ThunderCats Roar (2020) s01e11 Episode Script


[opening theme music]
- Their planet exploded ♪
- [chorus] Thunder ThunderCats! ♪
- They crashed on Third Earth ♪
- Thunder, thunder crash! ♪
- Gotta beat up some bad guys ♪
- Mummies, mutants ♪
- And make some new friends ♪
- Unicorns, robots ♪
Built a big base with a cat-shaped
face and now they're ready to go! ♪
There's WilyKit, WilyKat Tygra, ♪
Panthro, Cheetara Snarf, Lion-O! ♪
[chorus] He's a brand-new Lord
with a magic sword! ♪
It's thunder Thunder,
thunder ThunderCats Roar! ♪
I did it. I finally did it.
I have organized our weapons.
Freshly polished. [kisses]
Sharpened, arranged by type,
size and color.
[scatting] I can't wait
to show everyone.
They're sure to appreciate
all the hard work
Mumm-Ra has
a mind-control thingy.
Grab your weapons!
- Hey, watch it!
- Out of the way!
Be careful. I just reorganized.
Mind the envelopes.
And the shelves.
You guys are supposed
to form an orderly line.
See the sign?
No time for signs.
We got to move.
- Go, go, go, go, go!
- Ugh!
Ah! Guys, I think we messed up.
In fact, I think we owe
someone an apology.
- I am sorry, our stomachs.
- [stomach grumbling]
We forgot to eat lunch.
He's right. We can't
fight evil hungry.
Quick. Everyone eat one of
my emergency meatball subs.
Oh, no, no, no,
I just cleaned the tank.
Oh, the controls.
You're getting sauce
all over Snarf.
[Mumm-Ra laughing]
With the quartzibellum gem
all of Third Earth, whoa,
will be under my mind-control.
[laughing maniacally]
[all] Only Mumm-Ra commands us.
[all screaming]
Kinda creepy.
[all screaming]
ThunderCats, beat up
those animals.
Not too much.
They're being mind-controlled.
All right, just a little bit.
Ugh, dang.
Smash that thingy.
All right, you mean
this thingy?
How about this thingy?
So many thingies.
Eat meatballs,
mind-controlled unicorn.
Ugh! No.
We're coming for you, Mumm-Ra.
Stop that. Ugh!
Defend me, my animal thralls.
- [yells]
- [snarls]
Using poor defenseless animals
as your weapons?
Well, I can do that, too.
[kisses] Whee!
[all animals] Thank you.
Sorry for throwing
all those meatballs at you.
I am completely unoffended.
Excellent work, ThunderCats.
Now, let's get out
of this dump.
Wow, we really did
a number in this place, huh.
Ah, such a mess.
Oh, that's just unnecessary.
[gasps] Wait, wait, wait, wait.
Please, wipe your feet
before entering
Ah, it's not that hard
to clean up after yourselves.
Ah, that's better.
Hang on, guys.
Let me just cleanup a few more
of these footprints here.
All right, now that
we are finally back home,
who wants breakfast for dinner?
I got the plates.
- Give me that. Come on.
- I found it first.
[all laughing]
Fix a little statue.
It's all yours, Panthro.
Finally. Whoa!
Ah! [clicks tongue]
Oh, my head.
Alas, another
evil scheme foiled.
And the worst part
of any foiled scheme is the
Clean up?
My, my, my, these statues
have never looked better.
What kind of angel
would do this?
[clears throat]
So Hey!
Did you clean
my entire pyramid?
Yeah, [chuckles]
I guess I did.
I don't know. [laughs]
I mean, I certainly
didn't enjoy
cleaning the base
of our greatest enemy.
Because that would be weird.
I mean, it looks great. Really great job.
It's just that
Um, maybe you were
mind-controlling me.
Ooh, yeah, yeah. [laughs]
That's it.
I used my mind-control
to make you do all this
wonderful cleaning.
[both laughing]
So, should I keep cleaning?
I was just about
to do the closets.
Um, yes. Please,
I'd really appreciate
I mean, back to work, mind-maid.
If that's what you want.
Guess I don't really have a choice, do I?
[clicks tongue]
Whoa. What the What?
we're under attack.
[all exclaiming]
Oh, no. One of our enemies
broke in last night
and wrecked our home.
Exactly. The lair's always
clean when we wake up.
What other explanation
could there possibly be?
I bet it was the mutants.
Yeah, they're disgusting.
We should check
the surveillance footage.
To the control room!
Now, that's organizing.
Mind-maid, I mind-control you
to quench your thirst.
You know, just because
you don't have freewill
doesn't mean you
should be dehydrated.
[chuckles] As you wish,
my master.
So, must get
pretty boring, huh?
Just cleaning all day.
I actually enjoy it.
I spend most of my time
in the lair
cleaning up after the Cats.
I just wish they'd
appreciate it a little more.
Well, I am sure
if I wasn't so evil,
I'd be telling you that I
appreciate it a whole bunch.
If I wasn't so evil.
Right. [chuckles]
Of course.
[both clearing throat]
Hey, what's this?
Oh, just my
old karaoke machine.
It was a gift from the
Ancient Spirits of Evil
for conquering Third Earth.
But I never set it up.
Well, I could set it
up for you.
[clears throat] If that's what
you mind-controlled me to do.
You know what, I will.
That sounds like a lot of fun.
I order you to set up
my karaoke machine.
Only Mumm-Ra commands me.
All right, everybody.
Here's the surveillance
footage from last night.
[Lion-O groans]
You're too early.
That's just us getting home.
Fast forward.
No, come on, it's just
us being regular.
Okay, we are going to bed.
Now, any second the culprits
will appear and make
a big old mess?
Oh, no, you guys.
I think we made the mess.
Wait, we are not messy.
This place is usually so clean.
Yeah, what's different now?
[gasps] I've got it.
Mumm-Ra cast a spell
that turned us
into messy,
inconsiderate slobs.
Of course.
It's literally the only thing
that makes sense.
ThunderCats, there's only one
way to get rid of that mess.
Go back to Mumm-Ra's
and reverse the curse.
Okay, two more bars.
Here we go.
Freewill is overrated ♪
Choice is so complicated ♪
I never knew
who I should be ♪
Until you showed
that gem to me ♪
- [Mumm-Ra] Oh, here comes the chorus.
- [cackling]
[Both Singing On-screen Text]
Yeah ♪
Yes, finally, my power returns.
[laughs maniacally]
Wait, wait.
Wait, wait, wait, wait.
Was that an evil
karaoke machine?
Yeah, I mean, pretty much
everything here is evil.
And now that I have you
to fix and organize all of it,
I'll rule Third Earth
yet again.
I'll name you my prime
minister of organizing stuff.
My dream job!
Wait. No, no, sorry,
that's an evil plot
and I just don't do evil.
You dare reject Mumm-Ra's
generous offer.
Well, I mind-control
you to accept it.
Wait. [chuckles]
I'm sorry.
You don't think that
actually works, do you?
I thought we both knew the whole
mind-control thing was a big act
to make things
less awkward while I cleaned.
Me? Awkward?
I am the master
of social graces.
[vehicle approaching]
Mumm-Ra, we figured out
your sinister scheme.
Now, remove the curse
that made us
make a mess of Cat's lair.
[laughs] No, you boobs.
The reason your lair is a mess
is because Tygra wasn't there
to clean up after you. -Hmph.
Tygra, have you been
here the whole time?
Wait, I think Mumm-Ra's right.
Yeah, Tygra is the one
who always does our laundry.
Hey, thanks, Tygra.
You're the best.
Return Tygra so he can
clean up after us again.
And also 'cause
he's our best friend.
- Aw.
- No! Never.
Guys, guys, please, there's
no need to fight over me.
How about we fight
Over your head? ♪
Tygra, your days are now
at an end ♪
Cats who rule
the cleanest friend ♪
You have to destroy
the karaoke machine.
It's the source of his power.
Let's pull the plug
on that diva.
Bring it on ♪
Looks like you missed ♪
Looks like you missed.
Oh, yeah ♪
Ah, yuck!
Your singing stinks.
Huh. Maybe we didn't need to
smash the karaoke machine.
Never mind.
I'll distract Mumm-Ra.
You go smash
that karaoke machine.
- Wait, don't.
- Hey, Mumm-Ra.
Over here.
Look at my body
moving smoothly ♪
Look at my body moving ♪
That is the worst distraction
I have ever seen.
- No, it's not.
- Yes, it is.
- No, it's not.
- Yes!
- Hey, Mumm-Ra.
- Wait. Mind-maid, stop.
Sorry, Mumm-Ra,
my mind's made up.
Hey, thanks for coming
to save me, guys.
Of course. We should have never
left you here in the first place.
[chuckles] Yeah, and sorry.
The lair's actually
a huge mess now.
Ah, you guys, don't worry about it.
I love cleaning.
As long as I know
you all appreciate me.
[chuckles] We do, you weirdo.
You mind-controlled my hear ♪
Heart ♪
Or did you heart ♪
Don't sing
to the bad man, Tygra.
Yeah, right.
Mumm-Ra bad.
Smash the wall, Panthro.
Best friends ♪
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