Taxi Driver (2021) s01e11 Episode Script

Tracking Down the Missing Murder Victim

Interview serial killers?
There aren't that many.
The Supreme Prosecutors' Office
is analyzing testimonies,
and they want someone from each office.
Why should I do that?
I do the most work in our office.
You cause the most trouble too.
Just do it.
Psychopath Oh Cheol-yeong.
Twenty people have been murdered by him.
He also mutilated the corpses
and ate human flesh.
Aren't you curious about him?
It's all set.
It was all in the past.
I have been very remorseful too.
I have to rot in here
for the rest of my life.
I was so foolish.
Is that being remorseful?
-Don't you feel sorry for the victims?
-The victims?
I don't think they resent me.
I let them die instantly,
without any pain.
Why you…
the really cruel ones use knives,
not hammers like me.
When you've been stabbed,
you feel a lot of pain,
but you don't die quickly.
I showed kindness to them
by being considerate.
That's why I was able to be forgiven.
Who the heck do you think forgave you?
The Lord?
Crazy scumbag.
Are you all right?
Oh Cheol-yeong,
go to hell.
-Congratulations, Manager Park.
-Thank you, Mr. Choi.
Good work, everyone.
Ending service.
Where did you send Madam Lim
and the accomplices?
Why didn't you send them to prison?
Those people are probably
floating in the vast sea right now.
-Don't worry.
-It's safer than any prison out there.
-But why…
Why did you do that?
Park Yang-jin died because of me.
I wanted him to see
the mines explode with his own two eyes.
Because of that,
I didn't consider the fact
that someone might get hurt.
Thanks to that,
I reflected on the things I've overlooked.
For example,
Ms. Baek.
Think carefully
about anything
you've been overlooking until now like me.
Cho Do-cheol is dead?
Yes. That's what happened.
Here. They have interesting backgrounds
for employees at a taxi company.
Any criminal records?
There are a few,
but they are mostly things
that are totally understandable.
During the spot investigation, Kim Do-gi
tried to attack Nam Gyu-jeong,
his mother's murderer,
and was booked for obstruction of justice.
Their bookkeeper, An Go-eun,
tried to hack an illegal videos website
and was sued for damages by them,
but she won.
An Go-eun's sister was--
I know about her too. I'll read it myself.
I think Mr. Jang is a really good person.
He gave violent crimes victims jobs
and takes care of them.
Isn't he a role model citizen?
Prosecutor Kang.
It's been a long time.
I heard you went on vacation.
Did you get enough rest?
Yes, I was able to get some rest.
How do you feel?
-I'm doing well.
-I should've visited you in the hospital.
-Things have been hectic for me.
-Don't worry about it. It was nothing.
If you're free later, please come by.
I'll treat you to some tea.
Yes, I will.
-I have to go to a meeting.
A few of my suspects
have disappeared lately.
It's like they've been hunted.
If bad guys are being hunted,
isn't that good news for our society?
It's only good
if it's within the scope of the law.
If not, it just becomes another crime.
Don't leave cases unsolved for too long.
Close them in three months.
-Yes, sir.
-Also, the Wolgok-dong case.
Any volunteers?
Want me to assign it?
You know it's hard to get a guilty verdict
in a bodiless murder case.
-It'll be permanently unsolved.
-Damn it.
Who has the least number
of unsolved cases?
It's a search warrant
for Jang Seong-cheol, president
of Bluebird Foundation.
This is the deluxe taxi
that was at the scene
on the day Cho Do-cheol disappeared.
And this is the deluxe taxi
that crashed into Chief Kim's police car.
The owner of the car is
Mr. Jang's father, Jang Ha-sun,
but Mr. Jang said that
he didn't recognize that car.
But I saw that car
going into Mr. Jang's house yesterday.
Chairman Park Yang-jin's death,
the disappearance of the key executives,
and the voice phishing ring.
I think we can get a warrant at this rate.
We have to search Mr. Jang's house.
What on earth are you looking for there?
The people who disappeared.
Are you saying that
Mr. Jang abducting them or something?
We can't exclude the possibility
that they were murdered there.
This is becoming more ridiculous.
Are you insane?
Are you reacting like this
because you have
a personal relationship with him?
Prosecutor Kang, watch what you're saying.
I understand how you feel,
but it wouldn't be the first time
someone stabbed us in the back.
Documents don't betray us.
He got a job there.
What will you do
if you can't find anything?
-I'll take responsibility.
-Who do you think you are?
I'll take responsibility.
But if you don't find anything,
you can only do what I order you to do.
Yes, sir.
Gosh, this is so unexpected.
I can't believe you're treating me to eel.
I paid last time too.
Why are you treating me?
Eat first. Then we'll talk.
Wrap the salted ones
in perilla leaves.
There is something going on. What is it?
I don't even know where to start.
The truth is,
there's a case that we are investigating.
It's a chain of disappearances.
A chain of disappearances?
All the missing people are criminals.
Do you remember Cho Do-cheol
who disappeared when he got out?
And Park Yang-jin
who got rich by selling pornography.
Yes. So?
But the suspect
is an employee of your company.
The one that I met
at the Japanese restaurant
who's helping out Bluebird Foundation.
Oh, who?
Mr. Kim Do-gi?
don't take this the wrong way.
Someone saw
the car that Kim Do-gi used for the crimes
at your house.
So we don't have a choice
but to search your home.
It's the police.
Seong-cheol, come on.
Are you suspecting me right now?
Seong-cheol, I know
that you would never
do something like that.
But it'll only raise more suspicion
if I try to stop it.
There are a few suspicious documents,
but it's better
to clear things up at this point.
Besides, so many crazy things
happen in this world.
I trust you, but not Kim Do-gi.
You don't know
what he has been going around and doing
with that taxi, right?
What are you looking for at my house?
A deluxe taxi
and the missing people.
It's locked.
Yes, understood.
That is Rainbow Taxi run
by Bluebird Foundation's Mr. Jang,
and this is his home.
I think the deluxe taxi would be in here.
Let's go inside first.
Let's go in.
I don't see the taxi.
Search every nook and cranny!
-Yes, ma'am.
-Yes, ma'am.
Goodness, you're driving a taxi again?
So you don't have your own car,
and you just drive that taxi?
Are you sure it's your only car?
-No way.
The whole area is blocked,
so there's no place for a car.
If it isn't in the garage,
the only place to hide it is the basement.
This house doesn't have a basement.
Excuse me.
It's a search and seizure.
-Did you find anything?
No one?
Most of them were from Jang Seong-cheol.
There were a few from others,
but it didn't match the missing persons.
That was a close call.
-But how did they find out?
-I think they saw the deluxe taxi.
It seems they've figured out
we've abducted them too.
They say misbehavior
eventually catches up with you,
maybe it's catching up with us.
Oh my gosh.
It's Prosecutor Kang.
Where's Cho Do-cheol?
I know you took him.
Why are you abducting criminals?
Tell me. I really want to know.
Do you catch and punish them?
Do you torture them too?
Do you think you're bringing justice?
Don't kid yourself.
No matter how you put it,
you're no different
than the criminals you despise.
You're just a criminal, like them.
Why aren't you arresting me
if I'm a criminal?
Just wait. I'll find the evidence.
You don't have evidence
yet you're saying this to me?
When will you find that evidence?
After I destroy it all
and run away?
This is why people like me
scoff at the law.
Although you have a sure suspect
and the circumstances are clear,
we know that without evidence,
you can't catch us.
That's because we don't want
anyone to be wrongfully accused.
Even if that means
letting go of 100 criminals.
Then what about those
who got hurt by those 100 criminals?
You asked why I would abduct
someone like Cho Do-cheol.
If it were me,
I think I'd make him pay
for all the crimes he committed.
With what authority?
Then what about you?
You have authority,
so why couldn't you do it?
That jerk was sentenced to just ten years,
but he didn't even
fully serve that sentence.
His sentence was reduced for being
his first offense, for temporary insanity,
and for showing regret.
But did you know?
The victims don't care about any of that.
What happened already happened,
and we…
can no longer go on living as before.
But what you're doing is wrong.
If the world was full of people like you,
it would become a lawless world.
Isn't it already a lawless world?
That's why there are people like me.
It may seem like that to you.
If you lost a family member
to a crime like you.
-The man that killed your mother.
I know he committed suicide in prison.
Aren't you getting revenge
for other people instead of your own?
Don't jump to conclusions.
But why does it seem like
you're taking out your anger on them?
I'm terribly sorry, sir.
My gosh.
Abduction, murder…
How am I supposed to see Mr. Jang?
Don't ever bring up the deluxe taxi again.
Just close that Wolgok-dong case.
It's a cold case anyway.
I'll meet the officer-in-charge first.
We must first find out
if we can find the body.
-I'm so sorry, sir.
-It's okay.
My employee caused the misunderstanding.
Isn't that what you're supposed to do?
I understand.
Thank you for understanding.
Have a seat.
You must've been so upset.
I'm really sorry.
Gosh, how could she…
I'm glad that everything was cleared up
about the deluxe taxi and missing people.
Prosecutor Kang's flaw
is that she's too driven,
but she's a good person.
won't you forgive her for my sake?
Did you want to see me
to apologize like this?
Well, that isn't why.
There's a case that I was hoping
Bluebird Foundation would care for.
I'd like to talk about faith today.
I'm ashamed to say this,
but for a while,
I thought the Lord took away something
that was most precious to me,
and I resented him for it.
But then I was reminded
that God always tests us
with tests that we can endure.
We have received
the precious gift of faith,
and we believe that this will
lead us to the path of salvation.
It's a bodiless murder.
We have circumstantial evidence
but nothing concrete.
The victim's father
won't accept the death of his son.
-He is my savior
-He is my savior
-And I'm born again
-And I'm born again
-By spirit and blood
-By spirit and blood
-He is my savior
-He is my savior
Captain Park, what brings you here?
I wrote the incident report ages ago,
so it's nice to finally meet you.
When will you indict him?
Captain Park Dong-pil?
Nice to meet you. I'm Kang Ha-na.
We won't indict him without a body.
Gu Yeong-tae is the perpetrator.
I'll do whatever I can
to get the evidence.
Is going on trial a gamble?
What if you can't find anything?
-It'll be harder if he's found innocent.
-Are you afraid of that?
I get you prefer winnable cases
since innocent verdicts
make you look incompetent.
That's why you aren't charging him.
Am I wrong?
You talk big for someone
who can't find evidence.
We don't need anything else.
Just how he disposed of the body.
Then we can solve this case.
My decision has not changed.
I won't indict him without the body.
If you want to get Gu Yeong-tae,
find the victim first.
What about the victim's family?
If the suspect walks away
without being charged,
how do you think they would feel?
I'll explain it to them.
Come on, Captain Park.
You can't show up
out of the blue like this.
-Let's get a cup of coffee.
-Mr. Wang.
-If you do this--
-I know, but there's a protocol.
-Come on. If we don't charge--
-How can we do anything if she…
Please don't get upset.
Let's get some coffee.
Who are you?
We're from
the Northern District Prosecutors' Office.
Did you find my brother?
No, we haven't.
Is Pastor Ko around?
My father isn't here.
Where are we going?
To seek revenge.
If you tell me, I'll listen.
I have a son.
It's not because he's my son,
but he is truly a kind person.
-Enjoy the food.
-Thank you.
-Have you eaten, sir?
-Yes, I ate a lot.
You came early today.
-Aren't you going to eat?
-I will.
-I'll help.
-Why did you come?
-It's okay.
-I'll do it. Have a seat.
Maybe that's why, but he met someone
who was kind just like him.
Would you like some more?
-Here you go.
-Thank you.
Okay, let's pray.
They were such a good match.
My son works in construction.
Hye-yeon is well-connected,
so she helped him a lot.
Oh, right. Didn't you say
you were meeting Hye-yeon's friend?
Yes, he's going to help me out.
Dong-hui, will you eat out for dinner?
I might have a drink too, so I'll be late.
-Have a good day.
-I'll see you later.
-Okay, good luck.
That day, he was meeting a friend
of Hye-yeon's who had work for him.
But that was the last time I saw my son.
Who did it?
It was Hye-yeon's friend.
The one he met that day.
It's this guy.
Get up in three seconds.
That seat isn't for you.
I wanted to see you
because you're getting married
to Hye-yeon,
but I have nothing to give you.
Think of this as a gift
and accept my offer.
Okay. I'll do my best.
Think of it as a gift. Shall we drink?
Congratulations again.
-Thank you.
The police said
that it seemed like he put
sleeping pills in the drink.
They verified that he took my son
to his office.
Damn it.
But he is the only one who knows
what happened inside there.
Were there any witnesses?
There was one.
He said that they were fighting,
so he separated them
and left without Dong-hui.
When they returned the next day,
Dong-hui wasn't there.
It was a complete lie.
We searched through all the nearby CCTVs,
but none of them showed Dong-hui leaving.
never left that place.
if Dong-hui isn't there,
where on earth
do you think my son disappeared to?
It was out of jealousy.
That jerk had feelings for Hye-yeon.
How can you kill someone
for a reason like that?
But how can he walk away unpunished
because they can't find the body?
Please don't worry too much.
We'll make sure we find him.
I'm not like my parents.
I don't think he's alive.
Please help us
by making him pay for his crime.
We need conclusive evidence
so that he can get a severe sentence.
Prosecutor Kang will
surely punish him by law.
Isn't that right, ma'am?
What I can tell you--
Is that true?
Please, Prosecutor Kang.
Please avenge him.
Please do it for my brother
just this once.
Please, just this once.
Please do it for him, Prosecutor Kang.
Please, just this once.
Please help us just this once.
If I make a request,
can you find my son?
It isn't our job to find someone.
we can seek revenge.
First off, thank you for visiting
Rainbow Deluxe Taxi.
Let me share a few precautions
for the safety of our passengers.
While we work on your request,
the taximeter will continue to go up.
You will pay your fare
once the job is finished.
Depending on the situation,
you may be charged extra.
After you use our taxi service,
you must not tell anyone else
about what happened with Rainbow Taxi.
Please keep this secret.
Now, if you wish to get your revenge
on the people who harassed you,
push the blue button on the left.
If you don't want to punish them,
push the red button on the right.
Please make your choice.
-I'll see you later.
-Okay, good luck.
You've made your choice.
Dong-hui will come back.
He'll come back as his healthy self.
My son isn't dead, so why seek revenge?
Revenge isn't my path.
is definitely alive.
He gave up on getting revenge?
How could he let that guy go?
Revenge could be harder
than forgiveness to him.
Well, for this case…
We'll just have
the foundation help the family.
Are we done for the day?
Let's go home.
Where are you going?
Finish the car repairs.
It's done.
Do-gi, get rid of this tape for me.
I don't think I can get rid of this.
He's the suspect in this one.
If someone seeks revenge on Ms. Baek,
what will you do?
Had I known the prosecutor was so pretty,
I would've visited more often.
Too bad
this is my first and last visit. Right?
Mr. Gu Yeong-tae.
On March 21st of last year,
you drugged Ko Dong-hui
with sleeping pills
and took him to your Wolgok-dong office.
I never gave him any sleeping pills.
When you got there,
you punched him in the face
and assaulted him.
That punk hit me first.
Ms. Prosecutor, I didn't kill him.
He just fell off the grid.
What am I supposed to do?
Why would he fall off the grid?
When men do this
right before their wedding, it's obvious.
"I can't marry you."
That kind of situation, you know?
I guess he got cold feet.
Is that what you want
Ms. Lee Hye-yeon to think?
Mr. Gu.
On March 4th,
your friend, Lee Hye-yeon,
told you she was getting married.
And the next day, March 5th,
you signed a lease
for the Wolgok-dong office.
Was she your motive for murder?
You said you two are just friends.
So why were you against the marriage?
Did you like her?
No, I did not.
-You had a crush on her?
-I said, no!
Stay still!
Okay, let go!
Behave yourself. How dare you!
That hurts!
Why did you kill Ko Dong-hui?
I didn't like the way
he was looking at me.
That's why I killed him.
What did you do with the body?
Did I burn it?
No, did I bury it? I don't remember.
I think I buried it?
Is this funny to you?
Why not?
Isn't it the answer you wanted? Isn't it?
Since I won't get to see you again,
I gave you the answer you wanted.
You see, I know how it works.
Even if I confess to everything,
you don't have any evidence.
Who says you won't see me again?
You want to see me again?
Next time,
I won't be in this ugly jail uniform.
I'll dress up for you.
A dressed-up murderer is still a murderer.
But you can dress up all you want
while you still can.
I'm going to the mailroom.
What about the victim's family?
If the suspect walks away
without being charged,
how do you think they would feel?
I don't think he's alive.
Please help us
by making him pay for his crime.
Please, Prosecutor Kang.
Please avenge him.
Please do it for my brother
just this once.
It's on the third floor.
Let's head right up.
It's inside this room.
I'm pretty certain Ko Dong-hui
was drugged then dragged here.
You jerk.
Come here.
If he was beaten up when he passed out
and was unable to fight back…
We'd only see blood down here.
Come here, you punk. Come here!
Come here, you jerk!
Come here. Get up.
You scumbag!
The fact that hair and blood spatters
were found here
means they got into a fight
after Ko Dong-hui woke up.
In any case, it seems like
the evidence found at the scene
corresponds with Sim U-seop's statement.
What's bothering you?
Why didn't he finish him
when he was asleep?
Fair point.
He didn't drug him to get into a fight.
Did he have a reason to keep him alive?
But why?
Is Sim U-seop not coming in again?
He said he'd be here.
He's not picking up.
Nothing's going right with this case.
Gosh, let's see.
Prosecutor Kang.
Our request to extend Gu's detention
has been rejected.
"Because no CCTV footage was found,
the prosecution believes
that Gu Yeong-tae murdered the victim
and requested this extension,
but due to insufficient evidence…"
Two, three!
-Hello, sir!
-Hello, sir!
-You've been through so much.
-It's nothing.
-Let's go.
-Open the door.
Yes, sir.
Let's go have some jjamppong.
All right.
-There's a good jjamppong place near here.
You must be exhausted.
Tofu? I'm sick of tofu.
-Who is it?
-A prosecutor.
Did you drink and drive again?
No, your prosecutor.
She keeps calling me in. It's annoying.
Damn, that prosecutor is really annoying.
Why did she have to be a woman
on top of that?
Women seem to bring you bad luck.
With Hye-yeon too.
You know?
It doesn't roll as smoothly as it used to.
The engine is making some noise, too.
I guess it's time for this.
I knew it.
It's been emitting more fumes.
It's because the engine is sick.
You need to do this once in a while
to make the engine last longer.
And the car goes faster too.
You two look sicker than the car.
No, we're fine.
Don't even get me started.
Go-eun kept nagging us
to fix all the cars when we were free.
She's like a villain.
She exploits us so much. She's the devil.
Hey, Go-eun. You're here.
It's the devil.
Where are you going?
Say it to my face. Hey!
What? You locked the doors?
Come out. Open up!
I'll really become the devil!
-I'll get going.
See you.
Come out!
I will show you
what a devil is really like!
Come out!
Drop me off at Nakwon C&C.
-You're going to charge me?
-Of course.
Goodness, you're so cold.
Business is business.
Don't tell me
you'll put it on the corporate card.
I'll pay cash, all right?
I'll wait if you're going to be quick.
Forget it.
I'll take three buses to get home.
Bring him over.
I'm sorry, sir.
Please forgive me.
I was just worried about you.
Do you think you're a big shot
because people call you CEO?
You're nothing but a puppet.
Don't kid yourself.
Sit straight!
-Yes, sir.
Making a rat like you disappear
would be a piece of cake.
Get your act together.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Kim.
What did you with Cho Do-cheol's body?
Why do you want to know all of a sudden?
Did something happen?
Or are you scared
after getting stabbed once?
The prosecution
is investigating the bodiless murder.
And coincidentally, Cho Do-cheol's body
has not been found.
That's what this is about?
-Such cases are common.
-The suspect is one of your boys.
-You didn't know?
I don't know
where you got such a crazy idea.
We're not involved. Don't worry.
You know how I work.
I may run a big business,
but I keep things quiet.
I wonder.
Why are the three of you together?
Oh, right. Have you two never met?
Say hello.
This is Gu Yeong-tae,
our managing director.
Did you cause trouble?
I'm really sorry, ma'am!
I got out since I didn't do anything.
That's why I came straight to you.
Please believe me.
How do you call yourself my secretary?
-Must I hear about it from a third party?
-I'm sorry, ma'am.
I know my boys well.
They wouldn't
cause trouble behind my back.
I didn't know
you were so trusting.
We really don't see eye to eye.
Do you know why we haven't clashed
in all these years?
Because we didn't overstep.
Stay in your lane.
I hope you do the same,
by not crossing the line between us.
Things will get more complicated.
She won't tell me what they did
with Cho Do-cheol's body.
Another murder without a body.
I thought Cho Do-cheol's death
was an unfortunate accident.
Like you said, I overlooked the case.
But now that I know about Ko Dong-hui,
I can't let it slide.
I need to find out what they're up to.
-Sir, here's your car.
-You should call a chauffeur, sir.
-No, I don't need one.
Come on. I think you do.
You little jerk.
Hey, are you trying to
look down on me too?
You little scumbag.
I was so good to you.
Get lost.
Why is he swearing at me like that?
I hope you get arrested for a DUI!
Sim U-seop.
Sim U-seop!
My, you have several DUIs.
You even served time in jail.
You'll get a heavy sentence this time.
-Why? I didn't hit anyone.
-That's the law.
Then what about my business?
The dehumidifying agent company
with expenses but no income?
Isn't it a paper company anyway?
Please have mercy on me
and help me avoid jail time.
I'll do anything you say.
Then tell me about that day.
What happened at the office?
Gosh, I really didn't see anything.
What's that?
What is that?
I didn't look inside.
Yeong-tae came out,
so we went home together. That's all.
You didn't see anything,
and there's no evidence.
-How will you get a lighter sentence?
Please help me avoid serving time.
I really don't want to go back to jail.
Then can you find out what Gu did
with Ko Dong-hui's body?
You don't want to betray him?
Do you think you're a big shot
because people call you CEO?
I was just worried about you.
I'll try.
I heard you got another DUI.
Did you get out of it?
I think so. Thanks to a softie prosecutor,
I'll be let off with a fine.
I see.
Lucky you.
I know.
-Let's drink.
-Yes, sir.
I hope you're not holding a grudge
for the past events.
No, of course not.
That looks like it'll scar.
-I told you to see a doctor.
-Oh, it's okay.
I'll consider this
a badge of honor from you.
My gosh. Let me pour you one.
All right.
Come on. Have another one.
Okay, sure.
-It's not like we're at a funeral.
By the way, I'm curious about something.
What is it?
It's about Ko Dong-hui. How did you do it?
How did you manage
to get the police going in circles?
Why do you ask?
Because I want to whack someone too.
You should've told me right away.
Fine, I'll make a special exception
and tell you.
Then I'll pour you a drink
since you're special.
Prosecutor Kang.
Aren't you going home?
You can go. I have to check something.
You know, about Sim U-seop…
Do you think he'll succeed?
We have to trust him.
If we find out what he did with the body,
we can find evidence.
Right, okay. I'll be off, then.
Ko Dong-hui, that punk.
-I took care of him quietly.
-Without a single trace.
-I see.
What do you even know?
I'm asking because I don't know.
Come here.
-I'll tell you because you're special.
-Ko Dong-hui…
You scumbag.
You're dead meat now.
-Mr. Sim?
-I found out.
-But I really didn't know anything.
Please believe me.
What do you mean?
Gosh, I can't believe what I just heard.
Gu Yeong-tae is pure evil.
Do you know what he did with the body?
Mr. Sim? What's wrong?
Ms. Kang, save me.
-Damn it.
Mr. Park, Sim U-seop is in danger.
-Hello. Mr. Wang?
The phone last pinged
near Gyeongdong Market.
Mr. Park is on his way too.
I'm close. I'll head over there now.
Our priority is ensuring Sim's safety.
Yes, I'm aware. I'll keep him safe.
Please be careful.
Don't worry about me.
Please drive safely.
Spare me, please.
I won't say anything about Yeong-tae.
I'll disappear.
-Too late.
-Don't kill me.
Damn, you little rat.
Damn it!
Damn you!
That darned pig.
Get this!
What the hell are you doing?
-If you don't want to die, run!
-That hurts!
Hey, you left this.
Where are you going? Get back here!
Get back here!
I know you're in here.
I'll spare you if you come out now.
If I find you first, I will kill you.
Come on out.
I know you're in here.
Where are you going? Come here!
Come here, you scum!
I told you I'd kill you if I caught you!
You little asshole!
Excuse me.
Please step back.
-There's been an incident.
-Prosecutor Kang, it's this way.
-Did you find Sim U-seop?
They found a body in the area,
but they don't have an ID yet.
-It's over there.
We'd like to take a look at the body.
Mr. Wang!
Mr. Wang…
Wake up.
Mr. Wang.
What happened?
He was found in a warehouse in the market.
A warehouse?
Yes, it looked like there was a fight.
He was deceased when we arrived.
Do you know him?
He's an investigator at the prosecution.
Wake up, Mr. Wang.
-What happened?
-Please step back.
What happened here?
Someone died?
Is it a murder?
-Someone was killed?
-He looks young.
You did a good job in there.
Scumbags like him aren't even worth it.
I can't believe he said he was forgiven.
Can that be forgiven?
If I was the victim's family,
I'd rip his mouth out.
Prosecutor Kang. Please watch what you say
with that pretty mouth.
The prison is too good for him.
They feed, clothe, and house him.
Inhumane people
don't deserve humane treatment.
But inhumane treatment
will bring us down to his level.
You see,
I'm a prosecutor, but sometimes
the fist is better than the law.
Once you get used to using violence,
you can't stop.
I used to be a tough guy back in the day.
Do you not regret quitting ssireum?
I like the law.
Especially, innocent until proven guilty.
"Even if we lose 100 guilty criminals,
we must not punish
a single innocent person."
Why do you like that?
Because it's humane.
Even if it's just one person.
-Do you think he suffered?
-Please catch the killer.
I'm sorry.
-You killed him!
I told you. It's not true!
-Yeong-tae killed someone.
-Then I'll get him myself.
I killed him.
But do you have proof?
Gu Yeong-tae will try to kill Sim U-seop.
-Let's look into the murder first.
-You're new.
The company has many employees.
Does it hurt? I haven't even begun.
I'll catch Gu Yeong-tae and hand him over.
You can't do that.
Do you still think your methods are right?
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