The Worst of Evil (2023) s01e11 Episode Script

Episode 11

can your boss get it up these days?
Yeah, he's feeling better.
For a guy, it'd be humiliating
to become impotent over this, right?
By the way,
I saw some girl
next to Jung Gicheul the other day.
Do you know who she is?
You know. When your gangs had that brawl,
I heard he had a girl with him.
- Right.
- Who the hell is that bitch?
According to our men,
she's a cop.
- From SMPA or something.
- Ha!
Bullshit, you motherfuckers.
She really is.
SMPA, my ass.
What did you make me come
all the way here for?
You could've come to me.
I'll keep it short.
Could you check if this person is in SMPA?
I know her.
She's the daughter of that guy.
What was the name
of the former commissioner?
Yu Dukhoon?
She's his daughter.
- Really?
- Yeah.
They're a well-known family of cops.
Commissioner Yu's two sons,
his daughter,
and even his son-in-law are all cops.
Son-in-law? So she's married.
Did she get a divorce?
Divorce in a family of cops? No way.
What the fuck?
Why would a married cop date a thug?
You sure it's her? Look again.
Maybe you're confused. Is it her?
Come on. Look.
Are you going to stay here?
This will be our house.
Once this deal is wrapped up,
I'm going to start fresh here.
Will you join me?
Isn't this place lovely?
About that deal you just mentioned
Can't you just quit?
I have to see it through.
Everything will be okay. Don't worry.
Junmo, can't you please stop here?
If you don't let the trade happen
If you just stop here,
nothing will happen to us.
Who's "us"?
Euijeong, is this
because of Jung Gicheul?
can't stop here.
I'm closing this case no matter what.
The number's right.
Let's wrap it up.
Hey, did you find anything?
- What's his name again?
Officer Park Junmo.
- Park Junmo.
- Yes.
- Senior police officer?
- Yes.
- I'll treat you next time.
- What?
Who's that?
A poor cop who doesn't know
his wife is cheating on him with a thug.
"Park Junmo"?
Jung Gicheul, you son of a bitch.
I'll do whatever it takes
to put you behind bars.
I think they got the stuff.
Good. Keep tailing them closely.
Well done.
I'll use the restroom real quick.
We'll get going, sir.
Captain, that black sedan
has been there the whole time.
Don't make any hasty assumptions.
We'll arrest the suspects
after we see them load the boat.
Hey, Yongdae. It's me.
Hello, Boss.
Go check on Chief Seo in Gangnam.
Yes, Boss.
Why do you go to such lengths?
And by yourself?
Because it's dangerous.
That's why I have to do it.
Also, I started it.
I thought this was
the only way I could change
my life and the lives of my men.
But you're keeping this
a secret from them.
If I say their stores were bought
with drug money,
they'll feel guilty about it.
At some point, I started to see
myself in you.
You pursue your goals
persistently and tenaciously.
That's why I'm entrusting you with this.
It won't be easy,
but I wish you good luck.
Okay, sir.
But if it gets too dangerous,
you have to stop there.
By the way,
where does the trade take place?
Port Seven.
Is the dealer Japanese?
No, he's a Korean-Japanese boat captain.
He's fluent in Korean,
so you won't have problems communicating.
He just got out of the car.
Is the car at the entrance yet?
I don't see anyone yet.
Detective Shin, take a look.
Yes, sir. I'll drive around and check.
Wake up.
Kwon Seungho.
Captain, I think we missed them.
A car has exploded
on the road near the port.
Go to the site and check in person.
Damn it.
Come on. Wake up.
What the fuck just happened?
What about our stuff?
It's gone.
God damn it.
What the fuck?
What happened?
You all right?
Get in the car.
How did he know you were here?
It must've been Choi Jungbae.
Nobody knows this route
except for him, you, and me.
That was 30 kilograms
Those motherfuckers.
I spared them, and they betrayed me.
- Let's go to a hospital first.
- No.
Let's just go to Seoul.
Seoul? Why?
We have to get our fucking stuff first.
Come on. Let's just go.
Let's go back to Seoul.
And assemble the boys now.
- What happened?
- I checked,
and the car that exploded was
the one we were after.
- But there was no one inside.
What should we do?
Let's back off for now
and go back to Seoul.
Yes, Captain.
What did he say?
To pull back to Seoul.
God damn it.
What the hell is going on?
Boss, are you okay?
Choi Jungbae and Oh Kyungjin betrayed us.
- Yes, sir?
What's Kyungjin up to these days?
I don't know, sir.
He's disappeared without a trace since.
Search every damn corner
and find those motherfuckers.
Why the fuck are you just standing there?
Come on. Move your asses!
-Yes, sir.
- Let's go.
That's the list
of drug dealers we know.
Starting now, we're going to grill them.
Find out by any means
if they've been in touch
with Choi Jungbae recently.
Yes, Boss.
One day, you'll realize
you were blinded.
This is the list
of Gangnam Crystal dealers.
Jung Gicheul has his boys
searching all of Gangnam,
so I think they'll find
that bastard Choi Jungbae soon.
And when Choi and Oh were in our gang,
these are the phone numbers they used.
Check out their call logs.
I trusted you and made a risky decision.
You disappoint me, Mr. Jung.
This will cause big damage
to not only me but also to you.
I apologize.
I will send it to you at all cost.
I'll give you one week.
I cannot wait any longer than that.
I understand.
I will show no more mercy.
What did he say?
One week.
We must get the stuff back at all cost.
Of course.
This was your lifelong dream,
so we have to get it back.
I'll be off then.
By the way, Gicheul
To be perfectly honest,
I don't see the point in doing this.
We have all of Gangnam.
I mean,
every day, there are new troubles
and it keeps getting dangerous.
So the boys are raising concerns.
Are you saying
we should fucking give up here?
Are you?
I'm just saying we can play it safe
Fuck being safe!
I get it.
Talk about the boondocks, right?
Good afternoon, officers
Oh, you were alone.
Man, you really need to fix up this place.
How may I help you?
I'm a detective
from Gangnam Police Station in Seoul.
I see.
Is Detective Park Junmo here?
I'm here to visit him.
He's on sick leave right now.
Sick leave?
Is he very ill or something?
No, I don't think it's that serious.
I wonder what's wrong.
I'm sure his wife
cooks for him and everything.
I know you made
a tough decision in trusting me.
But my first trade went south
I apologize.
At least I know
I was a good judge of character.
You didn't run away
and told me everything honestly.
Making the stuff again is easy,
but finding someone trustworthy isn't.
Haeryun, I'll do whatever it takes
to get the stuff back
and make this trade work again.
I feel like I always owe you. I'm sorry.
Then, pay me back.
I trust you.
I know you'll fix all this.
Look at how down you are.
I like you because you're confident.
Don't shoulder it all alone.
Let me know if you need any help.
Your troubles are my troubles too.
Your father in China
must be pretty upset too.
I'm just
worried this might put you in trouble.
That's what concerns me.
I'm doing this because I want to.
So please don't feel bad.
Thank you.
I like the smell of water.
I used to smell this every morning.
You must have lived near a river.
Yes, next to Yitong River.
In Changchun. It's nice.
It's peaceful there.
Quieter than here.
- Hello?
- It's me.
Hello, Boss.
Did something happen?
Is Haeryun being objective
when it comes to that boy, Kwon Seungho?
I knew that weak girl
would cause trouble one day.
She'll have to take responsibility.
God damn it!
Do you want to wait in China?
The situation in Korea
doesn't seem that good.
While looking for the stuff,
who knows what will happen.
When this is resolved,
we'll go together.
Let's go.
I found where the Chinese are based.
Changchun, Jilin.
We heard from Korea
they're based in Changchun
and inquired the local police
about the Korean-Chinese gangs there.
The name of the gang is Donghobang.
Their boss is Lee Oson.
Just as our Korean sources said,
it's been confirmed
the boss' daughter is Lee Haeryun.
We will immediately head for Changchun.
We'll locate their drug factory
with the help of the local police forces
and wait for Korea and Japan
to give us the signal to arrest them.
- Yes, sir!
- Yes, sir!
All right, bye.
Okay. The Chinese are set now.
It's all thanks
to Detective Park
playing with Lee Haeryun's heart
Let's make the search for Choi Jungbae
No, let's make
the entire investigation public now.
You're joking, right?
Things are getting riskier
for Detective Park.
Officer Yu is worried too.
- So?
- What do you mean "So?"
We're almost there.
Please stay focused until it's over.
- Sir.
- One more thing.
Meet Officer Yu and calm her down.
We cannot let
the couple's personal feelings
take over our investigation.
Welcome back, sir.
Should I drive you to the office, sir?
I wonder why things keep happening.
Why the fuck does shit
keep happening to us?
The Boss ordered me
to do something before.
What is it?
The document is in the glove box.
Yongdae, drive me back
to Gangnam Police Station.
Yes, sir.
I've always been in SMPA
but not the security division.
Something happened, right?
The guys who used to work
for Jung Gicheul stole the meth.
So the trade has been stopped?
How's Junmo?
Junmo is safe and sound.
But why did these cops
go all the way to Eumseong to see Junmo?
What do you mean?
Detective Hwang Mingoo.
I heard he went to
Eumseong Police Station yesterday.
Detective Hwang.
I hear you're looking for me.
Who are you?
Park Junmo from Eumseong Police Station.
Oh. I see. Detective Park Junmo.
I think I've seen him before.
Maybe not.
Why did you want to see me?
I was told you were on sick leave,
but you seem healthy.
By the way,
Inspector Yu Euijeong is your wife, right?
Yes. And?
Yu Euijeong's husband, Park Junmo.
Why did he come to see Hwang Mingoo?
Park Junmo?
Is he the husband
of the Boss's girlfriend?
Well, I don't know where to start.
Did you know
your wife was cheating on you?
Of course, you didn't.
The name of this pretty boy
in the picture is Jung Gicheul.
He's a thug in Gangnam.
The lady next to him.
She's your wife, right?
Yes. And?
What do you mean, "Yes. And?"
It's weird.
Your wife is having a good time
with some other man.
Isn't this messed up?
Could you stop caring
about our family's business
and mind your own?
What? How could you say that?
I told you this for your sake.
I'll take care of my family's business.
You look like a pretty young man.
Do you already want to retire?
How could you talk to me like that?
I feel bad watching you playing detective.
I'll get going now.
I remember now. I've seen him before.
When I went to get
this document Boss asked for,
I saw him there.
I'm sure of it.
I'm fucking smart.
What the fuck is going on?
We can't seem to locate
this guy called Meth Park on the list.
If we can't fix this,
we might get in big trouble.
I paged him to lure him out.
I'm sure he'll contact us.
What? He'll contact us?
You piece of shit.
Follow me.
Follow me, you son of a bitch.
You go out right now,
do whatever it God damn takes
and bring that bastard Meth Park to me.
- Go get him!
- Seungho.
Can we talk for a moment?
In times like these,
we've got to be level-headed.
The stuff we lost was worth millions
No, it was worth billions of won.
This might fuck everything up
We know that!
So our boys are working
their asses off to find it now!
Who the fuck did they find
after working their asses off?
What the fuck did you just say?
Say that again.
Get a grip. I'm Hong Heesung.
Hong Heesung.
Contact all our alumni
and see if any one of them
are in touch
with Choi Jungbae and Oh Kyungjin.
You motherfucker--
What the fuck are you doing?
We'll talk later.
Boss, I met Haeryun the other day.
Because we lost all of the stuff
and haven't paid them yet,
they seemed to be in trouble.
It's gone.
That day we went to get the stuff,
Choi Jungbae came to our office
and took everything.
God damn it!
Choi Jungbae, that fucking bastard!
Boss, does he have family or relatives?
Shouldn't we go fuck them up
to find where he is?
Kwon Seungho.
Don't cross the line.
You can go now.
What's up?
Is it urgent?
I said I'd call you when it all ends.
Dohyung told me about everything.
Let's talk in person.
Hello. Do you remember me?
The captain of our crime unit
wants to ask some questions.
He's here in person.
Do you have time?
Oh, sure.
This way, please.
It won't take long. Please get in.
There he is.
These are the communication and call logs
of the suspects you gave Dohyung.
Choi Jungbae and Oh Kyungjin
haven't called that number yet.
And this is the address
of where Choi Jungbae's parents live.
These bastards must be
in contact with each other
to sell the stuff.
So Dohyung, make sure
to check the records often.
you could've told me about this
over the phone.
You know we don't have time.
I have to go.
What did he say?
Junmo, are you okay?
Am I okay?
Euijeong, you know
what situation I'm in. Don't you?
Do I look okay to you?
Tell me if it's too much. I'll help--
Help me with what?
What is it that you can do
in this investigation?
Stop showing up and distracting me.
Just stay out of this investigation
if you really want to help.
He said he was a cop.
He needed to swap the documents.
Damn it.
Say it clearly. Word for word.
He said he was a narcotics officer,
so I did what he asked me to do.
He said he needed some help
with his investigation.
A narcotics officer?
Park Junmo.
Why have you changed so much?
You're a cop. Get it together.
I fucking know! I'm a cop,
so that's why I'm doing
this investigation.
And why have I changed so much?
Who pushed me to this point? Eh?
Who dragged not only me but also Euijeong
into this fucking investigation?
Who the fuck was it?
- Junmo, please.
- Who made me lose my mind
and cause someone's death? Eh?
It was fucking you and Cho Changsik.
- Am I wrong?
You know I'm right.
I know this is hard on you.
But you must stay strong.
He's going through a lot.
Please be understanding.
Hello, Seok Dohyung speaking.
Hello, Detective. This is
the Retired Police Association Hall.
Hello. What's the matter?
You asked me to call you
if that person returned.
Did he come again?
He asked me to show that document
from before and other ones too.
But I didn't know what to do.
He said he'd come tomorrow morning.
I'll be right there.
He's coming right now.
Did something happen?
Gangnam Union has started to move again.
It's where private detective
Cheon Jinpyung
discovered Junmo's identity,
and Gangnam Union's men have returned.
I'll go check out the place.
So I'd like you to keep
an eye on Jung Gicheul.
Be careful.
You too.
Excuse me,
Chief Seo?
Shouldn't we report this to Boss?
We can report to him
after confirming if we were right.
But will it be okay to meet
a cop in person like this?
What about cops?
Are they any different?
No, sir.
If you stab them, they die just like us.
Hey, Euijeong.
-Oh, hi.
-You'll pass this time.
-Good luck.
-Thank you.
he must be working so hard.
Hey, it's me.
Chief Seo, are you out now?
Where are you?
We have a fucking emergency at our office.
Choi Jungbae, that bastard
Let's meet and talk.
I need to catch a rat first.
Come over here now. And alone.
What are you talking about?
Write this down.
It's 361-5, Nokbeon-dong, Eunpyeong-gu.
Nokbeon-dong? What's there?
The Retired Police Association.
Come right now.
Do you remember you once said
that if anyone visited Gangnam,
you wanted it so they had to
visit one of your stores?
Your dream came true, right?
So couldn't you stop
what you're doing now?
It looks too dangerous.
Euijeong, my dream
hasn't come completely true yet.
I said I'd become
the "emperor of the night,"
and I would marry you.
Man, that really was corny.
You're right. I can stop here.
But I'm this close to the end.
It would be a shame to give up now.
Don't worry.
I'll sort it all out.
One second.
-It's me.
They caught Choi Jungbae.
- What? Where?
- Our boys are hauling him to the office.
Okay, I'll be right there.
Sorry, Euijeong. I've got to go.
What is it?
I'll explain later. I'm sorry.
Detective Park Junmo.
Yu Euijeong's husband, right?
Why were you tailing us like a rat?
Seo Jongryeol?
So you know me.
"High-tech industry district."
"New airport on Yeongjongdo Island."
"International business
and residential district."
"Sports facility."
"Entertainment and Tourism Complex."
"Marine Tourism Complex."
Where's Chief Seo?
Hey, I found the cop
who's been tailing and targeting us.
- I found him.
- Who's the cop?
The husband of the Boss's girlfriend.
- Open up.
- What?
Open the fucking door now.
What should I do?
Until I call you,
- go hide somewhere.
- What?
The guy in there's a fucking cop,
so go hide now.
You fucker.
God damn it.
Chief, what
What's going on here?
Park Junmo.
Husband of the Boss's girl.
You know him, right?
You said you knew that cop, Yu Euijeong.
You must know her husband too.
Don't you?
I do.
But he's a cop.
I thought Yu Euijeong and her husband
schemed up this plan to get us.
That's what I thought.
But there was more to this fucking shit.
Seok Dohyung of SMPA's
Narcotic Crime Investigation Division.
Why the fuck has he been pretending
to be Park Junmo?
You know something about this, right?
I guess you don't.
Well, we can just ask him then.
He was carrying this.
I guess because he's a cop.
Wait, Chief.
God damn it.
Look, if we kill a cop
in a situation like this,
things will get fucking complicated.
Let's find another way.
I'll make this uncomplicated.
You end it.
Look, Kwon Seungho.
I don't want to doubt you.
are you fucking
suspicious of me now?
I feel like one of us
is in cahoots with the cops.
Let's see if I was right.
Stab him.
What the
Stab him.
Stab him, you motherfucker!
God damn it.
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