Shantaram (2022) s01e11 Episode Script

Banquet of Consequences

I felt hollow.
All the anger emptied out of me
till just the sadness remained
that I trusted the wrong people
and thought they felt the same.
All I wanted now was to
get my passport from Didier
and leave this place
while I still could.
How you going, Siraj?
Hi, Linbaba.
He still hasn't come back?
He'll be coming.
He's probably getting ready to leave.
- If you lie, then a crow will bite you.
- So let it bite me.
There was trouble.
A man wanted to kill Linbaba.
But we dealt with it.
- What do you mean, you "dealt" with it?
- No. Not me.
Linbaba and
Khader's goonda, Abdullah.
They did the fighting. I only
Lin should never have
dragged you into this.
You should not have gotten involved.
You need to be smart.
He's my friend.
What if your friend's goonda
trouble becomes your goonda trouble?
Remember one thing.
He will be gone in a few days, not you.
Your life is here.
Have you ever thought of that?
Your decisions affect both of us.
I don't want your friendship
to leave you locked up in
jail and me without a husband.
After today
no more risks for him.
Swear to me.
My mum used to look at me like that
when I was in real trouble.
Arre, I was worried about you, na?
You're fine? No stabbings
or bullets inside you?
- I'm all right, mate.
- Then why this look on your face?
You're regretting not
following my advice, na?
Did you find Maurizio?
Yeah. He's alive. Don't worry.
You were right, though, mate. I
should've just come back here with you.
I think it is good news that
you did not kill Maurizio.
You should be feeling
happy about this, not sad.
I'm past caring about any of it.
Karla, Khader and Abdullah, they've
been lying to me from the start.
Everyone but you.
As soon as Didier
comes through, I'm gone.
I followed Karla
straight to the reporter.
They must have all have
been in on it from the start.
Lisa, Modena, Karla, fucking Lin Ford.
You're a fool.
Karla hates me,
but she wouldn't dare make those
moves without Khader's permission.
And Ford he's
Khader's man in the slum.
What do we do now?
They don't know that we know
about Karla's journalist.
Call Walid Shah.
Tell him I need to see him.
Minister Pandey?
My name is Kavita Khanna.
I'm a reporter and I'd like to
ask you a few questions, sir.
I'm very busy. All press requests
should be made through my office.
I cannot talk to you now
Ah, I don't think this is a request
you want me to make through your office.
I suspect you would not want
them to see these pictures,
or for Walid Shah to know I have them.
And I have spoken to Sunita.
You can comment, Minister, or I
will simply write it without you.
Either way, sir, the
story will be written.
Get out. Now!
You're a very nasty woman.
Now, go away if you know
what is good for you.
I see no reason for you to
take Sunita to Kavita Khanna,
except to share our
recent actions with her.
Is that a part of our
plan that I missed?
I did it for you. Before you get
yourself into even more trouble.
And you couldn't tell me that
before you brought me here?
I told him not to.
The story I've given Kavita
will frame Zhou and Walid for
Rujul's death and blackmailing Pandey.
They'll be out of the picture,
and Sagar Wada will be yours.
You'll still get what you want,
just not the way you intended.
- You did this without telling me.
- Yes.
- Because you knew I would stop it.
- Yes.
Then you did not do it for me.
Is this because of your
hatred for Madame Zhou?
Nothing you can do will
bring back Ahmed or Christina.
- That guilt will never go aw
- I did it for Lin. So he can stay.
Lin asked you to do this?
He never asked for anything.
All this time we've
used him, and I just
I'm sorry. Maybe that makes me
weak, not what you wanted me to be.
But I've had enough.
Does he know about our relationship?
You told him?
He worked it out himself
and hates me for it.
Then there is nothing to prevent
you from stopping the story.
Love is a chain with
a handcuff on both ends.
We don't notice that until
the chain pulls tight.
I never did any of this to hurt you.
Of course.
So then, you'll reconsider?
Maybe there was too much
sin in my crimes after all.
This will start a war.
Walid will think I did this.
You never considered that?
Men will die. Men like Abdullah.
You say you want to make me proud,
then you put a gun to my head,
as certain as the one
that killed your father.
That is my reward?
Karla, wait.
Let her go!
Get Lin.
- Johnny.
- Linbaba.
If you're not coming, wh
what am I doing here waiting?
I know you're telling me that now,
but what do I tell my
customer about his passport?
I promised delivery today. You know,
I have a reputation to maintain.
Then how long?
Well, I cannot hand him your apology.
Didier Levy?
I'm Sub-Inspector Chavan Sharma.
I need you to come with
me to the police station.
Uh Can you tell
me what this is about?
Please, sir. Come with me.
- Now?
- Now.
Linbaba. Have a drink, man,
or we'll have to bury you in this hole,
and there won't be
any room for the pipe.
Qasim. Work is progressing on schedule?
I'll let Khader know.
Lin, Brother, have you quit your clinic
for the digging of ditches?
Everything okay, Mr. Lin?
What are you doing?
Khader sent you to get me, right?
He whistles, and you come running?
Did you find Maurizio?
Helping me out with Raheem
doesn't make up for the lies.
I understand how you must be feeling.
But I was caught between
my father and my brother.
As long as you did not know,
I did not have to choose.
Oh, so you just lied instead?
That's real brotherly.
Khader is trying to do right.
That means he has to
make difficult choices.
But I trust his plan, even
when I don't understand it.
After all this, mate,
I don't trust anybody.
Not Khader and not Karla.
Not you.
Let's go.
I will always be your brother.
You have to choose if you will be mine.
I didn't know you made
house calls, Madame.
But I'm afraid, uh, you're
not to my taste, huh?
There's going to be
a time in your future
when you look back on this moment
and wonder, "If only
I had not insulted her,
everything would be different."
Never heard of you leaving the Palace.
I've never had reason,
till now.
Please, Madame, forgive my
crass joke. It was wrong, huh?
And I apologize.
Khader Khan plans to expose your
business with Minister Pandey.
I don't know what you're
talking about. I know no Pandey.
Pandey has a mistress, a
Kamathipura whore called Sunita.
And how do you know this?
Khaderbhai forced me to
help him get to the girl.
I should kill you for just that.
And he threatened me for
helping you with Rujul.
I'm only trying to stay alive.
Then why are you telling me this now?
Khader plans to use a
journalist and bury us both.
I don't have the means
to fight back on my own.
I want them to pay.
Khader and Karla Saaranen.
Does Khader know you found this out?
Well, this is good.
If you're right
then Khader has given me all the
excuse I need to finish him for good.
You chose the right side, Madame.
What can I give you in return?
Did you tell Karla to lead me on?
No. Karla lied to me
about her feelings for you.
That is why we find
ourselves where we are.
Well, "Everybody, sooner or later,
sits down to a banquet of consequences."
Oh, Lin.
I do like you. No lie there.
Well, excuse me if I
don't really give a fuck.
Remember who you're speaking to.
Oh, I do.
The man who fed me some shit about
being my father in another life
so he could use me to screw over
the only real friends
I've got in this place.
You will show some
respect in this house.
- Or what?
- Uh, enough. Enough.
I suspect Lin would say that
respect has to be earned.
His anger is justified.
I apologize, Lin.
But things are moving
fast, and right now,
everything I have been working towards
for a very long time is in danger.
I don't care. I'm leaving.
I'm done with all of you.
Actually, you are the
cause of my problems.
So, you brought me here
because you want something else?
Oh, that is rich.
Karla has given a news
story to Kavita Khanna
so that you can stay in Sagar Wada.
This story will start
a war with Walid Shah.
But Karla is willing to throw away
everything she has worked for with me
to give you what you want.
I need you to convince
Karla to kill the story,
or her life will be in danger.
But, as you said, you're
leaving, so what do you care?
You won't get far without this.
Did you not think I would know?
I control the book market.
Oh, man.
That's it?
Fuck, you're just a fraud.
A Wizard of Oz bullshit-merchant
pretending to be a philosopher.
You really think he's
got all the answers?
Ask Karla to stop the story.
Please. And this is
yours, free of charge.
Karla can make her own decisions.
And I'll get by. One way or another.
You deserve better, my brother.
No, no, no. No!
- Just Just Just
- I'm fine.
Leave me. J Just go.
Please tell me that you're here
to help me with these files.
Look, you made your point. Believe me.
I've been a prick. I apologize.
Apology accepted.
I found a man who will know
exactly where to find Lindsay Ford.
You were stuck in here once before.
Lindsay Ford bailed you out, yeah?
So I guess you know where to find him.
May I ask who you are, sir?
I'm Detective Walter Nightingale,
the Australian Federal Police.
Yeah, I'm the man who
locked up Dale Conti
that's your mate's real name
for armed robbery and killing a cop.
You've come a long way.
I'm not going back empty-handed.
Well I barely knew,
uh uh, Dale, or, uh, Lin,
whatever you wanna call him.
- Barely? Barely?
- Yeah, I was just an acquaintance.
- Really?
- Yeah.
He's your friend.
I don't have friends.
I find life more simple that way.
Then I guess you'll have
no one to bail you out
once Chavan buries you
back in those cells.
I didn't expect to see you again.
Whatever deal you've made with
Kavita, you need to cancel it.
The deal she made for you?
So you can stay in your precious slum.
- Lisa, don't.
- No.
You didn't deserve
what he said last night.
She's risked her life for you.
So think on that before
you say anything else.
You've spoken to Khader.
He said what you're doing
is gonna start a war.
Then he showed me my new passport.
Told me he'd give it to me if
I talked you out of the story.
And what did you say?
- Told him to fuck off.
- Why?
Because I'm not bending to
any more of his bullshit.
That doesn't mean I want you in danger.
Fuck, Karla. Why couldn't
you have just been honest?
I didn't ask you to do any of this.
I just wanted to be with you.
That simple.
Well, you don't need the
passport if you can stay.
And you can stay now,
Lin. Let me give you that.
- I'm going.
- Why?
Because nothing's the same anymore.
So you can just carry on as
you were, like I was never here.
Holy fuck.
Can you two just move past the
bullshit and get it together?
Everyone lies.
Everyone does shit. So what?
What do you want?
Don't let it all be for nothing. Please.
It's too late for me now.
You're willing to risk jail,
huh? Or even worse, for Conti?
He's a self-serving junkie scumbag.
As I have said that the man you
describe is not the one I know.
Mr. Levy, all evidence
points to the opposite.
You know lying to the police is a crime?
If you don't share the
information you know,
I will have to take you to prison.
And I don't think
either of us wants that.
I still can't help you.
I have information for you and
the gora about Lindsay Ford.
Let's hear it.
Lindsay Ford is living in
the Sagar Wada jhopadpatti.
He's been doctoring the
people that are living there.
How did you come by
this information, Sanjay?
Who's paying for you to give us it?
Just doing my duty, sir.
First time for everything.
- I can take you right now.
- Uh
I'll need to assemble a team
before we enter the slum.
Any arrest has to be made properly.
Whatever you say,
Chavan. It's your town.
What about Laughing Boy in there?
If we let Levy go, he could
lead us straight to Conti.
We'll have him followed.
If he goes to Lin Ford, then we know.
It is time to repay the betrayals.
Khader is old. His time has passed.
He will not even see us coming.
We are going to own fucking
Bombay when this is finished.
We're going to hit his
businesses, safe houses.
We're going to kill his puppets,
Pandey, Qasim Ali, Abdullah Taheri.
And we will kill him.
Here's the food at last.
I'm going to the bathroom.
Don't give anyone my
table. I'm not done.
Do you want this?
- Not my style, boss.
- Okay.
Thank you. Take this.
- Hey, Lin.
- What are you doing here?
There is an Australian cop
in Bombay looking for you.
- Nightingale?
- Yeah.
We need to keep you out of sight.
Sorry, your passport wasn't ready today,
so, uh, we must find a place
where to hide you, right?
Until I collect it.
Khader Khan has my passport.
Did you know about Karla and
Khader, that they work together?
Course you fucking did.
But, hey, I kept Karla's secret the
same way I would keep yours, huh?
I'm Swiss in all these
matters, as you know.
So, K Khader didn't
give you the the book?
No, he's holding it over my head.
Fuck him.
Fuck him.
- Linbaba!
- Hey!
- What happened?
- Goondas. Walid's men.
- Put him in my hut.
- What? Uh, Lin, we have to go. We
I can't leave him like this.
You're insane, mon frère.
You know what? I'm I'm going to
make alternative arrangements, okay?
- But come as soon as you can
- Okay.
- yeah?
- Prabhu, find Parvati.
This story's gonna be huge, Kavita.
My editor's gonna hold
the front page for us.
These land deals are a dirty secret
that no one wants brought to light.
- And Pandey refused to comment?
- He was terrified.
He did not act like an innocent man.
You're sure? These are
powerful, dangerous people.
There could be consequences for
all of us if we publish this story.
So, we let them get away with it?
What's the point if we're
afraid to tell the truth?
If we don't, we are no better than them.
Think I wanna marry you.
I'll take it under advisement.
Right now, we have work to do.
That people like this Zhou
think they can come here
and live and act like this.
What benefit does a woman
like this bring to Bombay?
So, what now?
I'll make an official request
to speak with Minister Pandey.
I want you to add more detail on
the Palace and Madame Zhou in there.
People love a sex scandal
more than anything.
And then we'll shake them with
the exposure of the corruption.
Are you sure you're ready?
There's no turning back.
I'm more than ready.
Thank you for taking a
chance on me. It means a lot.
I know I wouldn't be
here if not for you.
I know talent when I see it.
Now hurry up with those rewrites.
How do you feel?
He-Head hurts.
Okay, he needs to rest
and not move too much.
I think he might have a concussion.
So you need to make sure he stays
awake, knows who he is, where he is.
He can have more
There is a chai shop. The
gora runs his clinic nearby.
Where does the gora doctor live?
What's wrong?
I think he might have a
hematoma. Bleeding in the skull.
How bad is it?
Well, if the pressure isn't
released, it could kill him.
Linbaba, the police are
here looking for you.
Okay, Lin, you have to go.
Let's hide you somewhere else.
I can't leave him.
We can take Qasim to his own hut.
Bring what you need and treat him there.
Okay. Johnny, you help me with
him. Parvati, bring our supplies.
Qasim, we need to move you, all
right? Gonna lift you up on three.
One, two, three.
I will stay here to
slow down the cops. Go.
- Prabhu. No.
- Qasimbhai needs you both.
I am not a doctor.
But I can give you time.
Who is it?
My love.
- Karla.
- Sebastian.
It's not too late to go get Lin.
Lin? Why would we take Lin?
'Cause he got Maurizio off our backs.
'Cause he loves Karla
the way you love me.
Karla, it's okay with me. We
have enough money to go around.
Where is the money?
I've hidden it somewhere safe.
- We'll pick it up on our way out of town.
- Mmm.
You've done this before?
No. This is a surgeon's work.
If we don't relieve the pressure,
he's gonna die, so we have to try.
Okay, hold him tight.
Hold tight. Hold him tight.
- I need the iodine and cotton.
- Oh.
Okay. Okay. Good.
We need to lift that section.
- Oh, fuck!
- Hey.
You're making a terrible mistake.
Because you work for Khader Khan?
Well, you know he's
probably dead by now?
Because of a war you started.
- Madame Zhou wants to see you both.
- No fucking way.
The bags, Modena. And you, Karla.
Where is the money?
The money. The money. The money!
Where's the fucking money?
Tell me where it is, now!
Maurizio, let them go
and I'll give you it.
- No. - Uh-uh?
Come here.
- No, no, no. No. Maurizio.
- No!
Come here. Listen to me.
If you don't tell me what
you have done with my money,
- I'm going to smash
- No, no.
this pretty little face
until she begs me to shoot her.
Do you understand?
Enough. We need to go.
- Take them.
- No, no! Don't.
- Shh. Just tell me.
- No!
- Just tell me where it is.
- Maurizio.
Tell me where my money is.
Tell me. Tell me!
- No? No?
- No.
No! No!
Help him, please!
- Please, no. No, no, no.
- Come here.
Help him, please.
- Just tell me where my money is, now. Now!
- She can't tell you, she doesn't know!
No, no, no. No.
There he is. That's him.
Can I be helping you?
Do you know the gora Lin Ford?
He is my good friend. That
is his hut right there.
- He's in there?
- No, I'm saying this is his place,
not that he is in it.
Where's Dale Conti?
Dale Conti. I am not knowing Dale Conti.
This is my very best friend, Linbaba.
You're his best friend?
Linbaba is being the doctor here,
taking very good care of all of us.
He can be anywhere. Very hard to find.
But, um, I am best at finding things.
This little slum rat wants baksheesh.
I know you like to do things right.
But Dale Conti killed another good cop.
If we don't get him now,
he's gone. He's gone.
I'll go supervise the search elsewhere.
Move the light. I need more light.
This is moment of truth.
Okay. Okay.
Where is the gora? Huh?
- Huh?
- I almost had it.
And then you made me forget.
Listen, listen, listen.
Why are you bothering, Son? Why?
- You see that? That's the clot.
- Yes.
All right. I need the saline.
Tell me, or I'm going
to take your eyes. Huh?
What is happening? Where is Uncle Qasim?
He is being treated by Linbaba.
You should leave. Go.
Where is he?
Nightingale. Out here now.
- What?
- I know where the gora is, saab.
And what do you fucking want?
I want him punished.
Boy, let's go.
Qasim, can you hear me?
Hey, hey.
Hey. Hey, Qasim. Do you know who I am?
The gora pain in the ass.
Go find her.
I'm not leaving you now.
I have Ranveer and the others.
Walid took his shot at me and missed.
The others weren't so lucky.
They're hitting us all over town.
Go find Karla and bring her here!
Karla is the cause of all of this.
Karla made a mistake
and we love her still.
Now go.
How far is it?
In that moment, my wishes
and fears crashed together.
And I knew the nightmare that was
waiting if Nightingale caught me.
Yes, you, motherfucker.
Come on! Come on!
There, there, there, there.
Get in, Linbaba!
I'll be expecting very
good tip for this, Linbaba.
Very good, huh?
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