Snowdrop (2021) s01e11 Episode Script

Episode 11

You were right.
I must get out of here alive.
And I can't let my guys die.
Okay. Let's find a way
for all of us to get out alive.
Let's say we've held down the other spies.
Do we stand a chance against the ANSP
dying for the government to regain power?
We still got to try.
Or we'll all die just like they want.
I'm trying to save all the students too.
Hide here
until the other spies are held down.
Do not come upstairs.
See? I told you
they had lots of snacks in their rooms.
Have some.
We should bring
Comrades Lim and Kang some too.
Don't worry about that,
and just have some.
-That looks so good.
-What about us?
This is so good.
It's so good.
That goddamn b.
Hey, can't you see him fainting?
He needs sugar!
Shut up!
How dare you raise your voice?
Oh, my goodness.
We might die any moment now.
Shouldn't you at least feed us?
We're dying of hunger.
Shin Gyeong-ja.
Come here.
Bring this to him.
Our charismatic and thoughtful Bun-ok.
Could you please have mercy
and give us food too?
Even just a piece of bread.
-You'll be blessed.
Hey, Ko Hye-ja.
You said I shouldn't carry
an English book around
or receive the school newspaper
since I'm not a college student.
You said I should know my place.
Why are you bringing that up now?
Shut it. You don't get any food.
-Yoon Seol-hui!
Did you call me?
Hand out what you're holding
to the hostages.
And make sure
you don't give Ko Hye-ja any.
You don't give whom any again?
Ko Hye-ja…
You're hungry, aren't you?
This won't do. Demand some more food.
Stand up.
You son of a b.
You're betraying your country in the end?
They traded the South our lives for money
while they guaranteed us our safe return.
They've disposed of their own agents.
Shut your mouth.
How dare you traitor bastard
insult our party?
It seems Lim Soo-ho betrayed you.
The ANSP agent's putting
a gun to the doctor's head.
A gun?
And she called Soo-ho a traitor.
I heard it clearly.
Keep an eye on the hostages.
What is it? What's going on?
Everyone, hands over your heads.
And keep your heads down!
Keep a close watch on the hostages.
Keep your heads down!
Did you forget about the agreement?
We agreed to killing all the spies
He said they had agreed to killing us all.
They made a deal with the South
and agreed to killing their own agents.
Then what? Guaranteeing our safe return?
We failed our mission,
so we should've blown ourselves up anyway.
Who was the mission for?
What was it for?
Comrade Joo.
They ordered us to take down the Southern
government to achieve the revolution,
then abandoned us
for that very government to regain power.
The liberation of our country.
The people's democratic revolution.
Have you forgotten?
I'm sure it's for money,
not for the revolution.
For money, they sold their agents' lives
who have been loyal to the country
to the South.
That is…
what I can't forgive.
It's understandable
that you think that way
and feel betrayed.
But our families in the North…
Our families who are praying
that we accomplish our mission and
come back soon… If you think about them,
you shouldn't be doing this.
Think about your sister Su-hui.
This is the necklace I cherish the most.
But I'm giving it to you.
must come back to the North.
Comrade Joo and I
won't tell the party
about the mistake you made today.
Right, Comrade Joo?
I'll do as you say, Comrade Kang.
So untie me now.
Let's find a way
to save our families
as well as our agents.
Will there really be
any way for us
to save our agents together?
Check for yourself.
Go ahead and check
if the party still wants you…
to save and send me back alive.
There are tangerines.
There are tangerines, Ms. Pi.
Let's have some first.
Let's bring the kids some too later.
They told you to come up
since the spies are tied up.
This soon?
Are you sure?
If you don't believe me,
you can just stay here.
Ms. Pi.
Lead the way.
Let's go together.
I thought you'd never talk to me again.
Are you not mad at me anymore?
Forget about it. Come on now.
Come on.
Comrade Director.
"Eliminate Taedong River 1."
Where are we going?
I think they're gathered there.
Let's go that way.
I should've just killed you
when you looked suspicious.
How could you think that way
when ordered to kill your comrade-in-arms?
He's a goddamn traitor.
He's not my comrade!
You're a piece of s
who betrayed your country.
That voice…
I guess he's being held in the hall
director's office. Want to go check?
I'm sure Soo-ho's there too.
No. Bun-ok, let's just go back downstairs.
Go to the office quietly.
"Follow no orders but the direct ones."
They're telling you to kill me
even if other departments…
order you to save me.
Where do you belong, Comrade Kang?
The election scheme is the UFD's doing.
Is this also Director Lim Ji-rok's order?
Untie the doctor and Gyeok-chan right now.
What do you think--
Didn't you hear me?
Don't move.
Take one more step forward,
and I'll shoot.
Hand the gun over.
It's okay.
Have you ever killed a person?
Pull the trigger, and it's over.
It's not over.
The eyes of the first person you kill
will haunt you forever.
The eyes of the person
whose life slips away…
will follow you around
when you eat or sleep.
Even in your dreams.
Your life will be a living hell
where you're chased
by those eyes endlessly.
I am trying
to save all of us here.
I'm trying to convince
Comrades Kang and Joo
to save everyone in here
including all the hostages.
Don't forget, Bun-ok.
All the hostages must die here
for you and me
to carry on without anyone
knowing what we did.
I'll take care of you until the end.
-You know I'm capable of that.
-Shut up.
Now I'll tell Soo-ho and the ANSP agent
to put down their guns.
If they don't, don't hesitate
-to pull the trigger.
-Comrade Kang!
-Drop your guns.
-Sit down!
If they hear a gunshot, they'll break in.
The cafeteria and room 203
are not guarded at all.
They'll hold us down in three minutes.
-You'll be arrested in three minutes.
-Don't be fooled.
They'll never break in.
They haven't until now. Can't you see?
If they don't drop them in three seconds,
shoot her.
Drop your guns now!
I'll really shoot her.
You don't think I can?
Drop your guns!
Well done.
bring Yeong-ro here.
Step back.
Move back!
It's all right.
Slowly. Take it easy.
What are you doing?
Stay out of it.
Where did you get that gun?
Put it down right now.
Shut your mouth.
Or I'll tell these guys
who you really are.
Bun-ok. You must hurry. Come to this side.
Untie us first. Hurry.
Are you out of your mind?
Don't move!
Shoot me then.
You don't think I can?
The doctor said she'll save my father.
I can't afford to miss this opportunity.
I'm not going to miss it.
Is that so?
Then you're going to have to shoot me.
You foolish brat.
Have you forgotten what happened to your
sister? Do you want to end up like her?
My sister was not a Northern spy.
She was not a Northern spy!
Damn it.
You know that.
Our deal is based on give-and-take.
I need to be sure
you'll get my daughter out first
for me to send you
300 million dollars in three days.
Thanks to your agent who got in the way,
our agents died
and things got more complicated.
If you think about it,
it's all come to this
because you couldn't keep
your man under control.
If you don't send
300 million in three days,
your daughter will be killed first.
Ms. Choi.
Ms. Choi!
What about Kwon?
You still can't reach him?
Since he went out for lunch,
we haven't been able to reach him.
How am I supposed to reach him then?
I'm sorry, sir.
If it's urgent, I'll have
an expenditure secretary go and--
It's not the kind of money
a mere expenditure--
Search all over the city if you have to.
Find him as soon as possible!
Yes, sir.
Are you sure?
Pick it up.
The President wants to talk to you.
Me? Why--
Just pick it up, you bastard.
This is Chief An Gyeong-hui
of Anti-communist Investigations speaking.
I heard you once cleaned up
after my son Jun-pyo. Is that true?
The election is just around the corner,
so I couldn't let the opposition party
have anything to attack you with.
Besides, serving and protecting you,
the hero who saved our country,
is the most important job
of the ANSP, sir.
What are you talking about?
ANSP agents should strive
to ensure national security
and protect our people.
To encourage you
to be more faithful to your duties,
I'll appoint you
as the new chief of the Office
of Planning and Coordination.
Pardon, sir? Really, sir?
I appreciate it, sir!
I swear to serve you loyally
until I die, sir!
And continue to be in charge of the case.
My wife said
your briefing seemed reliable.
I'm honored, sir.
I swear on my life
I'll do my best to make sure
this case ends well for you, sir.
Yes, sir.
Hey. Let me talk to him.
Give it.
Sir, this is Tae-il.
No, you're too kind, sir.
Don't worry about me, sir.
What was that about?
What did he say
that you even swore on your life?
Well, it was just… He just appointed me
as the new chief of the Office
of Planning and Coordination.
Chief of the OPC?
Then you're number two in the ANSP.
Stop that.
Congratulations, sir.
My gosh.
There are no connections
between you and him whatsoever.
What, did you give the First Lady
some valuable information?
You should watch what you say.
The President is suffering from rumors
that he's appointed his closest man
as chief of the OPC,
controlling the ANSP
with his power of appointment and money.
You know that.
If you think that way,
it can't be good for the President.
Look at this bastard.
You're one sly bastard, aren't you?
I thought you were small fry,
but you're actually a sly snake?
When you deal with a snake,
you shouldn't step on its tail.
When it lifts its head,
you must trample on it
mercilessly to kill it. Got that?
Damn it…
What? Adultery?
He transferred tens of accounts
to Hanju Bank Sogong Branch lately,
so I thought it was weird.
He and the female branch manager…
Where's Kwon right now?
His wife sued him for adultery,
so the police caught him red-handed
in a hotel earlier.
Who does the President have in mind
for the next chief of the OPC?
Look into it secretly.
I did, sir, and… it's unprecedented.
We got intel that
Chief An Gyeong-hui has been appointed.
Chief An?
You are?
You're going to be the Chief of the OPC?
Oh, my God!
How amazing!
The fortuneteller said you were likely
to climb the ladder. He's so good!
I knew he was right!
Then, Charlotte, ask that fortuneteller
if there's a way for that bastard
Nam Tae-il to drop dead.
That bastard kicked me in the shin again.
The same spot he kicked last time!
Honey, honey.
They say money will
take care of everything for you.
You'll soon have an astronomical amount
of money at your disposal.
So what's the problem?
What's that stupid Nam Tae-il?
He'll crawl to you. Just wait and see.
Listen, honey. I got to go.
I should call the fortuneteller.
Has Mr. An been promoted?
Not just any promotion.
The Chief of the OPC is
like Code 1's vault.
Not just anyone can get the job.
Hello, sir. It's me.
My goodness. How are you so good, sir?
What you said has really happened.
Hello, ma'am.
I'm thinking
of paying you a visit tomorrow.
Oh, right.
Isn't it time for you
to get new golf clubs?
What do you say to golden ones?
It's my pleasure.
All right. I'll see you tomorrow, then.
When did you come?
What was it?
What was with the golden golf clubs?
If you bribe someone carelessly,
you might get into trouble later.
I'm so sorry,
but I have to go shopping now.
Ms. Kim. Fit Ms. Cho for me, okay?
What? That's wrong. Just wrong!
How could you leave it to her?
Ms. Kim.
Push Ms. Cho's fitting back
to the day after tomorrow.
All right? Since I have
no time tomorrow too. Move.
Well, then.
Is she out of her mind?
What's wrong with her?
Has she gone insane?
Apparently, her husband has been
promoted to chief of the OPC.
Chief of the OPC? Mr. An has?
But how? He wasn't that good.
My goodness!
What? So are you saying
our government planned
this whole hostage situation
with the North
to win the presidential election?
That's right.
My God…
I was just ordered
to have Professor Han defect to the North.
I didn't come here to kill you
or hold you hostage here.
While being chased unexpectedly,
I ended up holding you hostage.
Do you expect us to believe that?
You pointed a gun at us and held us down.
We were so scared.
And it was so hard for us.
-She's right!
-I agree!
This is ridiculous!
What kind of nonsense is this?
"Take down the communist party.
Defeat the Northern army!"
This is the slogan we learned. There's
no way our government would do that!
I know it's absurd and hard to believe,
but it is true.
I had no idea and escaped without
the spies knowing yesterday afternoon
to have the SWAT team
break in to save you.
But they shot at me.
-What's he talking about?
They shot at you, an ally?
What did he say?
My God.
They're capable
of much worse things than this.
My cousin was a member
of the labor union at his work.
He was dragged
to the re-education camp and died.
They don't hesitate to kill
people who cross them.
Of course they're capable of this.
Whether it's true or not,
what's that have to do with me?
Release me right now. I have to study.
The bar exam is soon!
-Is she serious?
You have no idea how serious this is.
It's not the time to be selfish.
If anything goes wrong,
the ANSP will kill us
as well as the spies.
If they can win the election,
30 people's lives?
It's nothing to the ANSP.
All right.
I'll be straightforward.
So are you saying if we escape this place,
they're going to shoot at us
just like they did at him?
I hope such a thing won't happen.
But it might happen,
so I'm saying we should protect ourselves.
The South or the North,
the higher-ups don't give a damn
about our lives right now.
We have eight days left now.
Eight days until the election.
Mr. Lee and I will find
a way for us to get out alive until then.
As of this moment,
you're free to do whatever you want
within the dorm.
Don't forget that
every entrance and exit is booby-trapped.
I know it's hard for all of you,
but we must work together
if we're going to beat them.
I hope no one will try
to escape alone to save their skin.
I think you should supervise
the students from now on, Ms. Pi.
Hold on.
There's someone we need to punish first.
Bun-ok has a gun.
The doctor's underling
has been tormenting us.
The Gizzard joined the spies' side!
That b pointed a gun at us!
Ms. Pi already knows.
She knows?
She's still going to let her be?
Ms. Pi, you really know what she did?
This is way worse than stealing!
This is not right!
Everyone, be quiet and sit down.
Starting tonight, you'll sleep
in the rooms on the second floor.
Those who don't have roommates,
Gather in groups of four.
I'll sleep in my room.
Gye Bun-ok, stop right there!
I don't need
to be supervised by you, do I?
Is she crazy?
How could she be so rude to her?
Pi, you little…
You turned it off
without telling me last time.
How is it in there?
This is Gye Bun-ok,
the telephone operator of the dorm.
Are you working for the ANSP?
Are you outside the dorm right now?
Who are you? Where's Pi?
Please! Please listen to me.
I have very important information.
So I contacted you in Ms. Pi's place.
Important information? What is it?
I am really on the ANSP's side.
If anything happens to me,
you must help me, okay?
All right. So what's the information?
What happened is,
Lim Soo-ho the spy
and the ANSP team leader--
Hello? Hey.
This little…
How long have you been
in league with them?
I haven't. This is the first time.
That radio belongs to Ms. Pi.
I just found it in the restroom.
Since we found out you helped the spies,
did you need some insurance?
If there were bullets in the gun,
you would've killed Ms. Pi.
What you did was horrible,
but you don't regret your actions at all.
If Ms. Pi hadn't begged us to let you be,
we would've locked you in the basement.
Then you go about
doing something like this?
Ms. Pi begged you to let me be?
She really did?
Do you know how many crimes
you have committed?
Violating the National Security Law,
threatening to kill,
illegal possession of firearms,
and probably attempted murder too.
If you give the ANSP some information,
you think they'll let you off the hook?
Did you think catching a Northern spy
means a better performance review
and more incentives?
I was…
I was forced to do it. That's all.
If you try anything stupid once more,
I'll consider you a Northern spy.
Go upstairs.
There's good news.
Since the explosion and gunfight
this morning, it's been about ten hours.
And it's been confirmed by the command
post that there were no casualties
from the explosion…
Mr. Choi.
Are there really no casualties?
It's not a cover-up?
How could no one have died
when bombs exploded?
I mean, that's such a relief.
You know my husband is trying his best
to save every single hostage,
even on the day of Yeong-u's burial.
Why don't you try and convince him
to call it a day now?
Okay. Thank you.
-Give them back!
-Give them back!
Your father must've come too, right?
Where is he?
Where is my future father-in-law?
He must be busy.
I think he's too busy to come.
I see.
Are you upset about that?
It's all right.
Oh Gwang-tae is here for you.
My goodness, I knew she'd be so shocked.
I'm sure she hasn't even
drunk a drop of water.
Oh, my goodness. My mom looks all haggard.
I feel so bad for my dad too.
Can't we just go outside?
Didn't you hear the ANSP guy?
They'll shoot at us!
Dream on.
We all know the doctor is a Northern spy.
They won't let us go.
Then we shouldn't trust
they're going to let us live?
Oh, poor Hye-ryeong.
You've been believing them all this time?
Look, in this situation, we can't
trust the ANSP agent or the spies.
They just want to save their skin.
Who knows? They might be not letting us go
to use us as shields.
What do we do?
Look at that.
Oh, no.
…if I think about the communists
who did those horrible things,
I feel so furious
that I feel like I'm going to die.
Fellow citizens, we must become stronger.
We need to become stronger
for the communists
to not even think about coming to hurt us.
You picked the right person.
Did you have her rehearse it?
She caught on quickly,
so it wasn't difficult.
Even in this desperate situation,
their anti-communism stays strong,
and it's moving to see.
In order not to let any Northern spy
or pro-Communist set foot in our country,
all of the citizens must cooperate.
Yes, they must cooperate.
I feel like I can hear
the approval rating going up.
Oh, right.
Have you found the recording?
Gal is such a tenacious bastard,
so he's still holding out.
But if we bring his mother
and threaten him,
what can he do? He'll talk soon.
-We need all the citizens on full alert.
-Come here.
-I'm Yoo Young-jun, MBS.
-Come on.
I'm not going to hit you. Come here.
That's what I'm talking about.
That's what you're best at.
If a worm acts like a snake
and aspires to become a dragon,
it'll end up getting hurt. Okay?
-Yes, sir.
-Good job.
We're not going to make it
without Han-na's help.
We need to bring her in first.
But I don't think
you should tell her
Kang Cheong-ya is a Northern spy.
What do you mean?
Han-na must know that
to find out who's behind Kang.
And we need to find that out
to use it as our winning move.
If Nam Tae-il finds out
Kang is a Northern spy,
he's going to try to kill all the hostages
before we could make our winning move.
Nam Tae-il?
He's the one who sent Kang in here.
She's infiltrated that deep?
I never imagined…
Then she's a step away
from entering the Blue House.
You think you can convince Kang Cheong-ya?
Do you want to die?
How could you help
the traitor who fell for a girl--
Say what you will about Comrade Lim,
but I trust him!
He saved me during the training.
And he's the only one
who'll save me again!
You bastard.
Untie me before I beat you to death.
Untie me, you bastard!
Comrade Joo.
I don't think he can hear you yet,
so stop it.
Eliminate Taedong River 1?
Oh, no!
What's your name?
We agents shouldn't even ask
each other's names.
You know that.
I'm Kang Cheong-ya.
My grandfather, who was
an independence activist, named me so
hoping I'd prepare for crises.
-That's not my real name though.
-I didn't hear that.
That necklace…
Can you give it to--
No, can you sell it to me?
After another ideology education
and intensive training,
I'll have to go back to Seoul.
And I have a feeling
-that will keep me alive.
-I'm sorry,
but it's more precious
than my own life to me.
If we ever meet again,
I will repay you…
for saving my life.
Did you want to see me, sir?
What I'm about to tell you
must stay between you and me
for the time being.
I understand, sir.
You'll be officially appointed
as chief of the OPC tomorrow.
Come up with 300 million dollars
with secret funds right away.
300 million dollars?
But that much money--
You know that the hostage situation
is the election scheme.
Treat it as working expenses,
and there'll be no problem.
Understood, sir.
Oh, and, let's have a drink together soon.
You're just watching this guy
ripping the squid for me.
You're witless and tactless.
You're just feisty. That's all you are.
My goodness.
Hey. What did you come here again for?
You should rest at home.
Give me the camcorder.
Right. You want to see
your daughter's face? Here.
Have one.
The camcorder.
Don't worry.
Now that we've calmed down the parents,
once we receive the camcorder,
everything will go--
-They didn't send it out yet?
-God, you startled me.
Those bastards just wouldn't listen to me.
How can I make them--
This damn bastard.
You bastard! What's taking you so long?
Send the camcorder out!
Send Han-na in.
I think a bowl of chicken soup
will heal me. No, it's okay!
What kind of chicken soup
do the South eat?
Chicken soup.
Chicken soup?
Samgyetang? Or old plain chicken soup?
Along with 50 fried chickens.
Fried chicken?
Are you out of your mind?
What a nerve they've got.
After the explosion, what?
The reporters will find it odd too.
Sending in fried chicken after a gunfight…
Look. Just be grateful
for what we give you.
We'll send in some snacks--
We can send them in
without the reporters knowing.
It's possible if we use
the exit in the shrine.
I'll make sure they won't find out.
Where's Mr. Lee?
Put them in and leave.
Put the gun down.
Close the door.
What's this?
It's chicken!
Where's Mr. Lee?
God, I can't get used to this.
You're standing side by side with a spy.
But I feel relieved.
Let's eat first.
Why did you tell him I'm your fiancée?
You had something to tell me.
But it's true
we were engaged.
So you remember that.
But why did you leave me?
What's that?
What are they doing?
-Oh, no.
Oh, no.
Keep in line.
One, two, one, two. Keep in line.
Those who were released yesterday
didn't go home.
They were taken to the ANSP.
Can you see now that this hostage
situation is a scheme for the election?
They must want to show
how the students being held by the spies
are trembling with fear on TV.
Once that is aired,
what do you think
people will begin to think?
"Let's go knock down
those horrendous spies!"
Something like that.
That's right.
People will hate communists even more.
That'll put the ruling party
at an advantage.
What will happen to us?
The more likely
the ruling party is to win the election,
the less likely we're to live.
how should we look when we're filmed then?
Do you see what I'm trying to say?
-Yes, ma'am!
-Yes, ma'am!
There are cameras from TV stations too.
So let's hang a banner
outside the windows of the lounge
that says this is all a scheme
for the election.
Are you insane?
Once we hang the banner,
the North will think I've betrayed them.
Then my sister,
Eung-cheol and Joo's families
will all be put in danger.
Do you have any other ideas?
Duplicate the recording I gave you,
and send it out to the press.
Will it work? Our agents are stationed
at every newspaper and TV station.
We'll directly send them
to managing editors.
They won't stay quiet
if they see hard evidence, would they?
Especially the TV station
that covered the abduction of Han I-seop.
I think that's the only way
to get Gal out.
Then let's try that first.
Then we should duplicate it first, right?
I'll do it.
How much is it? Hurry!
It's 2,500 won.
I'm sorry. I'll buy it next time.
I wondered what it'd feel like
to fall in love at first sight.
But the moment I saw him,
I felt it right away.
Our hands brushed just briefly,
but my heart began to pound.
Is this
first love?
He must like
paper airplanes too.
It was such a shame
that I couldn't pick his paper airplane.
It really was.
But at Evergreen Bookstore…
Why did we have to bump into each other
then of all times?
What if I looked like a fool?
It's all right, Yeong-ro.
It was embarrassing,
but I got to see him again.
I felt like
my heart was going to explode.
Does this mean
we're meant to be together?
Meant to be together?
You fell head over heels for him.
-It's on. Mom!
I didn't gain much weight.
-She's on her second chicken.
-Stop it.
This is so yummy.
I'll get out of here soon,
so take care until then.
Got that?
My God, this is so freaking delicious.
Thank you for the food!
So you filmed them
stuffing themselves with fried chicken?
No, it wasn't me.
I was kept in the basement
until they gave it to me.
Those goddamn idiots.
They can't do anything right
except shooting guns.
How could they film it like this?
We can't air it on TV!
You should have told him it was for
raising awareness of national security.
But you told him it was for calming
the parents down. So that happened.
It's my fault. It's all my fault!
I'm to blame.
Oh, my. I'm so sorry,
Mr. Chief of the OPS.
-Are you okay, sir?
He's been promoted to chief of the OPS.
I'm so sorry, sir.
Unlike director positions,
chief positions last long, they say.
Yeong-ro, say something too.
I'm Eun Yeong-ro, an English Literature
major and freshman from room 207.
Dad, all of us are doing well in the dorm.
We can't complain.
But everyone wants to get out of here.
And me too. I also want to get out badly.
We can all get out of here safely, right?
When we get out of here,
we'll be able to go home safely,
Right, Dad?
Wait. My gosh.
Dr. Kang…
Oh, no. She looks all haggard now.
Poor Dr. Kang.
Darn it…
Follow them with the chicken.
These Southern guys…
Their fried chicken is…
Come here.
An influential spy like you
must be confident
that the party will never abandon you.
Of course not.
I'll be abandoned eventually.
Defect to the South,
then the ANSP will protect you.
If you want,
they'll give you a new identity,
and you can continue to be a doctor.
For that to happen,
the opposition party must win.
If we can let people know this hostage
situation is a scheme for the election,
we stand a chance.
Besides, it's not a rigged election
anymore. People go vote themselves.
The transfer of power…
It's possible.
All those revolutions
and missions…
Don't you want to live…
freely without them?
Can I have a cup of coffee?
What are you doing, Comrade Kang?
Are you betraying our country too?
Comrade Kang!
Comrade Kang!
Comrade Joo.
I know you won't change your mind easily.
Shut up.
I get that you like that wench.
But how could you choose her
over your family in the North?
"Lim Soo-ho
could commit treason any moment.
So if you sense any change in
his ideology, kill him."
I guess I was ordered so for a reason.
Who ordered to kill me?
Even if you get out of here alive,
you can't go back to the North.
And you won't be able to live freely
here with that wench either.
Because our country will
hunt you down and kill you.
Answer my question.
Who ordered you?
That doesn't matter.
You were a card to discard to begin with.
Who ordered to kill me?
That doesn't matter.
You were a card to discard to begin with.
I wanted to make you some coffee.
My mom used to love this coffee.
My dad's new wife
threw out all of my mom's belongings.
But I never let her throw this out
until the end.
Sitting still and
watching the coffee being made like this
strangely makes me feel at ease.
How did you end up
becoming a secret agent?
It's just that…
you didn't have to take up
such a dangerous job.
No one can choose their country
when they're born.
I was born there…
and given this job.
Can't you just quit
if you don't want to do it?
Have you ever killed a person?
Pull the trigger, and it's over.
It's not over.
The eyes of the first person you kill
will haunt you forever.
The eyes of the person
whose life slips away…
will follow you around
when you eat or sleep.
in your dreams.
You know…
To tell the truth,
this isn't any ordinary coffee.
If you drink it,
all your bad memories will be erased.
Why are you laughing? I'm serious.
Whenever something bad happened,
I drank this and erased those memories.
What should I erase today?
What should I erase?
I just erased the memories
of me singing at Evergreen Records.
Hey. Stop laughing.
Come on. I said I just erased them.
But I didn't.
-Then drink it and erase them now.
-I don't want to.
But you should.
I don't want to.
Darn it.
After you left,
you didn't call once,
so I was upset and hated you for it.
I just erased it.
I held a gun to your head.
I erased the memory.
That memory…
I erased it as well.
erase this memory too.
There's someone spying for us inside.
There's a mole in here?
Someone stole chickens.
Someone informed them
I'd joined hands with Gang-mu.
Someone in the dorm.
But Bun-ok slept in her room alone.
You should search her room first.
-Ms. Oh disappeared.
-Ms. Oh did?
Did you search the cafeteria?
What about the serving area?
Is this bastard…
He's trying so hard.
Come to your senses, Gang-mu.
What do you gain by turning against us?
What do we do now?
What do you think?
We should kill them all.
Should I pull the trigger?
You think I have anything to fear?
You'll never end up with her.
I don't…
want her to suffer anymore.
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