The Misfit of Demon King Academy (2020) s01e11 Episode Script

The Glow of Life

No need to distribute any mana with Gaize.
We want to fight them
with our own strength.
Then shall we begin?
If that Anos guy's
the Demon King of Atrocity,
then he's as strong as the Hero Kanon.
Like that matters.
The voice of Kanon is always with us.
Shall we begin then?
Asura. Make this ground our sanctuary.
Kill all demons
So what's the plan?
I'll think of one if the need arises.
Looks like at least one of them
will be a worthy opponent.
What's that barrier?
It weakens the enemy
while strengthening one's allies,
De Ijelia.
We'll need to destroy it to make progress.
Normally, we could
just leave it until we're done.
But this is an exam,
so we'll run out of time.
A Demon King's Castle provides resistance
against weakened states.
I'll build a castle
in the middle of their territory.
Can you build it inside that barrier?
I'll need three minutes.
Then I'll guard Misha during that time.
Enter once the castle is finished.
All yours.
You can use magic
that strong inside our territory?
But it doesn't appear complete just yet.
Did you think we'd wait
for you to build that thing?
The cut of your blade earlier
was quite impressive. What is your name?
Pardon her. She cannot speak.
I will answer in her stead.
Hero Academy, rank one, the reincarnation
of the Hero Kanon's fourth essence,
Zexia Kanon Ijessica.
And this is
the Holy Sword of Light, Enhalet.
It will cut down
this incomplete castle with one blow.
You should know we've got tons
of anti-demon barrier spells.
One thousand and eighty-eight
of them, to be precise.
We'll keep casting them
until you're out of mana
It seems that those four
weren't the ones maintaining the barrier.
Nicely done.
Damn that fool! I'll get him!
Sorry to disappoint,
but a weakling like you
isn't worth Anos's time.
The Witch of Destruction, Sasha Necron.
From this point forward,
I will hurl you
into the depths of despair.
The Generation of Chaos, huh?
You're Lay Glanzudlii, aren't you?
I've heard you're good with a sword.
Nothing special,
but probably better than you.
Are you looking for this, perhaps?
Dispense justice!
I've got it back now!
Quit running away, girl!
How do you like that?
It's the immobile barrier, Bardisd.
Can't use your magic? Can't even move?
Just stay put then,
while I end this!
Did you really think you could lose
a magic device and get it back unharmed?
A poison spell?
That's right.
Just a little prank
I planted on your badge.
Cheap tricks won't get you out of Bardisd.
You're still going to die.
Didn't you hear how I got
the name "Witch of Destruction"?
That's impossible!
Now then.
For the disrespect
you've shown to my Demon King,
you're going to pay the price!
You can't move, can you?
Inside my earthquake barrier,
only holy energies are left unrestrained.
Let me show you
something else that's really nice.
Come to me, Holy Earth Sword Zaleo!
A scar made by Zaleo that's
cut again by Zale becomes a stigma.
No recovery spells will help it heal.
So are you ready to cry in agony?
"It hurts!"
Just like that!
It's your sword that's crying.
How can you move inside my barrier?
The Wholehearted Sword changes itself
based on the thoughts of who wields it.
I was curious if it could
take on holy powers.
Looks like it can.
Oh, really?
a fake holy sword like that can't beat me.
Then maybe I can use a real one.
You sure are stupid, mister.
No demon could possibly
wield my holy sword.
Zale! Zaleo!
Return to me!
I'm ordering you! Come back to me!
Stay away.
So a scar made by Zaleo that's
cut again by Zale becomes a stigma.
Do I have that right?
You wouldn't do something
that cruel. This is just an exam!
That's exactly why
I'll leave it at stigmata.
There are worse forms of suffering
to be found on a battlefield.
At least, I think so.
No. Don't.
How long are you going to play dead?
You have a very discerning eye.
Perhaps we should have a fair fight then.
Defend all and heal all,
Protector of the Holy Sea, Baillamente.
So this is what you call a fair fight?
You're a tough one.
It's useless!
Zexia. It's time to use that.
You can do it!
Finish them off!
Zelga Kanon!
The hope of Azecion! The symbol of peace!
Raise your voices!
Give strength to the Heroes!
Raise your voices to Zelga Kanon!
Turn our voices into your strength!
What's that?
This is the spirit
of the people of Gairadite.
I haven't seen
such an impressive Ask in 2,000 years.
No. 2,000 years ago,
the population of Gairadite was 100,000,
but after centuries of peace,
it is now 10 million.
Allow us to show you the difference
between demons who only have power
and humans who hold holy hearts!
What do you think?
This is the power of humans!
The indomitable power of love!
What? This can't be
The magic circle of Ask? How?
Who said that demons don't have love?
A monkey pretending to be human!
We have ten million people on our
I only need eight.
Fan Union, can you hear me?
Yes, Lord Anos!
We've been challenged
to a bit of a cheer battle.
Give me all of your love.
I can never get too serious
-I'm the Demon King
-Let's go, Zexia!
I'm a man with his own mind
I come and go as I please
So if I happen to treat you kindly
Don't misunderstand
-Get that thought out of your head
-What is going on?
Know your place, it's below me
-I'm the King here
-We can't lose against this stupid song!
You'd better learn it well
There's a line between us
Don't just give me that look
Make me get serious with you
The love of ten million people!
How can their spirit be torn?
So what if there are ten million of them?
What matters most is the depth of their
love and the way their hearts unite.
2,000 years ago,
the faith in the Hero Kanon,
and him alone, was far greater than this.
Kill them
What's that voice?
Kill them.
Kill all demons.
Kill the Demon King of Atrocity.
Girls, what's wrong?
Girls, be careful!
It's a brainwashing spell!
Think of Lord Anos!
Anos, what was that?
You could hear it?
A voice like hatred incarnate.
Anos Voldigoad.
You are a threat!
You cannot leave here alive!
Stand back, Misha.
Zexia, do not cast that spell.
It will not go well.
This is the end!
Feel the wrath of the Heroes!
I never thought you would use
an essence explosion.
I told you not to.
My life is not cheap enough
to buy with your future.
You should have been extinguished
along with your essence.
This is getting old.
Anos, can you hear me?
Come to the sanctuary.
I'm the only one who can stop Zexia.
Misha, you heard her, right?
I'll hold the girl here. Can you go there?
What are you doing here?
Dirty little demon.
Impertinent to the end.
Come, Enhalet.
Feel the wrath of
all the humans killed by demons!
No. Humans and demons
haven't fought in 2,000 years.
Open, holy gates!
Release the seal which binds you!
We will never forget! Never!
1,000 years may pass,
2,000 years may pass!
This is against the rules.
It can't be hidden as an accident.
What do I care?
The plan was for you all to die anyway!
Along with your essences,
so you could never reincarnate!
Now then, Diego.
What were you up to?
I asked you what you were up to!
If you have time to die,
you have time to talk.
What is the true goal of this school?
Your students have more hate for demons
than any normal lessons could imbue.
Was that voice yours?
No disgusting demon can know
the great will of the Heroes!
Still pretending to be a Hero?
I've shown you this before.
A spell to turn animals into monsters.
In the case of a human, their appearance
will reflect their inner selves.
We do not forgive!
We will never forgive you!
Zelga Kanon!
All of you, charge into the demons!
Enough of these games! Kill them all now!
Go forth, Heroes who fear not death!
This is how the great Kanon fought!
Cursed demons! Die!
Why don't they explode?
I've stopped time on Gabel
in the area around this lake.
Time? You stopped time?
How dare you
An injury to your essence
is more painful than death.
No human can possibly withstand it
other than the Hero Kanon.
Kanon had seven essences, but no matter
how many times they were extinguished,
as long as one still remained,
he could be restored.
He stood to face me time and time again.
Do you know why?
He knew that if someone had to be
sacrificed for peace, it should be him.
That's what he truly believed.
His essence was torn, burned, and broken,
but still, he fought
for the sake of all humankind!
That was your champion.
The great Hero
who vanquished demon after demon.
Please stop. Enough.
Just kill me.
Just end it.
You are not the Hero Kanon.
An ignorant human like you
doesn't deserve to say his name.
I'm sorry.
Wounds made by holy light
are not as easily healed as stigmata.
What was that light?
The Sword of Spirits,
Gods, and Man, Evansmana.
It's okay. I can walk.
You need rest.
So you came, Anos?
What are you?
I am
magic itself.
Next episode, "The Forbidden Spell."
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