The New Scooby-Doo Movies (1972) s01e11 Episode Script

The Ghost of the Red Baron

Today, Scooby-Doo meets
The Three Stooges.
You and your shortcuts, Shaggy.
This place gives me the creeps.
lt's like no man's land.
-Not fit for man or beast.
-Or dogs.
l don't understand it.
Last month, all these farms. . .
. . .were green and covered
with healthy vegetables, and now. . . .
Wow, you ever see
such juicy-looking corn?
Yummy, yummy.
Oozing with juicy hot butter
and a touch of salt.
Look. Up there, in the sky.
Crop-dusting with fertilizer?
No wonder that corn is so healthy.
But what about the other crops
we passed, the dead ones?
Yipes! Look.
That's a German Fokker
from World War l.
The same kind used
by Baron von Richthofen.
-The Red Baron?
-l thought the Red Baron was a beagle.
That's Snoopy, dummy.
Red Baron's trying to force him down.
He's heading straight for us!
This is like flying blind.
We're skidding on crushed corn.
Bogey at 1 2 o'clock.
Are you all right?
-Yeah, Mr. Sawyer. Nothing's busted.
-Except my corn.
You ground up two acres.
lt's not his fault. That crazy red plane
forced us into the cornfield.
We'll start fertilizing again
in the morning.
Not with me. l quit.
You can't quit now.
Look, Sawyer, you signed a contract
to fertilize my corn.
-lf my crop fails, l'm ruined.
-That's the fifth pilot to quit this month.
-Then get a sixth pilot.
-They've all heard about the Red Baron.
There just isn't anybody
stupid enough to apply.
Holy zoinks, it's Larry,
Moe and Curly Joe.
The Three Stooges.
Captain Curly at your service, sir.
My credentials.
You advertised for a first-rate pilot.
''Acme Flying Service.
Good for one free lesson. ''
Sorry. Just a memento from my youth.
Been meaning to have it framed
since l was knee-high to a spark plug.
''Flying Comics''?
''Flip Falcon tells the secret of flying. ''
Actually, l'm an illiterate pilot
temporarily out of work.
Actions speak louder than words.
-Show them, Curly, show them.
-Yeah. Sure, sure.
-Where's the plane?
-You're in it, rudder-brain.
Hey, hey. Look.
Corn on the cob. Always said first class
was the only way to fly.
Tell the stewardess l like my steak rare,
and butter for my corn.
Steak? Corn?
Back in the tourist section, doggy.
Looks like Scooby's going for a ride.
-Are you sure Curly's a pilot?
-The best.
What happened?
Do something. Don't just sit there.
A genius. He could out-fly
the Red Baron himself.
He's done it since he was
knee-high to a comic book.
He brings that ship down in one piece,
l'll pay double.
-l told you.
Oh, no. Another 1 0 bushels gone.
l should be in the cornmeal business.
He deliberately went through the corn
to slow his descent. A genius.
Remember, you said you'd pay double.
Yipe! This is some first-class airport.
The only things that fly on schedule
are the bats.
Hurry up with that tire, Freddy.
l can think of 6 million places. . .
. . .where l'd rather be than
this excuse for an airport.
l hate to leave the Three Stooges alone
in a place like this. Curly Joe. . .
. . .has to dust the corn.
What if the Red Baron shows up?
l feel sorry for the Red Baron.
Curly Joe can fly circles around him.
You are the ones
who smashed the wheels?
Who--? Who are you?
Andrew Terra, the mechanic who keeps
these miserable wrecks flying.
Mr. Siegfried ordered me
to repair the wheels.
-Mr. Siegfried?
-He manages the airport for Mr. Sawyer.
-We were just leaving.
-l would advise it strongly.
This is not a fit place for man
or beast.
Or dogs.
What's so scary about
a crummy broken-down airport?
Nonscheduled bats.
The bats are the only things
the ghost of the Red Baron. . .
. . .will allow to fly at this field.
The ghost of the Red Baron?
You will meet him
before this night is over.
l was afraid he was gonna say that.
Ghosts are our business.
l was afraid she was gonna say that.
Tomorrow the Red Baron
will meet his match. . .
. . .if he tries to fool with
Mr. Sawyer's new pilot.
-New pilot?
-The best. Captain Curly.
Yeah. He'll fly rings
around the Red Baron.
You will excuse me.
l must get parts to fix this wheel
so Captain Curly can get off the ground.
You should see how he flies
without wheels.
You sure you wanna hang around
this place?
Believe me, there's absolutely nothing
to worry about. Absolutely nothing.
Watch out!
-lt's turning.
-lt's coming back.
-What's going on in here?
-Hey, like, you tell us.
We've just been buzzed
by a pilotless aircraft.
That crazy plane started up by itself
and chased us around the hangar.
That is scientifically impossible.
You must have touched something
in the cockpit.
-Wanna bet?
-lt's not important.
-What matters is that no one was hurt.
-You must be Mr. Siegfried. . .
. . .the airport manager.
Strange things have been happening
around here for the past few weeks.
Perhaps it would be better for your
own safety if you left tonight.
You're absolutely right, Mr. Siegfried.
-Right, Scoob?
We've decided to stay
and look around first.
You've heard about
the ghost of the Red Baron?
We've heard, but there isn't
a ghost alive we can't expose.
Alive? Ghost?
Whatever you wish. But remember,
l warned you for your own good.
Yipes! Like, now we've met two creeps,
and if my arithmetic serves me right. . .
. . .two creeps are twice as creepy
as one.
There's nothing to worry about.
Curly Joe is gonna fly that crate
in the morning. . .
. . .and we're gonna stay right here
and make sure nobody tampers with it.
l was afraid she was gonna say that.
Man, like, an inch closer, and l'd
have been whacked right on my. . .
. . .head.
Look, he dropped a note.
''The Red Baron strikes again.
Leave at once or face the inevitable. ''
lf there's anything l can't face,
it's facing the inevitable.
-He'll never pull out of that dive.
-What happened?
-l didn't hear any crash.
Let's go see.
lt can't be. He vanished into thin air.
Do you think maybe we imagined
the whole thing?
Daphne's right.
We imagined the whole thing.
Now, let's head home before
our imagination starts us imagining again.
Yeah, yeah.
Wait. That lump on Shaggy's head
is no illusion.
-What lump?
-Yeah, what lump?
Cut it out, Scoob.
This is no time for cowardice.
lt is. lt is.
-We're devout cowards, right, Scoob?
-You're the last hope Mr. Sawyer has.
lt's up to you, Captain Curly.
You're the only man in all aviation
that can save them.
Hey, you hear that, fellas?
-She's talking about me.
-Yeah, you, a chubby lone eagle.
You've all got to stay.
Curly Joe is willing,
and he has to fly tomorrow.
-l am? l do?
-Velma's right.
Besides, it's five miles through those
creepy farms to the main road.
And the Red Baron's out there.
l know what you're gonna say,
and l wish you wouldn't.
-What's he gonna say?
-That we'll be safer in the hangar. . .
. . .than out in the creepy countryside.
Right. We can padlock the doors.
Out there, who knows what can happen?
-We've just decided.
-That there's safety in numbers.
-And padlocks.
This is your final warning.
Depart now or face the wrath
of the Red Baron.
Yipes! The son of the Red Baron.
l don't believe it.
ls that scary Scooby or super Scooby?
l've never seen him act
like that before.
Scooby-Dooby didn't.
No ghost cut this.
Not the ghost of the Red Baron
or the son of the ghost of the Red Baron.
The Red Baron.
Yikes! He's after us.
Come on, Scoob, run.
Quick. ln here.
l don't believe it. He flies, he floats,
and now he hops.
Maybe he doesn't believe in gravity.
Well, l do, and l'm gonna gravitate
out of this dump right now.
Us too.
Wait. Think of Mr. Sawyer
and that farmer.
We can't desert them.
Did you hear that plea of a damsel
in distress begging for our masculine aid?
-Are Mr. Sawyer and the farmer. . .
. . .in need of our dynamic abilities, to say
nothing of Curly Joe's flying skill?
-Are we gonna stay here. . .
. . .and stand our ground like men
and face the Red Baron and help those. . .
-. . .in need of our assistance?
lt's unanimous. We quit.
There. Hey, we're all packed.
You sure you won't change your mind?
Positive. Maybe rain and sleet
and fog and storm.
And lightning and thunder and hail,
but ghosts?
-l don't understand it.
You've got tons of fertilizer
in the hangar. . .
. . .and this droopy plant
looks like it's starving to death.
l don't understand it either.
l keep putting fertilizer on it every day,
and it gets worse instead of better.
Hey, where are you going?
Stay here and see if you can talk
the fellas into changing their minds.
l'll be right back.
A couple more minutes. . .
. . .and we'll pick up the others
and roll out of this factory.
Shaggy, look.
Good work, Scoob. You're the first dog
that ever got the Red Baron to fly blind.
Like Shaggy would say:
Oh, my gosh. Velma's up alone
in that crate.
-We've gotta do something.
Like. . .is right.
Here comes the Red Baron.
Whoever he is,
he's better than Curly Joe.
l wonder what comic book he uses.
-Velma. That's Velma up there.
-What are we gonna do?
-What are we gonna do?
Velma's in trouble,
and we're gonna fly the other ship. . .
. . .whether we like it or not.
So go ahead.
And l thought we were chicken.
Chicken? l'll show you who's chicken.
Go on up with Curly Joe, chicken.
What are you gonna do?
On second thought,
nobody's gonna leave me alone. . .
. . .with that spooky red rabbit
hopping around.
Like, we'd better get to the tower
and tell Freddy what's going on.
Oh, no, not again.
-l think it means business this time.
-Faster, Shaggy. Faster.
We'll be safe here.
Just be thankful this isn't
a coconut plantation.
-lt's coming back.
There's only one thing l could use
at a time like this: Help!
-Up. Up.
-And away.
Come on, ace.
Let's get this crate off the ground.
Let's get it out of the hangar.
Oh, dear. What was it now?
March? April?
Mayday. Mayday. That's it.
Man, like, this is one long windmill.
Mayday, mayday.
That's Velma.
What's she yelling ''mayday'' for?
-Today's June 5th.
-Something's wrong.
Mayday is the international
distress signal.
Oh, my gosh. She's up there alone
in that rusted, broken-down crate.
-Shut up and keep flying.
We have to catch up with Velma so you
can yell instructions on how to land.
-What is it, already?
l forgot my Flip Falcon comic book.
l think we'll be safe up here,
Scoob. Yikes!
-And double yike.
-Yeah. Yikes.
Hey, Scooby, you think we scared him
more than he scared us?
No, he scared us
more than we scared him.
Something tells me we're gonna need
air rescue to get us out of this mess.
This is Captain Roger.
l mean, Wilco Curly. Captain Curly. . .
. . .calling the tower. Do you read me?
Come in, Captain Curly.
l read you loud and clear.
l was wondering if you could read me,
loud and clear. . .
. . .page 1 0 of Flip Falcon comics.
I left it next to the dead plant.
Flip comics? Got it, Freddy.
''Lesson 1 0: How to land
in five easy panels. ''
You mean--?
He means read him the lesson
so we can clear out of this mess. . .
-. . . without a loud crash.
-What happened?
-Fat eagle just fainted.
lf we can figure out how to work
this thingamajig. . .
. . .we can fight fire with fire if that
crimson creep shows up again.
Yeah. Yeah.
Let's see what happens when l do this.
That answers the question.
lt goes bananas.
Let's try it the other way.
lt's headed straight for us.
-Help, Scooby. Do something!
Scooby, old pal. l promise
l'll never bark at you again.
I'm going to read the instructions to you
and the Stooges at the same time.
You understand, Velma?
-Jinkies, what a racket.
-Velma, do you read me?
Velma? Oh, my gosh.
Her radio went dead.
Freddy, will you quit shouting
and read us how to get down?
You better read, Freddy.
Maybe we can't hear Velma,
but maybe she can hear us.
Right. ''The first step is to aim
the aircraft directly toward. . . . ''
Nothing to it, Scoob.
l got it down to a science,
and something tells me. . .
. . .this little Fokker is going to
come in mighty handy.
''And Flip took Myrtle in his arms. ''
Hold it. I've got the wrong page.
''Landing instructions continued
on page 1 6. ''
Here we go.
''Point the aircraft into the wind. ''
Freddy, can you hear me?
Please, Freddy, say something. Anything.
''Ease the stick forward to the--''
That's it, Moe. You're coming down fine
and heading straight for the runway.
''Now take hold of the throttle knob. . .
on the control panel. ''
-l'll do it.
''And pull the knob stick straight back
toward the--''
-Dummy, you busted the radio.
-The throttle.
The throttle. He said to pull out
the throttle.
Sorry, Moe.
You'll really be sorry if you don't find
the throttle and get this down.
Eenie, meenie, minie, mo.
-What is it now?
-l gotta think about it.
-Stop thinking and use your brains.
-l choose this one.
Yipes! Put on the brakes.
The brakes? l think that was panel six
on page 7.
Or was it panel seven on page 6?
l found a brake, Moe. l found it.
That was a rudder pedal, stupid.
The fat baron did it again.
-How did you get it to stop?
-lt ran out of gas.
We've got to get this radio to work.
lt's our only chance to save Velma.
She's flying in circles
around the big windmill.
Golly, l hope she has enough gas.
Here l am, chasing after
the ghost of the Red Baron. . .
. . .in an airplane l don't even
know how to fly.
Oh, well. At least things couldn't
get much worse.
Scooby. Where did you come from?
-Don't stand there. Do something.
-We can't. The plane's out of control.
So am l.
Hang on, Scooby.
You okay, Scoob?
Oh, brother. l feel like the number 26
on a roulette wheel.
At last, it's slowing down.
Maybe l can reach that pole.
Made it. Look out below.
l'm headed for terra firma.
Speaking of terra,
l wonder what happened to Scooby.
That's strange, this patch of tall weeds.
Look. lt's Velma and Scooby.
-And here comes Shag.
Are we glad to see you.
How did you manage
to get that crate down?
lt was easy. We crashed.
Hey, look. Weedkiller.
Something sure is fishy.
A plant in the tower
wilts from fertilizer. . .
. . .and a bunch of weeds
grow four feet high.
What does it mean, Velma?
Someone's dumped a lot of fertilizer
by these weeds. . .
. . .and filled the fertilizer bags
with weedkiller.
You were trying to talk the Stooges
into dusting the corn tomorrow.
lt's a good thing l'm not
the only chicken around here.
Hey, look.
Someone's using this old barn
for a garage.
A pair of wheel tracks
and a single skid track.
Wow, a two-wheeled car with a skid.
l have a sneaky suspicion that
the Red Baron's plane is in that garage.
l've got a sneaky suspicion l'm about
to sneak away from this sneaky place.
Wait. Get a load of that lock.
-lt's ultrasonic.
-Somebody sure doesn't want visitors.
l think we better search this whole area.
There's got to be a way in.
lf you think l'm going into
that creepy barn, you're--
Okay. You and Scooby see
what's inside that gristmill.
The rest of us will check out the barn.
That's more like it.
Me and my big, stupid mouth.
Yeah. Yeah.
How come we always get
the creepy assignments. . .
-. . .like checking out haunted gristmills?
We ought to start
our own protest group.
We'll call it Chickens' Lib.
l'll tell you, Scoob,
it really gives you food for thought.
Speaking of food, look. Apples.
Ghost-breaking can wait. After all,
man does not live by bread alone.
There's apple pie too.
l just figured out the way
to reach those branches.
The stronger of us will lift
the other one on his shoulders.
Oh, well. Sometimes a fella
just has to humor his pet.
l'll pluck them, you catch them.
-Here it comes.
Here comes another.
And another.
Hey, save some for me.
You're nothing but a hound dog.
How true. How true.
Come on, fellas, wake up.
We gotta see if Velma is okay.
lt's him.
Very interesting.
lt's no use. This place is sealed
tighter than Fort Knox.
He's gonna crash into that stone wall.
Quick. Let's get inside
before it closes.
You were right, Velma.
lt is the Red Baron's plane.
Get back. He's coming this way.
l will deal with them later.
But first, l have a field of corn
to fertilize.
A few more apples and we'll be able
to keep the doctor away for a year.
And the veterinarian too.
Move back a few steps.
A few more.
Keep going. l'll tell you
when to stop, Scooby.
Okay, stop.
l wonder if Adam and Eve
had these problems.
Yipes. Ferris wheel two points
off the starboard bow.
Where do we go from here?
-When are you gonna learn?
-Someday, Scoob. Someday.
Oh, we're in some kind of underground
room, and with no way out.
-Hey, what's that?
-A square ghost?
Let's see what's under the sheet.
''Caution. Do not open. Danger. ''
Oh, Scoob, l'm dying to know
what's inside.
Relax, Scooby. lt's just a box.
What do you think's inside it?
There you go,
always jumping to conclusions.
Looks like Scooby's suffering
from a case of spring fever.
A door. That's using your old head.
-l'll say.
-l wonder where it leads to.
lt's locked.
-Who is it?
-Me who?
-Me who is trapped. . .
. . .on the opposite side of you who.
-lt's Shaggy.
-Hey, it's Velma.
-We're trapped in a cave. . .
. . .with the Red Baron's plane.
You've gotta help us get out.
Don't worry. l'll have you out
in a couple of seconds.
You did it, Shaggy.
Now we can get out of here.
Sorry, but there's no way out
back there.
We escaped out of one prison
and into another.
Give me that saw.
-We did this in a movie once, right?
-You mean tie the saw to the prop?
That's right. There she is.
Now grab the tail and shove
this crate into the big door.
Okay, guys. Let's scram.
lt's the Red Baron.
That plane is loaded with weedkiller.
He's going to ruin all that juicy corn.
Ruin the juicy corn?
Go, little fella. Go! Go!
He's getting away.
-After him!
-lnto the duster plane.
Hang on, gang.
We're taking off.
-Where you going?
-l don't like to mention this. . .
. . .but l forgot my comic book.
We did it, Scooby.
We saved all that juicy corn.
Oh, no. He forgot his comic book.
Flap. Flap. Flip the flap.
''Flap. Flap. Flip the flap''?
An upside-down dog who reads?
You heard him. Flip the flap, stupid.
Now, you do everything
that dog tells you, you hear?
Down. Down.
Okay. What next?
He means the plane, dummy.
Follow me.
Look. He's getting away in the Jeep.
Captain Curly to the rescue.
You're flying in the wrong direction,
Did you say this crate is loaded
with weedkiller?
Bombs away.
Hey. Get off. Get off me.
Sounded like a crash.
Who's this?
Good grief. lt's Siegfried.
Jinkies! l was positive it
was old Mr. Terra.
But l don't understand.
Siegfried posed as the ghost
of the Red Baron. . .
. . .and spooked the airport
to scare away all the pilots.
Then switched weedkiller
into the fertilizer bags. . .
. . .so he could ruin the crops.
Like, tell him why you were poisoning
all that juicy corn.
The county is planning to buy
the surrounding farms and the airport. . .
. . .so they can expand it into a jet field.
You were poisoning the crops
so you could buy the farms cheap.
And the airport runway cheap.
And then sell them back to the county
at a big profit. Right?
-lmagine, scaring everyone away. . .
. . .so he could fertilize the crops
with weedkiller.
Curses, Mr. Baron. Foiled again.
Compliments of the house
for a job well done.
Hey, how are we gonna slice
this 4-foot salami without a knife?
Captain Curly to the rescue.
Hit the prop button, Moe.
More. More.
l understand about the weedkiller. . .
. . .but what about the way
the Red Baron hopped 1 0 feet in the air?
-And the way he floated like a ghost.
-Hey, look.
Of course. A hook and cable.
-Coiled springs in the boots.
-So that's how he did it.
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