Tomo-chan Is a Girl! (2023) s01e11 Episode Script

My First Part-Time Job/The Abandoned Cinderella

You want a job?
Yeah, it's almost Jun's birthday.
I wanna get him a present
but I'm strapped for cash.
Are you aware of what jobs
are allowed to high schoolers?
O–Of course I do!
That thing where you
welcome people and stuff.
Whatchacallit hospitality?
You can't punch customers or your boss
just because you don't like their faces.
How about I start by punching you?
Since you insist.
I can't imagine what you'd do
on your own, so I'll join you.
No kidding!? Thanks, that'll be
a load off my shoulders!
I want in!
You want a job too?
I do!
What's this, you want to work?
In that case
How about working at our place?
"Tomo–chan Is a Girl!"
"First Job"
"God Ramen Tatsumi"
Welcome to our shop, girls!
Heard you're here to work!
I'm Tatsumi's dad, Tatsuro!
Good to have you!
We'll be in your care.
I'm so glad to have more hands around.
My wife and I have been running the place,
but the other day, she
She went to visit her parents!
Come back to me!
Don't mind him, this is nothing new!
Are we really wearing this?
Yay! It's cute!
I'm so glad I got this
in case we hired girls.
This was your doing!?
Nothing about this fits a ramen shop!
Time to change change the business.
Hey, manager!
Don't make a fuss over uniforms.
Just wear it.
Where's yours then!?
We're open for business!
Seat for one!
Oh wel welco
Are you fine sitting by the counter?
Oh, yes.
Welcome. What'll you have?
Let's see
Do you recommend anything?
Whatever you think is the best on the menu.
I love cake!
Huh, you have that?
We do not.
"God Ramen Tatsumi – 5 FREE Toppings"
You can't be relied on to serve,
so at least be our mascot panda.
Hey, Tomo–chan.
What sound do pandas make?
I guess they roar since they look like bears?
Thank you very much.
Come again.
With how we're working together,
it's like you married into my family.
I'm sorry, I did not hear you.
Could you please repeat that?
I said it's like you married into my family.
Come again?
You married
Are you still saying that?
I–I'm sorry
One miso ramen and gyoza.
Coming right up.
Hey, Kubojun! Nice to see you again!
So, Tanabe, what's this?
There was someone outside too.
Get this
Please come this way.
You're Gundo, right?
Have you forgotten an old friend?
Pardon me, but it appears
you're bird–brained, sir.
I'll show you to your seat.
She's Gundo alright.
Hey, Tanabe!
What do you mean by again!?
Does he come here often!?
Y–Yeah, at least once a week.
Why didn't you say so!? I'll kick your ass!
My bad
So, how does it feel
to see Tomo as a waitress?
I was surprised, but in a good way.
In a good way? What does that mean?
Isn't it exactly what it means?
Here's your char siu ramen.
Go on, laugh.
I mean, you must find me wearing this a hoot.
No, I don't
think you look bad at all.
What did he mean by not bad!?
Isn't it exactly what it means?
Thanks for the food.
T–Thank you very much.
Please come again.
Feels weird hearing you say that.
How long will you be working here?
Just over this holiday.
Then I'll be here again tomorrow. Good luck.
I brought customers.
Thank you for waiting.
Of course!
"3 days later"
Good work, everyone.
It was short but it was great having you.
Here's your pay.
Thanks so much, manager!
Yay, money!
Isn't this more than what we agreed?
I threw in a little extra for your hard work.
Considering the sales we earned,
it was deserved.
O–Of course
She talked him into it.
Will you guys be fine without us?
No problem! My mum should be back soon!
To be honest, I'd like you to stay on.
I wouldn't mind helping on occasion,
if that's fine with you.
Will you really!?
No other workplace allows me such freedom.
I wanna come play again!
It's like I signed a deal with the Devil.
You came to fetch me again.
See you at school, Tomo.
I'll be going with Misuzu–chan!
Not so close.
You've been coming by
every day during the break.
Are you that bored?
It's cause you were there.
I figured you needed someone to
stop you in case you rampaged.
Hey, what do you take me for?
I've eaten their ramen many times,
but having you serve them
makes the taste better than ever.
So, anyway, grats on finishing your job.
Is this really for me!?
You betcha, it's your birthday present.
Didn't cost much though.
Who cares? I love it!
By the way, I got myself the same one.
Hope you don't mind us matching?
Hell no! I wouldn't even mind
wearing matching outfits!
We'd be like a team! Doesn't that sound cool?
Right, a team.
Haven't had this routine in a while.
I thought he changed
but I guess he's the same old Jun.
I bought a cake too.
How about a party in your room?
My folks will be back late today.
Can we celebrate at your place instead?
Akemi–san's there, after all.
S–Sure, why not?
Maybe he did change!?
"Cinderella Left Behind"
How do I make Jun see me as a girl?
Been a while since we did this.
Things have been looking up lately
thanks to you so I figured I should go harder.
Know anything that'll speed things up?
Let him feel your chest?
W–What the hell are you saying!
Chest is going too far but increased
physical contact remains your best bet.
That's kind of a tall order.
Don't worry, I have a plan.
Yes. You only have to stand facing him.
After that, I will
push him from the back.
What is with you today?
Pushing won't make him budge,
so I'll shove him here.
That's a safety hazard!
It won't be as long as you catch him.
That's not the issue here.
Oh, I get it.
You don't think you have
what it takes to do it.
Just try me. Catching a Jun
or two is a piece of cake.
Good. She's taken the bait
questioning her strength.
What're you doing?
Hey, Tomo.
Why are you standing there?
I can do this any day.
Bring it on!
Bring what on? What're you
This girl
is finally trying to kill me.
Have a nice trip.
Be sure to freak out like a wimp.
Just like before.
Here we go!
Come on!
He dodged me!?
It's Jun–kun!
Oh, naughty boy.
My bad! I didn't mean to!
Let me make up for this!
I'll do whatever I can!
It's no big deal.
It's a freakin' big deal!
You have to love yourself more!
In that case
Tomo, let me have it real hard!
Sure about this?
You didn't actually do any wrong.
Positive! Let me have it!
Something is exceptionally
wrong with the way I'm behaving today.
What am I doing?
Is this karma?
Are you okay, Misuzu–chan?
The weather report didn't mention
raining Misuzu–chans. Lucky me!
I'm sorry, Tanabe–kun. Are you hurt?
W–W–W–What's wrong. Misuzu–chan!?
You apologized and asked if I'm okay?
Did you hit your head!?
I'm fine.
You cushioned my fall.
Shall I thank you in some way?
There's no need to!
No need to be modest.
I simply feel like making amends.
I don't get it,
but this is a super rare chance!
Question is, exactly what do I ask for?
What's the limit? Should I just go for broke?
Or do I Oh, crap!
She's turning back to her
usual self the longer I think!
I–I'd like to exchange contact details!
Fine. That was a lot simpler than I expected.
Goddamn, I could've asked for more!
Hey, Misuzu–chan.
What was that earlier?
It finally dawned on me.
I don't seem to want Tomo
and Junichiro to be an item.
All I've been doing
until now was get in their way.
Are you sure about that?
You're not as bad a person as you think.
Not so close.
I was so sure it would work this time.
Misuzu's late.
Did she sleep in?
She's not coming because she caught a cold.
That's news to me. How'd you know?
Because she told me.
Why did she only tell you?
You don't have to be smug about it!
Homeroom is starting.
Today we're discussing who will be in our
Cinderella play for the school festival.
Who should be Cinderella?
"3 days later"
I've never taken so many days off school.
I can't seem to bring myself to face Tomo.
I have a lot to say about this.
But first, why the window?
I can't make you come
downstairs when you're sick.
Considerate, but still a pain.
No need to act tough.
I bought a buncha sweet things! Want a bite?
I don't.
I also have that cool thing
that goes on the forehead!
No thanks.
What is this? You're not being yourself.
That's cause you've only been
buddy–buddy with her.
I think that's good,
but have you been avoiding me?
I feel that cold coming back.
I'm going to sleep.
You're not being fair!
"1–A: Cinderella"
Here's the script for the festival play.
Have a flip through it.
If you hate me, then that's that.
If not, then whatever's eating you
is probably all in your head.
All in my head
I'm sure that's how she views it.
I could present her
with a long list of my faults
but I'm sure she will nonchalantly
smile and forgive me.
That's precisely why I
How on Earth did I end up being Cinderella?!
E–Easy there, Misuzu.
Look at me, I became
the prince even though I'm a girl.
The whole class agreed on it!
Who put me forward?
I know, let's make Misuzu–chan Cindrella!
That was me.
Her cheeks, you're gonna rip them off!
Hey there.
About time you showed up, Cinderella.
You play a tree and you think
you can make fun of me?
Yeah, you're just a tree!
Don't make matters worse, you damn tree!
"Cinderela: Act One"
Practice is starting now!
"Cinderella's home"
Actors come forward!
Cinderella, start cooking now!
Hey Cinderella! I hope
you finished doing my laundry?
Cinderella! Have you cleaned the room?
Do it yourselves.
I–I'm scared!
There's nothing to be afraid of.
C–Calm down, we're practising for a play.
Why is that the stepmother?
We won't get anything done here.
Let's go through our lines elsewhere.
Uh, okay
Your Highness. How are you?
S–Such beauty y–you have.
D–Dance with m–me.
No one should be this stiff at acting.
Look, I've never
done this before. What can I do?
For you, just reading the lines
normally should do.
Such beauty you have.
Will you dance with me?
See? No good.
That's perfect, you philanderer.
Man, I'm so jealous.
You and Carol make great princesses.
Please, that's not my style either.
I'm not asking to made a princess,
but landing the role of a prince
means I'll be seen as even less of a girl.
What's wrong with that?
You can be a princess as you are.
Perhaps Cinderella is pushing it, but
How about a bandit princess?
I'll rob you blind.
Alright, let's head back.
Tomo wants to be lovers with Junichiro
but she's under the impression
she doesn't qualify to.
All because
How about becoming more like a girl?
of the curse I placed on her.
I have to lift the curse.
I'm the only one who can.
Tomo–chan, you're so cool!
Really? You're making me blush.
The wrapping broke!
We'll have to bind harder!
She's a princess.
You have a knack for this, Aizawa–san!
T–Think so?
The dress suits you, Olston–san.
Thank you.
Say, can I call you Carol–chan?
Then I'll call you that too!
Everyone except me is making progress.
Worried about something?
It could only be one thing, Tomo.
None of your business.
Bet you're cooking up some indirect approach.
How about being honest
with her once in a while?
Dammit! I can't stand!
You are the last person
I want to hear that from.
Everything's going smoothly.
All that's left is for the day to come.
You sure have it easy.
Meanwhile I've got nothing but worries.
Why not help me with my lines if you're free?
No way, most of your scenes
are with Cinderella.
Jun playing Cinderella?
I like the sound of that!
Let's do this, I'm down for it.
Whether you are isn't the problem.
Wait, please wait!
I want to know more about you!
I–I'm terribly sorry, Your Highness.
I must d–depart now. F–Farewell
Please don't go!
Hey, can we stop now?
This is pretty fun!
Come on, just a little longer!
Please don't go, Cinderella!
W–We must not!
Please unhand me, Your Highness!
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