The World of the Married (2020) s01e11 Episode Script

Episode 11

Ji Seon-u.
If only we hadn't met her…
Damn it.
Both our lives
got messed up
because of her.
Once he gets me the money,
we can leave Gosan together.
Let's go to a place where no one knows us
and start all over again.
Okay, Hyeon-seo?
No, I don't want to.
You… You don't want to?
That's right. I don't want to.
I told you I've changed.
I won't give you a hard time anymore.
Don't abandon me.
Please. You can't do that to me.
Is there even any hope left for us?
There isn't?
Even if we get lucky and win the lottery,
we'd still be hopeless.
As long as I'm with you,
my life will always be miserable.
Just like today.
So please…
Let's just please end this.
What was that?
-Oh, gosh!
-My goodness!
You can't go there.
Follow me.
Let me go.
I need to check something.
I think it's the person I'm looking for.
It's a guy.
It's not the person you're looking for.
It won't do you any good if you stay here.
So let's hurry up and leave.
1:00 A.M.
Did you get hurt?
No, it's just a stain.
Mom, did you hear?
Someone died yesterday at Gosan Station.
Who told you?
It's on the news.
And all the kids are talking about it
on social media.
Eat up. You'll be late.
Don't people normally
jump in front of trains
when they try to commit suicide
at a train station?
Isn't it weird
that he jumped off the rooftop?
Don't you have
an English listening test today?
The other kids also don't think
it was suicide.
What do you think, Mom?
You're going to concentrate
this time, right?
You let your mind wander last time
and got one question wrong.
You even knew the answer to it.
Someone fell from the rooftop
of Gosan Station.
It happened in the center of downtown.
Can we talk for a moment?
Come inside.
Where were you last night?
At the office.
With whom?
-By myself.
-What time did you leave?
I don't know.
I think it was around 12:30 a.m.
It says here that he left the office
at around 10:30 p.m.
That's the last record I see
on the security system.
According to the record,
he didn't come back.
But why do you ask?
A person died at Gosan Station last night.
And that turned out to be Park In-gyu.
How do you know that?
I had an errand to run and was passing by.
Damn it!
I'm going to kill this bastard.
But then, I heard someone fell
from the rooftop.
-What was that?
-My goodness!
And then, I saw you.
You just happened to go to Gosan Station
right when the accident occurred,
and that's how
you saw me there by coincidence?
Yes, that's right.
I happened to go there
and saw you by coincidence.
How did you know
that the guy who died was Park In-gyu?
How did you know it was Park In-gyu?
Aren't you going to answer me?
I saw the body on the ground.
He's the guy
you reported to the police
for housebreaking and blackmail.
-And I figured it wouldn't be any good
for you to stay there.
Don't tell me
you think I pushed them.
I didn't think that far.
Whatever the case, the police know
that you weren't on good terms with him.
So I figured things might get complicated
if they find out you were there.
That's why I did that.
You were able to think that far
in that kind of situation?
You think very quickly.
Yes, I tend to be like that.
So that's it?
Is there something else you want to know?
I'm sorry, Dr. Ji.
I ruined everything.
Where are you right now?
What happened?
I didn't do it.
Dr. Ji, it wasn't me.
All of a sudden,
that person appeared out of nowhere.
"That person"?
The cops just called.
They said they need to interview you
as a witness.
They told me you were the last person
Park In-gyu talked to on the phone.
Is that true?
Lee Tae-oh.
What did you just say?
It was Lee Tae-oh.
There you go.
Jenny, are you hungry?
Your husband is stalking me.
I'm trying to get rid of her
out of our lives.
Here it is.
Okay, put this in there.
Where did it all go wrong?
You shouldn't have backed off so easily.
You should've stood your ground
no matter what.
You may have protected your pride,
but it was all for nothing.
You only ended up
making other people happy.
Are you saying I shouldn't have
gotten a divorce?
What are you talking about?
I was talking about
the associate director position.
I heard Kim Yun-gi declined the offer.
Why would he refuse to take
such a great offer?
Do you know anything?
If you're so curious,
go ask the director yourself.
Or just be honest and tell him
that you want the position.
My gosh, I can't do that. My goodness.
Hey, Ye-rim.
Should I?
Hey, Seon-u.
Can we talk for a moment?
Sorry. I'm too busy right now.
The cops were here.
Was he the guy
that broke into Ms. Ji Seon-u's house
last time?
It was you who made the report.
I'm not sure.
I bumped into him in the dark.
So I don't really remember his face.
Have you ever seen this scarf before?
This is…
What should I do, Seon-u?
Should I not have said that to the cops?
I see.
I'll call you back, ma'am.
I need to treat a patient.
What shouldn't you have said to the cops?
Don't worry about it.
You don't need to know.
I wasn't going to hire a lawyer either.
Don't make it sound like
you're doing me a favor.
I'm the one
who's giving you what you want.
I'm letting you go
so you can live however you want.
What if I don't want that?
Then can I just tear this apart?
I don't think
I can live without you.
You don't need to feel bad about it.
I mean it.
But you don't believe me.
Make sure you show up to court.
What was that about earlier
regarding the cops?
What's going on?
It's not about me.
It's about Seon-u.
Do you recognize that scarf?
It's mine.
I gave it to Min Hyeon-seo.
Why do you think
Park In-gyu was holding onto this
when he died?
I don't know.
I wonder why.
When did you last see Min Hyeon-seo?
It was at Gosan Station.
She left saying she's off to see a friend.
That's when I gave her that scarf.
I see.
We'll be interviewing you soon
as a witness of the case.
Yes, of course. I'll cooperate.
Feel free to call me
if you have any more questions.
-The director is here.
-Oh, he's here.
Hello, sir.
-Hello, sir.
-What's going on?
-A detective came by.
Why did a detective come by?
The person who fell
and died at Gosan Station
must be someone Dr. Ji knows.
Why does she always bring trouble
to the hospital?
Director Gong.
I'd like to talk to you for a second.
The associate director position?
That's what it was?
I already have a lot on my mind.
Can we talk about that next time?
I think I'm more than qualified
considering how long I've worked here
and how much I've contributed
to the hospital.
I worked very hard.
I know you worked hard.
Then you should also give me a chance.
I'd love to give you a chance.
But you're still single.
-Why are you so desperate for the position
when you don't even have
a family to take care of?
But Dr. Kim Yun-gi is also single.
Oh, come on.
Men and women are different.
So it's okay for a guy
to want a promotion,
but when a woman wants it,
it's being greedy?
I'm not being greedy.
I'm doing this to survive.
Listen to me, Dr. Seol.
There's already a lot going on here
because of Dr. Ji.
Please don't add to the mess.
The way you're behaving right now
doesn't seem very nice, you know.
It just makes you seem like
a very greedy person.
I have to say, it's always the women
who cause trouble.
My goodness.
Yes, I'm a woman.
On top of that, I'm single.
But because of that,
I worked harder than others.
I have no children to look after me
once I grow old,
and I don't have a husband to protect me.
The same goes for Seon-u.
You used the donation as an excuse
to demote her from her position.
And now, you're even treating her
like a troublemaker?
Why? Does she seem like a criminal to you
just because a detective came by?
No, when did I ever call her a criminal?
Every time there was an issue
at the hospital,
Seon-u always took care of things
while you were busy hiding somewhere.
But now, you think women are troublesome?
Why is that?
Is it because Seon-u is single now?
Dr. Seol, why are you overreacting today?
Why do you think?
I want you to explain to me.
Why you think women are troublesome
and why is it a problem to be single?
My goodness.
You and I have no hope here.
Seriously, Seon-u.
Why did you have to get a divorce?
-Didn't you hear?
Tell me what it is.
Let's go!
Let's keep going straight
Why aren't you getting ready
for the ladies' society gathering?
Mom, you can go by yourself.
Hey, you know that guy
who died at Gosan Station?
Councilman Cha's wife
told everyone to come
saying she has something
to tell us about him.
What is it?
How would I know?
So let's go and hear what it is.
My gosh, this is so annoying.
I'll do it.
Where were you last night?
At the office.
What time did your husband come home
last night?
I don't know.
I think it was around 12:30 a.m.
Were you aware
that your wife used my girlfriend
to spy on you?
Before Park In-gyu died,
Lee Tae-oh was the last person
he talked to on the phone.
I mean, who reads newspapers in print
these days.
Are you really not going to go?
Hey, I have big news.
Gather around.
What is it?
-Just get over here.
-Why? What is it?
-Hurry up.
-What's up?
A cop apparently went
to investigate your mom.
-Hey, why would you tell him?
-You can't tell him that.
Why can't I tell him?
It's regarding his mom,
so I'm sure he already knows.
Why did they go see her?
Because of the Gosan Station murder case.
Apparently, the guy who died
was your mom's boyfriend.
Do you know anything?
Just because she got investigated
doesn't mean she's guilty.
He could've been her patient.
And cops sometimes go to doctors
for medical consultations.
It's very ignorant of you
to talk about something
when you're not even sure of anything.
I guess they really are dating.
-Yes, they're obviously a couple.
Where are you going?
What was the relationship between Dr. Ji
and the guy who died?
She's a divorcee,
and he's a very young man.
Can't you already tell?
Oh, gosh. My goodness.
What exactly do you mean?
It's embarrassing to say it out loud.
But all the mothers in Gosan
have been talking about it online.
Don't tell me you actually believe
such a groundless rumor.
It's not a groundless rumor.
The cops found something
that belonged to Dr. Ji at the scene.
Then does that mean Ji Seon-u killed him?
Where did you hear that kind of stuff?
My husband looked into it.
My son, Hae-gang, is friends with her son.
So I couldn't help
but be bothered about it.
Ye-rim, you wouldn't understand
since you don't have kids.
A politician always needs to be careful
not to make any speculations.
You're a politician's wife,
so you shouldn't go around
spreading rumors like that.
I don't say this when I'm around others.
I'm only telling you guys
because I trust you.
Yes, of course.
We all deserve to know.
Everyone here has
some kind of connection with Ji Seon-u.
On top of that,
it's regarding our members.
Yes, you're right.
This is a serious issue.
What would be the use
of having a ladies' society
if we can't even share information
with each other?
It may seem like
you're sharing information,
but let's be honest.
You're just spreading rumors.
What's with you today?
You're crossing the line.
Oh, dear. Did it come off that way?
Shouldn't you be back
at the hospital, Dr. Seol?
I'm in charge
of adjusting my office hours.
I'm experienced enough to do that much.
I have something to tell you guys.
I'm going to court tomorrow.
I'll be divorced in a month.
My goodness, really?
My gosh, you should've just scared him
and ended it there.
How are you going to get by on your own?
You don't even have kids.
I'm sure he got the idea now.
You should take him back.
I'm not putting on a show
just to scare him.
I'm really
going to get a divorce.
If you want to know
why I'm getting a divorce,
I'm more than willing to tell you
the reason.
So don't bother imagining things
on your own.
Well then,
I'll excuse myself now
so you guys can freely talk about me.
I'm going to go after her
and ask her what happened.
What was that about?
I guess this gathering
is slowly coming to an end.
If you're here to take me back,
you don't need to bother.
What are you talking about?
I loved what you said back there.
Great job.
Let's go for a drink.
Is everything okay
with your mom these days?
Did she go to work today?
Yes, of course.
What time did she come home last night?
Was she late?
Why do you keep asking about her?
It's natural for me to ask. I need to know
if she's raising you well.
What's wrong?
-Then why did you get a divorce?
Why are you back?
You're the problem.
You cheated on her and left us.
And you came back
just because you wanted to.
You're the one who didn't play fair.
You guys should deal with your problems
on your own.
Don't get me involved.
What's your problem?
We know each other, don't we?
I think I saw you with Chairman Yeo
a few times.
What are you doing?
Why were you following Ji Seon-u?
I don't know what you're talking about.
This is getting interesting.
Does Chairman Yeo have anything to do
with the accident?
In-gyu called Lee Tae-oh
and threatened him to bring him money.
Where is Park In-gyu?
I'm going to kill him,
so tell me where he is!
Let me go!
I was so scared.
So I told him
that he's at the rooftop.
I had no idea
that he'd end up dying like that.
-What was that?
-My goodness!
He did it.
You didn't see it for yourself.
He killed In-gyu.
Do you think people will believe you?
I know they wouldn't.
Why would anyone believe me?
I have no money or connections.
That's why I ran away
like a coward.
The cops are probably
looking for me, right?
What if they find out I was with him
right until he died?
What will happen to me then?
You guys had a fight.
So that won't act in your favor.
It wasn't me.
It was Lee Tae-oh.
Chairman Yeo Byeong-gyu has his back.
He'll do everything he can
to make sure Tae-oh doesn't get charged
for the sake of his daughter.
I think it's best
that you don't do anything, Hyeon-seo.
People might not believe me,
but they'll believe you.
Can you keep this?
the only person
I can trust now.
You're going to help me, right?
Stay here and don't let anyone see you
until you hear from me.
You trust me, right?
What are you doing here?
I had dinner with Jun-yeong.
Why do you come home so late?
The cops called. They summoned me
for a witness interview.
A cop came to see me as well.
You were at Gosan Station yesterday,
weren't you?
I saw you.
You're now even
trying to frame me as a murderer?
Watch what you say.
You're Jun-yeong's mother.
That's right.
I'm glad you brought that up.
I'm Jun-yeong's mother,
and you're his father.
So be honest with me.
Were you the one
who killed Park In-gyu?
Someone saw you go to the rooftop.
Don't tell me
it was Min Hyeon-seo.
Are you guys trying to frame me right now?
Why would I do that?
Because it was you.
You killed Park In-gyu.
Am I wrong?
You asked Min Hyeon-seo where he was
and went up to the rooftop.
And after you went up there,
Park In-gyu fell.
He had already fallen from the rooftop
when I got up there.
It's either one of the two.
Either Min Hyeon-seo killed him,
or she planned it with you.
Do you seriously think
you're making any sense right now?
-So it wasn't you?
Can you swear on Jun-yeong?
Don't make me swear on my son.
I did nothing wrong in the first place.
It wasn't me either.
I did go there because I was angry.
But I didn't kill him, okay?
Okay, fine.
It was neither of us. Okay?
That means it was Min Hyeon-seo.
Let's just say it was her.
Have you lost your mind?
You want to frame that poor kid
and make her become a murderer
just so you can get out of this?
It's for both of us!
Don't you get it?
Hey, Tae-oh!
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
Hey, you.
I'm glad I ran into you.
You wait right there.
-You're drunk.
-Just think of what's best for Jun-yeong.
Did you or did you not say you'll help me
become the associate director?
Be careful. You'll fall.
That punk.
Where do you think you're going, you punk?
She's hilarious.
Oh, my gosh.
Be careful, Myeong-suk.
What was he doing here?
Was he here to bug you again?
He was here to meet Jun-yeong.
We're going to drink a bit more.
Would you like to join us?
I need to talk to my friends.
Do you have a lot of homework?
Should I go home and fix you a snack?
No, it's okay.
Did you enjoy dinner with your dad?
You should go to bed early
if you're tired.
Don't worry. I'll take care of myself.
I'm going to hang up now.
Hey, he's in eighth grade.
Just let him be.
You can worry all you want,
but he'll just think you're nagging.
She's right, Seon-u.
Come over here and have a drink.
Why did you guys drink so much?
Did something good happen?
We quit being a member
of the ladies' society,
and we drank to celebrate.
-You did what?
-She's actually going to do it.
She's getting a divorce.
All the documents are ready.
And we're going to court tomorrow.
After a month,
our divorce will finally be over.
Don't look at me like that.
I'm really happy right now.
Why are you crying?
Even Seon-u's trying hard to cope with it.
I can't believe it's so easy.
It's so futile.
All I needed to do was sign a document.
I don't understand
why I made myself suffer for so long.
Is marriage
really this meaningless?
I mean, how is it
that I'm left with nothing?
Now that it's over,
I realize that there's absolutely nothing.
Did it really mean so little
to be married?
It'd be great
if you could end it that easily.
You'd better brace yourself.
It won't be that easy
to end your marriage.
At least that's how it was for me.
Whatever the case,
I'm really happy
that you guys are single now.
Hey, you.
Don't cry.
And you.
Don't ever lose.
And as for me,
I'm going to keep being cool.
You should be careful.
People say you're the one
who killed that guy at Gosan Station.
You know what? Just forget it.
You never let stuff like that get to you.
Hey, listen.
Even if you did kill him,
pretend like you didn't do it.
And become the associate director again.
Just show everyone that you're the best.
Cheers to us.
It's late. Why are you still up?
The guy who died at Gosan Station.
Did you know that guy?
-Who told you that?
-I heard a police officer came to see you.
The kids at my school told me.
He used to be my patient.
That's why a police officer
came to see me.
But you didn't kill him.
Of course I didn't kill him.
-My goodness.
-Then why are people suspicious of you?
It's because they're bored.
Some people enjoy
talking behind people's backs.
I'm sure you also have friends like that.
Kids always pick on the ones
that get looked down on.
Why can't you live a comfortable life?
Why can't you live a normal life
like the other moms?
What about me?
Why do I need to live like this?
I didn't even do anything wrong.
I never wanted you guys to get a divorce.
And I never wanted Dad
to get married to another woman.
You're right.
Your dad and I are the ones to blame.
It looks like you're back
to being a beginner.
I couldn't play often
because I was busy with Jenny.
But once it gets warmer,
you'll have to play with me more often.
I'd love to.
I won't be easy on you though.
By the way,
are you doing okay with Tae-oh?
Every time you ask me that,
it feels as if you're
checking my homework.
Oh, really?
I'm sorry about that.
It can't always be good.
That's what I realized
after having been married for a while.
But I didn't know that
before I got married.
If things don't feel right,
you can end it with him whenever you want.
I'll take care of you
and Jenny no matter what.
I know that you're still not
entirely happy with Tae-oh.
I know that.
But I want to be responsible
for the choice I made.
And I don't want you and Mom
to worry about me because of my marriage.
A dad means the world to a daughter.
And Jenny also needs a dad.
You know what I mean, right?
No, I don't.
My goodness.
Let's just play nine holes today.
Why? Is it starting to get boring?
I want to finish early
so I can eat with Tae-oh.
What's the time?
-What time is it?
-Are you crazy?
Why are you sleeping here?
I must've told the wrong address
to the driver.
Can you cook me
your homemade hangover soup?
Can you?
I love that I don't have to cook.
Stop talking nonsense,
and just drink water.
My gosh, it's really nice to be home.
It's been a while since I slept so well.
Aren't you going to leave for work?
Yes, I should go.
But I need to see Seon-u first.
One of my friends from school is a cop.
This isn't his jurisdiction.
He works in another area, but still.
I drank with him late into the night
and asked him some stuff about the case.
And I noticed something strange.
What do you mean?
Gosan Station
has security cameras everywhere,
but a server maintenance
was being conducted that day,
so there is no recorded footage.
The CCTV cameras weren't running
for 12 hours from noon until midnight.
It just happened to be
their regular server inspection day?
No, they ran an inspection
because there was a sudden error.
It wasn't a scheduled inspection.
That's why the cops are hesitant
to close it as a suicide case.
They're suspicious that there might be
someone behind this.
Do you think
Chairman Yeo did something already?
Gosh, no way.
You've gone a bit too far, Ye-rim.
Let's be honest. This is a small city.
And as someone who has
a lot of power in this area,
you know he can do anything he wants
if he puts his mind to it.
Chairman Yeo has enough power
to get help from the stationmaster
or the chief of police.
Don't you agree?
It's the original copy.
There are no copies of it.
You and I
will have to take this to our graves.
How is Da-kyung doing?
The last thing she asked me
was when Mr. Lee got off work.
We can't let Da-kyung find out.
We need to take care of this quietly.
Do you understand?
Do you really think it'd be better for her
to keep this quiet?
I apologize, sir.
You do have a point.
I'll decide what to do
after I take a look at this.
What should I do about Ji Seon-u?
What's wrong?
Is there something on your mind?
No, you don't need to know.
There are so many things
you don't tell me.
I just have a lot on my mind
because of what happened to Park In-gyu.
Why are you bothered by that?
You told me you had nothing to do with it.
I think Jun-yeong
might have to live with us.
Don't you think this is a bit too much?
I tell myself again and again
that I shouldn't be suspicious of you.
I'm trying really hard
to keep myself from losing it.
But that's all I get from you?
-What are you talking about?
-Where's your wedding ring?
Have you decided not to wear it anymore?
And why was there blood
on your dress shirt?
Why were you at Gosan Station that night?
Tell me.
What happened that night at Gosan Station?
I understand why you're being like this.
But it wasn't me.
I didn't do it.
It's true that I was at Gosan Station
when he died.
But I didn't even get to see him.
Once I got there, he was already dead.
Then tell that to the cops.
Is that so hard?
Seon-u was there.
What are you talking about?
Are you telling me
that she killed him?
I don't know anything for sure. But I am
suspicious of her.
Either Min Hyeon-seo killed him,
or they schemed it together.
That's why they sent me up to the rooftop.
They did it to frame me.
Then why can't you just say that
to the cops?
She's Jun-yeong's mother!
I can't turn his mother into a murderer.
So what?
She might've killed someone,
but you're going to protect her
just because she's Jun-yeong's mother?
Let's have Jun-yeong live with us.
I'm sorry for not telling you the truth,
but I just didn't want to worry you.
But I swear it wasn't me.
You need to trust me, Da-kyung.
You need to earn
my trust.
Why did you put a tail on Dr. Ji?
What kind of question is that?
I saw Mr. Lee that night.
-Oh, gosh!
-My goodness!
-My goodness!
-Oh, my gosh!
I hope you don't mess with Dr. Ji
just so you can cover things up
for your son-in-law.
If you go any further,
I'll just have to be honest about
what I saw.
What's your point?
Come in.
Did you want to frame me for murder?
Wouldn't the police suspect Tae-oh more
based on the circumstantial evidence
and witness?
I honestly don't have
that many connections
in Gosan.
I'm not powerful enough
to fabricate a case.
So why would I do that?
Then why aren't there
any CCTV footages of that day?
How would I know that?
I'm not a police officer.
Wouldn't you agree?
I guess we'll find out
once we check the CCTV footages
of the following day at Gosan Station.
The footages will show who came that day
to take the CCTV recordings.
What is it that you want?
The murderer
should neither be me or Tae-oh.
Because Park In-gyu
committed suicide.
Are you Mr. Lee Tae-oh?
I'm afraid you'll have to come with us.
I'm at the police station right now.
I'm sorry you had to meet the chairman
because of me.
I no longer want to trouble you
with my problems.
From now on,
I'll take care of my own problems.
Let's go.
It looks like things aren't
going to go as planned, Dr. Ji.
I'm sorry,
but I don't care about Tae-oh's future.
How far must I go for you to trust me?
Do you know why I couldn't break free
from In-gyu?
It's because I felt sorry for him.
He was never like that
when he lived with me.
But he somehow looked really happy.
She's enduring everything because of you.
Because she's your mother.
You guys were holding onto each other.
It's time you cut him off first.
She may hate him,
but I still don't think there's room
in her heart for anyone else.
What if I tell you
that I regret marrying her?
What if I tell you
that it's become dull and mundane?
Then will you also tell me
how you really feel?
Subtitle translation by Ja-won Lee
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