The Mob Doctor (2012) s01e11 Episode Script

Sibling Rivalry

Previously on The Mob Doctor As long as you're in Chicago, I own you.
That's the deal.
So, I hear you want to take over Moretti's deal with us.
Yeah, that's right.
Ain't gonna happen.
I know about the double dipping.
Our cut's 25% on all the machines.
You were asking for 15%.
My brother's not gonna like this.
You really think uniting the syndicate is a good thing? I do.
It's a Pandora's Box.
Let's get this meeting started.
And if you're not careful, You'll end up back in jail -- or worse.
Constantine's coming.
You have to leave.
Listen to me.
I just got you back.
There's no way I'm running now.
There is no other way.
You have to go -- now.
Look -- I don't care.
Take a bite.
Go on.
Take a bite.
The chocolate tastes cheap.
I-I-I don't want to have cheap chocolate on my punsch rolls.
Come over here and taste something for me.
Tastes good.
I want the best-tasting damn punsch rolls in Chicago.
Spend the extra buck and get the belgian dark.
The bakery's just a front, you know? Cash business to launder our money, right? Like my old man said, If you're gonna do something, do it right.
Speaking of doing things right, The Amatos are late with their gaming-machines cut again.
You call Titus.
You tell him I'm gonna take a point for every day he's late.
looks like you have a visitor.
You're giving Trapani 50% of our downtown action.
That's right.
You promised me 50%.
Also right.
So, if you're giving away all the money, Then what's left for you? Hey, can I get you an espresso or a cupcake? I don't recommend the punsch rolls.
I'd like an explanation, Constantine.
Hey, fellas, give me a couple minutes.
The West Side and the North Side are both gonna get 50%.
I always keep my word.
And the South Side gets nothing? You get nothing? Well, you know, taking over downtown Means a lot more to me than money.
you expect me to believe that? Well, it hasn't been done since Al Capone.
So, this is about your ego.
You call it what you want.
To me, it's about making history.
Hey, what do you say We crack this box open, We put this nice champagne you gave me on ice.
What? The bottle of champagne you sent me this morning.
Tino, I didn't send that to you.
Then who did? What are you doing? It's rigged with a pressure plate.
Here we go.
You better wait outside.
Take-home message -- use the ultrasound To estimate fluid status in septic patients By looking at the IVC collapse with respiration.
And one last thing -- patient-satisfaction surveys.
Board takes them seriously.
I suggest that you do, too.
Hello? Page three of your handouts, You find a new script being implemented today.
"hello, my name is Dr.
"here's my card.
I am sorry you had to wait blank minutes to see me.
" "can I offer you an extra pillow or blanket?" Are we surgeons or room service? Any doctor receiving three failing grades Within a month will be attending the bedside-manner seminar.
All right, on my way.
We got a V.
Five minutes out from the E.
Who's on trauma call? I am.
All right, you're with me.
Robinson, you, too.
I'm scheduled for post-op clinic.
Not anymore.
The paramedics radioed ahead.
The patient requested you by name.
Who's the patient? We're about to find out.
cycling accident.
28-year-old male.
Head injury with altered mental status.
Open right wrist fracture A.
GCS 10.
Vitals stable.
Abrasions to anterior chest and extremities.
Who is he? Jack Hanson -- U.
Attorney's son.
Why would he ask for you? You know him? Yeah.
He's my brother.
Galvanized-metal pipe.
Rubber blasting caps.
Hand me those pliers.
All right.
Tino, there could be a short.
Now all we got to do Is figure out who's trying to kill me.
It's disarmed.
thank God.
So, who wants you dead? Nowadays? Pick a number.
One of my girls has a regular on the bomb squad.
I could ask him to take a look at the device, Maybe help us figure out who sent it.
Well, do you think you can trust this guy To keep his mouth shut? I have a video of him in a compromising position.
Well, you tell him to work quick.
Because whoever did this -- they're gonna try again.
Sync and corrected The Mob Doctor Season 1, Episode 11, "Sibling Rivalry" Mr.
Hanson, squeeze my hand! Non-responsive.
If Jack Hanson is your brother, then Mark Hanson -- Is my father.
Only withdraws to painful stimuli.
Different last name? It's my mother's maiden name.
I changed it during college.
Can we talk about this later? Run an I-stat to clear his renal function, Then pan-scan him -- priority one.
Susie is right.
I'll roll him to radiology.
No, he's a family member.
You can observe.
But from here on, hands off.
Devlin, how's your V.
Patient? His vitals are stable.
I need you for a surgical consult.
Let's go.
Bounce-back lower-right quadrant pain.
Medicine turfed her to us.
you're joking.
You already know Ms.
Evans? She's a frequent flyer.
She's here for drugs.
Let me remind you that you've already received Two failing grades on the patient surveys, so -- Dr.
Flanigan, it was a wound recheck Who got mad that I was busy with a ruptured appy Doctor And a fecal impaction who resented the rectal exam.
Her chart is up and loaded.
Hi, Miss Evans.
I'm Dr.
I remember you.
Sorry you had to wait so long.
four damn hours.
could have died.
So, you have pain in your lower abdomen.
Is that right? Yeah.
Okay, may I? Yeah.
Look, I'm gonna -- I'm gonna need something for the pain.
I'm allergic to ibuprofen, ketorolac, and morphine.
There's this other drug, "d"-something.
Dilaudid? Yeah.
You have mild, diffuse tenderness.
No rebound, no guarding.
Strong femoral pulses.
Yeah, this is really all good news.
Are -- are you deaf? I -- I said it hurts.
Are you familiar with your own hospital's policy? Excuse me? Look.
You need to order me a C.
, And the you need to get me something for the pain.
Okay, Miss Evans, you've actually been here each time with a new complaint.
Give you any more C.
s, Your ovaries are gonna start glowing in the dark.
Yeah, but this -- it's different this time.
So, I am gonna follow hospital policy And I'm gonna refer you to a drug-addiction specialist.
I don't -- I don't need that.
please, get some help.
Thank you.
Hey, Nate.
Can you get away? Um, I'm waiting on some test results.
What's going on? Please, it's important.
You got to get over here.
Okay, fine.
Uh, I just don't have much time, though.
I'm texting you the address.
We got to hurry.
Tell me why I'm here, Nate.
I screwed up, okay? I-I know what I said before, but I need your help.
Just follow me, okay? If you have an emergency, you call 911.
I can't call anybody except you! Why not? Grace Meet Matty Boy.
A horse.
Thoroughbred racehorse.
Do I look like a vet? No, a vet would call the cops.
Who are you? Grace, Victor.
Call the cops for what? It's not our horse.
Matty Boy won the Arlington Cup.
His sperm is worth 100 grand.
His sperm? Why does he have an erection? We were trying to get his sperm.
But he wasn't cooperating.
Our, uh -- our dummy mare wasn't his type.
So, Vic decides to give him a handful of Viagra, And now it won't go down.
The horse has got to race tomorrow.
Yeah, I got to go.
Grace, please.
I have patients who need me, Nate -- people patients.
The horse belongs to Vic's boss, Tommy Walls.
Tommy's a captain with the Hyde Park crew.
Yeah, I know who he is.
And he's not the kind of guy that you mess with.
Vic's in charge of the horse's transport.
It was gonna be an easy score.
Please! Help me out.
If Tommy finds out what we did, we're both dead.
Oh, Brett.
How's your brother? Still unconscious.
We're assessing the extent of his head trauma.
I was there, you know, when he crashed.
We were meeting at the courthouse for a hearing, His first since making partner.
Jack's a partner? Yeah, three weeks now.
It's quick, I know, but your father can be persuasive.
Yeah, sounds like dad.
Have you called your family? The hospital alerted Annabelle.
She's on her way.
And what about your father? I -- I don't know.
I'll call him.
Ro, thank God.
I got Granny Smith And all the terbutaline we had in the med room.
I marked the bottles "expired and destroyed.
" thank you.
You know I love you, right? Yeah, I can explain.
Please, don't.
Okay, thanks.
What are you doing? Terbutaline treats priapism in humans.
A horse is a mammal.
So hopefully, it will work.
Hey, there.
Now what? You wait and you pray.
What's with the plums? In prison, some of the guys Used to make a little hooch out of it.
Take a plum, mix it with some sugar.
Anyway, one day, the guys got caught, And the warden banned plums for an entire year.
I didn't know you were such a fan.
I'm not.
But the moment I was denied, that's all I wanted.
Here comes tweedledum.
How you doing, buddy? Hey, did you know there's a roman emperor with your name? Titus Augustus.
Oh, yeah? Let me ask you something -- How many machines you delivered so far? I don't have an exact count.
I do.
It's supposed to be 500.
There's a slight manufacturing delay.
If we're short, our competition gets the jump on us.
It'll cost us millions.
I'm handling it.
Yeah, well, I hope you're not messing around.
I mean, we all know that you and your brother -- You weren't happy with the price.
Well, don't screw around.
I don't know.
You're paranoid.
Stavos, talk some sense into your boss.
Listen, we're in this together, right? You need us to help you with that, uh, Manufacturing delay, you say the word.
Yeah, security, anything you need.
I don't need any help.
I'm telling you guys.
I'm gonna have the machines for you by the end of the week.
How's your brother? Jack's got a splenic fracture With extravasation and free fluids.
He needs an ex-lap.
He's being prepped for surgery right now.
White asked me to scrub in.
I hadn't seen my brother since my mom's funeral.
You guys had a falling out? No.
It's my dad.
We don't really see eye-to-eye.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Fathers can be tough.
Yeah, but, you know, mine put away two corrupt governors, So that kind of makes him a hero, right? It makes him good at his job.
My mom used to say That behind every great man is an even greater ego.
Hey, I'm gonna head to the surgery, okay? You'll be around later? Yeah.
How's Brett holding up? Fine.
I think.
Grade the spleen injury, doctor? Non-invasive, subcapsular hematoma Involving over grade 4.
So, we Do a dexon mesh wrap splenorrhaphy -- Save the spleen.
First step -- mobilization.
Hold on.
's falling fast.
Can't be from the spleen injury.
There's not enough blood loss.
He's not perfusing.
's cratering.
Could have thrown a pulmonary embolism.
Increase the PO2.
Open the saline wide.
Damn it.
Run of five.
Amiodarone, 150.
All right, screw the repair.
We got to grab the spleen and run.
Disconjugate, doll's-eyes movements.
He's moving his legs in response to stimuli but not his arms.
That's new.
He came in moving extremities times four.
So, he's showing progressive paralysis following head trauma.
What's the differential diagnosis? Spinal C.
was negative.
Maybe Central Cord Syndrome? Sciwora? Need an MRI.
Eh, he's not stable enough.
What do we know about the mechanism of injury? Chest and extremity abrasions.
Wrist fracture.
All right, which suggests face-plant.
Could there have been extreme cervical flection or extension? Carol might know.
She's a senior partner at Jack's firm.
She was there.
She saw him go down.
I could talk to her.
All right, fine.
Take Grace.
How's your day? Well, the gall bladder is getting a hida scan, And I am going to the cafeteria hoping for a blueberry muffin.
At canthait.
I need your help with a surgical consult.
Isn't she Grace's patient? Grace discharged her, but she called 911 from the lobby.
Paramedics brought her back to the E.
I'll page Dr.
She's on the Hanson case.
this is so not fair.
You can thank Grace later.
I need a C.
And I'm gonna need something for the pain.
Uh I'm allergic to morphine.
There's this, um This other drug.
I think it's "d"-something.
Dilaudid? Yeah.
That's the one.
It's 10 times more powerful than morphine.
Well, I got 10 times the pain.
I'll order an abdominal/pelvis C.
and two of dilaudid.
You're a wonderful doctor.
Would you like an extra pillow or blanket? Dad.
It's been too long.
Uh, this is Dr.
Devlin, Jack's surgeon.
Well, one of them.
White, chief of surgery, is handling his case personally.
Mark Hanson.
This is Carol Goodman.
Jack's wife, Annabelle.
How's Jack? At the moment, his blood pressure is unstable.
We're having some trouble weaning him off the ventilator.
So, there is a possibility of some brain or spinal injury.
Oh, no.
Oh, my God.
I thought the C.
was normal.
Not all neurological injuries show up on C.
, So we need to know a little more about the crash.
You saw it happen, right? No.
I was there, but no.
I heard it.
I came running.
I called the ambulance.
But it happened outside the courthouse? Yeah, why? Don't they have surveillance cameras? Yeah.
Yeah, they do.
I'll call the courthouse.
We'll have those tapes in 30 minutes.
SoYou find out who's trying to kill me yet? Well, it's not that simple.
Our guy put the bomb's markers through the database.
No names poped up.
The device is identical to a bomb that was used To blow up a diner on Belmont a couple of years back.
Cops make anyone on that? No.
The place on Belmont -- is it The Royal Diner? Yeah, that's what he said.
Why? It was an insurance scam.
The owner wanted to make the bombing look racially motivated, Took the insurance payout, and split town.
And how do you know so much about this, my friend? I may have consulted.
Yeah? Well, who built the bomb? Oh, you know him.
Jimmy Needles.
Jimmy Needles? Jimmy Needles.
I'll tell you what -- go have Gio pick him up.
It's time we had a little homecoming With our old friend Jimmy Needles.
It's just a glancing blow to the head.
Yeah, see, he fractures his arm here, And then he just Rolls.
No major head trauma.
No extreme flection or extension of his neck.
Can you zoom in? Okay, wait, stop.
Stop right there.
Look, look, look.
Look at his hands.
He just lets go of the handlebars.
He might have lost consciousness before the crash.
We've been going about this the wrong way.
Maybe a neurologic deficit caused the trauma, Not the other way around.
So, what's the differential diagnosis for A.
Besides head trauma? What about, like, a weird toxin exposure or brain infection? Has he been camping or on any foreign trips? Oh, we've been so focused on the trauma, we didn't ask.
Well, he's comatose.
Talk to his family.
Maybe encephalitis.
How does dengue fever present? I don't have a clue.
You know what? I got to take this.
What? Grace, the pills made Matty Boy worse! He's freaking out! Is he still priapistic? If that means, "is he still sporting wood," then yes.
Now he's all aggro.
Look, I am in the middle of something here, Nate.
Grace, Vic told me last week One of Tommy Walls' guys pissed him off.
Tommy went after him with a blow torch, burned him to the bone.
What do you think he's gonna do to me? All right, look, I'll get there as soon as I can.
A guy in ICU just yanked out his E.
All right, I can get Jack's history on my own, And then I'll just meet up with you later.
No, we haven't been camping.
And we haven't been out of the country since 2008.
A couple of weeks ago, we went to a legal conference together.
Anywhere exotic? Toledo -- the airport hotel.
Could Jack have caught something on the plane? Maybe.
We're doing a full infectious workup.
He's gonna be okay.
Right? Just tell us the truth, son.
I always do, dad.
Jack is Becoming less stable.
If we don't find out the cause, then He could die? Oh, God.
A-Annabelle, we're doing everything we can.
I-I'm gonna go check on Jack.
Easy, buddy.
Easy, easy.
No, no, no.
It's okay.
It's okay.
No, I'm, uhNo, I'm changing the tire right now.
I'm gonna get Matty Boy to the track on time.
Don't sweat it.
all right, I bought us one hour, maybe two tops.
After that, Tommy's gonna know what's up.
Thank God.
Hey, take your time, why don't you? What's wrong with him? When was the last time he urinated? He hasn't.
He needs an intracavernosal injection of phenylephrine.
A what now? I got to tranquilize him with ketamine And drain the blood from his penis.
Whoa, whoa.
This horse has to race tomorrow, And the track is gonna test for performance enhancers, all of that.
Well, ketamine's a downer, not an upper, so we should be fine.
What about the phenylEphen? Phenylephrine.
Is it gonna show up in a urine test? I don't know what they test for, Nate.
Then we can't risk it.
After the horse mounted the, uhDummy mare, How were you actually gonna collect the sperm? Well, it's called an artificial vagina.
Let me see it.
It's just rubber tubing filled with water, But we didn't get to use it.
Okay, get me a bag of ice.
Why? Because I need a noninvasive way to help the horse.
Do you have any other questions? You paged me? Abdominal C.
Check out the clot in the superior mesenteric artery.
Acute thrombosis.
Who's C.
is this? Our frequent flyer.
You're kidding? She actually has something wrong this time.
Her bowel's necrosing.
Without surgery, she'll die.
Devlin missed it.
And I caught it.
That's all that matters.
Jimmy! Huh? Jimmy Needles.
Long time, no see.
You're not looking too good there, Jimmy.
I swearI -- I didn't know that they'd send you that bomb.
What was that you said? "they"? Who's "they," Jimmy? I never meet my customers.
I got a booking system.
My customers get a three-digit code, and they leave me cash.
Says he dropped a package under a bench in Janura Park.
I'm telling the truth.
All right, I believe you.
So, what number is your buyer? But I don't know who that is.
I don't want to know.
That's the way it works.
I mean, you know, that makes sense to me, Jimmy, you know? Discreet business practice, looking out for your customers.
Aah! You listen to me.
You're gonna tell me what I want to know, Or I'm gonna crack your head open like a coconut And feed you to my dogs! The Amato brothers.
are you lying to me? That's the Amato brothers.
They hired me.
I swear.
Bobby, cut him loose.
Throw him out in the alley with the rest of the garbage.
You saved Dante's life, and this is how they repay you? Hey, the Amatos were always greedy pigs.
They figured with me gone, they can get the whole pie.
Want me to set up a meeting? No.
No more talk.
Grace, the ice is starting to melt.
Good, then you can refill it.
What, is he playing dead? He's sedated.
Vic, my hand is starting to freeze.
Take over.
Hey, Doc, I think it's working.
Damn, is my sister good or what? Hey, Vic.
Hang on tight.
Hey, hey! good one, man.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
You think that's funny? Dude, you know who I work for? I -- I think you should walk away, Victor.
Victor, walk away.
You're lucky she's your sister, jackoff.
Look I know I screwed up, okay? But can we just, like, skip the silent treatment And get to the part where you yell at me? You know what? Right now, Brett's brother is in the ICU.
And instead of being there, I am dealing with your crap again.
You have got to grow up.
I'm part of something right now.
I-if this had worked -- "if this had worked"? Come on, Nate.
You know better.
You could have just said no to the meds, all right? There are plenty of other hospitals.
You have a mesenteric thrombosis.
Like I'm supposed to know what that means.
It means that without surgery, you will die.
You're a bad liar, Doc.
It's your funeral.
Just read and sign this "against medical advice" form While I get a witness.
You need a witness for what? That I explained the consequences Of denying the recommended treatment.
See you later.
If I agree to the surgery, can I have some more dilaudid? No response to painful stimuli at all.
It's progressing.
Well, maybe something will show during the spinal tap.
Have you seen this? Is that road rash? He was wearing a suit.
Boggy to the touch.
You think there's an abscess underneath? Will you hand me that wood's lamp over there? Thinking fungal infection? If it is, it'll show up under the black light.
It's not fungus.
It's "Carol.
" Brett? Carol.
UmI had you paged.
We need totalk.
What's going on? Do you know anything about Jack's tattoo? Oh, God.
Are -- are you having an affair with my brother? Carol, you'veknown him since he was a kid, And you're his boss.
We didn't mean for it to happen.
Look, the -- the tattoo's infected.
I need to know where he got it.
It's a tattoo parlor in Bridgetown Where they specialize in U.
When did he get it? Nine days ago.
So, you weren't at a conference in Toledo? No.
BrettAfter your mother passed, Jack had no one else that he could talk to.
How about his wife? He never wanted to marry Annabelle.
That was your father's pick.
All right, you know that everything that Jack does, Your father pulls the strings.
Why do you think he's so miserable? I didn't know he was.
Since you left, everything your father wanted for you -- Now it's on Jack.
Now, you can think what you want about me, but, please Don't let him die.
Bones! yo, Bones! Come here, boy! Bones! Hey, that better not be another shoe.
What the hell? Ugh! Why, you lame brain! You want a whiskey? I got to drive home.
So, you crash here.
Why would I want to crash here When I got a lake house to stay in, huh? You're the one who's in hiding.
Don't talk about mom that way.
the hell? Hey.
Fellas, how's it going? What are you watching? Oh, the three stooges.
I love the stooges, huh? It's appropriate.
A couple of clowns sitting around watching the stooges.
Sit down.
I want you guys to know I'm disappointed in you.
You -- I saved your life.
And you -- both of you -- I came up with a deal That's gonna make you a whole bunch of money.
And this is what you do to me, huh? You set me up? You try to kill me? You send me a pipe bomb like some coward? What are you talking about? You're telling -- you're saying we sent the bomb? That's -- that's insane.
I can prove it wasn't us.
Look on the table here.
It's our contract for the gaming machines.
I signed them over to you two weeks ago -- Before you got sent that bomb.
So what? So your company owns the rights to the machines even if you die.
Why would I kill you? I need you.
So, what are you saying? You haven't done any business with Jimmy Needles lately? Not to blow up your place.
And your code's not 4-4-7? What? What are you looking at? That's our number.
I didn't do anything.
He's lying! He doesn't have to lie.
He's holding a gun.
Hey, come on.
Come on.
Come on.
What about you? I never liked the terms of our deal.
But I accepted them.
My brother -- he didn't feel that way.
I never thought he would try to take you out.
I believe you.
Really, I do.
So, what's your next move? I'm gonna bury him outside, and if you and I are square Then we're back in business.
Of course, I'm gonna be absorbing your brother's shares.
I'm sure he would understand.
So, we square? yeah.
Sorry for your loss.
The infection could be from a dirty tatoo needle.
? Can't be.
No fever, normal white count.
There's no evidence of cellulitis.
Necrotizing fasciitis? That doesn't explain the neuro deficits.
What about botulism? I mean, the symptoms fit -- Weakness, then descending paralysis.
Eyes, respiratory, upper, then lower extremities, And we have a source.
Yes, very good.
How do we confirm it? Culture the wound.
Uh, send out for a botulism assay.
In the meantime, we'll dose him with heavy antitoxin.
Do it.
You remember that patient you saw this morning, Tiffany Evans? Yeah, the addict who cries wolf.
Why? You missed a mesenteric artery thrombosis.
You did a C.
? Yeah.
And then I performed a thrombectomy.
She's in recovery.
Then you saved her life.
Not that you'll rub that in or anything.
Yeah, maybe a little bit.
God, the one time I stand up to her, fate screws me.
But this time fate screwed us both.
She flunked you on the survey? Post-surgery, I recommended her To a pain-management specialist who took her off dilaudid.
Federal courthouse is right over there.
Dad used to call it his tennis court.
Jack and I called him McEnroe 'cause he'd let us skip school To come watch him mop the floor with sleazy defense attorneys.
Sounds like you admired him.
I was young.
Six years ago, my mother found a lump on her breast.
It was Cancer.
And my dad asked her to delay chemo Until after his confirmation hearings So that there wouldn't be the perception That he was distracted.
So, she delayed Five weeks, against doctors' orders, And it Spread To her lymph nodes.
My dad gave the eulogy at her funeral.
He said that she was his soul mate, That she was the love of his life, And then he cried And made the cover of Time magazine Which is now framed in his office.
Good save, Dr.
Your brother's responding to the botulism antitoxin And antibiotics.
He's already off the vent.
I must have bit it hard, huh? compound wrist fracture.
Ortho had to put a pin in it, so no, uh, strumming it For at least eight weeks, okay? Good thing I'm ambidextrous.
Your, uh, throat's gonna be sore from being intubated.
So, you had a wound botulism.
That's why you lost control and crashed.
Botulism? From a dirty tattoo needle.
It'sStill there.
Who knows? Just Carol And your doctors.
So, let's hear it.
Let's hear it.
You're shocked.
You're disappointed.
I'm sorry, Jack.
Just Sorry.
For what? For living your life? For getting the hell away from dad? I wish I had half your guts.
So, what now? You're on a 10-day regimen of antibiotics.
No, I meant with the family.
They're gonna ask questions.
What do you want me to do? It's possible that he contracted the botulism From a dented can of corn, but he's gonna be okay.
You saved my son's life, doctor.
If there's ever anything you need Oh, it's -- it's what we do.
Don't be such a stranger, okay? Okay.
Thank you.
Catch you later.
All right, I should be going.
Wait, son.
I know Jack wasn't in Toledo.
I'm proud of the way you handled things -- with the family.
Dad, I didn't lie for you.
I lied because of you.
I thought you might be thirsty.
I brought you a gift.
Oh, you've got a sick sense of humor.
we both do.
Oh, yeah? Boom.
Very funny.
Oh, it's cold.
So, Stavos told me you took care of the bomber.
Do I know him? Yeah.
Dante Amato.
And the bastard was even keeping it secret from his brother.
You know, it's a funny business.
He and I used to be good friends.
I think you should propose a toast.
Oh, yeah? Why not? You got so much to be thankful for.
Well, here's to what you got on your mind.
Not now, Gio.
Somebody's here to see you, boss -- tells me it's urgent.
All right.
Let him in.
He's clean.
I need to talk to you -- in private.
Who the hell is this guy? I've never seen you before.
It's been a long time.
Let me tell you something, kid.
I never forget a face.
Then look closer.
It's me, dad.
Sync and corrected
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