The Oath of Love (2022) s01e11 Episode Script

Episode 11

=Episode 11=
Open your mouth.
Open it.
How does it taste?
Isn't it great?
Isn't it?
When you enjoy the hot pot
with your eyes closed,
you won't think of the operations.
Do you see
the gateway
to a brand new world?
This is the solution
I've come up with for you.
You can then enjoy the hot pot
with your eyes closed.
You'll no longer miss
any delicious food in the world.
Don't be grateful.
I'm okay.
It tastes just so-so.
Enjoy the food.
Come on.
Oh, have them back.
Help yourself.
Have some more.
Dr. Gu, I'm home.
I had a good time today.
Let's go have the hot pot next time.
Don't be discouraged by the apartment.
I'll keep helping you with it.
Lin Zhixiao,
don't easily be enchanted
by his handsome face.
What am I thinking of?
Don't believe anything
like love at first sight.
Lin Zhixiao, stay awake.
Are you still the doctor I know?
Are you possessed?
You had the hot pot!
And you didn't even invite me.
There must be something wrong.
Let me observe you more carefully
and see if I can find any other evidence.
Do you want to experience
the feeling of being dog-tired?
come out for lunch.
Lin Zhixiao,
- could you focus?
- It can't be eaten anymore.
I'm focusing.
Then why were you chewing the bone?
There's still meat on it.
Look at your daughter.
In her twenties, she's still childish.
The son of Ms. Zhang next door is
only a few years older than her, right?
He has moved to Beijing
and got married already.
What do you mean my daughter?
Isn't she your daughter too?
Aunt Zhang's son is ugly.
Why don't you compare his face
with mine?
Don't you always ask me
not to talk during meals and bedtime?
Don't have double standards.
Don't always tease me.
Ms. Zhang said
her son would settle her down in Beijing.
When can my daughter
give me such a good life?
Am I thinking of it too early?
You're just thinking too much.
Don't always underestimate me.
Nothing can be sure in the world.
What if I can?
You just said
Aunt Zhang would move to Beijing?
What are you smirking at?
That's good.
Zhixiao, come on in.
You look more beautiful.
Thank you.
Make yourself at home.
It's the kitchen.
The living room.
Is this the study?
- Yes.
- May I have a look?
My apartment is fully furnished.
It's good.
- Zhixiao.
- Mm.
Your mother told you about it, right?
Yes, yes.
I'm leaving for Beijing
the day after tomorrow.
I've posted
the rental information on 58. com.
I left your mother's number on it.
And I'll leave the key to your mother.
I'll entrust the apartment to you.
If your friend wants to rent it,
no problem.
You can negotiate with him for me
and save the commission.
Okay. Okay.
I've got something else to do.
Just show yourself around.
- I'll leave you alone.
- Okay. Okay.
Goodbye, Aunt Zhang.
I don't like
the structure of this apartment.
The daylighting and ventilation
are just so-so.
It'll easily breed bacteria.
And it's hand-me-down furniture.
I'm not used to it.
♪Falling in love with you
and I miss you♪
♪Every time every time like fly♪
♪Falling in love with you
and I miss you♪
♪Every time every time like fly♪
♪Falling in love with you
and I miss you♪
♪Every time every time like fly♪
♪Falling in love with you
and I miss you♪
♪Every time every time like fly♪
♪Miss you♪
♪I love you♪
(Apartment proposal)
What do you think?
It's reasonable and convincing.
Even I want to move into this apartment.
Seriously? Do you really think so?
Later, please email
the same proposal to me.
I'll make such a marketing proposal
for our café, too.
No problem.
You weren't even so serious
when you were preparing
for the college entrance examination.
Instead of focusing on study,
you only care about Dr. Gu.
What does it indicate?
It indicates that I'm trying hard
to flatter Mr. Lin's attending doctor
and I'm an incredible filial daughter.
No way!
You're just fooling yourself.
What are you talking about?
Let me add one thing.
you can be the neighbor
of the Prettiest Girl of CN.
Now you can send it to Dr. Gu.
But the file is too big.
If I send it to him through WeChat,
can I not succeed
unless I delete some photos?
You made the proposal so elaborately.
How can you delete some?
Take my advice.
Print it out
and give it to Dr. Gu tomorrow.
Will I be trying too hard?
Aren't you trying too hard already?
Let me say it again.
I made this proposal
for Mr. Lin.
Just for him, got it?
Fine, fine.
For Mr. Lin.
Just for him.
If you give it to him personally,
you'll look more sincere, right?
You made some sense.
Fine, then.
I give in to you.
Dr. Gu, aren't satisfied
with this proposal?
- I did a great job, right?
- Don't read this.
Okay. Okay.
- Doctors are tired every day.
- Stop. Stop reading.
- So
- Done.
Enjoy the tea.
I really don't understand Gu Wei.
He insists on moving out,
no matter how hard we try to stop him.
What have we done
that displeases him?
Gu Wei has been filial.
Maybe he's just being stubborn
for the moment.
We can't persuade him, anyway.
I know you and Uncle Gu
just worry about him.
He's too busy working
to look after himself very well.
When he lives at home,
you can take care of him, right?
See? You're always sensible, Xi.
Gu Wei has been obedient since little.
He's a good boy.
But compared to you,
he's far worse.
Even you can understand
what I care about.
Why can't he understand his own mother?
I'm so disappointed.
Don't be sad, Aunt.
Gu Wei will understand you one day.
could you persuade him
not to move out?
Aunt, you know Gu Wei
very well.
He thinks very independently.
If we all persuade him,
he won't listen.
What do we do, then?
We can't just let him move out.
I've got an idea.
Maybe we can stop him in some other way.
Some other way?
What does it mean?
Hello, Mr. Gu.
This is the estate agent
of Aiwu Real Estate.
My colleague
gave me your contact.
Are you still looking for an apartment?
Yes, I am.
Here's the thing.
I've got a resource.
In terms of location, orientation,
decoration, and rent,
it meets your requirements perfectly.
If you're interested,
is it convenient for you
to check it out tomorrow?
Okay. No problem.
I'll call you tomorrow.
Mm. Thank you.
You're doing it wrong.
Is it okay here?
A bit up.
Up. Like this?
Like this?
Not that up.
How about now?
Slightly askew.
Parallel to the third grid.
The third grid?
Yes, yes. The third.
Like this?
This high?
A bit down?
Right. A bit down.
- How about this?
- Right.
That's right.
How about now?
Too askew.
Are you enslaving me?
Let's hang it together.
Why are you drinking water?
I haven't even drunk any water
the whole day. Do it yourself.
Hold the lower part for me, okay?
Like this.
♪You tell the truth by joking♪
Not bad.
It looks good.
You found it?
What do you think of it?
Gu Xiao, why did you wrap me?
Why did you do this?
I didn't wrap you.
You just wrapped me.
- How did I wrap you?
- Unwrap me.
- Will you?
- Yes.
- Will you?
- Yes.
- Unwrap me
- What's going on?
- Let go of me.
- What?
- What happened?
- Let go of me, will you?
- Come on.
- Or I'll tickle you.
Let go of me, will you?
- Why why is someone there?
- Where?
♪Every moment of every day♪
♪I want to be with you♪
Yes, yes, it's good.
You did a good job.
♪You're my feelings of happiness♪
♪I finally understand the truth of love♪
Why did you kiss me again?
I fell in love.
♪It's that I can protect you♪
Hello, Dr. Gu.
Miss Lin.
Is that Dr. Du?
Yes. Am I disappointing you?
No, no.
I just have something to tell Dr. Gu.
Dr. Gu
was having the operations the whole day.
He's asleep now.
Why don't you leave a message?
Tomorrow morning,
I'll tell him about it.
It's okay. It's not very urgent.
Thank you, Dr. Du.
I'll tell him tomorrow.
Okay. Goodbye.
(Apartment proposal)
This is the second bedroom.
It's a little bit smaller
than the master bedroom.
Look. Here's the toilet.
The kitchen is over there.
It's very big.
Here are the cabinets.
Things in the cabinets
are left by the landlord.
Keep them if you like.
If you don't,
I'll have them removed someday.
Look. Here's the dining room.
It's an independent room.
When you have time,
you can invite your friends for dinner
and have fun.
Give me the record of Bed No. 28.
Thank you.
Bed No. 42 wants new meds.
Hi, Dr. Gao.
Are you going to see Gu Wei?
If you came for the apartment thing,
don't bother to see him.
He has decided
to move into my apartment.
He he'll move into your apartment?
But he
Sorry I didn't make it clear.
I mean
he will move into the spare apartment
of my family.
It's just unoccupied.
My friend took him to check it out.
It's the floor-to-ceiling window.
The daylighting is great.
It is.
That's good.
How about this, Miss Lin?
After the house decoration is done,
Gu Wei and I will invite you over.
No, thanks, Dr. Gao.
I'm usually busy.
I won't be free enough to go.
I'll take my leave.
Lin Zhixiao!
You're just an idiot
who is quite self-sentimental!
he doesn't like me!
I don't like him, either!
(Estate agent)
Excuse me.
According to the landlord,
the living room
has been decorated.
(Gao Boyang, Huaqing University First Affiliated Hospital)
So, he wants to see the tenant.
I'll give him feedback.
Please don't mind.
(Sorry, the subscriber you dialed)
(is busy now.)
(Please redial later.)
Dr. Du said you called me. What's up?
Is that Gu Wei?
Who's that?
Please come and meet me.
I seldom judge someone wrongly.
What on earth do you think
of Zhixiao?
What's your relationship
with that woman doctor?
Are you going to two-timing Zhixiao?
What are you talking about?
Now that you and that woman doctor are
in a dubious relationship,
why do you still mess with Zhixiao?
I'm warning you.
No one can bully
my girl.
Shut up!
I really don't understand
what you're talking about.
Lin Zhixiao
didn't answer my phone the whole day.
I also want to ask you
what happened to her.
It's okay that you don't like
the apartments Zhixiao selected for you.
Without any explanation,
you just wasted her efforts.
And then you'll move into
that woman doctor's apartment.
Do you have an idea?
Zhixiao has done a lot for you.
But you just don't cherish her!
(Dr. Gu, it's very, very clean for you!)
(Doctors are tired every day.
So, you need a good rest.)
(Rent: 4,600 yuan/month, Two bedrooms,
two living rooms, one kitchen, and one toilet)
(Advantages: You can be the neighbor
of the Prettiest Girl of CN)
Can't you just call me again?
Hello. How was it going?
Did he sign the contract?
Actually, he didn't.
What happened?
I don't know what happened to him.
He just called me,
saying he had rented another apartment.
Fine. I get it.
Aunt Zhang's apartment was let out?
Dr. Gu called me,
saying he wanted to rent an apartment
in our community.
He asked me for a favor.
I thought he could live next door.
Good morning, neighbor.
Good morning, neighbor.
♪Because I fall in love with you
and I miss you♪
I don't have any business, actually.
I just came to say good morning.
♪Every time every time like fly♪
Morning, Aunt Li.
Morning, Dr. Gu.
By the way,
if you're available tonight,
come to our home for dinner.
As a welcome party, okay?
May I?
I don't want to trouble you.
You won't.
You're my husband's doctor.
And now, we're neighbors.
We should often visit each other
and take care of each other.
All right. I can also check
how Mr. Lin is recovering.
That's great. It's a deal.
See you tonight.
See you tonight.
Good tea, Mr. Lin.
It'll taste better later.
what are you dazing at?
Serve the dishes.
I've kept the tea for a long time.
But now,
looks like
I can't enjoy it anymore.
As you have a stomach problem,
you'd better drink warm water.
Boiled water.
Here, Dr. Gu.
Thank you, Mr. Lin.
You're welcome.
Here, Dr. Gu.
The dinner is ready.
Dr. Gu, come on.
Come and take your seat.
- Okay.
- Hurry. Honey,
entertain our guest.
Come on.
Dr. Gu,
take this seat, please.
I'll take my seat, Mr. Lin.
- Be seated.
- Mm.
Come on, Dr. Gu.
Have a taste of my dishes.
Just home cooking.
Be seated.
All right.
Come on. Be seated.
What a big dinner, Aunt Li!
Don't be shy. Let me get you some.
Thank you, Aunt Li.
I don't know what dishes you love.
I'll help myself.
Enjoy the food.
How does it taste?
I'm glad you like it.
By the way, Dr. Gu,
what made you
move into our community?
What attracts you
to our community?
You can be the neighbor
of the Prettiest Girl of CN.
(Advantages: You can be the neighbor
of the Prettiest Girl of CN.)
The rest is cheap.
And it's near my hospital.
There are many apartments like this,
aren't there?
Don't you have alternatives?
I have one.
But it's an apartment
my parents found for me.
It's an old apartment of their friend.
It's not convenient to live there.
That's all?
Yeah. That's all.
Don't just talk.
Or the dishes will get cold.
Come on. Enjoy the food.
You just moved in.
You still need to buy many things, huh?
Do you also have no time
to stroll around the neighborhood?
That's right.
Don't worry.
Zhixiao is quite familiar
with the neighborhood.
After having dinner,
show Dr. Gu around the neighborhood.
Neighbors here all like her.
When she goes to buy a fish,
she can get some shallots for free.
She can?
Okay. Thank you, Aunt Li.
Lin Zhixiao,
please show me around later.
No problem.
Lin Zhixiao.
Are you feeling unwell?
Then why are you bashful?
Have dinner properly.
I'm not bashful.
Dr. Gu, enjoy the dishes.
I will.
Ms. Lin, have some more.
Mr. Lin, care for your health.
Dr. Gu,
here's some for you.
You grab a bite, too.
Just gobble
as you usually do.
I don't.
I never gobble.
I always eat slowly like this.
Here are the slippers.
Lin Zhixiao,
which pair do you like?
You make your own choice.
Pick any pair you like.
You like pink slippers?
Are you not
going to visit me?
Are you saying
the slippers are for me?
May I?
May I have that pair of slippers?
I like that yellow duck.
It looks lovely.
Yesterday, your friend Sansan
showed me an apartment proposal.
I didn't know who made it.
It looks excellent with photos
and it's quite touching.
It made me feel that I would lose a lot
if I didn't move here.
I made it.
The Prettiest Girl of CN.
There's more over there.
Shall we go have a look?
Dr. Gu,
you've only picked daily necessities.
And such colors
will depress people
if you keep looking at them.
What makes it different
from decorating an on-call room?
It's different.
My apartment is bigger.
You really don't have fun in life.
Maybe it's because
my parents are doctors
and I'm a doctor, too.
I'm used to such a life
and I don't usually care.
you're not as sympathetic as me.
You don't have good taste, either.
Fine. I'll count on you
for the home decoration.
Rest assured. Count on me.
Which one do you prefer?
Grey. Okay?
I just think
I need to change gradually.
You're right.
Buy this, then.
You will change from now on.
And look at the mug.
The cartoon pattern suits you.
It does?
There're more things over there.
♪Fall in love with you I miss you♪
♪Every time every time like fly♪
♪Fall in love with you I miss you♪
♪Every time every time like fly♪
♪I need your love♪
♪It's for you♪
♪In my life♪
My favorite crisps.
I want them.
No. They have too many crumbs.
It's hard to clean
if they fall on the sofa.
But I don't eat them in your home.
I'll enjoy them in my own home.
You can't have them anywhere.
I just complained
you didn't have fun in life.
Fine. I give in to you.
You're really awesome.
Dr. Gu,
Lin Zhixiao,
when did you buy the bulbs?
When you weren't noticing.
Are you surprised?
You're even too surprised to talk.
Don't rush to say thank you.
Dr. Gu,
could you turn on the switch?
I'd like to see if the bulbs work.
Come down first.
It's too dangerous to stand up there.
It's okay. It's not dangerous.
Do they look great?
I have the same bulbs.
On my honor, I assure you
that the bulbs will look more romantic
at Christmas.
♪We wish you a Merry Christmas♪
♪And Happy New Year♪
All right. Come down first.
I'll hang them later.
Are you thirsty?
Let me get you some water.
What would you like to drink?
Pepsi or orange juice.
But I only have purified water.
Iced or at room temperature?
Iced, pleased.
Considering your physical condition,
you'd better have some water
at room temperature bottle.
Okay. You call the shots, Dr. Gu.
Fine. I'll get some for you.
Thank you.
Would you like some more?
How How about some more?
It's empty.
I'll go hang the bulbs.
Let me help you, Dr. Gu.
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