The Aristocrat's Otherworldly Adventure: Serving Gods Who Go Too Far (2023) s01e11 Episode Script

Omen of an Onslaught

The seal has weakened, has it?
It's still just one part of my body
But I suppose it'll have to do.
Just watch,
you old geezers!
Today, we'll have a lesson
on summoning magic.
But first
Is Cain von Silford here?
I know. I'm studying on my
own again today, right?
No, since we're not using attack
magic today, you can participate.
What?! Thank you!
I've brought in a specialist to teach you.
I normally work as a palace mage.
My name is Gratt.
There are two types of summon magic.
One is to establish a bond with a
monster and form a contract with it.
The other is to summon one from a
magic circle and form a contract with it.
I get it! I formed a bond with Haku and Gin,
and that's why we're contracted!
We'll be testing your
magic circle summoning today.
Even if you manage to summon one,
if you can't get along and
fail to form a contract,
it will quickly disappear.
Use these to make your attempts.
How cute!
Will you form a contract with me?
Okay, my turn!
Contract with me!
Unfortunately, you didn't have
enough magic to make it submit.
But just the fact that you summoned a
fierce beast like that is impressive!
Keep training hard to increase your
magic until you can form a contract.
Yes, sir!
Okay, next
Is Cain here?
Yes, sir.
Everyone else is done, so you can try now.
Okay. Then
I put as much of my magic as I can
into this magic circle, right?
But what if another crazy one shows up?!
Don't worry.
If you can't form a contract,
it'll just leave,
so you can put in all the magic you want.
Okay, then
I'll put in all the magic I want!
I hope I get one that
Haku and Gin can play with.
W-Wait a minute!
This is
Wait! Any more than that and—
Why has a human summoned me,
the Prince of Darkness?
My eyes!
Did he
just call himself the Prince of Darkness?
I'm a reincarnated noble
whose magic increased too much, and now
even my summoning is off the charts.
It looks like I've summoned
something pretty scary
Will I be able to keep this a secret?
The Aristocrat's
Otherworldly Adventure:
Serving Gods Who Go Too Far
"Omen of an Onslaught"
He called himself the Prince of Darkness.
Is he
on Aaron's side?!
So it was you who summoned me?
Lowly human.
He saw my status!
He's coming for me
I-I'm so sorry I was rude!
I'll serve as your underling!
Please don't kill me, Chosen One!
I will gladly form a summoning
contract with you, of course!
If you were to give me an
order to destroy a nation,
I would deploy the full might of
the demon clan to carry it out!
Wait, why are you assuming I'd do that?!
I won't destroy any nations, and I don't
need the might of the demon clan!
I see. If you were to change
your mind, however
I am called by the name Seth.
If you form a contract with me,
you can summon me at any time.
Also, please stop calling me "Chosen One."
Could you just call me "Cain," Seth?
Master Cain, you say? Very well.
In that case
Please call me when you
wish to destroy a nation.
I just said
I won't destroy any nations,
and I don't need the full might of—
Was there just a guy calling
himself the Prince of—
Yes, but I couldn't form a contract,
so he left right away!
Yes, really!
We'll just leave it at that.
Thank goodness. I managed to cover it up.
I didn't cover it up at all!
Tell me, Cain
What did you summon at school today?
I'm sorry! My summoning
magic called a de
I can't hear you!
I summoned a demon.
Wrong! Tell me the truth, Cain!
The Prince of Darkness.
The Prince of Darkness?!
And then what happened?!
Surely you didn't send him straight back!
I know you!
You're right. I formed a contract
with the Prince of Darkness.
So it's true!
Have you never heard of self-restraint?!
Do you have any idea what would've
happened if he'd gone on a rampage?!
He could've destroyed the royal
capital in the blink of an eye!
I'm sorry! When I applied my magic,
the circle just kept pulling it in!
I never imagined something like
that would come out of it!
Hang on a minute!
A demon would be one thing,
but summoning the Prince of Darkness?
Just how much magic do you have?
Perhaps his training with the
first king increased his magic.
Th-The first king?!
Show us what your insane
status looks like now.
What you are about to see must
never be spoken of outside this room.
Consider it a state secret.
You may assume that you will be
executed if you tell anyone.
Cain, let's see it.
What do the numbers look like?
All right. I'll open it now.
Status Open!
Status Immeasurable
Status immeasurable?!
Cain! What is this title?!
Oh! You are a god!
Wait, don't do that!
But you're a demigod now.
We'll have to start calling you
Lord Cain no, Master Cain.
Come on!
Not you, too, Prime Minister Magna!
Cain, you won't actually
destroy the kingdom, will you?
Actually, forget the kingdom.
You could destroy the entire world.
I'm not going to do anything like that!
Jeez, that's the same thing Seth said
The same thing?
Please, could you all just
treat me as you always have?
I see
Very well. We'll treat
you as we always have.
But with this status,
if you'd told me to hand over the
kingdom to you, I might have!
Your Majesty!
Do you now see why I told you
this must not be spoken of?
And, Cain, I will arrange an audience soon.
Become a viscount. I will give you a town.
You may do with it as you please.
If you are successful,
I will announce your engagement.
I will not entertain any objections.
It can be a town near the royal capital,
and you can keep the local
administration just as it is.
A man who cannot protect a
single house or a single town
cannot hope to protect an entire nation.
And what area will you have dominion over?
Oh I haven't been told yet.
He said it'd be near the
royal capital, but that's all.
I'm certain you'll do just fine in any town!
I know! Let's celebrate today, even if
it's only the few of us closest to you!
Master Cain!
Terrible news!
Lord Garm just received urgent
word from Master Djinn in Gracia.
It seems that signs of an onslaught have
been observed in the Forest of Monsters!
I should hurry.
Brother Djinn, I have arrived.
Cain! Long time no see.
Actually, I guess I should start
calling you "Master Cain" now, huh?
Please don't. More importantly
Yes. There has been a vast
increase in adventurers
being attacked by monsters in the
forest for the past couple of months.
I sent out some high-ranking
adventurers to look into it.
They said the number of monsters
roaming the forest has grown,
and they've turned savage.
You know about the incident
a few decades ago
when monsters went savage and left
the confines of the forest, right?
An onslaught, was it?
If you compare it to records
of past onslaughts,
the state of the forest now
is the same as it was then.
So I contacted Father and asked him
to send out adventurers across the
land via the adventurers' guild.
But if all we have are signs,
we can't do much more than that.
You mean they can't say for
certain that it's an onslaught?
Exactly. We can't send out knights
and soldiers on a massive scale
and pretend nothing serious is going on.
So we're handling it carefully.
All right. I'll go take a
look around the forest.
Wait! I can't allow the head of a
noble household to take such a risk!
Besides, you're still—
What? A-rank?! But how?!
Some things happened.
My abilities have earned
their seal of approval, too.
Remember? You already know about
The red dragon?
In that case, sorry to trouble you,
but I'd like your help.
I'll do everything I can, as well.
I'll pay a visit to the
adventurers' guild in town first.
I should be able to gather information
about the forest there.
Please do.
Damn, sending out little kids now?
The guild in the capital must
really be short-handed.
Let's see your adventurer's card.
What?! A-rank?!
Master Cain! I apologize for this
rookie's lack of discipline.
It's good to see you again.
I'm so glad you remembered me.
What an honor.
What brings you here today?
This town's administrator,
my brother Djinn, just told me
that there's trouble in the forest.
That's right.
There are definitely increasing
signs of an onslaught.
It's difficult to even get near the forest
because the monsters have become so savage.
Many people have been injured.
I see
Hey, Cain!
Cain, it's you!
Oh, Maestra Millie and Maestra Nina!
What brings you two here?
What about you, Cain?
What are you doing here?
This is my hometown.
My brother is the administrator
here, and he sent for me.
Ah, I see.
But why are you two here?
The guild asked us to come.
They've put out a call to
all high-ranking adventurers.
So you've already been to the forest?
There are many monsters,
and they're stronger.
So it's true
And they move in groups,
so the two of us can't go
much deeper on our own.
My brother and his wife
are on their way here,
so we're going to join up with them.
Oh, Claude and Lina are coming?
That's very reassuring!
What are you going to do now, Master Cain?
I'm going to go check out the forest.
You can't go alone.
She's right. Why don't you
wait for Claude with us?
But I want to get an idea of what's
going on as soon as possible.
But if something were to happen to
a noble and landowner like you,
that would create its own problems.
Plus, our guild would have to assume
responsibility, and we really can't
I'm pretty strong, though.
We know that.
It'd be better if you had someone
to go with you, at least
Well, I do! Not a person, but
Haku! Gin!
It's really something, huh?
We're going to investigate this forest.
If you sense anything, can you let me know?
What is this? I feel like I'm being watched.
It's not this thing.
Or this one
Or this one
Or this one.
Something's definitely strange.
Maybe I'll have him check it out for me.
Summon Seth!
Who has summoned me, the Prince of Darkness—
Master Cain! Seth is at your service!
Sorry to ask, but I'd like you
to investigate this forest.
My Search isn't working, and something
feels weird, don't you think?
I thought maybe you could
figure something out.
There is a being beyond here
with an overwhelming presence.
I believe that is the cause.
An overwhelming presence?
Yes, and it appears a massive number
of monsters are trying to reach it.
There are many monsters
in my homeland, as well,
but this is not normal.
And they are all quite high-level creatures.
If monsters that strong get into
Gracia, there'll be big trouble!
Seth, can you figure out any more details?
If that's what you need, I have a
subordinate who specializes in investigation.
May I call him?
Yes, please.
Summon Dalmatia!
My, Lord Seth. How may I be of service?
L-Lord Seth!
Who is this?
He is called Cain, and he is
the one I am contracted to.
To God's Chosen?!
He is the god who will conquer this world!
Seth, you dork! I'm not gonna conquer
anything, and I'm no god at all!
Just hurry up and investigate
the forest already!
Oh, right.
Dalmatia here was once one
of the Four Heavenly Kings,
and he specializes in investigation.
I am now retired,
but my skills have not waned.
Okay, good.
Dalmatia, investigate this forest.
As you wish, Chosen One.
I'm Cain!
Wh-What's that?
This is my special ability.
Wait, this is
Don't tell me!
Shall I show you?
No! Please don't let those out!
I will ensure you do not see them, then.
There are monsters like that, too?
Oh, my! Just look at that!
Lord Seth, is that the
power of God's Chosen?
I'll let you handle things here.
We're going back to town for a bit
to let them know what's going on.
We didn't even need to lift our swords
And if we had, we would have
been killed in an instant.
What the heck is all this?
They're all monsters I've never seen before.
I can't believe it
These are all A-rank and S-rank, right?
What the heck is this?!
Claude! Lina!
Where did all these come from?
They were in the Forest of Monsters.
These things?!
Yes, it seems they were.
If these things came into
the town, it would be
It sounds like there are even stronger
monsters deep in the forest.
You need to strengthen the watch.
I see.
It appears something beyond here
is trying to intimidate us.
It says, "Don't you dare come any closer!"
Oh? It wants to intimidate me, does it?
Dalmatia, you haven't
gotten rusty, have you?
Well, I have not fought in a very long time,
so I fear I may have.
You jest.
Think of this as physical therapy to
quickly bring your condition back up.
We're going in.
This promises to be some
strenuous physical therapy.
What's that coming closer to me?
They don't seem to be followers
of the old geezers.
This is
Go, all of you!
It's time to start the game!
Rampage! Devour the humans!
We must warn Master Cain at once!
What is it?
Master Cain!
Who are—
It's okay! I know him!
Master Cain, this is an emergency!
It's an onslaught!
The monsters have begun to move in concert!
Rudy, please inform my brother
Djinn in his mansion.
Claude and Lina,
please assemble the adventurers.
I need you to keep the monsters
from getting into town.
What about you?
I'm heading to the Forest of Monsters.
It's too dangerous, Master Cain!
Don't worry. I've got
some friends who aren't
registered as adventurers,
but who are still stronger than A-rank.
Master Cain Did you just
refer to me as a friend?
If you say that to me,
I have no choice but to lay
down my life to assist you!
Let's go, Seth!
At once!
Dear husband!
Dear husband!
Why are you
Margrave Garm requested emergency
backup from the Chivalric Order.
Did you come alone?
I left in such a hurry that I got here first.
Daim and the others are behind me.
More importantly,
an onslaught has begun, has it?
Yeah. I'm on my way to the forest now.
Then I will also—
No, I need you to lead this town's knights
and protect the town and the adventurers
To protect my home.
Protect my dear husband's home?!
My dear husband's home?!
Understood! I will keep
it safe in your absence!
I'm counting on you!
Yes, dear husband!
Be safe!
Master Cain, why go to
the trouble of running?
Can you not use Move magic?
There aren't many humans who can use that!
I actually freaked out a little
when you used it before!
Try to show a little self-restraint!
Is that so?
It must be difficult to be a human.
Ah, how nostalgic!
There's nothing like the air of a battlefield!
Oh, my.
Master Cain!
I know.
It's past here, isn't it?
That's where he is.
I'm waiting for you,
follower of the old geezers.
The game has already begun.
Dear husband! Dear husband!
Who are these people?!
His friend.
His friend's wife.
His former tutor.
His lover.
"Then I Became Lord of a Domain"
Save that for when you're back home.
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