The Interest of Love (2022) s01e11 Episode Script

Episode 11

Perhaps it all began…
with me.
I shouldn't have made it obvious.
My pounding heart.
My hesitance.
Should I break up?
Should I break up with Jong-hyeon?
And my regret.
Because in the end…
I was the one who made him…
have second thoughts.
Why are you leaving?
I'm giving you a chance
to pretend like it didn't happen.
I don't want that.
It wasn't a mistake,
and I don't regret it.
I like you.
I know I'll sound like a jerk
for saying this right now,
but I'll take that risk.
I like you.
-Mr. Ha, our situation--
-I know it's too late.
I'm the one to blame for this situation.
I thought about it again and again…
but I'm done thinking now.
I can't do it anymore.
Ahn Su-yeong,
I like you.
I can't believe
Sang-su didn't show up tonight.
I had to ask our maid
to make all these dishes
especially delicious for him.
Something important came up.
He seemed well-mannered
and honest in person.
I did some digging
and found he has
a great reputation and a bright future.
That's to be expected.
How long will you work at the bank?
I think you've done enough.
What do you mean by "how long"?
It's a job I got on my own.
You're so proud
of what you've achieved in life,
but don't you think I had a hand in it?
You truly believe you deserved
that early promotion, don't you?
What do you mean?
Why do you look so surprised?
It was going to be yours anyway.
I just made it happen sooner.
What's bad about that?
Why can't I give them to you first
if you're going to get them anyway?
You can drop me off here.
Mr. Ha.
Do you want to grab a drink with me?
Do you want to play a game?
The Lying Game.
The only catch is that
everything you say has to be a lie.
Actually, I'm…
the daughter of Samjeon Group's chairman.
I never did any chores growing up,
so I'm pretty spoiled.
My hobby is spending money.
I see.
I work at the bank for fun.
And I let Mr. Yuk off the hook
because I felt bad for him.
I knew it. The way you put on airs
made me think you were
the youngest of a rich family.
I'm not the youngest, though.
I have a younger brother.
He's studying abroad.
Last week, I went fishing with my father.
We caught a carp this big.
No, wait. It was about this big.
And yesterday,
I won the lottery.
So I'll pay the bill tonight.
That's ridiculous.
I like you too, Mr. Ha.
I might have liked you first, actually.
I liked you from the moment I saw you.
When I'm with you,
I forget about my troubles.
And I forget about your troubles too.
I thought about what it would be like…
to quit my job at the bank…
and just hold hands with you.
And that's the end of the game.
Like you said,
I'm not 100% ready yet.
Are you okay with that?
I'm not okay with that.
Did you call for a driver?
The person you've reached is unavailable.
You should go.
You're home.
Yes, well…
You're home early.
I actually came in late.
Did you stop by somewhere after work?
Yes, for a bit.
Did you drink?
A little.
Then I guess you're probably not hungry.
Thanks to you,
my father was able to get surgery.
He just needs rehab now.
That's great. It really is.
about the money…
As soon as I save up enough,
I'll pay you back immediately.
You don't have to pay…
You can take your time to pay me back.
May I stay here just a little longer?
I'm sorry.
Me too.
I'm sorry too.
Why are you sorry, Su-yeong?
Just because.
You can take your time moving out.
Thank you.
The food's getting cold. Let's eat.
I like you too, Mr. Ha.
I liked you from the moment I saw you.
Thank you for the lies you told me today.
-Good morning.
Ms. Park, you must be tired.
I've never seen you look worn out before.
Is that so?
Were you on a date until late last night?
Sang-su, you know
that you get criticized twice as much
if your performance dips
while dating at work, right?
Don't you become twice as productive
when you date at work?
I see. Are you taking his side?
If I didn't know any better,
I'd think you were dating at work too.
Come on.
Make sure this doesn't cause
any problems at work.
You aren't in your twenties anymore.
Get to bed early.
Or else you'll be tired at work.
I feel more energetic
after a date, actually.
I'm sure it's the same for Mr. Ha.
Fine. I give up.
I hope you two will live
happily ever after.
Did you all check
the announcement from HQ?
The Seogwang University branch is closing
and will turn into a subbranch.
The Youngpo district office has asked
that we take turns supporting it.
Our branch is up first
because we excel in many ways.
Any volunteers to work there
for three months?
I guess I'll have to choose then.
I'll go.
I need one more volunteer.
I'll go.
Seogwang University is my alma mater,
so it'll be good to volunteer there.
I'll go.
You're happy that you won't have to
report to anyone there, right?
Come on.
Then General Affairs can assume
Mr. So and Ms. Ahn's duties.
You two, come to my office
after the meeting.
All right, then.
Let's begin.
Can we talk for a minute?
Why are you going to the subbranch?
-Mr. Ha--
-Is it because of me?
And what I said yesterday?
I was bound to go anyway.
The General Consultation
has to focus on performance,
and Ms. Seo and Ms. Bae
aren't service reps.
Ji-yun isn't experienced yet,
so the only one left is me.
So you really aren't going because of me?
You wanted to volunteer, right?
Me? No.
Why would I?
I already know
that you used to like Su-yeong.
I'm sure you wanted to go.
What are you talking about?
All other women looked like ugly trolls
to me since the day I met you.
Really? Then what about Su-yeong?
Was she some pretty, little troll then?
Did you hear that?
I did.
That was the sound of me getting offended.
-Wait, do you doubt my love for you?
-Yes, I do.
And I'll keep doubting you,
so you'd better behave.
Okay. All right.
So can I get a hug now?
Just for a few seconds?
Just three seconds.
Go on now.
Why did you start laughing?
I mean, she called you a pretty troll.
Well, isn't it good to be called pretty,
even if you're a troll?
I'll get going.
-How may I help you?
-Loans, please.
-This way, please.
-Thank you.
Mr. Lee, I need your approval.
-For that previous matter?
Thank you.
Number 357, please.
Number 357, present.
I'm not here as Mom today.
Number 357 needs a loan.
A loan? Why?
The security deposit increased.
Hello, Ms. Han.
Hello. Thank you.
How much do you need?
I'll give it to you.
Don't take out a loan.
It's fine.
You moved out on your own,
so I'll plan my retirement on my own.
Let's each try our best in life.
Go inside. I'm taking the bus.
Grab a cab. You can afford that much.
Hey, Sang-su.
Never mind.
You should manage your own feelings too.
Then Mr. Ha, please grant me
the maximum amount for the loan.
Go back inside.
-Goodbye, then.
Has she left already?
Yes, just now.
What's wrong?
It's nothing.
Are you free today?
I have something to tell you.
I'm sorry. I have
a really important meeting today.
Then what about tomorrow?
I have to be somewhere tomorrow too.
You can just tell me now, Sang-su.
Let me know when you're free.
I'll make time for you.
Okay. I will.
What a shame.
We can't eat lunch together anymore.
I'll stop by every morning
for document approvals.
So why did you volunteer?
It's at a university, so you can
probably take it easy there, right?
I wanted a change of environment.
And I worked
at the Youngpo branch the longest.
Right, it's not like
we won't see you again.
Three months will fly by.
Who is it?
The one who made you volunteer
to work at the subbranch.
It's not like that.
Of course, it is.
Don't you know how perceptive I am?
I see everything.
You and Mr. Jeong. You and Ms. Park.
You and…
Mr. Ha.
Things seem strange these days.
Something is going on, right?
I'll see you later.
I'm sorry. We should've talked first.
It's okay.
And it's only for three months, right?
It's all right.
It's not like I could've helped you
even if we had talked about it.
I'm not a boyfriend you can depend on,
so I feel bad about that.
It's not like that.
Thank you, ma'am. This way, please.
Is something going on
with your girlfriend today?
See you tomorrow.
It's been a while,
so why don't we grab a drink?
He's right. It's been too long
since we had one. Let's go.
I found this awesome place.
-It's so good.
-I prepared your favorite.
You're the best.
Oh, my.
What brings you here?
You never come home on your own.
I thought I'd stop by.
-Hello, aunties.
You always ignore me
when I ask you to come by.
Why? Is she dating someone?
What's his family like?
Tell me.
Why do you want to know about his family?
Gosh, you and that tone of yours.
We finally made up today,
so don't pick a fight.
Both of you need to stop.
Today is a great day.
-You're the only one feeling good today.
If you increase the rent
for all three buildings,
it'll amount to a lot.
-How may I help you?
-Loans, please.
-A lot, actually.
-Gosh, good for you.
-Don't say that.
-Are you showing off again?
-Oh, my.
Stop it.
-This is good.
-I love the smell.
I'm in front of the study café.
Jong-hyeon, you left this behind.
The yuja tea was great.
Bring it again next time.
Do you know this person?
Yes. She's my girlfriend.
I'm sorry for dropping by unexpectedly.
She's in my study group.
Hello. I'm Cha Seon-jae.
But you still answer his questions.
You're a good friend.
He says all kinds
of great things about you.
Gosh, you really are pretty.
She's cute. And bubbly.
Your friend, Seon-jae.
She's not cute. She's really annoying.
Su-yeong, please sit.
It's fine. You can sit.
Come on.
-Here you go.
-Thank you.
Is Ms. Park still not here?
I can't believe she's late.
Right? She's never late.
Sang-su, why is your girlfriend late?
Did you two have a fight?
Are you two finally breaking up?
-What a jerk!
-What a jerk!
What now?
-Who? Me?
-No, I mean…
There's a post on the online community.
This complete lunatic
had an affair with his ex of four years
as soon as he got married.
Why bother getting married
to the other woman then?
-That ex is now pregnant.
His wife caught them
walking into an OB-GYN clinic.
There's a photo too? Let me see.
His wife is something else, isn't she?
This is why you should
never make your wife angry.
It's a warning.
"You'd better get on your knees
and beg for mercy before I end you."
Which branch does he work at?
He's making all men look bad.
The worst person in this situation
is the lunatic
who got into an affair
after he got married.
I wonder who it is.
I'd love to see his face.
Let me see. I can guess.
Yes, it's me.
My wife tailed me.
I knew she took them,
but not that she'd upload them.
So you've been talking
to Jeong-eun this whole time?
You even registered your marriage.
Luckily, we haven't done that.
What's with the OB-GYN?
Well, she really isn't pregnant.
Jeong-eun has bad PMS.
What's that?
Premenstrual syndrome.
We went for a prescription, really.
What now?
I should end it, right?
With whom?
My wife.
So that's your decision.
I finally realized it.
I can live without my wife,
but not Jeong-eun.
I don't care if the whole bank finds out.
You don't care?
They'll know when we're divorced,
and I'm already scum.
I wouldn't say you're scum.
It's not like you committed a felony.
Who cares about what happens
between a man and a woman?
People's feelings can change overnight.
I'm actually a little scared, guys.
Are people trash-talking me?
They'll find out soon enough
that I'm Mr. Affair, right?
You shouldn't have let her catch you.
You should've been careful, you idiot.
Someone as clumsy as you
shouldn't have affairs.
Goodness, never mind.
It's not a big deal, okay?
There are worse things in life.
And your life won't end
because of some criticism.
Hey, keep your chin up.
Mr. So.
We have to leave now.
I'm off to the subbranch, then.
You're all set.
Thank you.
Do you usually eat in the cafeteria?
Yes, mostly.
I can help the next person here.
What is it? Worried about Ms. Park?
Has she called yet?
Why don't you go to lunch early?
Go find out what's going on.
Gosh, being too considerate
has always been a weakness of mine.
I'm so cool.
Hey, Sang-su.
Why are you calling at this hour?
Were you asleep?
It's almost noon, Mi-gyeong.
My gosh. I must be insane.
I just woke up.
I'll get ready and go.
Okay, let's talk later.
FROM 12:30 TO 13:30
Do you want to join me?
I'll eat on my own.
Okay. Enjoy your lunch.
Do you go here? Where's the main building?
It's up that way.
Thank you.
This is SGBS broadcasting.
The seasons have changed,
and the temperature has dropped too.
There's a movie
that I'm reminded of around this time.
Let's begin today's episode
with lines from this movie.
"It's an awkward moment."
"The woman lowers her head
and gives the man an opportunity."
It's an awkward moment.
Can we…
Can we do this again?
I don't like undefined relationships.
The woman gives the man an opportunity.
But the man doesn't have
the courage to approach her.
The woman turns around.
Those days have passed…
and everything since then has disappeared.
The time that has passed
is like a dusty window.
You can see through it,
but you can't touch it.
That's why you miss those days.
If I can break the window…
I might be able to go back to that time.
These are lines from In the Mood for Love.
I share this with my fellow students
who hesitate for reasons
that aren't about love.
Do not hesitate.
Because this moment of hesitation may be…
when you're in the mood for love.
What were you like as a student here?
All I ever did was study.
I never went on blind dates
or group blind dates.
Are you sure it wasn't
because you weren't popular?
Su-yeong, you would've been popular.
I think so too.
Have you had lunch?
I hear
the pork cutlets are excellent here.
I have to head back. I only came out
for a bit during my lunch break.
Let's eat pork cutlets next time.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Ms. Park Mi-gyeong.
I had the wrong idea about you.
I'm sorry.
I thought you were perfect at everything.
But you're just human like the rest of us.
I feel closer to you now.
Right, Mr. Lee?
It won't happen again.
No, it's fine.
-Go sit at your desk now.
-Yes, sir.
I sent Sang-su your way.
Just letting you know that I'm the one
who told Sang-su to pick you up.
Where is he?
What's going on?
I thought he left to pick you up.
He did.
He had to stop by somewhere
before returning here.
Okay, then.
I have my study group today,
so I'll be late.
Ms. Ahn, do you want to come too?
I'm having a drink with people
from the Youngpo district office.
I thought it might be nice
to go together as a team.
Okay, then.
I'll go.
Can we talk for a minute?
Is it really something
that will only take a minute?
Next time.
I told you I have somewhere to be.
Right. Okay.
I'll get going then.
-It's nice to meet everyone!
-Nice to meet you!
-That's nice.
We should do this more often.
Then make it happen, okay?
-Pour me another.
No, I'm very grateful.
But why the sudden change of heart?
I see. Thank you. Goodbye, ma'am.
Have you been well, Ms. Han?
It's just me today.
I didn't get to greet you properly
at the bank last time, so…
I'm having a drink with Su-yeong.
It's been a while since that brief time
at the training institute.
Have you been well?
He wanted to have a drink with you before,
so he had asked Mr. Ha
to set him up and everything.
I'm just glad
to finally grab a drink with you.
Still cool as ever, isn't she?
She's quite charming.
Anyway, I heard the story on Blind is
about Yang Seok-hyeon at your branch.
Really? I don't know. I have no idea.
You don't have to watch what you say.
Everyone knows everything at the bank.
The man has been identified as Seok-hyeon,
and even his mistress's address
has been leaked.
I heard the mistress is really pretty.
You know her, right?
How pretty is she?
Is she as pretty as Ms. Ahn here?
Gosh, it looks like you've had
one too many drinks already.
You're talking all sorts of nonsense.
Ms. Ahn, do you know who the mistress is?
-Come on.
Rumors say
that she works at the same branch.
Is it…
-What? I was just asking.
I mean, I heard the mistress
is unbelievably pretty.
So at the very least,
she has to be as pretty as Ms. Ahn
for him to leave the daughter
of the vice president of FSS.
You're right. I'm the mistress.
I'm the mistress who hit on Mr. Yang
and made him get a divorce.
I'm the one who might be
pregnant right now.
We know it's not you.
Why would you say that?
If you knew, then why did you ask?
If you knew it wasn't me,
why did you make those absurd remarks?
Do I seem like a joke to you?
Gosh, she's sensitive.
It was a harmless joke over drinks.
A joke?
Gosh, why are you so mad?
It's as if you really got caught
in an affair.
If you're innocent, then there's no reason
to get so mad, right?
Let's be honest.
I'm sure you already know
you're caught up in all kinds of rumors.
If you don't want that, then make it clear
that you either like someone or you don't.
Stop confusing people by smiling.
Come on. Stop right there.
See this?
I think I've recorded more than enough
of your problematic comments.
Stop it, Mr. So.
You can't be serious.
Are you okay?
I should be asking you that.
He's your friend.
Well, I'm friends with some people,
but not others, so it's fine.
If he does that again,
just record him like I did.
He'll apologize easily then.
Goodbye, then.
Does it taste okay?
By any chance…
Did you have something to do
with the security deposit?
Please keep it a secret
from Sang-su, Ms. Han.
I don't want to keep
any secrets from Sang-su.
I never did much for him as a mother,
but having a clear conscience
matters the most when it comes to him.
I'll talk to the landlady again.
Let's pretend this never happened.
Sang-su must take after you.
I'm sorry if I overstepped.
Ms. Han, I forgot
that I had to do something important.
If you don't mind, may I leave?
Of course. Come with Sang-su next time.
I'm sorry. I have to leave now.
Please eat with your mother for me.
I look forward to seeing you again.
Just stay. I'm going to leave now.
You're here.
They all know about Seok-hyeon.
I met with the district office employees.
They're dying to find out
who his mistress is,
and how the story goes.
Poor Su-yeong.
She was humiliated for just being there.
What do you mean?
They got drunk and asked
if Su-yeong was that mistress.
But you know,
reality isn't too far-fetched from that.
Depending on what you do,
what happened to her
-might become her reality.
-So Gyeong-pil.
You know, I don't care
if you date one woman or two.
I don't even care if it's a whole group.
There are certain people
who can handle situations like that.
But you're not one of them.
Also, there are feelings
that you have to give up…
in order to protect them.
How much do you know?
How much do you know,
to where you keep pushing my buttons
as if it's some joke to you?
Is this funny to you?
It's not funny at all.
Will you break up?
Will you break up…
with Mi-gyeong?
I don't have to answer that.
It's your business. Right.
Best of luck to you.
It's up to you to make sure that
Su-yeong and Mi-gyeong get less hurt.
Mi-gyeong, we need to talk.
Let's meet after work tomorrow.
I'll tell you where later.
Are you just now coming in?
How are your studies going?
I'm just doing my best.
Good luck.
I'm rooting for you.
I really am.
Yes. I'll see you there then.
Okay. I'll call you later.
-I'd like to look at some bouquets.
Sang-su, you're here.
They wanted to celebrate my birthday too.
Take a seat.
Isn't this pretty?
They gave it to me as a birthday gift.
But why are you empty-handed?
You'd better sing
my birthday song well then.
Okay, I will.
Look at you two.
You still act as if
you just started dating.
Are you two that happy?
No, it's just that I eat a lot.
Sang-su. You see it, too, right?
That they're really into each other.
Su-yeong, how are things at the subbranch?
It's easier, and it's not
as busy as the Youngpo branch.
That's a relief.
You deserve to take it easy, Su-yeong.
Isn't our school pretty?
It's a great place to take walks.
Maybe Sang-su and I
should've volunteered to go instead.
It must be sad for you, though, Mr. Jeong.
Doesn't it feel empty without her?
It's all right.
We see each other often outside of work.
I guess we're the ones
who don't get to see her often.
Don't you feel empty, Sang-su?
I mean, you've worked with her
for a long time.
You two have worked together
for three to four years, right?
That sounds about right.
If you suddenly don't see her
after all that time,
wouldn't you feel empty?
I'm sorry, you two. Can we be excused?
Sure. That's fine with us.
Let's go.
I'm sorry. Excuse us.
Stop the car. We need to talk.
We'll talk later.
I said we'll talk later.
-We have to do it today.
-Today is my birthday!
I told you I wanted to talk later!
Do you really think that I don't know?
Do you think I have no idea
where your true feelings lie?
I have a question.
They're living together.
Su-yeong and Mr. Jeong
are living together!
I'm sorry.
Let's break up.
Do you really like me?
Do you love me?
Who is she anyway?
What on earth does she mean to you?!
If you break up with me,
will she leave Mr. Jeong and come to you?
I have something to give you.
I don't want you to feel better.
Think twice about him.
I'm going to keep liking you.
Have you thought this through?
No. I'm done thinking.
I decided that a while ago.
Mi-gyeong and I have decided to break up.
-Why did you do that?
-I want to feel comfortable for a change.
So go ahead and hate me.
Subtitle translation by: Eunsook Youn
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