Talentless Nana (2020) s01e11 Episode Script

The Invisible Blade Part 2

There's another murderer besides me?
"Talentless Nana"
Okay. The victim is Ryuji Ishii.
Episode 11: The Invisible Blade Part 2
Okay. The victim is Ryuji Ishii.
I examined him before Hiiragi got here.
His throat was slashed and there was
a stab wound on his back as well.
So, Moguo. What were you up to last night?
Who, me?
Your room is next to the crime scene.
Didn't you hear anything?
I was with these guys last night.
Moguo was giving us a much-needed pep talk!
Pep talk?
I was giving them all an inspirational speech.
We started just after the funeral.
It lasted five hours.
We all sat on our knees the whole time.
Uh-oh Is this the Moguo Vanity
Recital I keep hearing about?
So, you were so drunk on the sound of your own
voice that you didn't hear the murder next door?
Y-Yeah, sorry.
What about you guys?
Did you hear anything through the wall?
Uh well
I was half-asleep.
I was the opposite! I was so engrossed
in Moguo's inspirational speech.
Which means Ryuji was probably
killed after Moguo's speech?
Hey, trio. What are your talents?
Wait a minute, you don't suspect them, do you?
It's possible the four of you are all
in on it and you've made up an alibi.
You bastard!
When Kyoya gets a theory,
you have to let him play it out until the end.
Well, if you say so, Nana.
O-Okay, I'll start.
My name is Nana Hiiragi.
I think Moguo is a hottie!
Aw, shucks, you're embarrassing me.
Moguo is a hottie!
So, uh, when I activate my talent, I have to
repeat the last thing I said or it won't stop.
That was definitely Hiiragi's voice.
So you can mimic our
stab victim's voice too, right?
Okay. You're up next.
Y-You mean me?
S-Sorry. My guts have been torturing me.
Probably from seeing that body.
Forget your guts. Your talent.
B-But Give me a minute!
Hey. Are you okay?
Is someone in the restroom?
S-Sorry. That was me.
This guy can do astral travel.
Whenever I panic, my mind slips out of my body.
So I went to the bathroom,
but nothing came out since I was astral.
Nothing could come out, you know?
O-On that note! Can I go
to the bathroom for reals now?
Come on, can't you give
him a break? He's got IBS.
Fine. Next.
Awaken magnetism!
I can turn my body into a magnet.
Oh, so you can draw two
metallic objects together,
or split them apart?
That's really cool, but
I haven't figured it out yet!
Which means you can theoretically
control knives and such, right?
Incidentally, are you certain
the murder took place last night?
Ryuji Ishii was at the mass funeral last night.
This morning, when his girlfriend
came to walk to school with him,
he was already dead.
Isn't that right?
Fuko Sorano.
Pardon the late introduction,
I'm Fuko Sorano.
The late Ryuji Ishii and I
have been courting each other for several years.
Yeah, we knew that.
But the school just went on break.
So why did you go to pick him up?
It had become a daily ritual,
so I came out of habit.
Can you show us your talent?
Well, I
You found the body first, kid.
And you were deeply connected to him.
If you keep secrets from us,
that will only make things harder.
Then let us all at least reconvene outside.
So it's a talent you can't use in here?
I do not wish to accidentally harm any of you.
I can channel the atmosphere
into offensive attacks.
Okay, hit me with your best shot.
But I can't!
Even if I'm ripped to pieces, I won't die.
Yes, but
Just do it.
Hey, let's watch from a safe distance.
V-Very well.
Brace yourself!
Are you all right?
I guess we can say your attack
is industrial water jet tier.
But if you can concentrate
so much atmospheric pressure
Your power is ridiculous.
Look who's talking, buddy!
You were worried about
accidentally hurting everyone,
yet you actually have pretty good aim there.
It is often the case that I cannot
harness my powers in a stuffy room.
I require ventilation.
Ventilation, eh?
I remember the window was open.
Hey, Onodera!
I've got the higher-ups on the phone!
Hurry! I've got them on hold.
A phone call?
We're in crisis, aren't we?
I asked him to make the call
so I could complain to the authorities.
You're wasting your time.
We'll get back to this later.
Ryuji might have been killed when
he tried to escape out the window.
There's still a lot of unknowns.
But drawing the truth
out of Fuko is Kyoya's job.
What's wrong?
You looked a bit troubled this morning, too.
Why are you investigating the crime scene?
I'm looking for traces of
the enemies of humanity.
You're determined, aren't you?
Something's off.
Did she find something
incriminating in my room last night?
Or is she just exhausted?
Or maybe she feels ill from
seeing that gruesome dead body?
Um, Nana- shan ?
This is going to sound weird, but,
after we defeat the enemies of humanity and
graduate, what do you want to do with your life?
Go to college in the city, I guess.
What about you?
When I graduate
I kinda want to be a doctor.
You know, my power is
useless against illness or poison.
My dad is a doctor, so I've studied a little
medicine by his side when I have time.
But I really want to go to medical school.
I fully support you.
I hope we defeat the enemies of humanity soon.
Thank you.
I'm glad I confided in you.
Maybe I'm over-thinking it.
She's probably just worried about
her future with all these murders.
Oh, right.
This is just a suggestion, but would you
like to move to my town after we graduate?
You want me to move to your town?
Yeah, we've got a lot of
affordable apartments for students.
I just thought you could
go to college from there.
Or you could just come live
with me and my parents!
Are you being serious?
I'd feel a lot more secure having you nearby.
That does sound nice.
You're lucky to have
such a warm, well-off family.
My mom and dad are both very nice.
I'm sure they'll welcome you with open--
I just opened up to you about
my parents' death, like, last night.
Why did I let myself get emotional like that?
I was right. Michiru is acting very off.
She's suddenly bringing up the future
and caring about my well-being.
If she has an ulterior motive,
worst-case scenario,
she's discovered my crimes, but she's
too scared to confront me about it,
so she's trying to sneakily
draw the information out.
Hiiragi? It's your teacher.
Inukai asked me to bring this by.
She says your uniform was ripped up?
Oh, thank--
The poison bottle!
I'm missing the poison
I used to try to kill Jin.
I know I put it in my pocket
afterwards. But I lost it
It's Michiru.
After she healed me and
changed my clothes, she found it.
And it happened right after Kaori's murder.
If she really does want to become a doctor,
then I wouldn't be surprised
if she's studied poisons a little.
What if she gave that poison to Kyoya?
Hey, Hiiragi.
Inukai just came by to see me.
Hey, kid.
Are you and Inukai fighting?
She sounded like she wanted to talk to me
about you, but she wouldn't get to the point.
She just said "Never mind," and left.
Does this mean she's conflicted about
whether or not to tell Kyoya about me?
Well, whatever.
I'm about to go see Fuko Sorano. Come with me.
Oh, right. Onodera?
I think whatever you told the authorities
worked. They're sending someone from HQ.
Cool. Thanks for letting me have my way.
The authorities are coming?
Before things get really tricky,
I'd better kill as many of them as I can.
Sorry to bother you while you're in mourning,
but what did you do right after the funeral?
I was reading in my room.
But late at night, a friend came by to visit.
We were together until dawn.
Treasure Every Experience
Can you give us a specific time?
I think she got here before midnight.
Incidentally, do you know if
Ryuji Ishii was an early riser?
His alarm clock was set for five AM.
I think Ryuji recently took up
morning jogging to lose weight.
I think he would always be
asleep by 11 PM at the latest.
Why do you say, "I think"?
Weren't you dating?
We had drifted apart recently.
Perhaps he was growing bored of me?
We've been together since we were small.
I remember he was a popular guy.
Always cracking jokes.
He even had more game than that ice wielder.
Okay, I got the gist of it.
So you were with a friend all night.
I'll see if that checks out.
Sorry about him.
Please know that I believe you.
Hiiragi please help me.
Please Please help me avenge Ryuji.
Let's defeat the enemies of humanity together.
So was she lying?
Why do you think I brought you along?
I can't get caught in a lie later.
Sorry. I wasn't focused.
But I don't think she could have done it.
First, the funeral ended at seven PM, right?
Right after that, Moguo was giving a pep
talk in the room adjacent to the victim's.
This apparently lasted for five hours.
So if the murder happened during that time,
someone next door would have heard it.
Which means the murder had to have
happened after Moguo's pep talk,
or in other words, after midnight.
Fuko had a friend over from
midnight until morning.
Doesn't that give her an alibi?
No. I'm pretty sure he was murdered
during Moguo's Vanity Recital.
There were quite a few insects
hiding in his room, lured in by the light.
So he noticed it, too.
When the body was discovered this morning,
the window was open
and the lights were still on.
So the question is, how long
was the room in this state?
According to Fuko,
he usually went to bed at 11 PM.
I also heard bugs made him squeamish.
But even if that weren't so,
most people would close the window
and turn out the lights before bed.
So you're saying he was
murdered before he went to bed?
So why was the window open?
The killer could have used
their talent to open it.
Couldn't the killer have
broken in after midnight?
Why would the killer turn on
the light to kill in stealth?
Maybe Ryuji woke up and turned on
the light so he could fight the killer?
Then he tried to escape out the window.
Ryuji's talent was making
himself extremely small.
Here's an amusing anecdote:
One of his jokes went too far once,
and he offended Fuko.
She chased him all over the school,
but couldn't catch him.
Later, as Fuko was gasping for breath,
Ryuji popped out of her pocket.
That was his talent?
He could have shrunk down
to the size of a hair if he wanted to.
If he noticed someone broke in,
turning on the light to escape out the
window wouldn't have been his first choice.
Besides, the killer didn't need
to have a fair fight with Ryuji.
The killer could have just put
poison in Ryuji's contact lens case.
In other words, killing Ryuji without a
sneak attack would be practically impossible.
Fuko could have sneaked up on him, though.
So you suspect her.
You saw her power, didn't you?
Wouldn't that explain the messy room?
But during that time, next door--
Judging by the body,
Ryuji's throat was slit first
to prevent him from screaming.
This proves our killer was
careful about being quiet.
It could be the case that the foolish foursome
next door happened not to hear it.
He's unraveling this case
with more skill than I imagined.
It's only a matter of time now.
Bye for now.
If I get any further insights
about a motive, I'll question Fuko.
Please be gentle with her.
I guess I'll work on Michiru then.
I'm coming in.
Michiru's in the shower?
Guess I'll search her room for clues.
If I find my poison, I'll deal with it then.
It's not here.
Where did you hide it?
I should just ask her directly about it.
Michiru has been acting off all day.
What was she going to tell Kyoya?
Today, Nana and Kyoya transferred to the island. Nana is a very sweet girl.
I hope we can be friends.
Her diary?
That's right. She was writing in here
the morning after Jin almost killed me.
Apologize to Nana- shan at once!
I just want to help you!
Knowing Michiru, she'd probably
write out everything play-by-play.
And if she adds up everything she's seen,
that basically proves my crimes.
Nana- shan helped me from everyone!
She's so brave, kind, and heroic.
Okay! I'd better brush up my talent, too!
Nana- shan saved me today!
She's so brave!
June 20th
I couldn't bring Tsunekichi back to life
But Nana- shan was so brave and kind to Tsunekichi.
Nana- shan and I are sharing a secret.
I feel so honored. I guess she trusts me?
June 24th
The enemies of humanity are closing in on us.
Why does Kyoya have to accuse Nana- shan ?
I've been exhausted ever since
I tried to revive Tsunekichi.
I don't want to worry Nana- shan ,
but I just can't sit still when someone's died.
June 25th
Just as I was drifting off to sleep,
a badly wounded Nana- shan
showed up at my door unconscious.
I healed her as best as I could,
but I'm so worried about her.
She was crying in her sleep from all the pain.
Sometimes I forget, but
I barely know Nana- shan .
I wish I could help her more.
It makes me nervous, but I think
I'll try to get her to open up.
Ooh, right! The supply ship is coming soon.
Maybe I should get her a present?
What should I get her?
What would make her happy?
Is this what you're looking for, my lady?
You suspected Michiru? I'm disappointed in you.
So, how was it?
How do you feel after reading Michiru's diary,
overflowing with trust and goodwill?
What are you trying to do?
I'm trying to reach whoever has
groomed you into a serial killer.
Because I'd like to take them out to lunch.
So you're not giving it to Kyoya?
You know how narcs and
field investigators often butt heads.
Remember what I said?
I'm going to let you swim for a while.
Now, the woodland critters have
been restless since last night's murder.
I won't see you for a while, but take
good care of Michiru in my absence.
Don't you think she's been
in the shower an awfully long time?
Next episode: The Invisible Blade Part 3
"The Invisible Blade Part 3"
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