Strong Girl Nam-soon (2023) s01e11 Episode Script

Breaking Point

[bird screeches]
[theme music playing]
[suspenseful music playing]
[intense music playing]
Would you
like to go out with me?
"Go out"?
You looked surprised.
When I didn't see you today, I felt like
like I was missing you.
And I wondered why.
[awkward chuckle]
Oh, yeah. Wonder why.
This must be how it feels
when somebody has a crush.
Don't you think?
I don't know. I
I guess it's like when I watch a K-drama
and it's really interesting, I wanna know
what's gonna happen and it could
be that, I think.
Does it bother you
that I like you?
Don't be worried.
I won't rush things.
All right.
-[deep breath]
-[phone vibrates]
Sorry, one sec.
[dramatic music playing]
What happened?
[panicked breathing]
[objects clatter]
[items clink]
-[phone vibrates]
I have to go to Nam-in right now.
I'll call later, okay?
[Dong-seok] Come to my place now.
The door code is 1016.
Uh, actually, something just came up
and I have to go,
so I'm not coming back today either.
Is anything wrong?
Nothing. It's
I'll see you later.
[sobbing] Stay with me.
Come on! Stay with me!
Stay with me!
[line beeps, rings]
We need an ambulance right now.
[Young-tak] Hello.
What are you saying?
What is it?
The Captain
is dead.
[nervous chuckle]
Hey, what are you
I mean, you said
he was doing fine, didn't you?
You said that the captain was fine!
Goddamn it!
Oh, shit.
-[phone vibrates]
[haunting music playing]
[Dong-seok] The brown diary
on the second shelf of the bookcase.
[eerie scratching music playing]
[grunts in agony]
Goddamn it!
[books clattering]
[pensive music playing]
[dramatic music playing]
[shaky exhale]
[Dong-seok breathes heavily]
[Geum-ju panting] Nam-in.
[alarm wails]
-What? What is it?
[Geum-ju] Nam-in.
[exhales heavily]
Get an ambulance to the studio for Nam-in.
We need to get him to the hospital.
We need to call Dr. Choi.
What's going on right now?
This is how you're looking after our son?
The weight-loss medication
that he's taking, those pills are drugs!
[alarm wails]
[alarm stops]
-[Nam-soon] Mom, Dad.
They're just weight-loss pills,
what do you mean?
The weight-loss pills
that he's taking have that drug in it.
[gasps in disbelief]
How did Nam-in get involved in this?
They weren't drugs.
Nam-in would never do that, though.
Of course, my son wouldn't.
They told him it was just for weight loss.
[Bong-go scoffs]
He was just asking me for water.
He just wanted more water.
[Bong-go sobs]
[Bong-go] I have to save my son.
[phone vibrates]
[deep exhale]
Kang Hee-sik,
-Nam-in is
-[Hee-sik] The captain has passed away.
[melancholy music playing]
-[father] Oh, my god.
-[mother] Oh, Dong-seok
My son.
Why, Dong-seok? Why?
[father] My goodness.
[mother] My Dong-seok.
[parents weeping]
Even if Nam-in wakes up,
don't give him any water.
He can't have any water whatever you do.
None for at least 24 hours, okay?
How can we not give him water?
All right.
Then just focus
on the captain's funeral, okay?
I don't think I can make it
'cause of what's going on.
[siren wailing]
-[gurney rattles]
[dramatic sting]
Dad, Mom.
There's an antidote.
How would you know that?
Kang Hee-sik heard it
on a bug at the Heritage Club.
Dad, I'm actually working
on this case now.
-I can tell you about it later, okay?
-The antidote, tell us what you know.
[machine beeping]
Once we have the test results,
we'll speak to you privately.
But did you hear me?
Nam-in can't have any water at all.
The IV fluid is water.
Do you think it's okay?
Even if it's not okay,
here at the hospital,
there's nothing else we can do.
He must regulate.
He is severely dehydrated right now.
[door slides open]
-Let me see Nam-in's phone.
-[door slides close]
[Geum-ju] There must be clues there.
There's no point.
I looked through the messages,
the call history, the apps and everything.
How the hell did he
Where did he get these drugs?
I'm gonna find out.
Whoever's responsible
for doing this to our son
[sharp inhale]
I'm gonna kill them when we find out.
The number that's on the bottle
is the only lead we have, right?
[door slides open]
Nam-soon, go check on your dad.
He's pretty stressed right now
and you make him feel safe.
I'll stay here with Nam-in.
When Nam-in wakes up,
he cannot have any water, all right?
Okay. All right.
Hey, how are you?
Yeah, I'm doing okay. Thank you.
Uh, but, Mr. Park,
can I please ask you a favor?
I have an account number right here.
Could you just tell me who it belongs to?
I know it's not allowed.
So that's why I'm asking a favor.
You can't?
Then all right, damn it!
[exhales sharply]
[Nam-soon] Dad.
I'm gonna find
whoever this piece of shit is, watch out.
But how though? The number's all we have.
I was a banker when I was younger.
Everyone I used to work with,
they're all branch managers.
They'll tell me if we go over there.
Isn't it faster to report it
to the police, though?
Oh, Nam-soon.
Hey, how are you?
Wow, you're so polite now.
This is my dad.
I heard you found your parents,
that's great.
Hello there.
Oh, hello.
Um, we We were hoping
that you could do us a favor.
[Bong-go] This is the bank account number
written on the pill bottle.
We need to find out whose it is.
But did you report this yet?
Filing a report would just take
way too long though.
Time is of the essence here
and we need to know right now.
Please help us.
You see, I'm not allowed to disclose
any kind of personal information
obtained through my work.
I have to know.
-Right now, my son
-Wait. But, Dad
Finding the account doesn't mean
we'll find who did it.
-The most urgent thing here
-We need to get the antidote.
[tense music playing]
We need to get the cure.
It could be the only thing to save my son.
[Bong-go] Please.
Do you think you could at least
look up that person's phone number?
Uh, I
can't really give you
any information myself.
But if I walked away from my desk
and you happened to find
the information while I was gone,
then I wouldn't be the one who showed you.
Excuse me, I'm gonna go
use the restroom now.
The number here is for Jang Hang-seok.
[Bong-go] Seodaemun-gu, Seoul.
[deep breath]
It's not that person, though.
You're right. It's probably not.
I'm sure they used the name
of some homeless person.
[Bong-go] I came across this a lot
when I worked at the bank.
Burner accounts.
"Burner accounts"?
Things are just different now.
There's another girl.
She's like this gorgeous sunflower.
And you're just not.
Now, I
I just don't love you.
[director] Cut!
Hyun-soo, what's with the rewrites, huh?
"She smells like flowers."
"I don't love you anymore."
Just say the lines.
You're dumping her, not writing a poem.
Did you date a teacher before
or something?
[sighs] He's lived such a sheltered life.
I'm sorry. Let's do one more.
Let's just take five.
Taking five.
Oh, Nam-soon. Hey.
How are you?
I have a favor to ask you, actually.
Could you take a look and find out
if there's a person
who's called Jang Hang-seok
who was born in '78 and is homeless now?
Jang Hang-seok, '78.
Uh, he's homeless, you said?
There's a chance he is, yeah.
Think you can find out who?
Uh, yeah. Sure, I can do that.
Preferably as soon as possible.
Can you, okay?
[Nam-soon] Dad, try not to worry too much.
The police are gonna help us with this.
I don't have faith in them
or in the embassy.
I don't have faith in anyone.
When I lost you, I
I went to the police
and I slept at the station and
I even protested at the embassy.
I did everything.
But they couldn't find you.
They never found you.
I have to do it.
I'll save Nam-in.
I'll do it myself, then.
I'll make sure that Nam-in will be okay.
I can do it.
The antidote.
We need to find it.
The people who sell the drug
are the ones who make it.
I'm not sure about this drug.
[Bong-go] That's a problem
for the police to solve.
I just need to save my son.
I need to get the antidote.
Whatever horrible things
these people have done, Nam-soon,
in my eyes right now
they're Nam-in's saviors.
They have the cure.
[exhales shakily]
[emotional music playing]
[deep inhale]
-Yes, Nam-in.
How are you doing?
Mom, water.
Please. I need water.
You can't have water right now.
-Water! Water! Water!
[hysterical scream]
-Water. Water!
Water! Water!
I need water!
[screaming, panting]
[effort grunting]
I don't wanna die.
[Nam-in sobbing]
[both breathing heavily]
Open your eyes.
I'm not gonna let you die,
no matter what, okay?
You're gonna get through it!
[both sobbing]
It's okay. It's okay, Nam-in.
It's okay.
The pill you were taking for weight loss,
where did you get it?
came into the café, and they
[Nam-in] Someone came and gave it to me.
[intense music playing]
Hi, Ms. Jung.
It's time to get things started.
[Si-o] Am I a real light
or a fake light?
[door opens, closes]
The export shipment cleared customs
and arrived about, uh, 40 minutes ago.
-Thank you so much.
-[GM Yang] Of course.
Though, uh
I wanted to ask about Tsetseg.
Is there a particular reason
you recruited her
into our corporate relations team?
Is there a problem with that?
I'm not doubting
your judgment or anything,
but she's not even here today.
And there are some communication issues
that I heard she has.
[GM Yang] So I just wanted to check.
-Wait, she isn't here today?
[foreboding music playing]
[woman in Russian]
I've checked the shipment from Doogo.
The thing is one item is missing.
The amount I received
didn't match the number on the invoice.
It seems as though one was stolen.
Each jacket contains
a million dollars' worth of product.
How should I proceed?
[Nam-in breathes shakily]
[heavy exhale]
[dish shatters]
Hang in there.
I know you can do it.
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
[knocks on door]
[door slides open]
[door slides close]
[deep breathing]
Let's begin right now.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Jun-hee] Oh!
Joong-gan, what are you doing here?
-[door closes]
I could also ask what you're doing here.
Nam-in's in the hospital right now.
So I'm holding down the café.
How did you know
he was in the hospital right now?
He told me, um, all about Nam-in.
[heavy sigh]
I don't know what's going on.
It seems like everyone's
ending up in the hospital right now.
Geum-ju told me to stay here.
I've got it. I told you that, right?
I am purposefully not seeing your husband
in the hospital, so I can play fair.
I'm a gentleman.
He's recovering from surgery.
It wouldn't be fair to do anything
disrespectful when he's in that state.
I'll defend my love on my own.
This isn't easy.
No one is going to understand
or give us their blessing.
After telling me how in love you are,
that doesn't sound like you.
Love alone can't overcome everything!
Yes, it absolutely can.
What else are you afraid of?
What do we have to lose?
[sweet music playing]
Please wait for me.
I wanna do this the right way.
how long do I need to wait for you?
Until your husband gets the stitches out.
That'll give him a fighting chance.
I just want him to get his stitches out.
I don't wanna play dirty.
How about coffee?
Today, I'll draw a diamond in your latte.
[operator] The person you
are trying to reach is not available.
Your call will be forwarded to
[line rings]
[phone vibrates]
[uneasy music playing]
[Beom] One unit of 4885 is missing.
That's not possible.
[Beom] Is this how you've been
managing your logistics?
I did the final check
at the warehouse myself.
[Beom] I want it retrieved
within 24 hours no matter what.
And if it isn't,
you know what'll happen, don't you?
-[line ends]
[intense music playing]
They must think
that I'm the same ten-year-old kid
who they can just push around
how they want.
[remote beeps]
[classical music plays]
[deep exhale]
[leaves rustling]
We have to get out of here.
We're gonna end up dead
if we don't get out of here now.
Anton, you have to live.
You gotta hold out, okay?
You too.
Let's take revenge when we grow up.
[grunts, whimpers]
[phone beeps]
Mr. Yang.
Come in here for a second.
[classical music stops]
[door opens]
[clears throat]
Yes, Mr. Ryu?
-We're missing a jacket that was ordered.
-[GM Yang] Excuse me?
What do you mean by missing? What order?
The thousand units
that were shipped to Russia.
The shipment of jackets,
one of them has disappeared.
The logistics team must've made a mistake.
A single jacket like that doesn't even
need to go through customs, we can just
[Si-o] What?
What did you say?
[GM Yang] Of course, we should never make
the oversight to leave out any items.
But I honestly don't think
that a single jacket
is gonna cost us to lose
any customers, right, Mister
[power surges]
This kind of oversight
won't happen again, Mr. Ryu.
Bring me the truck driver.
I need to see him right away.
Yes, Mr. Ryu.
[tense music playing]
[deep breath]
He met with Galchi on purpose,
so there's no evidence.
He basically tried
to make himself the evidence, I think.
You're right. He was dying
without anyone knowing.
[Young-tak] He was trying to solve
the whole thing by himself.
I had no idea. I
[deep inhale]
What are we gonna do, huh?
What's our game plan, guys?
The evidence here,
if we submit it the Prosecution
If we do that, they'll make him out
to be some kind of junkie.
The most powerful people in the country
are at the Heritage Club,
and they're all connected in this big web.
The deputy chief prosecutor, the judges,
the Commissioner General even.
[Young-tak] Where are you going?
[action music playing]
Stay with the captain,
so that he's not lonely on his way over.
He's been alone long enough.
Ryu Si-o, you're a dead man walking.
[door opens]
[uneasy music playing]
[blows air]
Listen to me carefully.
There's a jacket that's missing.
Think hard about what happened
on your way from the warehouse that day.
What could have happened?
[muffled groaning]
Did you put on the jacket
'cause you were cold?
Or maybe did someone raid the truck
when you weren't paying attention?
Raise your right hand if you remember.
And then maybe if we find it,
I won't kill you.
But you should know
that if you can't say something
that's gonna be useful for me,
then I'll push this down your throat.
It'll go straight down
through your esophagus.
And then where next?
The club's long enough, don't you think?
[club clacks]
[gasps, coughs]
So tell me.
After I left the warehouse,
like 40 minutes in,
I can't remember where,
anyway, I parked the truck
for a few minutes
because a woman asked me
to help jump her car.
[driver] That's it.
I didn't touch any of the goods.
That's the truth. I swear.
I swear. Just please
[driver sobbing]
[liquid dripping]
[door opens]
Find out which his truck he was driving
and bring the dashcam footage.
Oh, and, Kyle, bring him
to the restroom on your way.
I'm guessing he really needs it.
[driver] Please, sir.
Please don't kill me. Please!
[driver yelps]
[door opens, closes]
[line dials]
[operator] Your call will be forwarded
to an automatic voice message.
[line beeps]
It's Si-o.
How come you weren't at work again today?
It's not like you.
You're not in any trouble, right?
I could be reading too far into it.
But is it because I made you
feel weird by asking you out?
Whatever it is, it's okay.
We'll talk it through.
I'm just worried is all.
[exhales deeply]
[line ends]
Just like we thought.
That's just his registered address.
[Bong-go] He doesn't live there.
He must be a homeless person.
There are a ton of them
registered at this address.
There was a huge stack of mail outside.
Let's just wait.
My friend's gonna call us
as soon as he's done with his shoot.
You said you were helping the police.
What'd you mean?
The company.
The CEO is the supplier.
-The unit leader even died
while working on the case.
Dad, we have to arrest them
as soon as possible.
Wait a second.
You're saying you work at that company
just so you can catch that guy?
-Did your mom tell you to do that?
-Listen, Dad. Hold on
I don't understand your mother!
What's she doing?
How could she risk
her own child's life like that?
Has she gone crazy?
I wanted to do it. She had no idea.
I needed to do this.
It was my decision.
-[phone vibrates]
-[sighs in disbelief]
It's Mom.
[sharp exhale]
What's happening?
Nam-in's awake now? [sighs]
That's such good news.
Switch off?
Okay, I'll come right now to the hos
Don't you dare leave his side now!
Everything's about money to you!
You'll be the richest woman for what,
the Guinness Book of World Records?
Do you even care about us?
It's about you.
From now on, just do what I say.
You got that?
Take care of Nam-in.
You better not leave him alone.
Nam-in can't have any food right now,
so I hope you haven't had a bite!
[Bong-go] I know I haven't.
[quirky music]
[deep exhale]
Damn it, she's always
[line ends]
Oh, uh, let's try the number
for that homeless guy.
We can see if your friend's done now.
Uh, sure.
Okay, then.
Nam-soon, hey.
Actually, I was just about to call.
I found Jang Hang-seok.
[gasps] He got it.
Jang Hang-seok
is really homeless after all.
Let's go.
Hello and welcome.
We're beginning our trial broadcast
for the new network, Geumju TV,
with exclusive stories non-stop.
Reporting the news that you want to hear.
This broadcast is a trial run,
but the news you hear is 100% factual.
A new undetectable
illicit drug is spreading
through Gangnam, Seoul
and all of South Korea.
New intel suggests the drug
is being distributed internationally.
What's more, it's nearly impossible
to investigate this dangerous substance
due to roadblocks in the legal process
that prevent
a search and seizure operation
from being carried out on the supply
of who's distributing this drug.
Reporter Kim Gi-dae
has investigated the details
of this serious situation
and the official numbers
of casualties to date.
Researchers are still working to identify
the composition of this fatal drug.
But so far, we know it's claimed
over 732 lives
as of 11:00 a.m. this morning.
The unofficial death toll, however,
is estimated to be over 3,000 people.
[Gi-dae] When including the casualties
that were caused by various
street drugs laced with the substance,
the number of deaths
is estimated to be north of 10,000.
This unique compound reacts
when it contacts water.
This is one of the most
dangerous drugs ever created.
The fatality rate is 1,000 times higher
than any drug we know about.
The effects include burning thirst,
hallucinations, and ultimately death.
Officials involved in tracking
this synthetic drug have named it
CTA No. 4885.
[tense music playing]
[music stops]
Shin Gang-su.
You are under arrest for violating
the Narcotics Control Act
and the Act of Aggravated Punishment
of Specific Crimes.
You have the right to remain silent
and the right of representation
by an attorney of your choice.
And whatever you say can
and will be used against you as evidence.
[grunts] Let go!
Hey, do you have a warrant?
I'm arresting you without a warrant
because you're a flight risk.
-We'll have a warrant for your soon.
-[heels clacking]
What the hell are you doing?
It's you.
So we meet again.
You'll have to wait a little while.
Since I don't have any handcuffs
because I just came from a funeral.
There's a SWAT team on the way now
to arrest every single one of you in here.
You better stay put
unless you want a longer sentence.
Let go of me!
-Ah, shit.
The most pissed-off cops are the ones
whose captain
was just killed in the line of duty.
I suggest you cooperate
if you don't want me to shoot you.
The cop that you sold drugs to is dead!
You killed him, you asshole.
The homeless network is actually
much more organized
than you might have thought.
They even have an emergency system.
We, I mean, these people,
are close knit. See?
The real estate trend is centered
around Seoul Station right now.
Although it's moving from Guro-gu,
Jongno-gu, Gwanak-gu,
-and now here to Gwanghwamun.
-"Real estate"?
Why do homeless people
care about real estate?
The mindset of the homeless
is very different
from the way most people expect.
Though not officially registered,
they feel that the public land,
the greenbelt,
and all these areas belong to them.
Well, we, um [sighs in discomfort]
Within their own metaverse, so to speak,
they buy and sell land among themselves.
[Hyun-soo] And even in this world,
there's a big wealth disparity.
Jang Hang-seok?
And you are?
There have been accounts made in your name
at Daehan Bank, Donghwa Bank,
First Bank, and also
the Saemaeum Credit Union.
Do you know what's going on?
Are you a cop?
-No, no.
-[Nam-soon] No.
I don't wanna go to jail.
Don't take me, please.
We're not going to.
Tell us honestly everything
that you know. Okay, sir?
Will you help us, please?
Okay. So a year ago,
there's this woman who came up to me.
[Hang-seok] She told me if I open
four bank accounts in my name for her,
that she was just
gonna give me money, so I did.
Do you have any way to contact her, sir?
Do I? Not sure.
Give him some money.
[Bong-go] Please.
[clears throat]
I'm Ji Hyun-soo of Seoul Station.
Any help is appreciated.
"Ji Hyun-soo"?
The Seoul Station Cinderella?
Why didn't you just say that?
Okay, so do you know what she look like?
[Hang-seok] She had on red high heels
like someone out of a movie.
In movies, women who wear red heels
always seem to be the ones to die.
[Su-min's mom] Please get me the antidote.
It's 50 million won for 10 milliliters,
and she'll need
at least 20 for any chance to survive.
How could you sell drugs
to a high schooler?
She didn't know better.
Watch your mouth.
Tell me exactly when we sold her drugs.
Those pills are intended for weight loss
and your daughter
is the one who abused them.
[Tae-ri sighs]
It's useless talking to you.
Wait, wait.
I spoke out of turn.
Please give me the antidote.
I'm begging you.
Please save my daughter's life.
Then make the transfer.
Okay, but how can I get
I mean, it's 100 million won.
I'll get you all of the money
any way I can.
So please just let me have the cure.
You can save her life, just please.
Until you have the cash, no cure.
[Su-min's mom] I'm begging you!
I'm begging you! Please stop! Please!
[operator] The person
you are trying to reach is not
Why aren't they picking up? Why?
For god's sake.
-[line dials, rings]
-Wait, Dad.
They might pick up if you call
from Nam-in's phone, not yours.
[Nam-soon] Try calling them
from his phone instead.
It's in the hospital room.
We gotta get it.
I'll call Mom right now.
[Dr. Choi] His blood urea
nitrogen levels increased.
It's going to be very serious
if we don't take action now.
But you said bloodwork
came back negative for illicit drugs.
Based on our testing, that's correct.
What's going on?
[phone vibrates]
Talk to me, Nam-soon.
Any good news?
The antidote, have you found it?
Mom, we know where to get it now.
We're gonna need Nam-in's phone
to call the contact though.
All right.
What's the number to call?
I'll do it.
[phone vibrates]
[relieved sigh]
[line dials, rings]
[phone vibrates]
What's up?
Galchi's been taken.
[tense music playing]
Lay low.
Don't go anywhere.
And don't meet with anyone.
[intense music playing]
[line ringing]
[heavy breathing]
[Sang-cheol] This quarter, our cumulative
subscriber number passed ten million.
We'll pick this back up later.
[door opens]
[door closes]
Galchi's been taken.
But that's not all.
That woman, Hwang Geum-ju
Officials involved in tracking
this synthetic drug have named it
CTA No. 4885.
[Na-young] We are monitoring the situation
and we'll update you
as the story develops.
That means
the person who made off with it
Do you know who arrested Galchi?
I'm pretty sure it was that guy
Jamie Choi who at the Heritage Club.
He must be a detective!
Yes. Hello.
Jamie Choi. Pleasure.
[line dials, rings]
What's the deal with the dashcam?
[Kyle] We have the video.
We're just turning it
to a high resolution.
We're almost finished.
Bring it to me as soon as it's ready.
Hwang Geum-ju sniffed Paul out,
so what do we do?
Hwang Geum-ju.
We should've finished her off.
But Geum-ju is in the hospital.
Are you sure we're okay?
[anxious breathing]
If Galchi exposes us, you and I are done!
Madam, do I look like an amateur?
Galchi needs to die.
[uneasy music playing]
Don't forget.
I was raised by the world's
most evil organization, Pavel.
They show no mercy.
That's how they are.
But even while
he's dismembering a traitor,
Pavel member will eat a piece of bread
with a peach jam made by his mother
and cry just a little.
That's just the effect that Mom has
on even the cruelest criminals.
Though I'm not sure
because I have no mother.
Do you know why they call him Galchi?
He asked everyone to call him that
cause his mother sold galchi fish.
Galchi it seems
was quite fond of her.
Go tell him to visit her.
[scared exhale]
[door opens]
[door closes]
[thrilling music playing]
That bastard's finished.
He's done for.
You can't even see
what I'm handing to him.
You can't prove what that is,
can you, sir?
There's a picture of you
and Baldy where it's clear
you're giving a mask to him,
which is why he's dead now.
So regarding the evidence,
there's so much to show you.
I wouldn't even know where to start first.
[papers rustle]
What do you think is written here, huh?
How would I know?
Why wouldn't you?
All the things you did
are written down here.
All the evidence we need.
Through his own death,
our leader made sure your people
will be judged and sentenced.
And it's only the start.
Each time you say anything
that doesn't match exactly
what I have written down right here
[trembling breath]
your sentence will extend longer,
and I'll make sure
that you get locked away.
The same way as the drug
you've been selling, you sick asshole.
[breathes heavily]
[worried sigh]
[labored breathing]
[disturbing music playing]
I need water
Nam-in, it's gonna be okay.
It'll be okay.
Let's go in here.
You should eat something.
I can't eat by myself.
[Nam-soon] You eat too.
It's not like if we're hungry,
Nam-in is gonna get better or something.
I can't. I'm not hungry.
I'm not like your mom either.
Come on. Let's go in.
You need to eat a real dinner.
[Nam-soon] You too, Dad.
[line rings]
No answer. Now I'm worried.
Messages unread.
[glass thuds]
Hey, Dad.
Last night at three o'clock,
I dreamt I was dancing
the Jalam Khar with Nam-in.
[Nam-soon] It's a Mongolian dance.
And you know who was next to us?
Ppappa. Dad, I really have
a sense for these things.
Actually, the day I met you and mom,
I had a dream that was just like that.
And Ppappa was there too.
-[Nam-soon] Mm-hmm.
The horse that carried me into safety
when I was a kid in Mongolia.
Ppappa, the horse.
When Ppappa is in my dreams,
only good things happen.
Trust me. Nam-in's going to be fine.
I'm sure of it.
Your mom will never buy the antidote.
Everything's gonna be ruined
when she tries to catch them.
She's always cared more
about the good of society
more than her own children.
And now that she's reached
this level of success,
she wants to try vigilante justice.
She wants to fly around
and save the world.
That's what she wants.
That's the way she's always been.
-[anxious breathing]
-[line ringing]
[phone vibrates]
[Geum-ju] Get me the antidote.
I'll pay you whatever want.
One billion in cash.
I know you have to share the money
if I send it to your bank account.
So if I pay you in cash,
it'll all be yours.
I take it this isn't such a bad offer?
[suspenseful music playing]
-[phone vibrates]
[Tae-ri] Where should I meet you?
[tense music playing]
[Geum-ju] We'll do a direct exchange
of the antidote and the cash
at the café where you sold to me.
You got all the money, right?
-You're biting off more than you can chew.
-Aren't you worried about getting caught?
-It's all dirty money. You know that.
So if I screw someone over,
they can't report it.
Who are you, Bread?
[mysterious music playing]
May I ask you a question?
You know this woman here?
Yeah, I know her.
I know her well.
That's Hwang Geum-ju.
The apex predator in the cash food chain.
Why do you ask?
want to ask you a favor.
[heels clacking]
[uneasy music playing]
[Geum-ju] Put it down.
Leave the antidote right there.
[dramatic music playing]
[briefcase clacks open]
[Tae-ri giggles]
Pour it into some water and mix it.
But you're not supposed
to drink water, I thought.
Yeah, so?
This stuff needs to be diluted.
[intense music playing]
What did you put in there?
[Sang-cheol] Kang Hee-sik,
Drug Investigation Unit.
An undercover investigation
in the Ganghan Precinct.
Their team leader died
while working on the case,
and it's been catching
the attention of the media.
-CTA No. 4885.
-Mr. Yoon.
I think
Let's put a stop to this news.
Yes, of course. I have already
been watching them.
[foreboding music playing]
[Geum-ju] Drink this.
[hurried footsteps]
[Nam-in gulping]
[relieved sigh]
-Oh, Nam-in.
Are you all right?
-Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
-I'm sorry that this happened to you.
And from this point, moving forward,
you can eat anything you want.
So sorry, Mom.
No, I should be the one saying sorry.
Do you wanna eat?
You must be hungry.
What would you like?
From now on, don't miss a single bite.
[clears throat]
You did well.
So sorry, Gang Bong-go. I just
I, uh
I'm grateful.
Um, it's nothing, really.
What's wrong?
-What happened?
-Is he okay?
This is so taxing. It's too much.
And why does Dad pee so much?
-[delighted moans]
How may I
[woman] Excuse me, you can't go in there.
Excuse me!
[Byeong-ho] What's this?
Shin Gang-su has a warrant out
for his arrest.
He's a prime suspect in the death
of Team Captain Ha Dong-seok.
And Gang-su is hiding that
the culprit is the CEO of Doogo.
I will also be requesting
a search warrant for Doogo.
And I came because
-I thought you'd want to know all of that.
Anyone who plans on getting in the way
of this crucial investigation
should be warned.
And that especially includes you.
[thrilling music playing]
[veins squelching]
[knocks on door]
Si-o, how's it going?
Sorry for not calling you back.
[phone vibrates]
I know now
what Ryu Si-o's ultimately after here.
Since the start, what they've been after
is the antidote.
[suspenseful music playing]
[phone vibrates]
What's going on?
Keep tracking.
Pavel's Nozh is in Korea, apparently.
In Korea?
[suspenseful music playing]
[Hee-sik] Hello?
[detention officer]
Mr. Shin Gang-su is dead.
[music intensifies]
[closing theme music]
[Daniel] We've been researching Pavel
for a long time.
They will be watching your every move.
[Geum-ju] They're always watching.
Why did you have me followed?
Unless you go out with me, it's a secret.
[Seok-ho] Let's take it to the press.
Exported jackets are the drug.
[Hee-sik] Let's go up against them.
[Seong-u] You bastard!
Have you lost your mind?
-"Took drugs together?"
-[Si-o] You'd better be a sharp blade.
-That's how you stay alive.
-[Na-young] I was so happy to do the news.
[Geum-ju] Nothing's up, right?
Ryu Si-o is trying to hurt my family.
Let's go to my place.
Go and tell them
that Hwang Geum-ju is alive and well.
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