The A List (2018) s01e11 Episode Script

What You Left Behind

-[choral music playing]
[theme song playing]
I don't trust my eyes anymore ♪
No one sees who I see ♪
Can it be true? ♪
It's not you ♪
Who are you? ♪
Who are you? ♪
[narrator] We all lose our way sometimes.
We choose the wrong path,
find ourselves far away from what we want.
But once you know you're lost,
can you find your way back?
Or is what you left behind lost forever?
Kind of sad it's over.
Our last activity.
[Amber] It's not over.
We've got one activity left.
The Peregrine Hunt.
-What's the Peregrine Hunt?
-A final bit of fun for tomorrow!
A last-day tradition.
I can't wait.
[Harry] We're never gonna
make it out of here.
[Mia] Yes, we are.
This is our only chance to get off
this island, and we are going to take it.
Luka's boat will get us to the mainland.
Except for the part
where there's a massive hole in it.
We'll fix the hole first.
How hard can it be?
We just need tools and stuff.
Right. Tools and stuff.
[leaves rustling]
What do you want?
I need to talk to you, alone.
Anything you want to say to me,
you can say in front of these guys.
Okay, fine. You were right.
Amber is dangerous.
[Alex clapping]
Well done. Top of the class.
Brendan, Kayleigh, Zac.
They've all changed.
She's changing them, isn't she?
We haven't got time to play catch-up.
Either we get off this island
before the Peregrine Hunt
or what happened to Midge happens to us.
Who's Midge?
-We need to bring him in on the escape.
-Are you serious?
Five minutes ago,
him and Amber were kissing in a tree.
Now, he gets a seat in the boat?
-There's a boat?
-Yeah, and it's invite only.
There is a boat. It's broken.
-We need to fix it.
-[Dev] I can do that.
I used to fix stuff up
all the time with my dad.
[scoffs] Fine. Welcome aboard.
Okay, then. This is how it's gonna work.
Dev and I will break into the store room
and get whatever tools we can find.
You guys steal food for the journey.
Then, we sneak out, cross the island,
and this time tomorrow we'll be free.
Can't you kick the door in or something?
Without anyone noticing? Probably not.
They'll keep a spare key in the office.
I know you're mad at me, but keeping me
in the dark makes no sense.
How did you get a boat? And who's Midge?
Would you stop that for one second
and listen to me?
[shuts drawer]
We're gonna steal a boat
from a criminal runaway
on the other side of the island.
Midge is a girl Amber killed
at camp last year
when, FYI, we were all here, too.
She's just wiped our minds
so we can't remember.
And I'm pretty sure she's
planning to kill us all tomorrow,
so with that in mind,
did you have any other pressing questions?
Like I said, it's too late
for you to play catch-up now.
[door unlocks]
[Mags] Dave.
We need to talk.
I'll keep lookout.
She's recruiting.
She's turning everyone.
Where's Petal?
[Mags] I thought this camp
meant everything to you,
but you're not helping out with anything.
It's like you've stopped caring.
I thought we were a team.
Teamwork makes the dream work, right?
Seriously? That's your answer?
What about us? You know,
when did you stop caring about me?
It seemed like
It seemed like you liked me.
-What happened?
You are taking this way too seriously.
We're all just here to have fun, right?
Okay, you know what? I'm done.
You need to listen to me. Snap out of it!
This place is getting rapidly out
of control and I need someone on my side.
Look, whatever she's done to you,
you need to wake up now!
Please, Dave.
Okay, then.
-Okay, then. See you at dinner!
-[door slams]
We seriously need to get out of here.
[keypad beeping]
Thanks for letting me help.
You make a pretty good partner-in-crime.
One of us had to be.
Could you have breathed
any louder in there?
It was like hiding with Darth Vader.
-You want me to apologize for breathing?
-It'd be a start.
You can't be seen with me.
Go! Amber will be wondering
where you've got to.
[Alex] Petal!
This is really important. You need
to stay away from Amber and her fan club.
I know it sounds weird, but she's evil.
Sure. I get it.
You don't like most of the people here
because you think they're too basic,
but that doesn't make them bad people.
That's not what I'm talking about!
This isn't about me unlocking
the magic power of friendship or whatever.
No, I mean, you're right.
I judge people too quickly,
and I ruin things that could be great.
[Alex sighs]
But this isn't about me
and my personality failure.
It's not safe here. I'm running away
tonight, and I want you to come with me.
-I don't have any evidence, but--
Alex, I said okay.
If you want me to come with you,
I'll come.
I don't have to understand
all your reasons. We're friends.
So, what's the plan?
[indistinct chatter]
All done. Also, Petal's coming with us.
It's a boat, not a luxury yacht!
Where's she gonna fit?
Hey, I'm not the one who started
handing out invites without conferring!
If anyone should be staying behind,
it's Dev.
He's literally dating the enemy.
Sorry. I mean, he's obviously into you.
Are you okay?
I've been thinking.
If one of us gets caught,
we need to keep going.
Someone has to make it out
and tell people what's going on.
It's the only way to stop her.
Okay. Whatever happens,
one of us gets out.
Whatever happens.
[fires flare gun]
Okay, by the side of the bridge
five minutes.
Yeah, I'll see you there.
-[exhales sharply] Done.
-[both shushing]
[twig snaps]
Careful, it's a bit slippy.
Hate to disappoint you guys,
but you're not going anywhere.
Oh, really? Says you?
Not just me.
[campers chanting]
You're not going anywhere.
You're not going anywhere.
You tried to control me before, remember?
It didn't work. Maybe you're not
as powerful as you think.
Maybe you're not as important
as you think.
Maybe these two
would like to change friends.
how about an upgrade?
-I don't understand.
-Leave her alone!
Where's the fun in that?
Come on.
[campers chanting indistinctly]
Wouldn't you like to join
a winning side, Petal?
You could do so much better.
Amber, I don't know what this is about,
but Alex is my friend.
She's just a friend, isn't she?
She's been keeping you at arm's length.
Wants you around, but not too close.
Don't listen to her.
She's trying to get inside your head.
Don't you wanna be with someone
who likes you just the way you are?
I'd never hurt you the way she did.
I'd want us to be close.
All you have to do is say yes.
[overlapping voices muttering]
No! I told you, Alex is my friend.
Whatever you're trying to do won't work.
[voices whispering]
-Alex, it's like her voice is in my head!
-Leave her alone!
[Petal grunting]
Please, stop it! Stop hurting me!
Let me in. I can take the hurt away.
-[voices whispering]
-I said no!
[Alex] Petal!
What have you done to her?
I broke her.
We have to go.
Pushed too hard
Come on, Harry.
Petal! Petal, come on! Come on!
[all exclaiming]
We shouldn't have left them.
Would you stop pretending
to be the good guy?
We had to leave them.
If we get turned, we're all trapped here.
Why are you mad at me?
If we're gonna get through this--
If we get through this,
it will be because of me.
And you still haven't apologized!
What am I meant to apologize for?
How was I meant to know about any of this?
I told you!
Mia, you had no proof!
Nothing you said made sense.
I saw you acting crazy.
How was I supposed to believe you?
I don't know but you should have!
We really shouldn't stop.
Petal, can you hear me?
What's wrong with her?
Petal, look at me. It's Alex.
Do you know who I am?
Alex is my friend.
[Petal humming]
[choral music playing]
Alex, we need to keep going.
[Alex] "In loving memory of Midge Rayne."
How is Amber doing this?
It's us!
Are we ghosts?
We're a memory.
[Dev] I've seen this before.
I thought I was going crazy.
But it's real.
I told you.
We were all here last year.
It's the midsummer party.
The night we got together.
That girl, Midge, she died on this island.
Amber killed her.
And then she made us forget
any of this ever happened.
[Dev] I didn't know about any of this.
What you've been through.
I'm sorry I wasn't there.
You were once.
Looks like a fairytale, doesn't it?
Everything's different now.
I don't want a fairytale.
That's what I had with Amber.
She was pretending to be
this perfect person.
It was all a lie.
A perfect lie doesn't seem so bad.
I'd rather have something real.
What is this?
This is a funeral.
All so sad
but she's not gone.
Why can't they hear us?
Is Amber making us see things?
I don't think Amber's doing this
on purpose.
Maybe she can't control her powers
when she sleeps.
I think this is her dreaming
or having a nightmare.
-[creature snarls]
-[Petal shrieks]
[wind rushing]
[woman singing] Lullaby ♪
And good night ♪
In the rose's red light ♪
-We should keep going.
-I think I'm meant to see this.
It's Midge, it has to be.
[woman singing] Your mother is here ♪
She will always be near ♪
Lay down now and sleep ♪
It's Midge.
There's no reason to weep ♪
Close your eyes, you're asleep ♪
Way, way down in the deep ♪
[EKG beeping]
[EKG beeping rapidly]
[beeping stops]
Which way?
[creature growls]
[Alex] Not that way!
-You guys got away! You're okay!
Midge is back. She's been making us
see stuff. Stuff from the past.
It's not Midge, it's Amber!
She's having a nightmare.
-But Amber doesn't sleep.
-Yeah. I'm thinking this is why.
She's coming!
She's coming!
[narrator] I got lost once.
Now, it's like I'm trapped.
[narrator] I still
haven't found my way back.
[Alex] We've been wrong all this time.
That's what Midge meant
when she said she was still alive.
She never died.
Amber didn't kill Midge.
Amber is Midge.
[theme song playing]
Who are you? ♪
Who are you? ♪
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