Three-Body (2023) s01e11 Episode Script

Episode 11

Endless drifting ♪
To the end of the dark forest ♪
The wind is like a hand ♪
Trying to keep time ♪
Who is the hunter with a gun ♪
Trying to devour the entire universe ♪
The light is like an eye ♪
That penetrates dreams ♪
Don't answer ♪
Who is eager to fill his eyes
with the starry sky ♪
The earth is no longer rotating ♪
You gave me a small universe ♪
In the arms of the universe ♪
Calling humbly for
the vast space and time ♪
The world aches dully ♪
=Episode 11=
At the moment, the hut was quiet.
I could hear the sound of pen nib
scratching against paper,
and smell the fragrance of the sawdust.
Since my father died,
I hadn't felt relaxed
and experienced warmth for a long time.
- Take a look.
- Okay.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Let me wash your dirty laundry.
No, no, no.
Don't bother.
You ladies work as hard as men
in the northern tree farm.
Just go home and take a rest.
We are to climb the mountain
tomorrow at 6:00 AM.
Excuse me.
I'll return to the division headquarters
the day after tomorrow.
I'll report to the higher-ups about you.
Hopefully you'll be able
to get out of here.
No, thanks.
I find it quite nice here.
It's quiet.
Are you hiding away from something?
(The annual selection of production
and construction model worker will soon begin.)
(Now, let's review)
(the speech of Comrade Wang Shengtian,
last year's model worker.)
(Hello, dear comrades.)
(I'm honored to be selected)
(as this year's production
and construction model worker.)
(At work, I reflect on myself and
learn from my experience all the time.)
(I follow rules strictly.)
(I learn from the exemplars around me.)
(I keep in mind that the people have
unlimited power to create.)
(They can be organized)
(and march towards
the places and departments)
(where they can invest their efforts,
dig deeper and expand wider in production,)
(and perform welfare undertaking
that increasingly benefits themselves.)
(There's an old saying goes,
three men stick together,)
(dirt can be turned into gold.)
Get to work. Get to work.
Move, move, move. Come on.
We are marching on a great road ♪
Spirits high and fighting will strong ♪
Through the storm ♪
Come on. Keep it going!
On my count!
One, two, one.
Going all out!
Rise to the top!
Going all out!
Rise to the top!
This is it.
20 meters away
from the log drop point.
Keep it going, everybody.
Ye Wenjie!
Ye Wenjie, rush back to the company.
What happened?
I don't know.
But I feel like
you might be in big trouble.
Just go.
Just drive.
Five meters in the reverse direction.
Got it?
What's in the sack?
In the blue sky ♪
Ready? Begin.
In the blue sky floats the white cloud ♪
Under the white cloud gallops the horse ♪
Come in.
Comrade Ye.
This is Director Zhang
from political department.
He's here to do a survey.
Don't be afraid, though.
Just say what you know.
Be honest,
and be cooperative with Director Zhang.
Director Zhang.
You are Ye Wenjie?
Don't be nervous.
I'm going to ask you a few questions.
I hope you can answer them with honesty.
Did you write the letter?
(Revolutionary Masses)
Revolutionary Masses?
Did you write it?
No, it wasn't me.
But the crosscheck result shows
this is your handwriting.
Yes, it is.
But I'm only the copier.
For whom?
Say it.
Just come clean, quickly.
Director Zhang, I-I know her.
- She's just like this.
- Please take a seat.
Let me talk to her.
Hey, listen.
Ye, you never told me anything
that happened to you.
But But we all know, right?
Commander told me a few days ago
that whatever bad things happened to you,
you would just take it on yourself.
As your instructor, I know you.
You just don't want to get
someone else in trouble, do you?
About this,
you can just tell Director Zhang
everything you know with honesty, okay?
Let's talk it out,
and it'll be fine, you know?
Just tell Director Zhang.
Go on.
Comrade Ye Wenjie.
You are aware how serious,
and how special it is.
Do you know what it means?
Just speak.
A reporter came to the company
from last week.
The reporter's name
is Bai Mulin, right?
Ye Wenjie, are you aware
how serious the crime of slander is?
We have run a thorough investigation
on Comrade Bai Mulin.
All he did was
help you mail the letter.
He had no idea
what was in the letter.
Did he say that?
You don't believe me, huh?
Present yourself.
Is she the one?
I believe that this book inspired you
to write the letter, right?
The book title is Silent Spring,
published in the western world in 1962.
Its publication
stirred the capitalist society.
(Silent Spring)
And this is the Chinese version.
It's the teaching material
for internal reference,
and is used as a negative example.
The higher-ups explicitly stated
that the book had a great negative impact.
The book adopts
the idealist conception of history,
and propagandizes the idea of doomsday.
It's seemingly environment-themed,
but its nature is to justify the corruption
and degeneration of capitalism.
It's rotten to its core!
The book isn't mine.
You stole it!
I didn't steal it.
Bai Mulin lent me the book.
I was assigned
to translate the book by the authority.
- I have the legal right to own this book.
- Control yourself.
I admit it is my fault
that I didn't keep the book properly.
But I didn't expect her to steal the book
when I was doing work.
You found the weapon
to harm socialism.
If I wasn't here, she would impute
all the responsibility to me.
Ye Wenjie,
(Assignments Lumbering Transportation Piling)
I have been nice to you, why would you lie?
Why would you betray
your comrades for personal interest?
All right. All right.
Calm yourself down.
We have acquired enough information
about this matter.
Ye Wenjie, we have been treating you
as humanely as possible.
I know that you have a lowly birth.
But we see you as one of us.
About your inclination of isolating yourself from
the people and refusing to seek progress,
your instructor and I talked to you
many times
and tried to help you change.
But who would have thought
that you'd make such a serious mistake?
I knew you inclined to not
integrate into the collective,
but I didn't expect that your toxic
thoughts were so deep-rooted.
Take a good look at yourself.
Take her to the division headquarters.
Don't stop the interrogation
until she acknowledges her guilt.
Greetings, Representative Cheng.
Hold on a minute.
The room is so cold.
Go get a stove.
Yes, sir.
I'm here representing the military control
commission of the intermediate court.
My name is Cheng Lihua.
Nice to meet you.
Ye Wenjie.
Your hand is so cold.
We'll sit over there.
Let's have a good talk.
Come on.
You are young.
Younger than I thought.
Ye, how foolish of you.
Well, that's what young people do.
(Archive Folder)
The more you read,
the more foolish you become.
But to be fair, everybody would make mistakes
when they were young.
I made mistakes, too.
But our attitude remains the same.
Don't feel stressed.
Acknowledge your mistake and correct it,
and you can still contribute to the revolution.
Here, drink some hot water.
Warm yourself up.
(In relation to Ye Zhetai)
Here, sign this.
And we'll have a good conversation.
I'll be guiding you.
Ye, you can trust me.
I swear on my honor
that your signature on the paper
will prove your attitude and stance.
Come on, sign it.
Ye Wenjie, Representative Cheng
only wants to help you.
She's been concerned
about you these days.
Don't be unrepentant.
Do you hear me?
I understand.
This girl is terrified.
Some people are too direct,
rough, and minacious even.
And that's not right.
Ye, actually, it doesn't matter whether
you sign it or not.
You can read the last page.
You just sign here as one of the key
additional witnesses.
But you have to understand
that it doesn't have to be you.
It is a kind offer
from the Organization.
My father is dead.
All the information is factual.
Otherwise, your sister
(Witnesses: Ye Wenxue)
wouldn't have signed it.
We aim to guide
those who were ideologically led astray
to acknowledge their mistakes with facts.
I didn't know my father
talked to these people.
Everything is real.
You must trust the Organization.
I didn't say it wasn't real.
I simply don't know.
So I can't sign it.
Ye Wenjie, mind your language.
Well, Ye,
I'll be completely honest with you.
There's still a chance
for you to be pardoned
if you acknowledge your mistake.
It's no big deal that
a young intellectual
got blinded by a reactionary book.
We don't even need to
bring it to the court.
You'll go to a class,
write some self-examination essays,
and be sent back to the tree farm.
But if you are self-opinionated,
then we'll probably take your case seriously.
You'll receive
proper ideological education.
The public security system
attaches importance to your case.
I came here
to find out what stance you take.
I hope what I said to you is helpful.
Representative Cheng
is trying to help you.
As you can see here,
four witnesses have signed the paper.
(Witnesses: Ye Wenxue)
It doesn't really matter if you sign it or not.
Ye Wenjie, you don't want to regret it
for the rest of your life.
Ye, it breaks my heart
to see a young intellectual's
future to be destroyed.
I really want to help you.
Just be cooperative.
Look at me.
Do I look like a person
who would harm you?
Any soaring thoughts
will eventually drop to the ground.
The gravity of reality is way too heavy.
No, I won't sign it.
At the time, someone like me
would receive heavy sentences.
What you experienced
is beyond my imaginations.
It's in the past.
The past is the past.
The person who framed you up,
do you hate him?
Bai Mulin?
Under the pressure
of the political environment,
that was his only option.
But for what it's worth,
that wasn't a right choice.
What is right and what is wrong?
This is the question that Silent Spring
most often made me think about.
It seems so rightful
for humans to use pesticides
from our perspective,
but how would nature view it?
What damage have humans brought
upon the world?
Right or wrong
is only a matter of perspectives.
The most difficult thing for us
is to judge something
from another perspective.
There would be no difference
even you take the same perspective.
After that thing happened,
I left the northern tree farm
and went elsewhere.
From a universal perspective,
it could be right,
but it also could be wrong.
Wang, when you are at my age,
you'll realize all those things
that seemed extremely important
will end up being unimportant.
When we find
ourselves pushed into desperation,
the turnaround is around the corner.
I've seen things
you people won't believe ♪
Soon our planet will vanish ♪
I've known the future
you people won't think of ♪
Soon your planet will be punished ♪
I've seen things
you people won't believe ♪
Soon our planet will vanish ♪
I've known the future
you people won't think of ♪
Soon your planet will be punished ♪
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