The Glory (2022) s01e11 Episode Script

Episode 11

Shit. Fuck.
One, two, three.
She'll take care of the cameras,
so just make sure
nothing's left at the scene.
It's me.
He scratched me on the foot.
Okay, don't worry. I've got this covered.
What are you going to do?
I'll bury him.
That's the best way to take care of it.
I'll call you later.
You want to bury him now?
Sun's up soon.
No, we can't do it today.
We'll wait until it rains,
so everything's contaminated.
Stop for a second.
How did you sleep, Ms. Park?
Looks like you were having a nightmare.
You can lie down before you go.
Who are you?
What the hell did you just do?
Where's the security camera?
-Oh, are you all right?
-Let go of me!
Show me now!
What did you do to me while I was asleep?
What did you do?!
Ma'am, there are no security cameras
in the operating room.
I think you're feeling confused
because the anesthesia
hasn't worn off yet.
Could you explain
how you're feeling right now?
Her blood pressure
and pulse were both normal.
Ms. Park! You shouldn't be driving yet!
I had so many questions.
They're pointless now.
Do those still cause you pain?
Don't ask me that.
I don't want to hear lame questions.
Even if this is all pointless,
there's something more important
for you to ask now.
"Did Yeon-jin really do it?"
So, did you look for Myeong-o?
I even sent you a picture.
Anything else I need to know?
You know enough to leave Yeon-jin.
What else could you need to hear?
To be transparent,
I want everyone in her life to leave her.
Including you.
Because you're Yeon-jin's glory.
Don't you agree?
But after all of this,
I want you to become
another reminder of Yeon-jin's ruin.
With a plan like this,
I'm surprised you weren't more proactive.
You aren't that aggressive.
I'm not going to leave her.
Why not?
I don't know.
I don't like admitting it either,
but I really don't.
I only realized
I'm not going to leave Yeon-jin right now.
So, maybe…
we should meet again.
Go sleep. It'll be 20 minutes.
I haven't eaten either.
I'll wake you up for it.
I'm awake.
What you're cooking smells so good.
Is there some for me?
It's amazing, right?
Oh! Park Yeon-jin came
and got the procedure.
And I just met with Ha Do-yeong.
I'm a terrible cook,
but at least let me help.
I can still follow directions.
It's hot.
You'll get hurt.
I'm so used to them, but I guess my scars
can be hard for people to look at.
It's not that at all.
Why did you dress up so nicely
to go to see Ha Do-yeong?
You could have just gone in your sweats.
Your face says that.
It was just cold today.
Call me over when you're done.
I didn't even get a chance
to wash my face.
Let me heal you.
Starting with the wounds
closest to your wrists,
and then working on the ones
closest to your ankles.
It'd be pointless.
It wouldn't be that.
An old wound can only heal and recover
by making a new, deeper cut.
The fresh cut will repair the tissue.
I'll make the cuts for you.
You might not go back
to what you were before,
but you can get close.
It's pointless,
because I'm not in pain now.
Sun-a did an excellent job
with the interview at the embassy.
You can send the agency fee
and buy her plane ticket
for the date she's to leave.
Thank you so much.
Please text me the account number.
Who's got the prettiest "V"?
Oh, you're all so pretty.
All right, let's go to the jungle gym.
Come on.
Okay, be careful.
Careful, careful.
Careful. Okay.
I have a package for you.
-A package?
I'm not waiting for any packages.
It's for you to feel better.
Dong-eun sent this to you.
They picked
a home-stay family for Sun-a.
If you want to say anything to them,
write it down.
Write it in Korean.
I'll translate it for you.
"Laura Willson."
I sent the lipstick
because I think it will look good on you.
From now on,
I'll contact you through Sun-a's phone.
Our mother came back from praying
at Gyeryongsan. She prayed over this food.
Oh, wow! Thank you so much for this gift.
I'll be sure to savor every bite.
Excuse me.
Yes, hello?
What are you talking about?
Why is the director's son
looking for Yoon So-hee's body?
I have no idea why.
Trying to inherit the hospital?
But you know what's even weirder?
The body is in the freezer
instead of the morgue.
The freezer? Why would it be in there?
I don't know any of the details.
I think I'm too scared to do this anymore,
between you and that visitor…
Visitor? Someone from her family?
No. Son Myeong-o.
He said he was her friend.
Why would he do that?
What's happening?
What the hell is going on here?
Son Myeong-o.
What did you do to him?
Did he actually ask that?
Maybe not. Shit.
Oh, it is you. Hello there.
Are you here for your retouching?
It's not today.
Uh, no, I was going there.
I'm so sorry, Doctor.
I guess I was out of it.
Did I, uh, say weird things
to you that day?
Son Myeong-o?
You said that name several times that day.
But that's normal
when the anesthesia hasn't worn off.
They usually come from somewhere
between dream and fantasy.
Oh, right.
I actually had a really bad dream.
That can happen when you're tired.
Take your vitamins, okay?
I'll see you soon.
You should eat at home tonight.
I'm going to make crab stew.
I won't be there, so it's safe, okay?
Why are you eating now?
Didn't you see my text?
I saw it.
Why didn't you say anything?
That is my response.
Do you play Go with Moon Dong-eun? Do you?
What the hell are you doing?!
I just don't understand.
How could somebody like Dong-eun
even manage to catch your attention?
She made me curious when we met.
I found myself always waiting for her.
And when I met her again,
I wanted to beat her.
But I lost the upper hand and floundered,
because I was cornered.
But part of me even wanted that, too.
I liked it when she cornered me
in a Go match.
You cheated on me.
No matter how you phrase it,
that's cheating.
Seems unfair coming from you,
but all right, then.
I'm not asking about
you and Jae-jun, am I?
You're not coming to the airport, are you?
Neither is Mom?
It's all right.
I'll be okay on my own.
Thank you for helping me run away.
And thanks for giving me
a new life, Ms. Moon.
It's not running away. There's hope now.
Have fun too.
I'll go to all the museums.
I swear I'll be a good person.
I'm gonna become someone
who has the ability to change
people's lives, just like you do.
That's a good dream.
But you don't want to be like me.
I'm not a good person.
Are you in Russia?
Hey, just tell me, did Dong-eun
do something to fuck with you, too?
This is going nowhere.
I need a hint or something.
Oh, the tablet.
Excuse me.
There should be a tablet
right behind the passenger seat.
Could you get that for me?
And who are you?
I'm Jae-jun's girlfriend.
Oh, you're his…
I know Mr. Jeon's girlfriends
because I've driven them,
but I've never seen you.
Jae-jun is dating a redhead now, right?
It's me, hey. You're on speaker right now.
I left my tablet in your car,
and I really need it.
-But your driver is so…
-Give it to her.
You said it's behind the passenger seat?
Ugh, what a fucking idiot.
October 19th?
What the hell did he do now?
Oh shit.
Hey there.
-What's up?
-One minute. Then I'm gone.
-You said you wanted to talk. Talk.
-What is this?
OCT 23 - HEY
OCT 27 - HEY
We keep them for 30 days.
But anything from before October 19th
has been reformatted.
You reformatted it?
I want to restore
some security cam footage.
How long would that take?
Seven to 10 days.
As you can see,
I've got a lot to do right now.
Even that would be quick.
Any way you could do it faster?
I'm really curious about something.
I'm in a hurry.
You still need to wait in line.
Maybe let's just say you finished these.
That's enough, right?
Why don't we say
that I just finished these, too?
Five days.
Oh, you can do better.
Three days.
Three days?
I just gave the money to Seok-jae.
And I recruited a few sharks too,
so that should help.
Here, take 20 first.
By the way,
are you sure he has a daughter?
She's not at school.
I haven't seen the kid.
Just keep watching him.
I'll call you again.
Hi, is this Semyeong Middle School?
I delivered the package you wanted me to.
How was she doing?
She looked pretty bad.
But when I mentioned you,
she seemed happy.
So, her daughter is leaving tomorrow,
isn't she?
Speaking of that, Seong-hee,
do you still talk to, uh,
those guys with all the tattoos
who you knew from before?
I need their help with something.
Is it possible?
Whatcha looking at?
Just keep walking.
See that, Jjong? Look at these guys
trying to mess with you in broad daylight.
Head to the airport right now.
Sun-a's flight leaves at 3:00.
Don't worry about being followed.
You haven't learned your lesson yet?
Where are you going now?
I'm going to get groceries.
But I can go later.
Please come in.
Are you going to turn your phone off
and hide again?
I was just gonna go shopping. I told you.
You've got guts. That's good.
Why are you checking the clock?
That's rude. I just got here.
What, do you need to go somewhere?
Please tell me
what you're here for, ma'am.
What can I do? What do you need?
No bags here.
Ah, if you're not leaving,
then that must be your daughter, right?
You made her drop out of school, I heard.
Oh, not that.
She's not going anywhere. Can't afford it.
Just tell me
what you're here for please, ma'am.
Where is your daughter?
Answer me, right now.
Is she leaving today? Like right now?
Oh, she's not!
No, she's not, ma'am. I swear.
It is today.
God, you weren't bluffing.
So I guess you really aren't scared of me.
Were you leaving to see your daughter?
Carrying that fake bag?
You're not going anywhere today.
Shouldn't you know
that Hye-jeong is a flight attendant?
Want me to find your daughter right now?
I won't go, ma'am. I won't go!
I'll do whatever you tell me to do.
I swear I will.
Just give me the word and I will.
So listen now. Do as I say.
Does Dong-eun have another little helper?
Who would that be?
There's also a man, I heard.
There's a man?
Dong-eun has some guy?
What does he do?
I'm not too sure what he does,
but I'll find out, though.
I'll find out about him
and I'll call you, ma'am!
If you try anything,
I'll drag your daughter here.
I won't! I swear I won't, ma'am.
I'll just have to trust you, then.
Oh, and also,
what you were doing, keep doing it.
So Jae-jun and Sa-ra and Hye-jeong,
keep following them.
I want you to find out
who's meeting who, when, and where.
Got it?
Yes. Yes, ma'am.
See you around.
Oh, your husband hasn't been
coming home recently, right?
I've been giving him some money to gamble.
But not today.
So, he'll be home early.
You deserve to be punished. See you soon.
-The son of the hospital's director?
He's been sniffing around about So-hee.
What do we do?
You said not to worry.
You told me she would
rot into a pile of muck
in that mortuary after 18 years.
She didn't. They froze her.
What if they perform an autopsy?
Froze her? Why would they do that?
How would I know? Why are you asking me?
Shouldn't you know the answer to that?!
What? We're in this whole mess
because you couldn't take care of
a fucking corpse, okay?
Are you sure it's frozen?
Isn't that illegal?
What are they playing at?
Hello there, sir.
-Hey, I need a word.
-Yes, sir?
Which department oversees how a hospital
handles its storage of bodies?
Which department oversees bodies?
There's a body family members
kept for over a decade.
But the hospital chose to freeze it.
I want to know
what the law says about that.
Isn't doing that illegal?
More than a decade?
The district office or maybe the Ministry
of Health and Welfare would handle that.
But I can do some research.
I'm planning to find some fault with it.
Can you help me?
Yes. I'll look into it.
Sun-a, come on.
It's time to go in.
Can we wait just five more minutes?
"To Mrs. Laura."
"Hello, there."
"I'm the mother of Lee Sun-a,
who should have arrived along with
this letter I'm sending you now."
Fucking bitch!
Stupid fucking bitch.
Look at all this money!
Shit, why did you quit
your fucking job, you bitch?
Come on.
Hey. You're up to something,
aren't you? Huh?
Where the hell did you send Sun-a,
you bitch? Huh?
Where did you send her?
Tell me right now! Where? Huh?
"Sun-a was
the only ray of sunshine
in my entire unfortunate life."
"I promise that I won't ask you for much."
"Sun-a doesn't have any allergies,
and she's healthy."
"So please let her try
a lot of different foods."
"I'm sending my joy to you."
Hey, Mom, look!
"And please,
give her so much love."
"Please love her."
I know what you did.
You're seeing someone else
and she's at his place.
Who is this guy?
Who the hell is he, you fucking whore?
Answer me. Answer me, you whore!
Fucking answer me, bitch!
Answer me!
Even if
you try to break me,
I am not scared of you anymore.
And I will wear red lipstick.
And I'll wear a leather jacket.
Since you're still giving me
this bullshit,
I'll beat your ass again!
You bitch! God damn it!
And I will…
go to a new country, far away from here,
and drive on and on.
Shit. Do whatever you fucking want.
You're dead, okay? Dead!
You're fucking dead!
Let's go.
Close your eyes and sit right there.
This sound always helped me calm down.
It can help you relax a little bit.
So, that's what those were for.
They help to calm your mind.
Come on. Close your eyes now.
One, two, three, four…
What if she actually answers?
Don't worry about it. She won't pick up.
Anyway, whatever. She'll never come here
if you keep calling her like this.
Then I'll press
the numbers even faster.
Oh. Someone's calling you.
Fuck, I guess she's finally calling.
She's the first one I texted.
Is this Seung-a's mom?
Can we go talk at the…
Looks like Seung-a got her looks from you.
She's the class president, right?
So, I guess you're
super proud of her, aren't you?
Why did you want to see me?
You said you needed to talk.
Well, Moon Dong-eun is my daughter.
And so?
I'm the mother of Seung-a's teacher.
Didn't the other moms tell you
about what's been going on?
You're crazy.
I checked your paperwork,
and in about… Oh, I had it. Here it is…
A week or so,
the real estate registration
will be available.
All right.
I don't mean to pry, but why would you
want to buy an abandoned funeral home?
Are you trying to renovate, or…
If you really want chocolate, sir,
then you need to buy the box
the chocolate comes in.
It's kind of like that.
Ah, I see.
It's been on the market for quite a while.
-You bought it for a very good price.
-Thank you so much.
Hi, Mom. I got here safely.
I thought you might have my phone
and be able to read this.
I waited for you at the airport
for a really long time.
I'm sad I didn't see you before I left,
but I'll be waiting for you,
because I know you'll join me soon.
I love you, Mom.
I love you so much.
The person
you're trying to reach is not available.
Please leave a message…
Ah, shit.
The fuck?
Get over there.
What the fuck is this?
Oh, you fucking bitch. Come here!
Come here. Come on. God fucking damn it.
You bitch. You little…
What is this? Where'd you get this?
You said you don't have any money!
It's not my money. I have to give it back.
Don't give me
that fucking bullshit, bitch!
Is Sun-a working somewhere?
Which bar is it?
Damn it, this is all you got
for her so far? You're such an idiot!
Sun-a's a child, she's only 14!
-How could you even think that?
If she isn't, where is she, then?
Some woman.
She asked me
to send somebody a text with my phone.
She said they knew her number already.
And that she wanted to scare them.
But then I read the text
and it just seemed so weird to me.
I swear.
-What did the text say?
I'm gonna…
I'm just gonna give it all back.
Please, let me give it back!
God damn it, just answer my question!
Show me the text.
Where's your phone?
So this is what you've been up to, huh?
You have an "o" in your name.
An "o"?
Did you forget?
The shaman said you'd get bad luck…
from people with O's in their name.
Son Myeong-o.
Ms. Park, we're ready for you.
That's a nice pattern, right?
-I really like this.
-It's so well made.
Look, this one here.
Oh my gosh.
My God!
Wow! Look at this one.
What's wrong?
Yeong-ae! Hey, Yeong-ae!
Yeong-ae, what's wrong? Yeong-ae?
Hey, Yeong-ae!
Stop! What's wrong?
Yeong-ae, stop!
Do you remember, Yeon-jin?
Some time ago, you told your audience
to watch out for swells.
Swells will be flowing
into the East Sea for some time,
and in some places, high waves
will be going over the seashore rocks.
A swell is mostly a receding wave,
but can also be the most ferocious wave
seen in the entire ocean.
A swell can be
especially scary,
because an accurate
forecasting method hasn't been developed,
so it's incredibly hard to predict.
And it can consume
everything in an instant,
even if the water was calm,
without ripples.
That day was
the first time Ms. Kang saw
her face as she had never seen it before.
For the first time,
she could see hope on her own face.
But I don't think
that she was the only one
who found hope that day.
How do I look?
Hey, this is green, right?
There's a little red on them too.
Aren't you supposed to be a cop?
I am, yeah.
But if all police officers
were just and had a sense of duty,
then why would we need the law?
My standards are rising now,
but I think I'm also out of luck.
So keep an eye on it.
That guy's my pension, all right?
Don't worry. I'll take care of him.
Do you still feel sick?
Maybe I drove too recklessly.
I have a question.
Before you even saw
the pictures up on my walls of them,
you already knew about Myeong-o.
Why didn't you tell me?
Why didn't you ask me anything?
Did you think I killed him?
Executioners don't question those above.
It all comes to the same conclusion.
I don't care if you killed him,
and I don't care if you didn't kill him.
Whether you want a corpse
or the evidence destroyed,
I'm here to do whatever you want.
Who am I to you?
Why do you want to do this for me?
What makes you so sure?
This is so much deeper than "sure."
I've already told you before.
I had a very rough period of my life.
And I realized when I tutored you…
"Oh, this woman…"
"She can save me."
Well, at some point, we all get to choose
what kind of person we'll become.
I've chosen to become
the one who's your partner in crime.
It suits me as well.
Anyone ever tell you you're crazy?
As crazy as you need.
Will you let me?
I wonder
which one of us will cause
an unpredictable swell
with our hope, Yeon-jin.
Hello! Welcome.
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