The Circle (2020) s01e11 Episode Script

The Last Rating

[upbeat music playing]
Sean has left The Circle,
but it wouldn't be a blocking
without a parting video
that ruffles feathers,
and a ruffled Sammie's reaching out
to fellow Pennsylvania player, Ed.
Eddie, Sammie invited us
to a private chat.
"Good morning.
Smiley face."
So this is where I think
we need to show your heart to her.
Show some compassion.
"What are you thinking
about Sean's video?
Question mark. Exclamation point.
Monkey over eye emoji." Send.
"Morning, pretty lady. Smiley face.
I thought it was sweet,
but it really got me thinking
when she talked
about people keeping secrets.
What do you think she meant?"
[Tammy] Send.
Message, "I talked to her
and I would hope she didn't think
that I was being anything but honest.
I'm just curious who else she talked to
that she could be referring to."
Yeah, we have the same question, Sammie.
I'm curious to see what he says,
but he might be careful in this,
because he knows Joey and I are close.
[Ed] Message,
"That's what I'm trying to figure out.
My gut is telling me something.
Do you have any doubts about anyone?
[Circle dings]
It's like 99% of me is
like Joey is who he says he is,
but then there's that one percent
where I'm just so nervous.
"I feel like I have on beer goggles.
Meaning I've been here with these people
from the beginning.
I'm clouded
by everything we've been through
and how they've all had my back
at some point."
"It's just so hard,
because I feel like
when new people come in,
they start to realize things
that I may have felt
but never actually elaborated on."
"As a fresh set of eyes,
I can definitely see
some fake stuff going on here.
Last night was interesting, though,
how Joey and I were on the same page
in yesterday's challenge.
I feel like me and him
are so damn similar. It's crazy."
So, he likes Joey. Good. That's good.
"I already know you have some feelings
about Rebecca after the challenge.
Is that the only person
that you're curious about?
It's just really nice to have someone new
to talk to about all this with,
and I totally respect if you wanna keep
other things to yourself." Send.
So I would say, "I feel you close
with you and Joey.
And then Chris, we just don't know."
So you're not bad-mouthing anybody.
Go ahead.
[Ed] Message,
"I'm going to be straight up with you.
Right now, I feel the tightest
with you and Joey.
I feel like we're all thinking the same."
Message, "You have no idea
how smiley I am right now.
LOL. You like all the right people
in my book.
I appreciate you,
and I'll talk to you later.
Heart emoji." Send.
Finish it off with a little flirty flirty.
Okay, Circle, message,
"Shit! You got me smiling too,
you son of a gun."
- No, don't call her a son of a gun.
- Yeah.
You better throw a "babe"
or "sweets" in there when you end it.
Put in, "You know I got you, babe,
with a kissy face.
I'll talk to you soon."
You don't call a woman a son of a gun.
Yes, you do. It's Oh, my gosh!
[narrator] Speaking of babes,
Shubby is using string to make math fun.
Why he so cute?
[Shubham] So the plan here is
to make a sheet for each person,
and then I wanna draw graphs
and simulations of each rating.
So, for this next rating,
how it would turn out.
Oh, so, you wanna make a magic graph
that tells the future. Got it.
But whose future is brighter
after all that drama yesterday?
Best pal, Joey,
or Circle sister, Rebecca AKA Seaburn?
Shubby has invited me to a private chat.
[narrator] Do you smell a rat,
or is that just bacon burning?
All right.
I just want Joey to know
we're in this together to the end.
Message Joey, "Joey, I just wanted to say
how proud I was
of you getting superinfluencer yesterday.
You deserve it
absolutely more than anyone else.
How are you feeling? Question mark." Send.
I think that last night,
Shubby might have shit his pants.
Message, "Thank you, buddy.
I saved Rebecca last night
because I know that's your girl.
I would never do anything to hurt you."
Oh, that's so sweet!
I have to let him know point-blank
I saved the girl he cares about most
because he cares about her.
I didn't want to.
But I know it probably
would have separated us
at this point moving forward.
"Joey that means more than anything.
I was hurt
that you felt my relationship with Rebecca
would come at the expense of you.
You are my best friend,
and you always made me feel
like the luckiest person in the world.
I will always have your back. Period."
This freaking kid knows
just how to cut right through me.
I can't not look at it and feel things.
My God!
All right, message,
"All is well in our family triangle. LOL."
This is great
that Joey and Rebecca are reconciling,
because if they can reconcile,
and the three of us can really start
forming the triangle that we've been,
then we can take out Ed.
And if Chris tries to make a move
against one of us, we can take him out.
While Joey considers his next move,
Ed is getting his brain and body
in gear in the gym.
Call me Neil Armstrong,
'cause I'm the fastest man on a bike.
[narrator] I think you meant
Lance Armstrong, boo boo.
Now, while Ed makes little steps
in the gym,
The Circle is taking a giant leap
for game-kind.
"Most Likely." Oh, God!
Let's have some fun.
Isn't that what games are all about?
Except Monopoly. That gets intense.
[Circle dings]
"As players near the end of The Circle,
it's time to play Most Likely."
"You must decide which player
you think fits each statement."
And I'm back in high school.
"You must say the player"
"Most likely to die
in a zombie apocalypse"?
[laughs] That's funny.
I'm really trying to think about this.
If I was in a zombie apocalypse,
what would I do?
Joey would die.
I'm thinking Joey, because Joey would
march up straight to the zombies,
and stand up to them, and die.
I think Rebecca,
because she's shy and timid,
and if the zombies are coming,
girl, I need you to pick up a blow dryer
and throw it at them.
Do something.
[laughs] Oh!
Chris said me.
All right, nobody said Ed. I don't think
I would die in a zombie apocalypse.
No, I think you can defend yourself.
[Circle dings]
"Next, you must say the player
most likely to run for President."
- Shubham.
- Shubham.
- Shubham.
- Shubham.
- Shubham.
- Shubby for sure.
He's a Presidential guy.
And he's been an influencer four times.
[Shubham] What?
Come on, guys. Are you kidding me?
"With great power
comes great responsibility."
You remember that, Shubham.
If he's President,
can I be Vice President?
That would be fun.
I feel like
Vice Presidents don't do anything.
Message, "Fun fact:
I ran for governor of California
as the youngest candidate in 2018.
I got second to last place,
but I was proud I did it." Send.
There's no way.
Do you think that's true?
This guy continues to amaze me.
[Circle dings]
"Most likely to remain friends with you."
Oh! Wait a second.
I was not ready for that.
"Most likely to remain friends with you."
"At Shubby." No-brainer.
"Most likely to remain friends with you."
I would put Joey.
Honestly, out of all the players,
I do hope that, truthfully,
I do keep up with Shubham,
because he seems like
a really genuine guy.
"Most likely to remain friends with you."
"Wow! Thank you so much, guys.
It's true.
I do hold onto friends for life.
Love you guys." Send.
Message, "At Joey"
My mom's cooking meatballs
"My mom's cooking meatballs next week.
Come on by.
Hashtag no fugazi."
Message, "Ed, bro,
we are definitely going to be bonding
over some macaroni and sauce."
All right, I think he's a real Italian.
"Most likely to hold a grudge."
Getting everybody to turn on each other.
Honestly, I feel like
this question is gunning towards Ed.
[Tammy] Rebecca hates you.
It's pretty clear.
Yeah, I know.
She will take us out like that.
No questions asked.
I think I can get us out of it
if we say Sammie.
Say Circle, message, "Sammie."
I think it's Sammie, 'cause she's feisty,
and she always stands her ground.
I'm not that bad.
I just get sensitive. Okay, guys?
Message, "Leave me alone.
I get sensitive." Send.
Sassy Sammie,
you gotta make it up. Kisses
"At Sammie, I love you,
but I wouldn't want to be on the bad side
of that Italian-Puerto Rican combo."
I can agree.
You don't wanna be on that side.
I don't even wanna be on that side.
[both] Message, "Chris."
"Laugh my fucking ass off,
Y'all hoes kill me.
Hashtag forgiving queen."
"At Chris, I can see the both of us"
"not taking any shit!"
I do not take shit from people.
So, yes.
Never get on the wrong side of a man
who color-coordinates with his duvet.
- [Circle dings]
- [Tammy] "Congratulations.
Players have completed today's game."
That was a fun game.
Rebecca was named when it came to dying
in the zombie apocalypse.
I wonder what that says.
She wasn't named about anything else.
[narrator] Whoo!
The zombies aren't the only things
with bad blood, huh, Sammie?
Now, what's the best way to follow up
a fun, lighthearted game in The Circle?
[alarm blares]
- "Alert!"
- [Seaburn] "Alert!"
[loudly] Oh!
Come on!
Something is coming.
Look alive, team! Look alive!
It's time for ratings. I know it.
Wait. What?
Oh, my God! Final ratings.
- What?
- As is in the last one?
- Is this it?
- Wait a second.
[Circle dings]
"There will be no influencers."
Are you kidding me?
Oh, my God!
"Your ratings will decide the winner"
Right here and now?
No, there's no way.
Oh, shit!
Are you shitting me?
Are we picking a winner right now?
Wow! This is it. We made it.
Oh, my God!
This is it.
The winner of The Circle is,
in my opinion
But I can't put myself.
I think I know my first and my last,
and the middle is just a shitshow.
I'll have
to think about it differently this time.
I already know my order of ratings
right now. I already know it.
You have to rate fairly,
and it's, like, fair and square.
I don't know if this changes things.
It kind of does.
For sure.
Circle, open ratings.
Circle, take me to my ratings page.
I played this game with my heart,
so it feels right
to finish it with my heart.
No tactics. I'll play it straight.
Right now, I'm honestly going through
each person in my head.
We have Ed, who
Yeah, he's the new guy on the block.
But if there's something I respect,
it's someone with balls.
Ed was our newest player.
He's a very fun dude,
but unfortunately,
I don't know any more of Ed.
Lock in Ed as my third rating.
Ed, unfortunately,
falls into my fifth place spot.
Chris isn't a typical guy
that I would hang out with.
But I love him for what he is.
That's why I give him
this number two spot.
- [Circle beeps]
- [Sammie] I love Chris.
However, I never knew where he was at
with anyone throughout the entire time.
It was kind of like
he was teeter tottering along.
We kind of have
this push-and-pull relationship.
So, I don't really trust Chris too much.
So, he deserves to go fourth for me.
Rebecca was herself
from the beginning to the end,
and I felt so protected by her
at all times,
and she's my sister for life, so
- It's really nice to put her at second.
- [Circle beeps]
Yes, she's been here from the beginning,
but I haven't had a personal connection
with her.
I love her,
and I think she's a sweetheart.
I think she's absolutely amazing.
Circle, rate Rebecca third.
[Circle beeps]
The thing about Joey
I mean, looking at his profile,
you might think, "Hey, this guy looks like
a douchebag," or something.
He's actually a very likable guy.
Joey, of all people, came to us
during the state your claims game
to question our values.
I can't trust in your morals,
and I can't trust in your values,
because you promised everyone your word.
Since day one,
I have felt something with this player.
He saved me
when my head was on the chopping block
Joey is more deserving of the fourth spot
and does not deserve to win The Circle.
Circle, in first place
the one and only Joey.
[Circle beeps]
Sammie saved me on night one,
and Sammie was the one who made me feel
like I wasn't an outsider.
She came in being exactly who she is.
She has said some ballsy things,
and I respect people who take chances.
We had good conversations with Sammie.
We talked to Sammie the most
out of anybody.
- [Tammy] I know.
- [Ed] But you might have worked very hard,
but I think there are people
who worked harder to earn top spots.
- Lock in Sammie as my first place.
- [Circle beeps]
So fourth position, we got Sammie.
[Circle beeps]
And then there's Shubby,
who, yes, has been my boy since day one,
but I do have to think
about, if I rate him higher,
that could help his chances
possibly winning this thing,
and that hurts to say.
I've never thought like this before.
Since day one,
Shubham has kept his word to me,
and to know that he always stuck
by my side till the very end.
I think for fourth, I got to play Shubby.
[Circle beeps]
I think I have to.
[Seaburn] So
the number one spot goes to Shubham.
But I know Shubby's been himself
since the beginning.
It's been a great friendship.
I'm thinking I gotta put Shubby in second.
I really feel he's my second place.
[Circle beeps]
I'd like to submit my final ratings.
[alarm blares]
[Shubham] "Ratings complete."
Well, we're done. We did it.
[exhales in relief]
It's done.
Lord, it's in your hands.
[narrator] The ratings have been submitted
for the final time.
The winner has been decided.
And our players can finally take a breath.
But not for long.
- [alarm blares]
- [all] "Alert!"
I think this is the last alert.
Now I know I made it to the end,
I think I'm going to miss this stupid guy.
I hate this damn game.
What is this thing about to say right now?
[Circle dings]
"Earlier, you made your final ratings."
Lord, I can feel my heart.
It's just going, do-do, do-do.
What the hell is going on?
I'm so scared.
[Circle dings]
"The least popular player
will be instantly blocked now."
[chuckles nervously] What?
"The least popular player
will be instantly blocked now."
I thought we were voting on our winner.
Now, somebody's getting blocked?
Are you kidding me?
Maybe this is me.
What the fuck is going on?
Yeah, I'm not feeling good about this.
That is a total mindfuck.
[exhales nervously]
To get blocked by ratings now
would not be fun.
I don't even want to look.
We got blocked. Fuck!
Rebecca, you fucking beat us! God damn it!
Final five, baby! Final five!
We all deserve to be here.
Like, I love you, Ed,
but we've all worked really hard
to be here.
We made it to top five.
Oh, my gosh! This is what
probably the pageant feels like.
I always wondered
what the fuck that felt like.
It made sense Ed was blocked.
I think everyone unanimously thought
he was least deserving to win.
It's throwing shots
is your best option of being popular,
then it's like
Sorry, it's not gonna work that way.
You gotta build it all up,
because we did this. We been here.
You didn't have a right
to come in and throw shade,
and we came to the decision collectively
to know that Ed didn't deserve to win.
The one thing I'll say about
Ed being blocked is
it kind of feels right
that it's just us five
who have survived
through all of this stuff together,
you know?
So many people tried to break my spirit.
And look, top five just being myself.
[inhales deeply] Ah!
Get it together, Chris.
[sighs] Oh.
It really is a cool feeling.
It feels so amazing seeing all of them.
I feel like
we're the fucking Power Rangers.
We just like
I don't know.
I feel like we're just a group right now.
Rebecca, you clever son of a bitch,
you did it. [chuckles]
We're at the top five.
[sighs deeply]
[narrator] Ed and Tammy have
just been blocked from The Circle.
They may not have won the 100 K,
but at least Ed's filled his suitcase
with protein powder from The Circle gym.
Clever boy!
[Ed] What are you?
You mad? You upset?
[Tammy crying]
I'm just upset.
- [Ed] What?
- [Tammy cries] I'm just upset.
I didn't think
we'd be at the top of the list,
but I thought
we would beat out one or two players.
Maybe come in, like, number five.
I thought we would make it
to the finale at least.
It was either us or Rebecca,
and we got got.
I want to go home.
[Ed] We did what we could.
You did a good job.
Look, you did a good job.
It's okay.
- [Tammy] But we didn't. We lost.
- Yes, we did. We did okay.
- We lost.
- We did what we could.
[alarm blares]
Check it out. We got an alert.
Another alert. Oh, my gosh!
[yelling] No!
Oh, here it goes.
"Before you leave,
you can meet one player face-to-face."
Shit! I forgot.
Who do we want to meet?
Oh, my God!
I'm scared he's gonna come here. No!
The Circle has no chill, man.
Ed, I really did try to help you, man.
Oh, my God. I'm gonna have
to break the news that I have a boyfriend,
and the flirting was just
to get him on my side.
I really don't want Ed to come here.
Think about who'd you like to meet.
Rebecca. I mean, I don't know.
"Ed is on his way to meet one of you now."
I think all of us are
at the edge of our seats.
This could be the moment
that we get figured out.
Is he here?
This could all be it.
It can all be over tonight.
[sighs deeply]
Jesus Almighty Joseph!
- Are you fucking kidding me?
- Shit!
- You really came.
- Oh, my God! You're really from Delco.
- Hi!
- Look at you!
- Hi!
- Oh, my God!
- What are you doing here?
- What?
- Why did you come here?
- Oh, my God! Why wouldn't I come here?
I had to see if you was legit.
- You didn't think I was real?
- No, to be honest.
You really didn't think I was real?
No, I was like, "Look at that picture.
That chick is good-looking."
So, when I was talking to you,
most of the time, it was really me
- Uh-huh.
- and everything.
But part of the time,
it kind of wasn't me.
- You get what I'm saying with this?
- No.
- Yo, yo, yo! Eddie, my baby!
- I needed help.
- I brought my mom onto the show.
- He loves his mommy.
Are you fucking kidding me?
Because family is everything.
This is the dynamic duo from Philly.
You guys were here the whole time?
Yeah, this is my mom.
She was kind of talking to you too.
[Tammy] Yes. Yes!
Yeah, we used his looks, my brains.
Every time he wanted to flirt
and bring it on,
I'm like, "I gotta reel him back in."
- So, I was flirting with you?
- Yeah.
I'm dying.
You were flirting with a 50-year-old lady.
Oh, my God!
- [both laugh]
- So crazy!
Did you lie about anything?
- I do have a boyfriend.
- Okay.
- That's the only thing. I had to.
- Fuck!
Literally, I've gotten here
by flirting with guys,
and reeling them in,
and then friendzoning them.
Girl, ain't no Ed up in here.
This is my fifth PB&J I've made
for someone that didn't come.
Oh, well!
Eat through the pain, Shubbs.
I guess Ed's not coming to see me.
Hopefully, there's no shocking surprises,
like Sammie's a man.
Ed didn't come here.
Oh, thank you, God.
Thank you.
I wanna know your thoughts on Rebecca.
- On Rebecca?
- [Ed] Yes.
- She seemed fake. I don't like her.
- [Sammie] Yeah.
She literally has been emotional
from the beginning.
The entire time,
she's always been emotional.
And then you and Joey called her out.
I was like, "Holy shit! First of all,
the new kid has balls.
Let's calm down."
Then I was like, "Joey,
you never said anything about this."
- Right.
- So I was like, "Oh, my God! Wait.
So, now that's four of us in here
that think the same thing."
However, I know
that Shubham really likes Rebecca.
[Ed] I'm absolutely obsessed with him.
I have no idea why.
I can't wait to, like, squeeze him
and pinch his ass.
That's all I want to do.
The whole time,
I just kind of talked about him.
Shubham is more logical.
He likes to think everything through.
He's super-intelligent,
Today, we had a great connection
with Joey,
and these two are going back and forth
like, "I got your back."
"I got your back."
Joey and I, like, loved you.
I look at him like he's my brother.
- You know what I'm saying?
- [Ed] I like him.
I think he's actually a good-ass dude.
Like, right from the start,
I was like, "I like this guy."
Chris, nobody knows
where he sits with anyone.
He's kind of just there.
He's hilarious. I love him. He's great.
I thought he was a smooth son of a gun.
That man has nice words.
To me, he seemed like he can speak good.
- [Sammie] Really?
- Yeah.
I mean, he's very witty,
- and he comes up with witty things.
- Yeah.
[Sammie] He's always hilarious
and has got things to say.
Shake your titty, titty!
Shake your titty, titty, titty, titty!
Another crazy but good day in The Circle,
and I'm happy all five of us made it
to the end together.
Night, Circle.
While the rest of the players go to bed,
it's time to end
the weirdest three-way date in history.
- [Ed] All right.
- Thank you guys for coming.
Well, it was good to meet you.
- Let me know when you're in Miami.
- Of course.
Very nice to meet you.
I wish you the best of luck.
- Thank you.
- Good luck. Yeah.
When I met Sammie,
I think her mouth dropped,
and her eyes got real big.
Like, "What's this lady doing in here?"
Keep it real. Do it for Philly, all right?
- [Sammie] Bye.
- [Tammy] Bye bye.
I think it was a total shocker for her.
That was so crazy.
There was two humans flirting with me.
I'm I'm absolutely mind-blown.
I can't believe this.
How many people can say
they got to have this journey
with her son?
Great experience.
["More Than This" playing]
More than this ♪
You know there's nothing ♪
[narrator] Okay, it's a gorgeous morning,
and I'm about to get emotional,
and not just because I don't get to look
at Ed's crop tops anymore.
It's 'cause it's the final day
in The Circle.
I'm top five, bitches! [laughs]
We made it!
I'm so freaking happy right now.
Oh, Mr. Bear Bear, we're top five.
It's nice just to take a step back
and just soak it in for what it was.
And what it was was an amazing experience
filled with happy memories,
beautiful people, and a ton of these:
[alarm blares]
[Chris screams]
"Congratulations on becoming finalists
of The Circle."
Yeah, we did it.
"Please enjoy your last day." What?
Today is our last day?
I want to celebrate.
Where's the booze at, man?
"A luxury breakfast is by your door."
Ah! [in sing-song]
Let's get the luxury breakfast.
It's a little heavy.
[both] Oh!
Look! Mimosas!
Some alcohol is always good
in the morning.
Oh, yeah!
Circle, open Circle Chat.
- [Circle dings]
- [Chris] Look, we got a Circle Chat.
Message, "Good morning, hoes!" Send.
Message, "Cheers to my favorite people!
I'm so happy.
Exclamation point. Exclamation point."
"There's no other four people.
I'd rather be having this breakfast with."
"We did it."
"I want to raise a toast
to the four that I love most.
Hashtag salud."
Strong. Prosecco is strong.
[Circle beeps]
"The newsfeed has been updated."
Hold on.
We're having so much fun in the chat.
"Ed has left a message for The Circle."
Oh, no!
Please let it be Ed.
Be a real person.
Oh, my God! Everyone is going to die.
Let's do this.
What's up, guys? It's Ed.
What you saw was what you got.
It really was me.
Um, there was one small detail
that I left out, however.
My mom was along on the ride with me.
Hey, I'm Tammy,
otherwise known as Eddie's mom.
That is crazy.
What the fudge?
I felt like I can go,
um, you know, talk smooth
with the ladies and the younger crowd,
but if there was an older crowd,
then Mom can step in
and try to fish them out as well,
but also keeping Eddie on track.
I'm not usually as nice
as the messages that I was sending.
That was a little collaboration.
I should have brought my mom with me
to help me be the best me I can be.
Good luck in the finals. I'm excited
to see who's gonna come out on top.
[Tammy] Good luck.
Ed's so cute.
He really is adorable.
So, technically, Ed was a catfish
because it wasn't him.
It was them collectively.
That makes me nervous, though.
What if Rebecca and her twin were there?
[narrator] Oh, yeah,
that'd be the most unexpected thing
you could imagine, right?
[Chris] "Damn!
Ed had his mom with him. How coy is that?"
Send message.
Message, "Well
Ed looks awesome,
and his mom looks like a sweetheart.
Nothing is going to ruin my last day here.
It is what it is."
I think the person they visited
was probably absolutely shocked.
Message, "So, Ed walked in first,
and his mom followed shortly after.
I was stunned."
"Sammie, girl, is your face cracked?
Didn't you and Ed have a great connection?
Hashtag Conshy."
Send that message.
"At Chris, we had so much in common,
but after meeting his mom,
I have way more in common with her.
Laughing my ass off.
My face isn't cracked,
it's shattered." Send.
"My face isn't cracked, it's shattered."
"You guys, I'm excited,
and I'm really proud of everyone
who's made it this far."
"I can't wait to see
who walks away from this thing crowned."
"Final five, what up?"
[narrator] Wow! Just when you think
this guy can't be good at everything.
[exhales rhythmically]
[narrator] Now that Ed
and his mom Tammy have left The Circle,
we're going to keep
the family connections going.
[Circle dings]
[Shubham] "As a final treat,
players who have not received
a video message from home
will get one now."
Aw, that's nice.
Aw! So, who's that?
Shubham, Rebecca, and Chris.
That's so sweet.
[Circle dings]
Thank you so much, Circle.
[Shubham] "Shubham,
here is your video message from home."
I wonder if it's from my dad or mom.
This will be interesting.
[laughs] It's my dad.
Hi, gudda. This is Daddy.
I hope you're doing well.
We are rooting for you.
If anybody deserves this, you do.
You have done some amazing stuff
in your life.
You have always surprised me.
Everybody would want you to win
if they know you,
and that's the most important thing,
You are who you are,
and you are unlike anyone else.
So, gudda, go for it, raani.
You can do it.
Oh, I love that.
Oh, so nice!
[laughs] Oh.
This is really nice.
I look up to my parents so much.
They're my best friends in every way.
They took care of me
and, like, told me
how to be a strong person.
So, I'm the person I am
in every single way because of them.
I love 'em so much.
Oh, I miss 'em so much.
[narrator] Next to hear from a loved one,
it's Chris.
All right, here we go.
Deep breaths, everybody.
Aw, look at my mom!
She's in my room. That is hilarious.
Look at my cowboy hat in the back.
Circle, play message.
Hi, Chris. I'm missing you.
Oh, my gosh!
Everybody misses you around here.
You know, your bubbly self,
and your motivational speeches,
and everything, son.
And you know me.
I'm always missing you.
Uh, son, I know that we want you
to have the best time out there.
Meet all those nice, friendly people.
Be good to them,
like you are here to everybody.
And, son, everybody's praying
and rooting for you.
You know, Daddy and I keep thinking
about how well you're gonna do,
and that you're gonna go all the way, son.
And you said
you were gonna get Mommy her back teeth.
- Oh, yes!
- Remember that, son.
So I can smile big like some people,
but I love you, son.
We all love you, and we miss you,
and we can't wait to have you back,
and you are the winner.
So bring it home, baby.
Bring it home. Love you.
Oh, I love you, Mom.
Look at that big, old smile.
Oh, my gosh! I love you, Mom.
I'm trying so hard.
I love you, Mom.
I love you. I'll cherish this forever.
Oh, my gosh!
That was beautiful! Beautiful, beautiful.
That lifted my spirits.
Thank you so much, Circle.
She is so wild.
Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry.
Time for Circle Rebecca AKA Seaburn
to hear from real-life Rebecca
AKA real-life Sammie,
but not Circle Sammie.
Wait. So no one's actually named Rebecca?
I'm confused. Can we just play this video?
Circle, play video.
Hey, Seaburn, it's me.
We're here supporting you, love.
We miss you like crazy
and can't wait for you to come back.
It's been pretty hard without you here.
Really hard, but [sighs]
we just can't wait till you come back,
'cause, you know, we have a lot of plans.
But we are here supporting you.
We love you like crazy.
So you got this, babe.
Just hurry back, babe. Love you.
It's like
everything that I've done till this point
is worth it.
I missed you.
I sleep with your picture every night.
I talk to it every night.
She really is my best friend.
It absolutely means the world.
Our five final players
are making the most
of their last night in The Circle,
but we've got one of these
just for old times' sake.
[alarm blares]
[both] Oh!
- "Alert!"
- Shit!
Are you kidding?
Something's going on.
"Players, your final ratings
have been locked in."
Bada-bing, bada-boom! We made it.
[Sammie] "Before the winner is revealed,
you are invited to one last Circle Chat."
This is going to be so sad.
- "However"
- "However"
"However, this chat will happen
face to face."
"Face to face"?
"Face to face."
"Face to face."
[gasps and screams]
"Face to face."
The shocks continue!
Oh, my God!
I'm so excited.
Oh, shit!
I gotta pee. I'm so nervous.
"Please get ready to meet
in The Inner Circle."
Wow! This is the moment that I feared.
This is the moment that
[laughs nervously]
Inevitably, there is going to be a shock.
There's no way
all five of us are who we are.
I really hope that the relationships
we've cultivated through The Circle
translate to real-world now,
and I really think they will.
Dreading this part, but
we made the bed,
now we have to lie in it.
The final five are moments from meeting,
and it's fair to say
things are getting real.
Like, really real.
I just can't wrap my head around the fact
that I'm really getting
to meet these people right now.
I've built such close relationships.
What if everything you thought you knew
wasn't what you knew?
Does that mean it wasn't real?
If I'm going to reveal myself,
at least I could be dressed to the nines.
I feel like I'm gonna have
to put on extra extra deodorant
'cause I'm gonna be sweating so bad,
like so nervous.
I got little butterflies in my tummy.
I'm so excited to meet these folks.
These are the four I fought for
as hard as I could.
No matter what happens in there,
you followed your heart
and your instincts.
There was nothing else
you could have done.
Rebecca is no more, and I am me.
Everything in The Circle has led to this.
The five finalists are finally meeting
in an epic Inner Circle encounter,
and Shubby's wearing an oatmeal suit.
[Shubham] I absolutely am stoked
the five of us can get the chance to meet.
I put my trust into these four people
from the beginning.
I shared everything with them,
and I think they shared everything
with me.
And I'm hoping all four of them were
who I thought they were.
This is so nice.
This is sick. This is like one
of those old-school bars and stuff.
Rebecca." Wow!
I'm the first?
This is sick!
Wow! This is a really nicely done room.
[narrator] It doesn't seem fair
that we leave Shubham
at the table on his own for long.
Time for him
to meet his Circle sister face to face.
[Seaburn] I'm nervous
because I have to go meet these guys now.
And they're gonna be
absolutely heartbroken
to know that Rebecca's not real.
I'm so scared.
I want them to accept me
and, you know,
maybe, hopefully, be my friend,
but I know that I've lied to them.
It's going to hurt Shubham
to know that the bond with Rebecca
was based around a lie.
This is the moment
that I have to face the music.
[whispers] Is someone coming?
[theme music playing]
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