The Longest Promise (2023) s01e11 Episode Script

Episode 11

♪Your silhouette in the twilight's glow♪
♪Awakens like snow, delicate and cold♪
♪Within your gaze,
countless destinies intertwine♪
♪A lifetime, a world of illusion
of just one person♪
♪As moonlight shimmers♪
♪Falling petals rest in my palm,
it's your sacred promise♪
♪Cultivating amidst the fleeting time
of this mortal world♪
♪To be as one, inseparable,
like a shadow in rhyme♪
♪Grant me a lifetime
of enchanting sights♪
♪I defy fate, turning it around♪
♪Fearless of heavenly decree♪
♪It is the courage
that blooms for you, profound♪
♪Unafraid of the destined trials♪
♪I only wish to make a vow with you♪
♪Like our initial encounter
etched deep within my heart♪
=The Longest Promise=
(Adapted from "Zhu Yan" by Cang Yue)
=The Longest Promise=
(Adapted from "Zhu Yan" by Cang Yue)
=The Longest Promise=
=Episode 11=
Don't you
still owe me a wish?
Then, I'll wish
for this now.
I must find a way
to stop this from happening.
(Zhu Yan, keep yourself together.)
(He is nice to you)
(because you joined the faction.)
(It doesn't mean anything.)
(That was close.)
(I almost forgot
about the important thing.)
Give it to me.
My hair.
Priest, you have beautiful hair
but I only took a strand.
When I return to Western Huang,
I won't be seeing you again.
I'm keeping this hair
to reminisce about
the sunset we saw today
in the valley.
please give me this memory.
Your wish has been granted.
Not erasing your memories
is my mercy for you.
Don't raise more problems.
How can you turn on me like that?
You are still the same.
I wish you only remember
the magic techniques
and not me
when you return to Western Huang.
Hand it over.
The Priest's hair
is so black and soft.
It's pretty.
Princess Zhu Yan.
Come in.
Did you get it?
Here you go.
How is it? I do keep my promises.
Thank you.
Wait a second.
Qing Gang wouldn't use poison
even during a life-and-death situation.
Why would he use the Priest's hair
to improve his magic technique?
He's definitely not
a man of evil ways.
No way. I have to go take a look.
(The Priest's hair)
They have indeed merged.
Priest of Grand Preceptor.
I'm sorry.
Qing Gang.
Is this what you call
the enhancement technique?
I don't think it looks like it.
It seems like you are
trying to harm someone.
And this brush.
What is this?
Princess Zhu Yan.
I don't want to hurt you.
It's all right if my friend hurt me,
I'm just afraid to be used by a friend.
You either come with me
to speak to the Priest
about this
or kill me
to shut my mouth.
What? Can't you do it?
Don't blame me then.
Is she going to report it?
Is this important?
(This brush)
is made from your lanugo
on the 100th day after you were born.
The first word you wrote
was your name.
Tell me.
What is your name?
Ying. I'm Shi Ying.
This brush
is the first brush in your lifetime,
you have to keep it well.
Yes, Mother.
Where did this brush come from?
Previously, Qing Gang asked me
to get your hair.
It felt strange to me
so I went to his room
to ask about it.
I saw him
putting your hair and this brush
your words and actions today
were just means
to get my hair
and not to learn.
Shouldn't you be worried
about your safety now?
You're concerned
about these details instead.
It's because I care about you
and every disciple.
This is my first time being a Master.
I want to do my best.
Every word I said today
was true.
Your virtuous teachings
are beneficial to me for life.
These days, I've come to realise
the differences
between myself and the other disciples.
A few days ago,
I wasn't convinced by
what you said
at the Emperor Valley.
But now, I understand.
My words were harsh a few days ago,
but you don't have to belittle yourself.
Learn more in the mountains,
and when you leave,
continue to train hard.
You can achieve something great too.
As for this thing, don't overthink.
It will not harm me.
I remember
that it is in this book.
Could it be that I have a poor memory
because I'm old?
Say this chant
and eat the Red Fruit of South Mountain
to constrain the bodies
and be free from women's seduction.
This is good. Now Shi Ying
won't be involved with the girl.
(The way to break the spell is unclear)
You're here, indeed.
How can I keep someone waiting?
It seems Princess Zhu Yan
has told everything she's seen to you.
You already knew
my mission this time.
I am aware that
you have better powers
but this is my mission.
I have no choice but to risk my life.
I'm sorry.
Bone Eroding Ivy. Not bad.
Why won't you kill me?
What else do you have up your sleeves?
Bring it on.
Oh, you can also use poison.
You can't
complete your mission like this.
I have a mission that I must achieve,
it cannot end this way.
Once the identity of the Priest
is confirmed,
you will use the Azure Clan's
magic techniques
to release
the Magpie Branch seal in your body.
Then, you will become the poisonous
Magpie Branch.
At that time, you just need to
have any form of
physical contact with him
and the poison of Magpie Branch
will transfer to his body.
He will then die from poison.
Once the magpie is released,
it brings forth death.
If he doesn't die,
your death is guaranteed.
Are you the Magpie Branch?
(Once the magpie is released,
it brings forth death.)
(If he doesn't die,
your death is guaranteed.)
Priest. Why?
Did you try to commit suicide
because you think
killing me with poison
makes you feel guilty?
But the Magpie Branch
has been transferred to your body.
Of course, I'm aware.
However, the poison in your body
is detoxified.
This poison will work immediately.
You're saving me with your life.
My life is not worth it.
But you
I'm doing this
because I'm confident.
The Magpie Branch can't harm you?
I can use the spiritual power in my body
to suppress it at my fingertips for now
and force it out of my body.
I'm fine now, right?
(This famous)
(Magpie Branch poison)
(can't even harm him.)
I'm here to kill you
but you saved me.
Qing Gang. You're kind.
You and I have a strong affinity.
I only came in the night
to teach my disciple.
Your behaviours were only
showing me that
you're trying your best just now.
So, you don't have to worry.
Winning or losing
is only natural when exchanging blows.
If you sought death once you fail,
that would be a waste
of your body
and the blood of the green bats
that you inherit.
Qing Gang. Do you know how I could
easily see through your sword skills?
It must be your powers
that surpassed mine.
(The swordsmanship of the green bats)
(is the best in the world)
(not because of its aggressive)
(or deadly nature,)
(but its ability to take advantage
of one's weakness,)
(conquering the hard with softness.)
(Befriending all natures
and not overpowering them.)
(Its non-violent nature)
(allows it
to have endless possibilities.)
(Take advantage of one's weakness,
conquering the hard with softness.)
Qing Gang. I wish you can
appreciate Qing
as a precious surname in the future.
Priest. Your teachings
will be carved into my heart.
I will not disappoint
the blood of the green bats
in the future.
I will also
not reveal
your identity to anyone.
Everything is in the past now.
From now on, I'm only
the Priest of Grand Preceptor
of the Jiuyi Mountain.
Thank you for the old gift.
I have nothing else to return
the favour except for this.
This is the Green Bats Sword​.
I hope you wouldn't disappoint it.
Thank you, Priest.
Didn't you go to look for Qing Gang?
You're poisoned.
Magpie Branch.
Hold me.
You knew he had
Magpie Branch on his body
and you still went to find him?
I can suppress the poison
with my powers
but if the poison in Qing Gang
isn't nullified,
he will die from the poison.
You How long can you hold on?
It's only a few hours, tops.
His life is not as precious as yours!
Priest! Priest!
I thought about the matter.
It's not that simple.
Priest You
Did Qing Gang do this?
Qing Gang Qing Gang accidentally
got himself poisoned.
He is looking for my hair
to use it
to nullify the poison.
He has no ill intentions.
You cured him
but got yourself poisoned instead?
He didn't know about it.
Please keep your voice down.
Don't worry about him.
Think of a way to remove the poison
of the Magpie Branch.
Magpie Branch?
What is that?
Let's go to the High Priest.
No way. He doesn't know
how to eliminate this poison.
If he finds out that I am poisoned,
he'd only blame Qing Gang for it.
This is bad.
This poison can't be contained anymore.
Look. This shape
Does it look like a flower?
Now is not the time
for flowers.
Magpie Branch.
Magpie Branch is also
known as Butterfly Flower.
I have another way that we can try.
Stop fooling around.
I believe in you.
Be careful. Here.
It's here.
Are you taking us here
because of what happened the other day?
What happened the other day
Since it's called Butterfly Flower
and the poison looks like a flower,
perhaps only butterflies can help.
This is the only way to lure
the glowing butterflies
in the middle of the night.
This is impossible.
Chong Ming.
Can you think of any alternatives?
If you can't,
even if I'm being unbelievable,
we have no choice but to try it.
Please hold this Seven Star Lamp.
They absorb a human's vitality.
Please resist it yourself, Priest.
I used to suffer from this in the past.
I wanted to take a chance.
I can't believe I was right.
This poison requires your powers
to suppress it within your fingertips.
You were thinking outside of the box
and thought of the glowing butterflies.
You were lucky to get it right.
(Foolish, reckless, mischievous)
Thank you.
You save me and yet you thank me.
In the past, I was insolent.
Coming to Jiuyi Mountain this time
made me realise that
I fall far behind others.
But I never thought that
the Priest with strong powers
would need me too.
Understanding this,
I won't be taken aback
by my incompetence anymore.
I'm much weaker than others.
I can never be your first disciple.
But I have my strengths too.
In the future,
I will work much harder.
(This kid is kind,)
(but she's a cursed lady after all.)
(The hair on the brush)
(didn't merge with Priest's hair.)
(The Priest isn't the Crown Prince.)
(Qing Gang is at your disposal.)
(I can leave the mountain
at the end of the month.)
they will not send anyone
to disturb the Priest anymore.
Princess Xuelu.
How long have you been here?
Not too long.
What did you see?
It's enough for me
to see everything clearly.
Men and women are
not supposed to be close.
For the sake of your reputation,
please leave this place immediately.
This place does not
belong to General Qing.
Why should I leave?
Besides, you are the one
who is naked.
You are the one
who should worry about your reputation.
Please don't play tricks on me.
All right.
Tell me
what was the letter to Azure King about
and I'll leave.
The letter was not written
to the Azure King.
It must be for Consort Qing then.
Consort Qing entrusted me
to do the same thing.
you're panicking now.
You must be hiding something.
that person must
be the former Crown Prince.
I saw that you used
the most poisonous Magpie Branch
of the Azure Clan against him.
And surely, you did not
tell the whole truth
because I saw you
being loyal to the Priest.
You just revealed yourself.
I now have something against you.
What are you trying to do?
Don't worry.
I will keep
the Priest's identity a secret.
(Zuowang Palace)
High Priest.
Xuelu has something to report.
High Priest.
Xuelu just saw
that Qing Gang reported to Consort Qing.
The Azure Clan's threat
towards the Priest
has been dissolved.
How do you know that the Azure Clan
is threatening the Priest's life?
You don't have to hide it
from me anymore, High Priest.
You admire me
because of
my surname.
This is important to the Priest,
I was right about you.
You are much stronger
than your cowardly father.
But those who make assumptions about me
are the ones I hate the most.
Do you think you can
behave so proudly and negotiate with me
just because of your surname
and your information?
I dare not.
I will follow
Priest's orders for life.
For life?
That's not for you to decide
at the moment.
When you get the seat
as the first disciple,
then you're worthy to discuss the plan.
Xuelu has the same intention
as the High Priest.
I must become the first disciple.
This weapon is called Ice Soul.
It is the Dragon's Bone
obtained from the Mirror Lake
from a few hundred years ago.
It complements the spiritual power
of the White Clan.
It can also suppress
the Crimson Clan's fire.
When you compete,
it will give you an extra advantage.
I will wait for you.
Thank you, High Priest.
You mentioned the Magpie Branch poison
was eliminated by Shi Ying
without anyone's help.
Chong Ming was there too.
Even the Magpie Branch poison
can't kill the Priest,
it is surely a blessing moving forward.
It was ready since a long time ago.
Qing Gang.
Did you know how much trouble you caused
to the Priest's life a few days ago?
The Priest?
Is the Priest in trouble?
Could it be that the holiday yesterday
was because
Of course, he's fine.
How did you
get yourself poisoned, you fool?
Did you know
how much effort he spent
to eliminate the poison?
You have to be more careful
in the future.
I'm sorry for causing trouble
to the Priest.
No wonder.
As the Shadow Warrior general,
you insist on coming here
to grab the seat as the first disciple.
You actually wanted him
to cure you.
Is that what the Priest said to you?
Also, if you still consider me
a friend,
please tell me about your problems
in the future.
Although I'm not
as capable as the Priest,
I could be of help.
All right.
Thank you.
Princess Zhu Yan.
Have you done yesterday's work?
Have you done the work
that Master assigned? Show me.
According to the ranking,
you should be sitting there.
If you like it,
I'll give you one.
I think this is it.
Like that.
Master is here.
All right. Pass it around.
- Yes.
- Yes.
This is today's topic.
Spirituality Grass.
This Spirituality Grass
is green as jade.
There are thorns on the stem.
Every branch is lush.
Rounded and bluish are deemed the best.
Lord Immortal Officer,
may I ask what is
the Spirituality Grass for?
Do not laugh.
Princess Zhu Yan is asking
because she doesn't know.
It's a good thing.
The most important thing in
practising is
removing all distracting thoughts
and staying focused.
This Spirituality Grass will help you
stay focused.
Once we've woven it together
and infuse spiritual power,
wear it on the wrist during practice.
If there are any distracting thoughts,
it will make a rustle
on its own.
Thank you, Lord Immortal Officer.
I understand.
Lord Immortal Officer.
Cultivating spirituality is
the basic.
Will the Priest
teach us in person?
The Priest will personally
check your work.
If you have excess energy,
you can weave another grass bracelet.
The Priest will be here later
and pick one
to use for tomorrow's demonstration.
Why are you forcing yourself?
Having one is enough.
Why are you making another?
Use mine.
Look at mine.
Greetings, Priest.
I weaved
this Spirituality Grass Bracelet for you.
What is that?
How dare she bring that up?
What an eyesore.
I said so.
As expected,
it's hideous.
Clean the wounds on your hands.
He said this medication is the best
for cuts.
When you wake up the next morning,
the wounds will be gone.
It smells so nice.
Who gave you this?
He knew that
I was going up the mountains,
so he found out about
the Jiuyi Mountain's lessons.
He was worried that I would suffer
so he ordered men to send me
things that may be useful
before leaving.
Prince Shi Yu
does care about you.
What else did he give you?
Show me.
That's a lot.
This is Hua Qin House's sweet
from Jialan City.
There are only 10 boxes made in a day.
You'd have to queue in the night.
He was worried that it'd be
too tough to train
so he gave me this for some sweetness.
Prince Shi Yu
is very nice to you
and cares about your safety.
I'm impressed.
He's not the kind of womanizer.
I'll see him
at the mid-autumn festival.
Moreover, hard work like
weaving Grass Bracelet
isn't something you would do
in the past.
Now, you're making two in a row.
In all that you do,
as long as you've tried your best,
it doesn't matter
even if it fails.
The same goes for your relationship.
I weave the Grass Bracelet the same way.
Even though my Grass Bracelet
is hideous,
didn't the Priest
accept it too?
This has the highest score,
and this has the lowest, right?
I agree.
Who made
this hideous one?
It's her again?
Why would you choose her Grass Bracelet?
You've changed.
This Grass Bracelet is a mess.
In the past,
you'd throw it immediately.
It's very ugly.
Let me fix it for her.
Why did you choose it then?
For the sake of rejecting
Zhu Yan's infatuation,
I said many hurtful things to her.
If it was someone else,
they would have given up entirely.
Zhu Yan is the only one
who remained unchanged.
I want to encourage her.
Are you moved
by the Magpie Branch incident?
Don't forget.
She is the person to bring you doom
in your life.
I don't care about that.
You What did you say?
Let me finish.
Life and death are up to the heavens.
I never doubt it.
Moreover, Zhu Yan will not stay
in the mountains forever.
She doesn't have the ability.
I want to know what you think.
I wouldn't let her stay.
If she knew,
the Crown Prince that
she's been thinking about
is someone
is me who is disheartened,
she will be shocked.
Even though the High Priest
has let his guard down now,
to prevent old matters
from being brought up
Chong Ming. You don't have to worry.
You've stated so many reasons
not to keep her in the mountains
but you've been thinking for her
in every matter.
She must have a place
in your heart.
How can I not worry?
Say this chant
and eat the Red Fruit of South Mountain
to constrain the bodies
and be free from women's seduction.
Don't fool around.
This fruit is
what I've prepared
specially for you.
It's delicious.
Try it. Eat it.
I'm not eating.
It's delicious.
I made this, especially for you.
You're not eating it?
It's good.
Taste it. Try it.
Eat. Eat.
Eat. Hurry.
Eat it
and I won't bother you.
Red Fruit of
the Jiuyi Mountain's South Sky.
The one who eats it remains
righteous and blessed.
Keeping the purity of Dao.
What are you doing?
I'm saying it's midnight.
Time to rest.
Unlike you,
I do fear
the effects of ageing.
How is mine?
Look at my bracelet.
Is it pretty?
Who are you calling sister?
You're older than I am.
Of course, you're my sister.
The Priest is here.
All right. The Priest is here.
All right.
No more talking.
Greetings, Priest.
Whose bracelet is the Priest wearing?
Whose is it?
Whose is it? I don't know.
Whose is it?
Red light.
It looks like Zhu Yan's.
It does.
Yan. Look.
Priest is using your Grass Bracelet
for demonstration.
How is that possible?
♪How fateful was our encounter♪
♪How tragic, destined by fate's decree♪
♪How fragile,
like glass and snow's embrace♪
♪Love and hate entwined,
♪How prophetic, a single word spoken♪
♪How transient,
the rise and fall of destiny♪
♪How balanced,
each sip and bite, no debts owed♪
♪Tears well in eyes
with jade-like brows♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Securing my path,
thousands of miles long♪
♪Never apart from you♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Even if our hearts
and guts are torn apart♪
♪Our gazes forever intertwined♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Securing my path,
thousands of miles long♪
♪Never apart from your side♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Even if our hearts
and guts are torn apart♪
♪Our gazes forever intertwined♪
♪How fateful was our encounter♪
♪How tragic, destined by fate's decree♪
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