The Hockey Girls (2019) s01e11 Episode Script


What about the game?
We don't want to play.
I promise I'll be as happy and free
as you were.
-Let me help you.
-I can't right now, Enric.
She can't know
about what happened between us.
But you're separated, right?
[Nil] My dad signed me up for hockey
when I was four,
and he never asked me if I liked it.
He simply trained me to be the best.
If the judge rules out
that it was an accident
they could ask for jail time.
[Terrats] A reporter just called me
asking about the construction
of the new sports center.
These coming elections,
you'll have an opponent.
I love her.
If that's true, then leave her alone.
I should've asked you to stay.
[Germán] Now what?
Anna, do you regret
what happened at the gym?
[Laila] You made me eat those cookies
and then left.
I'm sorry about what I said earlier.
It's okay.
Why are they making us
come to practice at this time?
No idea.
Hey, don't worry,
I'm just here to tell you that we're going
to have extra practice sessions
before the final game.
Today we're going to learn
how to prevent injuries.
Hey, don't make those faces.
You have to be in top shape
for the final game.
Are you sure this isn't punishment
for what we did the other day?
No. And honestly, forfeiting
the match wasn't a good idea.
But I understand why you did it.
But you have to stick together now,
more than ever, and make a comeback.
Or do you want Enric to kick you out?
Do you think he'd do that?
Of course he would!
He can't wait to do it!
He's been after us since day one.
-Do you want to save the team or not?
-Yes or no?
Then let's practice as much as we can
to beat the Olímpic club.
Come on! I'll see you on the rink!
[Emma speaking Berber]
-Did I say it right?
-Very good. That was good!
You're getting better,
but the accent is killing me.
-How do you say "idiot" in Berber?
-How should I know?
[phone rings]
I'm late. I have to go,
or my Dad will kill me.
-You have to work today?
-[Laila] Yeah. Every day.
But I'll come up
with an excuse to leave early
and go to the skate park.
With Nil?
[Laila nods]
What is it?
Anna is looking for information
about my previous family.
My biological family.
I don't know anything about myself.
I just know that I was born in Barcelona,
but I don't know
where my parents are from.
Laila, how do you say
"mother" in Berber?
You'll want to get one
for Sílvia after you try this.
Is something wrong?
She says she needs time.
Maybe she's still processing
everything that's happened.
[Enric] No, no. It's not just because
of what happened to Pela.
It's also because
of the new sports center.
Sílvia knows everything,
and she's not happy about it.
[Santi] Right.
[Enric] We argued the other day.
I don't like the way she talked to me,
like I was some kind of mafia gangster.
She doesn't know how these things work.
It's just business, damn it.
Yeah, but there's always
two ways to do business.
Wouldn't you do anything
to sell these expensive wines?
Not everything, Enric.
Look, some businessmen
are cautious, like you.
But others are daring, they play hard,
and so far, things have gone well for me.
"Play hard."
That's what Dad used to say
whenever he tried to avoid paying taxes.
Oh, come on, Santi.
Come on, man.
Go lecture Anna about morality.
[Enric sighs]
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, Santi,
but I didn't come here to be lectured.
Look, Enric
Every action has a consequence, okay?
Anna is facing hers. What about you?
What do you mean?
If you really care about Sílvia,
prove it to her.
Back out of the sports club deal,
while there is still time.
But you won't, will you?
[knock on door]
[Anna] Hey.
[door closes]
So, did you make the call?
Yes, I just got off the phone.
What did they say?
Emma, I'm sorry, but they can only
give out that information to the parents
-or the adoptee.
-Fine, then I'll call them.
-No, wait a second, wait a second.
They can tell you, but once you're 18.
Not before?
[Anna] No, I'm sorry.
You have to be of age.
And I assume there's a reason for that.
[Anna] I mean, maybe a couple
of years from now
I don't know,
maybe you'll be ready to--
Yeah, but I don't want
to wait that long, Anna.
[Anna] I know, and I get
but there's only one more option.
Which one?
You have to ask our parents.
I don't know
I don't want them to worry
or freak out about this.
[Anna] Look, Emma, I think
this is important enough
for you to have our parents' support.
Think about it.
[Terrats coaching inside]
[clapping and cheering]
Where's your father?
-He went out to look for a
-Never mind, I see him.
Hey, I'm leaving this envelope here
for Guitart's son.
His father is coming to pick it up.
This is what we've agreed upon, okay?
Are you buying votes, Enric?
[Enric] Very funny.
It's a high school certificate.
And just so you know,
Guitart won't be voting for me.
But I'm not worried about that.
[Youssef] You seem calm.
I have the support of the board members.
The big fish I see.
And I hope to have the support
of the rest of you as well.
I was surprised when you showed up
in my office with Terrats.
I thought you appreciated
what I did for you.
I never forget those
who have helped me.
I needed help,
and you offered me this bar.
[Youssef] I will always be grateful,
but I'm allowed to vote freely, aren't I?
Yes, yes, of course.
Of course, you should be able
to vote to whoever you want.
Don't worry about it,
I'll hand over the envelope to Guitart.
Is Sílvia not working today?
No, she asked for the day off
to get Pela's affairs in order.
Oh, yes, of course.
Dad, do you mind if I go to the ATM?
Wait. Before you go,
I need you to clean up these tables.
Hey, the girls are going to extra
practice sessions before the game.
Laila should be there too.
Look, Laila will go to regular practice,
but she can't go to any extra sessions.
But we need her if we're going
to run through the plays, you know that.
I know, but
Mariona and I agreed that,
if she won't study she'll have to work.
Let me have a water bottle
for practice, please.
[Laila] Nil!
I'm sorry,
I'm sorry.
I was just leaving.
You never texted me
My phone died and my father
wouldn't let me leave.
I thought you didn't want to come.
Why would you say that?
Don't be an idiot. Come here.
Be careful!
What's wrong? What happened?
I was trying to do a spin,
but I fell instead.
Does it hurt?
Yeah. There's no way
I can go to practice today.
My dad's going to kill me.
[water hose running]
Would you help me?
These plants owe me their life.
Mom, did I have a name
before you named me Emma?
How old was I when you adopted me?
You were five days old, you know that.
You had recently been born, sweetie.
But do you know anything
about my other mother?
Like, what her name was,
or what my dad looked like.
Maybe they were
from another country, Mom.
Hey, why are you asking
these questions now?
-Did someone say something or
-No, no. I'm just curious.
I've been thinking about it
since Lorena's father passed away.
But don't be mad or anything.
Honey, why would I be mad?
I've said some mean things to you, Mom,
and I haven't been the best daughter,
but I have no doubt
that you are my mother, honestly.
Hey, don't worry about it, Emma.
It's normal to ask these questions.
But I honestly can't tell you much.
Back then, the hospital didn't have
much information about them,
and to be honest,
we never asked questions.
Why didn't you ask about them?
I guess having you
was more than enough.
We were so happy we didn't care
to know the details.
Seriously, Mom?
You didn't want to know
where I came from? Or who I was?
Damn it. This fucking sucks, Mom.
-Hey, Emma.
Whatever it is you want to know,
we can find out.
You can have all the information you want,
but you have to be sure about this.
Hey, hey.
I have to go.
Hey, come on, Montse must be worried.
Okay, okay, okay.
No, I'm sorry.
-Hey, I'm sorry. I am.
-It's fine, it's fine.
I really like you.
No, no, I understand, Jaume.
We clearly need a new sports center.
Or don't we?
[door opens]]
[Enric] Yes, Terrats is a great coach,
but do you think she'd be able
to manage a club?
Why don't you come by tomorrow?
Yeah, come by tomorrow
and we'll talk about it over coffee.
Great, then I'll see you tomorrow.
Okay, good, bye.
[Santi] Working on your campaign?
You know me, I can't just sit still
with my arms crossed.
I'm going to have to start
moving around as well.
We're very worried
about Anna's hearing.
I'm not surprised.
It's likely that we'll have to pay
a high compensation.
Have you heard anything else?
[Santi] Nothing at all,
but we have to assume the worst.
And my business
isn't making many profits yet.
I mean, I just started.
Santi, do you need money?
Yes, but I don't your money.
I think there's another solution.
-Pray tell.
-[Santi] Look,
I've thought about
Grandpa's house in the Pyrenees.
I think we might be able to sell it.
We never go there anyways.
No, no, no.
I don't think that's a good idea.
I don't think that's a good idea.
That house is in rough shape.
We wouldn't get much for it.
Look, whatever we can get from it
would help.
You mean to undersell it?
I don't know. Perhaps we could renovate
and sell it at a higher price.
When you say "renovate",
you mean I'd be paying for it, right?
Because as far as I know,
you don't have any money.
Well, once the house has been sold
I'd pay you back, obviously.
Look, we purchased that house
under your name to avoid paying taxes.
Do you have any idea of what
I've had to do to keep it standing?
-[Santi] Yes, I know.
-No, you don't know,
and I don't very much like
that you're asking me to sell it.
Enric, it's an emergency,
I wouldn't ask otherwise.
I'm sorry, but that's not happening.
So what, now you're making
the decisions for both of us?
Why can't we sell it?
Damn it, Enric, please,
don't do this to me.
There is no fucking house.
Excuse me?
I sold it when you went to Budapest
to a contractor friend of mine
who was interested in it.
What the fuck, Enric?
You've got to be kidding me!
And when were you going to tell me?
Where you ever going to tell me?
Of course I was going to tell you.
[Santi] How much did you get for it?
How much? Because I want my share.
I need my share.
I'll give you your share,
but I can't do it now.
No, I need the money now.
I want it now.
That can't be. I used the money to buy
resources for the new sports center.
You'll have to wait, Santi.
You'll have to wait for a year at least.
Are you kidding me?
Listen, Enric,
I'm sick of you always having your way.
I'm sick of it!
[phone rings]
What are you doing here?
This will hurt
Yes, yes, yes, I know. I know.
You have to concentrate when you play,
otherwise you'll get hurt.
Get in.
I need you to take a look at his wrist,
Terrats. Look at it.
Hold on a minute.
Let me see
That's not good.
How did this happen?
It's because of that stupid skateboard.
I've told him a thousand times.
Is it broken?
No, it's just swollen.
It's a muscle injury,
put some ice on it.
That's it?
Give him a massage or something
to make it go down.
Enric, I'm with Bernat,
in case you hadn't noticed.
But you can't leave him like this.
-Can't you do something about it?
-No, it's too swollen.
How is he supposed to play
in the next game? It's important for him.
He'll play when he gets better.
Go to the doctor,
get an anti-inflammatory and rest.
-Is it because of the elections?
-Be quiet.
-[Terrats] Excuse me?
Listen, I don't mix
business with pleasure,
unlike others.
If you'll excuse me,
I'm in the middle of an appointment.
[Terrats] Can you leave the room?
I'm sick of him.
Don't worry, man.
[Enric] Nil!
-[Germán] Vietnam?
-[Montse nods]
I found a great deal.
Look, honey, let me show you.
It's a bit far, isn't it?
Ari told me that he loved Vietnam.
Apparently, there are
some amazing landscapes.
Let's see
Hey, Sunny.
[Montse] Here it is.
Plane tickets and hotel, all included.
It might be all included,
but it's a bit pricey.
We just bought a house, Montse.
Yeah, but we deserve this, don't we?
Hey, I've worked nonstop at the firm
this year, and things are going great.
I can pay for it, don't worry.
Can you take that many days off?
Sure, I just need
to sort out some things.
But what about your clients?
Why are you so concerned
about my clients all of a sudden?
It's always something.
Don't you want to go on vacation with me?
Of course I want to.
But summer break is still a long ways,
and we shouldn't pay for a trip
we might not be able to go to
Why wouldn't we be able to go?
Well, because
you never know when you'll have
to go to hearings, trials, etcetera.
Montse, I'm just looking out for you.
I'm getting ahead of myself.
Yes, maybe you're right.
-Let's wait a little bit longer.
But you're coming with me on that trip
to Vietnam, one way or another.
-[Montse] Sunny!
-[Germán] Good boy. Let's go.
-[Montse] Come on.
-[Germán whistles]
[Sunny barks]
Did you pee?
After talking to Grandpa,
I found her looking at old pictures.
Yeah, sorry about that. I'm worried
that Emma's not handling this well.
-She's so impulsive.
-Yeah, but it's normal she wants to know.
She's curious,
and she has a right to know.
Yes, absolutely.
Besides, I knew this day
would eventually come, but
you can never prepare
for something like this.
Oh, Anna, I miss you two so much.
Mom, we talk every day.
I know, but it's not the same.
I don't know, I feel so far away.
Hey, you'll come visit me
someday, right?
I'm voting for you. There's no doubt.
And if you want, I'm willing
to become a member of the board.
This reeks of vengeance.
Did you have a fight with Enric?
He's such an asshole.
I won't ask.
But yes, he's an asshole.
Hey, I'm glad you're on my side.
As treasurer?
I've already promised Rosa that position.
How about vice president?
I'll have a lot of work on my plate
and my right hand man
has to be someone I can trust.
Well, here I am.
Yes, but first we have
to beat your brother.
The club members will vote for him.
They're blind.
But you and I will put up
a good fight, right?
You better believe it.
How are you?
I'm good, how are you, Núria?
-Good, I'm doing fine.
-Yeah, yeah.
Just taking a few days off
and spending time with my family.
Right. That's good.
Anna, I need to talk to you
about practice.
-Do you have a minute?
-Sure. Okay. Yes, yes.
-See you soon.
-Bye, guys.
-[Santi] Bye.
She hasn't changed.
It's been a while since I last saw her.
We were talking about the elections.
She offered to make me vice president.
That's great. Nice.
Santi, do you know
what Emma's been asking me?
[Santi] What?
She wants to know
who her biological mother is.
[turns engine off]
[Sílvia] Hello.
I thought you might need a hand.
Thanks, but
You don't have to. I can manage.
But there's a lot of things
that need to be thrown out.
I can carry everything to my car,
it's not a problem.
-No, thank you, that's not necessary.
-Are you sure?
What's wrong?
It's just
I'm going through something,
and I just want to be with my kids.
Sílvia, please
Be honest.
Do you want us
to stop seeing each other?
I'm sorry.
[footsteps approach]
Oh, it's
It's Ray, Pela's friend.
This is Enric.
Okay then.
I better get going.
Thank you.
[engine starts]
[Ray] Sílvia.
[Ray] Are you okay?
Yeah, yeah.
[Ray] Look what I've found.
[Ray] Postcards for their dad.
They're from Lore.
I never knew Pela kept these.
Can you bring me a clean rag?
Dad, Emma asked me
if I could spend the night at her place.
At Emma's?
I don't think that's a good idea.
Come on, Dad.
Last time you were together,
you almost gave me a heart attack.
I was scared too.
But I've told you a thousand times
that I will never do that again.
Come on.
It will just be the two of us,
it's not a party.
Her parents will be there.
Remember that tomorrow
we have to open the early.
Yes, I'll be on time.
[Anna] I feel really bad.
She comes over every day
to talk about the case
and she's helping me out a lot.
I'm afraid she might suspect something.
[Germán sighs]
I'm not a good liar.
You can't say anything, Germán.
Nothing good can come out of it,
and not just for her, but for everyone.
We might have to stop seeing each other.
I don't want to do that.
I should get going.
When can we meet?
At what time do we leave tomorrow
for Barcelona?
If we leave by nine,
we should get there on time.
I'm a bit nervous. And you?
I'm not nervous,
but I'm concerned about Emma.
I don't think the information
we'll get tomorrow will be enough for her.
We'll see what happens.
-What are you doing?
-I'm going to sleep on the couch.
But it's very uncomfortable.
Yeah, but where else
do you want me to sleep?
I don't know.
You could sleep here.
I mean, we weren't having sex
when we were together anyways.
That's true.
You're right, yeah.
I'm sure we'll be able
to resist the temptation.
-Do you have them?
Make sure you leave everything
where you found it, all right?
-Dude, if Anna finds out, she'll kill me.
-I promise.
Okay. Here.
You've really planned this out.
-Are you nervous?
-A little.
-What do you need? I'll help you.
-Um, I don't know. The hair?
-I don't know. Let's see.
Do you have everything?
-Okay, go.
Woah, that's so cool.
Stop that, don't be so loud.
If we get caught
How are they going to find us?
No one knows we're here.
I don't know about you,
but I've never lied to my parents.
[Nil] Me neither.
But screw him.
[Nil] I brought you something.
It's not your style, right?
It's the best present in the world.
Laila I love you.
I love you too.
It's okay if you don't want to.
Good morning.
You ended up sleeping on the couch.
[Núria] I think it was for the best.
Fine, it's your choice.
Your phone wouldn't stop vibrating.
Why was Júlia texting you
so late at night?
[Núria] It's her fault I couldn't sleep.
Did you look at my phone?
Well, excuse me,
you should've put it on silent.
Hey, I don't care
if you and Júlia are going out.
What do you mean
if Júlia and I are going out?
There's nothing between us.
We just talk about club.
Well, I'm going to shower.
I don't want us to be late.
Good morning.
Sorry. I know I'm late,
but I stopped by the store
to buy some bread for sandwiches.
Looks like working at the bar
is helping you commit to something.
Some juice for the lady.
Thank you.
How's practice?
It's hard, but it's going well.
Is your offense
going to be like last time?
You'll have to work harder than that
to get information out of me.
[doorbell rings]
Come on, you should be nicer
to you older sister.
Anna, quit trying
to emotionally blackmail me.
You're horrible.
-Hello, is Anna here?
Yes, come in.
We're having breakfast.
Thank you.
How are you, Montse?
Can we talk?
Yeah, sure. What is it?
We have a problem.
You can't keep anything from me
regarding the case.
Emma, can you give us a sec, please?
There's an article stating that you
threatened Joana before you assaulted her.
And on top of that, there's a witness.
The article names a María.
María? But María wasn't there.
No, Montse, we were alone.
I swear to you that I didn't threaten
anyone. They're making this up.
According to the witness,
it wasn't a fight, you assaulted her.
Are you kidding me?
She also hit me.
Do you have any injuries?
No, but she insulted and punched me.
Do you have a medical report?
-No, no, no. I don't have anything,
Anna, if this was in the Portuguese press,
we'll soon hear about it here.
Montse, I'm not lying to you, okay?
I mean, everything I've told you is true.
The judge is the one
you have to convince.
All I know is that these statements
won't help us at all.
[birds chirping]
It's crazy. The place is ours now.
Do you want to live here?
No, it's weird without Dad.
[Lorena] I know.
Hold on. Is that my bike?
Remember this thing?
Yeah, you used to have
so much fun with it.
I thought I was so cool.
I used to pretend to be on safari.
[Lorena] Would you help me?
-All right.
-Come on.
Start pedaling.
Now, now, now.
Turn, turn, turn.
No, stop, I'm going to fall!
I assume you've seen what the press
is saying about me.
I just wanted to tell you that
yes, it's true, there was a fight, but
I didn't mean to hurt her,
nor did I threaten her.
She was my rival within the team and
Well, that day I
I lost control. I I lost my cool and
and I fucked up.
[Anna] You have to understand that bitter
rivalries can lead to misunderstandings.
I know that you
Well, you have a right
to your own opinions about this,
but it's important to me
that you know my side of the story.
I also wanted to tell you
how proud I am of you as a team
and how much I would've loved
to have teammates such as yourselves.
Anna, you're our coach.
No newspaper article can change that.
[Raquel] We trust you, Anna.
Well, we had a rocky start after you
made us play those horrible skating games.
Don't forget that you've always had
our backs, even when we messed up.
Well, we can all agree
that you didn't make it easy for me.
Anna, if you want, we can make a video
stating that you are a great coach.
Thank you very much, Gina
but I don't think the judge
would care about that.
Okay, let's go, time to train.
I honestly can't believe it.
Damn it, poor Emma.
She's not ready for something like this.
We'll have to wait.
And what do we tell her?
The truth,
that we're not going to tell her.
Knowing her,
I'm sure she'll get really pissed,
-but I can't think of anything else.
Emma needs to know.
Santi, she's only 16.
This could really hurt her.
We have to trust her.
We can't hide this from her.
Okay, girls. We'll finish up
with some penalties, okay?
Okay, Laila, you go first.
Okay, Laila, you're getting better.
Try to give the least amount
of information to the goalie, okay?
If you want to throw her off, avoid
looking at where you're want to shoot.
Go ahead, Flor.
Good job.
Very good. Lorena, it's your turn.
Great job, Lorena.
Come on, Gina.
Good one, Gina,
you're getting better. Come on.
Let's go, Berta.
Okay, girls, that's perfect.
We're done for today, okay?
Come here for a moment.
Great practice everyone.
If you play this well against the Olímpic,
you'll win.
What's with the long faces?
What's wrong?
Germán has been coaching us for years.
He knows everything about us.
They know we aren't as good as them.
They're going to crush us.
They want the same thing as us.
If they win, they'll move on
to the next division.
[Lorena] And Germán won't settle
for second place.
Well, staying in the club
is what's at stake for us.
Or have we forgotten about that?
[Anna] We've come a long way
since the beginning of the season.
Remember where you started,
and look how far you've come.
No one ever gave a damn about us.
Enric never thought we'd get this far;
not even Terrats.
Yet here we are,
and we're almost there.
[Anna] If we hadn't missed the last game
we would've qualified for the playoffs.
We would've been placed third.
I'm sorry, guys.
I feel bad that we lost points
because you came to cheer me up.
[Anna] No, Lorena.
No, that united you even more.
It made you grow as a team more than
any victory on the rink would have.
We still have a lot to learn, all of us.
Especially me.
But you have to understand that we've only
made it this far thanks to your hard work.
[Anna] And because of your perseverance
to fight for what you believe in.
And I know that you can do anything
you set your minds to.
Because if there's one thing
I know for sure,
it's that together we are unstoppable.
[Lorena] Yeah!
-[Berta] We'll skate
-[All] Together!
-[Berta] We'll play
-[All] Together.
-[Berta] We'll win
-[All] Together.
[Enric] Done. I just needed
to pick up some papers.
Let's go.
I don't want to.
[Enric] What?
That therapist was too harsh.
[Enric] Come on, don't complain.
Your wrist is getting better, right?
You'll be fine. I'm sure you'll be able
to go to practice tomorrow.
And then, we'll prove Terrats
that you can be the best.
What do you mean "we'll prove"?
Are you going to be the one playing?
[Nil scoffs]
Come on, get in.
-[Nil] No.
I don't want to go.
-I'm not going to play tomorrow.
-Don't say nonsense.
I know you're in pain and angry,
but this is the end of the season
and this game is very important.
Important for whom?
I'm fed up.
-But you like hockey.
-Not anymore.
You're always going on about hockey,
but you never ask what I want.
You don't care about my opinion.
I can't do this anymore.
I quit.
To hell with the team,
the club everything.
Nil, Nil, come on,
we can talk this out.
Now you want to talk?
-[Enric sighs]
-Enric, is everything okay?
No, it's not okay.
And you know what?
This is your daughter's fault.
Excuse me?
He's never talked to me
like that before.
This isn't my daughter's fault.
Nil is old enough to make
his own decisions, don't you think?
So, is it just a coincidence
that Nil has decided to quit the team
right after your daughter
drops out of school?
[engine starts]
[Nil] Hey.
Hi, what are you doing here?
My dad could be here any minute.
I told my dad that I'm quitting the team.
Really? What did he say?
Dad, don't get mad,
we were just talking.
Yeah, I was just leaving, Youssef.
You can stay, Nil.
Only because it's you.
Would you like some orange juice?
It's on the house.
[Emma] Hello!
Is everyone home?
Why the long faces?
Come here, sweetie. Take a seat.
Listen, Emma.
Okay, so, we went to pick up the report
and we don't have any reservations
in telling you what it says but
[Núria] It's a lot of information
all at once,
so we thought you should first talk
to Claudia, your psychologist.
[Santi] Yeah, she knows
all three of us very well
and she can help us
process this information.
[Núria] We've made an appointment
for next week.
We'll have to wait a bit, okay?
[Anna] Hey.
[Núria] It's okay.
[Sílvia] Are you sure
you don't want to take anything else?
Mom, I've been thinking.
Óscar and I don't want to live here.
We can think about what
we're going to do. There's no rush.
What if we sell it?
I could use the money.
You want to sell it?
Yes, but I need your approval
as my legal guardian.
And so does Óscar, of course.
Why do you need money?
If it's for college, don't worry,
we'll figure something out.
You don't have to rush to sell
the only inheritance you have.
No, no, it's not for college.
I want to leave, Mom.
Leave? Where?
I'm suffocating in this town.
How long have you felt this way?
You know me,
I can't stay in one place.
I want to travel and
meet new people
Why don't you travel
during the summer?
No, Mom, I want to travel for longer.
Maybe for a year, I don't know.
I promised Dad that I would be
as free as he was,
and that's what I feel I have to do.
I have to go, Mom.
You almost forgot these.
Oh, thanks.
Did Nil give this to you?
Dad lets me see him now.
He told you, right?
Yes, and I'm glad he changed his mind.
Besides, I know you didn't actually
stop seeing each other.
[Mariona] Did you think I hadn't
noticed you talking on the phone
-and smiling all day?
-I'm not smiling all day.
[Mariona chuckles]
Look, we can't stop you
from dating whoever you want,
but we do worry about your future.
Mom, don't start talking about my future.
We've already agreed
that I'd enroll into art school.
Yes, yes, and we'll get to that.
But I would also like for you
to graduate from high school.
But I'm not going to pass.
There's no point.
Laila, you still have a few weeks left.
Finish high school, please.
You might want to go to college someday,
and at least you'll have a diploma.
-What if I don't pass?
-I know I'm asking a lot from you.
I know that, honey, I know
but trust me, it's worth it.
Finish this semester,
and we'll look for the best art school.
I promise.
But I don't have to work at the bar.
-I'll talk to Dad.
-All right, bye.
See you later.
[relieved sigh]
Um Did it hurt?
It was nice.
He was very loving.
-Dude, you're drooling.
How's your adoption thing going?
Not great, dude.
My parents want me to meet
with my therapist first.
I don't know what they're thinking.
I just want to know
my biological parents' names.
I'm not going to leave home
to search for them.
But what is it?
A sheet of paper, a binder? What?
No clue, I haven't seen it.
-What if there isn't anything?
-Yes, there is, it's a report.
-But who knows where they've hidden it.
[sighs] Okay.
Shit, dude, shit.
I don't know what to do.
My parents would get so mad.
-Fine, we can just put it back. It's okay.
-No, no.
No, I want to see it, but I'm too scared.
It's just a name. It's okay.
Fine, then you do it
and then you can tell me.
-Yes, yes, yes.
[Laila sighs deeply]
-What? What does it say?
-I don't know.
It says "mother unknown,"
but then it says here that
What? No, it can't say "mother unknown."
They found me on the street.
Laila, they found me in a dumpster.
I'm thinking about traveling the world
using the money I get
from selling my dad's house.
[Terrats] Too much wine
combined with my own misery
[Terrats] You can tell
where this is going.
-Hey. We weren't expecting you.
I have good news, Florencia.
-We're going back to Buenos Aires.
[Óscar] You're never home and you always
do whatever you want ever since Dad died.
-You're selfish, Lorena.
Always looking out for yourself, always!
[Anna] Go out there and win,
because losing is not an option.
[Anna] Remember that you're a team.
-[Berta] We skate
-We play
-[Berta] We win
-[All] Together!
Outside they're your friends,
but in here they're your rivals.
Come on! Emma, stop!
Breathe, Emma. Listen to me.
Don't screw this up, please.
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