The Penthouse: War in Life (2020) s01e11 Episode Script

Episode 11

(Written Statement)
I told you to write it down.
Where you got those cigarettes
and who you smoked it with.
Don't leave anything out
and write it down in detail.
If you don't finish writing it,
you can't go home today.
I told you it isn't mine.
I really don't smoke.
Is that so? Shall I call your mom?
No. Please don't call my mom.
Please, I'm begging you.
I really don't smoke.
(Teacher's Office)
- What are you doing?
- Move.
I don't understand. Why do you care
so much for Bae Ro Na?
What is that brat to you?
Let me answer your earlier question.
I don't like you.
So can you stop showing interest
in me?
(Teacher's Office)
Joo Seok Hoon.
Oh, Seok Hoon.
You didn't go home yet?
I have something to tell you.
What is it?
The one who put those cigarettes
in Ro Na's bag
is me.
Did you really do it?
Was it really you?
It was me.
Are you deaf or what?
How could you?
Why did you do it?
How could you do that to me?
I was just bored.
Hey, Joo Seok Hoon.
Tell me the truth.
If you're just trying to cover
for Ro Na
Is there a reason for me
to do that?
Well, I guess there is no reason.
There isn't.
What is going on?
Something's not right.
Hold on a second.
Hello, this is Joo Dan Tae.
I'd like to speak with Rogan Lee.
I see.
Please set up a meeting
as soon as possible.
I'll be waiting.
Sir, you have a visitor.
Don't let anyone in.
Oh, dear. I'm so sorry.
I'm already in here.
Leave us.
Gosh, your office is really
smaller than I thought.
How's your business going?
I bet your business
always goes smoothly.
Can you cut to the chase?
What do you want?
Well, the thing is
I heard Cheong Ah Arts High School
is about to choose an ambassador.
No matter how much I think about it,
I think Seok Kyung is
the perfect choice.
You came all the way here
to tell me that?
Was the present I gave you last time
not enough?
How about that drink
you promised me before, Dan Tae?
"Dan Tae"?
Was I a bit rude just now?
Shall I tread a bit slower?
It sounds friendly and nice.
But too bad.
I have plans with my wife.
We're having dinner together.
Dinner plans
with your beautiful wife?
You're really
a family man.
I'll be off then.
Secretary Cho.
Are you here to show me out?
There's no need
"I have no intention
of being friends with you."
Says Chairman Joo.
"You really"
"have a foul temper."
Can you tell him that?
Promise me.
I'm so sorry for keeping you late.
I'll go home and talk with him.
Of course, I understand.
You're the head of our school board.
I'm sure it's no big deal.
I'll make sure it's sorted out.
Su Ryeon, can Ro Na
stay with you tonight?
I'll explain later.
I'll take Ro Na with me too.
These belong to Seok Kyung.
You can change into them.
Is it okay if you sleep
with Seok Kyung tonight?
I was worried my mom might find out.
Can you keep this a secret
from my mom?
I'm so sorry.
You almost got in big trouble
because of Seok Hoon.
Seok Hoon didn't do it.
Ha Yoon Chul, Oh Yoon Hee.
I want to kill them.
Calm down.
I don't want my precious girlfriend
to be stressed
because of her stupid husband.
Let's see.
When did you prepare all this?
They're all the things I like.
At least when you're here,
I want you to be happy
without any distractions.
Enjoy everything that's here.
You truly deserve to.
This will be our signal.
Whenever I wear this scarf,
it means
I will have you.
I see
You disgusting scumbags.
Darn it.
What? Do you have the guts to shoot?
Go ahead.
Shoot me!
I took in a poor
grape farmer's son,
made you a doctor
and gave you a good life,
yet are you planning to spend
the rest of your life as a murderer?
Do what you want! If you want
to spend your life in prison.
You darn jerks!
This will be our signal.
it means
I will have you.
Dad, when do you come home?
I'm all alone at home
and I'm scared.
Come here.
Come on.
Let's see
Ha Yoon Chul. What's wrong?
There's blood on your hand.
Yoon Hee.
Did something happen?
A doctor can't go and hurt his hand.
You're supposed to save lives.
It's nothing serious.
Something happened at the clinic.
- Where's Ro Na?
- At Seok Kyung's.
She'll spend the night there.
Do you want to have a drink?
Relationships and karma
can be very strange.
See how we met again
and are now living
in the same building.
I resented you
for a pretty long time.
Each time I heard about Seo Jin,
I thought of you.
That's why I stopped
caring about music altogether.
I guess I'm being punished.
So you saw your wife's true colors.
Don't say that
and live happily with Seo Jin.
Stop fighting.
If I were to
ever go back to you
Will I never deserve
to be with you, Yoon Hee?
Stop drinking. You're drunk.
Yoon Hee.
It's time to get your revenge
on Cheon Seo Jin.
Don't feel guilty.
You don't have to.
Let's not do this.
Don't worry about Oh Yoon Hee.
What you set up made things easy.
We just have to call a board meeting
this evening to vote.
You have my trust. Make sure
to get that woman out of my face.
I told you not to
What's wrong?
I think someone touched my rifle.
Not even the janitor
is allowed to touch this gun.
He must've moved it
while dusting it.
Aren't you being too sensitive?
Let's go. It's getting late.
(101BO 9280)
(101BO 9280)
What? He's not at home?
Where were you?
Your car was parked downstairs.
What happened to your hand?
I asked where you're coming from!
What are you doing?
Why are you packing a bag?
I asked what you're doing!
I guess since I came here
with nothing,
it wouldn't be so bad
to leave with nothing.
Let's get a divorce.
Let's stop deceiving each other.
What? You want a divorce?
Isn't that what you want too?
I'll tell your father.
Let's wrap it up quick,
as soon as the paperwork's done.
Have something for your hangover.
You drank a lot last night.
Were you with Yoon Hee all night?
And you dare ask me for a divorce?
What right do you have?
Do you think I'll give you
what you two want?
I'll take Eun Byeol
as soon as I find a place to stay.
I can't leave her
with a woman like you.
It'll be easy to leave,
but much harder to come back.
I don't want to come back.
I won't send your parents
in Yeongwol any more money.
And the wedding funds for
all your siblings will stop now!
I have that much money too.
You're Eun Byeol's dad.
Ha Yoon Chul!
Mom. What's the matter?
Bye, Ro Na.
Darn you!
You nasty and shallow wench.
Is this about Yoon Chul?
Are you that intimidated?
Quit being so obvious
about not having a husband.
You must be planning to use
my husband to stay here.
You won't get your way.
We'll wait and see.
The person who must leave
is you, not me.
It's you, Cheon Seo Jin.
Yes, hello?
Rogan Lee?
You're a hard man to see.
Have you received
the files I've sent?
Yes, I got the documents.
A few obstacles here and there,
but a fairly satisfying deal.
Okay. Let's set up a day soon.
Yes. That will be great.
Let me know any time.
I'll be waiting.
You're leaving late.
Are you still upset about
Oh Yoon Hee?
Didn't we sort that out?
I have good news.
Soon, I'll sell the Myeongdong land
for the highest ever price.
Your account will get
quite a payment.
Don't put your hand on me!
I'd like to recover my investment
as soon as possible.
What a small-minded fool.
I just don't like him.
(Myeongdong Shopping Town
Investment Plan, For Rogan Lee)
(From J King Holdings'
Chairman Joo Dan Tae)
I saw Cheon Seo Jin
leave your place.
Something happened, right?
Last night,
I was with Ha Yoon Chul.
I think he found out about
Seo Jin's affair.
And that she's seeing Chairman Joo.
Did you do it?
Cheon Seo Jin
tried to get back at me.
How could I hold back when she got
my mother-in-law to cause a scene?
And he was bound to find out anyway.
- So you
- Aren't you angry at all?
You should be tearing Seo Jin apart.
What's wrong with you
to keep it all inside?
You're suffering on your own,
but that brat Seo Jin's just fine.
That's not fair at all.
I'm infuriated.
That couple will experience
insane torture pretty soon.
Now that Yoon Chul knows,
he'll do something
to his cheating wife.
I saw him make a face as if he knew
he had messed up this life.
It felt oddly satisfying.
that didn't last very long.
What do you mean?
That feeling when you realize
your spouse was cheating on you.
I know how dreadful it feels,
and just how much it hurts
enough to wish you were dead.
I know only too well,
so I felt bad for him.
So I kept him company as he drank.
That was all I did.
Did you really not go any further?
I took a few photos
to infuriate Seo Jin,
but I couldn't send them.
I'm Ro Na's mom.
I won't do anything
that would embarrass her.
To Ro Na,
I'm the only one left.
I'm sorry, Yoon Hee.
I was thinking evil for a moment.
You're a really cool person.
Su Ryeon, let's be friends forever.
Let's never fight
or betray each other.
Whatever dreadful thing you do,
I won't ever hate you.
Do you mean that? You promised.
Yes, I promise.
Seok Hoon did it?
He came to me himself to confess.
His mother came to pick him up,
so I sent him home,
but I don't know what to do next.
His father did agree to replace
all the air conditioners
this summer.
It would be reasonable
to let this slide.
Seok Hoon. Ms. Cheon has
kindly decided
to forgive you for this matter.
You were saved
thanks to your mother and father.
What a golden card.
I even covered up
the assault case last time.
It's unfortunate something like this
happened again.
Stop disgracing your father
and focus on auditioning
for the ambassador position.
Hey. Aren't you going to thank
Ms. Cheon?
Are you being this arrogant
because of your dad?
What if someone finds Min Seol Ah
in the mechanical room?
What if
she exposes our relationship?
She probably has a good reason
to do this.
That little punk.
Hey, Joo Seok Hoon!
Why that little
Leave him be.
He's at that age right now.
I guess you got in trouble again
during your probation period.
Did you really do it?
Putting those cigarettes
in Bae Ro Na's bag.
My goodness. I guess you keep doing
the same thing
because you've never been punished
Why don't you go apologize
to An Eun Woo?
For beating him up.
I didn't do anything
to apologize for.
Are you that tough? Are you?
Do you know how to box?
Let me see how good you are.
Hey, bring it on.
Come on.
Please stop this.
It would be embarrassing to be
beaten up by your student.
Why? Are you scared?
Are you chickening out on me?
Then just admit
that you beat up An Eun Woo.
- And apologize to him.
- I won't! He
deserved to be beaten up.
Why do you have so many
darn excuses?
Hey. If you wanted to box,
you should've boxed fairly.
Why did you cover his eyes
like a coward?
I won't go easy on you
just because you're a teacher.
Gosh, Joo Seok Hoon.
Your punches are really
slower than I thought.
You acted like you were
a champion or something.
Stop blabbering rubbish
and concentrate.
"Rubbish"? What did you just say?
Hey. Shall we box for real then?
Bring it on.
Do you get it now?
You don't stand a chance.
Why didn't you punch my face?
Do you think I'm stupid?
I don't want to get fired
for beating up a rich kid.
I hit all the pressure points
no one will notice.
Just like you, you coward.
Joo Seok Hoon.
Remember to clean up
before leaving.
I'll give you 30 minutes today.
"30 minutes"?
Why are you being so cheap?
That's not enough time.
Just eat your lunch and come out.
We're all dead if anyone finds out.
Okay, fine. Open the door.
Why does your face look so gaunt?
I missed you like crazy.
We only have 30 minutes today.
(Audition Script for 2020
Cheong Ah Ambassador)
(Audition Script for 2020
Cheong Ah Ambassador)
(Nambu Penitentiary)
Gosh, I paid a fortune
for those 30 minutes.
Oh, dear.
Well, that's the reason
I work so hard to make money.
Welcome, Father.
I wanted to have lunch with you too.
Is that okay?
How could you think of meeting
my dad alone?
I had some time this afternoon,
so we came together.
Let's go in.
So, what is it you want to tell me?
Does your family need money
or something?
It's not that.
His parents are okay now
and his sisters are working now
and making money.
I'm glad to hear that.
Why don't you support Seo Jin
from now on?
Until when will you ask
for her help?
Come on. He cares for me so much.
Right, honey?
This braised pollack is delicious.
Shall I give you some?
Enjoy it.
It hurts.
Do you think I'll change my mind
if you do this?
I don't know what this is about,
but stop whining.
If couples divorced after
a few fights,
no couple on earth
would still be together.
Is getting a divorce a joke to you?
Don't you know how important it is
for Eun Byeol right now?
How could you only think about
your feelings?
How dare you say that?
Do you even have the right
to worry about Eun Byeol?
I'm going to tell Father everything
and ask for a divorce.
Even if we get divorced, I decide.
I'll decide it when I want to.
You're only thinking of yourself
even in this situation, right?
What you did
Get your phone.
What do you want?
It's an emergency, sir.
(Current Time, Surgery Duration,
Anesthesia Duration)
Even if we get divorced, I decide.
I'll decide it when I want to.
Dr. Ha, the patient is
bleeding excessively.
Let's stop the bleeding first.
Prepare the suction
and get me a clipper.
The bleeding won't stop, sir.
I think you damaged a nerve.
What do we do?
He's unstable.
It's worsening.
Shall we inject medication?
His blood pressure is dropping.
It's getting worse.
What shall we do?
- Dr. Ha, it's an emergency.
- Dr. Ha!
- Dr. Ha.
- His blood pressure is dropping.
What do we do? This looks bad.
Don't try to fool me!
When did Yoon Chul ever
call me first and ask to meet?
There's something wrong
with you two, right?
- Am I wrong?
- It's true we fought,
but it's nothing serious.
It was just an ordinary argument.
You were the one who insisted
you wanted to marry him.
What did you do all this time,
letting your husband sway you?
How will you lead
Cheong Ah Foundation
when your marriage is a mess?
I can do it.
I gave up the position
in Teatro alla Scala
and came to Korea
to take over Cheong Ah.
I will never let Seo Young
become the head of Cheong Ah.
Then don't let Yoon Chul
act up like that.
So you don't get caught up
in a strange rumor.
I will never tolerate a divorce
in my family.
If you're going to get divorced,
don't even think of becoming
the director.
(Cheong Ah Arts High School)
(Connecting to Black Box)
So, you saw everything?
(Director Park,
Cheong Ah Medical Center)
Hello, Director Park.
How have you been lately?
My husband told me it's hectic
because of so many patients.
If you weren't feeling well
because you hurt your hand,
you should've told us in advance.
The patient may be paralyzed
from waist-down.
His family is throwing a fit,
saying they'll sue.
If you don't sort this out properly,
don't even think of becoming
the future director.
I'm sorry, sir. I'll take
responsibility for everything.
How will you do that?
Do you even know that
he's a VVIP patient?
As soon as we get the
CCTV footage of the surgery room,
we'll hold
a disciplinary committee
and take proper measures.
As the director of the foundation,
I feel very unfortunate about
the outcome of this surgery.
Isn't it practically impossible
to prove his malpractice?
I think we should just
wrap up this issue
as soon as possible
and keep in low.
I understand, but I doubt his family
will settle so easily
Isn't that why
you're sitting in that position?
This was an uncontrollable accident
that occurred
while treating a patient's
critical illness.
As long as he isn't found guilty
for malpractice,
we won't take responsibility
Do you want to lose
a competent doctor
over a trivial mistake?
Any legal issues or matters
regarding the compensation
will be handled by me,
the smart and sexy Attorney Lee.
Dr. Ha, you're truly
a fortunate man.
You should thank your wife
if this goes well.
This is all thanks to Seo Jin.
Are you having fun right now?
Gosh, this is no fun at all.
Gosh, those who have a lot
don't know how to appreciate it.
Don't worry, you don't have to be
You won't lose your license
over something like this.
Shut your mouth.
I don't need your help.
You can't live without me.
We're a married couple,
no matter what others may think.
Do you think I don't know
why you need me?
The director of Cheong Ah Foundation.
That's the only reason.
Since your father will
never allow
your family's reputation
being tainted. Am I wrong?
Did you see me with Chairman Joo?
- What?
- It's nothing.
It's something that could happen
between a married couple anytime.
It's like a car accident.
Just like how you were attracted
to Oh Yoon Hee.
Are you insane?
How could you spew such nonsense?
You cheated on me with Joo Dan Tae.
The person I hate the most!
You're the same.
You met Oh Yoon Hee,
whom I resent the most.
So let's just end it.
Do you wish for me to be
a mere decoration in your life?
Yes. Is that so hard to do?
Have you done anything for me
all this time?
You should at least
do something now.
A divorce?
I told you that will never happen
until I decide.
You're crazy.
You should worry about
your current situation.
If I don't help you,
this hospital will blame you
for this accident.
Then you'll lose your license
and be kicked out of this industry
for good.
Eun Byeol?
I'll never let you take her.
I'll get custody and the house.
The court will be on my side.
Since you didn't contribute at all
- Cheon Seo Jin!
- However,
if you come back home
as if nothing happened,
I'll make sure the patient's family
is silenced at all costs.
Since you're my husband.
Make your choice.
But I won't wait too long.
I'll tell Eun Byeol
you went to a conference.
Gosh. You poor thing.
About getting divorced.
It won't be easy.
You better think carefully.
You'll lose your job, your daughter,
and live as a pitiful divorced man.
That's crazy!
How about maintaining your title
as the son-in-law of Cheong Ah
and live a dignified life?
Dr. Ha, your life
is in Seo Jin's hands.
Call me.
Cheon Seo Jin is truly unbelievable.
How could she be so brazen
when she's having an affair?
She's so cool.
I found this cell phone
inside the air handling unit.
I'm sure she'll come back for it.
Excuse me.
The cell phone you just received
belongs to someone I know.
(Hacking passcode)
(Hacking complete,
Passcode: 1201)
I have
the passcode.
- Already?
- Yes.
My gosh, this is great.
My daughter was so upset
for having forgotten the passcode.
- Isn't my daughter pretty?
- Yes, she is.
She looks just like you.
- Exactly. You can go now.
- Bye.
Let's see.
Let's see if she's studying hard.
Oh, my gosh.
My goodness gracious.
Joo Dan Tae. Cheon Seo Jin.
You guys were being threatened
by Min Seol Ah.
But how dare you get us involved
when you two committed a murder?
I have something up my sleeve.
You just wait and see
how I decide to use it.
If you lie down under the sun
like that, you'll get a burn.
I thought you might need this.
Why would I need
pain relief patches?
I saw you getting punished
by the PE teacher earlier.
I'm sorry. It's all my fault.
It's not your fault.
Hey, why are you suddenly
taking your shirt off?
So I can put that on my body.
Give it to me.
Good luck with your audition.
Thanks. You too.
What's wrong? Did you get hurt?
Did the PE teacher
really beat you up?
I swear I won't forgive him.
Don't tell Dad.
Why did you get involved
in Ro Na's business?
You shouldn't have
even though you thought it was me.
I think Mr. Gu has his eyes on you.
You should stay quiet for a while.
There's no need. I know who did it.
- It was Eun Byeol.
- What?
Eun Byeol did it. I saw her.
When we went to Ro Na's house,
I saw her in Ro Na's room.
I know it for sure. It was her.
Why would she do that?
She likes you, so she probably
wanted to get Ro Na in trouble.
I bet she thinks
you're interested in Ro Na.
How could she even think
that would be possible?
If we put Eun Byeol and Ro Na
fight with each other,
I might become
the school ambassador.
You're going to help me, right?
Let's go.
(We're glad to welcome
our future students of Cheong Ah.)
(Request to attend
the Hera Palace board meeting)
(Vote for or against
the eviction of Oh Yoon Hee)
Must you really do this?
Then did you really expect
the two of us
to live peacefully
in the same apartment?
Today will be the last day
you get to sleep in Hera Palace.
You got to sleep here a few nights,
so consider yourself successful.
You'll have something to brag about
throughout your entire life.
I'll see you at the meeting.
It's at 7 p.m.
Today, the reason I gathered
all the executives
of the Hera Palace board
is because I received
a report about
our new Unit 4502 resident
tainting our class and dignity.
We're going to hold a vote
regarding her eviction.
If you agree,
please vote for the eviction.
If not, you can vote
against the eviction.
I don't think Ms. Oh did something
bad enough to taint our reputation.
It just looks like she was a victim
of a wrongful accusation.
Isn't it a form of violence
to kick her out like this?
We received a complaint,
so we should follow the rules.
Oh, right. My husband couldn't
attend the meeting
because he had to go
to a conference.
If Dr. Ha isn't here,
there's no need to vote.
No one will be against the idea.
I guess Dr. Ha knew
this would happen.
He gave me the power of attorney
and voted for the issue in advance.
Okay. Let's start voting.
This needs to be kept confidential,
so please turn around.
(Vote on Oh Yoon Hee's Eviction)
Let's count the votes.
Please go ahead.
Then I'll begin counting the votes.
(For: 1, Against: 0)
(For: 2, Against: 0)
We already have three votes
that agree with her eviction.
My goodness, she'll get kicked out
as soon as she moved in here.
Keep going.
I guess that's Su Ryeon's.
(Against: 1)
That's obviously Dr. Ha's.
That has to be it, right?
That means it's 5 against 2
What? Who voted against this?
I swear I stayed loyal.
Calm down.
There's still one more vote left.
This last vote will decide her fate.
- This is absurd!
- You people are unbelievable.
- My gosh.
- This is crazy.
- Congratulations.
- Gosh.
Darn it. This is
(For: 3, Against: 4)
(Against: 4)
Who in the world
voted against the issue?
Shouldn't the votes
be kept confidential?
Thank you.
Thank you so much
for accepting me as your neighbor.
I won't cause trouble anymore,
and I'll do my best to fit in.
Thank you, everyone.
Honey, did you see the look
on Ms. Cheon's face earlier?
She was so annoyed by the result.
But how could four people
vote against the issue?
Who betrayed us?
I don't know.
Mother, have you ever given Ro Na
a warm hug?
All you ever cared about was money!
Can I ask you
whenever I have questions?
And treat you like my older brother?
It wasn't you, right?
If neither of us voted against it,
that means it was either
Chairman Joo or Jenny's mother.
I can't believe
they're so weak-minded.
I'm off to work out.
Call my mom and see how she's doing.
What a joke.
You promised to help me
find my mom, right?
I hope you keep that promise.
Why do you want to find your mom?
She abandoned you.
Because I want to check something.
I want to see how she's doing.
How do you want her to be doing?
I want her to be unhappy
just like me.
(Playing file)
I want her to be unhappy
just like me.
(Playing file)
I want her to be unhappy
just like me.
I want her to be unhappy
just like me.
Ms. Shim.
You don't deserve to be so happy.
My goodness, it's so pretty.
I made it myself.
I hope we all get along.
Thank you for this.
You should join us, Yoon Hee.
Gosh, it looks so delicious.
How did you make all this?
Ms. Cheon will get angry at us
if she finds out about this.
You made this all by yourself?
You're very talented.
It's really delicious.
Is it okay?
It's not bad.
My goodness, what is this?
(2020 School Ambassador Audition)
(2020 School Ambassador Audition
for Cheong Ah Arts High School)
- My gosh.
- So pretty.
You look great.
So pretty!
Great job, Jenny.
Next is Ha Eun Byeol.
(Cheon Seo Jin)
(2020 School Ambassador Audition
for Cheong Ah Arts High School)
(Cheon Seo Jin)
- Ha Eun Byeol! Ha Eun Byeol!
- Ha Eun Byeol! Ha Eun Byeol!
That was very natural. Nice.
Why don't you share
how determined you are?
If I become the school ambassador,
I'll do everything I can
to promote
how great our school is
to the public.
That was great.
Do we all agree on picking her
for the next round?
Next is Joo Seok Hoon.
(Cheon Seo Jin)
(2020 School Ambassador Audition
for Cheong Ah Arts High School)
(Pretty Princess Jenny,
Our Min Hyuk, Joo Seok Hoon)
Seok Hoon really is handsome.
Seok Hoon,
you passed the camera test.
(Cheon Seo Jin)
Good luck.
Lee Min Hyuk.
I asked you all to come to school.
As you all saw from the video,
this isn't a light issue.
You taught your kids wrong,
so you also deserve to get punished.
You'll each have to do 10 hours
of community service.
Does anyone have
a problem with that?
- 10 hours?
- Not at all.
We should be setting a good example
as parents,
but we were busy trying to cover up
their wrongdoings.
I'll take whatever punishment
you decide to give us.
But what about Ms. Cheon?
Shouldn't she get punished too?
Eun Byeol was involved in this.
She's currently
participating as a judge
for the school ambassador audition.
So she couldn't join.
I guess she didn't want
to get punished with us.
She has too big of an ego.
Hello, sir.
My goodness, look who's here.
It's Seok Hoon's mother.
Is Chairman Joo doing well?
Yes, thanks to you.
Thank you for always
supporting our school.
- Mr. Gu.
- Yes, sir?
Did you have to include her in this?
No, I'm greatly responsible
for what happened.
And I hope you also give the kids
the punishment they deserve, sir.
What did you just say?
We're doing this so that our kids
won't have to get punished.
Why in the world would you ask him
to punish our kids?
What if our kids don't make it
to Seoul University?
Will you take responsibility?
What's so important about
going to that school?
Are you kidding me?
It's really important to me
that my son gets accepted there.
I made Min Hyuk
start classical singing
so he could go to that school.
Everyone in my husband's family
went to Seoul University,
Stanford, and Oxford.
But if Min Hyuk fails to go
to Seoul University,
they'll blame me
and say he takes after me.
What should we do first?
I really like
your enthusiasm.
It's a great day to clean.
Don't you think?
Let's begin by recycling trash.
- "Trash"?
- He wants us to recycle trash?
- It took hours to do my hair today.
- Exactly.
What am I doing here?
Put this up to your face like this.
Give it some more volume.
Just like this.
Turn it up like this.
My gosh.
My goodness.
Jenny's mother
and Min Hyuk's mother
are both working really hard.
But you're slacking off too much.
I'm working hard right now.
Don't pretend like you're doing it.
You need to put in more effort.
(2020 School Ambassador Audition
for Cheong Ah Arts High School)
I will represent all of the students
at Cheong Ah Arts High School
and do my best
as the school representative.
What a joke.
She talks as if she made it.
I'm quite surprised.
She has some talent.
Your voice sounds different.
It looks like
you practiced too much.
(Bae Ro Na, Poor)
(Ms. Kwon)
(Bae Ro Na, Poor)
What was that for?
What's your deal?
Do you like Seok Hoon?
Must I answer that?
I'm warning you.
Stay away from Seok Hoon.
Don't talk to him, smile at him,
and don't even act like
you know him.
- I don't want to.
- What?
going to become the ambassador
and do it together
with Seok Hoon.
Don't even dream of it.
Only I can become the school model.
Let's wait and see.
This time, I won't let you
have things your way,
Ha Eun Byeol.
My goodness, look at all of you
working so hard.
Get up and clean.
Of course. We're sweeping
and cleaning so hard
that our arms are about to fall off.
I see.
Ms. Shim,
I don't think you're applying
any pressure when you clean.
Look at this dust.
Follow me. You need to clean
the bathroom next.
Please, not the bathroom.
Oh, you two can just sit down
and take a break.
Come with me.
Come on!
Oh, dear. I'm so tired.
What exactly is going on?
What do you think?
Su Ryeon is getting
all the punishment.
Since Seok Hoon was the leader.
Are you still cleaning?
Oh, my. Ms. Cheon!
We're totally exhausted.
My whole body feels so sore.
Ms. Cheon, can you please
talk to Mr. Gu?
Where is Mr. Gu right now?
Come on, can't you wipe harder
than that?
You said you'd be punished instead
for your child.
Do you even feel sorry?
You're doing it wrong.
Why don't you use this
and wipe harder?
Use this too.
You can use all of these.
Can't you try wiping harder?
Why are you being so mean?
Don't you think your attitude
is a bit too much?
Why? Are you starting
to get angry
because you're doing something
you've never done before?
You felt responsible
for what your son did?
You must love your son very much.
Or is it just a show?
Is this some act of
noblesse oblige
due to Chairman Joo's reputation?
Why are you so angry at me?
I'm not angry. I'm just jealous.
Because you look so happy.
But I'm not sure
how long that happiness will last.
Stop being evasive and tell me.
What is it you want to say?
Stop being so pretentious, lady.
He's not even your real son.
did you just say?
You have another daughter.
Who are you?
Do you want to know who I am?
I know you're Min Seol Ah's mother.
(The Penthouse)
Tell everyone Min Seol Ah is
your daughter.
If you say anything about Seol Ah,
I'll make you pay for it.
Gu Ho Dong may not be his real name.
We're the only ones
who know this information.
That's all my money.
- Do you like baseball?
- Baseball?
Who is that? BK?
Isn't that Kim Byung Hyun?
- I'll get divorced soon.
- What?
Hi, guys. How have you been?
- Min Seol Ah isn't dead?
- Where is this shoe?
One of our parents
killed Min Seol Ah.
I'll make your life miserable
from now on.
Brace yourself.
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