The Devil Judge (2021) s01e11 Episode Script


Stick to what you do best.
I heard you used to be a maid.
How crude.
Yes, Seon-a.
Kang Yo-han leaked info about me
to Cha Gyeong-hui.
-Look into it.
No way, not Kang Yo-han…
Just shut up and look into it!
Stand in my way, and you'll pay the price.
It looks like
you worked hard all this time.
Would you be okay with that?
I'm going to kill him.
Kang Yo-han…
I'm going to rip him to pieces!
But isn't that too risky?
-You said she's unpredictable.
-I told you.
There's no way around it
if those who dominate the world
have formed one team.
But we got hold of
Do Young-choon, didn't we?
We could use him to
catch Cha Gyeong-hui first--
And take it to the prosecution?
Or the media?
She holds evidence of corruption
by owners of major media companies.
It's impossible to bring her down
from the outside.
So you'll leave them with no choice
but to point their swords at each other?
What if they end up pointing
that sword at you?
How do you expect to turn the game
around without wagering anything?
everyone has a weak point
where they'll feel pain.
Whoever he or she may be, that is.
Did you have dinner?
What about Young-min?
The same as ever.
His wounds have almost healed, but still…
Let's move to the States.
I don't think I can live here anymore.
I'm just so scared, Mom.
Please come with me.
Get up.
-But Mom--
-I said, get up.
Get up.
Can't you hear me?
Get up!
You little weakling!
-Is that all you can come up with?
After suffering such humiliation, how…
How could you, you imbecile?
How much does Cha Gyeong-hui know?
I looked into it,
but there are just no links.
They're worse than enemies,
so do you think Cha Gyeong-hui
would take Kang Yo-han's hand?
There's only Kang Yo-han
who can slip a knife
into Cha Gyeong-hui's hands
to stab me in the back.
He must be after something.
Hello, Minister.
You'd done a great job hiding it.
I see you spent some money.
A mother who used to beat her daughter
whenever she was drunk happen
to roll down the stairs to her death.
The security lights were off
and the only witness was her daughter.
But what a superb actress
she must have been
because the police concluded
the death as a simple fall
without doubting the child's tears.
That should be enough material,
shouldn't it?
The only evidence of that case
was her daughter's testimony.
So what if there was a doctor's opinion
that overturns all these claims?
That the victim
wasn't inebriated at the time,
and the fall can't be explained
unless someone had pushed her from behind.
There was no such opinion.
Do you still not get it?
You see,
truth is something I craft.
All I need are the materials
to stimulate the imagination.
As I expected from an expert.
I forgot manipulation of evidence
and coercive investigations
are your specialty.
Thanks for the compliments.
What is it that you want?
Kang Yo-han.
Get him and restore my son's reputation.
Then I'll let you go.
But that case was tried and closed,
so how--
That's why I need someone like you.
Someone who was born
and bred in filthy muddy waters,
and who will do anything to survive.
You have one week.
Bring me what I want.
Good evening, Young Master.
I take it that you've been well?
Will it be as usual?
All right.
Hello, Young Master.
How did you get in here?
What about the owner?
Don't tell me…
Calm down.
He's just taking a nap.
What is this?
I've always wanted to try this.
Grooming you to perfection.
If that's what you wish.
By the way,
why did you do that?
What do you mean?
Why did you spill that about me
to Cha Gyeong-hui?
I'm in an awkward position now.
Because I need you.
Do you really mean that?
I need to get Cha Gyeong-hui,
and I want you to do the same.
So that's why you cornered me, is it?
You're so bad, Young Master.
And so blatant too.
Isn't that why you like me?
Because I'm like you?
What's been done can't be undone.
As long as Cha Gyeong-hui is around,
you'll never be free.
So make your choice.
What if I were to choose this?
I guess I can't help it then.
Do as you wish.
Do you want to come to my place?
You haven't come over for a long while.
I think it'll be fun
and remind us of the old days.
What's on your mind?
Everything here is the same as ever.
But you've changed.
Judge Kang let me know to expect you.
Is that right?
How about you join us at the dining table?
It's dinnertime and all.
Did you really prepare all this,
Judge Kim?
I'm boarding here thanks to you.
But your wounds should have
healed by now. No?
I didn't know you had
so many talents, Judge Kim.
I should say the same about you.
Who knew you had so many talents?
So who is she again?
The chairwoman of
our department's support committee.
But you've never brought home
a woman before.
Are you dating her?
-What an honor.
So I'm your first female guest, am I?
You two are dating, right?
Shall we eat?
-So are you?
-I said no.
She supports Judge Kang.
We look forward to more of your support.
I'm not quite sure
if I'm competent enough to.
I heard you're someone
Judge Kang absolutely needs.
That makes me feel proud.
Did Judge Kang really say that?
Why did you have to bring that up?
Let's just eat. And that includes you.
Elijah, try this first.
It's as if Judge Kim is
part of this family.
You fit right in.
Do I?
Now you won't be lonely.
I'm envious.
Were you two acquainted in the past?
We've been secretly supporting
and rooting for each other,
Ms. Elijah.
What? You even know my name?
How about a toast?
Since we have
a distinguished guest among us.
-Not you.
-Then what about me?
You have your juice.
Thank you.
-One moment.
She should be here by now.
It's rare for you to ask me
to come in the evening.
Oh, you have a guest.
Here's to the return of
Chairwoman Jung Seon-a.
Seon-a? Seon-a, that's…
Were you playing with me?
You didn't like that?
I'm sorry to hear it.
And yes, I'm playing with you.
Because you're fun.
You're smart, ruthless,
and broken like I am.
And that's a rare thing.
That's why I thought it might be fun
playing a game with you.
You suggested it first.
You said let's go all the way
to the top of the world.
Together with you.
Now smile.
You blend into this house quite well.
Do you think Jung Seon-a
will really take your hand?
She may side
with Cha Gyeong-hui in the end.
She's that unpredictable.
No way, it's clearly a trap!
Just what does that Kang Yo-han bastard
think of you to play this game?
It's just unbelievable.
I know he's just playing
a game with me, and…
he wasn't even trying to hide it, either.
Isn't it strange?
Why do I still want to fall for it?
Even just for a moment?
I shouldn't, right?
No, right?
Hello, this is Judge Oh Jin-joo.
Oh yes, I know.
I'm President Park Du-man from HMBN.
Sorry to call you out of the blue,
but I'd like to meet you sometime.
As a member of the
Social Responsibility Foundation.
Do you mean
the Department of Live Court Show?
Oh no, we'd like to meet with
just you, Judge Oh.
Yes, all right.
Is everything okay?
Oh, it's nothing.
There she is.
Have a seat.
Over there.
It's nice to meet you.
I'm Oh Jin-joo.
We enjoyed your PR video.
You were born for it!
-You did a great job.
-Thank you.
How about you help
our Foundation's work too?
-By your work, you mean--
-It's all state affairs.
But we need a face
whom the public can trust.
And while you are distinguished,
there were a few things
that weighed on our mind.
I'm not quite sure what you…
When you were a judge at a regional court,
you'd placed a corporate president
under court custody.
All he did was take some money
from his own company.
Isn't that a stay of execution at most?
I wonder why you were so harsh with him.
Are you anti-corporate, perhaps?
Is this…
an interview?
It's clear you're not just after a model.
It's for the presiding judge of
the Live Court Show, is it?
You're quick to understand too.
As expected.
We'd like you to make you a national star,
so we need to see
what risks you hold, shouldn't we?
Has Judge Kang Yo-han
been in this seat too?
What are you talking about?
Even the Chief Justice was in that seat.
Isn't this a better distance
for a conversation?
So what is it that
you want to know about me?
-My true skills--
-It's going to topple!
-It's going to topple!
-Elijah, you just shut up with this.
Topple, topple, topple…
Your turn, Elijah.
Oh no!
That's going to topple.
You're almost there.
It's going to…
Why don't you join us too, Judge Kang?
-Judge Kang?
-Forget it. Yo-han never joins us.
Judge Kang.
Didn't you have something to say?
Oh, I was just passing by.
There was something ghastly
about Kang Yo-han since then.
I was playing with my friends one time,
and he'd been watching us in secret,
even mimicking us.
One of you, win! Whoever, we don't care!
-Whoever, we don't care!
-Paper, scissors, rock!
Paper, scissors, rock!
Hey, is paper all you know, you idiot?
-Why do you always lose?
-Oh come on!
I'm sorry.
Get it right next time.
It sent a chill down my spine.
But Father.
Perhaps all he wanted was
to join his peers in their game.
What do you mean?
Perhaps that child was…
just very lonely.
-Judge Kang.
What is it?
You interrupted my reading just for this?
I have assignments to do too.
-Then go do your assignment.
-Come on, guys.
Spend some time together as a family.
I have some dishes to do…
Ma'am, join us.
It's not a good idea
to have those two face each other.
-I can barely find time to read.
Have you ever sat down with
Elijah for more than five minutes
without picking a fight?
Let's do it. Move.
Go on.
-Go on.
-Just shut up.
Go. Hurry up.
-So I just do it, do I?
-Can't you see?
What a retard.
Hurry up!
-Anything's okay?
-Just do it!
Then I'll go with this.
Elijah, that's…
It's shaking. Great, it's shaking…
This is why you need to know
structural mechanics.
They've been at it for two hours now.
Will this be okay?
I told you to reconsider it, didn't I?
I'll go for this one.
Your hand.
Let's do that again. Pile it up.
Hurry up, hurry!
Is something good going on these days?
You seem different.
Something good?
Sure. I'm with you, aren't I?
You're scaring me. You're joking, right?
I'm not.
Just what is this?
Last time you visited me with your bike,
asked me to go for a walk
and asked me to go for
ice cream together too.
Are you terminally ill?
Is it something serious?
It's not terminal.
-So let's just eat.
-Yes, sir.
Once I'm done with this, then…
It's good.
-Apparently, this place is quite popular.
So did you bring the answer I want?
-The start.
-The start?
There were over 20 who testified
as a victim for your son's case.
And it's hard to overturn them all
because that'll also bring
unwanted attention.
But what if this was a case
that got off on the wrong start?
The rest won't look so good, either.
I mean, it's just not pretty, is it?
Then what if we found
one or two more suspicions,
on top of it?
"What was the true intent
of the Presiding Judge,
rushing the trial to
sentence public flogging?"
Not a bad headline.
So what is this "wrong start?"
I'm sure you remember
the first start
who turned the table around.
That man is a total psycho.
He suddenly got out of his car and
started yelling about the traffic line.
When I rushed over in shock,
he slapped me asking who the hell I was.
Honestly, I was so frustrated and angry.
That crazy…
You were that girl who was having a ball.
So what can she do for us?
I'll do anything. Just please let Mom go.
She'll testify that Kang Yo-han
forced her to commit perjury.
Is this true?
Is that so important?
What's important is that
we can always make it the truth.
Is my mom really okay?
She has angina, you know.
I let you hear her voice
just now, remember?
Not a bad story.
"Kang Yo-han bought a witness…"
There's that case with Jang Ki-hyeon
which he wriggled free from too.
And if the same thing happens again,
people will have second thoughts.
But do you think Kang Yo-han
would just sit back and watch?
We'll have to surprise him without
giving him a chance to counterattack
in front of the entire nation.
Don't the cameras love you, Minister Cha?
We received a tip-off that seriously
doubts whether the Live Court Show
is being run fairly.
-What were the contents?
-Please tell us.
If I were to disclose it here,
I'd risk being misunderstood that
I'm doing this
for the sake of my child's affairs.
Therefore, I suggest Judge Kang
an open hearing.
I will reveal all before our citizens,
so explain yourself if you can.
In the courthouse of the Live Court Show.
What suspicions
will he be required to explain?
Does it truly have nothing
to do with Mr. Lee Young-min?
Judge Kang,
you're well-known
as the heir of a great fortune.
Is this correct?
Is that what you were so curious about?
Yes, you're right.
Is that why you think you can buy
anything in this world with money?
Could you be more specific
with your questions?
I want to hear the truth, Judge Kang.
You offered monetary rewards
to the witness of the JU Chemical case,
the first trial
of the Live Court Show, correct?
I believe I've already
explained it adequately.
But what if you'd also paid
the witness of the next case?
Isn't that a bit odd?
And especially if you'd requested
a false testimony too.
Well, this is interesting.
What are the grounds for your statement?
Do you remember this person?
I believe you have a lot
that you want to say.
So please pluck up the courage to tell us
in front of all of our citizens.
My name is Han So-yoon.
I had testified that I had been assaulted
by Mr. Lee Young-min.
I had been forced to
give a false testimony.
I had been forced to give
a false testimony.
That's it!
Yes, that's what I'm talking about!
I told you Mom will take care of it.
Don't you worry. It'll all work out.
You see,
truth is something I craft.
All I need are the materials
to stimulate the imagination.
I was blackmailed by Minister Cha,
right there.
She said if I don't come out here
and say that I was bribed by Judge Kang,
she would put me in prison
for smuggling drugs, which I never did.
She said it's a piece of cake
making me a criminal.
What are you talking about?
How dare you lie!
But that's what you said!
Is this true?
Yes, she told me so herself in her office
at the Ministry of Justice last week.
If you check their visitor log,
you'll find my name on there.
The first start…
who turned the table around.
Don't you worry.
I'll protect you.
Here, wipe your tears with this.
We can always make it the truth.
We'll have to surprise him without
giving him a chance to counterattack
in front of the entire nation.
This is all manipulated!
This is a conspiracy against me!
Wasn't it you, Minister,
who brought her here?
Judge Kim!
What is going on here?
Don't worry too much.
Well, Chairwoman Jung Seon-a
had asked for our full cooperation,
so we did just that but Minister Cha is…
Will this be okay? It should be, right?
I also have a question for you, Minister.
Do you remember this person?
Please take a look.
This man is a fraud who was
sentenced to 17 years' imprisonment.
He should be in prison now,
serving his term, right?
Why are you asking me this?
Of course he would be.
Then why is he here, and not in prison?
Do you know anything about this, Minister?
I don't know what this is about,
but it has nothing to do with me.
Is that right?
Over to you.
Minister, it's been a long time.
Minister Cha Gyeong-hui got me out
-in exchange for a large sum.
Right now in prison,
there is someone else who's replaced me.
Do Young-choon?
How is he there?
-Did we ever meet?
-I knew this would happen!
-Don't you remember?
-Calm down.
What about Mom? What will happen to Mom?
-No, it'll be okay.
-What do we do?
How dare you frame me
with the words of a fraud!
This is a political attack against me!
The Prosecution will uncover
the truth through an investigation.
Minister Cha.
Minister Cha, is it true
you received a building from him?
-One comment, please.
-Who is it that's in prison?
One comment please, Minister Cha.
-Did you receive bribes?
-Minister Cha!
-Who is it that's in prison?
-One comment, please!
One comment please, Minister Cha!
Contact Kang Yo-han.
I'd like a word with him in private.
Yes, ma'am.
And get me a pistol.
Tell them it's for security
and get me one.
Yes, ma'am.
One comment, please!
Hello, Minister.
You've gone mad, haven't you?
How dare you stab my back?
I know, right?
And I stabbed you pretty deep too.
You think I'll overlook this?
Just you wait.
I'll expose you completely
for who you are!
But will they believe any of your claims?
When you have now become
an icon of manipulation?
-What did you say?
-That's why…
you should've been nicer,
to a lowly secretary like me.
That wench!
Good work.
-Hey, Su-hyeon.
-Hey, Ga-on.
You just saw, didn't you?
Kang Yo-han had Do Young-choon.
Yes, I saw just now. On TV.
Hey, then how can you stay so calm?
I'm so glad. This is great news.
When I think about
all that you'd suffered…
Anyway, how did he even find out
where Do Young-choon was?
Well… it worked out well
in the end, right?
It's past us now,
so let's just forget about it.
What are you talking about?
This is only the beginning.
Ga-on, I'm going to put
that Cha Gyeong-hui
before the court with my own hands.
I said we can't.
We don't have time to deal with this.
I'm hanging up.
Minister Cha.
One of the WAIS detectives
keeps wanting to barge in.
Did you get what I asked you?
I'll bring it to you now.
No one would know even if
someone were to be killed here.
And it's raining heavily too.
What is your business?
Why are you doing this to me?
Did I ever wrong you, Judge Kang?
Oh, that fire?
I'm a victim myself.
What did I ever do so wrong?
Or is this about that assemblyman
who took his own life?
I was only following
the orders from above.
All I did was to struggle
for survival in that organization
because I had no connections
or anyone watching my back!
How else could I have made it
to where I am today?
You know what? My only sin…
was that I fought for survival.
All right?
A power figure's self-pity…
It's really hard to watch
because it makes me puke.
What did you say?
Do as you wish then.
You think you can bring me down
with this one surprise show?
Of course it won't be easy.
You'll buy time
with the excuse of a formal investigation
and find a suitable scapegoat
to lay all the blame on.
Then you'll claim it was
all a frame-up for political maneuvering.
Aren't you an expert in that field?
If you do know,
why did you even start this?
Maybe you could stop
one or two arrows coming at you,
but how will you stop hundreds
fired all at once?
It won't be easy.
This is only the beginning.
Tell me what you want!
You even launched a task force
to dig up dirt on Heo Joong-se
and the others, right?
Hand over that file to me,
then I'll point you to a direction
where you can live, at least.
A direction where I can live, at least?
You think I'll be brought down so easily?
How dare you…
All right, then.
Give me a call if you change your mind.
Honey, are you okay?
What are we going to do?
The whole world is talking about you!
I'm sorry, Mom.
It's all my fault.
This is all because of me.
Listen to me, both of you.
Don't ever show your weak side.
Only the weak get pushed around.
I'm going to grit my teeth
and bear it to the end
until I have all of them
kneeling before me.
After all I went through
to get to where I am…
That's right, Honey.
You'll pull through this.
You're a strong woman.
I'm sorry.
I know what you went through
to come all the way here…
so I'm sorry.
We need to keep attacking her
without giving her a break.
She's someone who'll gladly abandon
her own son for her ambitions.
She won't give up so easily.
Still, I'm glad we went through
her past case records.
Thank you, Judge Kim.
Don't mention it.
I know the lengths you went to,
visiting every one of those victims.
We're not done yet
so save your thanks for later.
Did you manage to convince the warden?
Yes. He's completely intimidated,
so will do as you say.
I've already given orders to
Cha Gyeong-hui's secretary too.
So you can enter discreetly.
If it all goes to plan,
she will crumble in the end.
That's when I'll need to
reach out my hand,
so she'll take it,
out of desperation to live.
Minister Cha is here!
Did you really arrange for
someone else to take Do's place?
What about the allegations that
you forced perjury?
I will reveal the truth
through the Prosecution.
Minister Cha, tell us why.
Minister Cha, please tell us the truth!
Please tell us your reasons!
Your broadcasting station has been
harassing me most tenaciously!
Are you out of your mind?
Minister, journalists these days
don't listen to higher-ups.
Their youthful fervor and passion
is a real headache for us too.
Those sons of a…
Minister Cha, we have a problem.
What is it this time?
The Warden of
the South Gyeonggi Correction Center
has just come out honest
in front of the journalists
regarding the case of the inmate switching
by Minister Cha.
Is it true the orders
came from Minister Cha?
Yes, the orders were
from Minister Cha Gyeong-hui.
Is it true you were bribed or blackmailed?
I'm sorry.
I could not withstand her blackmail.
That bastard…
He said he'd do whatever
if I would promote him…
It's a call
from the Central District Attorney.
We'll need you to come in.
-We received 12 complaints.
They're from the victims
and their families of the cases
you'd investigated, and the allegations
include blackmail, coercion,
publication of facts of suspected a crime,
and the list goes on.
Prosecutor Kim.
Have you forgotten
who put you in that seat?
I'm sorry, Minister.
But this is something
that's beyond my capacity.
Why not go by the books?
Get the car ready.
-Where to?
-To the Blue House.
Go on. Or are you not a fan of snacks?
How did it come to this?
You were due to move in here
two years later,
so what on earth happened?
My wife and I had been
extremely careful with the furniture
for your sake you know, Minister Cha.
I'll cut to the chase.
No, you can state the prologue,
the subject, the conclusion…
Chapter 1, 2, 3… everything!
It's not like we'll be seeing
each other again, is it?
There is a file I'd been working on.
On the secret funds
for the previous presidential elections,
and the reason why
the Gwanghwamun protests grew to a riot.
But that's…
That's breaking up the game.
You're about to be arrested at any minute,
so do you think you can take on
something as big as that?
I didn't say I would.
I'll hand it over to Kang Yo-han.
If you don’t want that,
do whatever you can to stop all this.
Even if it means rounding up
the NIS, or the army!
Wait! All right.
Wow, I didn't expect you to
take such a strong stance.
But you know, I have this weird weakness
where I can't make
important decisions on my own.
One moment. Honey!
Here, we have a guest.
just what is going on here?
What the hell is this?
Exactly. So let's talk about this
as parents of our children.
Young-min and our Joon have been
best friends since they were young.
Yes. Joon has been awfully
worried about Young-min.
Because he's always been so lonely
and sensitive.
What is it that you want to say?
Did you know, Gyeong-hui?
he had been doing drugs
since he was in high school?
I hear once you're addicted,
it's hard to quit.
In fact, I found out that he laid
his hands on every type of drug.
He's quite a junkie.
No wonder he's been up to
such crazy things.
So what about Young-min?
What else?
We'll have to go by the law,
as a lawful state.
And that's your specialty. It looks like
he'll be in there for some time.
But will that be okay?
Wasn't Young-min
a nervous wreck ever since he was little?
I'm worried.
I hear he'd become
even bigger of a mess after he was flogged
because of his mother.
I totally sympathize as a mother myself.
It's our children who are
most important, right?
So have a good think about it, Gyeong-hui.
Would you look at that, Honey?
Her cup's about to break.
Loosen your grip. You'll break it. Relax.
Minister Cha.
Cool your head and think rationally.
For your son.
I guess the conversation
didn't go too well.
Who are you?
Where is my secretary?
Mr. Kim quit.
Who are you?
And why are you driving my car?
I'm someone who's been helping Judge Kang.
This is your last chance, Minister.
Have you made up your mind?
The only person
who can put a stop to all this
is Judge Kang Yo-han.
Have we…
ever met before?
You seem awfully familiar.
Do you remember the assemblyman
you'd investigated?
The one who took his life
after he was falsely accused.
I was still in middle school
around that time.
So he had a son, did he?
You take after your father.
Who is it?
I thought you might want to see me by now.
Or am I wrong?
Because of the man you suck out
from the prison,
I lost my parents.
Remorse, apology…
I don't expect them from you.
Instead, cooperate.
So we can catch bigger criminals.
If I become a whistleblower,
you'll pardon me, will you?
Do you have any other options left?
I'd like to think about it over a smoke.
Will you give me some time alone?
ID, please.
I'm Inspector Yoon Su-hyeon from WAIS.
You're clear.
Come here.
Come here.
I'm sorry, Mom. I…
I'm sorry.
First we…
We need to find that file.
Hands above your head, and step back.
Kang Yo-han?
Step back.
You. Get up, now.
I wish you were lonely like me,
Young Master.
Do you even know what I'm suppressing
when I'm helping you?
Please leave Ga-on alone.
Cut off Yoon Su-hyeon from your life.
There is still one remaining threat
against the Foundation, isn't there?
As a justice of the Supreme Court,
I call upon the disbandment of
the Department of Live Court Show.
Let's proceed with it.
-He must be up to something big.
-Are you afraid?
You think this battle is a joke, do you?
What's the meaning of this?
You will need to go save
Judge Kim Ga-on too.
Subtitle translation by: Jeong-yon Kim
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