Thirty Nine (2022) s01e11 Episode Script

About Romance

I was crazy
I was really crazy
I hated you so much that I let you go
Our love ended so easily
I knew you wouldn't come back
I was crazy
I was really crazy
I didn't even cling onto you
You left me
You only left behind
This short-lived memory
Come on!
You're really driving me crazy.
How could you be so bad
at both singing and dancing?
Come on, Joo-hee. Be the bigger person.
Look how much she's aged
because of med school.
I'm still pretty enough
to be a Miss Universe.
Come on. Again?
Why would she ruin the vibe?
Wasn't my song better
for celebrating her graduation?
-On a rainy day
-Sit in an old coffee shop
-What's your problem? Darn it.
-Have a glass of bellflower root whiskey
-Darn it.
-And listen to the deep saxophone
-And listen to the deep saxophone
-I might--
-I might be old enough
To have gotten used to heartbreaks
But a part of me feels empty
-This is
-This is
-About my long-lost romance
-About my long-lost romance
Can we talk
about the day I was adopted?
Of course. I'm curious too.
I was adopted and disowned twice.
Goodness. Did they not like you?
I was anxious and scared
of everything.
It was around that time
when my sister and my parents
visited the child care center
to do volunteer work.
I'm not sure why,
but they looked so happy.
Did they?
I was excited to see them
on the morning of their visits.
And I cried
every time they left
because I wanted to go with them.
Then on one cold day,
my sister gave me a pair of warm gloves
and asked me to come home with them.
Let's go to my house.
Let's live together.
That day
was the happiest day…
of my life.
Ms. Lee Gyeong-suk.
-What did you just call me?
-Ms. Lee Gyeong-suk.
Why did you send your creditor
to my clinic, Ms. Lee?
Do you think it's unfair?
You were never in my life.
You're old enough
to know that life isn't all peachy.
Everyone has a story.
As I grew older, I realized
no matter how tough life may be
and no matter your story,
you should never…
abandon your child.
Don't you dare
contact me or those around me ever again.
My motherly love--
Don't send your creditors to me either.
I was able to study and open the clinic
thanks to my parents.
I didn't know you had that side in you.
Were you always this coldhearted?
It doesn't feel harsh after I've lived
the life you've given me.
"Motherly love"?
You can keep that to yourself.
If you have any, that is.
My adoptive parents
are the only parents I have.
People say
a child should always be grateful
to their biological parents
no matter who they may be.
You can't do this to me.
I'm only grateful to the people
who adopted me and raised me as their own.
I won't see you ever again,
so I hope you'll keep these words in mind.
Take care of yourself.
This will pass.
Just like the wind.
-Did you meet her?
I should've come with you.
It's bothered me all day.
Are you okay?
I guess. I'm all right.
Was it a busy day?
A bit.
I've rarely been going to work these days.
I'm so sorry.
If you hadn't changed your mind,
you would be in the States right now.
But I can still meet you often.
I'm just grateful.
It's quiet.
It is.
It's nice walking in a park
on a rainy day.
How about some music?
What kind of music do you like?
I don't know much.
What about you?
Besides Rachmaninoff.
Right. I also like "About Romance."
That old song?
Yes. It's my dad's favorite song.
Listening to it with him,
I've grown to like it.
Should we listen to that?
It's okay. Let's listen to your playlist.
Let me see my recent playlist.
How about this one?
It's nice.
It's even better since it's raining.
Do you want anything? You must be hungry.
It's okay. I just want some water.
Did you see the contract?
I thought it'd be good to
get things ready while I still had time.
How is that good?
That's not what I meant.
You and Dad would be too distraught--
That's why you spent
your precious time doing that?
I didn't want
to burden you guys with that.
Instead of looking
for a way to live longer,
you picked out a columbarium?
Did you have to do that right now?
I'm sorry.
-Just get treatment.
-Get treated.
If I do get treatment,
I won't even have
the energy to argue with you.
I'll be bedridden in the hospital.
Whom did you go with?
With the girls.
I'm home.
-Where are you coming from?
I met up with a friend.
Jeong-pal's son is getting married.
-I see.
-Gosh, that's just great.
They were worried about him.
The girl is pregnant.
Did you have lunch?
Yes, we ate together.
Is it a shotgun wedding?
-She's five months pregnant.
-Oh, my.
Read it carefully.
My mom might ask about it.
She must've cried a lot.
I think she cried outside.
Her eyes were bloodshot.
Why did you have to get caught?
Did you want to do this right now?
You're saying the same thing she said.
Of course, I didn't want to.
But I thought I should do it myself.
But why? Why did you think so?
You should only do positive things.
Stop nagging me. It's exhausting to hear.
So did you end it well?
What does she mean?
I visited her.
I told her to never call
me or those around me ever again.
And then? What did she say?
I don't remember.
I just bombarded her
with harsh words and left.
Well done. You did well.
I could get punished.
That's bullshit.
If people got punished for doing that,
everyone would go to hell.
You only stood your ground.
You're objective
about other people's affairs
but too subjective about your own.
Did you really want
to break your mom's heart like this?
I can't imagine how she feels
when we're this upset.
Look. There she goes again.
That's enough.
Come in.
Shouldn't you have lunch?
I'm on a diet.
That's random.
There's an upcoming competition.
Do you know how hilarious it is
that you'll be attending a dance contest?
Hey. You better come to see the contest.
I'll destroy that bizarre prejudice
you have of me.
I heard you found out.
Of course, I do.
I know everything about you.
You're right.
You always catch me red-handed.
You were always at the internet cafe
whenever I skipped
a tutoring lesson and went there.
It was so strange.
Are things better now?
I had a fight.
With whom?
That woman.
Who won?
We both lost.
Are you going to see her
from time to time?
Good. Don't see her.
Why not?
Because you're mine.
I just have low energy
since I'm on an empty stomach.
This won't do. I'll eat something.
Fight the urge. You have a long way to go.
I lost a kilo.
Just go to the bathroom,
and you'll easily lose that much.
Mom wants you to bring Seon-u over.
Set a date.
All of a sudden?
Hey, this is better done impromptu.
Hold on. You're not the one
I should be discussing this with.
Where are you going?
-Dr. Kim!
How about you take your coat off?
You look a bit stuffy.
It's okay. I'll keep it on.
Let's begin.
You shouldn't smile
since it's an ID photo.
I'll take it now.
That's good. One, two, three.
You must've been surprised
that I suddenly wanted to see you.
Of course, I was.
I invited you over for dinner
but you wanted a cup of coffee with me.
"Is this a classy way of turning it down?"
You made me think all night.
I'm sorry.
I was just joking.
Sir, you can drop the honorifics.
This feels more comfortable.
All right.
So what's bothering you so much
that you look this timid?
You see,
I've eagerly waited for the day
Mi-jo's parents would invite me over.
But I have a confession
to make before that.
A confession?
This is unexpected.
To tell you the truth,
my father met Mi-jo before.
Do you think
you became a good piano player
because of your adoptive father's money?
You were born with the gift,
and it came from your late parents.
Now I understand
why you called it a confession.
Anyway, you told me that
because you didn't know
if you should accept our invitation.
Am I right?
I'm just ashamed.
What did Mi-jo say?
She said…
What your father said broke my heart.
But that was out of your control.
So I'm okay.
Mi-jo is wise just like me.
She's a wonderful girl.
Don't you agree?
Yes, I do.
She's very wise and wonderful.
She grew up well.
She's praiseworthy.
I hope that incident
doesn't affect your relationship.
I'm going to tell her this as well.
I hope you two
won't be affected by your father's words.
Of course, I'm offended too.
Mi-jo is my precious daughter
whom I've doted on.
It infuriates me
that she had to hear that.
But what can I do?
That's how your father feels.
And that's something
he'll have to deal with.
I hope you and Mi-jo
will continue on like this.
We will.
Thank you for telling me this.
It must have been
a hard confession to make.
It was hard, right?
You're right.
It was a pretty hard confession.
What do you like? Do you like ribs?
Anything is fine.
No. You need to pick one dish.
How about beef ribs?
I love beef ribs.
That's great. I'll be able
to have some thanks to you.
Mi-jo's mom rarely makes it
because it requires a lot of work.
She always tells me
to eat at a restaurant.
I see. I'm really craving some beef ribs.
It's wonderful to be in a sedan, Dad.
-Doesn't it feel comfortable?
-It does.
It better be comfortable.
The running costs are expensive.
Let's go to a department store.
What for? We don't need anything.
Mom, you need to spend money
for the economy's sake.
There are countless others
who can do that.
What? I think we're almost there.
What do you think? Nice, right?
Yes, it is.
This is on me.
It's nice.
-This looks good.
-You too, Dad.
-I can get it myself.
-Eat up.
-Eat up.
-Eat up.
-Okay. Eat up.
Your restaurant
also needs a transformation.
The ambiance of a restaurant
matters too nowadays.
People say our restaurant
feels nice and cozy.
You should renovate it, Dad.
It's too run-down.
What for? It's completely fine.
It's not fine at all.
It's cold in winter and hot in summer.
Both the heater and the ACs work fine.
Then just the kitchen.
It's even too small
for you and your worker.
Eat up. The food here
is tastier than mine.
Eat up.
We can take our time and do it later.
What's the rush?
Because I…
Here. Have some of this.
This is their signature dish.
-Should I try some?
-Try some.
-It looks pretty.
You should eat too.
-The chef here cooks well. This is good.
-It's tasty.
-Is it?
Come on in.
Thank you. Here.
What is this?
Kimchi. The director doesn't
want you to have store-bought kimchi.
-Did you guys make this?
-Yes. We made tons.
Why didn't you call me over?
We should have this with boiled pork.
I'm drooling.
Come by next time. I'll make some.
But cooking isn't your forte.
What did you say?
You should've called me
instead of carrying this all the way here.
I had something to do in Seoul anyway.
Like what?
I had a job interview.
An orchestra.
The Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra.
If I don't get in,
I'll apply to other orchestras.
-Are you serious?
I hope I'll get in somewhere.
Hey. Of course, you'll get in.
I know how good you are at piano.
I'm sure you will.
Mi-jo said I became a good pianist
because I was born with the gift.
She said that it wasn't
thanks to our father's money.
She said she'd never be as good as me
even if she received the same education.
What I love the most
is playing the piano.
Thank you, So-won.
Seon-u, what's wrong?
Did something happen?
Thank you. Thank you, Mi-jo.
Thank you so much.
What is it? What's going on?
So-won had a job interview
at the Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra.
I'm so happy for her.
I'm so glad she did. I really am.
It's all thanks to you.
You saved her. Thank you so much.
This is just great. I'm so happy for her.
This is wonderful.
Did you have lunch?
Yes. I did.
You must've been asleep.
Yes. I dozed off.
Let's go to a botanical garden.
I'm done with work for the day.
Did you know there was one in Seoul?
It looks amazing.
Next time.
I have plans with my parents later today.
Then let's meet in the evening.
I can come over.
We'll see.
Let's talk again later.
Okay. Rest up.
Chan-young, it's a clear day.
Do you want to go for a walk?
It's cold.
Maybe later.
I'll turn up the heater.
Are you very cold?
It's cold outside.
I see.
No, I'm still at the clinic.
Yes, I'm done for the day.
I see.
Mom, don't worry too much.
-What are you up to?
Let's go for a drive.
With you on such a cold night?
I'm tired.
I'm already on my way. I'm hanging up.
Why is she waiting out in the cold?
Gosh, it's freezing.
Look at your nose.
It must be frozen. It's red.
When did you come out?
I came out as soon as you hung up.
It's strange. I was excited to see you.
What if you catch a cold?
I can't believe
I'm going for a drive with you.
Turn down the heater.
I'm getting cooked alive in here.
You shouldn't catch a cold.
I might because it's too hot.
Aren't you tired?
Maybe it's the coffee
I had in the afternoon.
I'm not sleepy at all.
You know what?
I shot a photo for my funeral.
But I couldn't tell him
that it was for my funeral.
I just said it was for an ID photo.
But I don't like it.
I wanted to smile,
but he told me not to.
Are you bored?
You're doing
all sorts of things by yourself.
I even shut down my social media.
I looked into it.
Your family will have to go through
a long procedure to do it after you die.
Take me home if you're going to nag.
It's hard to be the happiest…
terminally ill person.
There are a lot of people
even at this hour.
A lot of people have trouble sleeping.
When you have trouble sleeping,
you should go outside
instead of taking sleeping pills.
And doze off at work?
Once a person dies…
Should I not say this?
Go on.
Say whatever you want.
Today's your cheat day.
Once a person dies…
Once I die,
will I be able to see you guys?
I'm not sure.
Will I become a spirit
and be able to watch my parents, you guys,
and Jin-seok cry?
I wonder if that's possible.
Everyone dies.
But I don't know
what will happen to me once I die,
and I think that's what scares me.
Since no one knows
anything about it, right?
I wonder…
if it'll be very painful
when I take my last breath.
I think about that nowadays.
Why do you have
such dark thoughts these days?
I'm not sure.
My emotions go up and down lately.
I only came out today since it was you.
I bet Jin-seok feels lost right now
because I keep refusing to see him.
I don't know why,
but I don't want to go out these days.
Are things…
getting tougher for you these days?
I think so.
And it gets worse
every time I feel pain.
It must be
very painful.
I can't live without painkillers.
What if they don't work anymore later?
I'm scared.
I wish I could share it with you.
-Share what?
-Your pain.
I wish I could take away your pain
and be sick instead of you
half of the time.
Don't be absurd.
I mean it.
It hurts…
to watch you go through it all
by yourself.
really lived a great life.
Other than my parents…
who would want to share my pain?
I bet Jin-seok would.
You and Jin-seok…
I'm grateful.
It feels stuffy in here. Let's go.
Are you not cold?
Who do you think of the most these days?
Besides me.
You're not even on the list.
Come on. I know I'm pretty high up there.
My parents.
I wonder if they'll be
able to live without me.
I worry every day.
They should've had another child.
Joo-hee and I will visit them often.
Please do.
I mean that.
Don't worry.
Their restaurant has a cold floor.
It worries me
that they eat and sleep there.
I don't get why they won't go home.
It must be more convenient
since they need to open early.
I understand that, but…
The kitchen is run-down.
It's hot in summer and cold in winter.
Why did it take me so long to notice that?
We've matured quite a bit lately.
Don't you agree?
The deposit I got from the studio
and the rest of my money
turned out to be a hefty sum.
You're rich now.
I want to do something
for my parents with that money,
but it's not like they don't have money.
Should I buy some stocks for them?
Come on. You need to learn
how to do stocks.
If you can't think of anything,
just give it to me.
I should give you some for your wedding.
You're going to marry Seon-u anyway.
Come on. What are you talking about?
What? You're not going
to say you had a lot of fun
and break up with him, are you?
You'll become notorious in Cheongdam-dong.
What I mean is,
why are you suddenly talking about me?
And marriage is no joke.
What would I become notorious for?
You're stressing me out again. Jeez.
You're stressing me out
after taking me for a drive.
It's freezing.
We're going to freeze to death.
Let's go back.
Gosh. You're unbelievable, Mi-jo.
Make sure your bed is warm.
Door opening.
I'm sorry I came this late at night.
Is something wrong?
No, I just stopped by to see Joo-hee.
I see. Would you like something?
No, I'm good.
Why do you want to see me?
Mom, go to bed first.
I'll go home after chatting with her.
Okay. Make yourself at home.
What's wrong?
Chan-young took
a portrait for her funeral by herself.
I can't believe her…
She hardly leaves her house these days.
I noticed.
I wanted to go over
to her house several times,
but she kept making up excuses.
She wanted to smile in her photo,
but the photographer said
she shouldn't smile for an ID photo.
She couldn't even smile
when she took the photo.
I can't believe she went by herself.
What should we do?
Are you insane?
Do what?
You want to do what with me?
Register our marriage?
Why do you keep asking?
Because it's just ridiculous!
-Calm down and--
-As if I can.
Are you out of your mind?
I have a clearer head now.
I became clear-headed
once I made up my mind.
You're driving me crazy. Hey, Jin-seok.
Hey. Do you really think
I'm that bad of a partner?
That's not why.
Just think…
Just think about it.
You're a divorced man.
Do you want to become a widower too?
Of course, that's not what I want to be.
I want to be Jeong Chan-young's husband.
Your husband.
I want to be your husband
even after you leave me.
Don't ever talk about this again.
If you do,
I won't see you ever again.
Do you understand?
I can't answer that.
It's cold. Let's go home.
You can go to your house.
Don't follow me.
Why is she calling me?
If you don't give us the key,
we'll break into your restaurant.
Why do you guys want to
suddenly fix the restaurant?
It's not like there's a special occasion.
Exactly. It'll be nice
to renovate it while you take a break.
Chan-young wants to buy stocks
with the deposit money from the studio.
This would be better than that.
Why would you waste money
on a perfectly fine restaurant?
Chan-young is worried sick.
She wants to do something for you guys.
So let's do that.
Let's make her happy.
Imagine how excited
she'd be during the renovation.
She's having a tough time
cooped up in her room all day.
Excuse me.
Hey, Joo-hee.
What am I doing?
Right now?
Let's hang out with Chan-young.
Meet in front of her house by 2 p.m.
Hey, Joo-hee.
This has autofocus,
so it won't be difficult to use.
I hope I don't break it.
I tend to break everything that I touch.
It's okay.
Don't worry, and just take
many photos of Chan-young.
I'm so sorry for doing this again.
Why don't you just hire a new part-timer?
That's okay.
He helps me out whenever you're busy.
Thank you.
Don't mention it.
It's okay. He's jobless.
I'm a screenwriter.
I'm not jobless, you asshole.
I'm not jobless. I'm quite busy.
I should get going then.
-Thank you, Hyeon-jun.
How could you call your friend jobless?
The minimum wage won't cut it.
-Seven thousand won.
Nine thousand won.
Ten thousand won.
-Yes! Deal!
-Do your money’s worth.
Okay, I will.
This place is so lovely.
Chan-young, isn't this place wonderful?
Check that out.
Is this Jurassic Park or something?
Come over here. Hey, I like this angle.
This is a perfect spot!
Stand by the flowers.
-Yes. Stand there.
-Yes. Stand by the flowers.
But you should've told me
we were taking photos.
I look like a mess.
Today's theme is being natural.
You look perfect.
Are you sure that camera works?
It's not a toy, is it?
This is Hyeon-jun's precious camera.
It's really heavy.
Who judges a camera by its weight?
You should've checked if it works well.
Whatever. Just stand there
and start talking to each other.
Then I'll take some candid photos, got it?
Go on. Be natural.
I feel uneasy.
You told her
that I took a portrait, didn't you?
We just had a heart-to-heart talk.
You know she always gives
her all to everything.
Chan-young. Look here and smile.
Look here. Peekaboo.
Are we babies?
How pretty. Done.
-That place looks nice. Let's go.
-Let's move.
-You're done?
Where are you going? Hey!
-Hurry. There's a pond.
-I'm coming.
-I'm coming. Where?
-Here. Stand here.
-Where? Here?
-Watch out.
-It's behind you.
-You look so pretty.
-Watch out. You might fall.
One, two, three.
How pretty.
-Mi-jo, get out of the picture.
-I'll take a solo shot.
-Just me?
One, two, three.
That's so pretty. You looked so natural.
That's good.
One, two, three.
That's it. You look so pretty.
Your legs look really long.
One, two, three.
That's it. You look so gorgeous.
-Stop it. Come here. Take one with me.
Okay. Go, Mi-jo.
Pretty poses. One, two, three.
-Join us.
-Let's take one together.
-Should we?
-Let's take a selfie.
One, two, three.
Hey, you look gorgeous here too.
Last one. One, two, three.
-How pretty.
-When will this end?
-I'm sorry.
-Oh, my goodness.
-I'm so sorry.
-Are you okay?
Gosh, I'm exhausted. We've aged.
Our legs are sore.
I hope the photos look good.
He said it had autofocus,
so I'm sure they will.
If they don't look good, I'll…
Regardless, we got some fresh air
and had a blast.
You're right. It was a blast. Right?
Remember how Joo-hee
took photos on her back?
"Hey, smile!"
-Hey, stop that!
She looked like
a professional photographer.
Stop making fun of me.
-I'm not doing it.
-Don't even ask.
Damn it, it's not like that.
I'm going to learn nail art.
-Nail art?
I'm thinking about opening a nail salon.
That suits you.
You're the meticulous type.
Right. You used to work in makeup
before moving to skincare.
You're good with colors.
Exactly. You know I was better
than anyone at makeup there.
-I don't.
Okay. Anyway…
Once I learn how to do it,
your nails will be mine.
That sounds frightening.
Is this a horror movie?
"Your nails are mine."
I should practice.
Not on me.
I shouldn't get cuts.
They'll lead to infections
and complications. Okay?
You're right.
-Not on me either.
-Why not?
I'm scared.
What? That's a valid reason.
Damn it! You're so self-centered.
-What? Why is that being self-centered?
Don't you remember
how I sacrificed my veins for you
when you were inexperienced in med school?
-Darn it.
How could you be
such a self-centered brat?
What? Isn't that…
What is that?
Don't get on my bad side
because Jeong's Kitchen is in my hands.
Why do you have that?
I persuaded her parents
to hand it over to me.
They agreed to renovate the kitchen.
How could they listen to you
and not their daughter?
How do I put it? The gift of gab?
The skill of persuasion?
Something like that.
Good thinking. We should help out then.
Right. We'll have to move everything,
and we'll also…
-We need more help.
-How about Seon-u?
Don't call Jin-seok.
You guys fought again?
He keeps talking nonsense.
He wants to get married.
I'm all for it.
Shut up.
He's finally matured.
Can you guys please shut up?
Seeing you here feels different.
Goodness, why are you guys standing up?
-Hello. My name is Kim Seon-u.
Here you go, sir.
You didn't have to.
This is for you, ma'am.
I've been waiting for this day.
Thank you for inviting me over.
I smell braised short ribs, Mom.
Seon-u told me
that it was his favorite dish.
We have similar taste in food.
Yes. You're right.
By the way, are you an only child?
He has a beautiful younger sister.
She majored in piano at Juilliard.
Then is she in the States?
No, ma'am. She's in Korea.
She's trying to join an orchestra.
Please invite us
to one of her performances.
Yes. That'd be great.
That'd be wonderful. I'll tell her.
Come to think of it,
she'll be your sister-in-law.
Well, that's not good.
You'll end up badmouthing each other.
It's a relief you're the only one
getting ahead of herself.
What's wrong with you, lady?
See? This is how she treats me, Mom.
"Lady"? How could you call me that?
She's right. She's your older sister.
Why talk about sisters-in-law?
So that's not in the picture here?
You should know better.
I agree with you.
So-won is already practicing
for our wedding song.
We're seeing eye to eye.
Honey, let's drink some wine.
It's still broad daylight.
Mom, happy occasions like this one
always call for afternoon drinks.
I think I'll be a good sister-in-law,
but not you. You're too much for her.
Dad, let's grab a drink later.
Let's listen to your mom
and just have water.
Water goes best with ribs.
I want to go on a blind date.
I like this vibe.
I feel ecstatic today.
My two daughters
have finally come to their senses.
Honey, this is wonderful. Can I sing?
Seon-u will be shocked.
Not at all. Sir, let's hear it.
-He must be really happy today.
It's that song again, isn't it?
Yes. Do you know "About Romance"?
Yes, I do.
Just say you don't.
He'll keep bothering you.
When can I begin?
Right now!
Perfect. All right. Here I go.
I can, right?
On a rainy day
Sit in an old coffee shop
Have a glass of bellflower root whiskey
And listen to the deep saxophone
Bright, red lipstick
Okay. All right.
You look great. I knew it.
You are a terrific subject.
No, you're a terrific photographer.
nothing I can do for you, Mi-jo.
This job is no joke.
How did that lady--
It's "Ms. Jang," not "lady."
Hey, how could a writer
misuse appellations?
Why are you so irritated today?
By the way, where did she go?
She's at a construction site.
A construction site?
She works there?
If you keep being mad at me,
I might not let you out of the car.
I might leave everything
up to Mi-jo and Joo-hee
and just go for a drive instead.
Sir, could we enlarge
the kitchen by a meter?
-Yes, it's possible.
It'll become quite spacious.
That's good.
Also, could you turn that storage room
into a resting area for two people?
Sure. That won't be a problem.
I see. Could you also install a heater
underneath to make it as warm as possible?
Guys, I think they bought this
when I just got into elementary school.
You're right. It's an artifact.
We should donate it to a museum…
Hey, these are too old.
Let's get rid of them.
My mom would never. We need to do it.
My mom can't get rid of things either.
No mom can.
-I'll put them outside.
Right. Microplastics are harmful. Right?
-Oh, my gosh!
-What is it?
What's wrong? Check on her.
-What's wrong?
-What is it?
I'm not seeing things, am I?
No, you're not. It's me, Park Hyeon-jun.
How did you get here?
I drove.
I came because I was too hurt
to make jjajangmyeon.
I'm glad you're here.
I'm so happy that I could cry.
How did you know this place?
Did I give you the address?
This is the only
Jeong's Kitchen in Yangpyeong.
But why are you so upset?
Is there no loyalty among us?
You're right.
Every time something came up,
I let you meet at my restaurant.
Shouldn't you consider me a crew member?
But why didn't you call me over?
I agree. Why didn't you?
You should have, Joo-hee.
Well, I didn't because I felt bad
that you'd have to close the restaurant.
Come on,
closing for just a day won't hurt.
Why leave a chef
out of a kitchen renovation?
This is your bad.
Joo-hee, don't do this.
You're really hurting my feelings.
I made some porridge.
Aren't I good? Aren't I sweet?
Her mother made some--
Give that to me.
If it wasn't for you,
I would've starved all day.
Hey, let's order in something too.
I'm famished.
-What should we have?
-I want jjajangmyeon.
-I want jjamppong.
Come on.
You know I make those all the time.
Their tangsuyuk is amazing.
-Get a set.
-What do you want?
-Two sets.
-I want…
Let me do it.
-Thank you.
-Just sit down.
Aren't you glad I came?
What? Are you not happy?
Should I just go home?
Just help out since you're here anyway.
It's snowing.
It's snowing!
It's so pretty.
It's so pretty.
-Is this the first snow?
-So pretty.
-It's so white.
It's nice.
-It was good, right? I told you so.
Does that karaoke machine even work?
Joo-hee, sing a song for us.
A seductive one.
Come on. What's wrong with you?
Hey, why would you make
the worst singer sing and ruin the vibe?
Go on. I'm curious.
No. I'm not going to sing.
No, thanks. I won't do it.
Three, three. One, two, one, two.
Mic test. It works.
It's been ages.
You're getting the feeling
You're getting butterflies
Until when will you steal glances at me?
Tell me how you feel
Don't play dumb
Just follow your heart
And hold my hand
-Okay. Mi-jo, next.
-You go.
You can sing the full song.
You should sing. You have a favorite song.
"About Romance", right?
You might as well just live together now.
You know practically everything about her.
No, thanks.
My voice cracks when I sing it sober.
It's okay. I sang just fine.
Go on.
-Hurry. Sing for us.
-Come on.
-Hurry up.
On a rainy day
Sit in an old coffee shop
Have a glass of bellflower root whiskey
And listen to the deep saxophone
-I might be old enough
-She's good.
To have gotten used to heartbreaks
But a part of me feels empty
This is
About my long-lost romance
You've improved.
Go to a port late at night
Go to a ferry wharf
Though there won't be anyone returning
Listen to the sad foghorn sound
Where could she be growing old like I am?
Listen to the sad foghorn sound
People think I won't yearn
But a part of me feels empty
This is…
This is about the things we have lost.
This is about you
who we'll be losing.
This is about the things
that won't come back.
This is about our moments.
People I want at my funeral.
What is this?
Can you visit my parents
on their birthdays every year?
What should I get them?
Have my parents get medical checkups.
No, not later.
Let's do it now.
I just want to say…
Thanks to you guys,
my life couldn't have been better.
Subtitle translation by: Soo-ji Kim
Ripped and synced by
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