The Assassins (2024) s01e11 Episode Script

Night Battle

"No animals were harmed
during filming of this work."
Tomorrow morning
Tomorrow morning
the stones and trees will speak
about the miracle of our lord, the Imam
Know that
the key to heaven was
our Imam's gift to me.
Al-Sabbah has become everyone's enemy
an enemy of the Seljuk state
the most powerful on earth
You are the army of Islam
in the face of a false sect.
He established his own state
Hassan Al-Sabbah's state and its capital
Alamut Castle
after assassinating key figures
in the Seljuk state
after assassinating key figures
in the Seljuk state
the Sultan launched a massive campaign
to besiege Alamut Castle
You'll be a reconnaissance unit
near the castle
yes, your number isn't large
and you may face the Esoterics
but you must know that
you are my best soldiers.
Tomorrow, their doom will be on our hands!
As reaching it has
become nearly impossible
and attacking it is difficult
the massive army would have
had to clear out entire cities
and shepherds surrounding the castle
and many people will die
on the way to the castle
the Sultan's plan, leader of armies, was
to tighten the siege and prevent the
arrival of yields and food to the castle
to tighten the siege and prevent the
arrival of yields and food to the castle
so that the castle
would undergo a hard time
close to famine.
How long will the siege last?
Even if it lasts a thousand years
I don't want any word
of fear or submissiveness
but Hassan's cunning,
good management, and intelligence
made him endure the siege
and his followers had strong faith in him
they endured hunger and fatigue
until the promised day came
the day that would change
the world's view of Hassan.
the day that would change
the world's view of Hassan.
Hassan decided that with a small
group of his castle's fedayeen
he would fight the strongest
and greatest armies on earth
Just fifty believers
would be enough.
will be the end of the new dawah
With God's blessing, march
triumphantly and well-guarded
with the blessing of your lord,
the Imam, Hassan Al-Sabbah.
-Praise the lord!
-and victory
will be the beginning of a legend
the legend of Hassan Al-Sabbah.
"Episode 11"
"The Battle of the Night"
The observation point.
The cold is harsh today.
Stay alert, Murad.
Suleiman, look up!
Armored train!
Armored train! Beware!
The arrows have stopped.
Move! Move!
Careful, careful!
For our lord!
For our lord!
May my soul be sacrificed for him!
May my soul be sacrificed for
the owner of the key to heaven!
Amide is on the move with his squad
from the rest of the castles.
Poor Arslan Tash
the leader of the greatest armies on earth
he'll be confronting the faithful
and trustworthy Barzak Amide.
he'll be confronting the faithful
and trustworthy Barzak Amide.
Their numbers are vastly
greater than the fedayeen.
Even if we are facing all
the armies on earth, Zaid
one person from the castle’s chosen ones
is worth a thousand
soldiers of the oppressor.
Al-Sabbah's followers… attacked us.
They are basically committing suicide.
Send in the reserve unit.
The reserve unit!
The reserve unit!
The reserve unit!
Don't be afraid.
Al-Sabbah's daughter
neither fears nor cries.
Our presence in danger is our salvation.
Our presence in danger is our salvation.
It is our master’s promise
and our master fulfills his promises.
only faith can perform miracles
it enables the few
triumph over larger armies
believing hands create from their
weapons, a hellfire for the enemy.
What is our master thinking about?
Arslan will think exactly like you
his pride and large number of soldiers
will give him a false sense of security
and he will lead his army out of the camp
that's all Hassan Al-Sabbah needs.
My Lord, the leader, we are under attack.
Be prepared!
God is great!
For our lord!
For our lord!
For our lord!
Help us!
God is great!
Praise the lord!
For our lord!
Let me drink.
Let me drink.
Fasting time is over.
The day has come for us to witness
the promise of our lord, the Imam,
may God sanctify his secret.
What does our master see?
Sees the fire of hell on earth
consuming the army of oppressor
and the light of the chosen rising to
the sky in a reunion of beloved ones
and the whole universe hears our dawah.
For our lord!
I'm going to die, Suleiman.
Ibrahim wake up, stay
with me, stay with me.
Ibrahim wake up, stay
with me, stay with me.
Wake up, wake up. Stay with me!
Stay with me, you're not going to die!
I don't want you to close
your eyes, we'll rescue you.
We will ascend to the castle
We will ascend to the castle
We will die.
What are you seeing?
What are you seeing?
There are many knights
outside who are on the move.
It's clear that something
is happening outside.
-It’s the best time to escape.
-Escape? Where? Are you crazy!
If we leave here, we'll be killed.
Don’t be afraid, come with me.
-I will escape alone.
I'm not letting you leave alone.
If I stayed here, I would kill myself.
Reassure me, Juriyah.
Things don't seem good.
You've been a coward all your life.
Long live the leader of the Sultan's army.
Leader of the yields!
Our master
Our master
a group has stormed the castle.
Leave the ones who survived.
Take their weapons and horses and
let them leave the castle unharmed.
How can we just let them go, our master?
They will be our preachers
everywhere they go
Those who have seen with their own eyes
the greatest armies of the earth
being defeated by the dawah's chosen ones
let them bare witness to our dawah.
As you command, our master.
Yahya! Yahya!
Let them live!
Those are the orders of our master.
Remember, you entered
our castle intending harm
Remember, you entered
our castle intending harm
but we've forgiven you.
Praise the lord!
Praise the lord!
Praise the lord!
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