Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures (2023) s01e11 Episode Script

The Ganguls/Bad Egg

-[ship whirring]
-[lightsaber ignites, humming]
[tooka yelps]
[sniffs, grunts]
-[lightsabers hum]
-[blaster fire]
[Force rumbling]
[all cheering]
[Kai] Yeah!
[no audible dialogue]
[Nubs grunts]
-[cheerful music playing]
-[villagers chattering]
[Kai, Lys, Nubs munching]
Mmm. So good.
Where's Nash?
We're gonna eat all these mossberry
biscuits before she even gets here.
Yeah, she was so excited about something.
Wonder what she wanted to show us.
[speaking Poobian]
And here's your food to go, Ori.
That'll be six credits.
[sighs] Forgot my credits at home.
Sorry, Hap.
[Kai] This should pay for it.
Thank you.
Couldn't let you leave
without those mossberry biscuits.
They're the best.
I agree.
I'm Ori. Nice to meet you.
Hi, Ori. I'm Kai.
[RJ chirps]
Ooh, I can't wait to finally show Kai,
Lys and Nubs my new speeder, RJ.
[RJ chirps]
-Come on. Let's go find them.
-[RJ beeping]
Who wants to check out my new
super amazing speeder?
-You finally finished it?
-Sure did.
My mom and I built it together.
And it's a beaut.
It was a ton of work,
but I learned so much from my mom.
She's a great mechanic.
It's sleek. It's fast.
And best of all, it's finally finished!
What are we waiting for?
Let's check it out!
-Behold, my new speeder!
-[Lys gasps]
-Huh? [exclaims]
-[RJ chirps]
[engines rumbling]
Someone's taking my speeder!
Why would they do that?
My mom and I worked so hard on it.
Did anyone see who that was?
They were going too fast.
Whoever they were,
they liked mossberry biscuits.
Hmm. I think I know who it was.
I don't believe it.
Oh, Ori's such a sweet kid.
You really think he stole your speeder?
Well, we did find mossberry biscuit crumbs
right where Nash's speeder was.
But we don't know it was Ori for sure.
We just need to talk to him.
He lives in a town called Aklyrr Bend.
It's not far from here.
Thanks, Hap.
Looks like we're going for a ride.
RJ, can you keep an eye on
the Crimson Firehawk back home?
[RJ chirps]
With thieves around,
I wanna make sure it stays safe.
There it is. Aklyrr Bend.
Sure is quiet.
Where should we start looking?
Maybe someone there can help us.
-[people chattering]
-[peaceful music playing]
[droid beeping]
-[music stops]
-[chattering stops]
-[both gasp]
[Kai, Nubs chuckling]
[patron coughs]
[droid beeps]
Scuse me.
-[chattering continues]
We're looking for a kid named Ori.
We were told he lives in town.
[taverner] Ori?
Oh, you kids should forget whatever
it is you're here for and go home.
We're not going anywhere.
My speeder was stolen,
and we think he knows something about it.
If Ori stole your speeder,
then the Ganguls definitely have it now.
[speaking Poobian]
The Ganguls is the name
of a mean biker gang
that took over town a while back.
They steal our things
and cause all kinds of trouble.
[sighs] Ori works for them sometimes.
Wait, is that
-[all gasp]
-[Kai] Ori?
-Hey! Where's my speeder?
-[Ori gasps]
[Nash] Come back!
Ori, wait!
-We just wanna talk.
-[Ori panting]
[panting continues]
[Lys grunting]
[Ori, Lys grunt]
There's nowhere for you to go, Ori.
[gasps] Ori!
[clears throat] Going somewhere?
-[Lys grunts]
-[gasps, exclaims]
[speaking Poobian]
We just want to know if you have anything
to do with Nash's speeder being stolen.
[sighs] I
It was me.
But But I didn't want to.
The Ganguls make kids like me
steal for them.
You could've just told them "no."
Anyone who tries standing up to them
either gets put in a holding cell
or thrown out of town.
[speaking Poobian]
The speeder's at the mayor's office.
The Ganguls chased him off and took over.
But it's not a good idea to talk to them.
They're not nice.
We have to.
Jedi stand up to people who do bad things.
Let's have a chat with the Ganguls.
-[Nash scoffs]
Okay, this is it.
Well, hi there, kids.
There something I can do for you?
We're looking for a stolen speeder.
We were told you have it here.
[gasps] Goodness.
Well, I-I can assure you
that everything we have is ours.
Sure it wasn't someone else's first?
We hear the Ganguls like to steal things.
The Ganguls?
Never heard of 'em.
[Gangul member] Hey, Speeds!
Need help, now!
We need to take apart speeder from Ori!
[all groan]
He He doesn't know
what he's talking about.
Yeah, right.
-Let me in.
You do have my speeder.
And this has to be all
the townspeople's stolen stuff.
Aha! You are the Ganguls!
[speaking Poobian, spits]
Clever ones, aren't they?
Sellaccc, uh,
I-I didn't mean for them to get in.
Sorry, boss.
I suggest you kids scram!
We're not going anywhere
until you give all that back.
You think you can stop us?
-[Nubs exclaims]
[both laugh]
Speeds, hit 'em with the net!
[all scream]
Take these kids
to the holding cell in town.
Have Ori be on guard until we figure out
what to do with them.
[Nash grunts]
[Nubs growls]
[groans] Can't get ahold of RJ.
The Ganguls jam the signals in town.
You can't call for help.
[speaking Poobian, grunts]
Ori, do you really wanna help
the Ganguls steal stuff?
I don't. But what am I supposed to do?
They're too strong.
They control this town.
I'm just one person.
There's a whole town of people here.
If you stand up together,
you can stop them.
[Kai] You have the key card to let us out.
Together we could take on the Ganguls,
but we need help.
Starting with you.
All right.
Let's get more people.
I made a mistake helping the Ganguls.
They've controlled this town for too long.
They're tough,
but there's only three of them.
And we're a whole town.
The Jedi believe we can stand up to them.
I do too.
But only with your help.
[groans] You're just a bunch of kids,
and we're not tough like the Ganguls.
If we stand up together,
then they won't have a chance.
[speaking Poobian]
Well, they might be right.
-[villager 1] Yeah, we can.
-[villager 2] Come on, guys.
-[villager 3] Yeah!
-[villager 4] I reckon we could!
Come on, people.
We can take back our town
and get rid of those thugs.
Who's with me?
-[villager 5] I am!
-[all cheering]
[no audible dialogue]
You again?
How'd you get out?
Oh, we had some help.
It's time you leave our town
and give our stuff back.
And my speeder.
-[villager 1] Yeah!
-[villager 2] Your time's over.
Get! You should all go home
before there's trouble.
Especially you, Ori.
You know better.
I'm not gonna let you tell me
what to do anymore, Sellaccc.
Or any of us. It's time you leave.
[all clamoring]
Oh, too many people.
Uh, maybe it's time we find a new town.
They don't look scared anymore.
We can't take 'em all.
You wanna do this?
Then you'll regret it!
Just give us our things back and get lost.
We'll get 'em.
Sit tight.
[speaking Poobian]
[both exclaim]
[Kai] Hey! They're trying to escape!
My speeder!
[Ori] Come on!
Let's go after 'em.
All right. We're gaining on 'em.
Those kids won't give up!
We got to lose 'em!
Hold on tight, guys!
Boss, waterfall! We won't make it!
There! We lose them!
Not gonna fit!
[panting] You okay, boss?
I'm fine.
We'll be back.
Those kids can count on that!
[grunts] Let's beat it.
[all cheering, laughing]
[Nash gasps]
My speeder!
Aw, don't worry.
I'll fix you right up.
[Lys] What about the Ganguls?
We got back everything they stole.
Now that my town isn't afraid of them,
I don't think the Ganguls
will be back anytime soon.
Nash, I'm
I'm really sorry I stole your speeder.
But I'm glad you got it back
all in one piece.
It's okay, Ori.
You know, I could use help with repairs.
Might even teach you a thing or two
about speeders.
I'd love that.
It's a deal.
Thank you for teaching us
to stand up for ourselves.
You were right.
We're stronger when we stand up together.
Now, how about we celebrate
with a feast at the Aklyrr Inn?
-Come on!
-[villagers cheering, laughing]
Oh, wait till you try
our town's mossberry biscuits.
[Nubs exclaims]
[speaking Poobian]
[Kai, Lys chuckling]
[villagers chattering]
That's the last of my shipment
for you, Hap.
Thanks, Muxa.
Muxa delivers the best ingredients
from all over the Outer Rim.
[Kai, Lys, Nubs exclaiming]
Don't forget to tell 'em, Hap.
Today's delivery is extra special.
See you next delivery, Muxa!
-Extra special delivery?
-Oh, yes.
My best friend, Geeli, is visiting,
and I needed all the ingredients
to cook his favorite stew.
It's not gonna be easy.
I've, uh, never made it before.
In fact, I've never even seen
some of these ingredients.
Say, you wouldn't mind sticking around,
would you?
I'm gonna need all the help I can get.
[speaking Poobian]
We're always happy to help, Hap.
Let's start by bringing these ingredients
to the kitchen.
Time to make some stew ♪
[Lys] Whoa.
We've never been
in the Sap Tap kitchen before.
It's so clean and organized.
[speaking Poobian]
Uh-oh. [grunts]
[speaking Poobian]
-Not to worry, Nubs.
Yes, sirree.
A clean kitchen is the best way to work.
Now, the stew.
[speaking Poobian]
[Hap] Ah!
-Here are some ingredients I recognize.
[Hap] Sufar greens, root paste,
nerf steak. Ah, lalaren blooms.
-[groans, speaking Poobian]
[gasps] Kai! Kai!
-[speaking Poobian]
I don't hear anything.
Oh, uh, Kai,
will you hand me that blue fruit?
Sure thing. Here you go.
Thank you.
Oh, what's this?
The recipe didn't call for eggs.
I didn't order these.
Look, this one's hatched.
-[Nubs, Hap scream]
What was that?
[gasps] What happened?
[Lys] Paw prints.
An egg that's been hatched.
I think there's some kind of creature
on the loose.
[speaking Poobian]
[chuckles] You were right, Nubs.
Whatever it is,
we got to get it out of my kitchen!
Everything needs to be perfect
for Geeli's visit.
We're on it, Hap!
[speaking Poobian]
You're right, Nubs.
Whatever it is, it must like sap.
We can use more sap
to catch this creature.
We only need a tiny bit.
I've got plenty.
Just make it quick and clean.
I really need to get back to cooking.
This fresh sap ought to get
the creature's attention.
We'll lure it out and catch it.
Now, let's hide.
You good up there, Nubs?
[creature chittering]
[gasps] I hear it.
Get ready, Nubs.
[chittering continues]
Now, Nubs!
-[creature squeals]
[speaking Poobian]
-[Lys] Yes!
-Whoo-hoo! Good job, Nubs!
[creature chitters]
Hello there, little friend.
-[Hap] Gotcha.
-[chittering continues]
-[Lys chuckles]
-[Nubs gasps]
[Kai laughs] It must be hungry.
I've never seen a creature like this
in my creature guide.
But usually, when animals hatch,
the first thing they need is food.
Well, it can't have my food.
But, Hap, the Jedi help all living things.
Even pesky, little hungry creatures.
[creature whimpers]
If it needs food,
I think we should feed it.
[speaking Poobian]
But Geeli's stew.
No, no, no, no!
-I can't risk anything going wrong!
-[Hap] Hey!
[grunts] Gotcha, you little rascal.
I'll call Muxa to come back
and pick up this thing
and the other eggs right away.
Now, uh, where did I put that box of eggs?
[gasps] Oh, no.
-All the eggs hatched!
-[Nubs gasps]
[villagers screaming]
-Oh, no, no, no!
Not my customers!
That doesn't sound good.
Hey, watch it!
-[villager 1 clamoring]
-[villager 2 gasps]
What is that thing? Get it out of here!
-[villager 3] What was that?
Aw, look at those baby critters.
[gasps] Hey, come back here!
[groans] I don't have time for this.
Geeli will be here soon,
and I still need to make his stew.
-We'll take care of it, Hap.
While you make the stew,
we'll round them all up.
Quick and clean, remember?
Quick and clean.
Thank you.
-[villager 4] Hurry! This way.
Can somebody
[Nubs exclaiming]
-Come here, you.
-[creature chittering]
-[creature shrieks]
I'm trying to help you.
You've got to come down!
Not like that!
-What is this?
-[pirate] Hap!
-Whoa! Huh?
So sorry. I'll get you a fresh one.
No, thank you.
I'm done here.
-[patron] Last time I come here.
-[villagers grumbling]
But But But Please.
Don't leave!
[Nubs whimpers]
What happened to quick and clean?
We tried, Hap, but they're really hungry.
Yeah, they're babies.
They can't help it.
If we just fed them
-That's not for you!
That's for my friend.
I'm not feeding these adorable,
tiny monsters.
They've already eaten enough of my food.
[speaking Poobian]
I think they smell more food
out in the marketplace.
They're gonna make a huge mess!
We've got to stop them!
-[Nubs panting]
-It's okay, Hap.
We'll take care of this
while you get back to your stew.
[creatures chittering]
[Kai] Stop! I'm not gonna hurt you.
-There you are!
-[groans] Don't gotcha.
-[chittering continues]
-[chittering continues]
-[Nubs grunting]
[speaking Poobian]
[grunts, exclaims]
[groans, spits]
Come back, you.
And you!
-Don't eat that.
[Lys grunting]
I don't think they're going
to stop until they're full.
-[Nubs exclaims]
[both grunt]
-[chittering continues]
-[Kai groans]
They're too hard to catch.
How am I supposed
to cook Geeli's stew now?
Those critters ate most
of the ingredients I need.
[creature chittering]
You! You're the one who started
this whole mess, aren't ya?
You have no idea what I'm saying, do you?
[chittering continues]
I suppose Lys was right.
It's not your fault you're hungry.
You just love food.
[laughs] Like me.
Oh! You like it, huh?
At least someone will like my stew today.
[chittering, sniffing]
[panting] Wait!
Where are you all going?
I think they smell the stew Hap's making
for Geeli.
Hap's not gonna like this.
-Hap, we tried to stop
-[Lys, Nubs gasp]
-[doors close]
-[creatures chittering]
Aw, you made friends with it.
Well, I do love a happy customer,
even if they're tinier than usual.
Geeli's almost here, and I just wish
I could have cooked his special stew.
I wanted everything to be perfect for him.
[speaking Poobian, sniffs]
Nubs is right.
It smells like you are cooking
something special.
What, this?
Oh, I-I'm just making a little something
for those cute critters.
I know it's not exactly
what the recipe said,
but you can still make
something delicious.
You just have to do your best
with what you have.
You're right.
We can still make the best of this.
Lys, uh, hand me a Barkhesh beet.
Kai, stir that Pappelroot powder, please.
-And, Nubs, you're on cleanup duty.
-[coos, exclaims]
-[clicks tongue]
[cooing, grunting]
[Force rumbling]
[speaking Poobian]
Soup's on.
Come and get it!
[creatures chittering]
[Kai laughs]
[speaking Poobian]
[laughs] Don't worry, Nubs.
-I made plenty for everyone.
Aw, look.
Now that they're full, they're sleepy.
I don't think they'll cause
any more trouble
before Muxa comes to pick them up.
Aw, they are kinda cute
when they're not destroying my Sap Tap.
And they really loved your new recipe.
I just hope Geeli will like it too,
even if it is a little different.
-[Geeli] Did someone say my name?
I hope someone can help me.
I'm looking for Hap's famous Sap Tap.
[both laugh]
[both] Mmm.
Geeli, I-I, uh, made your favorite stew.
Well, I-I tried to,
but it it it went wrong.
So I made something else.
It It's definitely not perfect, but
Hap, you didn't have to cook.
I'm just happy to see you.
Though [sniffs]
whatever that is smells good.
Oh! Well, then what are we waiting for?
Let's eat!
[speaking Poobian]
Hap, delicious.
-Hi, Geeli. I'm Lys.
-[Geeli] Mmm.
-Nice to meet you.
-Nice to meet you.
I'm Kai, and this is Nubs.
-[Lys] Mmm. Yummy.
-[Nubs coos]
-[Kai] Yum.
-This is so good.
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