Shattered (2017) s01e11 Episode Script

She Had You Fooled

Previously on Shattered Since we've been partnered, his behaviour's been Inconsistent, unstable.
He changes.
Shut up! Shut up! His voice, the way he moves.
Is he a good detective? Yeah, he is.
I want you to come see me every week.
Like a regular patient.
What happened between Kevin and I was a mistake, and it's over.
So you'll speak on his behalf? What part of "go to hell" don't you get? Ella, are you sure about this? Why dial back the clock when you've been clean so long? [Woman screaming.]
So you blacked out when you went to her apartment, and you have no idea what happened? Like what I said before, she's a friend of Ella's, and she's a bit messed up right now.
Did you drink, do any drugs? I may have.
Mm-mm! That is the end of that.
You got any more of that hidden away? Somewhere? What did you say your name was? Don't tell me, don't tell me, don't tell me! Linda.
Linda [Laughing in triumph.]
Linda, Linda, Linda You're wasted, my friend.
Your mood's improved, and I can't lie I like it.
That is the last of the liquor.
You want some weed? Weed? I don't want weed! Weed wants me.
: Weed wants me Let's see A baggie of jell capsules.
Oh, that's more like it, that's more like it.
What is this, a little downtown? A little downtown? Ooh, I could use a little downtown tonight.
You don't want to go there, believe me.
Yeah, I want to go everywhere.
Benny [Dog barking.]
Linda Wake up.
Okay, come with me.
Come on.
[She moans softly.]
[Yelps and screams.]
Let go of me! [.]
It's all right.
Linda, Linda, stop! Settle down, okay? Look at me, look at me.
Look at me.
It's okay.
It's okay You all right? Settle down.
Here we go.
You O.
ed a little bit there.
I'll take you to a hospital.
No hospitals.
You scared me.
I just need to go to sleep.
No sleep, sweetie, yet.
[Cell phone vibrating.]
I just need to confirm what you told the other officers.
It's a vintage bag, grey in color.
Do you think you could identify the driver? No, it was too dark.
But I did manage to make out a few of the letters on the licence plate.
Would that help? Yeah.
This could be it.
Matches the partial plate we got.
Looks like original paint.
This man knows how to keep a car.
Hey, check this out.
What do you got? That look like blood to you? Yeah.
I'll call in a warrant, we'll have a look.
It's detective Rhodes.
Hey, Ter, I'm going in.
Call you back.
Police! Don't move! Put your hands where I can see them! I'm good here.
Check the other rooms.
All right, sit tight.
Ah! Why are you doing this? Clear in the living room.
We'll ask the questions.
Sit down.
We're good upstairs.
Anyone else in the house? No, no one.
What are you doing here? I want it noted for the record that I did not resist arrest.
Duly noted.
A-ha! Hallsy, check this.
This yours? These type of stab wounds indicate a rage killing.
You see them quite often in domestic disputes gone wild.
Love what a terrible force in the wrong hands.
Once he starts, he can't stop? Precisely, detective, if a little less eloquently.
So what you're saying is, she most likely knew her killer? I'd wager on it.
Do we know who she is yet? No, not yet.
[Cell phone rings.]
Excuse me.
Vina here.
That is good news.
Terry and Hall are back.
Apparently, they've made an arrest in her killing.
Tom, you want to put him in interview one? Is that the vehicle owner? Victor Hugo.
Yeah, we were following up on the witness I.
of the plate.
Led us to a house in the south end near the airport.
The car was parked out front there.
We noticed blood inside the car, and I observed him acting suspiciously, thought there might be other victims, so I went into the house to investigate.
Inside, we found what we figure is probably the murder weapon that killed the Jane Doe in the water.
Ident's on the way over to process the rest of it.
You talk to Vina? She said the knife wounds are consistent with a crime of passion, but it was two blunt trauma wounds to the head that killed her.
- Does he have a record? - No, he's clean.
- Talk to him, see what he says.
- All right.
Nice work.
Did I miss anything? Terry and Hall arrested the guy who dumped our Jane Doe floater, which you would have known if you'd answered my call this morning.
You called? Hey, you should find the operating instructions for that thing.
[chuckles ruefully.]
Note taken.
Who is she, Victor? I don't know.
We know you know her.
The only thing we don't know is why you killed her.
It's in your interest to clarify your involvement in this situation before charges are laid.
Well, how could I clarify something if I didn't kill her? He's a cold one.
The facts say otherwise, Victor.
We have a witness that puts your car leaving the scene moments before the body popped up.
I gather you weren't counting on that.
Hey, I'm just getting started.
We found a knife in your home and bloody clothes in the laundry basket.
Now, the blood on the clothes matched the victim we pulled from the inlet.
The knife matches the wounds on the body, and your fingerprints are all over it.
But wait, there's more.
Let me turn the page.
Tire iron, the one you dropped in the water? Our divers recovered that, and it matches the fatal wounds to the head.
Is that all the evidence you have? Are you slow? No.
He's the type that if you found a body in his bed, him lying beside it, a knife in his handhe'd deny it.
Actually, I think we drank everything in the place.
Mostly me.
That part I don't remember.
I do remember waking up with all the Empties around me.
[pen underlines heavily.]
How far back do u have to go before the memories become clear? I remember being In the parking lot, and I remember Going up the stairs to the front door.
Then the next thing remember is waking up.
And how are things with you and Ella? I came to talk about my blackout.
So you said.
I don't have an answer for you.
Just wondering if anything's going on in your personal life that could be affecting you.
Like what? Ben, I know people who go through separation or divorce, they describe it as moments of madness.
Now, I see you come in early some mornings.
You come out of the locker room, your hair's wet, it has me wondering.
About what? About how things are going with you and Ella.
Look, I'm sorry, gentlemen, I really can't help you.
Look, there's no point in dragging this thing out.
If I did do it, what exactly are e you offering me? Well, depending on the story we hear Pam? A word? There could be a lesser sentence in it for you.
Well, if you were to hear that, then I'd be making it up.
[Chuckles in disbelief.]
Whoa Because I didn't kill her.
He's not going to confess.
No, I think we got enough physical evidence.
No, you don't.
I just had a call from the prosecutor.
You need to hear this.
Everything in the house is out.
The knife, the bloody clothes, all of it.
Why? Because you two screwed up.
You don't find me something else, or you get a confession.
Don't make me or this unit look bad.
Understood? Prosecutor says she won't be dealt in this there's no way she'll take your case to a judge unless you get more proof, because the evidence you got will be thrown out of the first objection.
What more does she want? We followed proper procedure.
Until you searched the house.
You overstepped your warrant.
We just came from finding a woman floating in the water.
Witness I.
ed the car and partial plates.
Hall saw this guy lurking around the house like a scared rat.
He had every reason to believe that someone else could have been in danger.
- It doesn't matter.
- That's garbage.
Telling that to me is gonna get you nowhere.
Look, you had the right to search the car, but once you went in the house had Hugo under control, saw that no one else was in immediate danger, you should have stopped then and got a warrant to search the house.
Without that warrant, everything that you found in the house is fruit of the poisoned tree inadmissible.
So this prick will get a walk in this thing? Just go home, have a beer, destroy whatever other evidence there may be Okay, he's been in custody a couple of hours.
We can hold him for 22 more.
Find something we can see.
You hear about Terry and Hall's guy? The prosecutor who for fun? What does that say about our justice system? Ben, how full's your plate right now? Always have time for you, Vina.
I have something to show you that might be of interest.
Busy night? O.
That's the eighth in the last 24h.
They range from your street type all the way up to CEO.
I have a stock broker, a soccer mom, and a third grade teacher here.
Seems that everyone is looking to escape the annui these days.
Where do we fit in? I think it's possible these might be more than just accidental deaths.
They all had these red caps on them? Nowadays, most heroin is sold in flaps, like coke.
Selling them in caps is very old school.
Probably all from the same dealer.
- Have you analyzed the contents? - Yes.
And while most street heroin we see is 7% pure this batch here is over 15.
They probably did their regular doses, nodded off, best rush of their lives, and then it was good night and good luck.
So you're saying these are hot shots? Could be, could not be.
That's why I called you.
At the very least, there's someone out there distributing very high purity heroin.
If that's the case I wouldn't be surprised to see more bodies rolling in.
Uh, Ben, I need a minute.
Vin, I'd like to sign these out to, uh Compare it with some other evidence? Of course.
I can only hope that the outcome of that case isn't as fatal as these ones.
Takes me 10 minutes before I realize I'm in a women's bathroom, okay? Smack that, right in the middle of a drug deal gone bad, So I reach for my card, I hand it to her, and I say, "call me" Amy! Hey.
Nick, what do you want? I just wanted to say hi.
Okay, you've said it.
I been hearing about heroin O.
Word out is that it may be an epidemic.
Well, we have no comment.
- You satisfied? - Mm hardly.
What do you say about an interview? I mean, you and me, like the way it used to be? Tonight? Nick, I moved out because I'm not ready to be with a man who needs to know where I am 24-7.
What do I have to do to convince you that we're over? Just calm down.
You want space, you got it.
See you later, Amy.
I don't care what the upholsterer says.
If those chairs are not covered and under asses, then I'm just going to cancel the order and [Footsteps approaching.]
Do business with somebody else.
Okay, well, just do it.
No excuses.
I've been meaning to call and say thanks.
I must have been in a bad way.
You were pretty tanked yourself.
You get home all right? I need to ask you something.
Am I talking to Ben the cop? Or Ben, the guy who showed up to talk about his wife and stayed to make a night of it? I need to know where you got these and whether Ella got any of these.
- Where did you get those, here? - It doesn't matter where.
Did you give any of these to Ella? No, and screw you for asking.
I don't sell to my friends.
Look, you wanted to get high, I pulled them out.
I'd done it with Ella.
I thought you were cool with it.
You gave these to Ella? You did this heroin with Ella? - These are hot shots.
- No I need to know where this came from! - I can't tell you that.
- Okay.
Come on.
Aw, come on! Where'd you get these? In the I can't I can't tell you.
You know that.
Come on.
: I have news.
I did further tests, and the knife you found is definitely the murder weapon.
Good collar, boys.
Well, I hope you got more than that.
That's got to be enough to incarcerate him five times over.
Not according to the prosecutor.
That is bad news.
Please tell me that what we found in the car is blood, otherwise I have to go back in there and shoot that guy myself.
Then I can save you a bullet.
It was a1 negative.
A1 is quite rare.
8% of the population, actually.
Bad news is, it doesn't belong to the victim or the suspect.
Vina Vina? Come here.
The guy made six figures.
They found him lying in his own puke.
Her name's Andrea.
Taught kindergarten.
Husband didn't even know she had a habit.
Her kids are waiting outside right now.
So when their dad gets here, we have to tell him he's going to raise these three kids alone.
It's amazing, the secrets that people can keep, right? Hey, Ben, okay? Enough.
I helped out Ella, but not with any of the stuff that did this.
Where did you get the smack? Shel.
My dealer's name is Shel.
Let's go find him.
It's not me you have to convince.
You can't tell me that we weren't justified in going into that house.
The blood in that car doesn't belong to either Hugo or the victim There might be another dead body out there.
For all we know, we're dealing with a serial killer.
Find out who this blood belongs to, find me another body, show me another victim, something I can take back to the prosecutor.
We still got the warrant on that car, right? Yeah, for another 12 hours.
Let's go tear that car apart.
Vina says the heroin residue in the cap you brought in matches the O.
Same purity.
Who is she? A friend of Ella's.
What's her involvement? She's agreed to give us her dealer, as long as we keep her out of it.
- You good with that? - Sure.
We meet her dealer in an hour.
She'll ride along, point him out.
You have reached the home of Ella, Ben and Adam Sullivan.
Leave a message.
We'll get back to you.
Ella, it's me.
Call me.
It's important.
Look, Ben, Ella didn't get any of this new stuff from me, I swear.
When did she come to see you? Last week.
She looked really good, you know.
I hadn't seen her in ages.
Frankly, I was surprised.
Why is it every time she falls off the wagon it starts with a visit to you? Look, that was the old me, okay, and just because I was the messenger telling you about Ella looking for a divorce lawyer doesn't mean you can take it out on me, which is what you made me feel the other night.
What lawyer? What do you mean, lawyer? She wanted the name of my lawyer, the one I used in my divorce.
The next thing I know, you're drinking scotch like water.
When did you tell me that? You really don't remember? Right before you drank the liquor cabinet and made us call for more weed.
Wow, you really were stoned.
How bad is her problem? She's chipping.
Says it's just recreational.
You think she meant it about the lawyer? Yeah, Ben, I think she was serious.
You called? Any movement on the murder case? Yeah, we're working on a new angle.
In other words, you've got nothing.
You didn't need me to come here to ask me that.
You could have called.
Actually, I need your opinion on something.
I hate these damn ties.
I wanted to wear a clip-on, but Laura insisted a man wearing a clip-on will never get elected mayor.
Then there's your answer.
Give me a hand? You should ask your wife.
What are you guys looking for? Anything that can link our suspect to a murder.
Or three.
Microscopic evidence, DNA, blood, whatever.
That's a shame.
Why's that? These things aren't like tinkertoys.
You can't pull them apart with a speed wrench.
They go together by hand, they're meant to come apart that way.
Okay, well, we got three hours to search every inch of this car all the way down to the hubcaps.
The whole car? No way.
Not in under 12.
We're not negotiating a time frame here.
This thing has to get done.
That's not him.
So where is he? He's like clockwork.
Give it a minute.
That's him.
That's Shel.
- Can I go now? - Yeah.
You're going to keep me out of this, right? Do my best.
Oh, son of a bitch! You good? Go, go! Why'd you run, Shel? Ah ah! Oh, is that why you ran? It's the same as the O.
Is that chai? Come on.
I don't know, guys.
We've got the trunk apart down to the carpet runners, you've done every test known to man, and there's nothing here.
Look, we got to pull something out of that car, all right? Or our bad guy, a very bad guy, that we know killed a woman is going to walk.
Let's raise this baby up and see what's underneath.
Watch yourself.
[Cell phone rings.]
Hello? Her name is Sophie Carter.
Just our luck that, in life, she was a notary public.
Her fingerprints are on file with the county board.
Any next of kin? Her husband.
We tried to contact him to come down and I.
the body, but he's nowhere to be found.
Thanks, Vina.
We got six hours.
Yeah, well, let's go talk to Hugo.
I don't want that son of a bitch to put his car back together and drive out of here.
It's a couple of caps, so what? Two or 200, it doesn't matter, Shel.
We got a half-dozen bodies in the morgue.
We trace your heroin back to them, it's murder.
This is entrapment.
What are you talking about? You were there the other night when I showed up at Linda's to score.
I knew there was something off about you.
I was.
So I got you selling drugs to Linda.
Me selling to Linda? No, no, no, try the other way around.
She deals to me.
Oh oh, oh, oh.
This is rich.
She told you I sell to her? [Laughing.]
Oh, man, she's got you fled.
"Oh, poor little Linda," she says.
You look at her respectable address, and her million-dollar view, I guess you missed the fact that dope bought everything that bitch owns, and if she's trying to pin murder on me, I'm going to put it right back on her.
So before I say anything, why don't get your ass up and open that door, or my lawyer tells the world that you two tried set me up to take her rap [Voice fades, echoing.]
Oh, man, she's got you fooled Oh, man, she's got you fooled.
[Laughs mirthlessly.]
Look at you, stupid smile on your face.
Feeling like you're just going to walk out of here, Shel? Shel Is that short for Sheldon? What about it? I'm sorry, did I miss the part where it said it's okay to sell heroin in the Torah? [Laughing.]
You know what I see when I look at you? I see a scol ring, I see creased jeans, I smell soap that no man would ever buy I see a little boy who lives at home with his mom.
Now, what would your mother say if she were here right now? Gangster clothes, heroin in the pocket, talking a tough line.
Do you think she'd recognize you? I don't.
We're all different people in different places.
But you'd be lost without your mom, wouldn't you, Shelly? I don't think you have the guts to tell her who you really are.
You're a loathsome little self-hating prick, who's too afraid to tell his mother who he really wants to be, which is nothing more than a street punk.
So I think we should call her, invite her down here Leave my mother out of this.
Ah! Ben! So if you didn't sell the drugs to Linda - Ah! - Who did? I don't know.
Ah! Some new player in town.
I don't know, an Albanian.
All right? I don't know! Just ask Linda yourself.
: Ben, a word? [Echoing.]
: A word? Ben? A word? Uh Ah! [Breathing heavily.]
What the hell was that? I wanted him to get angry enough so he'd blurt out a name.
Oh, yeah? Well, it worked.
But it's too bad the name he gave was your friend Linda.
What were you doing over there? I went over to talk about Ella.
I need you to be straight with me.
I went over to talk about Ella.
Buddy boy must have You know, come by.
He saw me, I didn't see him.
Is that where you're living now? [Scoffs.]
You're talking to a woman who moved out of her apartment with one suitcase and lives in a motel.
I know the look.
I'm not living there.
I went to ask after Ella.
She's using.
I'm sorry.
Is that why you two are on the outs? It's little more complicated than that.
Can I ask how long Linda and Ella have known each other? Before I met her.
Was she using then? She was, and then she cleaned up after we got together, then she started using again when our son went missing.
It'd be enough to put me over the edge.
Look, you're not thinking of letting Linda walk because she's a friend of Ella's? 'Cause using's one thing.
Dealing's another.
People are dying, and there's no way to leave her out of it.
Why don't you have another look, all right? Her name is Sophie Carter.
That name doesn't ring a bell to you? Never heard the name before.
And you don't recognize her? No.
Look, this is your last chance to come clean with us now about your involvement in this thing.
If there were any extenuating circumstances, you're going to want to tell us now.
I've already told you, I have no idea who this woman is.
You see, now, that That's funny to me, because we discovered that your firm used her to notarize many of its legal documents.
In fact, we Oh, my goodness, we have some right here, courtesy of the county clerk's office.
Do you recognize those? I've told you everything I know.
I want to see a lawyer.
[Knocking on glass.]
Mechanic thinks he found something.
Now, what am I looking at here? It's a c-clamp.
It's a temporary repair.
The quality of the work's not up to the rest of the vehicle.
What do you make of that? Well, no self-respecting classic car aficionado, which this guy obviously is, would allow his car to be driven in this condition.
Unless he had to.
Bikram Singh.
[Elevator dings.]
What the hell What are you doing? I helped you already Sit down.
Ben? We have a warrant.
Now you can stand.
Linda Rousso, you're under arrest for possession of heroin with intent to sell.
You lied.
You put my wife's life in danger.
No, okay, wait, I can help you.
Yeah, you said that, and you lied, and you're going to lie again.
No, the guy you're looking for is the Albanian.
What about him? His His name is Darius Clay.
He owns a shop on commercial.
People call him "the doll maker.
" Okay, go on.
He's a new player on the scene.
Did you know how pure this heroin was? No.
I'm the one who almost died, remember? Friend or no friend, this lead doesn't pan out, you'll be charged with murder.
Mur Come You can't prove I sold to those people.
The caps are connected to enough O.
s to make a strong case.
You give us the Albanian, tell us the truth about your involvement, I'll help you out as much as I can.
M found your name and number stencilled on the c-clamp.
Does that look familiar? Yeah, those are my tools.
Bikram Singh.
Thanks for coming down.
Hey, anything I can do.
You did the repair? On the tie rod? Yeah, I sure did.
You remember the guy you did it for? Didn't catch his name.
It was a rush job.
He paid me cash.
I told him, let me take it in so I could complete the repair, but he was in too big of a hurry.
He drove off with my c-clamp.
You did it at the guy's place? I had to drive all the way out there.
All the way out there? The guy lives in Kerrisdale.
No, way out in Abbotsford.
Some cabin in the woods.
Said he went over the pothole and needed it fixed right away.
I told him, bring it in so I could complete the repair, but the dude never called.
When was this? Last night.
Hugo said he was at home last night.
Yeah, thanks.
He's got brothers back in Albania.
They make the dolls, he brings them over and moves the smack.
Nice family.
You didn't check the grade before you sold it? It's something you don't expect.
The Albanian's new, so he ups the purity.
It's good advertising.
Once word gets around bodies are dropping, everyone wants to buy from him.
Yeah, anything for a buck, right? [Cell phone rings.]
He's on his way.
[Knock on door.]
We've got Victor on the ropes.
Abbotsford PD went to the cabin, found signs of a struggle.
Dogs went straight to the body.
Sophie Carter's husband.
Bludgeoned to death.
Buried in a shallow grave behind the cabin.
His blood matches the blood that we found in the car.
We got that, got a mechanic who places Hugo at the crime scene, and Hugo's already told us he wasn't there.
And we got solid motive.
Crime of passion.
Well, it never gets old.
Present it to him, get a confession, close the books on this one.
I'm surprised to see you back here.
You didn't show.
Look I'm sorry, Kevin.
I've got more important things to do than be part of your campaign poster.
Yeah, you're right.
Don't worry about it.
Any movement on the killer? Um, Terry and Hall are They have a good angle.
I think we'll get him.
You're a good cop, Pam.
I've always said so.
Good night.
Good night.
Van's going around back.
What's back there? A loading door, I think.
Call for backup.
I told you, I'm not willing to answer any further questions until my lawyer is present.
We're not going to ask you any questions.
We're just going to tell you what it is that we know.
For your information.
We know that you were having an affair with Sophie Carter.
We know you went up to a cabin in Abbotsford.
We have a mechanic that puts you there last night when you told us you were at home.
And, Victor, you're going to love this.
I know that I did.
We found Sophie's husband buried in shallow grave behind said cabin, and his blood type, A1 negative, was the same blood type that we found in your car.
So If you still want to have your lawyer come down, that's fine.
Or you may want to help yourself right here, right now.
A tip? This here's the point at which it's in your best interest to cooperate.
It was self-defense.
He found out we were lovers and followed us.
He came at me with a crowbar.
We fought, I hit him with a bottle of Tequila.
I never thought it would kill him, at worst he'd wake up with a bad hangover.
We appreciate your coming clean about it.
I still don't understand why you killed Sophie.
After I buried him, we were driving back into the city, and she kept on nagging me and nagging me.
"We should go to the police, Victor.
" "They'd understand.
It was self-defense.
It was self-dense.
" I told her the police would never believe me.
You wouldn't have, right? You should've listened to your girlfriend.
She's not my girlfriend.
[Tires squeal.]
[Siren wails.]
[Brakes screech.]
Police! Freeze! Freeze! [Gunshots.]
On your knees! Police! Freeze! Get down now! Get up.
Get this douche bag out of here.
When you get out, if you ever sell to Ella again, you're done.
You have my word, but I'm not the only heroin dealer in town, Ben.
Take her away.
- We good? - Yeah.
Nice work yesterday.
I heard you got him to confess.
Yeah, that guy was a real piece of work, I'll tell you what.
Ben Forgetting something? Yeah What was that? Don't do that.
You're right.
I'm sorry.
I was out of line.
I'll try to be more discreet.
Thank you.
So, how are you doing? My wife, uh Ella is using.
Ben, I'm sorry.
Linda and Ella are friends.
Friends? - You mean, Linda's selling to her? - Yeah.
Have you told Ella? That I arrested Linda? No.
Is there a reason why not? I met Ella when they were friends.
Different roads, same places.
You and Ella have been through a lot.
So now you're wondering to yourself, when does a junkie stop being a junkie and start being a criminal? That's what's bothering you, right? Yeah, something like that.
Don't you think you need to go to talk to her? And, uh What do I say? Tomorrow and just see if I can get the mother to, you know, take I'll, um, I'll see you guys tomorrow, okay? You don't need to get a lawyer.
I'll give you anything you want.
How did you know about that? Linda.
Linda? When What did you do, Ben? Listen, I want you to hear this from me before you hear it from anybody else.
I went there to talk to her, about you.
I saw the heroin, and one thing led to another.
I found out not only was she selling to you, she was selling on a really big scale, and She's under arrest.
Oh, my God.
Look, the bottom line is, I don't want you to end up like Linda.
I don't want you to end up in the morgue with a needle stick out of your arm.
I want you to be careful.
I don't know if I'm strong enough to quit right now.
I'm just asking you to be careful.
Take care, Ben.
[ "The Crash Was So Unkind" by Ryan Ostiguy playing.]

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