do miss him.
Will? Will? Will? Will, stop.
Listen to me.
Listen to me.
How long has it been? Okay, that's good.
Do not move.
Do not touch anything.
I'll be there in 15 minutes.
Do nothing until I get there.
Marcus King.
Potrzebuje numer.
Jesus, Will! Are you injured? - Will, are you injured? - Mm.
- Do we call the cops? - No.
I didn't do anything wrong.
That's absolutely irrelevant.
He, uh, he was Ah Mr.
I'm glad I caught you before you left.
Do you drink scotch? Of course.
I I love scotch.
Well, I'm not gonna bring it over to you.
Oh, of course, of course.
Lagavulin, from the island of Islay.
16-year-old single-malt.
Or as I like to refer to it, "The Good Shit.
" Ha-ha! I figure we deserve a little Scotch after a day like this one.
Mmm I heard about your analysis of the Kateb situation.
That's good work.
Thank you.
A lot of smart people come in and out of this building, but not many have what it takes to lead.
I see that in you.
Thank you.
You have any ambitions? Towards leadership.
"Oh, my dearest Kath" "Katherine, if you" "I" "I'm sorry" "I I" "I hope that you can find it in your heart" "to forgive me" you will continue to celebrate our anniversary.
" "Continue to celebrate our anniversary.
" "Continue to celebrate our anniversary.
" Hey.
Are you Team E? Yeah.
Julia Harwell.
Oh, great.
I'm supposed to give this to you.
What is it? I love these long nights.
Reminds me of the old days.
Working till dawn, shoulder to shoulder.
Am I boring you? God, no.
Oh, but I I do need to get home.
No one works late anymore.
It's a shame.
Yes? Yeah, sorry.
This just came in.
We got a hit on Joseph Purcell's passport.
He crossed the border in from Mexico 36 hours ago Kateb is here.
He's in the United States.
I saw your light on.
I'm sorry about earlier.
I don't know what gets into me.
It's not a problem.
I'm having fun with you.
There's no reason we can't keep having fun.
You need to go home.
Come on.
I said I was sorry.
I know you want me to come in.
What do you say we put on a show for these perverts? Go home.
And don't come back.

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