Thunderbirds (1965) s01e11 Episode Script

Sun Probe

'Thunderbirds are go! ' (Parker) 0h, dear.
A butler's work is never done.
I shall have to finish reading about the Killer of Clapham another time.
Coming! Yes, sir, were you requiring something? Oh, my name is, er, Warren Grafton.
I have an appointment with Lady Penelope.
Would you kindly step this way? Thank you.
Er her ladyship will be a trifle delayed, I'm afraid.
Perhaps you would be good enough to wait in the library.
Sure thing.
Er nothing wrong, is there? Oh, no, sir, nothing untoward.
She should not keep you waiting for long.
From what I've heard, she's certainly worth waiting for! Er quite so, quite so.
This is Parker calling FAB 1.
'Can you hear me, m'lady? ' Parker from FAB 1.
Loud and clear.
A Mr Grafton has called to see you, m'lady.
Very good, Parker.
I may be a little late.
No trouble, I hope, m'lady? Yes, I'm being tailed.
It may take some time to lose them.
Make my excuses to Mr Grafton.
'Yes, m'lady.
And, er, good luck.
' I'd better make sure they are who I THINK they are.
I don't want to cause a scene unnecessarily.
There's no doubt they mean business.
I must try to lose them.
Hmm, their car must have radar-assisted steering.
I'll have to try something else.
(Tyres screech) (Foreign accent) Keep control.
I'll use the sub-machine-gun.
Oh, dear.
Like FAB 1, their tyres must have retractable studs.
Must I go to the ultimate lengths? But they leave me no choice.
Calling Parker, from FAB 1.
Mission completed.
0n my way home.
Oh, sure.
Tell her not to rush.
I've PLENTY of time.
Oh, good.
Thank you, sir.
Yeah All the time in the world(!) (High-pitched humming) Nothing.
Maybe the floor? (Beeps) Under the floor, huh? Very smart.
Now, what about the alarm systems? No problem.
Mr Grafton, sorry to have kept you waiting.
I hope you haven't been too bored.
On the contrary, Lady Penelope.
This room's proved most interesting.
Parker will bring tea in a moment.
You wanted to see me about some money, I believe? What sort of charity do you run? It's no charity, ma'am.
It's a business - one of the biggest.
I'm head of a syndicate which is building the Pacific-Atlantic Monorail Company.
We've built 500 miles of track and the fantastic monotrain ever.
Well, pardon my ignorance, Mr, uh, Grafton, but what's so special about this monotrain? It's completely automatic.
It does sound all rather exciting.
How much money do you need? Forty million dollars.
But we're approaching other people, too.
We wouldn't expect that sort of dough from one person! what's in it for an investor? A cut in the profits.
You buy shares, you get a dividend, and the profits will be high! You seem very confident.
I don't have a lot of money, myself.
Maybe not, Lady Penelope, but the pictures in here alone would fetch a few million.
Yes, I suppose they would.
Then there's your jewel collection.
(Grafton) That's internationally famous.
Thank you, Parker.
Here will do nicely.
A telegram has just arrived for you, m'lady.
Oh, thank you.
Oh, not bad news, I hope, m'lady? Just a little disturbing, Parker, that's all.
Will that be all, m'lady? For now.
Thank you, Parker.
Now, to get back to business.
You were saying, Mr Grafton? The scheme can't miss.
It's the chance of a lifetime.
I never finance business ventures, Mr Grafton.
I'm a mere woman, I don't know about them.
But I've a good friend who might be interested.
- Do you think he'll help? - It's possible.
He's very interested in scientific development and he's very wealthy.
Great! Where can I reach him? I'll see that he contacts you.
Now, tell me, Mr Grafton, would your chauffeur like a cup of tea? (Camera clicking) Well, thanks a lot, Lady Penelope.
I've sure enjoyed visiting with you.
I'll look forward to hearing from your friend.
So long! Goodbye, Mr Grafton.
What an extraordinary man! He didn't even T0UCH his tea.
Did she bite, Mr Grafton? No, but she's gonna put us on to some millionaire.
But we came to get dough outta HER! Don't worry, we WILL.
I fixed the alarm to stop operating when we want, and I found the safe.
Yeah, she'll pay up, whether she likes it or not.
She just doesn't have any choice.
that chauffeur's face anywhere.
Name's Molloy.
He used to drive for an American mob who tried to queer our pitch.
How fascinating, Parker! What an adventurous life you've led.
Er, quite, m'lady.
What about this Grafton geezer? He must be a bit shady, too, m'lady.
You could be right, Parker.
This project sounds too good to be true.
Anyway, I'll contact Jeff Tracy.
He'll know what to do.
(Bleeps) Go ahead, Penelope.
What's up? 'Nothing's UP, Jeff, but I'm onto something that needs investigation.
' If it's something that anticipates a disaster and saves us a rescue, we're all ears, Penny! 'I've had a Mr Warren Grafton visit me.
'He's raising money for a monotrain.
' That must be Grafton of Pacific-Atlantic.
The US Government hasn't approved their safety precautions.
Penny, you say he needs money? 'Yes, I said I had a friend who'd be interested.
' Meaning me, I suppose? All right, Penny, I'm always on the lookout for interesting engineering investments.
Where can I contact him? 'He'll be in his New York office tomorrow.
' I tell you, gentlemen, it's a cinch.
The Pacific-Atlantic Monorail Corporation is gonna be in business.
How are things at your end, Hugo? We should clear four million bucks at the Monte Carlo casino.
And that oil deal in South America, that'll net SEVEN million, and the authorities won't even get near us! Good.
What about your side of the operation, Dolan? The rackets are going just great! I've got all the big racetracks sewn up.
How much, Dolan? How much?! Count on ten million bucks.
Twenty-one million dollars.
Just nineteen to go.
Which brings us to Y0U, how did you make out? Well, gentlemen I have just organised the greatest combined operation in the history of big business.
Tomorrow, Molloy and Selsdon will gain entry to the mansion of Lady Penelope Creighton-Ward in England, and walk out with one of the world's richest jewel collections! You set that one up real good.
Shut up! Don't interrupt Mr Grafton! At the same time, I shall take her ladyship's millionaire friend, Jeff Tracy, and his two advisers, for a trip on a monotrain.
Well, Tracy, what do you think? This coach is certainly comfortable, Mr Grafton.
But why hasn't the Government backed you? I never asked them.
I want guys like you to benefit.
Private enterprise, that's what keeps this country on its feet.
L-l-It's a superb piece of, uh, engineering skill, Mr Grafton.
I just hope it's been thoroughly tested.
Sure it has! It's backed by some of the biggest men in America.
What sort of men? Well you understand, Tracy, they're they're modest men.
They like to stay out of the limelight, so they can do the job without any ballyhoo.
I'd need to know about the system and the people, Mr Grafton.
Er, yeah, I believe the train is automatically controlled? Completely.
The whole track, from beginning to end, is controlled by automatic signals.
- Isn't there a safety risk? - Risk?! What?! Crossing the road's a risk.
Maybe, but that's not the attitude when lives are involved.
Look, a fleet of helijets is on constant patrol.
If anything went wrong they'd report it immediately.
Unless the helijet had a problem.
Patrol 304 to base.
Do you read? 'Go ahead, 304.
Anything to report? ' Negative.
Everything is A-0K.
Nothing must go wrong.
' They should be on their way.
It's 4.
(Thunder crashes) (Thunder crashes) We're in for some rough weather.
'Not me, pal.
I've got a roof over my head.
' (Thunder crashes) 'Hey, Joe, you nearly bust my eardrum! ' Not guilty.
It's a storm.
She's right overhead.
Guess I'll shut down for a spell.
No sense in talking above this static.
' I'd better get out of this piece of sky before I get my feet wet.
(Wind howling) The automatic signals! The signals! I've got to contact base and stop the train! (Thunder crashes) The monorail is gonna collapse.
The train is on its way.
It's got to be stopped! So you see, Tracy, in the standard coaches, we can pack in 500 people.
"Pack in" is right! Well, it's just a figure of speech.
Well, I'm not over-impressed.
Impressed? You wanna be impressed? Come on up front, see the power unit.
- That'll impress you.
- 0K.
Can you hear me?! (Grafton) There it is.
The greatest chunk of engineering genius in land travel history! Well, it's big enough, anyway.
Er, er, do you mind if we examine this piece of genius more closely? Help yourselves, but I warn you some of the best brains in the country put that box of tricks together.
I'm not begging you, Tracy, but you'd be a fool not to join us.
I don't know.
People aren't cattle.
That's where you're wrong.
There's a few of us who lead, the rest follow like sheep.
Er, you, uh, you say everything is completely automatic? The train carries no staff at all? Yes! Think of the money we'll save! But but in an emergency? An emergency?! You worry too much.
Stan! Down here! Joe, are you hurt? No, I'm 0K.
What kept you? Look, Joe, keep still.
I'll winch you up.
No, first radio the train! Tell them the automatic signals are broken.
But that means the train won't stop! Yeah! I radioed, but my transmitter must be smashed.
Maybe they can stop it manually.
Will you be 0K for a minute? - Sure.
- 0K, don't go away.
I told you, Tracy, nothing can go wrong with the signals! How can you be certain? Listen, we've spent enough money on safety devices.
ALL operations of this type involve risk.
(Buzzing) That's the radio.
Excuse me.
- I'll be right back.
- Don't hurry.
What do Y0U think, Brains? I I'm not too happy, Mr Tracy.
There's too many loopholes.
I think you're right.
Our friend Grafton is more interested in money than people's lives.
His type usually end up in jail.
Jail, that's what we'll get if we're caught.
Sure, but we've taken worse risks.
Grafton fixed the alarms.
All we gotta do is press a button and we're 0K.
(Soft breathing) (Heavy snoring) (Metallic clicking) Hey, this lock's tricky, but we should manage it 0K.
Yeah, let's hope Grafton's having it as easy as we are.
Tracy something's gone wrong.
We're heading for trouble.
And I mean trouble.
Thanks, Stan.
The whole section - it'll collapse any minute! Stan, you think there's any hope for them? If the signals are out, that train can't stop.
There's no manual control.
Well, Brains, can you stop this thing? I don't see how without a circuit diagram.
Even with one, it's not certain we'd succeed.
How long do we have? We're increasing speed.
(Jeff) That's obvious, Grafton.
How far is the damaged track? Well I'm not sure.
You're a great help(!) Brains, Tin Tin, I guess it's up to you.
Guess we made it, Selsdon.
Those alarms have been knocked out.
Grafton said something about closed-circuit TV in all the rooms.
Yeah, stupid, but his alarm system jammer took care of them, too.
We're in the clear, Selsdon.
Gee, that's good.
Quiet! This is the place.
OK, let's get the rug out of the way.
(Grunting and snoring) Oh, boy, that's some safe! OK, let's get to work.
It's gonna take some time to open this baby.
Quit stalling and get on with it.
But whatever you do, keep it quiet, huh? Stan, look! I guess that does it.
Nothing can save them now.
You've got to stop it! What's gonna happen to us? (Jeff) You should have thought of that before.
Just keep calm.
(Whispering) I'm going to call the boys.
It's too late.
I realise that, but if you fail we'll need help afterwards.
How can you call them without Grafton knowing we're International Rescue? Leave it to me.
Say, Grafton W-What?! Have you thought of something? Have you heard of International Rescue? Sure, but no one knows who runs the outfit.
Where do they come from? I can't say.
You just send out a radio message.
Yeah, yeah, somehow they pick it up.
Come on! Keep at it, Brains.
You're still our only hope.
Well, Tin Tin here goes.
Let's hope we've got it right.
We're INCREASING speed.
I I don't understand.
What did we do wrong? I don't know.
I don't know! Calling International Rescue.
Calling International Rescue.
'My name is Tracy.
I'm aboard the Pacific-Atlantic Monotrain.
' Go ahead Tracy.
This is International Rescue.
This is urgent.
The train is out of control and the track is damaged.
- Are you alone? - The company president is here.
'And one other man and a girl are aboard.
' OK, Mr Tracy, we're on our way.
Thank you, International Rescue.
Make it snappy.
Time is running out.
(Bleeps rapidly) Go ahead, John.
Dad, Brains and Tin Tin are in trouble.
That monotrain is heading for disaster! - How?! - The train's out of control.
- We'll never make it.
- We can't sit here! Right, come on! Here goes.
Keep your fingers crossed.
It didn't work! We're gonna crash! (0wl hoots) (Metallic clicking) Another minute and I'll have it.
Boy, this is a tough combination to crack.
(Very loud snoring) (Clunk) (Alarm bleeping) (Alarm buzzer) Great, Selsdon, you did it.
Aw, gee Right, let me open her up.
Take a look at that! (Inaudible) Hello, Parker? Are you awake? It appears we have visitors.
Er hmm yes, m'lady.
So I can see.
It's our old friend, Molloy, I see.
They're stealing my jewels.
That would seem to be the intention, m'lady.
Parker, we must stop them before it's too late.
I'm afraid we might already be too late.
'They've probably got a car standing by.
' Well, it appears we have no choice, then.
I was thinking the same thing, m'lady.
'All right, I'll be up in a jiffy with the hardware.
' 'Right, go to it, Parker.
' OK, let's beat it.
Oof! Come on Get out! OK, let's hit the road.
Get down! Hey! Wh-Who's the Calamity Jane?! That's the duchess, you dumb cluck! Come on! Parker, get the tyres.
Good shooting, Parker.
The car's knocked out! What are we gonna do, Harry?? Quick! The garage, they're bound to have an automobile there.
They're heading for FAB 1, m'lady.
So I see, Parker.
Well, that won't do them much good.
I don't comprehend how they got in.
I never heard no alarms.
They must have put them out of action.
It's lucky the safe alarm is on a different system.
(Smashing glass) What do you suppose that was? It appears they have gained access to the Rolls Royce, m'lady.
Oh, dear.
I hope they don't scratch the paintwork, I need it for Ascot.
You don't want me to shoot up the Rolls, do you, m'lady? No, Parker, you wouldn't succeed, and, anyway, there's no need.
It's that dame, she's using remote control to lock the wheel! Well, I think we can go back to bed now, Parker.
But m'lady, what about the visitors? Oh, we can forget about them until the morning.
They'll still be around.
(Screeching tyres) The other end is going.
It'll all collapse soon.
Say, look! 0n the horizon! The monotrain! We'd better radio for emergency services.
We're approaching a bend! You've gotta stop this thing! A-A-All right.
This is our last chance.
(Brakes grinding) - She's slowing.
Well done, Brains.
- Let's hope there's enough track.
- (Grafton) It's still too fast! - Shut up.
They're going too fast! (Hissing and spluttering) Repeat, the train is 0K.
We have called emergency services.
We're now returning to base.
My endurance now down to five minutes.
(Tin Tin sobs) Oh, Mr Tracy, we're safe.
Easy, Tin Tin, it's all over, now.
Thunderbird 2 from Thunderbird 1, what is your ETA? - We'll arrive in six minutes.
- 'Good work, Virgil.
' I'm above monorail now.
Looks like they made it.
- Tracy, what's that? - It must be International Rescue.
(Loudspeaker) 'Thunderbird 1 calling.
'You folks are still in danger.
The tower behind you is collapsing.
'I'll try and push you off the trestle.
' Oh, no! The trestle! 'It's no good, the trestle can't stand the train's weight.
'The train can't be saved, but your lives are more important.
'Do exactly as I say and you have a chance.
'Hurry to the rear of the train and walk down the track.
' Hurry, please, there's not much time.
(Creaking and clanking) Now, what are we gonna do? We're trapped! There's no way down! For a start, we'll keep calm.
'Go back to the centre.
Thunderbird 2 will be here soon.
Thunderbird 1 from Thunderbird 2.
Approaching danger zone.
- Hurry it along, Virgil.
- 'FAB.
' Lowering grabs.
Careful, Virgil.
Say, what goes on? Are they trying to murder us or something?! OK, Virgil, close grabs.
Pull away, Virgil! Thunderbird 2 from Thunderbird 1, nice work, Virgil.
Leave everything to me now.
Returning to base.
Boy, we made it! WE made it?! All right, Tracy.
You know what I mean.
I guess you won't be needing my investment now, Mr Grafton.
After the Government inquiry into this crash you'll be behind bars.
That's where you're wrong, Tracy.
I'm too smart.
I'll get away with the inquiry.
And I'll end up being president of the greatest monorail network ever! And so, ladies and gentlemen, it is with pride that I declare that yet another line in the famous network of the Pacific-Atlantic Monorails is open.
Ahh, drop dead! Cut it out, Grafton! I'm still dizzy from that society dame's crazy pink drag! All night she kept us turning.
I was even glad to see the cops next morning! But I tell you, all we need is a little more dough.
- Forget it, Grafton! - You're wasting your time.
Time! Well, I guess that's one thing we've got plenty of
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