The Circle: Brazil (2020) s01e11 Episode Script

Perguntas Sinceras

Yet another blocked player says goodbye.
But before going offline
Whoa, this apartment
is different from mine.
Anybody home?
What's up, dude?
- How are you?
- I'm Ana.
No, you're not.
- Do you want a piece of cake?
- No, thanks.
Dude, let's sit down and talk.
- Dude
- What do you mean you're Ana?
Luma is tired of being ghosted.
It doesn't look like he's coming.
I guess I'll cook a meal just for one.
Ana is my best friend.
She's the most popular person I know.
So, I decided to be Ana.
- Who makes you feel uneasy?
- Marina.
I tried to get closer to her, but I think
she's distancing herself from me.
I think she's the only one
who suspects that I'm no good.
Luma and JP are the strongest players.
What should they do?
Kick out the strong ones.
I'd rather be with you in the final
because you're still weak.
I was weak until you arrived.
When you arrived, I became stronger.
There's nothing
I could've done differently.
I was being myself.
- Thanks for visiting.
- No problem.
- We'll meet again out there.
- Nice.
Maybe I needed more time
to be able to blend in more
with the other players.
Wow, he smells good, like bubblegum.
Now it smells like bubblegum in here.
Good night, Circle.
The time has come for Renan
to go to the blocking drawer.
And the players who are not
in the drawer can relax.
When you go to bed
after becoming influencer,
you sleep so well.
May the new day be great.
And to start the day, let's just say
- Good morning, Circle!
- Good morning, Circle!
Good morning.
Ana looks like Dumaresq's bread today.
All musty and moldy.
- "Update your status."
- "Update your status!"
I wanna let them know
that Renan came to visit me.
Circle, update my status.
Renan left the game, comma,
but has entered my life.
What a man! Exclamation mark.
His touches! Exclamation mark.
So, Renan visited Ana!
"Renan left the game" Marcel, wake up.
Lucas, she's just kidding!
Wonder Twin powers, disagree.
Circle, message.
I know my worth, and I know my grit.
I don't get outshone in The Circle.
I give my all, body and soul.
Wow, I nailed it. Poetic, isn't it?
What would you say after reading that?
"Wow, Marina is wonderful."
Are you losing your mind, Marina?
My God, I saved her,
and she criticizes what I said.
Honey, when I said your glow dimmed,
it's because around here,
I don't see your light shining, okay?
Dumaresq didn't like my status.
This is going to start a war.
You can't do this. This is heartless.
Not liking a person's status is heartless.
Dumaresq must be like,
"Who does she think she is, honey?"
Duma, this is me, dude. The real me.
Wow, so ungrateful.
The vibe couldn't get any worse.
I mean
"Renan left a message."
Oh, my God.
What if he's not Renan?
I'm gonna laugh.
Let's go.
What's up, guys? I'm Renan.
The same Renan you saw there.
I lied just a bit.
I'm actually 30.
I tried to be a bit younger
because I thought it'd be easier
to get along with you all.
I think it didn't work.
I'm hard, Brazil.
I'm hard. I couldn't help it.
I know this is a very political game.
Everybody is trying to play the good guy.
You guys are too worried
about earning brownie points. Careful.
He didn't talk about me.
Thanks for the tip, Renan.
All the best to you, okay, cutie?
When I get out, call me.
Luma doesn't care about brownie points.
Of course she does.
Everybody wants to earn brownie points.
- Is Luma trying to butter them up?
- A little.
After that tip, I can't wait to see
who will have the guts to talk
without the "on the fence" filter.
I really need to talk to Dumaresq.
I need to know how he feels about me.
Why does he think
my light is dimmed in The Circle?
Circle, open private chat with Dumaresq.
Good morning, Marina, baby!
Okay, I'm dying to know
what you want to talk about
because I have
a lot to talk about with you.
Circle, message.
Good morning, Dumaresq!
I've been thinking a lot
about that explanation you gave,
and I'd like to know
if I disappointed you at any point.
Did I block you, honey? Or did I save you?
We have a very long history
here in The Circle.
There's no way this friendship
has ended out of the blue.
Circle, message.
When I said, quote, "start over," unquote,
I wanted to bring back that old Marina,
who was cheerful and talkative.
He said this for real.
Circle, message.
I've lost two people
who were very dear to me.
I didn't want to feel
like I lost you as well.
Me saving you
and saying that I'm on your side,
that I want you to start over,
that you need to shine brighter,
is the same as saying, "Look,
come with me, stick with me,
we are in this together, Marina."
Circle, message.
I wanna see you do well.
"Stick with me.
You're not alone."
Send it, Circle.
I love it!
Thank you for everything.
And just so you know,
we are in the final stretch, girl!
Yeah, girl. We're in the final stretch.
"The last bomb."
Prepare the grenade, JP.
Pull that pin. Hold it.
What is this about?
"You can ask a question to any player,
and they won't know it was you."
That's what I wanted. I love drama.
Wait, but they'll ask me questions, too.
"You are in Anonymous Mode."
Let's go. Circle, message.
Marina, who do you think
made that painting
with the snake's tongue
representing you? And why?
Circle, send.
- Whoa!
- Whoa there!
The question everybody wanted to ask.
She's gonna say it was me, for sure.
Because she hates me.
Circle, message.
I suspected Akel and JP.
Circle, message.
Jeez, carioca.
I wish I had the artistic ability
to paint an image like that
"but I don't think
you're a blabbermouth at all."
I don't know about that, JP.
Don't even start, JP.
You don't think she's a blabbermouth?
Stop lying.
I don't think she's a blabbermouth.
Circle, message.
do you feel threatened?
If so, why and by whom?
God, that question is for me!
Being in Anonymous Mode is a lot easier.
Circle, message.
Maybe the person
that makes me feel that way is Marina
due to our last conversations.
I want to make it clear
that I have nothing against her. Send.
- Coward.
- What a chicken.
She's such a wimp. Coward.
Oh, my God.
I liked her message, I'm not gonna lie.
Circle, message.
Ray, I never tried to degrade you.
"I just wanted to give you a chance
to tell your version."
Who said anything about degrading?
Marina was degrading her
in her mind, then.
Marina Listen.
She dug her own grave by saying that.
Circle, message.
Marina, sis. Thank you
for giving me a chance to speak.
I felt very judged,
but thank God a firefighter saved me.
No problem, princess!
I'm here to save you!
Wow, she's kinda pissed at everybody.
"Love and gratitude."
Circle, message.
it's high time you start playing.
Who do you think
doesn't deserve to be here
and why?
"PS: Try to give a serious answer."
Dumaresq asked that.
Does she think she's on vacation here?
Mr. Anonymous,
I know you asked me to be serious,
but I have to crack a joke.
Circle, message.
Everybody deserves to be here, no doubt.
But I still think JP is really strong,
and since he's way too handsome,
he should be at my house and not here.
Oops, I have to give a serious answer.
JP anyway. Apart from his strong arms,
he's a strong player. Period.
Oops, I have to give a serious answer
Ellipsis. Circle, send.
Wow, Ana.
You just lost points with me.
Yeah, girl. It looks like
you can't help yourself, huh?
She's hot and then cold.
Everything is a joke to her,
even when she blocks someone.
Circle, message. Wow, Ana.
How can such an open-minded person
focus on something so shallow like looks?
Circle, send.
I gotta stop
trying to be funny all the time.
I gotta be serious at some point.
This will hurt me.
"You are in Anonymous Mode."
Go, message.
Dumaresq, why didn't you like
Marina's status? Question mark.
Do you think she wasn't grateful?
Question mark.
- Send.
- Send.
This person really nailed it.
Circle, message.
I didn't like Marina's status
because I didn't understand the message.
"Marina and I have talked,
and it's all sorted out now."
Damn, girl
So, they have been talking, huh?
That person tried to add fuel to a fire
that has already been put out.
A fire that is no longer burning.
Circle, message.
I'm positive Dumaresq knows
that I'm very grateful that he saved me.
Very nice, Marina, baby!
If only Luma could comment
She doesn't want to.
In your face.
If this game didn't make you look bad,
you're truly blessed.
- For God's sake!
- Alert.
I'm treating myself right now!
Even at the gym, Circle?
It can't be the ratings.
You wanna bet?
Put it up on the screen.
Jesus, take the wheel!
Because I wanna be number one.
Final stretch, Dumaresq. Focus.
Could this be it? Could it?
Circle, open ratings.
Okay, I have to be strategic.
I'll put Ray in first place
for obvious reasons.
is very weak in the game right now.
Third place goes to Ray
because she's part
of the North-Northeast Alliance.
And Luma also believes
she can count on her.
The second place is hers.
My rare jewel, Luma.
Even if she's not who she says she is,
I really like the way she takes a stand.
And in fifth place,
I'll put Ana.
I really like Ana, but
she's not able to leave the jokes aside.
The Circle is much more than jokes
and stand-up comedy.
Shall we? Shall we play?
Circle, in fourth place, Dumaresq.
He didn't save me,
so I better be careful, right?
In first place,
I'll always have him on my side.
Look, I might fall,
but Dumaresq will always want
to see me at the top.
In third place,
I'd like to put Marina.
To prove to her that she can do better.
Circle, fourth place
Between all the other options,
she's the one
I have the least connection with.
She's suspicious of me about the painting.
I don't know what she thinks about me.
In first place, JP.
Because JP is on Luma's side,
and we have evidence that he defends her.
Circle, send my ratings.
"Ratings complete."
This rating is too big of a risk for me.
If I remain at the bottom, dude,
I'll block myself
because I can't do it anymore.
Do you guys realize that this rating
will determine the finalists?
It'll grow. Get bigger, little cake.
I've noticed they are thinking
that I joke too much.
So, now it's time to show
Ana's human side,
that Ana who also has
a bit of drama in her life.
Circle, please
open chat with Dumaresq, JP, and Luma.
"Ana has invited you to a group chat."
What is this group, Miss Ana?
Luma, JP, and I?
Who doesn't want to hang out with us?
Circle, message.
Hieee! With a bunch of E's.
I decided to create this group chat
because I wanna tell you some things.
Circle, send.
Will she gossip about the others?
You never know when she's kidding
or being serious.
Circle, message.
One, dash, Luma
I'd like to get closer to you
"because you're the only player
I didn't get close to."
"Two, Dumaresq,
I'll never forget what you did for me."
Girl, she created a group chat
to compliment
the most influential players.
That's cool, right?
"Cool," Lucas?
Don't be soft!
She's only doing this
because we're the strongest in the game.
For the final strike, I need to talk to JP
and finish it off with a sad story.
Circle, message.
Three, dash,
JP, I apologize again
for mentioning you as a rival.
I have to put a heart for him, too.
Circle, add the red heart emoji. Send.
Perfect. The first part is done.
As a wise man once said, Conga,
"There's a grain of truth in every joke."
Circle, message. Ana,
you reap what you sow.
I hope I can sow good things from you.
He's throwing shade at her.
"Hey Ana, I helped you. Now what?"
"I hope I can sow good things from you."
It was him, then.
He wants me to stop with the jokes.
He asked that question.
I started in the game
as the funny one.
He's actually trying to help me.
It's time
for me to add my drama.
And I won't joke about it.
I'll hold it back.
Circle, message.
That anonymous question
asked me to be serious.
"And JP said that judging
other people's looks is shallow."
I'm a woman, have been obese all my life.
"I was adopted
and have been through a lot in this life
until I became the person
I'm proud to be today."
She said all that stuff, but just wanted
to talk about a sad story of her life.
She's selling herself.
Now it's the second part of the strike.
Circle, message.
Maybe humor has become a shield for me.
I promise I'll continue being playful,
but I'll be a bit serious, too.
Circle, send.
I want you to continue being playful,
but honey, enough is enough.
Are they crying? Is anybody sad about it?
Is anybody? I hope so.
I hope somebody shed a tear.
Circle, message.
Ana, we all have our pains and stories.
"You became this woman
not only because of all that,
but because you're strong, too.
This is a game for strong people.
Welcome back." Exactly.
Luma will say
she's also been through that.
Wasn't Luma too skinny?
Too skinny. Nowadays,
she comes across as a Valley Girl.
She had to wear a plastic bag
over her shoes so they wouldn't get dirty.
- Really?
- Yes.
Circle, message.
Ana, I totally get it.
I was bullied for being too skinny
and for being a teacher's daughter
in an upper-class school.
But don't let that shield
hide who you are.
Now everybody is whining?
If so, if I start telling my story
Oh, honey, there will be tears.
I wanted to cause a commotion,
I wanted people running around the house.
"Poor girl!" But no
They were like, "Oh, well.
That sucks, Ana."
Circle, message.
"Anyway, guys.
We are whining too much
and getting too philosophical.
But this talk was great.
I love these opportunities
when we get to know each other better.
Circle, send!
Ugh, they're so difficult!
Circle, message.
I knew I could count on you all.
"Thank you for having an open heart
and for the serious talk. Kisses."
Yes, you can count on us,
you can vent, you can do anything,
but in the game, honey
The Circle is only ours.
I wanted to be in that group,
to be part of that clique.
Now I think I have a chance.
I really hope that was an honest talk,
not just a strategy,
since we're very likely
to become influencers.
Great talk, Ana.
Only silence would've beaten it.
These players are closer than ever
to the 300,000 reais.
The show must go on.
- Alert!
- Alert!
- Who could it be?
- It's time.
I'm ready, Circle.
"The rating results are in."
Lord, help me!
Gosh, I don't wanna look.
God Almighty!
I'm scared, I swear.
Please, I'm asking
for at least second place
because fifth is bullshit.
Sixth and last place!
Stressful moment.
I liked it, I'm not gonna lie.
I got down to sixth?
Damn, dude.
I wasn't expecting that.
When Luma got here, remember?
Marina was at the top.
- She got involved in drama.
- It's like Mother says,
"Show me your friends,
and I will tell you who you are."
Ray could be in fifth place.
I just wanna be first place.
When I get nervous, I start wiping things.
Wow, they are plotting.
I knew it.
So far, I'm just Funny Ana.
This fifth place is for you
to wake up a little.
There's a time for jokes
and a time to be serious.
You gotta know how to balance things.
But hey, so what?
It's not the sixth place.
Now, in fourth place,
I don't think Ray can escape.
It'll be Ray. And it's your fault,
Miss Marina and Miss Ray.
You're putting them at the top,
and they're placing you at the bottom.
Wake up, both of you.
Luma is worse than Ray?
I'm on your side,
I believe JP is on your side,
now be careful with the other players.
Luma's got JP, Ray, and Dumaresq.
I think there are too many votes
going towards JP, okay?
JP has to go down in the ranking.
My God, I'm top three!
Damn, that's a big responsibility!
This will determine
the last influencers of the game.
Place your bets.
I don't want to be third. I just don't.
I'm getting butterflies in my stomach.
I'm having goosebumps every second.
He's an influencer again, yeah
Thank you, Lord!
We're influencers again, Congão!
What are you after four wins?
Hold on. Champion, two-times champion,
three-times champion
- Fourth-times?
- "Four-times" champion!
I'm so mad!
1ST, 2ND
It's time. First and second place.
Nice! First place!
Raise your hand, Congão!
The influencer dance
Seriously, how are these people
letting JP fool them?
Somebody block this guy,
for the love of God.
Luma: JP.
Ray: JP.
- And he's using
- Dumaresq: JP.
the alliance for that.
It's over!
Oh, my God!
It's hard being popular, right, JP?
- Alert.
- Alert.
"As the most popular players,
JP and Dumaresq"
"are now The Circle influencers."
It seems like I'm reading
the same thing from the last ratings.
"The influencers must decide"
"who they will block from The Circle."
Oh, my God.
What would be their reason to block me?
The jokes.
- "JP and Dumaresq"
- "please go to the Blue Room"
"to make your decision."
JP can go to the Blue Room
with his eyes closed.
Dumaresq, too.
May we make the best decision.
Let's decide.
Whoever survives this
will be in the final, just so you know.
- You guys better use this Blue Room!
- Let's go.
Hi! Home sweet home!
Blue Room.
I love so much being here.
I'll try to make a fair decision,
the right decision.
It won't be easy.
Circle, message.
first of all, I'd like to say
I'm extremely happy and honored
to be able to share this podium
with you once more.
we have a huge responsibility
to decide the fate of someone else.
Circle, send.
We have to decide between four people.
Now it's starting to dawn on me.
Circle, message.
Whoever is in the game at this point
only deserves to stay
if they show themselves to be worthy.
Will he have any opinions about Luma?
Some issue I might not know about?
Circle, message.
I don't see any negative aspects in Luma.
I like the way she takes a stand,
always showing herself
to be a very upright and fair person.
Do you have anything
to say about her? Send.
Of course I do, JP. Do you think
I'm gonna keep my mouth shut now?
Circle, message.
Luma changed the way we play the game
here in The Circle.
With her honest and open attitude,
everything became different.
Send it, Circle.
Damn, bro, we really do think alike.
It's amazing.
Circle, message.
One of the reasons I'm here
is because Marina trusts me.
"From my point of view,
our goal is to remain influencers.
That way, we will protect
our interests. Got it?"
Circle, message.
Yes, I got it. Then will you save Marina?
Whatever you decide, I'll agree with.
Circle, send.
"Whatever you decide, I'll agree with."
Don't even start, JP.
You keep writing
these complicated messages.
And now you only say
that you agree to whatever I want?
Circle, message.
Regarding Ana,
she doesn't take things seriously
when she has to.
I like her,
but that didn't look good for her.
Circle, message.
My friend, what about Ray?
I'm a bit suspicious of Ray.
Circle, message.
In the rivals game, she picked me
and said she would win over me
because her strategy is better.
I got that stuck in my head.
Thinking emoji. Send.
Ray has been surprising me.
Circle, message.
I need to keep my eye on her.
So, it's between Ana and Ray.
Circle, message.
Lord have mercy. My heart is racing.
What about you, girls? Question mark.
You heart isn't racing.
You know they'll save you.
Circle, message.
I gotta admit that I think
I'll be blocked.
"A mix of emotions. I really wanna stay.
Ugh, so nerve-wracking.
Circle, message.
we're all thinking the same thing.
But a woman should have been
at the top Ellipsis.
Exactly, Ana. Our fate
is in the hands of two boys.
Circle, message.
Ana, tell me about it.
With every passing day,
I feel worse about the fact
that I'm going down in the ratings.
I'd like to understand why.
Circle, message.
Marina, it is too complicated
to understand why.
We're nervous, too.
It's a very hard moment.
Yeah, girl. Me, too. But I'm holding it.
Let me think about a sentence.
A catchphrase.
Circle, message.
The important thing is
we are strong women
and we can handle the pressure!
Exclamation mark.
That's it. I'm getting the hang
of this game.
The spirit of the game is catchphrases.
We're strong women, we're girl power
What about the game?
Is Ana not afraid of getting blocked?
Because Luma is.
If we women were more united,
things would have been so much easier.
Now I just have to lay down
and wait for my death.
Circle, message.
Do you want to give them the news
or do you want me to do it?
Oh, my God.
- Alert.
- Alert.
- Oh God.
- Oh, my God!
I'm already alert. Let's go.
Go, Duma. Give them the news.
- "The influencers"
- "have made"
"their decision."
Yes, okay. I got it.
I really hope they show me
some love and compassion.
I think either one of them
can save me,
but I also think either one can block me.
- "All players"
- "must go to the Circle Chat."
It's time!
Circle, open chat.
Circle, message.
Shit, if Dumaresq
is the one giving the news,
it's because they're blocking Ray.
Because if they were blocking Marina,
JP would be the one telling the news.
Being with a friend
while making this decision
makes everything flow better.
"But" They're friends, huh?
"But even so, it's extremely complicated."
Dumaresq, it's really hard
to understand you
because to me, you were not
at all friends with JP.
I don't know what happened.
Wait until you're out of here
to call him friend.
Circle, message.
This woman is
the living proof of strength.
Here, she showed us the value of love,
be it self-love or love for others.
I love Dumaresq's messages
because he always leaves
something in the air.
Oh, my God. What does he mean?
It's either me or Ana.
Okay. I don't think it's me.
Now I feel better.
He didn't really say anything.
Hurry, Dumaresq. For the love of God.
Circle, message.
Oh God, he's gonna say it.
And the blocked person
Gosh, what a dramatic pause.
I don't like it.
Oh, my God.
The blocked person is Ana!
Ugh, this sucks!
Oh, my God!
They defended whoever has been
with them from the get-go.
I'm a stranger to all of them.
Yeah, it looks like joking around
has its limits.
- Alert.
- Alert!
"Ana has been blocked from The Circle."
Got it.
"Before leaving,
Ana can meet one player in person."
Ana, boo, I've already prepared
mimosas for us, okay?
Who will it be? Who will Ana choose
to talk to, huh?
I don't think it'll be Luma at all.
It's been a while since I had guests.
Ana, my princess,
if you want to come over
you'll find dinner already served.
"Ana is on her way
to one of the apartments." Hide!
If I was Ana
I would visit me.
Ana, please pick me.
I'm here drinking for both of us.
Seek knowledge.
Oh, my God!
I'm shook!
Do the dishes.
It's the least you could've done.
Won't you do them for me,
since you just got here?
Oh, my God!
It's so nice to meet you.
I'm speechless, bitch!
Tell me about it.
Tell me about it Girl!
- I'm Ana. Nice to meet you.
- Why are you Ana?
My name is Raf, actually.
And Ana is my best friend.
- Can I sit down?
- Of course, sit.
Tell me everything.
- Everything?
- That's why I came.
I felt like Ana,
this character you've created
with that context of feminism,
I don't think any of it was very relevant.
I think that you stood out
with the humorous context.
But you made a mistake
by exaggerating too much.
I think your attitude
was even a little desperate.
You created a group chat
right before the rating
I meant to create it before that!
Yeah! And since you knew JP, Luma, and I
have been influencers for a while now,
what I thought was,
"Wow, she's desperate."
I was obviously desperate.
But then, out of nowhere,
you started telling a sad story.
You also mentioned the humor,
that it might have been too much.
Yes, but that's what kept me in
through three eliminations.
- Definitely.
- Otherwise, I would be out.
You're very smart.
- I wanted to have fun.
- You're quick.
- I knew I wanted to do that.
- And handsome.
That's what I wanted.
I made an impact in the game.
Otherwise, I would have stayed
one night and then left.
I didn't want that.
If I were to join right now,
I'd do everything all over again.
To get as far as I got was already hard
for someone joining at that point.
Looks like the young gay is doing
a good job, don't you think?
I think you're doing a great job.
I love what you represent,
I love the things you say.
You're a bit annoying
talking about energy.
Like the others But that's all right.
Because I think you guys got
that formula down with the catchphrases
and the command sentences.
I even said, "I'd never drink beer
with those three together."
Do you think I'm like that?
I'm wonderful drinking beer.
You would've paid for my beer.
It's because I don't drink beer,
but the pizza is on me.
Girl, give me a hug.
I really wanted you to come over.
I painted you with love.
Obviously, I hated getting blocked,
but I think they played well
by making this decision
because they knew I had potential
to rise to the top, too.
I was standing in their way.
It was a good game. For real.
You're playing well.
- Should I root for you?
- Please?
- Okay.
- The pizza is on me.
They saved the ones
they can easily kick to the curb.
With my catchphrases and empty words,
I'm on my way to the final.
And where are you going, girl?
You're going home.
This is so sad.
Alone at the bar.
But it's okay.
More for me.
And then, Ana, baby,
we can settle this over
at the São Cristóvão Fair.
No worries, okay?
Everything's alright.
Excuse me.
I think there's time for a last drink
before something else happens.
- Alert!
- Alert!
Imagine if it's another rating.
Oh, my God. I'm scared. What's that about?
Turn it off!
I don't want it anymore!
That's not possible.
Holy cow.
I have given up hope.
It's not possible.
you are the finalists of The Circle!"
No way!
Whoa, nice!
I'm in the final!
This is so cool!
Holy shit!
She's a finalist, man!
Road to victory!
"Go to your door and get the items
that are waiting for you."
Luma is a finalist!
Look at this, girl!
Can we open the box?
Oh, there's brigadeiro in here!
Guys, I want it!
Damn, I've never seen anything so me!
Hurrah, The Circle!
A toast to myself, right, Circle?
And to myself, because I deserve it!
Music incoming.
Party time!
What about the party? Is it over?
What will we have for the after-party?
Here it comes!
"You have received a special message."
What is this about?
Oh, my God. My heart is racing.
Is it a video from the other players?
Who could it be?
They're coming over!
Is it from family or from The Circle?
I can't handle these kinds of things.
Hi, Lucas. Hi, Marcel.
We miss you so much.
We're rooting for you,
we know you're capable,
and God will light your path.
It didn't even start, man.
Hey, babies. How are you?
We miss you so, so much.
We're waiting for you here.
Dad will prepare a delicious barbecue.
God bless you, okay, my loves?
We miss you dearly.
- Kisses.
- Kisses, babies.
Bye, mom. Bye, dad.
It feels like we are reborn in The Circle.
Everything we're experiencing
has to do with them.
We imitate Mom, we imitate Dad.
They're everything.
Everything we do, it's for them.
Carol, my cousin.
Oh, my God!
So awesome.
Hey, cousin.
I miss you, honey.
I'm here to tell you
that I'm cheering you on.
I'm sure you'll show
that you aren't just a beautiful person
on the outside.
People will see your real beauty.
I'm sure you'll come out of there
a lot stronger than when you went in.
I'm here rooting for you.
I love you. We're together, always.
All the best for you.
Big kiss.
From your cousin, who loves you.
Oh, my God!
Beautiful message. Thank you.
Thank you.
It's your mom here. I'm rooting for you.
My mom!
What I want from you is strength, courage,
everything grit
Everything you love to do the most.
Go after your goal.
I know you can. You can do it.
Show them who you are,
the strength you have.
It's all that I wish for you.
From your mom, who loves you so much.
Best mother in the world.
I love you. I miss you very much.
I am only here for you, man!
Oh, my God!
It's my sister.
Hi, Rafa, baby!
We're here praying, cheering.
Despite our misunderstandings
here at home,
we are proud of you
for always being positive
in every situation.
And your biggest fan
is high up there. Mommy.
I'm sure she's watching, super happy.
Keep the focus, keep being positive.
Everything's going to work out.
I love you. Kisses.
She's my older sister.
We grew up together.
And four years ago, my mother passed away.
It was, no doubt,
the hardest moment of our lives
that we had to face
Hi, my beautiful daughter.
It's my mommy!
Honey, look where you are right now.
And you're not there for nothing.
You're right where you wanted to be.
That's nice, dear.
I'm really happy for you.
My heart is breaking a little.
I really miss you.
But Mommy is really glad
that you're there,
right where you wanted to be.
A big kiss.
Oh, mom!
Nothing better than a mother's affection.
I missed that.
Circle, I want to tell you something.
I'm very happy. Very happy indeed.
Now I have to focus on winning.
Luma is truth,
Luma is energy
Luma is Lucas's stories,
Marcel's stories
Luma is, in short,
the best that Marcel and I
can do together.
I'm here as my real self,
in my essence.
I don't regret anything.
I would do it all over again.
Now my goal is to take
the prize.
I won't get out of here
And no one can get you out of there!
And no one can get me out of here.
Thank you so much.
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