The Winchesters (2022) s01e11 Episode Script

You've Got a Friend

Being a Hunter means always
being on the move.
No matter how hard you plan,
no matter how hard you work,
at a certain point,
we all run out of road.
It's what we do with those crossroads
that defines us.
You know, for an old man,
Wilcox could still throw down.
My preserved chimera foot,
she's ruined.
Don't worry.
We're gonna give you
all the space you need
during this very difficult time.
On the bright side, you lost a paw,
but we gained all
of Wilcox's Akrida research.
So there has to be something in here
that can make up for all of this.
Another golem?
Oh, my God.
What happened? Where are you hurt?
It's not my blood.
It's Kyle's.
He just kept stabbing himself
over and over.
He wouldn't stop.
Okay, so the Akrida-controlled Kyle
called the police?
And they left the journal
at his apartment, too.
Wrote a bunch of entries about
how I'd been harassing Kyle.
Over you.
And our mom got there and, uh, he was
The cops were behind her
so she gave me the keys
to a junk car.
Told me to lay low so I came here.
Were you followed?
I parked around the block
just to be sure.
I'm sorry. Okay, if-if I was
if I was faster, I-I could have
- I could have stopped
- Hey.
You did everything you could.
What happened to Kyle was terrible,
but it wasn't your fault.
It doesn't make any sense.
I mean, why would the Akrida
want to frame you?
What are they after?
Well, whatever the reason is, it worked.
I've been listening to the police radio
and they have all the cops in Lawrence
out looking for John.
All right.
So we'll
No. Not "we", okay?
Just me.
Look, we have no idea
what the Akrida are planning.
But, look, I don't want anyone else
- to get mixed up in it.
- I'm already mixed up in it.
Okay, the two of you need
to get out of town
and out of sight.
what about my dad's hunting cabin?
Burr Oak is definitely off the grid.
- Yeah.
- Look, the Akrida knew
about you and me.
Okay? That's why they controlled Kyle.
And we have no idea how many more people
- they're in control of.
- He's right.
I mean, the Akrida could be controlling
anyone at this point.
Unless someone has some
sort of X-ray specs
or a truth serum that makes
people spill their secrets
Or Maggie's bracelet.
Maggie's what?
She told me she had this bracelet
that could pinpoint anyone
harboring a dark secret
like being a monster.
Maybe it could work on the Akrida.
Why did Maggie never tell me
about this before?
I don't know.
Looks like Maggie was keeping
secrets herself.
Regardless, if it's still in the house,
then it might be of use to us.
We can go back there and search.
The two of you need
to get to that cabin.
Shall we?
Don't forget your breathing, okay?
And just remember,
what happened last night,
it was not your fault.
As much as I don't like
to admit when Lata's right,
you should definitely listen
to your meditation guru, John.
Okay, if you guys find anything,
just hit up the CB or call.
They're right.
You know that, don't you?
Look, they clearly know about me.
Okay? About my past. I
Your past does not define you.
And they showed their hand.
- What do you mean?
- All of this
just to get to you?
I mean, clearly you're a threat
to the Akrida.
That means you're doing something right.
We're gonna figure this out.
- All that blood
- I know.
I mean, of course,
I believe John, it's just
It's like Mars Neto all over again.
Has he been meditating?
Not for weeks.
I mean, why do you think the Akrida's
targeting him like this?
I don't know.
I mean, clearly, they
want him off the board.
They've manipulated us before.
It feels like they're
doing this all over again,
but this time using
John's record against him
and having the police do the dirty work.
And our best bet at helping him
is either in this room
or buried somewhere
we are never going to find.
Okay, you know, why did Maggie
keep this damn bracelet a secret?
Okay? It doesn't seem like her.
People conceal things
for all sorts of reasons,
logical or not.
Look at you two idiots.
We were on our way to see Alice Cooper
at the Cowtown Ballroom.
You went and saw Alice without me?
I'm sorry.
- So sorry.
- Nope. Mm-mm.
Retroactively never
forgiving you for that.
Okay. Well
We had just stopped for snacks
'cause Maggie was obsessed
with Toastettes.
Oh, my God, I think I know
where to find the bracelet.
"Oh, I know where to find the bracelet".
I love you.
Even on the back roads,
we can still make it by morning.
You're not going anywhere.
- Betty, I can explain
- You'll get your day in court.
You don't understand.
The whole town is looking for you.
The way they're talking,
you're lucky it's me
who found you first.
How did you find me?
I've been following you for weeks.
Ever since Kyle reached out.
I don't know what Kyle told you,
but John didn't kill anyone.
Look, I'm trying to help here.
Please don't make a bad day worse.
We're gonna figure this out.
All right?
All right.
Okay, uh, not to doubt your genius,
but the room where people
have three meals a day
is Maggie's secret hiding spot?
Mary and Samuel both shared
Maggie's obsession with Toastettes.
'Scuse me.
Samuel Campbell? Toastettes?
The man contained many layers.
It would get quite cutthroat around here
over who would get the last one.
That's why Maggie kept
her own private stash.
Rat poison?
The last place you look for treats.
Oh, amazing.
So what's the bracelet for?
Well, according to legend,
it was made by Erebus,
the god of secrets and shadows,
as a tool to give to his followers
to uncover their enemies'
hidden secrets.
So you just put the bracelet on
and presto,
It's stuck.
That can't be good, can it?
O-okay. Well, take a deep breath.
You know, Maggie was able to
get it off at some point, so
We'll focus on this later.
We need to make sure
this thing actually works, so come on.
Let's actually see who's
naughty and who's nice.
Did you see that?
Any luck?
Every door and window is sealed.
And the CB radio and phone
are both dead.
And I tried to call for Ford and Carrie,
but nothing.
Any luck with that bracelet?
It won't budge.
And it feels like it's
getting tighter somehow.
So chicken and egg situation
here, monster-wise, right?
The shadow that we saw slam the door,
was it a monster that
the bracelet detected
or was it tied to the bracelet?
Well, either way,
I'm starting to understand
why Maggie wanted to keep it a secret.
All right? I wouldn't want any bracelet
holding me hostage
in this house, either.
Okay, we need to find
its record in the lore.
Then we'll have our answer.
Just check there.
Okay. Thanks, Walt.
I know. And I appreciate that.
I talked to the hardware
store owner next door
to my garage and the owner
of the bar across the street.
Nobody saw Kyle break into the garage.
Walt's gonna check
with the construction crew
who's been doing his remodel.
I mean, there has to be
someone who saw something.
The cops that questioned you,
anything seem off about them?
You mean, were they secretly bugs? No.
They just wanted to know where John was
and what I knew about Kyle.
I told them, "I don't know"
and "Who's Kyle?"
Mary, I'm sorry.
John told me that
the two of you were friends.
To be honest, I don't think
it's really set in yet.
But I do know one thing.
He didn't deserve any of this.
I hate to ask
but after Kyle, you don't think Betty
I could see it in her eyes.
She was heartbroken
taking away John like that.
Those two, they were really, um
Yeah, they were.
Which makes me think
that we can trust her.
Trust her with what?
All this.
The Akrida have cops on the inside.
If we want to help John,
maybe we need a cop on the inside, too.
Thought you could use that.
You been watchin' me through there?
No. No one is.
Detective Klett locked the viewing room.
Please tell me you believe me.
Thanks for bringin' him in,
Officer Donelon.
Could we have a minute?
Of course, sir.
You two go way back, don't you?
It's gotta sting,
being busted by your ex.
Sorry, just
I mean, she must have known
this day was coming, right?
I mean, she's known you
when all this started.
Look, assault, disorderly
conduct, vandalism.
Eh, just a few of your greatest hits.
I know my record.
Okay, but I
I didn't kill Kyle.
The boys in evidence
just bagged and tagged
Kyle's journal.
Last two entries?
All about you.
Some kind of dispute
over a girl named
oh Mary Campbell.
It wasn't even like that, okay?
I-I only met the kid once.
Can't you see I'm trying to help you?
I'm trying to be a friend here.
I know you didn't kill Kyle.
I did.
I told you I'd see you again.
You want to take a swing? Go on. Go on.
Add another charge
onto this garbage dump
of your record, if you want to.
Have at it. It only makes my job easier.
Motive, means,
lengthy criminal history,
no witnesses to help your story.
You're toast, Winchester.
And before you go on about due process
and democracy and all that jazz,
do you really think it's gonna be
a jury of your peers or a jury of mine?
What do you want?
Sit down.
Sit down!
I wanna know who this is
and why he's helping you.
I have no idea who that is.
I just
stubbornness in the face of oblivion.
Honestly, that's one of the few traits
I respect about you humans.
yeah, you've got a thing
about getting yourself
caught, don't you?
How long were you a P.O.W.?
Long enough to learn
how to take the heat.
We'll see about that.
I'm gonna leave you to sit
in your sad little thoughts
and feelings.
If you ever want to taste freedom again,
you're gonna have to talk.
Ball's in your court, Marine.
I found something.
Maggie didn't hide the bracelet
because it holds people hostage.
Let me guess, there's a catch?
"Whosoever wears this bracelet
must be pure of heart.
Should they harbor
a dark secret of their own,
shadow spirits embedded in the bracelet
will force the wearer
to reveal that secret,
or the shadows will consume them".
Wait, so what you're saying is,
is that you have a dark secret?
I mean, like, what?
Overdue library books?
Uh, I don't know what the
bracelet found in me, but
Lata, look out!
Carlos, where are you?
What the hell?
I'm locked in a room! Lata?
Lata, where are you?
- Carlos!
- Lata!
It's freezing in here!
- Carlos!
- Lata!
Where are you?
What is this place?
The windows and doors are locked.
There's no way out. Lata!
Hey, sweet pea.
Millie, where are we going?
Please, Betty, trust me.
What the hell is all that?
And what is she doing here?
She's with me.
- Thanks for coming.
- I'm not here for you.
I'm here for John.
And how exactly does dragging me to a
horror movie prop collection help him?
These aren't props.
John says you're a great cop,
so I'm assuming you've noticed
that something has been off
in Lawrence recently.
Everything that's been off,
you've been around for.
The bank truck heist,
my neighbor Carrie going missing
that didn't go down the way you think.
Did you and John even meet at college?
We met hunting monsters.
You're joking.
Betty, I know what you're feeling.
- You can't believe
- I participated in a séance
that brought my husband back.
And that bank heist?
I saw those vampires face to face
a few floors below this.
We are telling you the truth, Betty.
Okay, okay.
Let's pretend for a second
that both of you are not crazy.
What does any of this have to do with
what's going on with John?
John didn't kill Kyle.
Kyle killed himself.
He was possessed.
And the things that possessed him
are taking over people all over town,
including some in your own department.
They're called Akrida, and
they're setting John up
Okay, stop.
Her, I can expect this from.
But you? I trusted you.
Came here alone like you asked
because you said
you wanted to help John.
But instead you want me
to play make-believe?
Betty, it's not like the
No, you don't understand.
John's arraignment got pushed
through to tonight.
Then he's getting shipped off
to state prison.
- What?
- Someone on high
- thinks he's a flight risk.
- That's the Akrida.
I'm telling you, they're set
Okay, I don't have time for this,
for whatever you two
are playing at here.
Wait, Betty, check the coroner's report
for three marks
on the back of Kyle's neck.
Those are tell-tale signs
of the Akrida.
I'm sorry. I-I thought that she
No. We tried your way.
And now we're gonna try mine.
That was a good day, huh?
It was.
We had a lot of good days together.
We did.
You wanna talk about it?
The fact that you're not real.
You haven't changed, Lata.
You still hold everything
close to the vest.
Where did you take my friend?
Oh, I think you know exactly
where he is, deep down.
But you're holding back
your secrets like always.
And that's why you're seeing me.
I was always the one you'd talk to.
But not about everything.
That's not true.
Come on, sweet pea.
You do not get to call me that.
Fine. Latika.
But you know it's true.
Whatever I am is right.
I'm a figment of your imagination.
You lie to me, you're
only lying to yourself.
And you know that sweet,
loving, dear old Maggie
shared everything with you,
and it hurt her,
knowing you never shared
your own secrets in return.
This is your chance to right that wrong.
Don't make the same mistake twice.
Or you and your friend
won't ever see the sun again.
Carlos! Carlos!
You're okay.
You're okay. I'm gonna get you warm.
You're okay. Just stay here, okay?
This is all my fault.
But I'm gonna get you out of here.
I promise.
Come on.
Okay. Okay.
Come. Come, come.
Come near the fire.
Watch it.
T-t-tried ev-everything.
But this room is locked down
like the house was.
There's no way of getting out of here.
I don't think it's just getting colder.
It's getting darker.
How'd you get that thing going?
Muscle memory.
You've been locked in
creepy old shacks before?
This was a part of my home.
Okay, I get it.
I was young and dumb once, too.
But maybe we should pump
the brakes here for a second.
You heard what Betty said.
John is being transferred
to state prison tonight.
There's no way to get him out of there.
But the precinct
Listen to you.
You're talking about breaking
15 different laws.
We need to stop and think.
How do we know this isn't
exactly what the Akrida wants?
To lure us all into their trap
and then take out everyone all at once?
Why don't we check in
with Latika and Carlos first?
If they have that bracelet,
then at least you'll know
you're punching the right people.
I'll stake out the precinct.
Look for any openings.
You call Carlos and Lata,
and meet me there.
Bracelet or not,
I'm breaking down the doors tonight.
What's it gonna be, Johnny boy?
I'll tell you everything.
So the-the guy in the photo is, um
his name is
Jeff Beck.
Good. Go on.
Uh, w-well, see, Jeff is, uh
it's only one of his, um, aliases.
He also goes by Eric Bloom.
- And where do I find Mr. Bloom?
- Actually, no.
You know what?
No, no, no. Lately,
he's been going by, um,
Levon Helm.
I didn't want to believe the psych eval
in your profile was accurate,
but you really do have
a death wish, don't you?
See, when I was in basic,
they told us that
if we ever got captured,
that our only job was not
to tell the enemy anything.
But here you are telling me everything.
The hell is that supposed to mean?
It means that you played your hand.
See, if you're willing
to go through all this
to find him, then, well,
that guy, whoever he is,
is a threat to you.
And your former leader, well,
when she was in control of Roxy,
she said that nothing
of this Earth can harm you.
So if he's a threat to you,
and nothing of this Earth
can harm you, well
that would mean he's not of this Earth.
Which explains why you look
like a scared little baby.
Well, you've, uh
you've shown your hand too, Winchester.
Because if you don't know anything,
then you're no longer of any use to us.
It's gonna be a shame
when that prison transport
gets into that car crash,
killing everyone inside.
Okay, so
sorry, let me get these
facts straight, so
That bracelet made this room.
And this room was from your childhood.
And all of this is tied
to some sort of dark secret of yours?
Okay, so spill already
before we turn into Popsicles.
I can't, Carlos.
Lata, you know I am prone
to long, slow-build,
catharsis-driven theater,
but I don't think we have time
for a one-act play here.
Whatever it is, it's going to be okay.
Back at Tracy's farm,
and the story I told
About how you became a pacifist?
I didn't tell you the whole story.
I didn't tell you about Sania,
my family's housekeeper.
She practically raised me.
One night, my father had
some of his work colleagues over.
He always went all-out for work dinners.
And there was always so much food.
So when I noticed some
leftover gulab jamun,
after dessert, I didn't think
anyone would miss it.
So I took the tray and I came here
to Sania's quarters to share with her.
W-what happened?
Well, my father came out looking for me
and saw what we were eating.
He lit into Sania
for stealing food made for his guests.
And I tried to tell him
it wasn't her fault.
I really tried to tell him
it wasn't her fault, but
Things escalated quickly.
He snatched the food out of Sania's hand
and raised his hand to strike her,
and I stepped in and I hit him!
With this very lamp.
I was just so angry
at how he was treating her.
I-I couldn't control it.
Lata, you didn't do anything wrong.
And-and now, your-your
darkest secret is out, so
You hear that, shadow folk?
Her secret's out!
Is there more to the story?
Lata, listen to me.
Look, we-we all have secrets.
And they are ours. But I promise you,
that whatever else you have to share
stays in this room forever.
He dragged me back into the house
and told my mother what happened.
And she said
she was ashamed of me.
Said I was wrong to have
defended Sania over
Your mom was wrong.
They sent me back into my room
and that's when I packed up
everything I could.
I knew there was no reason
for me to stay.
My parents were never gonna
look at me the same way.
So I left and I never looked back.
I left her.
My father, he blamed Sania
for making me disobedient,
so he locked her in here
without any heat.
And it was
It was the coldest night
of the year, and
And Sania froze to death.
And now we're here,
living what I put her through.
And I'm just so sorry, Sania.
I'm so sorry!
Well, I guess the truth
really does set you free.
In more ways than one.
Well, listen, I'd love
to bask in this moment, but
Oh, thank God.
Are you guys okay?
Why didn't you answer the phone?
Uh, long story,
uh, with some Toastettes,
but, uh, it's a happy ending, though.
- We found the bracelet.
- Tell me that it works.
Well, after everything
we just went through,
- it better.
- I hope you're right.
Because Mary's gonna need it
if she's gonna bust John out of jail.
I-I thought they went to the cabin.
Another long story,
hopefully also with a happy ending.
Come on. I'll explain on the way.
Come on.
Ride's here, John.
Oh, before we say our goodbyes,
I need to tell you one more thing about
the guy you're looking for.
Whoever he is,
I hope he gives you hell.
Move him out of here. Get him up!
You got spunk, Winchester.
Dumb as a bag of hair,
but at least you went down swingin'.
Get him out of here.
Get him moving.
You can't be this crazy.
Did you see Kyle's autopsy report?
- Actually, I did.
- Walk away then.
That is not happening.
You really want to get
arrested too, don't you?
You have no idea how
much danger John is in.
His problems started the day he met you.
Did you really think this was gonna end
- any other way?
- No.
I just had to keep you
distracted long enough.
Drugs should be legalized.
Oh don't!
I really hope you don't have
any dark secrets.
- What is this?
- A way to see the truth.
- What are you doing?
- Trying to save my son.
But for that to happen,
we're gonna need your help.
Okay, just take a look around.
See for yourself.
- Dios mío.
- What is it? What do you see?
I can't believe it.
Where is he being transferred?
That cop is his transfer van driver.
No all right, I have an idea.
It's-it's basically just like this,
but just a little more
aggressive and violent.
Let him go!
A rescue. Adorable.
That's for Kyle. That's for my son.
All right. Yeah, come on.
- Okay. You okay?
- Yeah.
All right. So what's the plan?
- Run.
- All right. Yeah, come on.
It's okay. I'll catch up later.
You need a cop on the inside, right?
John, come on!
Thank you.
- Thanks.
- So they bought it?
For now, yeah.
Even better, nobody saw anyone else.
They just think they got jumped by you.
I'd say thank you for
letting me behind the curtain,
I'm not sure how happy I am to
know about your monster club.
Yeah. I get it.
I've been a card-carrying member
since I was a little kid.
Kinda wish I didn't know
about it either.
I'm sorry.
Thank you for helping John out.
Thank you for looking out for him.
Look, I know you're not
a fan of tattoos,
but, um, use this as soon as you can.
All right? The marks will protect you
from the Akrida.
At least my mom's not hear to see this.
Yeah. Look, um
Bets, you really put it all on the line,
so thank you.
Well, sometimes doing the right thing
means doing the wrong thing.
Okay, then. We never
had this conversation
and I never saw where you went.
Just lay low, okay?
Millie and I will look into
clearing your name.
There has to be a witness
someone who saw something.
Thank you.
Um, okay.
Take the back roads out of town.
And, uh, stay off the interstate
until you're clear of the county.
Will do.
All right.
I don't want a truth bracelet
to be the only reason why
I share things with you.
there's one more thing you should know.
No judgments.
My parents aren't dead.
I'm sorry. I-I only said that
because it was easier to say that
than to explain what they did.
As far as I'm concerned,
your parents are dead to me, so
I still have nothing but love for you.
Do you think Mary and John
will feel the same way?
It's just I've been lying
to them for so long.
If you need time
to tell them your story,
take it,
because it's your story to tell.
But I can almost assure you,
they won't love you any less.
Same as me.
- Oh, come here. Let me hug you.
- Thank you.
What is it?
Nothin'. I
I, uh
I just keep seeing it.
That's not on you.
I know.
I do.
It's hard.
I know.
But the only way we're
gonna make the Akrida pay
for what they did to Kyle
is by finding this guy.
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