The Following s01e11 Episode Script

Whips & Regret

Carroll was convicted in 2004 for the murders of 14 young women.
Claire first.
We know where she is? She's in protective custody.
You want your wife back, they've got the skills and the know-how.
We got another problem.
Joe made an attempt to trace Claire Matthews' location.
We got to move her right now.
Is there a problem out there? My men in the lobby saw a couple guys who look suspicious.
Take Claire and go out the back.
I'm sorry I brought my problems into your home.
You did the right thing coming here.
This is a safe place.
So you guys are pretty close or as close as anyone can get to the man.
Last girl Molly, she wanted to be serious.
You can't just blame me.
I was doing what Rroderick told me to do for Joey.
You didn't have to leave us.
What is it? They must have tagged you.
Does that mean they know we're here? You don't want to do that, Claire.
Take me to my son.
Claire! - Hello.
- Oh.
Good morning, Ryan.
I'm sorry.
Did I wake you? Not sleeping in, are you? Oh, dear.
You've been drinking.
I knew you would take losing Claire badly, but I didn't think it would send you spiraling back into the bottle quite so quickly.
What do you want? Um, nothing much.
Just wanted to check in on my hero, say good morning, gloat a little.
Go to hell.
You know, I never expected you to give up drinking entirely.
Sobriety doesn't actually suit you, but you must learn to become a functioning alcoholic at the very least.
I can assure you, I will not be emphasizing your drinking in our book.
It's a tired cliche? However true.
Is there a point to this call? Well, clearly, you need a pep talk.
You got to hold it together, Ryan.
You can't fall apart on me, not just yet.
Why not? What's next, Joe? Well, for you, I would suggest black coffee and a cold shower.
For me, I am going to spend time enjoying my family.
I've worked very hard to be reunited with them.
It's a fresh start for Claire and I, and I am gonna do it right.
Now granted, I can't expect her to exactly hurl herself back into my arms.
It will- it will take time to win her love again, but it is a very exciting prospect, huh? Tell me, Ryan, do you believe that love conquers all? Now there's a tired cliche? Eh, fair enough.
Well, I'm off now.
Big day ahead.
Now you hang in there, Ryan, and have a nice day.
Hello, Claire.
I'm jacob.
I know exactly who you are.
Where's my son? Joe's asked me to show you to your room so you can freshen up.
No! I want to see my son! Please follow me.
It's ok, hon.
Go ahead.
We have a room all set up for you.
If you need anything, just let me know.
My son.
I'll let Joe know that you're here.
Please! Please take me to him.
I just need to know he's ok.
He's Ok, Claire.
I look after him.
Joey's a good kid.
I'll be back in a bit to check on you.
Our Sourses tell us that Miss Matthews may now be missing possibly taken by Carroll and his cult.
Carroll's son Joey Matthews also remains missing.
The FBI- Am I interrupting? What are you doing here? I was concerned.
How's your friend? He's Ok.
It's gonna take some time, but he's gonna be Ok.
You can't just disappear, Ryan.
Please put on some pants.
All your goodies are in this box, the journal summaries, everything labeled and dated for perusal at your leisure.
So Molly, tell me about New York.
When was the last time you saw Ryan? Oh.
He dumped me forever ago.
He does have a tendency to push people away.
Well, he's hung up on you-know-who but I still live next door, and we do the friend and occasional sex thing, which is good.
And how's work? Great.
Except for the occasional mishap.
I have to drive back today.
I have to work in the morning.
Roderick speaks very highly of you.
Because I aced all of your little tests.
Tell me about yourself.
I'm single, I live in Pittsburgh, been an RN for 12 years, and I've killed more people than you.
Patients in the hospital.
I'm what the National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime classifies as a mission killer.
An angel of death.
Tell me, how do you decide who lives or dies? I base it on suffering, prognosis, will to live, whether they're a pain in the ass or not.
I work in the terminal ward.
It is so easy.
Has Roderick told you what I'd like you to do for me? He said you wanted me to follow Ryan Hardy.
And? I've always wanted to live in New York.
All the videos are on this drive.
And they're all indexed in the journals.
You you are a godsend.
It's nothing.
It really is beautiful what you're doing here for all of us.
Shall be lifted-nevermore! Hello, friend.
You've been allowed entry.
We found an encryption code that accesses this web site.
This is how they recruit? My take, they start an online dialogue.
That's followed by a real meeting.
Then there's a test of dedication.
The D.
Cyberteam places the server's location in Lower Manhattan.
They have to go block by block with the IP address.
When will they know? Soon.
In a few hours.
You an alcoholic or just a problem drinker? Yes.
That can't be good for your heart.
It's not.
I'm not good at bonding.
Healthy relationships are not my thing.
I got trust issues- Your point? My point? I don't have a point.
I'm trying here.
I mean, I look around this place, and I don't know the person who lives here.
It's certainly not the guy i've been working with for the last couple of weeks, and I know you don't want any of Joe Carroll or this case, But I think you may need it, and I kind of need you.
That's as sappy as I get.
I'm done.
Joe called me.
When? What did he say? This morning.
Wanted to cheer me up, wanted to gloat.
Well, you got to engage him, Ryan.
You're our connection to Carroll.
Will you just get in the shower? - We got to go downtown - No.
And don't argue.
I owe you both a great debt, and I am truly sorry about Brock.
It really sucks.
So now that you have your family back, can I tell the others we're ready to start? Not just yet.
You said once you had your family back we would begin.
Why not right away? Soon, huh? Soon? As in when? Joe, everyone in this house, they're anxious to get started, and they're growing impatient, right, Vince? Right down ornery.
It's been a whole of 5 minutes, Roderick, so let's just table this discussion for the moment, hmm? Joe Do you understand these people have sacrificed for you? You owe them.
You're responsible to them.
It's selfish of you to make- Enough! Now is there anything else? You all go around, so we have all that covered.
You guys go ahead and gear up, all right? Yeah.
So we found their hot spot.
It's a building on the corner.
Bandwidth coming from that basement is beyond capacity.
It's an after hours bar listed to a Haley Mercury.
Here are your earpieces.
We got men on every exit and on the neighboring rooftops.
All right.
Hardy and I will do the exploratory.
Stay close.
- Ok, Lou.
Get your men around back.
- Okay.
Ok, guys.
Round it up.
Can I help you? We're looking for Haley Mercury.
Uh, she's in the office.
I'll get her for you.
Ma'am, stay where you are.
She's running.
Secure all entrances.
Get back against the wall, lady.
Hey! Back! Get back.
FBI! Down on the ground! Down on the ground! - Move it! - I'm just a bouncer.
- Hands up! - Ok.
Don't shoot.
There's a ghost server that piggybacks the main server.
All her information is buried in her international IPs.
Can you trace the location? It's all moving through countries that have no internet laws.
It's a black hole, but we can shut it down.
Keep it in play.
We need to monitor all activity.
This place is messed up.
The woman is hardcore.
I count 14 felonies.
Are you counting the online business? She's running an interactive fetish house.
All right.
Let's go talk to her.
We got this.
So how do you know Joe Carroll? Is that what this is about? When was the last time you were in contact with him? I don't know Joe Carroll, and I don't want to know him.
Then you need to explain why his cult is using your internet server to hide his online communication.
That ass.
Damn him to hell.
Who? Who? Look.
I am not a part of Joe Carroll's cult.
You're looking at 20 years.
You need to start to talking.
I'll cooperate, but I want a deal.
Tease us.
Give us something deal-worthy, and maybe- You want Vince Mckinnley.
He freelances with me.
I have some foreign clients.
They're into the hardcore illegal stuff.
I call Vince.
Are you aware Vince is wanted For kidnapping and murder? I had a feeling you'd say something like that.
It's those Joe Carroll groupies he got mixed up with.
So tell us about his cult activity.
I knew he had a Carroll fetish.
I didn't know there was a cult until I saw it on the news.
Vince lives on the fringes.
Did you know he and his creepy brother Were raised in a militia in the mountains? He's had a tough life.
So how long did you two date? Date? That's cute.
No, no.
We didn't date.
We flogged each other.
He can be quite submissive when he wants to be.
He set up my computer and the server.
I needed an untraceable tor system, and he knew that stuff.
Would you be willing to contact him for us? I'll do better than that.
I can deliver him to you if we have a deal.
Brought you some clothes, some shoes.
Joe picked this dress for you.
What for? Well, he would like you to join him for dinner tonight, thought you might want to look nice.
Does he think this is a game? You need to do this, Claire.
I'm not doing anything until I see my son.
Not how this works.
There are certain ground rules that you need to understand, Claire.
Now I can't cut or bruise your face, but other than that, Joe has given me permission to physically hurt you when necessary.
Be smart here, Claire.
You want to see you son? Make an effort.
How's Claire? She's fine.
So Joe put you in charge of her? That's a big deal.
Good for you.
Joe trusts me now, Emma.
I don't understand.
You're being weird.
Why are you acting like this? I know you're upset, but whatever happened, you know I love you.
The Jacob that you love isn't here anymore.
It's just me now.
He uses this address for deliveries.
Some guy dropped this off last week.
I was gonna let him know, but then I saw the news.
That cult stuff creeped me out.
He'll respond in minutes.
He always does.
What is it? Some kind of chemical, nitroglycerine maybe.
Looks like it's black-market.
Used in car bombs, hand grenades.
It's candy to this guy.
I mean, he's militia.
Hey, man.
I need to make a run.
I got a delivery.
Now? Yeah, now.
Can I go? All right.
Make it quick.
Don't spend the night with your little whore.
You make your drop and you get back here.
Don't let- don't let Joe get you down.
Don't put your filthy fingers on me.
What the hell, man? Were you beaten as a kid? I was just looking for a new friend.
You ok? You ok? I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
All right? So you're gonna follow Vince to see where he goes? All you have to do is give him his package, make some small talk, and send him on his way.
We'll take it from there.
No worries.
I role play for a living.
She's wired.
We'll be able to hear everything you say through these earpieces.
You don't trust me, do you? Not for a second.
In case something happens, we need some kind of code word.
You mean like a safe word.
A code word.
That's standard around here.
Green is "Go," Red is "Stop," Yellow is "Whoa, intense, take it easy.
" So we'll go with "Red.
" Switched out the nitrate compound.
He won't know it's fake till he tries to use it.
I hope this works.
You and me both.
Hi, Joe.
Hello, Claire.
It-it's all right.
Let's just take this slowly.
May-may I get you a drink? Yes, please.
Suspect's parked on the south side of the street.
Hey, Bruce.
Now he's entered the club.
Check his car.
He just entered the back room.
I don't hear enough sex! Let's get it oooon! Haley honey.
Hey, baby.
You got me freaking.
Here we go.
I can't be mixed up in some murder cult.
Are you crazy? The word cult is ghastly inappropriate and offends me.
We're more of a family.
I do not have time for that.
I have two bondage parties tonight.
Here it is.
Get rid of it.
How about you help me out to the car? No, I won't.
Uh well, how about you hold the door open for me? Pretty, please.
I've got a clean shot.
Hang tight.
Kiss? A hug.
Take care of yourself, Vince.
I worry about you.
Well, come on.
Get in.
What? OH, the truth is the FBI's gonna be crawling all over your ass in a matter of time.
I can keep you safe.
Get in.
This just went from green to red.
- We got to move.
- Wait.
We intervene, we won't be able to follow him.
I'm not going with you.
This is so red.
I have a busy night.
I said get in.
He could kill her.
We got to follow him.
He's all we got.
We can't put her life in jeopardy! He's a direct line to Joe! We'll be right behind her.
I won't ask you again.
You're seeing red, Vince.
You're not thinking clearly.
You're gonna thank me later, ok? Get in the car.
Get in.
She's getting in the car.
Do we move in? Stand down.
We're gonna follow him.
Let's go.
Where are we going? Sss-somewhere safe.
Back to the compound or the cult house or whatever you call it? We'll be there soon compound.
What is it? Just watching the cars, making sure that we're not being followed.
Who would be following us? I don't know.
Ok? I get paranoid.
Turner, tell everyone to drop back a few miles.
Ryan and I will stay on him, but our guy is getting a little itchy.
Please, Vince.
If you care about me, just let me go.
That doesn't make sense.
You don't let people that you care about go.
He's speeding up.
He's pulling away.
We're not gonna lose them.
We got a GPS on her wire.
If anything happens to her, it's on us, it's on me.
We're not gonna let anything happen to her.
Ok? Here.
Take this light.
What is this place? Oh.
It's an old military armory.
It's pretty cool, right? Come on.
I said come on.
We've arrived.
Abandoned property off Route 17.
Set a perimeter.
I want SWAT on site asap.
What the hell is this place? It looks like an old armory.
So is this where the cult lives? No.
Of course not.
So what is this place? A munitions depot, training grounds.
Training for what? Well, what do you think, silly? Killing.
So, uh, did you train here, or- Me? No, no, no.
Certain people, though, those who need it.
Flip the light.
Get the light.
Those who need it, they got to be broken.
We got to condition them before they can be trusted.
So where is everybody else? Oh, don't worry.
Nobody's gonna bother us.
Come on.
What are you doing? What do you think I'm doing? Stop, stop.
Stop it! - Stop it, Vince! - What the hell? What the hell? What is this? Is this a wire? We got to get in there.
What did you do? I trusted you.
I'm sorry.
The FBI.
They made- Who is this, FBI? Ryan Hardy, is that you? Well, this is your fault, Hardy.
She's a dead woman because of you! No! She's alive! Haley, where's Vince? He's gone.
" I said, "Red.
" I said, "Red," over and over and over again.
I'm sorry, but we- I don't care.
I said, "Red"! I could be dead.
But you're not.
Only because he needed to buy time.
He said it would take longer for you to help a live person than a dead person.
My men are securing the building now.
I want property records asap.
Get ERT here.
I want every inch of this place processed.
You're not hungry? Why are you doing this? Why this charade? What's the point? You, Claire.
You're the point.
I mean, all of it.
I mean, this house and those people, who are they? Well, you could call them my friends, my family, people I want to help.
You mean, the crazy, psychotic, unstable people out there? Who better to help them? There are so many people who are lost in this world, so much hurt and violence.
I'm just trying to bring some order to it.
I want them to know that they are not alone.
By teaching them how to kill? I do realize it's- it's a lot for you to comprehend over dinner.
It's impossible for me to comprehend over dinner, Joe.
You're crazy.
You know that.
I suffer from a monomaniacal need to kill.
It will never go away.
It will only intensify with time, and so I choose to embrace it.
Then why bring Joey into this, why bring me into this? Because I love you.
I don't love you.
Human emotions can be conditioned, Claire.
You will love me again.
Joe Please let me see Joey.
Good try, Claire.
But I'm afraid that Joey is the only card I have left to play, so I think I'm just gonna hold into it for a little bit longer.
You want me to love you again, Joe? Then you show me that there is a shred of the man I married inside of you.
Because until then, all of this, this dress, this going to dinner, all of it, this going to continue to be a charade until I see my son! Bring me my son! Don't! Look at this.
These are detonators.
Do you think they're planning some kind of major attack, or is this preemptive training? Well, they kept extensive records.
The got doctors' files, psych evals, endurance scores, deprivation training, combat, tactical.
It's like they're running some kind of boot camp.
Oh, my god! You folks ok? Please! Please let us out! How long have you been in here? Months.
They're gonna kill us! No one's gonna hurt you.
Let me get something to open this up.
I've got 3 victims What-what is it? Say again.
I've got 3 victims in the basement in a cage.
We're on our way.
Wait up.
Look at this schedule.
Deprivation, lockdown, two weeks.
Don't open that cage.
What did you say? Do not open the cage! They're cult members! Let's go! No! Somebody, talk to me.
What's going on? Ok.
Fan out.
Parker, take left.
Ryan? Ryan, you ok? Wasn't me.
I'm ok.
Parker?! Behind you! You ok? You wanted to see me? Oh, yes.
I just received a call from Vince.
He was in something of a panic.
He told that we should shut down the satellite remote immediately.
Why? The FBI discovered the server in New York, which led them to the camp.
There is-there is no way they can find the camp.
It's impossible.
Vince led them there.
Vince was, uh, making a run.
There's nothing for you to worry about.
Are you certain of that? Yes, I am.
Tell me did, um- did you give Vince permission to go to New York? You don't make decisions anymore, Roderick.
I am here now.
Is that clear? Because if you ruin this for me Don't you mean for us? You good? No.
I'm not gonna lie.
That scared the hell out of me in there tonight.
We lost two men, and those people from the cage, they're all dead.
Let's get some rest.
is on their way.
We'll start back in the morning.
I told you I needed you.
Thank you.
I really do believe in my heart that you will love me again.
Mom! Oh, my god! Oh, my god, Joey! Oh, god! Oh, my baby.
Oh, I missed you.
Oh, baby.
Let me see you.
Oh, my god! Are you ok? They didn't hurt you? I'm so sorry.
This is not a good idea.
I know.
- Are you drunk? - I'm drunk.
Are you drunk? I know you're drunk, and I'm taking advantage of you.
You broke up with me, remember? I know.
But I think break-up sex can be fun.
You're twisting my arm.
Hey, neighbor.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I let myself in.
I hope that's ok.
I heard you earlier.
I, um-oh, I brought your mail.
It's been piling up, so How are you? Tired.
Yeah, I've been, um, watching the news.
It's just- it's horrible.
Oh, Ryan.
I am so sorry this is happening.
I've always wanted to live in New York.
So will you do it? On one condition.
When it comes time to kill him I get to do it.
I worry about you.
I shouldn't I know, but I do.

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