The Story of Park's Marriage Contract (2023) s01e11 Episode Script

A Night When Crape Myrtle Flowers Fall

(Lee Se Young)
(Bae In Hyuk)
(Joo Hyun Young, Yoo Seon Ho)
(The Story of Park's Marriage Contract)
(All characters, places, groups, and organizations)
(are purely fictional.)
Why did you do it?
To save his son, he let my wife die
just like he took your mother from you.
That's who your grandfather is.
That is the true Kang Sang Mo.
- Why you - Please stop.
Grandpa, that's enough.
For everything he did wrong, regardless of what that is,
I will apologize on his behalf.
Tae Ha, what Why would you kneel before him?
Why on earth
would you apologize to a punk like him?
It's too bad
because I don't think I can forgive him.
I choose not to
because we're going to die together anyway.
Stand up already.
- Stand up. - Grandpa!
No. Oh, no.
Why did you do this?
Tae Ha, do not do this.
This is not you.
Don't forgive me.
Me and him.
Don't forgive either of us.
(Chapter 11: A Night When Crape Myrtle Flowers Fall)
Since the chairman has been hospitalized,
who will lead the company?
It'll be a blood bath.
It was only an honorary position anyway.
A blood bath would be an overstatement.
Are you saying a war is imminent?
Kang Tae Ha versus Min Hye Suk.
That seems likely.
Gosh, that isn't what I meant.
Please stay seated.
Are we almost done with the preparations
for Ms. Park's pop-up store?
Yes, almost
I mean, we're at 71.5 percent.
After the interview with the designer,
we'll go over all the details.
Ms. Oh.
Don't stress yourself out too much over it.
Just make sure it meets the deadline.
Sure thing.
What's with him?
Also, where are we
on the promotional campaign for the winter season?
We're scheduled to meet with emerging designers
and have been preparing a campaign with the communications team.
We'll report back to you once we have a timeline.
(Meeting Room)
Kang Tae Ha.
If things are taking a toll on you, let it show.
You're not an android anymore.
It seems as though he's a little worried about you.
(Meeting Room)
Blood doesn't lie, does it?
I can't drink coffee.
So that was him teasing you.
Enjoy some tea while you're at it.
How's the chairman?
He has yet to come to.
You and Vice President Kang.
The heartache you suffered
will be compensated somehow.
But losing one
after gaining one is the rule of this world.
Is there something else that is troubling you?
Of course not.
(Tae Ha)
Will you excuse me?
Hey, Tae Ha.
I couldn't find it in me to call you sooner.
There seems to be something wrong with his head.
The doctors call it euphoria.
He is blissful and everything seems to be a joy.
Even though
he lost his child and the company he cherished,
- How nice is this? - he spends his day in smiles.
Look here.
A lot of the things I did hurt my son.
Would I ever be forgiven?
Why do you ask? Do you feel guilty?
Of course, I do.
But I doubt it'll happen.
I will never be forgiven.
He's no longer alive in this world, you see.
I guess he's lucky not to see me like this.
Here. Try solving this riddle of mine.
What's something everyone wants
but is hard to obtain?
I'm clueless, sir.
It's happiness.
I tried hard to obtain that myself,
but that was a challenge.
Mister, it's happiness you should find.
I'll pray for that.
Gosh, the weather sure is nice.
did you come to see my grandfather that day?
I was worried
you would be in pain.
Living your life without being able to forgive someone
is the same as torture.
I wished for your grandfather to lessen that burden for you.
I'm done
hating him now.
He went about it the wrong way,
but I know that he did it out of his love for me.
I am glad you think that way.
I wish for you to let go of any anger and hatred
and be more at ease.
That won't be of concern
now that I have you by my side.
If you choose to stay here,
Kang Tae Ha's heart will stop beating.
Are you that fond of me?
Gosh, not even ten duplicates of me would be enough.
First of all, get in line.
I'm in high demand, you see.
I couldn't care less about your duplicates.
All I need is you.
I know
that I only have a few days left.
It's time
I told Tae Ha.
- Kang Tae Min. - Kang Tae Min.
- Wake up. - Wake up.
What the Why?
I'm visiting Dad today,
so entertain Jun for me. All right?
Jun, do as Tae Min says, enjoy your meals,
and have all the fun you want. Got it?
Got it.
I'll get going.
Get up already!
Darn it.
why are you here?
What's all this?
Isn't it obvious?
We're here to enjoy some quality family time.
Forget it. Why should I
Stop that.
I'll get going, then.
Seo Jun, that's not what I meant. I
You should be proud of yourself.
You're close to making him cry.
How is this played? Is it fun?
Yes, let me show you.
You'll still lose to me though.
We won't know until we actually play.
Don't you agree, Seo Jun?
Tae Min's a beast at this game.
You'll lose for sure.
What was that?
We don't even have to be reminded just how clever Jun is.
Whatever. Let's do this.
Do you even know how to play?
Yes, I do.
It's a memory game.
One that requires the use of your brain.
I know I can do way better than you.
Let me explain. Watch.
This is insane.
How can it be more beautiful
than flower rings and jade binyeo from Joseon?
Are you kidding me?
Are you kidding me?
You have got to be kidding me.
My goodness!
What the
Oh, no.
Why? Is something wrong?
Sung Pyo The Ring I was overjoyed and
And now I cannot find it.
You lost the ring my brother proposed with?
Oh, no!
What's all this?
This is not it.
This is not the feeling.
Sung Pyo, you're unbelievable.
Did you have
to propose with a mere tab
that only brought her heartache?
Sung Pyo, I am sorry.
I lost
the ring.
Sa Wol,
it's all right.
It's not even a real ring,
- and one that I - No.
To me, Madang Soe,
Ggeok Soe, Bong Pal
Who was it with the big head?
Yes, Mang Geun.
What you gave me was more precious than anything I got from them.
My tab!
Sa wol, you were popular among men.
Madang Soe, Ggeok Soe,
Bong Pal, and Mang Geun.
Madang Soe had
a sweet body.
At the watermill, the two of us
Stop. I don't want to hear it.
Sa Wol, hold on!
I also feel queasy.
Don't you dare!
Why are you doing this to me?
I'm sure Seo Jun had a great time.
I did as well.
Visit often.
Tae Ha would like that.
I guess.
He has changed a bit
thanks to you.
I'm glad
he has someone nice by his side.
I was grateful
for how you always sided with me.
Did you know that?
Then I'm glad.
That's all I wanted anyway.
Gosh, it's getting chillier.
I should get going.
The directors are going to vote for CEO Min as chairman?
That's what I heard from Director Yoon's secretary.
It'll be approved by the board before the shareholders' meeting.
I wonder if Vice President Kang knows.
Is this allowed?
Shouldn't the shareholders get to vote as well?
She must be hoping to figure out the rest
after being appointed by the board of directors.
Director Ko, I'll need you to take action.
All you have to do is decide
who will lead SH better.
Why? What's this about?
Are you really going to be chairman?
I could if that's what everyone wants.
Ms. Min.
You said SH was your life.
Then you must know who this company truly needs.
Do you think what happened to Grandpa is a coincidence?
No. You always get what you deserve.
Let's please end this,
Get going. I have a meeting to attend.
(CEO Min Hye Suk)
I urge you to rethink the matter.
Most of the executives seem to be siding with Ms. Min.
They wish to appoint her as the future chairman
before the shareholders' meeting.
A lot of the executives seem to have had hostility
toward your grandfather.
I'm sure a lot of grudges against him
have been stacked over the years.
Hwang Myung Su admitted to the prosecution
that it was all his doing.
So what do we do?
We lack justification this time around.
Things don't seem to be in our favor.
(Diary of the Talented)
But this was my gift to you
since it was your mother's.
I believe it will be better off in your possession.
What do you mean by that?
Nothing in the diary has changed.
They still think I took my own life,
and my parents were in pain because of it.
Yeon Woo
If the world makes us lose something as a price for gaining another,
I must comply.
It is how we can protect what is precious.
What do you mean by that?
I must return for Tae Ha to live.
Return where?
This is the only way
to save him.
Are you saying
you're leaving for good?
That is what I must do.
I don't think it'll be easy to stop Ms. Min.
Even Director Ko chose to side with her.
(Authorized by: Min Hye Suk)
(CEO Min Hye Suk)
You should go.
I should.
(CEO Min Hye Suk)
(CEO Min Hye Suk)
(CEO Min Hye Suk)
I will start the board meeting by making the opening remarks
on behalf of CEO Min Hye Suk.
As of today,
Ms. Min is resigning from all roles in SH.
She's stepping down?
Director Ko.
What do you mean?
Moreover, she would like Vice President Kang Tae Ha
to take care of her shares in the company,
and she recommends
Mr. Kang for the CEO position.
- What is going on? - My goodness.
- Is he kidding? - Gosh.
How could the situation
- suddenly change like this? - There must be a reason for this.
About the board meeting.
What happened?
Like I said,
SH is my everything.
You just happened to be the best option I had. That's all.
Thank you
for your hard work over the years,
and I do apologize
for my misunderstanding.
You don't need to apologize.
I did hate you. That's a fact.
And about Tae Min
Take good care of him.
Yeon Woo.
Yeon Woo.
What is it?
Did you call me here because you wanted to run again?
This time, it's not me.
You will start running.
Very soon.
What kind of riddle is this?
Before I came to the New Joseon,
Cheon Myung told me
that I would lose something big
but that I would set out on a long journey
and obtain something I had wanted.
And? Did you obtain it?
I did.
Living my own life as the person named Park Yeon Woo,
the joy of togetherness,
a heart full of excitement,
I am going to go back.
"Go back?" Where?
To the Joseon I came from.
You're joking, right?
Stop it. A joke like this isn't even funny.
Do you really mean it?
Why are you being like this?
Why, all of a sudden?
Yeon Woo.
I must leave
for you to live.
Did Cheon Myung say that? Did you meet Cheon Myung?
You will no longer suffer from pain.
No. No way.
I told you to only listen to me.
I cannot do that.
I came here
to save you.
I don't care if my heart stops beating.
How could I let you go?
you can't leave.
Please, Yeon Woo.
Please don't do this to me.
If I had to live without you,
I'd rather choose to die.
Even if I am gone,
you will be okay, Tae Ha.
Even when life is hard, and even when you are hurt,
you will stand on your own two feet
and go on living your life with your passionate heart.
I will do the same in my Joseon.
Yeon Woo, you will stay here right by my side.
No matter what anyone says, I
Even if someone says I will die, I'll never let you go.
So just give up.
- Tae Ha. - Don't follow me.
I don't want to see you right now.
(Cardiac Surgeon Choi Hyun Wook)
Tae Ha.
Save me. I'll do anything you say.
So please save me.
Hey, what's the matter? Did something happen?
I don't care even if I can't walk.
I don't care if I'm bedridden for the rest of my life, as long as
As long as I can keep on breathing.
Fix my heart, please.
Please, Hyun Wook.
Help me.
Hyun Wook, what can I do?
I'll do anything you say, okay?
Please fix my heart!
(Vice President Kang Tae Ha)
I think it's Ms. Yeon Woo. You won't answer it?
Tell Ms. Oh to revise the promotional plan
for the pop-up store.
It's a hot mess right now.
Yes, sir.
Let's have dinner together this evening.
I'll wait for you.
What do you mean?
You will go back to Joseon?
That was the plan from the get-go.
But why, all of a sudden
How will you go back though?
Have you figured out a way?
Cheon Myung told me.
Then what about Young Master Tae Ha? Did you tell him?
- Yes. - What did he say?
He told you not to leave, did he not?
I will talk to him about it again later today.
That is why I wanted to learn how to make tteokbokki.
I want to have tteokbokki with him and bring it up once more.
How could you think about eating tteokbokki right now?
The carrot is ready.
So now
Does that mean
I have to leave with you?
What? What did you say?
First, you should soak the rice cakes in water.
The rice cakes? I see.
I have to soak them first?
Why are you sitting like that?
What's wrong? What happened?
Did you get into a fight with Na Rae?
Lady Yeon Woo
has decided to return to Joseon.
Ms. Yeon Woo will go back to Joseon?
Then what about you?
If Lady Yeon Woo is going back,
it means I have to go back too.
No, you're not going anywhere.
You can't leave me.
My point, exactly!
No. Please don't leave.
I cannot leave.
I'm sorry for everything.
What should I do?
You are here.
Go and wash up. I cooked something delicious for you.
I'm not hungry. Go ahead and eat first.
But you need to have dinner.
No, I'm not hungry.
Why did you come home if you were going to avoid me like this?
This is my house.
Fine, then I will move out.
Are you kidding me?
Seriously, what are you doing?
I feel like I'm about to lose my mind.
Having dinner together and talking as if nothing happened.
You can do that?
Then what? Should we cry all day every day?
No matter how stressed, upset, and angry you are,
you must keep on living.
What if I stay with you and die one day?
Will you react like this? As if you've given up everything?
Yes, I will.
Because I love you.
Do you need another reason?
Then what about me?
Should I do nothing when I know I can save your life?
Do you think I will be okay after making such a decision?
We have about two weeks left
until the remaining crape myrtle flowers wilt.
The time that I have left with you is so precious to me,
so please don't do this.
Is there something you want to hear from me?
Or are you here to thank me?
You did a good job deceiving me while working alongside me
for many years.
I'm impressed.
In a way, I guess
we could say that I used your thirst for revenge.
Chairman Kang
is trapped in the purgatory he created for himself,
let go of your resentment now.
as for what happened to your wife and child,
I sincerely apologize.
You have my word
that I will take responsibility for the things that I did,
so don't worry about that.
Take care of yourself.
Don't do that.
You have your son.
You need to at least protect your child.
Although I failed to do so.
A few days ago,
Yeon Woo came by to return her mother's diary to me.
Did she say she had decided to go back to Joseon?
She was very upset because nothing in the diary had changed.
They still think that she took her own life.
She said she failed to protect you
in the past as well as in the present.
The Yeon Woo I know
can and will do anything and everything for you.
You know that, right?
Yeon Woo is very stubborn.
I hope what I said
can help you find your answer.
What's up, at this hour?
I'll come with you to the police station tomorrow.
I know it's for a witness interview, but you must be scared.
Don't worry. My attorney will be there.
You know I never listen to you.
See you tomorrow.
And sleep well.
The reason was you.
You asked me
why I gave birth to you.
After what happened to your father, I wanted to follow him.
But I couldn't
because of you in my womb.
It's all an excuse, isn't it?
After all, someone like me does not deserve to be a mother.
At least you know that.
Then try to be a better mother from now on.
When I first saw you here,
I thought you were a crazy person.
I would have thought the same thing.
As soon as I saw you, I called you "Husband."
But now,
I feel like I'm the crazy one.
I've decided to let you go, Yeon Woo.
I lost.
Your time.
I want to give it back to you.
I am sorry.
It's okay.
I will make you pay for it, big-time.
Sure, by all means.
How much time did you say we had
until the crape myrtle flowers wilted?
We now have
exactly two weeks left.
So there's enough time left
for me
to love you.
For us to love each other.
We have something to tell you guys,
and Yeon Woo wanted to cook you something nice.
You have something to tell us?
Will you tell me to go back to Joseon?
No, don't say that. I really do not want to hear it.
But we quickly realized that tteokbokki was the only thing
the two of us knew how to make.
I am sorry.
Do not be sorry. The luxurious plates and bowls
make it look even more appetizing.
Thank you for the food.
So, our last farewell will be a spicy one.
I've made up my mind. Call me Hong, the Virtuous Man.
I know exactly what the two of you are thinking right now.
Stop overreacting. Hurry up and dig in.
(Birth Certificate)
With this,
Sa Wol can get her resident registration card.
Pardon me?
I asked him to look into it.
You would need an ID card to stay here.
My lady.
What? Does that mean Sa Wol won't go back to Joseon?
Why would Sa Wol go back?
You are here, Mr. Hong.
Ms. Yeon Woo, you're leaving when Mr. Kang is here.
No, I will leave with you.
I know you do not actually mean it. It is so obvious.
I meant it, albeit not fully.
My lady.
Thank you.
Thank you.
- What's with him? - I love you, Mr. Kang!
"Love?" What are you talking about?
Gosh, don't touch me.
I lived in this alley when I was little.
My parents and I would come here to buy books
and take a stroll like this.
I really wanted to show you this, Yeon Woo.
Thank you for bringing me here.
Aren't you thirsty? Do you want something to drink?
Actually, I was just getting hungry.
I should've waited a bit to say that.
Then I could've heard your stomach growl.
It's amusing to hear that.
And it is quite amusing to get punched too, is it not?
You know what? There used to be a cafe right here.
Mr. Swindler, wait up.
I am telling you. Nothing tastes better than Chokho.
Gosh, eat slowly. You'll spill it everywhere.
What am I, a child?
I do not spill food everywhere when I eat.
Why are you staring at me like that?
You sure aren't a child.
You taste like cream in a very grown-up way.
How do I look now?
My goodness.
Do you want to check it out?
(Bugi Shop)
Come and have a look!
- Welcome. - Hello.
Look at these pouty lips.
Does this not look like Sa Wol when she is upset?
And this one looks like Mr. Hong
in a daze.
Do you like them? Shall we get one each?
This gift will make them happy.
They must be mad at us for coming here without them.
- We'll take everything here. - Pardon me?
- We'll take everything. - Sure.
Gosh, is someone talking about me?
(Sa Wol's Birth Registration Project)
("Sa Wol, Running Through Time" by Hong Sung Pyo)
- What is this? - What do you think?
It's a guidebook to help you register your birth
as an off-the-grid person.
"Off-the-grid" What?
This book tells the story behind why you haven't been able
to register your birth and why you don't remember your parents.
The story makes perfect sense,
and you can't read it without bursting into tears.
Who wrote this?
This master storyteller, Hong Sung Pyo.
you want me to read this thick book
and memorize everything in it?
Of course.
Just so you know,
your boys such as Madang Soe and Dol Soe don't appear in the story.
- Don't look for them. - Okay.
Gosh, I need to run to the bathroom.
You walked in here of your own accord,
but you can't leave the room without my permission.
Sa Wol hates studying.
It makes me miserable.
No, you cannot go anywhere. You must study hard.
It is the same sea, but I feel like it looks different.
I got to know a little more about you here today.
It makes me happy,
and I am grateful.
I'm grateful too.
Thanks for joining me as I walk down memory lane.
I am relieved
now that I know I am not leaving you behind all alone.
You have your fond memories
and the people who are always there for you.
But you won't be here.
What do you mean?
I will always be in your heart.
I don't want that.
If I meet someone I like, I will date her.
That will be good too.
That way, you will not be lonely.
I feel like I could hold the moon in my hand. It scares me.
It scares you?
If you want something you cannot have,
you are bound to get hurt.
Just make a wish.
That it will be yours forever.
You said you would date if you met someone you liked.
You said I could date another woman.
I thought you said I would be yours. You're a total swindler.
Can I really date someone else?
No, you cannot.
Just be mine.
Forget it.
I already have someone I like.
Yeon Woo, every moment I spent with you
will be engraved
in my mind and heart forever.
I will never forget those moments either.
My hands,
my heart,
my eyes,
and my lips
will remember every single moment
we shared together.
I'm Park Yeon Woo, the designer of Yeonwoo.
Yeon means to adjoin, and Woo means to encounter.
It is after my name.
Just like what my name means,
I want to cherish all the people I encounter
through my garments.
- My gosh. - As a designer
Yeon Woo looks so good on screen too.
She has become subtly prettier. Don't you think?
Love is what people need, isn't it?
So? Is she doing all right?
Yeon Woo is more than a talented garment maker.
She is quite good at getting interviewed.
I can never beat her in arguments.
- Not even a single word. - It was a unique opportunity
to make various clothes with good people.
I think it was a meaningful work of my life.
Any last words you want to share with us?
I hope my name, Park Yeon Woo,
and my clothes will be remembered for a long time.
Even if they are a trace of my momentary existence here.
Gosh. Don't you just love it here?
- You love it too, right? - Yes.
Did I make you wait for so long?
It is all right.
I have waited for you for more than 200 years.
Where do you want to go?
Anywhere, with you.
- Did you get it already? - Yes.
"Park Sa Wol."
I wanted my last name to be the same as yours.
It is okay, right?
Of course. You are my sister.
You are truly a person from New Joseon now.
Open it.
What is it?
I really wanted to make
your wedding garment.
It is not hwarot,
but will you wear it
when you marry Mr. Hong?
This is not right.
I want to offer you something too.
It has been a while
since I combed my lady's hair like this.
That is true.
You always combed it for me.
I told you to call me Yeon Woo.
You are my lady today.
For me,
you are my one and only trouble-making lady.
Okay. Let us do that, then.
Why are my eyes so painful?
These brushes.
I bought the same ones for you and me.
Because I wanted to share them with you like tokens.
My lady.
Can you not leave?
Stay with me in this world.
Will you?
Thank you for everything you have done.
My sister.
My lady.
What should we do today?
I just
want to spend time with you.
Wait. You have to put the seasoning first.
- Can I not put the noodles first? - No.
So, what should we do while we wait for 3 minutes and 20 seconds?
- What? - What?
Is it that funny?
You have to do it gently.
You're doing great.
Are you going to be okay with it?
Because I saved you.
I'll regret it.
For not holding you back.
hurry back to me.
I'll be waiting for you right here.
Until then,
will you forget about me?
If you forget about me,
I'll forget about you oo.
You know I will never do that.
I'm glad to hear that.
I adore you.
I love you.
Before I came here,
my time was standing still.
After meeting you,
loving you,
and suffering,
I have lived as myself, which I dreamed of.
That is enough for me.
Just a memory
to remember you is all I need.
I was happy
to encounter you.
Are you still sleeping when the sun is up and high?
What is going on?
Are you unwell? Are you?
Yeon Woo.
How sick are you?
It was because you were here when I woke up.
You said you hated me for proceeding with your marriage
against your will.
- My marriage? - Yes.
Your wedding is in ten days.
I will ask Lady Macheon to prepare your breakfast.
Comb your hair and wash your face first.
How is Sa Wol?
Sa Wol?
Who is that?
What kind of dream did you have
to be speaking this nonsense in the morning?
Snap out of it and wake up.
I am the only one who came back.
I am relieved.
At 7pm tonight, please come
to the bridge near the river quietly.
I have to talk to you urgently.
Lady Yeon Woo.
What do you mean my life is in danger?
Let me ask you one thing.
Does your mother give you herbal decoctions every night?
Yes, she does.
How did you know that?
I hate to tell you,
but it has poison in it.
Lady, be careful in your speech.
You do not have to believe me.
You can report me to the government office.
do not take my words lightly.
Check it out with this silver binyeo.
Do not forget to take the antidote.
really want to save you.
Where have you been?
I have been waiting for you for a long time.
I wanted to get some air but got lost in time.
I brought you the medicine. Take it and get some rest.
You have been
taking the medicine well, right?
Yes, Mother.
Do not worry.
Okay. I got it.
It has poison in it.
Check it out with this silver binyeo.
Hanyang's famous old maiden is finally getting married.
Young Master,
did you take the antidote I gave you?
Before anything else,
I want to ask you something.
Why are you marrying me?
According to what you said,
you could have refused to marry me.
I cannot tell you about it right now.
Are there more things I need to know?
Young Master.
Young Master.
Did you not take the antidote?
No, Young Master.
Hey. Is anyone out there?
Do not worry.
Do not worry and
Young Master.
You cannot die like this.
Why is this happening again?
Young Master.
(The Story of Park's Marriage Contract)
This arrow will pierce your heart.
Prepare your heart.
How about being friends, if not a married couple?
Yeon Woo.
You really forgot about me.
I want to go to you.
I do not know what to do.
Do I have to forget about everything like this?
She must be doing great because that's what she does.
She promised me she'd come back.
If I have to die, I will die right here.
If there is such a thing as a next life,
will you come to meet me again?
If fate has its way,
all the more reason for it.
(The Story of Park's Marriage Contract)
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