The Unit s01e11 Episode Script


N here went from bein' the best shot in the unit to the best gunsmith in the world.
Molly tells me you used to be jonas's team leader? Saved his life a couple of times? That was a while ago.
You need to break faith.
Sign her document and save brown.
You swore on our friendship.
I had to prove her wrong.
All's fair.
When we started the investment club, what we were doing was agreeing to trust you.
Is this a good deal? This is a great deal.
I'd like to buy your home.
You're doing me a favor.
What are you doing here? I just bought the house from mrs.
I am linda kaplan, and i didn't sell it to you.
We've had her on our records for some time.
Trouble is, she's awful good at disappearing.
The money.
How do i get it back? Don't know that you can.
Underhand thrust.
Sorry, man.
You ok? Nothin' to it.
Did i injure you? No.
Just pulled my shoulder out.
One more time.
Take my knife.
Do you want to get that looked at? Not today.
I got a date.
Your wife know? No.
Midnight oil with my russian code book.
Nobody likes a swot.
[Speaking russian.]
What does that mean? Exactly.
I'll see you guys tomorrow.
Forgetting someplace you gotta be, big boy? Day of the dead? [Indistinct chatter.]
Here we are, blackhawk's down in flames, team members left standing, and your husband, gina everyone is showin' red.
And all of a sudden, he looks down at his chest and sees this thick, white substance oozin' out of the round he took.
Thank you.
He looks down at his chest "sweet god in heaven, what the hell is that?" Looks over at me.
I'm dumbfounded.
It's bad mojo.
No doubt, he's had it.
So on impulse, i put my hand on him.
"What is it?" i said.
"Is it is it ectoplasm?" On impulse, i licked my finger, and it's toothpaste.
Toothpaste that he carried in his chest pocket.
The bullet hit the toothpaste, hit the trauma plate, and now he's oozin' toothpaste.
That sumbitch and me, death all around us Hey there.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Just me or was the day of the dead better a few years back? Well things change.
Colonel ryan.
Sergeant major blane.
Hello? Think 20 pounds heavier, braces.
Lose the beard.
Keith? Yeah.
Gary soto's boy? Ha ha! Pleasure.
Good to see you, son.
You, too.
My goodness.
Look at you.
Where's your mother? Remarried.
Well, tell her we miss her.
You still at brown? Graduated 3 years back.
You still posing as clerks? We don't pose, son.
It's called "cover.
" studies unit.
That's sufficiently off-putting, don't you think? You still tasked with counter-terrorism? Oh, no.
Not today, son.
Do you know that we could bury you under the jail for that? Says "property of the times"? Are you workin' for a newspaper now, keith? 'Fraid so.
I'm writing about my father's days as a unit operator.
It'll be a feature series.
I see.
Take care of our guest.
You thought this was a solemn affair? Yeah, day of the dead.
What would give me that idea? The unit widows did their mourning years ago.
This is a family reunion.
This is bob brown.
Bottom of the barrel, which is alpha team.
This is julianna nicholl.
Her bob was bravo.
He went down in '96.
Thanks for havin' me back, bob.
Of course.
Excuse me.
You a hurtin' puppy? Naw, i pinched a nerve or some damn thing.
How long's this thing go? As long as the unit widows want it to.
All right.
Who's your gripe with? Is that what you think? Revenge? I know it's revenge, or you wouldn't be here desecrating this day.
Or maybe you're angry 'cause your dad didn't come to your soccer games.
Somethin' like that? Well, you have a right to your career, and i have a right to mine.
You owe me a beer.
Mark it down.
I trust you.
Come here.
You're playin' both sides of the fence.
Only reason you're here is the unit extended you the courtesy.
I'm here because get the hell out.
which courtesy you have abused look i'm not done yet.
and plan to abuse in the commission of a crime.
And i want you to tell me why i shouldn't pull you aside for a little You think violence solves everything? Let's cut the love making, friend.
What is it you're after? I want to know how my father died.
He was shot in a training training exercise in italy.
I don't think so.
I have proof from the italian ministry of defense.
The unit with whom he supposedly trained was at the time deployed in north africa.
So you people lied to me.
You lied to me, and you lied to my mother.
You say you're my father's brother in arms and i desecrate this day.
Then you you tell me that i owe the unit something.
Well, what do you owe me? The truth.
Which is? Your dad didn't die in italy.
It was no accident.
You were with my dad when he died? Yes.
Where did you two meet? We went through selection together.
We ended up on different teams, but that kind of bond never breaks.
He looks happy.
He got a kick out of that part of the world.
So, what were you guys doing there? We were training paramilitary forces to fight the guerilla insurgency on the border.
What are you doing, slumming? You know it? What's up, brother? Hey.
Any trouble out here? No, i just got a dog who'd rather sleep than sniff out land mines.
If he can drive, i'll take him off your hands.
Heard there might be some farc rebels nearby.
Haven's seen anything.
How's raul working out? Raul? Well, except for the lead foot, best i've trained so far.
Bird colonel wants me to pull one of your guys, teach them to be a personal driver for some local comandante.
Bohica, indeed.
You can take lopez.
Lopez! Sergeant soto's gonna teach you a trick or two behind the wheel.
Soto: Grab your gear and meet us at camp.
I got a bit of a surprise for you.
In honor of your last [honk honk.]
In honor of your last night, Does this involve water? Two words: Golf balls.
And maybe mules.
You're a sick puppy.
You got.
What the hell is his problem? Hold on! be there.
Drive safe.
With him? Whiskey tango foxtrot, raul.
Turn around! Not this way! Gary! You ok? Raul.
I think he's dead.
He told 'em we were here.
That's why he was in such a hurry.
All right.
Hold on.
Stop! Do not move! Ok.
There's a mine under the jeep.
Stop! Stop it! I cannot defuse this thing.
It's too far under.
Now, we're gonna have to get you from under this jeep without moving it.
Now, i'm gonna keep things steady.
Can you pull yourself out? Slowly.
That's it.
She's an army wife.
The woman that stole from me.
The details she knew, the life.
It's the only explanation.
Yes, mrs.
Blane, we know that.
She's an army widow.
It's not unusual for a confidence artist to add a dash of truth.
If she's an army wife, there are ways to find her.
We've exhausted them.
Then what are you doing to find her? Sarah harper.
Her real name.
Start using it.
You'll feel better about moving on.
I can't move on if the money's still missing.
But you have better things to do.
The trail is cold, mrs.
If she's an army wife, i can find her.
I have resources.
What i need from you i've got an idea.
Let's compare badges.
I have a hypothetical for you.
You're army, a widow, you need some money.
What do you do? Unit widow? No, not one of us.
Regular army.
What do you do? I collect death benefits.
More, you're unscrupulous.
I cheat on my taxes.
What's this about? [Knock on door.]
Kim: Knock knock.
Day of the dead.
I need $3,500 fr the real estate fund.
Sorry to be blunt.
I'm sorry to flaunt it, but you had your chance to get on the money train and you missed it.
Count me in for the next one.
Bob's mustang is sick.
It's our only car.
Can you arrange the cash, or can i just go to the bank be happy to write you a check.
I gotta run.
I mean, literally.
I'll see you soon? The 3 of us out? Yes.
The real estate fund's been stolen.
About 40,000 in all.
The army wife in question.
Not on-base.
You haven't told them? I'm getting the money back first.
The police? Even if they catch her, i'm in line behind who knows how many others.
My money's 15 years late, minus court costs.
No, i'm keeping it in the family.
But i need some help.
What did you tell jonas? He doesn't know.
A distracted soldier a dead soldier.
Speaking of which, has our widow remarried? I believe so.
Once in a while, i hear about a wife, tries to have her cake and eat it, too.
Collect her survivor benefits after she's remarried.
Supposed to cut off then.
The police may have lost her, but there's one thing the army does well, that's keep a paper trail.
It's just you and me talking.
So you left panama, but my dad stayed? Stayed to continue training local forces.
Then how is it that you were with him when he died? Went back a year later.
Wait a minute.
The u.
Pulled out all military personnel from panama back in '99.
A year later is 2000.
I mean, how could it's why we had to say gary died in italy.
You went back undercover.
Because your father, my friend, was missing.
Soto's been m.
For 3 months.
What do we know? In august, a columbian village was wiped out by a new guerilla faction.
Soto was already in the area with a paramilitary cadre.
They were deployed to find and terminate the group.
No one better for the job than gary.
Except on day Most of the cadre was killed, including soto, or so we thought.
A survivor just turned up in la palma.
He said that soto was wounded and alive.
Most likely captured.
It'd be hellacious good news if it's true.
The guerrilla leader responsible for this is believed to be associated with the farc rebels.
He's known a, the spider, 'cause he's calculating and ruthless.
Beheading villagers is a new m.
For farc.
New player in the game, bringing new tactics.
Has there been a ransom demand? Is there any proof they have soto? No, but the peasants have reported seeing an american among the guerillas.
a, see if he'll negotiate.
[Cell phone rings.]
Excuse me.
He's fine, you know.
Soto's probably driving 'em crazy, always singing off key.
Hell, they ought to pay us to take him back.
If we can't negotiate his release, if we have to extract him, the most familiar face would be the least confusing for him.
That's me.
As team leader, i'd say you're first in.
As your friend, i'm not so sure.
I'll let you decide.
Are you afraid my judgment's compromised because gary's a friend? Don't worry about me, boss.
We've reached a city official that may have a.
I'm gonna go talk to him.
No other strap hanger i'd rather have with us.
We'll find the spider's web.
Do it.
'cause once we rescue soto, we're gonna need to a.
Why didn't anyone tell us he was missing? Members of the uni are always missing.
Nature of our business.
You're a liar, sergeant major.
My dad wrote this letter in september of that year, a month after you say he went missing.
Do you wanna try again or do i go back to my hotel, finish writing that story? Stop.
There has to be an explanation.
How my father wrote a chatty letter to his family while he's being held captive by some blood-thirsty guerillas? Is this "spider" thing a figment of your imagination, too? This is waste of my time.
You're all a bunch of liars.
Now hold on you can read my story when it's published.
Wait a minute.
Let me see the letter.
Come on.
I knew there had to be an explanation.
Outside of the u.
, the date is written in the international way.
First the date, then the month.
This was written july Now, if you wanna hear the rest of my story sit down.
??? Drink it.
No, enough's enough.
Not today.
These women want us here, we stay here, newbie.
Russian codes are waiting.
How long does this go? Like most things: 'Til it's over.
Have a seat? Oh, i'd love to.
Unfortunately, i've got to duck out you know "widow's only" protocol? What a widow wants, a widow gets.
I've been watching you all afternoon.
I'd like to get to know you better.
I'm married.
And so was i, until my husband was killed defending this country.
You ever hear of the g.
Bill? Yes, of course i have.
Well, i'm presenting it.
You're gonna pay it.
Ask your buddies.
I walk her back to her guest house.
So she has me check for intruders.
And then she well, i believe the polite term is "propositioned me.
" What'd you do? I pulled pitch.
What? I got out of dodge.
You turned down a widow? I'm married.
Not on the day of the dead.
Oh, it's the day of the dead, so i'm supposed to sleep with her? What, does my question violate protocol here? It violates protocol to ignore a request from a widow on day of the dead.
You gotta get back in there, man.
You're kidding?! You either give her what she wants, or you change her mind about what she wants.
Message ends.
I don't want you to think i didn't appreciate the offer.
Sergeant, you're under some mistaken impression.
This isn't about me.
It's about you.
With respect, ma'am, this weekend is all about you.
We'll be happier if we take this inside.
And stop calling me ma'am.
I can't go inside.
What do you think i'm asking of you? I i understand the unit has its traditions.
The last thing in the world i wanna do is offend you.
Well, it looks to me like the second to last thing you wanna do.
I though you were supposed to be studying.
Uh julianna nicholl, this is kim brown, my wife.
And we're we're expecting.
I'm so glad you and the others could make it.
Thank you.
I was just showing miss nicholl where she was staying.
Can i help you? Uh no.
I'm fine.
Widows come first.
That necklace is beautiful.
They're really easy.
I know exactly what would go with your coloring.
Oh, don't bother.
It'd be my pleasure.
You just go back to getting what you need from my husband.
See you later.
You wife just said the widows come first.
Your father's knife.
[Knock on door.]
Excuse me.
Did you i'm sorry.
I can't right now.
I have a visitor.
you know he can frag this place? I'm dealing with it.
I'll send some people around to talk to him.
Not yet.
You better be right.
So what does this mean? We found it in a store in yaviza, panama.
It means someone took it from your father and sold it.
¿nort\ americano, s^? You you need a guide, yeah? No es necesario.
No? Okay.
Boss, take a look at this.
Soto? Mm-hmm.
You like to see? Please.
Very nice.
I give you a good price.
Where did you get this? Who can remember? Too many people coming and going.
You are americans? Yes.
We're going to the darien gap to collect research samples.
Very dangerous to go now.
The guerillas are there.
Show us exactly so we can avoid it.
It's impossible to say.
We will need to buy supplies, of course.
We may need quite a few.
I think maybe here.
And here.
Thank you.
How may i help you? I represent a family that lost something very valuable.
I believe you may have access to a friend of a.
I'm sorry, mr.
I'm afraid i have no idea what you're talking about.
This family's willing to pay for it.
Someone's giving you misinformation.
I don't know a.
Have you filed a police report? My apologies.
I made a mistake.
If you wish, i can have one of my men look into it.
I'm sorry i, uh sorry to bother you.
I do hope you find someone who can help you.
Luisa a paramilitary sold the knife.
The paramilitaries are in the gap.
It's not guerillas.
How do you know? They came through my village and then they killed everyone.
Paramilitaries wouldn't do that.
They were i saw it.
I was there.
I know where the camp is.
He does not know.
We don't need there's an american who's being held prisoner there.
You've see him? S^ don't trust anyone here.
Paramilitaries have taken over the police.
They arrange the a.
Cooper! a's been expecting this family for many months.
He wants $2 million and the release of 3 men in a panama city jail.
How do i know my man's still alive? I have proof.
If you'll come with me.
Friends of yours? No.
That's your man.
Who's the guy in the hat? a.
And now that you've seen this, the clock's ticking.
You have 12 hours to deliver the funds a execute the prisoner.
I'll see what i can do.
Just like that? Just like that.
a fellow said a moral decision's not between a right and a wrong.
The only moral decision is between two wrongs.
I don't differ with him.
But these are two wrongs.
I'm not saying any different.
She suggested that this was some kind of initiation.
Well, she's a smart cookie.
But it sounds to me just like your basic adultery.
You ever cheat on your wife? If it don't hurt, it's not an initiation.
Team or wife.
You can't serve two masters.
But i'm married.
The unit issue you your wife? Or did you make that acquisition on your own? Molly, you know ricky, administration and payroll.
I see you from time to time.
I appreciate you agreeing to meet me here rather than at my office.
This is important, ricky.
Corporal, the army wife in question, he married name is bueller.
No benefits were claimed under that name.
Not that i could find, ma'am.
But her maiden name, harper sarah harper is collecting dependency and indemnity compensation, survivor benefits, which she is legally entitled to but she was remarried 3 years ago.
Then she's stealing from the united states army, and i can bump it to my superiors.
Uh, tiffy mentioned to me special circumstances.
What do you have in mind? We want to get her attention.
Suspend payment on her next check.
Ma'am, in terms of stopping the voucher, consider it stopped.
This happens to be it right here.
The special circumstances are this woman stole $40,000 from myself and a group of army wives.
I need to get that money back.
Can i convince you to delay sounding the alarm until then? A personal favor, ricky.
Sheer number of clerical errors on an army base would turn your hair, ma'am.
Case in point.
We also need to find this woman.
Any help you could give.
I may, ma'am, carelessly leave the subject's mailing address lying around where some enterprising civilian might see it.
Might i carelessly leave it perhaps on this pad of paper, here? Excuse me.
Are you mrs.
Harper? Yes.
Is your daughter sarah? Yes.
Her benefit checks, they come here? All i have.
Is your daughter home? I don't see her much.
Can i help you with those groceries? Mrs.
Harper, i'm the local representative of the survivor's review board.
There's been a misreport of your daughter's survivor benefits.
It's urgent that i speak with her.
She travels a lot.
Do you think i can call her? She doesn't like me giving out her number.
Do you think you could dial the phone for me? It's very important that i speak with her to keep your checks coming.
Sarah harper? This is rosa from the survivor's review board.
How's your connection? Can you hear me? Woman: I recognize your voice fine, molly.
How'd you find my mother? The board found an irregularity with your survivor benefits.
We were forced to suspend your checks until it's sorted out, which if you act now, will be very soon.
No questions asked.
We want your mother to continue to be cared for.
Woman: You bitch! Come to my mother's house! My mother's not a part of this.
Yes, family is important.
There is a sizeable fee.
If we meet, you can pay it.
I could then reinstate your survivor benefits.
How would that be? Woman: There's a cafe close to your office.
You know the one i mean? That place where you go for lunch.
Woman: In 2 hours.
That would be super.
Woman: No cops.
If i see anybody i don't like, your money disappears and my husband starts looking for your family.
Did the paramilitaries capture my father? Yes.
His own men turned on him.
Why? Money, probably.
So what did you do? We had to go get him back.
Anouncer: Goal! Goal! Definitely could be paramilitary.
Took over an old mining camp.
Snake doc, what is your status? I see a hut with the door wired shut.
Prisoner's probably in there.
a? Negative.
I got him.
Guy near the back hut.
We'll determine guard rotation.
Breach the perimeter at nightfall.
I see soto's rucksack.
What the hell? Vasquez.
I don't know if you want to hear the rest.
I kicked open the door and i found your father.
He was not in good shape.
They hadn't fed him and he was emaciated.
He insisted on walking on his own.
I gave him a weapon.
I did the best i could to cover him from the gunfire.
He wanted to die on his own two feet and that's what happened.
He went bravely.
We all wanted to spare your family from ever knowing this.
Let me show you something.
It is thanksgiving and i can't believe i'm here in panama with you jerks instead of with my family.
I know i choose this, but, uh sometimes it just feels like man: Bohica.
Ha ha! Yeah.
To my lovely wife and daughter and my brilliant son.
May he grow up to be smarter than his old man.
Bohica? "Bend over.
Here it comes again.
" Now i've given you what you wanted.
Now you're gonna do something for me.
I can't just kill my story.
If you can see it, you can kill it.
But it's scheduled to run i promised my editors you're not hearing me.
If this hurt me or colonel ryan, i'd say go ahead.
We deserve it.
We didn't save your father's life.
But i want you to think about you, you and the other sons and daughters like you.
This story's just gonna get their father's killed.
You think about that and how you'll answer to them.
Thanks for finally telling me the truth.
It was long overdue.
Here you go, hon.
You're not bad at this, molly.
There's 15,000.
That's less than half.
It's all you're getting.
That's not what you stole.
The rest of the money is gone, molly.
Get that through your head.
This is what i got from your 40 grand.
My partner got his, kicked the rest upstairs, and even i can't get it back.
Your husband's your partner.
It's more of a professional arrangement than a marriage.
Why did you even come here? To buy back my benefits.
They still owe me.
They warn us that the army's gonna kill our husbands, but they don't warn us it's gonna be a heart attack from the pressure.
Not everything i told you was a lie.
I'm gonna go home and wait for the rest of my 40,000.
This 15 grand is a gift.
If we leave this table without coming to an understanding, i have to kick you upstairs.
Do you know what that means? You keep threatening to threaten me.
It means we reach out.
Suddenly you default on your daughter's college loans, or maybe you get investigated for tax evasion or credit card fraud.
Your husband is never gonna get above a security-clearance- zero clerk if the army thinks he is waiting to get bribed.
I dare you to go after my husband.
You're his weakest point, molly, and you know it.
This is how this ends.
Pleasure doing business.
Thanks for coming.
Thank you for inviting me.
I missed our talks.
I wanted to i told keith soto about gary.
The truth? Up to a point.
Gary! Anyone else here? Snake doc, do you have soto, over? Negative.
a's heading your way.
Ryan: Paramilitaries retreating to the south.
Gary? My god.
The kid can never find out.
Well, no.
Sorry i'm late.
I took care of keith soto.
That's good to hear.
Gary wrote him a letter from panama after we found out he was missing.
Said he be with the family for good after he finished a special assignment.
Proves what i've been saying for years.
That soto was dipped by the cia? Yes.
Don't tell me you're still chasing tails.
"Special assignment" is spelled out.
He was recruited by langley.
You're grasping at straws.
Why would the cia have us assassinate him, then? Whatever plan they had, it was falling apart.
They had to deny their involvement, erase their fingerprints.
Or soto went rogue for the money or he got caught up in his own power.
None of us wants to hear it, but it's the simpler explanation.
You had to kill him.
Nobody blames you.
You protect keith on this? Oh, yes.
Sometimes we have to protect ourselves, too.
My money? For your car.
You could have written a check from the fund account.
The fund money is gone, dear.
What happened? You're all about to hear.
I got swindled.
I got some of it back.
I'll borrow what i have to to pay the rest.
Sweetie wait.
You lost all our money? I'm taking it on myself.
I'm paying you all back.
What about jonas? What you tell your husband's gonna be your own business.
I'm choosing not to tell jonas because a distracted soldier is a dead soldier.
And this'll be plenty distracting.
Uh i need to talk to you.
What's wrong with your shoulder? L i threw it out.
Does it hurt when you raise your shoulder or when you grab something? Uh julianna, a moral choice as i understand it, is not a choice between good and bad.
Between good and bad, there is no choice.
One must do good.
No, a moral choice is between two evils.
Uh thank you.
"Between two evils.
" And it would be wrong to to betray the unit's customs? That's right.
And by refusing you what is and i don't dispute this your prerogative.
But it would be wrong, morally wrong, to i won't say "cheat on my wife," but take off your shirt.
What? Take off your shirt.
You've injured your rotator cuff.
I'm gonna fix it.
It's what i do for a living.
Pull your shirt down.
I don't want to get the oil on me.
It won't take a minute.
Yeah, it's the rotator cuff.
Uh, because i would estimate it, uh, a personal favor if you would i got it on me.
Seriously seriously, you are a very attractive woman, and i mean no disrespect.
Bob bob, i don't need you for sex.
I find you to be a lovely man, a fine man, and i'm sorry that this custom has caused you consternation.
I couldn't help myself.
I made it for you.
Kim! Put it on.
Put it on.
Look at it in the light.
Am i coming at a bad time? Um kim.
Uh a block from here, our daughter is sleeping, trusting in her bed.
Kim stay away from me.
Don't touch me! And don't talk to me! What are you doing here? Kim, the unit you love the unit more than you love me.
Do you love the unit more than you love me? No.
Answer the question.
No, kim Consider yourself initiated, newbie! Welcome to the unit! Ha ha! You, too? They were gonna do it with or without me.
I figured this way i could keep an eye on you.
Told you he wouldn't stray.
You didn't give him a chance! You were supposed to wait 15 minutes and then barge in.
Well, there's trust and there's stupidity.
I'd like to toast the young sergeant, and i'd like to toast the finest men that ever lived.
Absent friends and fallen comrades.
Day of the dead.
All: Day of the dead.
Cync by xxy
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