Tierra de lobos (2010) s01e11 Episode Script

El fin de La Quebrada

I'm willing to put aside
my differences with you.
But my daughter, please, come home.
If after a prudent amount of time,
you still want to marry him.
You will both have my blessing.
The only thing your father wants is to ruin
People change.
You, better than anyone, should know this.
When you're married, you'll leave with him.
And I will have lost a daughter.
How much do you want for him?
This beast is worth his weight in gold.
How much?
400 dollars.
So why have you come to Tierra
de Lobos, if I may ask?
To find the father of my child.
In this town, no one can become independent of Lobo.
-But with the stud I can start a business.
She's going to be very happy by my side.
Even though you're marrying my daughter,
you and I will never be family.
Hey Cesar, there's one over there
who says you got her pregnant.
I think Anibal wants to buy the stud we saw.
That's why he didn't say anything to you.
You told me that you loved me, you pig!
-Take it easy.
You only wanted my father's money.
Calm down. I'm telling you
that I don't know you at all.
I need 80 dollars more.
I've been offered more.
I'll give you the money,
but as you've said, it's a loan.
Please go.
We'll talk tomorrow.
I don't feel like it today.
I've never seen that
woman before in my life.
The strongest man in the world!
No, hold still.
Stay put until I take care of your wounds.
You could be an important cattleman.
I'd be content with much less. Look
The stud has disappeared.
Lobo sent you right?
Tell me, how much did he pay you?
I have proof upstairs of
when you were with me.
Where do you think you're going?
You told us, to leave here,
as quickly as possible.
You can take the stud, but
not the money.
Don't even move.
You're being arrested for the
murder of a woman.
What's wrong?
-They've detained one of the Bravos.
Which one of them?
-The eldest.
What's going on Herminia,
why have they detained him?
He killed a woman.
The one that said she was pregnant.
Here in my own bar!
-I don't believe that.
You haven't seen how
he left the room.
Murderer! Killer!
String him up!
Hang him!
Come on!
I haven't killed anyone!
-Come on!
Get him!
Let's go!
I didn't do anything!
I didn't kill anyone!
I don't know anything!
Come on!
Lets go! Get up!
Lets go!
I'm gonna show this outsider what we do
to people around here who murder women.
What are you going to do to me?
(Cesar groans in pain)
Oooh, I love it.
Well, this is going
to look great on you.
I know it seems like too much,
but this is your night, Almudena.
My wedding night.
Cesar has killed a woman.
-The pregnant one you were looking for.
There's no way.
Almudena, they've arrested him.
How do they know it was him?
-Because people saw them arguing.
They found him bathed in blood
with the look of a crazed man.
No, no. It can't be.
Cesar would never do
something like that.
That woman could've
ruined his life.
He killed her and
Shut up!
You know nothing about him.
-No, and neither do you.
You hardly even know him, Almudena.
-You should give thanks.
That woman knew him a lot better,
and look how she ended up.
Let me pass!
You don't wanna mess with me, okay?
Stop, Roman, stop!
They couldn't even if they wanted to
Let my brother go!
Let me talk.
This is an illegal detention.
You're violating "habeus corpus".
He understands legalities
when he wants to.
You have to bring charges
if you want to hold him.
Oh really?
You like this charge?
Or should I give you another?
Don't move!
What the hell is going on here?!
I want to see my brother.
Look, you son-of-a-bitch.
The next time you see your brother,
he'll have a noose around his neck.
And with any luck,
they'll let me tighten it.
Get this scum out of here!
If they give you any problems,
shoot to kill.
Come on, he's serious.
Let's go.
-Roman, let's go.
Cesar, I'll get
you out of here!
They have no shame!
That bastard, screaming at the guardhouse,
swearing he was getting his brother out of there.
Well, let him keep his promise.
Or at least let him try.
And let happen,
what's going to happen.
No one would think badly of
you for killing someone
who was trying to
free a prisoner.
This would mean a
promotion, Luis.
It would be the high
point of your career.
Stopping the escape of a criminal.
Nothing more than the murderer of an
important businessman's daughter.
Poor woman.
The question is, where did
he bury the body?
(Door opens)
What kind of trap
have you set for Cesar?
You couldn't let us be happy?
Come here.
Haven't you humiliated us enough?
-I'm not an idiot!
I know this has something
to do with you.
From the moment you met him
you stopped being my daughter.
You are my greatest
disappointment, Almudena.
I don't care.
You won't get away with it.
Do it.
You still don't care?
Get away from her.
No sir.
Get away from her.
Let me be.
Come on!
Get up!
Sit up.
What have you done?
Who the hell gave you
permission to touch anyone!
Clean him up, you animals.
Come on, let's put an
end to this story.
Where's the girl's body?
You're going to swing,
whether you tell us or not.
But if you want to go out right
say goodbye to your little brother
drink something other
than your own blood
How delicious!
(Cesar coughs)
Come on tell me
where the girl is at
and I'll let you drink some.
I don't know.
I haven't hidden any body.
And where did all that
blood come from?
I don't remember.
Look son, you're spinning me.
You say you haven't killed anyone,
and you say you can't remember anything.
Where does that leave us?!
But is it normal?
That a pregnant slut shows up
to stick a baby on you that isn't yours?
What else would you do,
on the point of being married?
All things considered,
a judge would understand.
I won't say he'd
let you go free.
But well explained
you'd save yourself from the gallows.
But of course,
you have to cooperate.
Let's finish with this nonsense.
Where's the girl's body?
I haven't killed anyone.
Now you're going to make
me be late for supper!
I swear, if my food gets
cold because of you
You'll pay for it!
Have we refreshed your memory?!
I haven't killed anyone.
We brush against the hair, gentlemen.
It comes out better.
And don't forget to clean
underneath the saddle.
Very good, Tomas.
Underneath the saddle.
Underneath the saddle.
And him, sitting
there watching us.
I should have replaced
that hat with a pie.
Are you going to keep that face
your whole life?
Nieves, I'm working.
If anyone should
be upset it's me.
You can't compare what I lost with
my banker, to your little creature.
No, of course not.
You could never compare.
Very well.
You're working, right?
Well then, work.
Hey guys. Pick this up.
Come on!
We've finished.
Everything come out right?
The boys have done a good job.
Have you figured out
who will take Fidel's position?
And what exactly was
Fidel's position?
He was your right hand man.
Someone you could trust for tasks
that need a little more commitment.
Fidel was the last
person I could trust.
Do you want something?
You make me nervous,
standing there like an ego-maniac.
What do you want?
-I want more responsibility.
I think I've done very well with
everything you've asked of me.
And which one of my men haven't?
Tell me.
Who doesn't do their job?
-I can do more than just my job.
Are you referring to killing?
-For example.
Killing is easy.
All you have to be
is stupid, to do it.
But this is a farm.
You've lived in an odd manner.
But here, we dedicate ourselves
to the farm and the cattle.
And you have a lot to learn.
I don't want you to kid yourself.
I don't like anything about you.
And as far as I'm concerned
you have very little future here.
It's me, your brother.
My God!
What have they done to you?
That girl.
They think I killed her.
They want me to tell
them where she's is.
But I don't remember.
You can't remember anything
because you didn't do anything.
I went with her and
after that, I can't remember.
I don't know why.
It was all a setup by that
son-of-a-bitch Lobo.
You would never do
anything like that.
He told you he would never allow
you to marry his daughter.
I showed up covered
in her blood, Roman.
Hold on. I'll get you out of here.
-Roman, Roman.
Tell Almudena that I
didn't do anything.
If it wasn't for that girl,
you wouldn't be here.
Tell her.
What's going on in there?
Get out of here.
Hang in there.
But, how can she keep
liking a murderer?
Rosa, you're still too young.
I'm older, and I don't understand either.
-But explain why Almudena
Why did you stop talking?
How dare you accuse father.
Isabel, stop it.
We've had enough.
I've accused him because
this is one of his plots.
You should hear yourself.
Didn't he say he'd never allow
Cesar to be with me?
That he'd do something.
Well here you are.
What are you saying?
What are you saying father did?
That's right? What?
You think he murdered that girl?
Tell us.
I don't know what he's done.
But I know he's perfectly capable.
Father's capable of doing anything,
if it doesn't go his way.
-Almudena, enough!
That's enough of talking nonsense.
Can you say it isn't true?
He was capable enough to sell you
to an old man before all this happened.
And you?
Can you swear that you've never feared
for your life at one time or another?
When I'm with Cesar,
I'm not afraid of anything.
I know he's not a murderer.
You have a visitor.
Finally, I see you smile.
You look like you're in
a good mood as well.
Are they treating you well?
I keep thinking of the day
I escape from here
and kill you
with my bare hands.
Kill me?
Haven't you had enough
killing with that girl?
Don't pretend anymore.
Nobody can hear you in here.
It's a shame we didn't
chat more before now.
I have to admit you
are amusing.
In the valley when you spoke to me
like you were going to marry my daughter
(Lobo laughs)
That was priceless.
How long do you think it
will take her to forget you?
(Cesar laughs)
Do you know what I'm
going to enjoy the most?
The moment they kill your brother
when he comes to rescue you.
If you touch him
I'll kill you.
The prisoner says
he's ready to confess.
You have to encourage them
so they'll let you have it good.
I'll kill you.
Come come on.
Thank you, mother.
You need to change so I can wash this.
I've never seen you so dirty.
-Alright, mother.
I've made you a cake.
I wrapped it up, so it should last a week.
I don't know how you
eat in that house.
I eat well.
But soon I will eat even better.
When I dine at Mr. Lobo's table.
What are you talking about?
-Anibal eats with them.
Anibal is the foreman.
He's lived in that house all his life.
-Anibal's a shit.
We're not all as stupid as he is.
Oh son, get those ideas
out of your head.
Come back here, with me.
All this is yours.
Mother, I'm not going back
to waiting on tables.
I'm going to be the foreman
at Casa Grande. Very soon.
Thank you.
With all the promise that kid had.
What a sad ending, good Lord.
What ending?
I'm leaving right now to get Cesar out.
What do you have, some dynamite?
A great defense.
I've got everything written, point by point
why Cesar's detention is illegal.
You're getting Cesar
out of jail, with this?
You don't trust me, huh?
Who I don't trust are
the Civil Guards.
Or have you forgotten the
ass-beating down at the guardhouse?
-That was a calculation error.
We should've gone to the highest authority in town, from the very beginning,
To Mr. Lobo?
-Not Mr. Lobo.
The mayor!
Come on!
According to the law,
the mayor is the highest authority.
Jean Marie, don't be so gullible.
It doesn't work that way.
No one can be above
the law, Lola.
When I show him that Cesar's
detention was illegal,
they will have no
choice but to free him.
The habeus corpus is
not ignored like that.
The habeus corpus.
For all they care, it could be
"Corpo Cristi" (Body of Christ).
This town is very traditional.
-If everyone thought as you do
we'd still be living
in the stone-age.
I'll bring Cesar back.
You'll see.
(Knock on door)
You called for me?
What do you want, Antonio?
Fix my neckline.
You must be happy.
You finally got what you wanted.
With the eldest Bravo in jail
the younger one
won't last long.
And La Quebrada
will remain empty again.
Fernando should be turning
over in his grave.
If I wanted conversation,
I would've asked you for it.
You should love
them more, Antonio.
And you should
speak less, Lidia.
It's impossible for them to
discover what you've done.
And what you've done?
Over the years you've
become a bitter hypocrite.
Hurry up and finish,
I don't have all day.
(Door opens)
You need to see something.
Put your coat on.
Let's go.
You can't go up there, ladies.
My sister has to see it.
-You don't know what it's like.
We're going up.
Move it.
Go in.
They made this up too, right?
Cesar did this, Almudena.
What do you think of this?
Let her be, Miss Isabel.
She needs to understand that
this blood could've been hers.
Tell her yourself.
Did the girl come
in here with him?
Did she, or not?
Were they arguing?
What else do you need to know?
Cesar hasn't done this.
I know it.
I wanted to come see you, but
-But you haven't.
I need you to get a message
to Almudena, from Cesar.
-I don't know if I can do that.
Well if you can, tell her
that Cesar is innocent.
It's very important to him.
Roman, maybe
My brother is innocent and that
son-of-a-bitch Lobo set him up!
Lobo has nothing
to do with this.
He's marrying his daughter
so he kills a girl he doesn't even know.
Come on, now.
How could Lobo do something
like that, Roman?
You think that Lobo isn't a
murderer but my brother is?
No, no, I haven't said that.
All I'm saying is that
Fuck it, Elena!
I've told you, you can't go in!
We have orders, no one can enter!
Miss, please!
I'm not just anybody!
I'm Almudena Lobo, and I want to go in.
What's going on here?
I demand to see the detainee!
All I need is a minute
you can be present.
Calm down, please.
I just want to speak to him.
Even if it's through the
bars, I don't care.
I need to speak to him.
-Sit down, please.
I'm going to bend
the rules for you.
So I can go in?
-Sit down, Please!
Sit down.
(Cesar's voice is muffled)
I'm prohibited from speaking
about the investigation.
But Cesar has confessed.
He has given us details
of how he did it
and it fits perfectly
with the evidence.
It's been unnerving,
even for me.
I want him to say it to me.
-I really can't allow that.
He hasn't told us where the
girl's body is,
and if he saw you, it would be
harder to get it out of him.
He would tell me.
-Almudena, PLEASE!
Cesar Bravo isn't the
man you think he is.
He's a premeditated murderer.
This could've happened to you.
That girl was the daughter of an
important businessman.
And Cesar was after his fortune.
But when she got pregnant
her family rejected her.
So she came looking for him.
This isn't possible.
Almudena, I've known you
since you were a child.
Have I ever done anything
to have you doubt me?
You know
The protocol
The bureaucracy
Things go slowly at the palace.
-They've pushed your letter through
the Arch of Triumph, right?
They didn't even read it.
And look how they've left me.
I told you Jean Marie.
You're very smart
about some things
but very naive about others.
-But my arguments were very good.
Very good.
They laughed in my face.
Not just in mine.
But that of justice,
in the face of human rights
of the french revolution
and even my accent.
Why did they laugh
at my accent, huh?
I don't know what I'm doing
in this land of savages.
Hey now
I'm Spainish.
Like I said, savages.
At least you tried.
That's honorable, Jean Marie.
I think Cesar would
be real proud of you.
But that's not going to
get Cesar out of jail.
I missed you.
Keep your voice down.
It wouldn't help to scream!
I know things, you
don't want discovered.
Stop it!
-I know what you do in the stables!
And with whom.
I've seen you.
And I love to watch you.
I have a problem, you know?
I've always had it.
And it kills me.
Anibal has two things that I want.
One is your father's favor.
And the other
the other is this
You'll regret this,
you disgusting pig.
If you want to protect him,
you'll need to do something for me.
Tell Anibal to make me
his right hand man.
Without letting anyone know
what has happened here.
And if I don't get what I want
your father's going to find out
about a lot of things.
And rake up all the hay.
Anibal. Come.
I'm busy.
Come here.
Hey, hey, where are you going?
You can't walk through the house, like that.
The new guy.
The boy.
He came to see me.
He wants you to make him
your right hand man.
How dare he go near you.
He dared to do more.
Did he say something to you?
He saw us in the stables.
That disgusting rat!
I'm sorry.
And if my father finds out?
He can't find out.
But I can't give the position
to that snot-nosed kid either.
I want you to kill him.
This is Cesar's cell.
Jean Marie, you enter here
and distract them. Quickly.
But they might detain me.
And shoot him.
-Nothing is going to happen, okay?
And you, Lola
I'm thinking about
returning to the brothel.
Are we together?
I'm sure Rosario will
take me back now that
If we don't get my brother out,
they're going to kill him.
So everyone, back to the plan.
I 've lost count of how many
times my brother saved my life.
And now his is in my hands.
Today, you're my gang.
So start acting like it.
-This is crazy, Roman.
You're going to be responsible for
the death of many people, including mine.
You want me to kill you right here?
-Roman! -HUH?!
So you're going to enter and
distract them like I told you to.
I'm not gonna be able to do that.
I have my principles, by God.
"D'accord" (Very well)
One moment.
Good afternoon.
I've brought food for the prisoner.
Let's go!
I've come to bring a bit
of food to the prisoner.
Cheese, bread and
something to drink.
I have to inspect it.
Well inspect what you
have to inspect.
I trust that whore less
than the devil himself.
Don't worry, chief.
She's with Medina.
Awww shit!
You've arrested
an innocent man.
In this town
there's no justice served, huh?
Look, don't be foolish, Frenchy.
We'll leave it here. If there's nothing
dangerous, we'll give it to him.
Yeah right, and how do I
know you guys won't eat it?
"You can't even distinguish
between accents"
Wow, that screaming!
Town of savages!
This whole town,
it's a town of savages!
Wait here!
And don't even think
about moving.
Let's go.
Get dressed and get out of here!
I don't feel like it.
What's more,
I'm protesting WITH my body!
Look, you're going to be sorry.
The Spanish
they they're bums!
And Canovas Del Castillo
is a DRUNK!
And Alfonso Xll
Alfonso Xll is
And the Civilian Guards
-the Civilian Guards
are a bunch of
That takes the cake.
What are you doing here?
-I'm getting you out.
Shit, there's no keys!
Lola, keep a look out.
Calm down, and get off the wagon. You're making a
fool of yourself in front of everyone.
Come on!
I am NOT getting down!
Don't force me to shoot you!
-I'm completely unarmed.
And the law specifically prohibits
security forces to open fire.
And any law of decency would've
allowed me to shoot you already.
Shit, I can't find
the fucking keys!
What the hell do
you think this is?
You have to leave, Roman!
(Kicks the bars)
Please STOP!
I'm not coming down!
You're getting on my last nerve!
Let's go.
Jean Marie won't last much longer.
Yes, I'm a Swiss citizen!
You're breaking all kinds of diplomatic relations.
You could start a war!
Give me that!
I haven't done anything.
Perhaps a bit excessive in my protest,
but nothing more.
But what were you thinking?
And the whore?
Did she come with you?
What whore?
Put this imbecile with the other one.
Let's go, move it!
The next time you do something
this stupid, I'll shoot to kill.
Let's go!
Get in there!
Put your clothes on!
And Roman?
Roman. What about me?
Do you know what I've done?
My brother!
-Roman's fine!
What do you mean fine?
Is he alive?
Yes, he's alive.
But Cesar
What have they done to you?
I thought he was dead.
Relax, they were
only shooting at me.
He should've never tried this.
You look horrible.
They've tortured you.
They can't do that to me.
I'll never be able to take it.
Cesar, I would sell
my own mother, uh?
Just relax, Jean Marie.
When they're finished with me,
they'll let you go.
I'm gonna die here.
How did I end up here?
Felix, wait up!
I have more visits to make.
You have to help Almudena.
You can only help
those who want help.
She knows where to find me.
She's distraught.
You have to go to her.
Give her a chance. She's dumb,
but she'll realize that she should marry you.
She doesn't want to marry me.
That's just for now,
you have to be patient.
I am such an idiot, that I'd wait.
But why?
She can't even see that
that scoundrel's a murderer.
It's him who she loves.
But seeing you at her side
will give her a reason.
What I want has nothing
to do with reasoning.
Good day.
Where are you going?
I'm going to see the priest.
He's the only one who can help Cesar.
Come here.
You're badly mistaken.
Please go home, trust me, this
will only make things worst.
I'm not leaving here
without speaking to him.
God knows Cesar is innocent
and so do you.
Don't you understand?
NO ONE can do anything.
His life's not in our hands.
-Don't you understand?
I love him with my entire soul.
If something happens to him
I'll die.
-I know, my child, I know.
Believe me.
There has to be something we
can do to help him.
Forget him.
For the sake of what you love most,
you must learn to forget.
You're just like the rest of this town.
Don't be unfair to me. I love you like a daughter,
but love isn't always enough.
You know he's innocent and yet
you aren't going to do anything?
Is something wrong?
We were just leaving.
Is there anything I
should be worried about?
Leave them there.
Tomas, you can go.
Thanks, Anibal.
Help me put them up.
I was speaking to
Miss Nieves about you?
Seemed very odd,
what she told me.
Don't you want to know?
Of course
She wants me to kill you.
What do you think about that?
Doesn't seem very lady-like does it?
Don't do it, please.
I remembered what I told you about killing.
How easy it is.
For example a sack falls on you
(Stomping his chest)
An accident on the job.
Don't kill me.
I swear I will never
approach her again.
(stomping harder)
You'll never approach her
again, that's for certain.
I don't like to kill.
But I know how to do it,
and very well.
If you ever try to
fuck with me again
I swear you'll wish I
had killed you here today.
Thank you.
(Gasps for air)
Thank you.
Look at how well mannered the boy is,
when he wants to be.
Go get some air!
(Wolves howling)
What are you doing here?
How did you get in?
Fernando is there.
Fernando is there.
Get out of here, and leave me alone.
Fernando, come.
What are you talking about?!
Come, come.
Where did you get this?
-It's Fernando Bravo.
Get out of here.
It's Fernando
-I said, GET OUT!
I have a letter from the Governor.
My illegal detention will be on
the front page of every national newspaper.
What a pity, Bravo.
You're going to have to live
without our hospitality.
We're free to go?
Him, yes.
To The Prison Tower.
The tower?
-Yes, it's a nice place.
But if you attempt to escape,
with a little luck
they'll kill you.
Jean Marie.
-I can't do it, I've tried.
I just can't.
You have to think of a plan.
Take it easy.
I've been thinking about it.
Go to Caceres.
Find Manco.
And stay with him.
I'm not going to leave you alone.
Do what I say Roman, go to Caceres
and stay with Manco.
What are you trying to do?
Get rid of me?
I can't face these
things with you around.
They are sending him
to the Prison Tower.
Who goes there?
GO, Roman!
Roman, what's wrong?
What's wrong?
I've failed him.
I've failed him.
Come on, let's go inside.
You have to rest.
Rest while my brother's locked
up in jail, like a dog?
They're taking him to prison
and you want me TO REST?!
Fuck, Elena, I'm sorry.
I don't seem to do anything
but make things worst.
It's going to be alright, okay?
You have to calm down.
If you lose your head, you won't
be able to help him.
He's locked up and he
wants me to leave.
He wants me to run.
Roman, he just wants what's best for you.
-He's the only good thing in my life.
He's always been there for me.
And now I don't know
how to help him.
Just think of what
he would do in your place.
I wish I could take his place.
He would know what to do.
Come here.
Forgive me, Fernando.
Forgive me.
(Knock on door)
Sir, you sent for me?
I sent for him, Sir.
I've made Tomas
my second in command.
Sebastian doesn't agree
with my decision.
He thinks he should have
that position.
And he has something
to tell you..
I was simply saying that
I have more energy than Tomas.
And more balls.
And you know
that I will always do
whatever you ask of me.
What you have to do is respect
the people I put in charge.
Of course, Sir.
Anything else?
Thank you Sir.
And sorry to bother you.
Anibal, tell the Chief that
I'm expecting him for dinner.
Sebastian, wait.
You're ambitious.
Too much so.
And ambition is good
but only when you control it.
But if she controls you
Anibal is jealous because
he knows I like your style.
And that's why he makes
it hard on you.
But if you're smart,
you'll know how to win him over.
Be patient.
And you'll go far.
Thank you, sir.
Now I have a job for you.
Something important.
I just came across Sebastian.
Forget him.
I assure you, he won't bother
you anymore.
At first you cared about me,
but now I see you don't.
Is there something you
aren't telling me?
And what do you care?
Nothing matters to you anyway!
That's enough.
You hear me?
Isabel, what are you doing here?
I'm tired of seeing how you treat him.
Leave him alone.
Why are you putting your
nose in my business?
This is something between Anibal
and myself, so GET OUT!
Get out.
I said GET OUT!
It's easy, either you
love him or you don't.
If you don't,
then stop playing with him.
You're hurting me.
-Isabel, let her go.
You're hurting her.
Let her go.
Are you alright?
You're crazy!
Thank you so much Mr. Lobo.
This is an honor that you've
invited me to dinner.
Everything was exquisite.
We'll have to do this
more frequently.
I would love to.
Well, I should be getting back to the barracks.
-Take it easy, man, just relax.
I shouldn't be absent.
We're getting ready to send
him to the Prison Tower.
When Cesar Bravo is in there,
then we can relax.
The only way you get out of
that place is in a pine box.
I save this Cognac for
special occasions, Luis.
And your success deserves it.
Don't make me look foolish.
Well, just one tiny glass.
Serve me a drink.
What's wrong son?
Nothing, just bring
out the bottle.
Sebastian I know you,
What's up?
They're going to
release Cesar Bravo.
They're going to release
that woman's murderer?
What are you saying?
How do you know that?
they have a right to know.
Mr. Lobo doesn't plan on doing anything?
-Mr. Lobo can't do anything.
There's no solution.
He killed a woman who was
carrying his own child.
There isn't a more
horrible crime!
Well tomorrow he'll be out.
This can't be.
-We can't accept this.
What are we going to do?
Wait for him to kill another woman?
We have to do something.
I'm not going to stand here
with my arms folded.
If they can't serve justice,
then we'll do it ourselves.
But how?
-They can't stop the whole town.
Come on, let's go!
Go home and collect
any weapon you can!
Clubs, whatever you
can find, let's go!
Come on!
Come on.
Today you can eat.
(Crowd shouting)
Jean Marie.
Do you hear that?
(Shouting stops)
Where are you going
with those weapons?
Roman, what are you going to do?
Save Cesar.
-That's crazy and you know it.
They're going to kill you.
You paint a gloomy picture.
No, I'm not. Your brother
My brother would do
the same for me.
I won't let you do it.
Look, Elena.
You're the prettiest girl I know.
You're the best girl Period!
I've never met a woman like you.
I wish things could've
been different.
What are you doing?
What are you doing, Roman?
(Ramming at the door)
What's going on guard?
-Shut up!
(Screaming and pounding)
What the hell's happening?
-I said, SHUT UP!
Hit them hard!
Come on!
We're hurting. Where's the chief?
-I don't know!
And the others?
Open the cell.
We have orders to
shoot anyone who comes closer.
The whole town?!
-Open the fucking cell, OR YOU'LL DIE TOO!
Don't do it.
Remember your loyalty to the King,
and your country.
Don't let them take us!
-Let go of me!
the fucking cell
or you'll die as well!
Don't go with them.
I'm not a murderer.
I'm innocent.
Look what we brought you! A NECKTIE!
-This is all a set up by Lobo.
(Crowd yells)
This is reminder from Mr. Lobo.
Thanks for making my job easier.
Naughty people.
Get out of my way,
if you want to stay alive!
You're right.
I'd only get a few.
And you're one of them!
The old man would be spared.
But not you.
You either
You either
At last, this shitty town
will know who we are.
Come on, come on! COME ON!
Come fuck with me!
I'm itching to do this!
You guys, go that way!
-Let's go.
Jean Marie.
Jean Marie.
Jean Marie are you alright?
What a disgrace.
Let's get out of here.
Come on, we have to get out of here
before those animals get back.
No, I prefer to wait.
Wait? Wait for what?
Chow-time? LET'S GO!
I'll wait for justice
to take its course.
Did you get knocked in the head?
Lets go right now,
to see if you're alright.
What are you doing?
The guards will get this
under control, at any moment.
What will happen if they get back
and no one's here?
Mother of GOD!
If I escape now, I'll have to
run for the rest of my life.
I'm not cut out for that, Lola.
You know me.
I'm a peaceful man.
But a man of substance.
Come out of there right now, or I'll
call the guards myself, to shoot you.
Please, nothing!
Get out of there!
But I want to stay in jail!
Out! Out!
Come on!
Come on Cesar, hurry up!
I have to do something.
That's impossible. Let's get out of here.
thank you for saving my life.
Have you seen yourself?
Wait for me at the top of the crossroad.
The slut?
She's a slut (zorra),
and she charges (cobra).
Cobra like the serpent.
Two animals in one.
A cobra and a slut.
The townspeople took
Cesar Bravo so they can lynch him.
We couldn't stop them.
What do you mean,
the townspeople?
Did they kill him?
-No. His brother managed to free him.
They're running.
-We have to hunt them down.
They're headed for the
Portuguese border. I know it.
But this was going to
be my promotion.
Wise up, YOU IDIOT!
And get your men together.
Lets go!
Lidia, find Anibal and tell him
to get the men together.
It's me.
Easy, easy.
They've tried to make you believe
that I killed a woman, but it isn't true.
What have they done to you?
Look at me, look at me.
I didn't kill that woman, Almudena.
I swear.
-I know you didn't do it.
But now? Us?
Wait for me.
-Take me with you.
I can't take you with me, Almudena.
But I'll come back for you.
What? No, no!
-I swear to you.
Don't believe them when they say
I've abandoned you and wait for me.
Go to town and get the men.
And prepare the guns and horses.
I love you.
I love you more than
anything in this world.
I love you.
(Alarm bell ringing)
You're not going after them.
-Why not?
Because I said so.
You think because you eat
at Lobo's table, you're his son?
What are you laughing at?
Do you think those criminals
are going to show up
in Lobo's stables?
What are you insinuating?
We're all ready.
(Horses galloping)
I knew you would
be back for her.
I'm taking you to the
Prison Tower, myself.
They're going to kill my brother
the day after tomorrow.
I am not afraid of you anymore.
You and your brother needed to leave this town.
-It was all a set up.
Are you here for robbery?
It's a lot of money.
-To make sure you don't miss.
I'll bet everything that this
belongs to the murderer.
What do I have to do?
-Go to Lobo's and check to see
if a spur is missing.
Here, Father.
What is this?
-You're the only one I can trust.
You stole my stud.
You're capable of anything to
get out of here right?
Of anything.
Good evening.
Cesar Bravo will be executed tomorrow.
You needed to leave when you had the chance.
His death will be on everyone's head.
We've come to witness the
execution of Cesar Bravo.
You have no right to go through my things!
I'm going to escape, and I'm coming to get you.
I'm going to marry Felix.
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