Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e11 Episode Script

Episode 11

Ruby Ring Episode 11 Ruby's wedding Had it not been for the accident, she'd be getting married today.
Poor Ruby.
We should be thankful.
It could've been worse, Chorim.
Everything was going too smoothly.
It didn't sit right with me when that wealthy family said yes to the marriage.
I should've known.
Too much of a good thing is never good.
So what if we had known? Say no? Ruby and Gyeongmin were in love.
I'm just saying.
It'd be best if you kept your silly thoughts to yourself.
They never do any good.
Mom, try this.
I asked for it because I was craving it.
What's this? Isn't it watermelon rind salad? It's been ages.
It's nice.
Right? Yup.
Yes, grandma.
Do you know that today would've been your wedding day? Yes.
I didn't get a wink of sleep last night.
Why not, mom? Was your bed not comfortable enough? Given what's happened, let's be level-headed and rethink the whole thing.
What do you mean? Your wedding.
Pardon? As upsetting and painful as it may be, you have to listen to me.
I haven't said anything because I felt so bad for the poor girl, but no matter which way I think about it, Gyeongmin, she wasn't meant for you.
What's meant to be should just happen like how the river flows into the ocean.
The accident took place when she was on her way to pick out wedding jewelry.
Furthermore, it was her birthday.
Something terrible happened on such an important day.
It can only mean that she wasn't meant for you.
That's not true, grandma.
I will marry Ruby.
They say she'll make a full recovery, but if she suffers side-effects later and is sickly the rest of her life, how will you manage? Why should that matter, grandma? Plus, I'm partly to blame for what happened.
I will wait for her until she gets better, even if it takes a year or even two years.
I'm running late.
Excuse me.
Mom, I know where you're coming from, but I'm just upset.
I'm so upset.
Why did it have to happen with their wedding around the corner? I do feel sorry for her, but I just don't think they were meant to be.
What you're saying isn't wrong, but Gyeongmin will never give up.
You know how stubborn he is.
Plus, we're partly responsible for what happened.
How are we responsible? Was it a crime to buy her a car? She should've driven more carefully.
I just don't think they were meant to be.
Changgeun, try talking some sense into Gyeongmin.
You too.
Gyeongmin, don't mind what grandma said.
She's just worried about you.
I know, mom.
Don't worry.
Mom, I know it hasn't been easy for you.
I'm always grateful.
Where did that come from? You're going to be late.
What an honor.
I get to have coffee our company's director made.
It's just instant espresso.
So? It still is an honor.
Having espresso is reminding me of Ruby.
She's much better, right? Yes.
I've been meaning to go, but I come with all kinds of excuses.
Work's not going as smoothly without her.
Her absence has made me see how great a worker she was.
Call me when you feel lonely or down.
I'll be your date in Ruby's place.
Okay, Jinhui.
Alright then.
Have a great day, Mr.
Yes, mother.
Call Mr.
I need the car.
Are you going somewhere? Do I have to report to you? I'm going to Chuncheon.
Pardon? Do you know how to get there? Yes, ma'am.
I've been there before.
Drive slowly.
Yes, ma'am.
Hey! Having fun? Jeez.
How can anything be fun when it's completely empty here? What a lousy day.
This way, ma'am.
Hey, get out of the way.
- Welcome.
/ - Welcome.
Go get the water.
Are you dining alone? This is Yu Gilja's Grilled Chicken, right? Word must have gotten out.
Yes, ma'am.
At Yu Gilja's Grilled Chicken, we serve the most amazing spicy chicken and buckwheat noodles.
What would you like? Where's the owner? You mean Gilja? She's out running an errand.
Why do you ask? Oh, I'd like to see her.
Oh, I see.
You can tell me.
I'll let her know.
When will be she back? I don't know.
She may be a while.
You can just tell me, okay? What is it regarding? No.
Never mind.
I just don't get it.
I'm telling you it's okay to tell me.
Why do you insist on seeing Gilja? My sister-in-law and I are like two peas in a pod.
Tell me.
I don't want to, so stop pushing it.
I just don't feel like telling you.
Pushing it? Ma'am, why are you yelling at me? This sure is a seriously lousy day.
What? Lousy day? I've made your day lousy? I'm much older than you.
Show some respect.
Why do you keep yelling at me? What did I do? This is precisely why I said it's a seriously lousy day.
It's bad enough that we don't have any customers.
What a rotten brat.
Rotten brat? Is that what you just called me? A brat? And a rotten one at that? Oh, my goodness.
Gilja, this old lady Gyeongmin's grandmother, what brings you here? This is Gyeongmin's grandmother.
Oh, no.
I'm sorry.
Ruby's aunt is a good person, but she can be short-tempered at times.
I apologize on her behalf.
She does seem to be very short-tempered indeed.
The reason I'm here is I'm sure you know what today is.
Gyeongmin and Ruby were supposed to get married today.
I'm sorry to say this to someone who's going through a terrible tragedy, but please don't take it personally.
My son will take care of your two girls until they recover fully.
Thank you.
I'm so grateful.
Now this is something else entirely.
We should go our separate ways.
Please don't think it unfair.
Put yourself in our shoes.
I just don't think Gyeongmin and Ruby are meant to be.
Gyeongmin loves Ruby very much, and Ruby's a fine young lady, intelligent and wonderful in so many ways.
That's why I gave them my blessing.
But considering what's happened, they're not right for each other.
They're not meant to be.
Let's not take pains to force a union that wasn't meant to be.
It won't do any of us any good.
Just think of the whole thing as something that wasn't meant to happen.
I'm sure you understand.
Gilja, has she left? Why did she come here? What's wrong? You're killing me here, Gilja.
What did she say? She won't let Gyeongmin marry Ruby.
What? No way.
That's just absurd.
Why now? They're the ones responsible for what happened to Ruby.
So what did you say? What could I say? She kept saying they weren't meant to be.
Frankly speaking, why would they want Gyeongmin marrying Ruby? It doesn't matter what they think.
What matters is Gyeongmin.
So what's Gyeongmin going to do? Have you asked him? This isn't right.
Who are you calling, Chorim? Who do you think? Gyeongmin.
Give it back.
Hello? Aunt Chorim.
How are you? Hi, Gyeongmin.
You must be busy.
No, not at all.
So why'd you want to see me? May I take your order? No.
Hang on.
I'm sorry, Gyeongmin, but I'm here to give you an earful.
Your grandmother came by today.
She came to our restaurant.
Pardon? So? Are you of the same opinion? You're not going to marry Ruby? Of course I am.
There must've been some kind of a misunderstanding.
Give me a break.
The foremost elder of your family came and gave us an ultimatum.
When Gilja told me, I was this close to flying off the handle.
What are you going to do about Ruby? It's bad enough that Runa's life is in danger.
And now you're going to abandon Ruby? I thought your family was better than this.
This isn't fair.
Gyeongmin, save Ruby.
If you have a change of heart, Ruby will really die.
You'll be killing her twice.
Let's be honest here.
Did we ask for a car? Did we ask for money? This is all because your father had to get her a car.
What will you do about Ruby? Poor Ruby.
Aunt Chorim, don't worry.
I will marry Ruby no matter what.
Really? You swear? You mean it, right? Yes, I mean it.
Gyeongmin, I knew you were a good man.
I knew you'd never betray Ruby.
I feel much better now.
Can I order tea now? You don't mind, right? Not at all.
Excuse me.
I'll have the rest later.
Say, where's mom? I haven't seen her.
Oh, um What's wrong? She went to Chuncheon.
She should be back any time now.
Chuncheon? Why? Wait a minute.
Did she go to Ruby's? Yes.
I tried so hard to talk her out of it.
Why didn't you stop her? Why didn't you tell me sooner? Mother told me not to tell you.
What was I supposed to do? Good grief.
Did you just get back? Yup.
Did you go to Chuncheon? Yes, I went to Ruby's.
Grandma! I can't give her up.
Marriage is an all-important life decision.
You can't base it solely on emotions.
Don't you know that? Grandma, that's not how I was raised.
Marriage may be the coming together of a man and a wife as well their families, but this just isn't right.
More importantly, I can't live without her.
Without Ruby, I'm nothing.
Oh, really? How can you say such a thing? No matter how much you love her, how can you say such a thing so casually in front of your parents and grandmother? Is that how you were raised? Hasn't your mother taught you better? Hasn't your father taught you better? I'm sorry.
I didn't give my blessing because I was thrilled with her and her family.
But you wanted to marry her so much, and I knew you were stubborn, so I merely let you have your way.
But as you know, things have gone awry.
I can't just sit back anymore.
Mom, I mulled over this too, but I think it would be best to let Gyeongmin decide.
This is about Gyeongmin picking his life partner.
What? Mom.
Gyeongsuk, what do you think? What you say makes sense too, but I think Gyeongmin's right.
Grandma, I'll live happily ever after.
I really will, so please have faith in me.
My goodness, it's loud.
Gilja? Gilja? Oh, Chorim.
What are you thinking about? I told you.
I met with Gyeongmin and made him promise.
Chorim, maybe his grandmother is right.
What? When she first said it, I was simply upset.
But now that I think about it, she may be right.
Maybe the accident happened because they weren't meant to be.
Since when were you superstitious? Do you really believe in fate? Do you believe in destiny? I don't believe in any of that hocus pocus.
Fate and destiny is determined by your personality.
It's what you make of your life.
What she said about how the two aren't meant for each other Think about it this way then.
If they really weren't meant to be, they never would've even met or gotten to know each other.
But they met in their first year of college, fell madly in love, separated, and then reunited.
What more proof can there be of a fate union? Gyeongmin said he was marrying Ruby no matter what.
You don't believe me? Should I have him sign an affidavit? Never mind.
You have to believe me.
I made sure, no, doubly, triply sure that he'd keep his word.
I'm off to work.
Gyeongmin, go see grandma before you leave.
She seems upset.
She refused to have her tea.
What? I'm not having tea.
Stop pestering me.
Grandma, have your tea.
I don't feel like it.
Are you sulking because of me? Sulking? How can you say that to your grandmother? Grandma, you're adorable, which means you're sulking.
Stop playing me for a fool.
Grandma, I'm sorry.
I completely understand why you feel the way you do about Ruby.
But couldn't you try to see where I'm coming from? What do you mean? What am I supposed to see? You and grandpa fell in love and got married despite family opposition.
They let you marry grandpa only because you threatened to kill yourself.
So I'm sure can understand the love Ruby and I share.
That's why I'm opposed to it.
You don't know anything.
If I hadn't married your grandfather, I'd be in a sprawling mansion right now, living it up as a pampered matriarch.
You just described your current life.
Come on, grandma.
Let go of me.
Go away.
You're tickling me.
Which room is Jeong Runa in? Jeong Runa? Oh, the sisters Ms.
Jeong Runa's still in intensive care.
Intensive care? Yes.
Jeong Ruby's regained consciousness, but Ms.
Jeong Runa's still in a coma.
In a coma? Is her life in danger? The worst is over, but we still have to see how things go.
Is the baby okay? She was pregnant.
Are you family? I'm her fiance.
Jeong Runa wasn't pregnant, but Ms.
Jeong Ruby was.
Jeong Runa wasn't pregnant? Jeong Ruby was? She suffered a miscarriage.
Nurse Kim.
You have to ask their physician for details.
That's all I know.
Na? Hello.
We were planning to let you and my family know upon my return from my business trip to China.
We're engaged.
It would've been so nice if Ruby could've married Gyeongmin and Runa could've married you.
Don't cry, Gilja.
Runa will wake up when she learns that Mr.
Na is here.
May I see Runa? It's not visiting hours yet.
You'll have to wait.
- Oh, hello.
/ - We're so sorry.
You didn't have to come.
It's just so terrible.
Jeong Ruby Do you remember me? Runa introduced me to you What is he doing here? What about the business trip? It's a relief that you're okay.
I've come to see Runa.
I'll get going then.
This is a work of art.
What is? The mole on the bottom of your foot.
I've never seen anything like this.
That's because I'm a work of art.
Jeong Runa Runa, Mr.
Na's here.
Where's Insu? I saw the footage.
Insu, you really are the best.
It's great.
Thank you.
When are you heading back out? In three days.
Break a leg.
If all goes well, it might even win you an award.
Keep up the good work.
It was definitely Runa.
Was it really her? But why? Insu.
What are you daydreaming about? Oh I heard the China footage is great.
Everyone's talking about it.
But why are you back so early? You said there was still a lot to do.
Something came up.
Did you return early to set a date for your wedding? Shut up! How could you? Zip it.
What's up with him? What's wrong? I was just kidding around and asked him if he came back early to make wedding preparations.
But he got angry.
That was bad, Mr.
Jeong Runa was in a car accident.
She's hospitalized right now.
She's in a coma, and they don't know if she'll make it.
What? Why didn't I hear about it? Keep your ears open, will you? You're the one who said I had to keep my ears open if I wanted to become a good writer.
This is quite a shocker.
I don't want a dingy, pathetic life.
I'm going to be a success no matter what it takes.
I'm going to lead a rich, glamorous life.
Is that why? Is that why? Are you sure we can just leave? Gyeongmin's with her.
Let's go home and get some rest.
Don't trust Gyeongmin.
Who are we supposed to trust then? All men are the same, including my daughter's fiance.
You don't mean that.
Look at me.
This is where I am for trusting your brother.
This is why I can't date anyone.
There's a taxi.
Taxi! Jeong Ruby You can't even speak.
My dear Ruby's become a baby.
Thank you though for surviving.
Yes? Hello.
Oh, hello.
What brings you here? I'm here to see Runa.
Runa? No.
Don't say anything! No.
No! I was right.
You're not Jeong Ruby.
Jeong Runa.
You're Jeong Runa.
Don't worry about Runa.
I'll make sure she's taken care of.
But of course.
But that's not what I'm worried about.
You should know better who's who.
Listen carefully.
The person on this bed is Ruby! Ruby! Ruby! Nurse! Nurse! You're Runa.
You're Runa, aren't you? Tell me, Jeong Runa.
Why? Why? You're the one who ruined my life.
You can despise me.
I won't ask for forgiveness.
Ruby's voice is odd.
She sounds like a different person.
How can you defraud your own family? I'll make sure you're just like this again.
I'll keep an eye on how shamelessly you lead someone else's life.
From Ruby's diary to her voice Your hard work and drive are commendable.
I'm marrying you next week, brother-in-law.
See you next time
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