The Crowned Clown (2019) s01e11 Episode Script

The Queen Leave the Palace

The Crowned Clown
The characters, organizations, locations, and events in this drama are fictional and have no relation to historical facts.
Episode 11
Your Majesty, what is my name?
Your Majesty, call me by my name.
A thousand partings from my beloved.
My devotion is unchanged.
Who are you?
Who are you?
How impertinent.
Your Highness.
Does the queen know?
That was the first time she looked at me that way.
I only wanted to make her laugh,
but I ended up hurting her.
I shouldn't have approached her from the start.
I shouldn't have dared to have feelings for her.
Your Majesty.
The way she looked at me
My heart is more bitter and burns more than the ginger tea.
My heart hurts so much.
Still, it's probably nothing compared to the pain she is feeling.
I have implanted hell in her heart.
This is not something Your Majesty should deal with alone.
I will send a message to Chief Royal Secretary.
My beloved, even if we are apart for a millennium, my faithful heart will remain steadfast.
[So Ak Bu/Minor Odes by Yi Jeyeon (Goryeo)]
Your Highness, are you not feeling well?
Should I summon the royal physician?
No. You should go.
Yes, Your Highness.
Where have you been?
What's going on?
The queen has caught on about His Majesty's identity.
What do we do?
Soon the day will break,
I'll meet with the queen and speak to her.
Daejojeon Hall (Hall of Great Creation - royal residence for the king and queen)
Your Highness, I should pay courtesy and ask about your well-being.
But since I am here to report my crimes, I will forgo the greeting.
Before I report my crime, if you question me, I will answer.
Who is the person in the king's palace?
He is a clown.
The one who has the same face as His Majesty.
I discovered and reported it to His Majesty, and put him in the king's palace.
Where is His Majesty?
After ascending the royal throne,
His Majesty become quite indisposed mentally, as you know.
Hence, he became dependent on medicine,
and in the end, he became unable to bear even a few hours without medicine.
Someone who could take His Majesty's place appeared.
And His Majesty left the palace in an attempt to grasp his mental state once more.
However, the timing was missed and he started to hallucinate and harm himself.
And in the end, His Majesty was met with mishap.
But, if my memory serves me right,
I'm positive he returned to the palace at one point.
That night he lost consciousness and left this world.
Your Highness.
All this is my fault for not being able to properly serve His Majesty.
If you tell me to remove him from the palace right away, I shall do so.
If you wish to punish me for my crimes, I will accept the punishment.
However, if that happens, His Majesty's mishap will be known to the outside.
And around the throne,
there will most definitely be a bloody storm.
Chief Royal Secretary.
Yes, Your Highness.
His Majesty died without my knowing.
Do not try to use the future as an excuse to threaten me
and attempt to control me.
It's not a threat.
It's my earnest plea and my desperate request.
No matter what I say, it will only sound like excuses to you.
I am well aware of that.
No matter what you decide, I will follow it,
so may you please not only see my crimes
but also think further and deeper.
I plead that you make the decision.
What did the queen say?
I have reported my crime, so she will come to a decision.
It won't do.
I will go see her personally and will tell her of my crimes.
Be calm.
Whatever her punishment is, I will take it.
Ha Seon, you only need to protect the throne.
Do you understand?
Your Highness, the wind is chilly.
I worry you might catch a cold, so let's go, please.
Just a bit longer.
Let's stay a bit longer before going in.
But Your Highness
Just in case.
If I continue to let the cold wind blow on me,
perhaps my heart will become frozen too.
What? What do you mean by that?
Your Majesty, the Ming's envoy has arrived in the capital.
In four days, he will arrive at Welcoming Imperial Grace Gate.
This envoy carries with him the emperor's decree for the new year.
so we must host them hospitably with nothing lacking to avoid complaints.
Your Majesty.
Preparations for a royal banquet to receive the envoy are complete.
And we've also done our best without overdoing it on the tribute goods to be sent to the Ming,
so please do not worry.
Your Majesty, it's not right to stop before overdoing it.
A son is serving the father so how can we hold back?
Hence last year we already sent 35,000 taels of silver to the Ming imperial family.
And we also offered twelve tribute items to the Ming.
Your Majesty.
Please look at this.
It's so white and transparent. Isn't it like a star?
My Lord, did something happen at the side palace?
The queen has found out about Ha Seon's identity.
What? How
Did you escort Ha Seon's sister safely?
Yes. He will look after her well and he said not to worry.
Please take this.
Over here.
Sit, sit.
To celebrate you guys coming to my house, I put together this meal.
What's all this?
Don't refuse.
Hurry and have some. Come on.
Then, thank you for the food.
Let's eat.
It seems like you live alone.
Who made all this?
Who do you think?
You personally made these?
My mother was a cook.
Though I only learned this by stealing looks from behind my mother's back,
I think it'll still be pretty edible.
Wow. Let's try it.
What's wrong?
It's not good?
It's freaking delicious.
Well, My Lord.
You know that lord with a sword who brought us here to you?
You all seem to work in the government. Is that right?
It's true.
But why do you ask about that?
Do you not believe it?
Oh my. It's not that.
It seems like Ha Seon sent you guys.
But Ha Seon says he doesn't know.
So I really don't know what's going on, and I feel so pathetic.
I don't know the details.
But seeing how Chief Royal Secretary said to look after you two well,
I think that person named Ha Seon must be well too.
That hyungnim isn't so humble but he's a nice man.
Since you say that, I should believe it, right?
That's what I'm saying.
So don't worry and let's eat.
Oh, the soup I made is getting cold.
I won't decline and will enjoy this deliciously.
Here, this, I learned from Master Baek who is a famous chef.
Marinated meat!
- Try this too.
- Wow, we come here and get a home-cooked meal.
This is nothing short of a king's meal.
We searched all around Beop Jeon Temple but they vanished without a trace.
Seeing how no one in the capital saw them either, it seems they are not performing as clowns anymore.
It's certain Chief Royal Secretary hid that clown.
You should continue to monitor Chief Royal Secretary.
Yes, Your Excellency
The king taking the Ming envoy lightly is an opportunity for us.
Send messages to the men. Tell them to prepare to make this into a public issue.
I will send the first messages to the sarim scholars who previously gathered at Yonghyeon Temple to show their support for you.
Did you look into why the king shed tears at the side palace earlier?
I apologize, but I haven't.
However, I will find out soon.
I understand.
You may leave now.
Then, please rest comfortably.
It's clearly something.
Your Highness, why are you like this?
I will wear that today.
Your Majesty. Your Majesty!
How impertinent! What do you think you're doing?
Your Majesty, I ran here to report something urgent to you.
Did something happen to the queen?
Please stop the queen.
The queen is trying to leave the palace.
Go outside and send everyone away.
Do not allow anyone to stay near.
Yes, Your Highness.
What are you doing?
Please forgive me. I couldn't not come.
How impertinent. Move back.
Please don't leave the palace.
I only came to tell you that.
I'd rather you told me to get lost instead.
I will leave.
When did it start?
Was it you who saved my father?
Were you the one who got bitten by the hunting dog instead of me?
At the market
It was also you.
Please kill me.
I've committed a crime deserving of death.
- It's all my fault—
- Your crime is none of my business.
I knew my husband was in pain but I couldn't help him.
I wasn't even by his side when he passed, so my sins are great.
What are you talking about?
Are you saying His Majesty is dead?
You didn't know?
Forget it.
You may leave.
- But Your Highness—
- I've committed an unforgivable sin.
I do not have the morals to continue being the queen.
That's why I am leaving. So do not block me.
Never again.
I hope I never see you again.
So don't look for me.
Officer Jang.
Yes, Your Majesty.
Go to Chief Royal Secretary at once, and tell him the queen is about to leave the palace.
And tell him to find a way to block her.
Daejojeon Hall
Your Highness, why are you leaving the palace?
Didn't you ask me to make a decision?
This is what I've decided.
Your Highness, if you leave like this,
you won't be able to protect your position as queen.
Your life could be in danger.
I've kept that in mind.
Please reconsider.
If I remain in the palace, I don't know what trouble I might cause.
Is that what you want?
So Woon.
You can't do this.
When I wanted to make you the crown princess,
your father refused.
He thought because you were upright, you wouldn't be able to endure the turbulent palace.
But that's why it had to be you.
I thought if it were you, you wouldn't waver and would be able to protect the position of mother of the nation.
Please, I am begging you not to leave.
Your Majesty, it is Eunuch Jo.
Is it news about the queen?
It's not that.
The queen dowager is looking for you urgently.
How can the queen, the head of the women in the palace, act so rashly?
I don't think it was right to just sit still, so I called you.
I gave her permission.
How could you give her permission to leave the palace?
Even if you gave her permission,
I can't sit idly by watching the queen break the codes of the ladies at court.
It is only right for you to give a royal command to strip her of her position and order her to drink poison.
I cannot give such a command.
When women climb the mountain behind their houses without their husbands, it's right for them to die by committing suicide.
So why are you defending the queen's sins?!
The queen is my person before she is the head of the court women.
I'll take care of my person and her deeds, so
do not bring this up again.
Royal edict: Royal Consort of Yoo Clan (i.e. Queen So Woon) failed to make tributary offering at the ancestral shrine.
For her failure to carry out her duty for the state, she will be deposed and become Commoner Yoo.
What is this?
It's an order to remove the queen of her title.
Pick up the king's seal.
Excuse me? Just what
What are you talking about?
The queen dowager talked about it earlier, too.
This isn't something that came from the queen dowager, is it?
It's not because of the queen dowager.
If we continue like this, we'll be bombarded with petitions
to take away the queen's title and order her to drink poison.
If you want to save the queen's life,
letting her become a commoner is the only way.
No. I oppose her becoming a commoner.
- Ha Seon.
- Absolutely not!
If it's because the queen left the palace,
I will quickly go and bring her back.
Do not act rashly.
Step aside.
Didn't I tell you clearly?
I told you being a king means you must give up everything including your heart.
Then why didn't you do it instead of telling me to do it when you know so well!
You can't become the king just because you want to be.
You can't personally covet the seat nor should you ever covet the seat.
Do you really not know why I put you on the throne?
You probably put me on it to make me your puppet.
Isn't that why you hid the fact that His Majesty has passed away?
I decided to make you the king
and vowed to keep you there.
I thought if it were you, you wouldn't waver from the politics and would firmly protect the throne
and make a nation that the people can live well in.
Did I see incorrectly?
In that nation, the queen needs to be there too.
My Lord, I will definitely escort the queen back.
Please send me.
The Ming envoy will arrive in the capital in four days.
Until then, I will hide your absence.
So you must return within four days.
Can you promise me?
Yes. I will promise you.
Your Majesty, where did the queen go?
Do you have an idea of where she might be?
Wouldn't she have gone to her father?
Bring the guards.
But leave secretly so that the palace servants don't know.
Yes, My Lord.
Hurry and go.
From now on, Ha Seon is not feeling well due to the queen's actions
and is suffering a bout of madness.
For the time being, block all ministers and palace servants from entering the king's palace.
I understand.
However, as for having a bout of madness,
how do we show it?
How about this?
How do I look? Do you think His Majesty will find me pretty?
Of course. Please don't worry.
The queen's left the palace so this is my chance to look good to His Majesty.
[Heejeong Hall]
Your Majesty.
What happened?
The thing is it seems His Majesty is having a bout of madness.
Your Majesty!
Your Majesty.
I said to drink to your greed, but why are you saying no?
Drink more. More!
Should I announce you to His Majesty?
It's alright.
- You cannot.
- Let's hurry and go back.
Your Majesty.
Your Majesty, you can't, Your Majesty!
Your Majesty!
How long do I need to keep this up?
If it's hard, rest a bit.
But instead, I suppose we can't help it if Ha Seon's absence is exposed.
I'll try to keep going.
Have strength.
Your Majesty. You can't, Your Majesty!
Your Majesty!
Border Report: Later Jin's army invading the borders.
What's wrong?
Did something happen?
The report from the borders states that Later Jin's army is invading our borders.
When His Majesty isn't even here? What do you plan to do?
My Lord, I received a message that the peddler has arrived.
Should I tell him to come here as we've always done?
No. Sin Chi Soo is probably monitoring you, Woon Sim.
This place is no longer suitable for secret meetings.
Then, what do you plan to do now?
I will let you know about the meeting place so tell him to go there.
Yes, My Lord.
They said they would not invade the borders recklessly again so why did they break that promise?
The Qing emperor said it was Joseon that broke their promise first.
They probably wouldn't be doing this over the Ming's envoy coming.
It must be because they've decided to go to war with the Ming.
Tell the Qing emperor that even if he decides to wage war with the Ming and Later Jin,
Joseon will not strike Later Jin in the back.
And we will not take anyone's side and will remain neutral, so stop attacking Joseon any further.
How can we trust that?
- What if you put us at ease but give troops to the Ming?
- What?
Joseon made a treaty of amity with Ming but you won't even agree to be brother nations with us.
Wouldn't it be stranger for us to believe you?
Amity is a grand state matter that requires both nations to be mutually respectful of each other's customs.
To demand amity like this with provocation
Then I cannot recommend to His Majesty to maintain our relationship with Later Jin.
It's useless to try to persuade me.
Joseon is my mother nation and the nation I was born in.
Would I want to see blood taint this land?
What do I have to do to get them to believe me then?
They would believe it if it were the king's words.
The king's suffering a bout of madness and secluding himself.
It truly seems the heavens have made their mind up to help you, Prince Jin Pyeong.
I also thought so as well.
Is there a good way to do this?
If we seize this opportunity,
we can probably make the king make a big mistake before the Ming envoy.
But in order for that to happen, whether the king is truly mad
and if he's really in the royal chamber,
we need to verify it.
If it's that, don't worry.
There's someone who can verify it for us.
Your Majesty, the queen dowager is here.
Your Majesty, the queen dowager is here.
Queen Dowager.
What is this you're doing?
Queen Dowager, what brings you here at night?
I came to see after hearing that the king was not feeling well.
Where's the king?
Well that so about that
Answer me properly!
I came after getting a message about an urgent matter. What is it?
Send in Chief Royal Secretary if he's here.
Welcome, Chief Royal Secretary.
- Queen Dowager.
- Bring me the royal jade seal and the military badge at once.
May I ask why?
You ask me because you don't know?
They say the crows cry when an epidemic strikes.
The king and the queen both abandoned the palace and left.
Shouldn't I at least take up the responsibility of this nation's affairs?
It's to be prepared just in case of hardships, so bring them without further words.
I apologize but I cannot follow that order.
What did you say? You will ignore my order then?
It's for your sake, Queen Dowager.
When His Majesty returns to the palace and finds out you took the royal jade seal and the military badge,
what do you think would happen?
Just thinking about it, it will make one's knees knock together.
Since I already know that will happen, how could I follow your order?
Chief Royal Secretary, you wouldn't know.
Wherever the king is played by treacherous subjects and fails to complete his duties as the king,
it puts my heart in such pain.
Who can dare to understand the heart of a mother?
Since Sin Chi Soo is gone,
another treacherous subject has covered the king's ears and eyes.
I worry so much that I fail to sleep at night.
I hadn't realized you were so worried about His Majesty.
Everyone thinks I resent the king over the matter of Grand Prince Gyeong In.
However, that is a trick played by those who try to drive the king and me apart.
I apologize.
I didn't realize you were this nation's most loyal subject.
Chief Royal Secretary's words are sweet as honey, but to me, they seem as sharp as a knife.
Are you suspicious of what I've said then?
How could I suspect your loyalty, Queen Dowager?
However, for your sake, I dare to offer advice.
What is that?
Using His Majesty's absence as your chance to pounce into the king's palace like this.
Please do not be someone who orders for the royal seal and military badge to be brought to her.
No matter how loyal the queen dowager is, this kind of indiscretion
As His Majesty's subject, I will not look on idly.
The likes of a chief royal secretary dares to threaten me?!
It's my word of advice for the queen dowager.
Is the court lady of the queen dowager's palace outside?
Escort the queen dowager away.
Queen Dowager.
Chief Royal Secretary.
I shall not forget what happened today.
Much obliged, Your Highness.
Prince Jin Pyeong told me to deliver this message to you.
"He was not there."
"He was not there."
Alright. Tell him I'll proceed with that knowledge.
Yes, Your Excellency.
Is there anybody out there?
Yes, Your Excellency. Did you call for me?
I'm going out, so make preparations.
Where are you going?
I'm going to Gaegyong where the Ming envoy is staying.
Yes, Your Excellency.
"He was not there."
I must be finally hallucinating.
Father, it's So Woon.
So Woon!
So Woon is here!
You how did you come here?
Look here, it doesn't have to be long.
Could you let her come inside and sit down?
No! If the governor knew, he'd have a fit.
Let them in.
I'm His Majesty's guard, here to carry out a royal command.
Do as they say.
- And leave your station for one day
- Excuse me?
without reporting it to the governor separately.
Yes, sir.
What brings you to this faraway place?
I came to see you.
Did His Majesty send you?
Seeing that he had Officer Jang accompany you,
he must've been concerned for your safety.
His Majesty's grace is beyond limits.
It's cold today. Let's go in.
Did the queen go in alright?
Yes. I'll go back and bring her after a few hours.
No. Since it's been a long time since she's seen her father,
we should let them have the night.
It's cold out. Why are you out here not coming in?
Yes, Father. I'll go in.
Were you crying?
There must be something wrong.
Nothing. There's nothing wrong.
So Woon, ever since you were a child, it was always obvious when you lied.
So Woon, since I became a criminal and went into exile,
how lonesome and tired you must be in the palace,
I understand more than you know.
Father, it's not that.
Then what is it?
Because seeing you brings tears to my eyes—
Perhaps I should live here taking care of you?
Your words are seriously absurd.
We should be grateful His Majesty sent you here like this.
Don't worry about me and go back to the palace when day breaks tomorrow.
It's cold. Let's go in.
Yes, Father.
I couldn't keep you standing there.
I felt like I had to take you away from everyone. I'm sorry.
Your Majesty, I'm fine.
Rather, being with Your Majesty seems warm like a dream and I like it.
If this is a dream, really a dream,
no matter what I do, it wouldn't be a sin.
Isn't that right?
I won't avoid it any longer.
I won't run away either.
Just I'll just look at you and think only of you.
I love you.
As if my heart's about to explode.
As if it's okay that it does.
I love you.
Your Majesty, it's cold.
I'll find a place to rest, so let's go.
You can go by yourself. I'll stay here.
I'll go by myself from here.
You cannot.
I should at least be with you for your safety.
I'm asking for a favor because I need to speak with the queen alone.
I understand.
Your Highness!
Your Highness, where are you?
So Woon! So Woon!
- Your Highness!
- Your Highness!
Your Highness!
So Woon!
Is there still no message from Officer Jang?
I don't know why I feel so uneasy.
Ha Seon will definitely keep his promise, so please believe him.
Chief Royal Secretary, we're in big trouble!
Your Excellency, what is wrong?
The Ming envoy arrived at Taepyeonggwan a day early.
A message came asking His Majesty to come and receive the emperor's statement.
Letter from Ming's Left Vice Minister of War, Ministry of War:
The Ming Envoy and his entourage have arrived one day early
and request to meet the King of Joseon today at the Hall of Great Peace to receive a letter from the Emperor of Ming.
It's disrespectful on their side for them to arrive a day early.
Don't you think so?
Etiquette-wise, you are right.
However, the envoy who carries the emperor's report is no different from the emperor himself.
Eunuch Jo, hurry and inform His Majesty.
About that
- His Majesty is not here at the moment.
- What did you say?
If His Majesty does not go, it will eventually incur the emperor's wrath.
What do we do about this?
I will go.
Taepyeonggwan (Hall of Great Peace - a work and rest place for the Chinese emissary)
Who are you? Who are you to come in here without permission?
I am Lee Gyoo, the chief royal secretary who serves the King.
I'm here to meet Ming's Ministry of War's Vice Minister.
How dare a mere chief royal secretary try to meet the vice minister?
Get out.
I bring with me His Majesty's authority and intention.
I will not go until I relay it to the vice minister.
This bastard What are you all doing?
Drag him out this instant!
I don't wish to see blood here.
Although this is a place for Ming envoys,
this is still Joseon land.
Back off.
I clearly asked for Joseon's king
to receive the emperor's report.
Who are you?
I am Chief Royal Secretary Lee Gyoo. His Majesty asked me to tell you this.
Because the promised day to meet the envoy is not today but tomorrow,
His Majesty said he'll receive the emperor's report tomorrow.
How dare he send a mere chief royal secretary and scorn the emperor's envoy?
I will kill you and let Joseon's king know the weight of that crime.
Why are you here?
Are you okay?
Did you get hurt?
Let go of me.
I already told you that I won't see you ever again. Why did you follow me all the way here?
Are you looking down on me?
Are you really planning to die?
It's none of your business.
How can I not care?
Just punish me instead.
Whatever the punishment it is, I will gladly accept it.
Stop. That's enough.
The more I talk to you, the more of a sinner I become.
That's not true.
It's not your sin.
Everything is my fault.
I will be the one to pay for my sins, so please don't blame yourself.
How can I do that?
I have so many sins.
They're my sins.
A hundred, a thousand times,
I asked myself over and over again.
Who is the person inside my heart?
Is it you or is it that person?
I wanted to deny and avoid it.
However, it was my heart that did it.
I might be able to fool the world but there's no way I can fool myself.
This is the only way.
Can you not live for my sake?
After I entered the palace, I almost died on several occasions.
Every time I thought I would really die, I desperately wanted to survive.
It's fine even if I become a high treason criminal like no other.
Even if I can only live one more day, I want to live with you.
Next to you, while listening to the sound of your laughter, together like that,
for a very long time.
I love that you, Your Majesty, and I deeply respect you.
That's why I want to continue living with Your Majesty now.
Next to you, giving birth to your child,
while listening to the sound of that laughter, together like that,
for a very long time.
Please live.
For me, please.
Your Majesty?
Your Majesty!
Your Majesty!
The Crowned Clown
This was carried by that clown's sister Dal Rae.
If I can ascend to the throne, there is nothing that I cannot do for you.
I was told that if I came today, the king would be here.
This is not as promised.
There might be another rebellion in this land.
For the duties of the throne that I am responsible for,
I have realized that the time for me to cut the ties I have treasured all this time has finally come.
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