The New Adventures of Jonny Quest (1986) s01e11 Episode Script

Temple of Gloom

[theme music]
[music continues]
[music continues]
[dramatic music]
Your country demands what?
Simple peace, Constantine.
- What all nations want. - Peace?
You want to devour my country. You and all your kind.
Constantine, I hardly think that..
No, please.
'No, no!'
Constantine, you've become a..
No, not again.
When will it stop?
[monkeys chattering]
Enough! Time to change targets.
- Moog, the altar. - At once, Depraver.
'I must compliment you, Rajiv, on the effectiveness'
'of your telepathic powers.'
- Moog. - 'Ready.'
It's time to make another ambassador's
wildest dreams come true. Now, Moog.
(Jonny) Is all of India
this pretty, Hadji?
Of course. Well, I guess so.
India is a very big place.
When are we gonna be introduced
to this marvelous friend of yours, Hadji?
Ha-ha. Yeah, I don't think I've ever met a real mystique.
Rajiv has been important to Hadji, Race
in some ways more important than a father.
Yes, once a bond is formed between mystique master
and his student, it lasts for life.
- I can't wait to meet him. - We'll see, boys.
Our first responsibility is the Peace Conference.
'Things have gotten so bad that the ambassadors'
won't speak to each other.
Luckily, they're both friends of mine.
And they've asked me to help.
[dramatic music]
(Jonny) 'Hadji! Hadji!'
- Huh? - What happened?
I-I don't know.
I just hope it doesn't happen again.
[oriental music]
(Jonny) Wow! What a place!
Yes, the gardens of the great hall
are known throughout the world.
(male #1) 'Benton, over here.'
- What the.. - Hurry.
- Boris, what's the matter? - Monsters.
Constantine is sending monsters to haunt my dreams.
Sounds like what happened to me. Only worse.
And there.
Boris, look at me. We can help you.
[Boris screams]
- What did he see? - I don't know.
But I don't wanna see it. Come on!
Out of my way! Run for your lives!
Ah, there sure are a lot of people in this country.
Hurry, boys.
[indistinct chattering]
I hope I don't step on anybody.
Ambassador Boris, stop.
[tires screeching]
Race, what happened?
Ha. Why don't you ask him?
Let's go. I hate to hold up traffic.
Hadji, did you ever see..
(Rajiv) Hadji, Hadji, come to..
Hadji, what is it? What did you see?
I-I-I'm not sure.
Some kind of temple and also Rajiv's voice.
- What did he say? - Come.
Somebody doesn't want this peace conference to succeed.
Hadji had better get to Rajiv right away.
Race, take Hardrock with you.
I have to stay. I'm needed at the conference.
Good luck, doctor.
We're going to need all the luck we can get.
Moog, turn down the delta wave amplifier
so I can talk to our honored guest.
It would be so much easier
if you don't fight my machine, Rajiv.
Why don't you help us voluntarily.
It could make your last few hours on Earth so much nicer.
How can you be so peaceful, you disgusting little man?
'Oh, smile all you like.'
Soon the Peace Conference will be over.
'And you will have helped disrupt it'
willingly or not.
Then I'll have no more use for you
or your telepathic powers.
Moog, full power!
I wouldn't want the peace talks to become too peaceful.
There it is, Race. By the beach.
Alright, here goes.
[cow moos]
Benton, if we fail, fighting will break out immediately.
Lie down, Boris. No one can get to you while I'm here.
I guess you're right.
And remember, if you need me
I'll be right here on the balcony, reading.
Here we are.
I thought all mystiques lived in the mountains.
I'm not entirely sure that I should.
(Jonny) 'What a spooky place.'
It doesn't look like the mystique is open for business.
Bandit, what is it, boy?
Wow! Look at that!
It looks like Rajiv's doing pretty well for himself.
[gasps] The ruby will lead us.
- How do you know? - I'm not sure, Jonny.
I just do.
That's good enough for me. Let's go.
[birds chirping]
Another monster.
I'll get rid of it.
I'll push it over the edge.
Destroy them.
Boris, stop! It's the hallucinations again.
Boris, you don't know what you're doing.
[groans] Where am I?
- In your room, Boris. - Oh, no! Benton, I could have--
We can't worry about that now. It's time for the conference.
[birds squawking]
[upbea music]
Where now, Hadji?
Straight ahead.
(Race) Uh. We'll have to go it on foot.
What was that?
I believe that was a Panthera tigris
more commonly known as a Bengal ti..
- Tiger! - Hardrock!
[birds squwak]
- Is the tiger gone? - Good work, Hadji.
- Yes, many thanks. - That's some ruby.
Let's get going.
[dramatic music]
I sure hope that ruby knows where it's going.
(Jonny) 'It's got us this far.'
How are we gonna get through that?
Allow me.
(Jonny) 'Hardrock?'
This way, gentlemen.
[monkeys screeching]
The temple in my visions. This is it.
(Jonny) What a spooky place.
Careful, boys. Somebody wanted us to come here.
I have a feeling we're about to meet them.
[intense music]
Moog, wait!
Intruders. Forget the old man.
And prepare to greet our new guests.
(Jonny) Those guys are ugly.
Oh, they're not so bad.
(Hadji) 'They're thousands
of years old, Jonny.'
Okay, Hadji, where do we start looking for your pal?
(Rajiv) 'Right here, Mr. Bannon.'
Rajiv! But you made me feel that you were in great danger.
Oh, I am.
And so are all of you.
What's going on?
- Whoa! - Oh, no!
Some path.
I suggest we look for a way down.
The boys can't be far.
[dramatic music]
There's gotta be a way down.
Who or what are you?
[laughs] Wouldn't you like to know.
I don't think you like me.
The feeling is mutual.
Race! I think we..
I'm afraid your friend can't hear you.
Give me back the boys!
[laughs] I give the orders here.
It's time you learned.
Oh, no!
[intense music]
- There's no way out. - There's gotta be.
[Race groaning]
Race, are you okay? Race?
- There he is. - Is he alive?
(Hadji) 'I think so.'
- Liar! - Thief!
- Backstabber! - Monster!
Boris! Constantine!
Gentlemen, stop this!
Too much is at stake.
I think Race is coming to.
[Race groans]
That was some ride.
[laughs] Welcome to our little
party, Mr. Bannon.
'You and our mystique friend here were the last hope'
of that pathetic peace conference.
Now, my country's two neighbors
will go back to fighting and destroy each other
and my people will be there to pick up the pieces.
[dramatic music]
And now, it's time you met your hosts.
[intense music]
Race, hold on.
[laughs] Goodbye, Mr. Bannon.
[Moog laughs]
Jonny, what are we going to do?
(Jonny) 'Race!'
[both grunting]
Race. No!
(Rajiv) Ruby. The ruby.
I have it.
- Come on, Hadji. - Right behind you, Jonny.
- Stop them! - What's the hold up, fellas?
- We're coming, Race. - Uh-oh!
Good work, boys.
Yeah, but what are we gonna do now?
(Hadji) 'Those things are coming back.'
There has to be a way out. Split up.
[upbeat music]
Look, Bandit, a stairway.
Race, Hadji, I found it!
On my way.
Hurry, I saw a light at the top!
(Jonny) 'Just a little further.'
What is it, Jonny?
Look, the light. It's moving.
[laughs] Leaving so soon?
Back down, boys. Quick.
(Hadji) 'Uh-oh.'
What now?
Yes, yes, yes. What now?
- Now, to meet my hosts. - What was that?
Have I missed the party?
It appears that I'm just in time.
Anything else I can do?
Yeah, you can do something about the Bobbsey Triplets
coming up the stairs.
My pleasure. Jump on.
Very clever, but not clever enough.
thump thump
What's that?
(Race) That must be the mother.
Let's find a way out of here fast.
[both grunting]
- Criminal! - Scum!
Oh, no. Cornered!
[intense music]
swoosh swoosh
bash bash bash
(Race) 'Oh. These guys ought to
play for the Dodgers.'
Oh, no. What will we do?
Calm yourself, Hadji.
And perhaps together, we will find the answer.
I'll do my best.
These guys learn fast.
- Let's move. - Whoa!
[intense music]
[Hadji humming]
thump thump thump
Boris, what are you.. Uh.. W-w-we doing?
[sighs] Good.
Now that you've stopped fighting, I'll be leaving.
Moog, get me out of here. The amplifier is overloading.
- Are you two alright? - Yes, Race.
Let's get out of here. It's gonna blow.
Come on!
You and that ruby of yours can do some
pretty fancy tricks, Rajiv.
I did nothing. And this?
[chuckles] Red glass.
The ruby had no power.
It was Hadji who found the answers.
- Hadji? - Me?
Yes, I just helped calm him down.
There is no limit to what a good student can do
if he'll just calm down and let his spirit work.
Tsk, tsk. Oh, there's just too much excitement in the world.
[instrumental music]
Thanks to Rajiv, the conference was a success.
- Hmm, for now. - Yes.
(Dr. Quest) 'Peace is even harder
to keep than it is to win.'
Not if people would just calm down.
[all laughing]
[instrumental music]
[theme music]
[music continues]
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