T.P BON (2024) s01e11 Episode Script

The Marathon Battle

[bells jingle]
[chimes tinkling]
[funky adventurous music playing]
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon ♪
Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon ♪
Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Bon, Bon ♪
Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Come on ♪
[upbeat retrowave music playing]
[music fades out]
[funky adventurous music continues]
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon ♪
Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon ♪
Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Come on ♪
Come on ♪
Bon, Bon ♪
- Come on ♪
- [music fades out]
[Bon panting]
It's not even time for school yet,
and here I am, torturing myself.
- [panting wearily]
- [frenzied string music playing]
I should still be in bed. This is nuts.
[grunting breathlessly]
Whoever thought competitive running
was a good idea was clearly crazy.
I give up!
- [breathing heavily]
- [music fades out]
[Ream] If you hate running so much,
why are you doing this?
[Bon] Because there's going to be
a race at school.
I'm not really big on exercising,
but I've been getting up early and Uh.
- Oh, Ream!
- Well, duh!
Come on, lazybones.
We're heading to Marathon in 490 B.C.
[Buyoyon] We've gotta leave right away.
I really don't like
the sound of that name.
[Time Boats whir]
So where is Marathon, exactly?
And who are we saving?
Marathon is 26 miles northeast of Athens
in Ancient Greece.
The Athenian army fought there
against the Persian battalion,
and over 6,000 men died.
It's our job
to save as many of them as we can.
That's a lot of people.
I didn't know we did missions like that.
[Time Boats whoosh]
[foreboding music playing]
[Ream] This is the plain of Marathon,
where 30,000 troops are going to engage
in a fierce and bloody battle.
[Bon] It looks so peaceful.
No sign of any battle yet.
[Ream] It's still a few days
before it starts.
I thought it would be good to get
a rough idea of the terrain beforehand.
[Bon] Look at that!
The entire sea is covered in ships!
[Ream] Right on time, just as expected.
It's the Persian fleet.
The historian, Herodotus,
recorded there were 600 ships,
but it looks closer to 200.
And it appears they're headed
straight for the Schinias Beach.
[Buyoyon] Looks like those people
are leaving the area.
[Ream] They're from the fishing villages.
They're on their way to Athens.
It's likely they heard
how terrifying the Persian army can be.
Their soldiers captured
the city of Eritrea ten days ago,
and they enslaved any citizen
who survived the attack.
Wow. That's awful.
We should go
to the night before the battle.
[Time Boats whoosh]
[Time Boats whoosh]
[Bon] What are those lights?
[Buyoyon] That's the Athenian army.
[Ream] They've set up camp
at the foot of Mt. Agrieliki.
[Buyoyon] There's the Persian army.
[Ream] Their ships are in formation
about a mile west of their landing site.
It's been four days,
and neither side has made a move yet.
That seems odd.
The Athenians are waiting
for reinforcements.
They're expecting a legion
of 30,000 troops to come from Sparta.
Although, the reinforcements
will only consist of 2,000 men,
and they won't arrive
until the battle is over.
[Bon] Hmm
[Ream] The Persian army
is waiting for a betrayal.
They're hoping
that some of the Athenian citizens
will switch to their side instead.
Would anyone actually betray Athens?
[Ream] As a matter of fact,
the aristocratic Alcmaeonid family
is working with the Persian army.
Supposedly, they're biding their time.
Oh, man.
This sounds too complicated for me.
[Buyoyon] What's going on over there?
Looks like someone
is running a late-night race.
[man panting, grunting]
[sprightly militaristic music playing]
[man 1 grunts]
[Buyoyon] Not the most graceful
of runners.
[man 1 groans]
[Ream] Hey. Are you all right?
[groans, grunts]
Thank you very much.
[grunts, breathes heavily]
I'm Pheidippides.
[breathes heavily]
I just ran all the way to Sparta,
1,226 stades across mountain paths,
to ask them for reinforcements.
A hundred and forty-two miles,
just as the records say.
This messenger covered a distance
that would have taken three days
in only one.
But reinforcements from Sparta
won't arrive, will they?
Wait a minute. How did you?
Yes, it's true.
The Spartans are celebrating
a festival in honor of Apollo.
They won't deploy their army
until the next full moon.
I need to go.
I have to inform General Miltiades
right away.
[pants wearily]
[Bon] Pheidippides!
- [Ream] I think he's dehydrated.
- [murmuring weakly]
These professional messengers
have it pretty rough.
There. Now, with a little rest,
he should make a full recovery.
Are you sure that's okay?
Doesn't he need to inform the army
that Sparta's reinforcements won't come?
[Ream] It's fine.
It's a historical fact
that Athens wins the battle
without Sparta.
Our job is to save
as many fallen troops as possible.
Yeah, but
[Buyoyon] Hey, hey, hey.
Where are you going?
[Bon] I'm going to check out the camp.
I promise, I won't destroy history!
- [Buyoyon] What? Hang on.
- [Time Boat whirs]
I'd better go with you.
- [whir distancing]
- [sighs]
[flames crackling]
[man 2 grumbles]
We fight tomorrow!
The Persian army is getting impatient.
There's no doubt about it.
They're going to commence their attack
tomorrow morning.
In that case,
we should withdraw back to Athens
and wait for reinforcements from Sparta.
- [pounds hands]
- No! We counterattack without question!
A strong attack
is the best form of defense.
Miltiades, you're being unreasonable.
The Persian army
is more than double in size,
compared to our own forces.
If we strategize,
then we might have a shot at victory.
When I fought against the Scythians,
I closely observed
the tactics they used against us.
The Persian army is likely to make
a ten-rank deep formation
of heavy infantry.
They will be about eight stades in length.
- Their main forces will be in the center.
- How long is eight stades?
[Buyoyon] It's almost a mile.
Does compressed learning not work for you?
[Miltiades] However, we will make
our center four ranks deep.
The left and right, eight ranks deep.
[man 3] They will easily crush us
with that formation.
[Miltiades] Not necessarily.
We'll lure the enemy
by letting them push us back.
Meanwhile, our flanks
will circle around them
and attack from behind.
Even the biggest army will struggle
when they're surrounded.
That's all very well, but you seem to be
forgetting about their archery battalion.
We won't get anywhere near them
under their barrage of arrows.
I know that.
I also know that the effective range
of their bows is less than one stade.
When our armies get within
that distance of each other,
we'll crash into them
by charging at the enemy at full speed!
[all] Huh?!
I have never heard of a tactic
that would involve
making heavy infantry charge at an enemy.
That is why we will win.
Right. I get it now.
It's using this strategy
that helps them win the battle.
That's what makes it a historical fact.
- [man 4] The messenger is here!
- [both gasp] Huh?
[Miltiades] We've been waiting for you.
What's the word from Sparta?
[Pheidippides] This was their response.
[birds chirping]
[gull calling]
[dramatic music playing]
- [spears clang]
- [steady marching]
[spears clang]
- [Bon yawning]
- What's with the yawning?
Did you not get enough sleep?
Not really.
I'm pretty exhausted, to be honest.
[man 1] Archers get ready!
[bowstrings creak]
Run with all your might!
- [soldiers yelling]
- [music swells]
[all gasp]
[arrows whizzing]
- [groans]
- [thud]
[yelling continues]
[Buyoyon] Looks like it's started.
Make sure you have enough
of the instant healing medicine.
And don't forget to scan them first
with the Check Card.
Yeah, I know.
Once again, I'm out running
first thing in the morning.
[Time Lock clacks]
'Kay. Slow motion!
[ethereal thrum]
[arrows whizzing]
- [zap]
- [whizzing slows]
I slowed down time.
Now we can move 50 times faster
than the soldiers.
[Ream grunting]
[Bon panting]
[Ream grunts, pants]
[beeps, whirs]
[beeps, trills]
[Ream grunting]
[tinkling whir]
You'll wake up
by the time the battle is over.
- [clang]
- [grunts]
Don't be afraid of their arrows!
Once you get close enough to them,
they'll be easy to defeat!
- [Bon grunts]
- Over here! Quickly!
A soldier was pierced with a spear!
[Check Card beeps, whirs]
- [alarm drones]
- [gasps]
- If the screen turns red, then leave them.
- Yeah, I know, but I just [murmurs]
Come on. Stay focused.
I can't hesitate and waste time
when I should be saving
as many people as possible.
- [grunting]
- [Check Cards trilling]
- Hup.
- [clack]
- [grunting]
- [tinkling whir]
[both panting]
[spear clangs]
[gasps] Pheidippides!
Looks like he's full of energy again.
[grunts, gasps]
[music swells]
I'm sorry, but the healing agent
can't cure that.
[syringe clacks]
[Buyoyon] This way! Over here!
[Bon panting]
- [Check Card trills]
- [clack]
- [squelch]
- [grunts]
[Check Card trills]
- [grunts]
- [clack]
[music crescendoes]
[music fades out]
[Bon panting]
[breathlessly] I can't believe we did it.
I wonder how far I ran.
The Persian army has retreated
back to their ships.
So far, everything is unfolding
as it should be.
[Bon, breathlessly] Oh. Good.
Hey. I have an idea.
Why don't we go and cool off in the sea?
[Bon] Think I'll pass.
[chuckles] Well, enjoy your nap, then.
- [Buyoyon] Buyo.
- [Bon sighs]
- [breathing softens]
- [birds chirping]
Oh, man, I can't wait to get back home
and get some proper sleep.
[Buyoyon] Hey, look.
There's another guy running a race.
Oh, yeah? Better him than me.
[Buyoyon] Oh!
It's that messenger from yesterday.
That's nice.
- [footsteps approaching]
- [Buyoyon] See? There he is.
Hello there, Pheidippides.
Oh, it's you. Hello again.
Where are you running to this time?
I've got to get to Athens
to report our great victory
over the Persians.
- [pants]
- Wait!
You must be exhausted from fighting.
You're gonna collapse again.
My younger sister
and the people of this country
are waiting to hear
about the outcome of the battle.
Besides, it's my duty
to run and spread the news. [pants]
[Bon] But you won't make it
if you don't take a break!
[relaxing instrumental music playing]
[sighs deeply]
This feels great.
- Hey! Ream!
- [Ream] Huh?
What's the matter, Buyoyon?
[Buyoyon] Well Huh? What's that?
Oh, is that the Persian army
making its way towards Athens?
Looks like it.
Although, the messenger will get to Athens
well before the fleet arrives.
The news of that victory
will give the citizens there
an enormous boost of courage.
The Persian army will be overwhelmed
by the empowered Athenians
and will have no choice but to withdraw.
[Buyoyon] Uh, so, about that messenger
[Ream] Hmm?
[panting breathlessly]
[gasps] Huh?
[panting wearily]
Hey! Are you all right?
- Pheidippides!
- [groans]
[grunts, sighs]
- [strains] I have to keep going.
- But you can barely stand up.
I have to go.
- Pheidippides, you really shouldn't
- [panting]
He's one stubborn guy.
There's no need to rush anymore.
Just take a break.
- [blast]
- [Pheidippides groans]
- [Time Boat whirs]
- [Ream] Bon!
- What have you done?
- Don't worry about it.
He's just knocked out.
I just gave him a chance to rest.
- Hmm?
- [sprightly militaristic music playing]
- [Check Card trills]
- Did I do something wrong?
- [alarm drones]
- [Ream] I knew it.
You've changed the course of history.
What?! I did?!
But I thought the battle was all over.
- The Persian army retreated to the sea.
- [Buyoyon] Mm-hmm.
But they're currently sailing
around Cape Sounion,
to attempt to reach Athens
before the Athenian army
makes it back over there.
If the news of the victory
doesn't reach Athens in time,
the Alcmaeonid faction, which is looking
for a chance to commit treason,
could make a move.
Athens might then surrender
to the Persians.
[Buyoyon] History will take
a totally different turn!
Aah! Well, what are we gonna do?
Oh, Ream!
There's no other way.
You'll have to take his place.
If all I have to do
is deliver a message to Athens,
I'll take my boat.
[Ream] I don't think so.
Your heart won't give out unless you run.
Eek! My heart?!
Okay, this shot will change
your hair and skin color.
Aw this again?
Another shot?
It's fine.
It's just going to stop your heart.
[panicked murmur]
Don't worry. It won't kill you
until after you deliver the message.
- [Bon murmurs nervously]
- Don't be a baby!
You'll only be dead for a little while.
You won't even know.
It's necessary, I'm afraid.
After seeing the messenger die,
the Athenian citizens
are inspired to fight.
- According to history.
- [Buyoyon] Buyo. Buyo.
[groans] Oh, all right.
[Buyoyon] Transformation complete!
Now for a name. Let's see
Why don't you call yourself Eukles?
What? Can't I just
call myself Pheidippides?
No, because you're going to die later on.
Also, once the real Pheidippides
returns to Athens, we'd be in trouble.
[Bon] Well, that makes sense.
Bye, Eukles!
- You can do it!
- [Bon panting]
It's a big responsibility,
but I've got to do it.
[Buyoyon] Hey. Wrong way, genius.
It's that way.
- [Buyoyon] Off you go.
- [grumbles]
You're coming with me?
- [Buyoyon] Yeah, to keep an eye on you.
- Uh, seriously?
- [panting]
- [whimsical music playing]
Hey, this isn't so bad.
It actually feels nice.
Well, whaddya know?
It looks like training every morning
for the race has finally paid off.
The way I feel right now,
I could run all the way to Athens
and back again.
[murmurs anxiously]
[dramatic sting]
Are you sure this is the way?
Professional messengers take shortcuts.
They're committed to delivering news,
whatever it takes.
- You have to keep going.
- [grumbles]
[breathing heavily]
- Pick up the pace.
- [exhales wearily]
[panting slowly]
[panting quickens]
I can't go on.
- [groans] I'm exhausted.
- [Buyoyon] What?
Time for a break.
You're giving up already?
[breathing heavily]
Ahh This feels great.
So cozy.
- [hissing]
- It's like nature's pillow.
- Hmm?
- [hisses]
Aah-aah! Aah!
Whoa-ho-ho! [yelps]
Aah-ha-ha! Aah!
Bon! Don't you think
you're going too fast?
[Bon] I don't care! I gotta run!
- Aah-ha! Aah!
- [Ream sighs]
[whimpering breathlessly]
- Huh?
- [Buyoyon] What's up?
Where's the bridge? I don't see it.
You run, no matter what,
like a true messenger.
- [Bon grumbles]
- Huh.
Aw, man. It's not fair.
Why do I have to do this?
[murmurs nervously]
[gasps, grunts]
[grunts, strains]
I shoulda slept in.
[panting continuously]
- [exhales]
- Hey, look. It's all downhill from here.
I have to save
as much energy as possible.
Whoa! This is perfect!
Hey, Bon! Don't get carried away!
This is so much fun!
[gritted anxious murmur]
- [gasps] Why me?!
- [descending whistle]
- [branches snapping]
- [leaves rustling]
- [rustling]
- [clatter]
[Buyoyon] You good, buddy?
You know, I'm starting to miss school.
I feel like I've been running forever.
[shakily] Am I there yet?
[Ream] You're almost halfway there.
Huh? Halfway?!
- Let's go!
- Oh, kill me.
- [downcast instrumental music playing]
- [hawk screech echoes]
[continues panting]
[sighs, yelps]
[exhales, feebly] I I need water
[exhales] I need
a shower.
[groans] I want to
lay down in my own bed.
[pants, murmurs feebly]
I should have never joined Time Patrol
in the first place.
[heavy breathing echoes]
Why on earth am I even running like this?
[whines] I'm in so much pain.
[gasps, huffs]
Why do I run when it hurts so much?
[sobs] Why do I live?
[panting over Timeceiver]
What is the meaning of life?
He's reached his breaking point.
Running like this
it's just so taxing on the body.
[Bon pants]
[Buyoyon] Hey! I can see a temple
on the other side of this hill!
[murmurs feebly]
Are you serious?
[Ream] You can do it, Bon!
I can do it. [huffs]
Just a little further over this hill.
- [panting]
- [Buyoyon] Go, Bon, go!
You can do it! You're almost there!
[Bon whimpers wearily]
- [in disbelief] There it is.
- [Buyoyon] You're so close, Bon!
[Bon whimpers]
[labored breathing]
- [groaning]
- [thud]
[softly] I can't do it.
I'm dying.
[Ream] No! You can't die yet!
The citizens of Athens
are waiting for your message.
[Buyoyon] History will get all messed up.
[Ream] Just stay alive a little longer.
[both] Bon!
[gasping labored breathing]
[hawk screeches]
[Bon] You're asking for the impossible.
[downcast music swells]
[music fades out]
- What was the outcome of the battle?
- Where's the messenger?
He's not here yet!
Could it be, he's taking his time
because he has bad news to deliver?
Don't say that.
What if our forces
were defeated by the Persians
and the messenger ran away?
Perhaps we should surrender.
- No way!
- [gasps]
The messenger will be here soon.
My own brother.
No. I am completely certain
that the messenger, whoever he may be,
is proudly making his way here,
risking his life for this message,
whether the news is good or bad.
- [soldier 1] Hey!
- [soldier 2 gasps] What is it?
[uplifting string music playing]
[whimpering breathlessly]
[breathlessly] Okay Ah.
I My name is Eukles!
[huffs] I have news
about the Battle of Marathon.
- [music swells]
- It was victorious. We won!
[crowd cheering elatedly]
- [indistinct chatter]
- [whooping, cheering]
[Bon panting]
[girl] Hello, sir.
Excuse me.
I'm Pheidippides' younger sister.
- I just
- [panting]
[girl] Is my brother?
Don't worry. He's safe and sound.
[murmurs tearfully]
[crying] Thank you so much.
[breathing softens]
Uh [groans]
- [thud]
- [cheering fades out]
[birds chirping]
[gasps softly]
- [Buyoyon] Finally!
- [Bon yelps]
[Buyoyon] You're awake at last.
You did great.
You died a noble death.
You were buried as a national hero.
- People mourned from all over the city.
- [Bon sighs] Huh?
[Buyoyon] It took us a while
to get you out of your grave.
So does that mean
history is back on track?
There's one minor discrepancy left.
Depending on what book you read,
the messenger's name
is either Pheidippides or Eukles.
Because of the news you brought,
you gave the Athenians
the courage they needed
to strengthen their defenses
and fight back valiantly,
causing the Persian army
to make a full retreat.
[sighs] It's finally over.
[whimsical music playing]
Jump ahead a bit, and in the year 1896,
a group of people ran a race
the distance from Marathon to Athens.
Do you know what I'm talking about?
Nope. No idea.
It was the marathon competition
at the first modern
Olympic Games in Athens.
[Buyoyon] Good job on running
more than 26 miles.
So does that mean
the origin of the marathon
The name "marathon"
and the distance of the race
were created in honor of the messenger
who died after completing his mission.
Good luck with your upcoming race.
[sighs] Ahh I can finally get some sleep.
- Hmm.
- [mother] Bon!
What are you doing?
You'll be late for school!
- Bon!
- [music ends]
[Bon grumbles]
- [panting]
- [whimsical music resumes]
[whining] Oh, man. It feels like
I've been running non-stop for centuries.
- [music ends]
- [whimpers, pants]
["Tears in the Sky" by Lena Leon playing]
[music fades out]
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